The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 21, 1900, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
AdaevllMsg SLatew.
O fl- ivw
Liar i uiii
ierb ct i"-
l,r I . lit u:. t"t-e
Ov-x ;, lar. e
Let !cce lie'
R r ia '.Li Sot'.h Af:;csQ r.
one ty msJ '.Lr, U is C-LtliJ
a!JE-,i : j. It is color Sous tlat tbe
Bor rc:e : dle?f! tj tie a Si
ury gerJoi cf I'racce. cf Gerair j.
of'.Hi'.rii and o'Ler cul
eooo-rlt, cd it i kson that
i.... ..n ,i !... rJ ! tf ti.lout reair me'-liO-l i.-r Jjico iue;
" 6 - 1 " "
fr.- cf ibe Traciraal atd tbe
Orao,reFre -Mate are coa,pwa of
4jfiroci nd mercecarj tpiriU
ga'.bfcrtd from l inns oftiv;! -
Ucn. boweTer,rtroslioii.wn w nj
EciclitCibtitsgEoroieiDOtLer'gtitiosiiof tbis toit, asd ' - " -
r j . Her ro are zer to pourxe
opoa her, and are cclj cocstrai&ed
from dole; it tjr tbe ttencicj power
cf tLe Lntitb car. France tco,
for exaxple, tiat if Le wt&t to war
w;l', -frfdioos Albion," tbe Brilisb
oiTjr woclJ setk and ergge ber
ijaej, aci Loatard ber coit cities;
arl that ibocgtr, tni ibe knowledge
liat EoglaLd. wivb ber tremendous
wcigtit of L:i, gtiis aul metal,
mtn'A elatd a good cLance of de
etrwirg tbe Frencb CetU as tbe
United Mates destroyed t'je .Spariitb
l?dfoc, reiiriio the French lor.
ie Uj CLt tbe bereditary enemy of
Frr-c?. Like cocsideratiobs of pru
dvtce rettra'c GerniDy, Eu?!a and
otber Eorojen powers.
Kirop bales i'.nghi.i tx-caute
lirl'.ith toxtcerce is takio; profits
wtbUd by tbe mercbttitj and trader:
of European countries, and also be
'caose Bri'.ub ibfluertce has errcted
barriers against tbe colonization
projects of tbe European powers. If
K o rope could ciub tbe British em
pire, she would do it, and when it
was dote, she would direct ber envy
wnd bailed agninst tbe L'nited States,
because tbe United States, with its
3fotiroe doctrine, is holding tbe
contiDetiUl fowers out of Sootb
America, aod becaute our foreign
commerce bss grown to be second
only to tbat of Eoglard.
Tbete were the motives tbat en
eodered for us tbe ill-will of Europe
when we were at war with Spain.
Tbe British military critic who
cays that "quality and not quaulity
U what England needs to beat the
Itoers" is on the right track, but he
little faulty in bis illustrations.
The battle of Saratoga," be Says,
bould have taught every English
man the true theory of war. There
tbe American militia net only de.
feated tbe Engliib troops, but forced
them lo an ignoroinous surrender;
nd, mark it, these same English
troops were the best soldiers of their
time. Or, t.ike a still clearer case,
Wellington's veterans were beaten at
New Orleans by half their ntunber of
raw militia. But even New Orleans
tangbt tho English nothing."
In Burgoync's campaign, which
nded with bis surrender at Saratoga,
the conditions were much different
from those which prevail in South
Africa. It was the Americans In
1777 who did most of tho attacking.
