The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 17, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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nurii too all know.
WrdaeaOaje Dally-
J. W. Moor ii in from Nansene today.
St. T. Nolan Ml Itii morning lor
Xr. sal Mrs. Hiliearv acJ family
came over fr jni Grand Dailes yetterday.
Mr. Mary Seal n'l daughter
left oo thie tmoiV.Bi'l boat lor au
coavrr. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burgees are in the
city from Bakeoven as witnems in the
biianiODi cate.
Hamilton Campbell srrived from Port
ad Utt night, where he has been vmt
cf bia parents.
E. J. Glisan i in from Antelope at
tending court, beiug a witness in the
feint mona case.
John Fender came op from hi place
at Haeam yesterday, and will remain
over until tomorrow.
A. L le, one of oir leading stock men,
is to from Cross Keys on bosinese, ar
ritricfr tbit morning.
G. W. Phelps came djwn from Hepp
ner yesterday and aithoogti hot recently
married, Bert ia again courting.
Henry Smith, who has been in the
city to attend bia grandmother's funeral,
left on laat night's train for hit borne in
Benton May, nf S amp creek, was in
town !ttt Saturday. Mr. Mays reports
stock at going through, the winter in
better shape than be has ever witceteed
before. I nterpriee Bulletin.
Mr. and Mrf. Grover Simpson and
liule eons a ill leave thi afternoon for
Portland. Tbey are on their way to
Calif jrnia to visit Mr. Simpeon's rela
tire before returning to their home in
Hon. James Van Kleeck, one of the
noted attorneys of Michigan, and other
friend are the gnest of O. D. Taylor.
The party leached Portland Sunday
evening, where they were met by Mr.
Taylor, aecon.panyiosr him home yester
day on the Spokane Flyer.
John Wellberg ii op from Moeier.
Geo. Wei:, f Rafns, is in tcwn on
J. W. Minto cime op from Portland
Mr. Ba'ord, of Pendleton, is register
ed at the Umatilla.
J. A. M -Donald, of .Sherman coanty,
ia in the city.
Atty. W. B. Pretby, of Goldendale,
Bade abort visit to the city yesterday.
B. G. Davenport made a flying trip to
Portland today on businets connected
with the Chkomclk office. He wiil re
torn tbia evening.
Barrett Ley son, wile and mother, of
Whitehall, Mont., and V. D. Bartlttt
and wife, of Butte, Mont., a ere visitor
in The Dalles yesterday.
Friday's tally.
Joo. W. Hinricht, of Hojd River, was
ia tbe city lodar.
Mr. Levi Clarke and Mr. W. O.
Hadlev, of Hi xl liiver are vitriting tela
tivea in tbe city.
A. Mac Adam returned last night from
Portland where be ha been undergoing
treatment at St. Vincent hospital for
the past (even weeks. He is greatly
improved and it will not be long before
bia many friend will again lee him at
hia poet of dot v.
Near Lyle, this morning, Feb. Htb, to
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Lyle, a eon.
Ia thi citv, thi morning, Feb. loth.
to Mr. and Mr. George Oswell, cf
fsotnpter, a son.
The ol 1 s.-wer system cau't be beat.
There' sewer thiojgh every principal street.
Front a tnt i to north these wwei are made,
And a fort In ten l the average grade.
Tbe only fault understood,
The) sewers are principally mule of w.s d,
For many rear they bare bean laid,
AoS a jveral of tbem hare decayed
Tbe proper e mre now to pumie,
Ke, air the old, not make tbe new.
Where ts rcw:ra are rotten In the towr,
Lay tb terracotta down.
Tula can b: done with llltlecoft,
a 3d then fie money aon't be lot.
IbcMKwera when repairtd from the bill to
tbe ilrer,
Will not get chocked and laat forever;
and If anything acta In aa big aa your thoe.
You bet your Hie It will aoon get through.
If tbe new atyle of tewer are ever made,
From mat to weat they will have no grade.
Ita the general opinion, whatever It coat,
Jivery will be lost.
