The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 28, 1900, PART 1, Image 4

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Saturday s Daily.
C. K. Ccc'inc, of Mora, if in the city.
0car Male.v, of Condon, it in town
J. A. McDonald, cf Sherman county,
it in th city.
lin. Mosier i in the city from ber
bom t Moeier.
F. II. Row left on the boat thii morn
ing for Portland.
Mre. C. M. Sbelton, of Goldendale, ii
T'uiting in the city.
W. O. Hadlev, retarneJ last evening
to hia borne at Moro.
Walter Smith, of Prineville, ii reg
istered at tee Umatilla Honee.
A. J. Leland popolar traveling
freight agent wai in the city tody.
W. H. Moore, of Moro, paeeed through
The Dalle lat nighl on bi way to
Capt. J. L. Cowan, agent at the Warm
Spring reservation, is in tne city attend
ing to business.
Mre. Lyl and daughter, Miae Alice,
have gone to BilliDg. Mont., where MiM
Lvle will engage in the millinery basi
neei. Mrs. H. E. Warren, oi Heppner,
paseed through The Dalles last night, on
her way to attend the funeral of Mrs.
John Myers at Portland.
Mr. Collora, pnrchasing agent for the
contractors of the Paol Mohr railway,
left this morning for Stevenson where be
goes to secure ties for the portage road.
Mrs. Jos. Nitschke returned from Port
land last night where she went to visit
ber brother, Ernest Jacobeen, who is in
the hospital. he reports Mr. Jacobeen's
condition much improved.
Mondays Daily.
A. M. Kelsay is in Portland.
H. Gienn left for Portland this morn
ing. C. A. Buckley is in the city from
Grass Valley.
Mrs. Carmicbeal left on tbe boat this
morning fur Portland.
L. P. French, of Grass Valley is reg
istered at the Umatilla flouse.
Emil Hacbler, the proeperoni Wapi
nitia sheepman, is in tbe city.
Attorney C. J. Bright, of Wasco, is in
tbe city attending to business.
Robt. Wilson, the popular traveling
freight agent, it in town today.
J. E. Sherar, the well known sheep
man, is in the city from Cross Keys.
Miss Mamie Helen Flynn returned
last night to ber home at Huntington.
Capt. J. L. Cowan left on the stage
this morning tor tbe Warm Springs
Tuwdiy i Daily.
Jno. Farlmg, of Antelope, is in the
Mrs. W. O. Hadleyleft for Ho id River
this morning.
G. E. Nolio, of Dufar, is registered at
the Umatilla House.
Alva Wilcox, a
man front Grass
well known sheep
Valley, i iu town
J. W. Morton, a member of the legis
lature from Waeco county, it in the city
from Hood River.
M ist Myrtlft Short left on the etage
this morning for tioldendale, where she
will visit for a few weeks.
I. C. Darland and A. Baker came
over from Gcldeniale yesterday and left
thit morning for Portland.
Mrs. M. Peirano went to Portland this
morning to attend tbe spring millinery
openings. On her return she will be
ccompinied by Mist Delia Greeley,
formerally of Kansas City, Mo., but
now of Walla Walla.
Mirt Myrtle Smith, of the Campbell A
Wilton Millinery firm, went to Portland
on this morning's train to attend the
wholesale millioerr openings and select
a few more beautiful pattern hits for
their spring openiog, which will com
plete their already well selected line of
Eastern pattern bats.
r-aturday evening at the residence of
tbe bride, E. E. Ferguson, M. D., and
Dr. Belle C. Rinehart were united in
marriage, Rev. D. V. Poling officiating.
Dr. Ferguson is lately from Pendleton
From a
G. A. Rm Elan
"My attack of miller's Asthma was very
raui. I was afraid to lie down at night for
fear of smot fieri n g. I couldn't get my breath.
Mo matlerif all the
doom awl windows
in the huue were
own, it seemed as
itinera wat no air
that I
and Lung Trou
bles. 1 thought lit
tle of it hut hotight
a bottle in the hopes
that it might help
me a little. Itgava
me wonderful re
lief, andtlic second
bottle cured me
completely. Mv re
covery is permanent, too, for ever since 1
tiave not had the lii?htet
s-nemy. I consider Acker s Knells), Rem..,l i
ana ti,at I must -sA :'irX-.