Tli ugh liurgoyne was the invader,
MBuller lias been In 1900, the Brit
ish did not wmie their strength
gainst nn invisible enemy in tbe
eailicr instance, for Arnold, Motrin
and the other Ameiican chieftains
Utok the offensive. The Americans
liad an incompetent commander,
dales, the man whom Cornwallis
iily defeated in the Southern cam
paign afterward, but under Oates in
the Saratoga battles were some of
the most dakhing an l skillful of the
American gi'tirrrd. Tho British
tnidu a frontal htlack nt New Oilcan ,
s they have been doing in South
Africa, and the paril!cl in that in
stance is reasonably clofc, but nt
.New Orleans not only would (linking
operations at the outset have been
womcwlmt difficult, but Pekctdiam,
the British commander, knowing the
inferiority of Jackson in point of
numbers, had also some hope of
vt i P.Vf-rKHi
, LA,tI. g U.Ol tJ miy - ,
! wm deceived, as tbe res-It showed, nois ar4 Ohio, and realize tbat the
..- i. j -, ,f tni.'tt in order. Missouri, teedi a
i Xjfi oil ESIMaae i"i w iLtn EuIItrs Lave Lad in the
If the Brill
to Cid in Attkn XJlietce, a
nn'cl'jst aLaloy to tie Hosier is
. .... :. ..
.-t.l3, Alr:ca li.ev can ;u i
Ji lrcrcstt'je tsasjia .i Jt
cn Mol'.c!ci at Ticci'icrc-gi L5ch
di J tot Lste Ite txcc ci oage t
' . y -
: tfsBii ou raiiam , Sun Jsid 0:1 Comfi.y, declared a
i Batktr n;3 cr PtktBLsm cn Jack- few daJ, tg0. w 20 pr ccut cn
j"3. Aklc? cfrUc e 6't;. c,;itil stock of 100,000.000. At
oc:y eii.V. but tevt rl of A'xrtrom-j f e alockholIers would U
i b'.c' cCcen, icclud-cj Lor J Hoe, ltiTj(jen j, aggregaliDg 30,000,.
Lo was killed in the bu!e, ported ; (t()f) a ycar The "pi ice of oil waj
j BrilUb Aa
rxtiicaia cobld l.;Klikr 6totkbolJers
! got in JIoLtcaJa J rear, ami "e
forced Liu to get oct or Li breaal -
! work. Tbe liritiah comnsandir,
; fiu .,vw w.,., -"-j--
! tbe flower of the British army and of
the American sol lien, were beaten!
by 5-V0 Frencb and Indians, losing!
very tear'y as many men inlilled'
anl woucoea as jionicaim Lau in uis
whole force. Q iaiity undoubtedly
counts in military men as in other
sorts of persons, but it is quality in
officers more than in privates which
. . . I ,.,.
tbe British should insist on. Tbe
orivatc soldiers who have been
buttling urjder Bulier, French, White
and the other English commanders
areas brave as any soldiers to be
found in any army, but the chief
otEcers are evidently ignorant of j
even tbe rudiments of a knowlcnge
of their profession. Olobe-Demo
Kentucky is today little nearer a
solution of the problem of who is
governor than she was when two
legislative bodies held sessions in
different cities and two gubernatorial j
claimants bad headquarters far apart, j
Taylor bxs rectified one error in his
campaign by guaranteeing safe con
duct for. Democratic legislators in
tbe capital, but he bas announced
tbat be will not surtender his office
at the mandate of a board of election
commissioners or a legislative body
which he declares is illegally consti
tuted. Beckham meanwhile insists
be is the executive. In tbe mean
time Kentucky is laying up endless
trouble for herself in the doubtful
constitutionality of any laws passed
by tbe legislature and signed by
either Beckham or Taj lor. But
there is reason to believe the sessions
beginning today will not lead to un
fortunate circumstances such as sur
rounded tbe death of Goebel. Tbat
assassination has brought the decent
people of tbe state to tbeir senses and
they will not countenance (be further
use of knife or revolver. Spokcs-man-Keview.
It is a significant fact that nobody
tbocgh! it worth while to mention
tbat tbe gold reserve in the treasury
in the past few weeks was going
downward, and 1 hat it had dropped
more tbun 20,000,000 below its
previous high-water maik. It is
now on the increase again, but the
circumstance attracts no attention.
The reserve was so much higher,
even when at its recent lowest, than
it was until the past year or two, and
tho certainty is so strong that the
gold standard bill will puss and tbe
Hepubliean patty remain in control
ot the country tbat nobody troubles
himself to glance at treasury state
ments. All the gold which will be
needed to meet the government's re
quirements will be in the treasury so
long os the Republican party remains
in charge of the government, and,
happily, Republican tenure of power
for a long time in tho future seems
certain. t
The young Republicans of Mis
souri made a splendid demonstration
at Kansas City Thursday, says tbe
fi lobe-Democrat. Every section of
the slate was represented, and the
enthusiasm shown was full of high
promise for the future. These
earnest and intelligent young men
are resolved that lliero shall be a new
era for the fifth state In the Union.