Allison and Junes,
vVasiiixoto.v, Feb. 13. The financial
debate in the senate reached Its climax
today. Two great speeches, one in favor
of the pending senate tnbstitate tneasnre
and the other in opposition to it, were
delivered, and both were listened to by
senators with close attention. The first
was delivered by Allison ol Iowa, the
ranking member of the finance com
mittee. He had been an attentive
listener to the speeches delivered on the
other side of the chamber, and In the
course ol hi argument he prerented hi
answer to the point raised against the
pending senate bill. Jones of Nevada
declared that the bill wa virions and
unwarranted, conferring loo great power
upon national backs, and listening the
country to a gild standard. Tomorrow
the senate, will bgin the consideration
of the bill and amendments under the
10-minnte rule.
"I bad bronchitis every winter for
Jrs ld no mediciny gave ine rerma
ttaot relief till I begsn to take One Min
t Coozh Cu-e. I knoj it Is ihe test
ssoogh medicine made," says J. Koontx,
Corry, Pa. It quickly cure coughs,
cold, croup, asthma, grippe and throat
and long trouble. It Is the children's
favorite rt me ly. Cures quit k'j.
Clark A Folk's drug t c't is n-'w
fresh and complete.
Esjrtsen'atnes Are u fiiirtfa t)
Ail Jnstics.
Laborer Sow Receive Oo!t 2$ Ctots
Per Djt on Pntlic Improvement.
Naw Yobk, Feb. 13. T;:iia and Ed
oardo Cocde, Poert J Rtcau labor leaders,
who arrived here from that island a fe
days ago. bare iMoed aa appeal to this
government on behalf of tbe workirgmen
of Paerto R:. The delogites, wbo have
(established LeaJqaarter intbii city, de
!e!are that the working cUiS of their
I tslanl have been reiaceJ fcy reason of
I the war, the hurricane and the action of
! this government since tLe storm, to a
I condition ol extreme destitution. They
declare that nnlees action is taken soon
riots will occur throughout the island,
as the poor are desperate trom their
To get justice, say the delegates, is al
most impossible lor the poor, and the
laws chiefly result in the disfranchise
ment o! tbe laborers. Of the 1,GM),000
inhabitants, 000,000 are absolutely
paupers through no fault of their own.
The workingmen demand a radical
change in the government of the island.
They atk the following ord'nancis of
Governor-General Davis be annulled:
First That the laborers on the public
works shall get more than 25 cents per
day for eight hours' wotk.
Second That ouly property-holders
and taxpayers shall vote and those who
can read and write.
Third That these tax payments of at
least f I shall be paid before a vote is
Tbe workingmen also ask that the
ordinance forbidding appeals from the
decisions of the tribunals be abrogated.
They also want a general market for
imports and better schools.
Lieut-Col. Page's Force Found Its
Left Flank ia Danger.
Resskkbo, Feb. 13. The Boers are
artlvely pressing around Hensberg. The
British lorce under Lieutenant-Colonel
Page, consisting of a section of artillery
and 150 cavalry, which had reached
Slingersfontein February 10, has been
compelled to fall back on Rensberg, ow
ing to its eastern flank being threatened
RaKHBtRo, Feb. 12, Evening. The
Boers have again driven in the British
outposts on the western fUnk today, all
outposts at Bastard's Nek, Hobiklrk's
windmill and other points retiring to
Maeder's farm. There were several
casualties, but the details have not yet
been received.
Losdox, Feb. 13. A. dispatch to the
Evening News from Rensberg says severe
fighting occurred dnring the Brili h re
treat, the vailou outposts on both sides
snffering heavy losses. Tbe dispatel
adds that it is doubtful if Rensberg can
be l.eld.
Melaeit Snathpan'a Drift,
Londox, Feb. 13 A private telegram
received here says :
"Ihe forces commanded by General
Wood have been moved up from the
southward and seized Southpan's drift,
which he now hclds. '
The war oftice has posted a dispatch
from Colonel Keokewich, dated February
11, to the effect that Kitu hurley was bom-
bnrded throughout February 8.
During the morning of February 9
small infantry engagement lasting two
hours occurred at Alexandersfonlein
The situation otherwise Is unchanged.
rilulmmnaa tVaata to right Again.
