The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 03, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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1 I
riuf li ioc
rinit rerinroral boil tblt wou'd BOt
ine'.ade all American prodacta without
Wednesday s Dar. I r,r.-iodic. To lake ao official tepe in
F. X. Jones re'omed (roan Portland j ,,jT,nce would fce regarded M a menace,
laat night, j Settling in tt. way of menace be
H. Mxrct ei J, of Da.'ur, til la tte ,ttempted. Eut there it reason W as
city today. ' tert that if it i f und to be the ull'ti
fi ff Rillirgton. of Centerrille, it in ! ci thB German Government to
It in tte
caa.e io from
e rej-
town today.
A. R. GraLam
J. M. Entaell returned
from Portland.
F. W. gilvertooth
An'elope last evening.
Hovl Green, of Mxd P.iver,
iftered at the I tuaiilla Hooce.
flmn. lnr. an old-time engineer on
th i R.A.S. road, ipent yesterday in
tbe city renewm acquaintance.
Pan! Batet wai in tbe city last night,
on botineft cinnected ith the msur
uMHUDDUT&i which Arthur fcetert
Ike Drtrer and ton. Tom, are in from
Wamie. Mr. Drier ttalea that every
thing in bit vicinity It looking fine and
all are eo joying good beaito
Thursday Daily
J. R. Cunningham it in the city from
An tone Baoer a retident of Boyd it in
th eity today.
H. V. Gate, a well known citizen of
HUUboro, it in the city.
Harry Clongh and wife returned laet
night from their wedding trip.
Clyde Bonner, of Hood River, vat in
tbe city today attending to butineee.
A. Roderick Grant, a popular travel
ing salesman it viti'.ing our merchant!
F. W. Silvertoolb and J. E. Sberar
left tbit afternoon by private conveyance
lor Antelope.
District Attorney Rota Se trail, wife
and child of Portland, are vittting in
U city with relative.
Friday Dally.
Frank Aldrich it in town today from
Jobn Rea, a prominent St. Paul itctk
dib, it in the city.
C. W. Irvine and wile, of Independ
ence, are in tbe cur.
Uiee Myrtle Barker, of Vancouver, it
ia visiting in the city.
Mitt Lillian Shelton.of the Chronicle
office, left on tbit mornirg't boat for
Fred Hummel, representing the mag
azine " Western 1 rail" of Seattle, it iu
tbweitv on buiiuett.
Bev. L. C. Ma'tin, an old time Dal lei
retident, bot now located at Waittbarg,
Wab., ia in the city.
F. C. Parage, traveling freight agent
for the North weetern railroad, it in tbe
city in tbe interett of bit road.
Hon. George V. SUplelon wai in the
city today, baviog last returned from
tbe Oirboco tninet where be it inter
Chat. B. Darbin hai returned from
rortiarxl where he spent trie winter,
and will leive in the morning for bit
borne at Antelope.
On 3-Mile today to tbe wife of Geo.
tanction exclusion of American meatt or
city from I other product! from Germany, it may be
(expected that the government of the
it tveninj j jaltei Statet will feel constrained to
' ..v. . mi. risa to im !
preft upon Germany ita disapproval of
the diecriminationi threatened ajfaintt
the producert of tbia country.
of AppMcitijii for Ivqoor L'cente.
loiu Whom It 1It Coscxr:
1 of Oregon, for I'nlun count;.
Ann Fitzgerald, plaintiff,
Mann, a daughter.
On Five-mile, Monday Feb. 20, to tbe
wife of Jaa. Benton. Jr., a boy.
Carman? Against American Meat.
Saw York, Mtrvh 1. A irxcial to
tbe Timet from Vasliin;ton aayi: Al
tbongb it it out of the qneation to at
tempt to obtain any official authority
fortheauertion that politic in Germany
arw preparing tbe way for teriout
difference i between Germany and the
United State in commercial matter , in
formation it obtained bete to justify tbe
statement that in cane the lawmaker of
Germany carry out their declared pur
poee of excluding Americin Dieat pro
duct, inch a coarie wiil be met with
retaliation by tbe United State.
