THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1900. baturday Daily. J. J. Locker, of Hood Hirer, iptnt the day in tii cilj. Robt. Mayi, Jr., of Aote'.ope arrived ia town afternoon. Cocoty Comiuiioner K. H. E:og sad if ol Gra! Valley are in tbe city. y.,n. G. W. Glavey. J. A. Bolton Md W. L. Hendricks, ol King, were U the city today. W. E. ProJhomme. ol the trm of Glase & FroJtomtce of Portland, if rutered t tte Umatilla Hoose. w.'k.r a croeceroot lancer 01 u .niiit ihn hu tsren ia town , George. Mr '.- tk. r,.t fear dTf. left for bit tome GabeS, Bennie H Lb it morning. Mies Myrt, left on iu Lovegrove, K A -aLrJv for Portland. where they mi.l , 'r. join a party on their way to New Orieans. Him Micbt-il roes at a representative of tba National E litorial Afeociation Lica eoaveoet- at tte last earned place oo March 3rd. M(CUJ Daily. J. O. Mack spett jetterdsy in ice city Charles Lord, of Arlington, city. C. II. Hickok. of Portland. it in tte city co batlotM. W. W. Kieiaer. a tironiirjerit merchant of it in the e.ty. Beet, Mrt J C haven, wbes all, at one family, lay ; T down ooreroet to take op or crown. Liarr. Fbase Jam-sb. j S Ki.itlH a-aatara. J Following U the list of lettert remain- jfi. log in toe poaioaice i i is ' r.t.m.r. it. lyOO. Peraofct 5 calling lor the tarue via give oate cn i which tbey vere adTertised : ; GIXTLIUKS. i Al.ard, K K Bartite. C J - ! Brown. S L Brown, Jn J rr.i... W H () TTcbe. K i arris, l. u Gander, Pfter Hanrey.JT Howard, Shelly Hay, Jim ! Keliar, Fred Moore, Jatrea j Marshall. Frank MeManat, Janiet McMiilen. John j O Iare, Peter j Smith, Almond I tM.'ra. L:ck .j Stillroant. lso Stuart, W M Thomas, Jaa M Voree, C A Yandevert, Cff Woodman, Wm .. . ill ; in I llUiiUIj cod The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, Fanw. T S JVIajestie I Hafkeli, Geo McCevey, Rov McGaintv, J K McNeil. John S) Matingley. Joe t Ryan, John Smith, J J MlTeiro. Antonio Sayre, M M 4 Tavlsr Frarilc in tte i . Vibbert, lel WbitneT, Frank Webb, C S L-DIEi. Broi n, Mra W Mr.. Leri CUrke left cn ,e,,erday. i "J - jfnT ton. Mrt A L aftemaon train fur her fconje at Uood j Jlt Mi,t Mlt)Ie Hove.Miti Mary tiTer. in., Hi. tir.J.nfii Hitmn. Mn Nellie W C W:ihn it aFain at hit port of ! Kidm.C L Kallrnan, Mrt Kate ! doty, ttricg fojiy rtirereJ fom Li ; Laoghlin, Lirzie Lamb, Mrt George Teccbt iiloeet. ' Morjjao, Hrali I. Macchill, Mrt E B t u .1.. ; Pwi',,,1 ? Nicholt.Mrt Annie P.icbard. Zetta Let lie Botler.nov located in Port and, f . . . it in the city tieiiioc friendt and attend- SeI"c. Mr" M Wr Mr. Botler tart tbere n.n. TLe Ialiet Are MADE TO LAST A .LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Remember that we are selling the same from $45.00 to $60.00 Whk-ii i j a saving to our customers of from $15 to $25 over p ce charged by peddlers for inferior ranges. , ite for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence." weather eatables.... inx to but; oen. it no ttiaee like boae and hia hoove and alwart will be. It I i Craad Jary Krport. ; The rerjort of the erand iary for ti e A. D. Scott, of Tygh Vsiiley, ii in town j February, YW, term of circuit court it today. !atfo!lowt: Emereon Wj'.lrarcf, of Kinzrley, it in We hare been in ettion tiz dayt, and the city. Share examined eeven catet, and re- JVIflYS & COOIE. 5 J :! AWomy G. W. Staplelon, of Pjrtland, ia in the city. T. Fell, of tho Pendleton Woolen SI lilt, ia in the city. O. B. Hartley, of HooJ Hirer, it in the city on bctineti. Brace and Henry CriTer, of Waoiic, re in the city on baine. Mra. Gilbert and Mrt. Phillipt went to Hood Hirer thit afiernocn. Hon. H. V. Gatet and wife, of Hillt boro, are rltitis in the city. I tnrned tiz iodictmentf , and one Dot j troe bill. j We hare examined the e'erk't, ; therifTt and treatarer't offices, and find : the tookt and record! well kept, and ! tne basinen of theee officet well con i dieted to far