.surely smother to
death. Mr. W. B. f f a
.Long, of this city, f-J
called my attention " " t
in Acker's English II IV A for Throat
by long odds the beat medicine in the world i medicine, no electricity, but pure Oxy
ntZ? V l-lilled or absorbed through the
eases that many people wrongly suppw to
iTe'KuK ?V mV
tmid, and more too." (signed.)
r J"" Elliott.
Uommarder John Megarah Port, No.
Jortiancl, Mich. '
t , r J.",1 2i-.' WV- a,"l ' ' a bon,e- thrmiphont
the I n ted Mates and ( 'anada : and in Kng-
?i V1!1";.2''",2"- -6d. if you are ,,t
natied after buying, return the h.ti8 to
JourUrut'ist, and get your money hack.
1 r, ""Ht"rf;t Ihr uhurr ri'inrnnlr'
. W, Jl UO0KLH CV, J'royrvtur,, Ac Jor.
roll 8.4 l.r. BY
Blakeley & Houghton.
where be has been practicing bis pro
fession for some time past.
Dr. Rinehart it well known in The
Dalles and vicinity where she enjoys a
large and lucrative practice.
Only relatives and intimate friends
were present, and after congratulations
were offered a dainty repast was served.
Dr. Ferguson and wife will mate this
their future home.
Atlvertleesl Letters.
Following it tbe list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at Tbe Dalle un
called for February 21, 1900. Persons
calling for tbe tame will give date on
wbicb tbey were advertised:
Burns, Mist Mable Clark, Mist Mie (3;
Chamberlain, Oiie DeCamp, Mrs Frank
Davis, Miss Uattie Hart, Mrs Virginia
Jones, Mr Jessie Johnson, Miss Etna
Koabler, Mist Allie Kohler. Miss Erma
Knecktt". Pauline Marys, Mrs Ida
Mason, Mrs EL Millspsngb, Carrie
Moore, Mrs W S McCluen, Mrs F W
Oilman, Mrs Steele Phelps, Miss Kate
Revenig, Mist Ada Taylor, Mrs Sadie
Turner, Georgia Thomas, Mn Julia
ViiiElu, Anna M
Brooks, T
Coake, Ernest
Coake, Vernon,
Dyche, W K
Hopper, Win
Hays, Wallace (2)
Hoover, A R
Johnson. Brace
Lirka, Fred
McXamire, Mr
Nelson, C J
Ross, Allie F
Brewer, John
Canfield, Mr J H
Cameron, W J
Drake, R V
Hopper, lorn
Hemie, Emmet
Harden, Allen
Kinney, K K
Lnsser, W H
Milliner, M
Oscar, L C
Turner, Ivan
Taylor, Arthur
H. H. Riddell, P. M.
A Good Beginalog.
The opening night of the Shaw com
pany was a most successful one. The
house wat so crowded that standing
room only could be had. The play,
"Jack O'Diamond, is a pleasant little
drama and full of many interesting situ
ations which all help to weave in a story
that appeals td the audience and brings
forth tbe fact that all who profess are
not friends.
Mr. Sbaw it indeed a fine actor, and
hi entire company, which numbers
twenty-one, are worthy of praise for
their clever acting and excellent music.
During the intermission between acts,
specialties were introduced, such as
singing, dancing, and a xylophone solo.
The audience which greeted the com
pany last night were more than pleased
with the performance, and we predict
that the house will again be crowded,
for we can assure anyone, that for a
good, clean and pleasant evening's
i entertainment the Shaw company can
not be excelled.
Tonight tbe favorite, "In Mizzura,"
will be produced.
School Report.
Report of Wapiaitia school for the
month ending Feb. 23, 1000:
No. of pupils enrolled, 19.
No. of days taught, 20.
No. of daya attendance, 339.
Average daily attendance, 17.
Tbo following named pupila were nei
ther tardy nor absent: Curtia Cor u id,
Eldon Henderson, Willie Foreman,
Claude Langblin, Walter Woodside,
Violet Pechette, and Arthur Pechette,
T. M. B. Cuastain, Teacher.
Notice to tho FuDlle.