For a It ng time, teveral month in
fact, negotiation! have teen at a ttand
till on the qurition of reciprocity with
Germany. Umle- the condition faced
tbere by the Imperial Government it
waa regarded a ueeleii to attempt to ar-
Do You Cough?
"I rnei I ned to be like everybody clue.
Vrln-n I cuiielitcold,! juBtletit alone, think-
in- 11 wouiu
m Tew day ;
and Kpitting
of niucua
Jaxted av
ersl w ks,
but alter a
while the
would tub
aide. I al
ways no
tic!, how
vw, that
mh cold wai worne than theone before. My
throat M-emed to get weaker, and the leant
change in the weather itartexl the coughing
rain. The laet cold was the moat aevere of
all. I waa really frlpl.tencd. Cough drop
nd home treatment did no (rood. A friend
told me about Acker'a KngliHh Kerneily. I
fiit a bottle, and you never rtaw the like of
the way t oeted. Itefore the bottle wan gone
,1 waa we 1. My throat felt aaatrotig and well
could be. Hlnee then I have had no more
trouble I think Arker't Knglinh Remedy to
Wrengthen the delirate lining of the throat
tliat it easily nxdntn the changen in tempera
ture, anaitbuildMtipthecoiiKtitutionaa well."
(Signed) Cari Htiiwab,
' 251 Cold St., Urooklyn, N. Y.
Bold at2.rx.,fi0c.andi abottlc, throughout
tbe United States and Cannda : and in Kng-
Jand, at la. 2d.. 2n. 8d., 4. d. If you arc not
atinfiwi after buying, return the bottle t
our drufigint, and get your money back.
H tmllurrtte the alum guanntet.
W. 11. HOOKER A CO., Propritvr$, Hem York.
Blakeley & Houghton.
For winter reeidence or winter outing j
ideal condition will be found on every j
band in California. Pienteoui early)
rainfall bat this teaton given to tbe i
aemi-troDieal vegetation wonderful im-1
petu : tbe floral cfferingi are more tban
ntua'.Iv senerout and tie crop of
southern fruit boontiful and excellent.
Old ccean poiaeeee new charm at
Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Long
Beach, CoroDado and tbe enchanted ile
of tbe tea, Catalloa where filbing,
boating, rambling, riding, bunting and
loafing uay be enjoyed a nowhere else,
Quiet little tpot. enng andarm,
offer tbemielve at Montecito, 'ordhoff.
Paiadena, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto,
Fall Brook and Palm Spring.
For renewing health and rigor, here
abound many tot springs, of widely
varying constituent! and demonstrated
merit; tbe dry, ant I tic, tonic air of
the desert may be enjoyed at Banning,
Indio, Yuma; and, even farther on, st
Pboenix, Tucson, El Paso, exists con
ditions equally well indicuted for weak
throats and lungs.
Many think nothing in nature more
attractive tban tbe shimmering olive
orchards of Santa Barbara and San
Diego; others prefer tbe stately walnut
of Ventura and Lot Nietoe, or the
letEou of Fernando; but for glorious
fruit and graceful tree commend u to
tbe golden orange, first, laet and alwaye,
and it exiats in greatest perfection at
Covins, Riverside, Redlandt and High
lands. Equally interesting i tbe
scientific and tempting fashion in which
the sorting and packing of the orange is
here accomplished.
The faithful were txhorte-J to see
Mecca and eliuffla off; but wicer gener
ations will fee California of tbe south
and prolong life. t
Nolle to tha Panlle.
The Columbia Southern Railway Com
pany will complete it line and be ready
to receive forward freight and paiaengers
from Shaniko Lot later than April 15,
1900. Large warehouses and stock yards
will be erectaJ and ready fur wool and
stock by the above date. Freight rates
will be considerable lower than by team
from The Dalles. Regular tariff will be
published shortly.
tor further information ca.l on or
address C. E. Lytle, General Freight
Agent, Moro, Ore., or the undersigned.
b. h,. Lvtlk,
feblS tt General Manager.