New Yobk, Feb. 13 "Bob" Fitzjim.
uions, the tugilist. was noticed in a ho
at a Brooklyn theater last night by an
improviso singer, who devoted one verse
of his song to the tx-i'hat'pion. This
provoked yells and calls lor a speech
from the audience. Fitxsimmona rna
in the box and, lacing the audience, said :
"lomorrow (Tuesday) I shall noat a
lorleit of toCOO In Manhattan and Issue a
challenge to Jeffries to fight me again
lor any amount, preferably $10,000. I
will meet bis bsckers by adding that I
am willing fo make an agreement for the
winner to take all the receipts. If he
won't accept, 1 will take on Shark.
and II he don't want to fight I will take
on McCoy, or any one else. Ail I ...i
is to fight again."
When the ex champion had aonnlnd.,
some one shouted: "Why don't you
give Cor belt another chancer
"Let that dead oca get a reputation
firt?" replied Fi'xsimtDOt.
DtlailtiBC rk Matt.
WasHi.xGTfX. Feb. 12 Tba postal
authorities have dlrrc eJ that mail pass
ing through 3Tr.a. Wash.. b diinfect
ed before it is sect Uto Vaneocver and
Victoria. This actica was taktn be
cause the official ol British Co'ambia
feared that mail from Spckane might
enter their territory by way I Somas.
Tbe authorities here do sot believe that
smapux exists at Spokane, bet in
order to allay tte IVars I the officials
acroe the border, they have decided to
comply with their ieqoet.
laaaaa Solaiara.
Six Fancisoo. Feb. 13. Eleven in
saae soldier wilt today be sent from
i this city lo the government hospital at
I Washiriton and it is probable that
I aboot thirty more will go East during
the week. During the last three months
nearly 250 demented soldiers have been
sent across tbe continent, and it is said
that over 2CO more will soon arrive here
from Manila. In nearly all cases the
men are violently insane, snd the reputed
cause ol their trouble Is tho ceaseless
viailance required op. outpost duty iu the
Democrats Will Probably Meet Before
tbe Republicans.
New Yokk, Feb. 13. A special to the
Herald from Washington says : Belore
Mr. Bryan left Washington Saturday he
held an important conference with some
ol the Democratic leaders and it was de
cided that the Democratic national con
vention should be held prior to the Re
publican and Populist conventions.
It is understood that Mr. Bryan is
anxious that his party shall take the
field, announce its platform and prepare
lor tho national convention btljie his
political rivals declare their campaign
intentions. 1I is particularly anxious
to anticipate the action ol the Populist
party, which he (ears may be guilty ot
political indiscretions which may injure
his cause.
Mr. Bryan did not confine his consul
tations while in Washington with the
(ree-feilver Democrats, but talked with
tome ol the shrewdest and most influ
ential members ol the gold standard
wing of the party. It is known that he
held a secret conference with former
Senator Gorman, and it was after con
sulting Mr. Gurman that Mr. Bryan
preeecd upon his friends the Importance
id holding their convention at a date
eve-rat weeks in advance of the Re
publican convention.
Beckham suvtl Taj lr Today.
CixcissATt, O , Fii'i. 14. Holding
that the federal court has no jurisdiction
in the.contests in Kentucky, Judge Taft
this afternoon refused to grant the ap
plication for an injunction against the
Kentucky state board of elections and
the Democratic contestants for state
offices other than governor and lieutenant-governor.
Frankfort, Feb. 14. Governor Beck
ham's t nit to compel Governor Taylor lo
surrender the office of governor to him
will be Gled this afternoon. Judge Price
has prepared a petition, which will be
la the nature of an injunction and quo
warranto proceedings.
Fbankfort, Feb. 14. The house and
senate met at 11 o'clock this morning.
Both bouses lacked a quorum, and ad
journed until tomorrow.
Rumor Prom V. P. Headquartcra,
Omaha, Feb. 13. It is rumored at
Union Pacific headquarters that the
Union Pacific will not after all abandon
Us agencies In Portland and other const
points in the Uiegon Railroad & Naviga
tion territory. The ticket agents have
not been dispensed with, and the agents
ol the freight department have not been
relieved, and the general opinion at the
headquarters is that they will not be,
though those high In authority are non
committal. The fact that the changes
have been made in Butte in both de
partment! and at other points in the
passenger department lends color to this
Three Mrra War Lna.