The Columbia Southern Railway Com
pany will complete its line and be ready
to receive forward freight and passengers
from Shaniko cot later than April 15,
1900. Large warehouses and stock yards
will be erectad and ready for wool and
stock by tbe above date. Freight rates
will be considerable lower than by team
from The Dalles. Regular tariff will be
published shortly.
for lurttier information cail on or
address C. E. Lytle, General Freight
Agent, Moro, Ore., or the undersigned.
E. E. Lytlk,
feblfJ-tf General Manager.
Bismarck' Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
yon want ties qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c t Blakeley
St Houghton's drugstore. 2
For Bale.
Comple'e entertainment outfit, con
sisting of high grade magic lantern, with
views on Spanish-American war and
! new talktnir macltinA with 2ft rt.enrrla
Made $300 clear ,ier month last fall.
Reason for selling owner ill. Call op
posite United Brelhern church on the
hill or address Virgil E. Greene, The
DaiHa. Jan29 Imo'
Why lulTer with kindey cr rheuma
tism w hen it can be positively cured by
the ose of the "Oxvaenor King." No
I Pore ' tlie ,kln nil vet sleep. No
h63'1 f X e hospital for medi-
cal treatment when you can be cured at
home t.y the use of the Oxygenor. No
matter what the ailment or disease the
Oxygenor will diaitnase the case and
proceed to cure. For further partita
lais call on or address J. M. Filloon, The
Dalles, Or. phone 3'.'9. feblO 2k
ilrl Wanted,
general housework. Muet be
To Jo
good cock
this office.
1 15 a month. Jnquire at
Baaatiaa of the Baaaot Bowie Jolly
ConpaaloB aod PWaaaat Bar
roaadlaca. Naw Mxxico, Feb. 22, 1900.
On board Southern Pacific.
Editor Chboicicli :
I need not tell yoo, nor yoor readers,
that the most difficult thing in the world
it to tear one't e!f away from news
paper people. One is bad enough, but
when it comet to twenty in one car it it
well nigb impossible. But just now,
while they are guing out of tbe ear
window at the adobe bats and their in
habitants and wondering if even a news
paper man could exitt in tbia desert, I'll
shot myself np in the drawing room tfor
none of as can afford to stay in here
long) and tell you just a little of bow it
all happened, for I could not tell half,
nor would yon want to bear it. Indeed,
If anyone can tell half of what it seen on
a trip over the Southern Pacific and
Sunset routes, they must need be well,
slightly more gifted thai, yours truly.
Since leaving Portland Satnrday night
we have been craning our necks until a
giraffe isn't in it with our appearance.
It is not necessary to speak of Southern
Oregon's part in the panorama we have
past through ; everything in regard to
that state, of wbicb we grew prouder as
we passed, it taken for granted, for who
bat not beard of tbe grandeur of Oregon,
and yoo tbould pan through Arizona
and New Mexico to fully appreciate it;
but every desert has its oases would be
applicable to tbe Southern Pacific route,
and even that desert has had it inter
esting points since we struck it last
night. Upon reaching tbe California
line we began to look about for new
scenes, and we found them. In tbe
presence of Oregonians, however, Shasta
veiled his face, but could not cover one
iita of the beauties which lay at his feet
nor shut out one ray of tbe golden sun
set which met our gaze Sunday evening,
revealing the significance of the name
"Sunset route."
Reaching San Francisco early Monday
morning we determined to look op
every , "item" and if possible get a
scoop, so aiter decking ourselves in
violets, which seemed to line every cor
ner, we sallied forth tor tbe park, una
house and other resorts of tlio"tourist,"
only returning in time to take the boat
for Oakland at 5:30, for we left at 6:15.
So eager were we to miss not a sight to
be seen, that we no doubt missed much
which was in store for us, for, not con
tent with the eeemingly limitless gen
erosity and thoughtfulness he had
showered ns with at Portland, C. H.
Markham, of the Southern Pacific, had
telegraphed Asst. Paesenger Agent Jack
son to show us the sights of tbe city;
but we were not to be found high nor
low, which experience in regard to news
paper people was probably a new one to
him or any other transportation agent.