For Sal.
Complete entertainment outfit, con
listing of high grade magic lantern, with
new on Spanish-American war and
new talking machine with 26 records,
Made $300 clear er month last fall,
Reason for selling owner ill. Call op
posite United Brothern church on the
hill or address Virgil E. Greene, The
Dall-s. Jan29-lmo
. t k n l ' tr-.. n - ,3 1 Sotlee w ti-r-DT givin ice
ww7 " ' '2 I . ... ,nm . ..,,.. i ..., ,,i ttr st'e i.l Ore- dulT iwued nut of acd under ih .. X u.
'S r'jo.'li w eo nuntr.t'alieii!torllvlrit- leult Court ol the Muted Orvr.n, f.,r theiwl:
i noua, BJait and viiu-u Uqu.tfa io ie t,uati!tie j of I'nlon, to me dirveted aud datd the .ih 3
J ' lhau one railoi.. lu the t..wii of ehatilko. in Au-I of Kovember, ut-m a decree lor tht
' j ! trloM Hrcciiirr, in the e-inty and atate : elnaure of aeertain monrxe.aud Jiidsmni w
5 j aajd, f..r ueh jri-i a ta:a r-i pt Imm me j drrrd and entered In aaid court on the r ,ih."
3 , Count Treauier of atd e.-un:y may enll for: of November, 1WJ, In th atxne entitle.! fJS
teamen cf th Eerulator Lin will run u per th fol
lowing tehed ule, th Comrny reserriug tbe rijut to Chanfe
-hdul witbout notice.
Str. Regulator.
(Limited Landing.)
Lit. Lai!e
at a. M.
naturdar . . . .
Att. Korlland
at 6 r. a.
CP. !
Lt. Portland I
at 7 a. u.
. Monday
. .Wednoay 1
Arr. Inlie
at SM.i
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dalles City. 5
(Touchier at all Way Point.)
Lt. lalle .
at6'3U a. a.
Art. Portland
Lv. Portland
al 6 a. a.
Arr. Lalle
and bia pttition for aaid lieenae, wbieli be will
nreaei.t Io the Mid County Court on aoid dale, ia
hereinafter tet iortb.
jjauxi thia ;tb (Us of February, 1K.
Petition for Liajaor Llccn).
To tb Honorable County Court of tbe Stute of
Uref on, for tbe Couuty of Waco:
W. tbe nndenirned reaidentiand leirl rotera
of Antelope Pteciuet. In tbe county ot aaeo,
aud th Mate of Oron, reapeelluliy petition
vour honorable bodr to (rant a lieenae to J. J.
in favor 01 me wainiirr and aaint ik
ant. Oeoie Herbert, aa judirenieiit debtor titt
qui of ninety one d.lara and JO eenta, with 7
tereat thereou from tbe Mlb duy of April JI'
at the rate of eibt per cent per annum mslial
further aum of twenty-two dollar! mnd'-JT
eoata. and the eoata of and ti tw in 1 . -
k. IT tlUU DltlC MlUTUraiU. IUI SUI U lCI IIM m u;a i.
Trmrel by tbe 6tmri of the Rraltnf Uoe. The Compar will endearor to give ttm pt- ,3 vipt 1mm tbe cuuuty tretuurer ol hniX county
idhj can ior,
roQji liie bnt tetvice puaaibie. Fur lurtber infuraiatUoD ftddreM
, PortUnd Office. Oak-Street Dock. W. C A LLAWAY, G n. Afft.