at we are able to determine, j We have inrettigated the selling of ; cigarette to minort, and believe the i law hat been violated, and would ! recommend that the law be tirictly en j lorced. T. Borreet and wife retam'-d last I From information laid before the erasing from thort ritit to Purtiand. j grtnd jqry we Cd(j til0 coonty poor well Wm. Hactingt. who loet hit lionae in ! cared for. Liberty dittrirt lart in thej We tend oar thanki to A. A. ei,jr jJayne, dietrict attorney, aud W. L. Mr. A. Conley and daughter, of j Bradthaw, jade. for their inttructiont H. W. French left on the afternoon train for Portland where he will tpeud a lew dayt. P. R. Allen, advance agent of the f-baw Company, it in the city arranging for aeveral performance! nezt week. Mia Mamie Helen Flynn, the talente-l young motieian and elocutionist, arrived on yetterday't train from Hanlington and ia rititiog with her aantt, the Mieee Flvnn. KI)K. Ia thit city, Feb. 19th, to the wife of A, I. Parcell, danghter. At Boyd, on Sandar, Feb. 18th, the wife of J. If. Hanna, a danghter. MI4latr Campmaallag Claied. to a which have aided nt in the die charge of oar datiet. Dated Dallee City, Feb. 17. KW. J. L. Kelly, Foreman. We farther recommend that the county conrt have the boon of the county oflicert examined by an ezpert before the expiration of each term. Why lafler with kindey or rheuma tism when it can bepotltively cared j the ate of the ''Oxygenor King." No medicine, no electricity, but pure Oxy gen instilled or abeorbed through the poret of ihetkin while ret tleep. No need of going to the hospital for medi cal treatment when you can be cured at home by the aie of the Oxygenor. No matter what the ailment or disease the Oxygenor will diagnose the caie and On behalf of our comrades, The Daliet! proceed to cure. For further particu Saltation Army corpt, we with to tay ' lart call on or addrett J. M. Filloon, The to SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. m Q w w m m Q w w w A Spltndid Aeeortment of Choice Garden. Gragg and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Seed Rye, Seed Barley, Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn King Philip Corn, Stowell't Evergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn, Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn, White Hominy Corn. Early Rose Potatoes, Burbank Potatoes, Spring Vetcbee, Rrome Grass, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Bee Supplies. A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of which will be sold at close prices for CASH at the Feed, Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS. w w w a w w w d SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. L I J 6; 5' Str. Regulator. (Limited Landings.) S 9 REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, Poriiana & fistoria Kav. Co. 8t earners of Uh Regulator Line will run as per the fol- i lowing schedule, the Comiany reserving the right to change '2 schedule without notice. i we hare rery much appreciated the help rendered in oar midwinter campmeet ing, jut closed, by Her. Pulling, Clifton, the United Bretbern church and the W. C T. U. The meetings hare been one wave of talralion from beginning to end. Forty have been converted, while twenty, even othert hare sought holinett of heart; betidet others have been blessed ia tool, tinnert have been convicted of in, and oar hall it nil! open nightly to point tinnert to the Lamb of God. Through these meetings we have had taste of what onr home life will be in Dalles, Or. phone 3U9. feblO l!wk Yoleame fcruptloos Are grand, but tkln eruption! rob life of jy. Buckleu'a Arnica Salve caret them ; also old, running and ferer aoret, Ulcers, - Boilt, Felont, Corm, Wartt, Cote, Bruiset, Burns, tScalda, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Bett Pile cure on earth. Drives ont paint and acnes. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. bold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug' giitt. 2 Clark A Falk't drug freih and complete. stock it new For You to Read W hat puzzled me in the beginning van that I kept losing flesh without any cause for it that I could see. I had a little trouble with my stomach, too, and after a while began to grow weaker and to cough. The cough, I thought, would Lfann rA a l, n anJ : 1 1 A. it didn t. It erew worse, and then I began to spit up a pecu liar looking substance. I never thought of consumption, but one lay I had a hemorrhage, and then frightened in earnest and did jut what you would do. I rushed to the doctor. He was either too busy, or aomething else, for he didn't do me any good. I kept going on down hill, and the outlook was bad. Tbingt took a different turn, however, when I heard of Acker's English Remedy tor Consumption, for I took it, and it not only cured my cough ing and spitting, but also built up my whole system. 1 took on per manent flesh, and today an j ist a healthy a man as you can find in a week's travel. You may be ure I always keep Acker's Eng. lish Remedy in the house, and it is good thing I do so, for one night my youngest child was aeued with croup. That hoarse, rheezycoueli was the first signal and I lost no time in giving the u medicine. I Miea. i auv . .ar jig time in giving the poor little sufferer proper doses of thit grand n almost no time the disease was under control, and my child waa vise every parent to have a tmitla Immlv all tk. ;. i. .u. aame purpose in keeping croup out of the house that a good lock and key serve -?,mfJ .rK ttM T', ,ll,U b"lh n "Pectorant n1 l"ic- me of con" wnmption and my childof croup, and I know what I am talking about." (Signed) Hon. M. Hooan, picture frame manufacturer, 84a Center Street, New York. ,.,.. w.w...ai4l,ul.ia U..aa4Ca.aJa. la Kiil..o, li. a.,aa ..Maifc 4 Wt ituUturU Vlt (tfvrt tWriU4, W, U. IIOOKKR & CO., rrvrittor$, A' York. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. DOWS. , Lv. Dalles nt H A. M. - Tuewliiy , Thunxlsy BalurdHV .. . . Arr. Kiirtland , at 5 r. a. CP. Lv. r-ortlund at 7 A. M. Mondny . .Wednewiay Friiy Arr. Dalli-s at 5 P. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. X (Touching at all Way Points.) DOWN. Lv. Dalles at 6:30 A. M. Monday Wednesday... . Friday Arr. Portland (uncertain) up. ' Lv. Portland . at 6 a. M. Tuesday ' . ... Thursday , Saturday Arr. Dalles ' (uncertain) , 5' FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, i' ), Travel by the 8teamers of the Regulator Line. The Company will endeavor to give Its pat rons iue Desi service possioie. ror lunuer loiormauoii auaress I VattXatat Portland Oflloe, Oak-Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt. ,9 C. J, STUBLING Wholesale and Retail " Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKfi? Ifom $2.76 to"r6'00 peVgalTonT (Ttoiyyears old. ") ' " IMPORTED dOQNAO from $7.00 to $12.00 per galion. (11 to 20 years old.' OALIFOBSIA BBASDII8 from $3.26 To f6.d0 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old . ' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. OLYMPIA BEEB on draught, Imported Ale and Porter. and Val Blatt and Olympia Beer in bottles JOBBERS IN IMPORTED DOMESTIC CIGARS. and Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail knds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Tmltr&u Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr. Thi, ,'1oo, w nafactared expressly for family nr a , u nic: evr,,;k rjnaranteed to give tatisfactlon. Wl tell our eoodt lower than anv honae in tha trada and If .nn ai, 1 call and get car pricet and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Advertise in The Chronicle Trose sharp North winds. They creep around the corner or come in chunks or gacts. A cold (nap calls for hot cakea and maple tyrup. We have tha best that money can buy. JH.O. Pancake Flour FREE with every purchase of H. O. Granulated Hominy, H. O. Steam Cook ed Oat Meal or H. O. Buckwheat Flour. This offer will not last long, to order early and get one package of H, O. Pan cake Flour FREE. SEE WINDOW. PEASE & MAYS. Complete of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. liT It: i FBEE i ;i .