Victohia, B. C., Feb. 13. On Sunday
morning ex-Alderman Richard Kennon,
John M. Cordell, a miner, and William
Kelly, a fisherman, left Nanaimo to
hoot ducks. Not returning, friend
grew alarmed, and started out to search
for them. The eearcb'was kept up all
yesterday and resumed this morning,
when their boat was found lying on the
mud banks onder water, and the body
of William Kelly was plainly visible Irora
the surface. The body was recovered
and brought to the city, and a number
ol people immediately left lor (he scene
to grapple for the other bodies. All three
of the men were known, and leave
widows and families.
Mrs. J. K. Miller. Newton Hamilton
Pa., writes. "I think DeWltt'a Witnh
Hsxsl Salve the grandest salve made."
It cures piles and heals evervthlnr.
All fraudulent imitations are worthless,
iL?s l!SE:es Eijlaii's Action as
Ex-Consul Vlacrnm's Letter Stirs Up a
Hornet's Xest All of His Commu
nication With His Government
Were Censored, and He Asked Per
mission to Come Home and Laj
the Facts Concerning tbe Situation
Before tbe Officials.
Washington, Feb. 15. In the ho ise
today, Wheeler, ol Kentucky, introduced
a resolution which, after reciting some
charges made by Macrum, former consul
to Pretoria, in his statement issued last
night, reads:
"Resolved by the house that the sec
retary of state is directed to inform tbe
house of representatives if the said
Chailes E. Macrum, as conenl of the
American government, informed the
state department that his official mail
had been opened and read by the British
censor at Durban, and if so, what steps,
if any, have been taken to obtain an ex
planation and apology from the British
"Section 2 He is further directed to
inform the house of representatives what
truth there is in the charge that a secret
alliance exists between the republic of
the United States and the empire of
Great Britain."
The speaker referred the resolutions to
the foreign affairs committee.
Chicago, Feb. 15. "War with
England should be the policy of this
government," eaid Governor Andrew D.
Lee, ol South Dakota. "II the facts set
forth in Consul Macrum's Open letter,
issued to the American people are found
to he correct.
'This action of the British authorities
at Durban in tampering with mail
matter addressed to Mr. Macrum is
damnable," the governor continued,
"and an outrage against the rights of
neutral powers. If the facts as stated in
that letter are true, the American gov
eminent instantly should call Great
Britain to severe account. That mav
mean another war on our bands,
know, but war is preferable to national
dishonor. Tbe spectacle of an American
citizen, be he in private or public life,
having to sit idly by and see his mail
opened by an official of a loreign power
ia too humiliating for my blood to stand."
Almost equally as radical comments
were made by several of the leaders in
the anti-trust conference, who were
shown the dispatches from Washington
setting forth the experiences of the ex
consul. Ail were emphatic in SAying
that the rights of . citizens of nentra)
powers should be protected and that
England should be condemned strongly
for her high-handed methods.
Statement Not Credited.
Washington, Feb. 13. While the
state department officials were averse to
day to discussing the published staU
ment of ex-Consul MacCrum, it was
antoritively stated that a search ol the
records failed to show that MacCrum
had ever reported to the department
that bis official mail was being regularly
tampered with by the British autiiori
ties. It was said that he did lo a general
way report that both the official and
private mail Intended for American
citizens did not reach him punctually
and asked that a protest be tande on ac
count of this rather arbitrary proceeding
on the part of the postal authorities.
The department investigated the mat
ter and learned that no uunpcetsary de
lay existed and doe not credit the state
ment that any correspondence, official
or otherwise, was opener), inspected snd
delayed by the British authorities.'anil SolTrra from a llllianrd.
London, Feb. 14 The effects of the
blizzard which started today were felt
throughout Grvat Britain. Trains are
snowed up In all directions and street
car lines blocked, and telegraph and tele
phone wires are down. There has been
a great number of accidents due to fall
ing chimneys, root slates and similar
causes. Mail vacs ar.d people traveling
by foot in tbe country districts are re
ported missing and several persons have
been found frozen to death ia exposed
The streets ol London are in fearful
condition from snow and sleet, and many
pedestrains have sustained fractured
limbs from falling on icy pavements.