aya-y --ar-a TwTa n wawaa
eoU, and the eoata of and upon thia wriLaS
commanding meto makeuleofibereal imitau
embraced in ueh d-vreeof forwlian iv aud U
Inait-r dexrlbed, I will, on the 17ih
' March, mo, at the hour of two o'clk la ti
Jj afternoon of said day, and at th frontdiiorrf
tne county court tiouse in uallei City Wian
.3 in lea. quantiuea than one sallon in lb town of lu nd ,,, whlcrt ,he defendant
.j bbauUo. In iniidAnteloM precinct, in the co them had onthei
of November, iKtn, the da' of tbe JudrmentR
tered herein, or which such defendauia oraa,
of thedefendents herein bav ainee unninj 1
W geoft DgBiabee now have in and to the followina deaeriiii
Win Hull W C Porter ronerty, aituate and belnt; in Waseo ConnTT
K 1 baunders John 1. ample
W Dunn J W Thorn paon
c w Clara u corncit
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greate American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHISltDf from $2'.75 to tt .00 per gallon. (4 lo 15 years old.)
IMPORTED OOGNAO from 17.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.
CALIFOBHIA BBAMDltB from 13.25 la t6.00 (r nallon. (4 to 11 years old.
0LYMPIA BEEB on draught,
Imported Ale and Porter.
and Val Blatz and Oljmpia Beer in bottles
Fin roultrjr anil Italian Beea.
Kilverlaced Wyarndotte, Englirh Red
Cap and Kose Combed White Leghorn
chicken for sale. Singla birds $1 each.
Ekks for setting (1 per Gfteen.
Italian bees $1 per pound. Queen
bee Warranted purely mated, 75 cent
each. Queen sent by mail and sale ar
riral guaranteed. Addres
Mbs. A. A. Bonniv.
feb21-lmo Tygh Valley, Or.
II or for Sal.
Thirty head of good horse, weight
from 1100 to 1400 lbs. To be eeeu at
Jacob McReynold's place, 15 tulle east
from The Dalles. For further particu
lars addrei,
Stkaure Bros.,
jan24 mw The Dalles, Or.
MikeWe'c1!, v;'erinary surgeon, will
visit Ihe Dalles Tuesday, March 6tb,
nd will remain a lew day only. I'ar
tie wlshiug his serricej can find him
at War I & Robertson's stable. m2-td
Cur Headache Quickly.
Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel
ery rioda, A harmless and t ffcetive cure
for headache, nerrotisness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold
by Clarke A Fa'k, druggists, ju.24 6w
Volcanic, ajraptloua
Are grand, but skin eruption rob life
of y. Butklei.' Arnica Salve care
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Feloa, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burn, fScnlde, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives out pain and ache.
Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed.
(Sold by Blakeley A Houghton, drug
gists. a
"I had dyspepsia (or years. No medi
cine wai to i OVctive as Kod jl Dyspipsla
Cure. It gave Immediate relief. Two
bottle lerlormt-d marvelous re-nlts,"
write L. H. Warren, Albany, Wis. It
digest what you rat and cat not (ail to
A Splendid Aisortment of Choice Garden. Grass and
Seed Wheat, Seed O.its,
Seed Rye, Seed Barley,
Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn
King Philip Corn,
Stowell's Evergreen Corn,
Early Minreeota Corn.
Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
White Hominy Corn.
Early Rose Potatoes,
Bur bank Potatoes,
Spring Vetches,
Broiue Graeo,
Cheap Chickm Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Soppliee.