-ii I J With every one dol lar purchase at our store during January and February we will give a chance on a I Aluminized Steel Range. Garland I 'H in III ,(f I piaiei & Benion j c'H 'J'-:' -;: -. ::. ... 1 .... ;r::.:..;- ... j J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., tayt, ''Sur- geont wanted to operate on me for pile, but I cured them with DeWitt't Witch Hazel Salve." It it infallible for pi lei and tkln diseaaei. Beirarjof counter-fltt. of Application for Liquor Licenie. To all Waoa It Mat Cokciex: Notice ia hereby rivtn that the Dnderti. J.J Wiley, will at 10 ocU in lh lori' on Wednrtdar, the 7th lay of JUrvh, (w same beinn tb wirular Marrh Vv wrm ol ai'plv to ibe Cunuty Court, ol iba buie otim Ho, lor W aacol oaotv.fura lieeuae toseiltoirT uous, aia:t and vlooua lienors io leas iUiiuiMi than one gallon, in tha town of fehaniko in iT .L. Wi.u., 1m Ih. K.nnl. . 0- imr(iimn.,.u auu l. IT a:d, for sneh perinl aa bis reeeipt Imn ik. Ctnty Treauier of said eoonly iu.t tail tor and his petition for said lirenw, wnich hewfii Ereaenf to the said tXxiutj Court on said dale b erelnaf lex set forth. . Dattd this .an day ot February, lyo). J. J. WILEY. Petltloa for Llqaar Llcaaaa. To the Honorable Coontr Court of the 8tato We. tba nndenirned reaidenta and lrral of Antelope Precinct, in tba County of Wans, and tb Stale of Oregon, respectfully pernio. Wiley to sell tpirituous, malt and vinous houon. iu less qan:iii-s than one gallon in the town of enaiiiko, in said Antelope precinct, in the Coon, tr and rute aloreaid, for aueh peri. id as bis ns ceipt from tbe county Ueuiurer of said county may cali for. Jas McCarthy W ScofT D S BUbee J B Elder Wm Hull W C Porter wm Stanley iKiwaraboomis A gchtnitt It K Kelaav K i saunder John ljiuiple All KelMiy ' W Dunn J W Tbompwn UW Knter C. W Clark O Cornru J ltepbensou Thoi Collins Tbos Bryant A lonio turner n m Mcvarmj iam niuaneut n r Mtlocli Kd Bheehan W K Uawton Ham W ork Chas fortune C Mckereuu (i A ratlr Jas Warrark F A Lueddeiuann 'J 14 iwauaon W E Kemp (ieo Hiller W H Prone O Mulvneux 8 V 'ianible Frank Miller Fred Miller LO hapman G W t-ion JOW iltaer D 9 Bran 3 B Miller K O Carland T Henneghan J D Tunny W Lewis John Ma lone JBKelmy. P Hartwig w M Davey E C Goodwin T G Condon W J Kepler J A Tlllr J M Reeder A T Ksp'ing Kosa Allen Albert button E J Vlian E D Martin Lem K Bedford Robert drier Daridricott RJPliklngton M Dial J Malone Jobn Phelps Patrick Radigan Charlea Blank 8 A Edmunson D A Howell E J Graves Henry Dice t W Silvertooth : Miller E Canejr Kerr Finley iicBeth J Tbompson Chas Gallagher John Gallagher FrankKincaid J W Scarlett Walter Condell F H Burning Georg" Condon John McLenntn J Hlank Geo Cochran l E McKinna Harry Adams I has Greer H O Hooper Frank Ndpicer Frana Irvine Max Lueddemsi M E Miller J T Bennett J J Wiley 1 1 Finlayson Sheriffs Sale. TX THE CIRf TIT COURT OF T1IK STATE 1 of Oregon, for I'nlon county. Ann Fitzgerald, plaintiff, vs. George Herbci t, defendant. By virtue of an execution and order of salt, duly isMied out of and under tbe real of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Cotintj of I'nlon, to me directed and dated tbe day of November, W, upon a dtrree for tbe font clonure of a certain mortgage, and judgment rec derwl and entered in said court on the ."th day of November, IMMn the above entitled cau-ie, in favor of the plaintf ITand against the drfenil. ant, Geoige Herbert, aa judgement debtor, in the sum of niiiety oue dollars and JO cent., with in terest thereon from the 'Jttb day of