However, this time, we will take the
will for the deed, and never miss an op
portunity to say a word in favor of the
route which has afforded ns so much
In order to reach New Orleans at the
date set, we were compelled to forego tbe
much desired visit in Los Angeles which
we reached at 1 o'clock Tuesday after
noon. We, therefore, caught but a
glimpse of the beautiful city and its at
tractions for visitors as we remained but
a half hour. We were recompensed,
however, by the view w hich greeted us
continually during the afternoon, as we
rode past sores upon acres of orange
orchards and saw trees loaded with the
luscious yellow fruit, while up to this
time nfany of ns had nevei seen in
larger quantities than a small shipment
to local dealers. We seemed to never
grow weary of watching the beauty of
the groves filled with them, and it was
amusing to see the golden hue of the
car after it left Pomona; where every
pencil pusher pushed through the crowd
to get a basket containing two dozen
large oranges for 25 cents. Then, too,
we caught a passing glance at San
Gabriel mission which we at once recog
nized from the numerous views every,
where to be seen, and all at once de
cided to more thoroughly investigate
it at tome future time. To my mind
the trip yesterday afternoon was the
most interesting of any day so far.
Last evening abjiit 8 o'clock we
crossed the Colorado river at Yuma and
found ourselves in Arizona. From all
accounts of that tropical berg, and hav
ing in my mind the story of the sinner,
who, when he passed in bis checks at
Yuma and got down to the lower region,
sent back for his blankets, we expected
to melt there even in winter, but found
it very comfortable. Indeed, we have
experienced no unusually warm weather
until today, when it doesn't seem just
like they were skating at home. Were
surprised to find snow between San
Francisco and Los A ngelet. In fact from
tbe various kinds of weather we shall
encounter before returning, it will sure
ly require more of a wardrobe than
newspaper ptople possets. Would sug
gest that yon call upon some of the
chnrch societies to solicit few old
clothes and send along.
Two more days cf traveling will bring
us to the crescent city, when we expect
togion to Memphis and return with
the Eastern delegates.
If we survive the Marde Grss festiv
ities, you may ngain hear from the
Clarke A Fait have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brusbcr. i
mrirr tint chedi'lb. Ataiva
rua, faoa I'ilui. Fom.
Faat Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Fat
Mall Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail
U:jp.m. ' city, ot. Louis, 1:56 p m
ChieafO anti EaaL
gpokan Walla Walla. Spokane, Spnkant
Fiver, Flyer.
7:ui'p. m. i)d la tb, Milwaukee, 4:Ja.m
Chicago and Eaat.
8 p. B. p. m.
Ocean Hteamahipa.
For fean Frauclnco
December 3, , 1. 18, 23
and JK.
( p. m. 4 p. m.
Ii. Sunday Columbia Rv. Steamers. Ex.bundaj
To Arroaii and Way
Saturday Landing.
1(1 p. m.
( a. m. WiLUHrrra Rivbb. 4:30 p. m.
El.buudajr Orcxon City, Newberg, El.bunday
fialem b Way Land a.
7a.m, WuxaMtTTB AND Yin- S:30 p. in.
Tuea.Thur. hiu. Kiviaa. jTon .Wed
and Eat. Oregon City, Dayton, and Fri.
and Way-ljuidluga.
lin. Wiuiimi Kivii. 4:30p.m.
TucThur, Portland to Corvallis,! Mon. Wed
and Sat. and Way-Landings. and Friday
8m n Rivra. Leavb
Lv Riparia Rlparla to lwiton. Liwipton
daily daily
1.20 a.m. 8:30 a.m.
Parties deal nog to to to Hetroner should
uieno. 4, leaving ine vanes at i:oo p. m
malt In direct connections at Heppner Junction
KeturulDg makingdirectcomiection at Heppner
junction witniNO. 1, arriving at ine jjauesat
2:651, m.
No. S2, throught freight, east bound, does not
carry passengers; arrives '2:50 a. m., departs
:60a. m.
Ho. 24, local freight, carries passengers, east
bound; arrives 4:au p. m., neparts 8:15 p.m.
No. 21, west bound through freight, does not
carry passengers; arrives 8:15 p in., departs
9:30 p. m.
No. 23, west bound local freight, carries pas
sengers; arrives o:u p. m., departs :au a. m.
For full particulars call on O
R. A N. Co.'
agent i ne uanes. or aoaress
W H HHRt.m'RT.