A mneniBcent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of
which will be sold at close prices for CASH at the Feed, Seed
and Grocery Store of
Ja MeOrthy
J B Kldr
M m Stanley
l K Kelaar
All K"lmr
(j W Kuter
J 8tphenaon
Tho Collin Thoa Hryant
AionioTorncr W M McCarthy 8am Blnanent
C'Molrnrax HPOambl BKWtiitlock
Frank' Miller Frl Miller E1 Sheehan
LOlhiKDtn G W bum W Pawaoa
i O WIIAt P 8 Kran 8am Wort
li B Miller R O arland baa Fortune
T Hennegban J D Tnnny E C Dickeraou
W Leais John Ma lone i A crattr
J B Kelaay V Hartwl Jaa M'arrack
W H Darey K U l.oodwln F A Luoddemann
T O Coodou V J Kenler J A Swanaon
J A Tilly J M Reeder W Kemp
A T Eaplnfr Rim Allen CeoHiller
Albert Hutton J C'litan W H Froac
l Martin If in K Bedford Robert drier
Lvidtcott K J Filklngtou F M Dial
I Malone Jobn Fbelpa Patrick Radigao
Charle Blank 8 A Edmuuaon V A Howell
Etirave Henry Dice F W bilvertooth
: Miller Caaey Kerr Fin ley jfcBeth
J Tbompaon Chaa (iallajrner John Uallai;ber
Frank Klncaid J W bearlett Walter Coudell
F H Burning George Condon Jobn McLennan
J Blank Geo Cochran D E McKinna
Harry Adam Chaa Greer II C Rooper
FrankNSpicer Fran lrrin Mcx Lueddeman
M E Miller J T Bennett J J Wiley
I I Flnlayaon
February 3, 190U. )
Notice ia hereby given Ibat the following
named aettlera have filed notice of their Inten
tion to make linnl proof In aupport of their
claim, and that said proof will be made lefore
W. B. Freby, United Stale Commimdoner for
District of YVahbington. at bl orlice In Golden
dale, Washington, on Friday, March 16, 1U00, viz:
Hekiab, widow of Y each a it Pnss,
deceased, an Indian,
Homestead Entry No. 652 for the west half of
northwest nnarter and lot 4. section KLlownahin
2 north, of runpe 14 e.u.t. Will. Mer.
8he names the following wltneflnea to prove
her continuous resUcnce noon, and cultivation
of said lund, viz:
Bill Has-nanh. Charlie Wies. Robert War-
weras, Jeny Moses, all of Columbus P. O., Washington.
also Skamiah Jr., an Indian,
Homestead Entry No. 9o45, for the east balf of
northwest Quarter and lot 3. section Ifi. town-
shin 2 north, of rarge 11 east. Will. Mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Bill Has-na-thn, Charlie Wles, Robert Wah
weyas, Jeny Moses, all of Columbus P. U., Wash
R 11 W. K. DUNBAR, Register.
Notice of Guardian's Sale.
and Motors
Circular and particulars furnished on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
IVasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi n kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, i?KBEd;
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton FlOUr. Thls Floor ' ronnfctnrel expressly (or (amllt
, ,, . , t U8: every sack is guaranteed to give satiB(action.
Vfi i sell onr goods lower than any house in tbe trade, and it you don't think so
call and get cur price and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
High-Grade Stock Saddles
and Shop-Made Harness.
Tent, Wagon Cover, and all article asoally
kept in a first-class harness thop.
Moody's Warehouse,
This Stamp a Guarantaa
Via WWW'
t av ,
. 'A nerd
7 1 tOi
of Quality.
Notice is hereby riven that the undersigned
the duly appointed and a-llnit guardian ol
Ueorge KUnit, Frank klimt, Annio Jordan, Ka
tie Jordan and Mary Jprdan, irinors, will, from
and alter tbe 17th day of February. 1KX), sell all
the rlirlit, title and interest of theabuva nani.d
minors in and to the ac.ulh half ol the southeast
(inarU'r of section IN. tuwnshln 2 north, ranire 13
tHt, W. M., tbe fame being- a three-fifths inter
est in and to auid land, fur cash In bund, at
private sale
Dated January 18, lmo.
janftlli Ouitrdlun.
Notice la hereby alvcn that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by tbe county court of
the state of Oregon for Waco countv, executor
clth the will annexed of the last will of linn
Jane Beeley, deceased. All persons having;
claims against said estate are hereby notfltedto
present them to me with ihe proper vouchers 'at
my onice in jna mines, urrgon, Hllllln SIX
nionms irom ine dRie (hereof.
LiatedKeb. :1, l'.J0.