Horses l avs suffered greatly, many hav
ing to be shot, alter breaking their legs.
Severe gales have swept over tbe coast.
Government Cable Iiareatart.
Washington, Feb. 13. The hoti
committee on interstate and foreign com-
mere todav decided by a vote ot 8 to 5
to report a Pacific cable bill along tb
lines of tbe Sherman b:il, defeating by 5
to 8 the Corliss proposition for a govern
ment ownership.
Orr(oa Waekly.
Au:-ng our exchanges this morning
we find the first issue of the "Oregon
Weekly," which is published in the in
terest of the state univereity at Eugene.
It is a neat and newsy little journal,
filled with news concerning happenings
at the university and will nudoubtedly
be ol nntold ber.efit to the institution.
Speaking ol the annual local oratorical
contest, in order to determine who will
have the honor ol representing the uni
versity at the state inter-collegiate ora
torical contest, it says:
Miss Laisie E. Allaway, ot tbe senior
class, delivered a strong oration on the
following theme :
"Aa I note how nobly natures form
ruder the war'a red tain, I deem it trne
That He wbo makes the earthquake and tb
Terchuice makes buttle too."
"Purposes j-iMify or condemn wars.
When wars rlieve the siiflVring or give
freedom to the t-nilavrd they are justi
fied. Epochs of national greatness iu
literature, commerce s:id politic follow
periods of ii'itionnl struggle. Oregon, as
well as the rst if the iiaticn. insy ex
pect great ten- (its from the baptism of
patriotism ri'id th purification by sacri
fice which t received in the Spanish
war. Whr ficii as this brings oppor
tunities and responsibilities. Oregon
made the sacrifice and shared in the
victory; how will she meet the responsi
bilities? When we see the purified so
cial conditions, the new senseof dignity,
the awakening of literature and art, we
theu believe that 'He who makes the
earthquake and the storm, perchance
makes battles, too.' "
The Fall or "8 wlftwatr."
Forest GROVK,Or., Feb. 15. William
French is a late arrival from the Klon
dike, coming direct from Dawson City
He reports times very brisk, but not
withstanding this fact, "Swiftwater
Bill" Gates is discharging the duties of
saloon porter.
Mr. French states that the mosquitoes
of the northern country are about the
size of Eastern Oregon sage henr, being
poseessed of a very greedy appetite, it is
necessary for each camp to offer up i
man a day to keep them in good condi
tion. Mr. French will return in about
ten days taking with him mining ma
chinery to develop bis mines.
Kor Sale.
Complete entertainment outfit, con
sisting ol high grade magic lantern, with
views on Spanish-American war and
new talking machino with 26 records.
Made f300 clear per month last full.
Reason for selling owner ill. Call op
posite United Brethern church on the
hill or address Virgil E. Greene, The
Dalles. Jan29-lmo
Uoraoa for Male.
Thirty head of good horses, weight
from 1100 to 1400 lbs. To be seei, at
Jacob McReynold's place, 15 miles east
from The Dalles. For further particu
lars address,
Strauhb Bros.,
jsn24 mw The Dalles, Or.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
taolet gives immediate relief. 25 cts.
and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug
Notice of Guardian's Sale
Notice Is hereby siven that the underlined
the duly npnninU-d and mtlrig- guardian ol
George Klimt, Frank klimt, Annie Jordan, Ka
tie Joidnn and Mary Jordan, niiuora, wiil, from
and after the 17th day of February, VHD, aell all
the right, title and ltitereat of the above naiiud
minora in and to the aouth half ol the aonthat
(liiarU-rof nectlon 1M, township !i north, range 13
eunf, W. M., the fame being three-liftha inter
eat in and to aaid land, for cash In hand, at
Dated January 18, ltrfiO.
J M ii iuardian
of Application for Liquor License.