They look over the roll of great
commonwealths at the head of the
! li.t. Xt Ywk. reciiM Wards,
! r o:iucl rt-birtb. Missouri b great
ItprCAth- Tbe Stale 1 wtigrjlfcU
down and le j t Lack by BouibiciifD.
Tr. -,r.,M.,r. t'. irrii hut I ie Vdot?
. " -vv -
4 .-. e
.detsce L
Tbe qiartr!j diviiieo'l of tLe
raised tLree centi a gallon to De-
, cre rlhcr bfcrd op for little cash
j fcf tU hoHdsJfc
, . f g u
As tbe Rockefellers
associates own ncarlr all
1 lbe stock, tbe bead of tbe trost can
j eisiiy fcfford i0 give anotber million
j t0 llie rbicaao uniTersitr, and hire
anotber trust professor or two. But
however richly endowed, tbe inttilu
tion will always smell of oil. Tele
gram. .
I Five cr!oads cf 3 and 4-ycar-oId
! oysters will be brought from tbe
Atlsnlic coast, mostly from Long
Island sound, and planted in three or
four locations on I'uget sound to be
selected. A hatchery, something on
tbe line of tbe salmon hatcheries,
will also be established, where the
! fertilized eggs of the oyster will be
placed in water under tbe most
favorable conditions for propagation
"Xo better water exists anywhere
for the propagation of oysters than
I'uget sound," says Professor Doane,
of. the agricultural college, "and it is
proposed to develop tbis industry
along wilh the development of tbe
It.r. rollna". Lecture.
V'r. Piling's address on Saturday
eve,ilnS l'8tnedf 10 b! w"-n"
uvms', uuus'jmty eu lur mil ig.u wuicu
has not i arned Ibe reputation of being
very lecture hungry. Tie theme was
unusual. It was the story of one of tbe
most awful catastrophes recorded in
history and told by one who was an
active participant in the work of rescue.
This work, though accompanied by
scenes of horror that cent many a brain
distracted, was also attended with the
most wonderful exhibitions of sympathy
and generosity tbat the world lias ever
seen. It was owing to this that the
city has been rebuilt, and that the cheer
ful sound of tbe stream whistles from
car shops, barbed wire mills, the im
mense Cambria 'ron works whose great
pay roll had built the beautiful city, are
again resounding from bill to bill iu the
Johnstown valley.
Mr. ruling spoke of the intense feeling
of the bereaved town against tbe capital
ists who owned the Sooth Fork fishing
waters. This ts natural. But if in ad
dition to sending an engineer to inspect
the stability of the Conemaugh dam,
which precaution proved wholly frutiie,
the city bad stretched an independent
wire from the dam to the city there
need have been but little loss of life,
though there wou'd have been much of
property. The railroad bridge was a
great cause of destruction, making as it
did a new dam which was indeed im
There will never be another Cone
maugh lake. A railroad now lies in its
bed and the o'd streams that were its
feeders ripple musically down the
mountain side, unmiudful of the awful
tragedy In which they once had part.
An Open Stiver.
fiteamboatlng on the Middle Columbia
and Snake river will no doubt be sus
pended within a day or two, according
to a report in the Telearam. Zero
weather prevails at all points on the
Snake and the river in expected to close
at any time. Cold weather has pre
vailed fur several days and yesterday
shore ice was forming as far down as the
Cascades. If the weather continues cold
for three days longer there is no doubt
but what steamers of The Dalles, Port
land & Astoria Navigation Company
wlil be forced to tie up. Hie weather
bureau predicts a continually falling
temperature, with no sign ol abating for
three days. Astorian.