B. S. HnjJTtNflTOV.
'eb21-Il Executor,
Commencine at the north rail i
of the same loi which la situated and kuowaa
tbe former residence of Mrs. Mar Cooner mtj,
running I hence east IV i feet; thence south Irw.
the middle of the street ten (10) rodi; throw
est 17', feet: thence north ten (in) rods to tb.
place ol beginning: being InW. D. Bigelow'aA
ditlon to Dalles City, and known ou the reeonii
of deeds of Waaco County, aa a parcel of UdJ
detded by E. X. Clements and wife to Utn
Cooper, of date December 18, IkVJ: this beiii
tbe one-half of said elaim, and being the ssn
tract conveyed to Mrs. E. A. Cates by Umt
Davenport and wife by deed, dated May 12, ira
and recorded at page 196 of Book E, Heconln J
lieeda for Winco County, Oregon, and beiiif
descended to the said "George- Herbert under
the will of his mother, the said Mrs. E. A. Catts
said parcel of land lying and being In bulla
City, Wajeo County, Oregon, and more parties,
larly i nd correctly described as follows: Com
mencing at the southeast corner of lot two (2) is
block deiguated e or xero In Bluff Addition Io
Dalles Cltv. according to tho maps In common
use in said city, the said lot being the stm
designated as lot two at In block No. 1, in tar
original deed by which it waa conveyed by W.D
Bigelow to Orlnnde Humsson on December 11
imi; and running (thence northerly along tin
eut line of said lot two i to the northern
corner thereof, and thence continuing aloni
said line lu the same direction northerly to tlx
soutii sidenf Alvord street :tbenee easterly sloni
the smith line of said Alvord ttieet seventeen
and one-half feet: thence southerly sod
parallel with said first line ten rods.more or leu,
to a point 17' feet easterly from tbe point ol
beginning, aud thence westerly and at right
angles with raid last line seventeen and one
hull 17 feet to the place of beginning, or so
much of said property as will satisfy said Judg
ment and decree, with costs and accrning cosu.
Kaid property wiil be sold subject to confirms
niation and mleini.tiou as by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 16th day ol
February, lauu.
feb 17-11 Sheriffol Wasco Couuty, Or.
Yellowstone Park Line.
Union Depot, Firm audita
No. 2. Fast mail for Tacoma
Seattle, Olymplii, (iray'a
narnorana noutn fiend
points, Hpokane, Koas
iHnd, B. C, Pullman,
Moscow, liealston. Kur
il. IS A. M.' fnlollumn mining coun
try, Helens, Minneapo
lis, st. Paul, Omaha,
I Kansas Clly, 8t. liuis.
:hicsgo and all polnu
No. 4. eat and southeant.
Pllffet Hound I'.inm.
11:S0 P.M.! for Tacoma and Heattle
and intermediate points
No. 1.
5;'iOP. M.
No. 3.
7;09 A. M.
Pullman first clana and (..--!.
Klnneapolls, t. Paul and Missouri river points
without chnnge.
Ve.tihuled trains, tuion depot connectloDi
Bngcage checked to destination of ticket
For hsndanmelv liliiaiiat.i
tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., call on or'
Assistant Ucneral Passenger Agent, Z'A Morrison
"un nirQ, roriiaini, Oregon.
Administrator's Sale of Real Estate.
Notice Is hereby given that tbe undersigned,
J. h. Fergueson, administrator of the estateol
Lydla A. Richardson, decease I, In pursuance ol
an order of tbe Honorable Countv Court of the
State of Oregon for Wasco county, d'.ilviuade
and entered on the 4th day of January, l;io, will
from and after the lflth day of February, 1'jOO,
proceed to sell at private sale for cash in hand,
all of the following described real estiite.bebni
ing to the estate of said Lvdia A. Richardson,
deceased, to-Hit:
The notthwest quarter of tha southwest quar
ter, and south ball of the nor'hwest quarter and
the southwest quarter of the northeast quartet
of section three (:t) in township four (4) south of
range thirteen (1:1) east f the Willamette merid
ian, in Wasco county, Oregon: also thut certain
pieci or parcel of laud particularly bounded ana
described aa follows: Commencing M nitiml
U4 feet west ot the southeast corner of th
southwest quarter of section three 3i in town
ship four (4j south of range thirteen (li!) east ol
the Willamette meridian in Wasco county, Ore
gon, and running thence north one-halt mile:
thence west 60 rods and 4 leet; thence south
one-half mile, and thence east 50 rods and 4'4
feet to the Place of beginning; save and except
therefrom four lota in Richardson s Addition to
the Town of Tygh, which haa been heretofore
old and conveyed ; the tract above described In
cluding allot said Richardson's Addition to the
Town of Tygh, as laid out and platted and re
corded in toe Records of Deeds for Wasco
county, Oregon, said real estato above described
containing Ml acres, more or less.