To All Whom It Mav Concirn:
Notice Is hinby given that tho underlined,
J. J Wiley, will at 10 o'clock in the forenoon,
on wednuaday, the 7th dny of March, l-oo, the
aame being the regular Murcli i!H!(i term of cmnt,
apply to the County Court, of the State of Ore
gon, for Wasco County, for a llr-enrie to aell aplrit
mm, nia'.t and vinoua llriuora In Icna i,unntltie
than one gallon, in Ihe town of Hhanlko, in An
U'lojie Precinct, in the county and atato afore
said, for auch period aa hla receipt from the
County Treasurer of aaid comity may call for;
and hla petition for aaid leenf, whleh he will
Kreaent lo Ihe aiild County Court on aaid date, H
ereinafter ct lorth.
JJuted this .Mh day of February, limj.
I'etltlon for Liquor Liuenae.
To the Honorable County Court of the State of
(Iri.fFltn fiitlh. IVim.t. ..f U7..
.nr uimciniKuvi irniiieuia anu legal votera
of Antelojie Precinct, in the County of Winwo.
and tha Hmrn nf Onrm .n.w.r..iiH ..!. '
your honorable body to grant a lleenae to J. J
Wlicy lo aell tpiritnoua, mrilt and vinoua liqnora
In lea qiiautlilea thmi one gallon In the town of
Hhanlko, In anld Antelope precinct, in the Coun
ty and Htate aloreaaid, for aueh period aa hla re
ceipt from the county treaaurer of aaid countv
may call for. '
i M.! '"'"J' Wffc0"" DSBInbee
n r.ioer m ll nil w C Porter
'm tM,n,eT Howardl-onmls N A Hr hmllt
DKKelaav U Ii Haunders John Umnl.
.V"''n JWThornpaon
J Htephenaon Thoa Collins Thoa Hryant
AlonioTurner W M McCarthy Ham Hluanent
OMolyneu HPOamble II F V, hillock
...... ",rr rreo Miner F.d Hheehan
, - ' - - " nuin n irawaon
i 2 .Uey D 8 R'n "m wnr
H II Villa. fx ,'...MJ . . i
V . , imp roTiune
T fieri neghan J D Tnnny k C IHokeraon
k-.ii jonn alanine o A I ratty
J B Kelaay P Hartwtg Jaa Warraek
... '- r. j wi-kiwiu r a i.ueniiemann
TO Condon W J Kepler J R Mwanaon
i VUr 1 M K"" W K Kemp
A T Raping Hoaa Allen llenlilller
Albert Mutton K J Uliaan W II Proa
K D Martin lm K Hnirmit u..h.. .!.....
Irnvld ileoU K J Plllclngton M Dial
J Malon John Phelria Patrick Kadiaan
Charie. Hlank H A Kdmunaon I) A Howell "
h J jravea Henry Dice F W Mllvertooth
(.Miller K Caaey Kerr Flnlev ?m..m..ij.
JThomnaon Chaa (tallagher John (lallagher
Frank Klnnald J W Hearlett Walter Coudell
FH Horning lieorge Condon John Mejnnan
it "" 'oCochran l K M.KInna
Harrr Adama Chaa (.reer H C Kia.per
. 'run?""" Ti'? ,"'n" " '""'lernap
M F. Miller J T Bennett J J Wiley
I rlni a yum '
Sheriff's Sale.
1 of Oregon, for I nlon eountv. BrW.
Ann Fitzgerald, plaintiff,
George Herbert, defendant.
By virtue of an execution and order al
uly laaued out of and under the real of uL
uit Court of the State of Oreg-m, f. therV
cerea auaj emerea in Mra court on tne;A
of November, lfi, iu the aboie entiiled r
in favor ol the plaintiff and aeainst the iitu
aut. George Herbert, aa judgement debtor (Tlf
urn of ninety one do.lara and JO rent, i,k
terett thereon from Ihe 24ih day of a'vtl i
at Ihe rate of right per eent per annum'
further aum of t wenty-two dollara and .) rL
eoaU, and the eoeu of and upon thl writlt
commanding Dielo makeaaleofthe real iirw-T
embraced Iu aueh decree of foreeUwureaiiilkX.'