The Astorian has been misinformed In
some manner for there has been no
shore ico betwem this point and the
Cascades this winter, ami it will have to
get decidedly colder than it is at present
he iore there will be any. There is not
much danger of the D. P. A A. N. Co.'s
boats tying up for they usually find
tome method of keeping the rivir open
when there is no lloatlng ice, and there
has been none this winter.
Unless the unforsecn ariies we are
pretty sure of an open river the balance
of the winter, and of dully boat service
as usual.
v otert are registering eiow:j uu j
likely pot tbe natter off on til Voej
eleventh Laur. Many ur ttcre'a pitoty
of time rt, and o palrffaoJ will fijrgel j
to register anlil too late. I
The law regarding? registration will
... - . i i .i : 1 1
I ceed fl,f0(j:nf in a few part cn ars by j
the next legis'ature. aii 1 it ra:gbt pos-1
K w w aifu J w
i. - ...
td tinea
Etto ic a city like Tte
jraryrren if maojr qaaliSe-J eltcloil are !
J barred out throcjh tbeir own careltM- j
i iu 1 L. V aikti " - "
cej or l.z-.netf. iJGt in it.e f i-irmij .
eeit'ed diftricia a eti.'l larger profortion J
of Tote is likely to be lest, aaJ to iui-h
1'jc.Htiet there is not n mocb cetd of
jt.e law.
In a eoantrT preeioct eerjone ie
known arid it ie not easy or com .con for
repeaters to operate. Eat w better any
diei:nction ebonld be made or not it is
certain that tbe total vote tbis year will
be smaller by a considerable per cent
than it woald be without tbe law.
Every good citizen abcold desire to
rote once and no more, and ought also
to comply cheerfully witb the registra
tion law, the object of which is to make
honest electors vutea effective.
thaup al.a Tak Holler.
It appearing that tho sheep belonging
to Mr. II. C. Rooper are or may be
slightly afflicted with scab, and weather
conditions beinfr such that said sheep
cannot be dipped at the present time, it
is thereby ordered that said sheep be
quarantined until such lime as they can
be properly dipped on the ranges here
tofore and nsnally used by Mr. Rcoper,
and bounded oine hat vaguely as foi
hwe: On the west by the Cake Oven
and Prineville road ; on the south by tbe
top of tbe lidge half way between Boat
creek and Deep canyon; east by rule
between Indian creek and Boat creek;
north by ridge half way between OcbocO
gulch end Coon hollow.
It is especially enj ined on the herd
ers and persons in immediate charge of
of these sheep that tbey use every pre
caution in their power to prevent any of
said sheep from straying or in any man
ner coming in contact witb other sheep.
And all other persons having sheep in
this vicinity or wishing to drive any
sheep through this section of country
are warned not to cross or in any man
ner trespass on the above described
It also appearing that a small band of
sheep belonging to Frank Taylor on
Three-Mile creek are slightly infected
with scab. It is ordered that said sheep
be quarantined in an enclosure of said
Frank Taylor until cured of said diecase,
The Dalles, Or., Feb. 15, 1900.
A. A. Bonnev,
Stock Inspector Waica Co
For winter residence or winter ouling
ideal conditions will be found on every
band in California. Plenteous earlv
rainfall has this season given to the
semi-tropical vegetation wonderful im
petos; the final offerings are more than
usually generous and the crop of
southern fruits bountiful and excellent.
Old ccean possesses new charms at
Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Long
Beach, Coronad) and the enchanted isle
of tbe sea, Catalina where fishing,
boating, rambling, riding, hunting and
loafing (jay he enjoyed as nowhere else
Quiet little spots, snug and;arm,
offer themselves at Montecito, Nordhoff,
Pasadena, Echo Mountain, Sin Jacinto,
Fall Brook and Palm Springs.
For renewing health and vigor, here
abound many tot springs, of widely
varying constituents and demonstrated
merits; the dry, ant I tie, tonic air of
the desert may be enjoyed at Banning,
Indlo, Yuma; and, even fartheron, at
Phoenix, Tucson, 1 Paso, exists con
ditions equally well Indicated for weak
throats and lunes.