Gen Pas. Agt., Portland, Or
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or THB
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland
nms. HMlem. RnaA- '
burg, Ashland, Sac
ramento, Ogden,Ban
7:00 F.M,
r ranciseo, Hoiave,
9:15 A. M
Los Angeles, El Paso,
New Orleans and
I East
8:30 A. M.
Roseburg and way sta
tions .
4:80 P. M
fvia Woodbura for
I Mt.Angel, Silvorton,
West Bcio, Browns
vllle.Sprlugfleld and
I Natron ....
17:30 A. ii.
(Corvallls and way!
5:50 P.M.
j-iaiiy (except aunuayj.
I;50p.m. ( Lv..?.. Portland ...Ar.) 8:25 a. m
7:30p.m. ?Ai..McMlnnville..Lv. 5;50a,m
8 :80 p. m. ( Ar. . Independence..Lv. ) 4 :60 a. m
Dally. tDaiiy, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at Han Crane! sco with Oecl
dental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship
lines iot J trAfl ana kfliSA. nailing aatea on
S plication.
Rates and tickets to Eastern points and En
All above trains arrive at and depart Irorji
Grand Central Station. Fifth and Irving streets
Passenger Depot, foot of Jenerson street
Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m.
Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and
Fri.1av t8:i.Sa. m. Arrive at Portland. Tnea.
dav, Thursday and Saturday it 1:06 p. m.
Except Sunday. "Except Saturday.
Manager. Asst O. F. Pass. Agt
Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, whors
through tickets to all points in the Eastern
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained al
lowest rates from
J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent.
Yellowstone Paik Line.
if ta Pile
H10NK PARK. TJnicn Depot, Firtn and I sis iv.
No. 2. . Fsst mail for Tscoms, No. 1.
Peattle, olympls, Gray s
Harbor and Houtli Ilend
i points, Spokane, Ross
!Ianri, B. C., Piilhnaii,
Mnscnw. I' iton. Hnf-
11:15 A. M.Jfslcilliiinpminingeniin- B;.V) P. M.
iry, iieiens, MinneniH
ills, St. Paul, Omaha,
I Khiisss City, St. Umia.
:( 'hlcsg.i sud all points
No. 4. eat and southeast. No. 3.
IMttret Sound Kvnrecs'
1);S0 P. M. for Tscoma and S'attlol 7;0O A. M.
land intermediate points I
Piillman first class and tnurlit slecra-rs to
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points
without rhiifige,
Vnstiliuled trains. Uulon depot connections
in sll prlni'lpul cities.
HnpvKgp checked to dstlnstIon nf tickets,
for liHUdsomely illiistiatiililiM'rlptivernntter,
tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., call un or
Assistant General Passenger Agrut, m Morrlwm
Street, corner Third, Cortland, Oregon.
28, 1900.
One Was
Feb. 26
Supporting Sam T. Shaw in
Seven Great Plays.
Fred Brighton's celebrated
Nat C. Goodwin's great
Milton Noble's
An Ensllah Melodrama
by Arnold Wolfard,
The greatest of all war
Milton Noble's famous
The Evergreen Old Favor
New Special Scenery and wardrobes
for each play.
3.1 cents
85 cants
IS cents
ty t;A'Ww.a.yjsyw ayi w mvt wwxsi
Wagon and Carriage Werk.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Twa ana Jefferson. PhonCM.
" wara-rii'"" rwawaa'sitai
C. F. Stephens
.Dealer In...
tty Goods, Clothing,
hansel rT,. w .' 1 1 .1
Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Notions. Agt.
for W. L. Douglss Shoe.
W2ZX- THe Dalles, Or.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you cat.
Itartlflclally digests the food and aids
mture In streriKthenlno; and recon
structlnttthe exhausted digestive or
fans. It is the latest discovered dltrest
antand tonic. No ot her preparation
can approach It in el!lclcncy. It in
ritantly relieve and permanently cures
l7a?',psU' LndlKtstlon' Heartburn,
latu enee, bour Stomach, Nausea
SI ckHeadaclie.GastralKla Cramps,anrj
an other results of Imperfect dlBest ion.
. scored by E. C Dew!'.' Ce, Creoao.
of Application for Liquor License.