April, isu, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and the further sum of twenty-two dollars and ' oent, costs, and the costs of and upon this writ, and commanding me to make sale of the real property embraced in Mich decree of foreclosure and bere-inaft-r described, I will, on the )7th day of March. l'JUO, at tbe hour of two o'clock In the afternoon of said day, and at the front door of the County Court House In Dallea City, Wnmo County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for c;ish In band, all the right, title and interest which the defendant, George Herbert, or ei liter of them had on the 'iith day of November, lS'.Kt, the do'e of the Judgment en tered herein, or whlcb such defendants or any of the defendents herein have since acuulrt-d. or now have in and to the following described real ( i njjpvrijr, bimihii' imu ueillg in nnM-p l oumy, to-wit: Comtnencinf at tbe north east corner of tbe same lot which is situated and known a the former residence of Mrs. Mar Cooiier, and running thence east 17 feet;thence south from the middle of the street ten (u) rod; thence west 17U feet; thence north ten (10) rods to the place of beginning; being InW. D. Bigelow's Ad dition to Dalles City, and known nit the records of deeds ol Wtisco County, as a parcel of land detdtd by E. M. Clements and wife to Mary Cooper, of date December l(i, this being the one-half of said claim, and being tbe same tract conveyed to Mra. E. A. Catea by Ixuis Davenport and wife by deed, dated May 12. lx7.i, and recorded atge 1M of Book E, Records of lieedi for Wasco County, Oregon, and being descended to the said IGeow: Herbert under the will of his mother, the said Mis. E. A. Catea; said parcel of land lying aud being in Dallea Cltv, Wasco County, Oiegon, and more particu larly ind correctly described aa follows: Con- mencing at the southeast corner of lot two 12) in ! block deignated 0 or sero in Hlulf Addition V J ix'iiuiiik wi iiiu ii:rim ill ciiuiuiuu use In said city, the said lot being the samf designated aa lot two '' in block No 1, in tbe original deed by which it waa conveyed by W.fJ Bigelow to Orlande Humtson on December U I'M; and running ithence northerly along t lie eaat line of said lot two (J) to the northeast corner thereof, and thence continuing aluni said line in the samedlrection northerly to tbe south sideof A Kurd street; thence easterly alone the aouth line of said Alvord ttieet seventeen ind one-half I7SI feet: thence southerly and parallel with said First line ten rods, more or less, toa point 17'j feet easterly from the point nl beginning, and thence westerly and at right angiea wim an id mat line seventeen ana ont half 117' ,) feet to the place of beginning, or much of said property aa will satisfy said jtiilaj ment and decree, with cimta anil accruina- ensu. Haid property will be sold subject to confirms matlon and redemption as by law provided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregop, this Kith day of reoruary, iwiu. ROBERT KELLY, feb 17-iI SherifTof Waaco County, Or. C. S. Smith, THE Up-to-date (Jroeer Fresh Eggt and Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A. KNEKALBANKINU BPelSKs Letter! of Credit Issued available in th Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer! told on New York, Chicago. St. Loala, San Franciaco, Portland Ore eon, Seattle Wash,, and various pointi in Uregon and Washington. Collection! made at all point! on far orable termt. J. 1. 8cnsng, President. H. M. BsuL i t'asbiat First National Bank. THE DALLES ... OREC0 General Banking Businesi transact Deposit! received, inbject to Sight Lrrai; or tjneca. Collection! made and proceed! prompt!,' n. 1 1 1 ..i j i ii .tnM inuoHni Ull UST Ol OUUOVMUUi Bight and Telegraphlo Exchange told 01 i'w i ora, nan r rancisoo BDs. !and. n v la sr rw-r ia D. P. Tromfsoh. Jo. B. 8cHlt, B-o. M. Williams, Gao. A. Li- U. ii. BiALIm