Many think nothing in nature more
attractive than the shimmering olive
orchards of Santa Barbara and San
Diego; others prefer the stately walnuts
of Ventura and Los Nietos. or the
lemons of Fernando; but for glorions
fruit and graceful tree commend us to
the golden orange, first, last and always,
and it exists In greatest perfection at
Covins, Riverside, Redlands and High
lands. Equally Interesting is the
scientific and tempting fashion in which
the sorting and packing of the orange is
here accomplished.
The faithful were exhorted to see
Mecca and shuffle off; but wiser gener
ations will see California of the south
and prolong life. t
At 1:110 o'clock this afternoon Mr.
Harry Clongh and Mrs. Annie K. kice
were united in the bonds of matrin.ony
at the residence of the bride. Rev.
W arner officiating.
Mr. Clough has been a resident of
The Dalles for a great many years and
Is known to be a steady, honest indus
trious and trustworthy man. He has
served several terms as councilman and
has by his fair dealing won the resptct
of the community. Mrs. Pice has lived
In TheDrtlles and vicinity for a number
of years and Is a very estimable woman.
The happy couple left on the afternoon
train for Portland, where tbey will
spend their honeymoon.
' I Aet?etiL!c Preparalionfur As-
i similaimg fceFoixlandBeula-
lug the bfciBaos amixrweis ex
fij Promotes DigesfJoaCheerfur-
ness and Fest contains net user
Opium.Morphine iwrlincraL
art mfoufrSAHtTLPrraan
jlmmSt -
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa-
tion , sour sionvacn, jjiarrroea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature or
xew Yonic.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Traini leTcnd are due to arrive at PortUnd
Cress, Hult-in. Bone- 1 I
urg, Aehland, hue- I
ruined U, Og 'Jen, San I i
FmncUeo, Mojave, ( o:5 A.M.
Lot Ai?ele,El Paso, '
7:00 1". M.;
Et I
'8:30 A. M
Rawburi and wy (-U-!
f Via Woodbury, tor i ,
I I Mt.Anirel, nllvortou, ,
Went Brin, Brown.- 1 !
4:30 .-. H
(.Katruu j i
17:33 A. M.
uituy (except oana.yj.
1:60p.m. I.T Portland ...Ar.j 8 25.. m
8 25 a.
5 5:'J,
) 4:a.
7::wp. m. Ai. ..VcMlnnrtlle. .I.v.
8:30 p.m. (Ar.. Independence.. Lv.
'Dally. t D.ny, except bnnanr.
Attacked to all Through Tr.l:ia,
Direct connection at fn rrsnclnco with Own
dental and Oriental nd P.cltlc mail .teamihip
line, for JAPAN and CHINA. Bailing d.te. on
Katcnd ticket, to Eastern point, and Eu
wipe. Aim JAPAN", CHIN A, HONOLULU ant
All above train, arrive at and depart Iron
Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving .troeU
Pauenger Depot, foot of Jedcraon street.
licave for Sheridan, week day., at 1:30 p. m
Arrive at Portland, :30 a. m.
fave for A I RUE on Monday, Weduead.v and
Frirtav at K:35a. m. Arrlv ml Portlaml. Tn
ur, luumuTaoa otcurau ii3:udd. m.
Except Sunday. Except Saturday.
a. KcRSUtB, , H. MARK!! AM,
Mananer. Ami. O. F. Pau. Art
Through Ticket Offleo. l.n Third ,rot hr
mrougn ticxeu to all point. In the Eautoro
State., Canada and Europe can be obtained al
loweat rate, from
J. B. KIRKLANP, Ticket Agsnt.
Yellowstone Park Line.
Union Depot, Firm and I sis
No. 2.
F.t mail for Tneoma, No. 1
Seattle, Olyinpl, (iray'a
llHil):r and Mouth Hcnd
pomta, Spokane, H.wb.I
laud, K. C, Pullman,
Moaenw, I-eltoi, Huf-,
falolIiimpiiiinliigcnin-i 5;.V) P. M
try, Helena, Mlimcnpo-
11a, St. Paul, Omaha,1
Kanaaa Clly, St. (xiila.
Chicago and all polnu
cat and aouthi'HKt. No.;).