To All Whom It Mat Coxcaax:
Notice is hereby given that the ODdml,
J. Wiley, will at 10 oelock in tha f..!"?f
on Wednesday, tbe 7lh day of Msrch, l ou tH'
same being the regular March I'M) term of coJr.
apply to the County Court, of the state 5 ori
K , i , iu, ' ' "urn, . i" i 1 1 r ii uj sell ,
uous, ma!t and vinous liquors in less uusniiii.
than one gallou, lu the town of Shaniko in
Wlope Preciuet, in the county and state alonl
said, for such period as his receipt from iS.
County Treasuier of said Bounty may fan iZj:
and his petition for said license, which he woi
E resent to the said County Court on said dais.
ereinafter ret forth.
Dated this Ath day of February, '903.
Petition far Llqaor Lice as.
To the Honorable County Court of the Stats at
We. the undersigned residents and leaal vn
ot Antelope Precinct, in the Countv of Wsan
and the State of Oregon, respectfully petluoa
vour honorable body to grant a license to J. j
Wiley to sell tpirituoua, malt and vinous Uqaori
in less quantities than oue gallon in the town sf
Shaniko, In said Antelope precinct, in the Coon.
. . . .. I . . ...... . . . .. L. .. 1 J , .
iy auu dmw iiimkmiu, iu, iui-u fwriuu as ii'., re
ceipt from the county treasurer of said county
may call for.
Jas McCarthy W Scoff D 3 Bisbee
J B Elder Wm Hul) W C Porter
Wm Stanley Howard Loomla N A Schmllt
D R Keisay R D Saunders John Lample
Alf Kelsay F W Dunn J W Thompsoa
G W Ruper O W Cisrk O Cornett
J Stephenson Tbos Collins Thos Brysnt
AlonzoTorner W M McCarthy Sam Bluanent
C Moiyneux B v uaniDie r v hitlock
Frank Miller f red Miner
L O Chapman G W Sinn
J O Wiltsey D 8 Ryan
S B Miller R O Garland
T Henneghan J D Tunny
W Lewis John Malone
Ed Sheehan
W Dawsoo
Sam Work
Cbas Fortune
E C Dickerson
G A Cratty
Jas Warraek
J B Kelsay P Hsrtwig
W M Davey E C Goodwin
T G Condon W J Kepler
J A Tilly J M Reeder
A T Esping Rosa Allen
Albert button EJGIisan
F A Lueddernsna
J n Hwauson
W E Kemp
Geo Hiller
W H Prose
E D Martin Lem K Bedford Robert Grier
David Scott K J rilklngtoa F M Dial
J Malone John Phelps Patrick Radlrtn
Charles Blank 8 A Edmuuson D A Howell
E J Graves Henry Dice F W Bilvertooth
c .Miner Casey Kerr Mnley MeBetrt
J Thompson Chas Gallagher John Gallagher
FrankKlucaid J W Scarlett Walter Condell
F H Borning George Condon John McLennan
j niana tieococnian u t .MCKini
Harry Adams Chss Greer II C Rooper
KrankNSpicer Frana Irvine Max LueddemaB
.ii t. Miner j 1 Bennett J uey
1 1 Flnlayson
SheriflTs Sale.
1 of Oregon, for Union county.
Ann Fitzgerald, plaintiff, '
George Herbert, defendant.