Any person doiringnformatlon with reference
to said real estate should call on or address meat
Junction Citv. Oreron. or mv atrirneva. rinfn.
t Menefec, at The Dalles, Oregon.
Dated this 12th day of January, 190.
J. s. VEHrjt'Knv
Adirinlxtrutorof the Estate of Lydia A. Rich
ardson, deceased.
Dun g & MxNiririt,
Attorneys for Administrator. , 13janil
of Oregon, for tha County of Wasco.
Belle McGrecvy, plain tiff,
Thomas McUrecvy, defendant
To Thomas McUrcevy, defendant:
In the Name of tbe State of Oregon, Yon art
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint died against von In the above entlt'ed
suit wlibln ten days from the date of the service
of this tiunimons upon vou. If served wlthia
this County; or If served within any other
County of tills Rtnte, then within twtnty dayi
from the date of the servloa bt this Summons
upon you; or If served upon yon by publlcaiiol
thereof, then on or before the last day of tht
time prescribed In tha order for publication,
to-wlt. on or before six weeks Irom the date of
the llrst publication hereof: and if vou fail so to
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply to the Court for Ihe relief prayed for
In her complaint, to-wlt, that the marriage con
tract now existing between plaintiff and de
fendant be forever dissolved snd that plalntH
be awarded the excliialvA ciiMt.witf ni thn mima
children of plaintift'and defendant.
Thia Humiuona Is served upon you by publica
tion thereof, pursuant to the order of snld Cir
cuit Court, made and entered on tbe llith day ol
January, lai, requiring the publication hereof
consecutive weeks, commencing January
i l'-10", the date of the llrst fiuhlicatlon.
inW M Attorneys for Plaintiff.
TMMia Packing Co.,
ine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
NottC la hPtitf nli.n . V. . ,1,. .. , . I.,,wrf1
haa been duly n involuted 1mli,,,r,r of the
estate of J. C.Baldwin, aeiwased. All person
""'"n eiauns against snld estate are ncreor
notified to present the same, properly verlllod,
to me or to mv itiirm.v. iii.ii.x lo
The Dalles, Oregon, within six month! from tin
datcof this notice.
Dated this llth day of Fehruarr, 1!10.
, . , , F.. M. MKKKII.I..
Administrator of the estate of J. C. Bsldwln,
deceased. fcbl7 II
Notice la hereby given thnt the nndeisignsd
haa been appointed by the county court, ol Ihe
state of Oregon, for Wasco piiiiity.adinlnlsliaK'r
of the eatata of Patrick Brown, diseased. All
persons having claims againtt said estate sr
nerehy notllli-! to present said clilms, properly
verified, to me at the oltlce of Hinnott dt Hlini".
In Dalles city, (Jre within six months from the
dale hereof.
Dated January 2ft, isxio.
J,n27" Administrator.
Administrator's Notice.
The undersigned having been appointed "4
mlulstrator nl the estate of Jonathan Jack
docratrd, under and by virtue of an o iler duly
marie an.l entered In tha County Court of Hi
"late of Oregon for Wawo County on the 'tr
ly of Deceui lr, Imkj, all persons having rlalm
against said eMatc are henby notified to
t the same with the proper vouchers anildtilf
verin.d al the office ,,f iy attr,.y, Fred
"ll.on. In The Hallca, Oregon, within !
monllis from Ihe date of this notice.
Dated 1 he Dalles, Oregon, Jan. I. ls.
It I.- u UL'
Jnn 30 II ... A(.' . ,;,r,u.