Pnget Sound Kxpreraj
for Taeoma and SenltlH: 7;C0 A. M
and intermediate puiuiaj
11:15 A. M
No. 4.
I;30 P. M
iifl!,.!i","lIi flurl.,;1"", "n1 '""fl't aleepera to
Mlnneaiiolia. St. Paul and ui..,..i .,...
without change.
.vtl billed tralr.a. fnlon depot ronneetloi..
In .11 principal cltlea.
Ilaggage cheeki-d to deatluatlon of tleketa.
f or handaomely ri.wrlptlve matter,
wrlto "t'1 " tnr reaeratlona, eiu., call on or
Allnnt (ienel Haa.i-nger Agent, an Morrison
Street, corner Third, Portland, Oregon.
OlUieovei Ft rat Nat, R ing.
Ofllce over French A Co.'. Bonk
i . i
'i1- -if 1
lien PA
Tor Infants and Children
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
i Signature
For Over
Thirty Years
0 .ii? Il
fl M &IW
roa Faux Dalles. F.oa.
Fat Salt Lak', Denver, Ft Fet
Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mall
11:43 p.m. aaa City, St. Louis, 8:55 p n
Chicago and East.
Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokant
Slyer Minneapolis. St. Paul, Viyer.
7.05 p.m. On 1 u t h, Milwaukee, 4:20 a. B
Chicago and at,
8 p. m. 4 p. m.
From Poktlakh.
Ocean Steamships.
For &an Fraiicixeo
December i. H, 13, IS, 23
8 n. m.
Ex.suuday Columbia Rv. Steamer..
4 p. m.
10 AfeToaiA and Way
""'"'""l iUUlltgli.
6 .. m.
Ex. sunday
WlLLiSHTTI Rivir. 4:B. Bl
Oregon City, Newberg, Ex.BundKf
oaicui at nay uina a.
7 a. rn.
IVlLLAMtTTI AKDYAal-' 8:30 p B
kill Kivirk. Mon.Av!
Oregon e.'lty, Duvtoo,, and Fri.
ud sat.
ana nay-ijinuings.
in. I WlLLAMXTTI Kivxn.
Tue..Hiur, Portland to 'orvllix.
4:30 p. m
Mon. W:
and Filiia
and Sat,
and Way-Landings.
Sxakk Rivxa.
Rlparia to ljwiaton.
Lv Rlparla
l .-Na. m.
Law ism:
8:30 .. ni
Parties devlrin. lorn in flinnnpr ahonft
, i-aving i ne unite, at ?:oj p. in
making direct eonnecliona at lleppner Jnnctinr
Returning miklnffi1inlffii,nfliiln mt lf,.innf
Jiinetlon with No. 1. arriving at Tbe Dal lei
-2:65 1, ni.
No. t2, throtight freight, east bound, dop W
I , IA' l'"""engcr; arrive. -2:au a. m.f aepam
S:50a. m.
No. 1,-ical freight, Carrie, paavengers, ea:
bound; arrive-4 . p. m., d jrt. H: 15 p. ni.
No. 21, went bound Ihrousb (rvlvht. dnea nr!
carry paaavngera; arrive, a: 15 p m., der
No. 23. went bound local freight, Carrie. ,
M:i:ei: arrive. 5:15 p. in., depart 8:30 a. m.
For fuli i.a-tleiilara rail on O. R. 4 N. C'o.'i
agent l ne o.l.e.. or add rem
Oen Pa. Agt., Portland, Ol
I niT Uif.OH
Cures Irfl potency, KIght Em isaionsani
waptinrr ellseases, all tTect8 ot ecu
CzZjfi abuse, or excesa and lnuis
X X cretlon. Aiiervotonlcont!
a T.n ifKa nuituer. urines
J JU . . . . ... ... .v..
i-w ntT pinic giowto paiecuecKsau'
tSrl restores the f.rc of youtli
Sk SSaJai . a a 1 i J
ui m mail fiOc per box; ljoxc-
lor ijO.nO; with a written iriiaraii-
tea to euro or re:in ltlo nionej'
CJIntor. A Jackaon.ettw, CHICAGO, lU-
clj the team. Bavcs wear and t
exieusc. Sold everywhere.