By virtue of an execution and order of sale,
duly issued out of and under the seal of the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County
of Cnlon, to me directed and dated the 2itli day
of November, 199, upon a decree for the fore
closure of a certain mortgage, and judgment rec
dered and entered In said court on tbe rth da;
of November, lMW, in tho abote entitled cause,
in favor of the plaintiff and against the defend
ant, George Herbert, as Judgement debtor, in the
sum of ninety one dollars and 20 cents, with in
teresrthereon from the 24th day of April, lsw,
at the rate of eight per cent per annum, sud tne
further sum of twenty-two dollars and 50 cents,
costs, and the costs of and upon this writ, aod
commanding nieto make saleof the real property
embraced in such decree of foreclosure and here-inaft-r
described, I will, on the )7th day of
March. V.KI0, at the hour of two o'clock in the
afternoon of said day, and at the front door of
the County Court House in Dalles City, Wasco
County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash In band, all the right,
title and Interest which the defendant, Georne
Herbert, cr either of them had on the2.rthday
of November, 1WI9, the date of the Judgment en
tered herein, or which such defendants or any
of the defendents herein bsve since acquired, or
now have in and to the following described real
l roperty, situate and being in Wasco County,
to-wit: Commencing at the north east corner
of the same lot which is situated and known as
the former residence ot Mrs. Mar Cooper, and
running thence east 17' foetithence south from
the middle of the street ten (10) rods; thence
west 17' feet; thence north ten (10) rods to the
place of beginning; being inW. D. Blgelow's Ad
dition to Dalles City, and known on the records
of deeds ol Wasco County, as a parcel of land
de.ded by K. M. Clements and wife to Mary
Cooper, of date December 18, INK: this being
me one-nan or saiu Claim, and being the same
tract conveyed to Mrs. E. A. Cates by Ixiuis
Davenport and wife by deed, dated May 12, 1H75,
and recorded at page 196 of Book K, Records uf
leeds for Wasco County, Oregon, and being
descended to the said IGeorge- Herbert under
ine win oi nis motner, tne said Mis. E. A. Cates;
said parcel of laiid lying and being in Dalles
-j.., iwt, viun,7, iik'kin,, hiiu iiioru unriieu'
larly i nd correctlv desciibed as follows: Coir.
mencing at the southeast corner of lot two (2) In
bloek deignated Oor sero in Bluff Addition to
Dalles Cttv, according to the maps In common
use In said city, the said lot being the ssme
designated as lot two J21 in block No. 1, in tbe
original deed by which it was conveyed by Vf.D.
Blgelow toOrlande Kumsaon on December 12,
MA; and running (thence northerly along thr
east line of said lot two 2 to the northern!
corner (hereof, and thence continuing alonf
said line In tbe same direction northerly to the
south sldeof Alvord slreet;thenee easterly slonf
the s.iuth line of said Alvord stieet seventeen
and one-half I7'l feel: thence southerly and
parallel with said first line ten rods, more or less,
toa point 17' feet easterly from the point o(
beginning, and thence westerly and at right
angles with said last line seventeen and one
hall riTSl feet to the place of beginning, or so
much of said property as will satisfy said juilg-
u,c, nuu umtw, wun cos is ana accruing cosis.
Ssid property will be sold subject to connrras
matfon and reoemntioii as hv law nrovldpri.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregop, this 16lh day of
rcuiuurj, iwu,
feb 1711 Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.
V. 8. Land Orrtcg, at The Dalles, Ork.,
Notice is herebv given that the followlnr
named settler has filed notice of his Intention U
mske Hnal proof in support of his claim, and
that ssid proof will be made before the Reirlotsr
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on YVediie
""ji i'"i s, rjuu, vis:
William C. Clarlr. of The Dallei, Or.
Homestead Entry No. W71, for the BW, section
i, u'wnniiip i soiun, range 11 east, vv. m.
He names Ihe following witnesses to Drove nil
continuous residence upon and cultivation ol
A Inert Turner. Charles Gnsson. Charles Smith,
L. A. Gibson, all of 1 he Dalles, Oregon.
, , , JAY P. LUCAS,
feb28 I . Register
Land Ornca atTh Paii.ks, Ork',i
February !, I
i.out-e in nereoy given mat ine loimwi"
to make Dual proof In support of his claim, '
funirii peiiirr nan vn nniice oi niaiiii. no'-
that said picaf will lie made b lore the Keglsw1
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on fcatui
fltti Aurll ? tMA .,!..
John Frederick Walther, of The Dull
If. E. No. Km, for the NW Sec. II, towiisWf
inoiiin, ra-ige V4 eani, vr. si.
He names the following witnesses to prnri
his conllniiotis residence upon and cultivatlot
ui pnii: linn, vis :
1. Wolf, John Ohi Ist, Frank Obrist, Willis
Obrlst, all of The Dalles, Or,gon.
'ob-W-l JAY P. I.DA8, Kcflstcr,
letter of Crwlit loaned availablo in th
Eaatern fitatea,
Sllflit Ekchanice and Telearapli"1
Transl.-rs ld on Now York, Ch-iSs
St. Io'iis, San KrAnciaeo. I'ortland
on, Seattle Wash,, and various poin'J
in Dromon and vv HHliinton,
ColW rtlona ma le at ail points on
jrablo tornn.