Inait r described, I will, on tbe I7il oaT
March. ImjO, at the hour of two o'clock iu ii
afternoon of aaid duy, aud at the front dm:
the County Court Mouae in Drtliea City j' "
County, Oregon, aell at public aucti n to
highest bidder for eh in hand, all the rirb
title and interest whlert the defendant, i,,rr
Herbert, or either of them had on Ihe inh
nf November, 1ku9, the dae of the ludvm.i.i-
tered herein, or which ancn deteuiianr. ,.. ...
of the defeiidenta herein have inee aeiinired..
now have in and to the followine deaeiihi
) rojerty, tituate and being in VYnaco Coorol
to-wit: Commencing at the north eat or
of tbe name lot which ia ail ua ted an J kuown.t
the former residence of M ra. Mar Cooper, u. ',
running llieuceeaat 17' j (eet; thence aouth'tm-1
the middle of tho street ten (iu) rodi: Ihenr
wekt 17! j feet: thence north ten (IP) rods to it.
place of beginning: beine lnW. D. Bigelow'i,
dition to 1 u lies City, aud known on the reenm.
of deeda of Waaeo County, aa a parcel of tare
detdtd by K. M. Clementa and wife to Siw
Cooper, of date December 18, I"': this bein
the one-half of Kaid claim, and being the lan
tract conveyed to Mrs. E. A. Cares by It
Davenport and wife by deed, dated May 12 b;
aud recorded aC page l'Ju of Book E, Heeordti
l"eed for Viaaco County, Oiegon. and twin;
descended to the said .Ueorge Herbert nude
the will of his mother, the said Mia. K. A. Cw
miid parcel of laud lying aud being in
City, Waaco County, Oregon, and more partiei
larly i nd correctl) described as foliowa: Cum
meneinir at the corner of lot two f2i
block deignated 0 or zero in HI utt' Addition i
Dalits Citv. according to tho mapa iu couime
use iu said city, the said lot beins the an.
designnted as lot two 2 in block N.i 1, in it
original deed by which it was conveyed by W.l
Bigelow to Orlande Humiaon on Decern oer 1.
iw;ana running anence northerly along u
ea t line of said lot two 21 to the norther
comer thereof, and thtnee continuing alw.:
said line In the aame direction northerly to ti
fouth aldeof Alvord street; thence easterly alou.
the inth Hue of aaid Alvord street aeveutw
and one-half 117'j) feet; thence southerly at
paraPel with said first line ten rods.moieor l
to a point 17'., feet easterly from the Doiot .
begiiiniug, and thence westerly and at rig!
angles wilh said last Hue seventeen and on.
hulf 117' .1 feet to the place of bcifinnlnir. or
much of said property as will satfr said iuiir!
ment and decree, with costs and accruing emu
eaid property will be sold subject to ennnrmn
mation ard rcdcmntloii as bv law nrovirierl. i
Dated at The Dulles, Oregon, this lflth day
February, lsuu.
fib 17 11 EherlrTuf Waaco County, Or.
oi uiegou, ior me county oi vi asco.
Belle McGrecvy, plaintiff,
Thomas McOrecvy, defendant.
To Thomas McGreevy, defendant:
In the Name of the State of Oregon, You aj
hereby required to aipear and answer the ei rr
plaint filed (gainst yon in the above entitV
suit wiihin ten days from the date of the servii
of this Summons upon voti, if served wlthk
this County: or If served within any otht
County of this Htate, then within twenty dav.
from the (lute of the service of this HummoiV
upon you: or if served upon you by publlcatie'
thereof, then on or before the laat dnv of th
time prescribed in the order for nublieiitioii
to-wit, on or before six weeka Irom the date of.
uv nin. iiuueniiiiii nereoi ; aim ii you inn ao p.
answer, ior want tnereol the plalntltr wli
apply to the Court for the relief prayed fi
In bcr complaint, to-wit, tliarthe marriaKe con
tract now existing between plninllrt and
ft iidant be forever disaoived and that plnlnti:
be awarded the exclusive custody ol the niluo;
children of plalnilil'and defendant
This Summons Is served upon you by publics
tion thereof, pursuant to the order of said Cir
cull Court, made and entered on Ihe l'.ilh day o1
January, 1MJO. remilnnir the mihlication hcrrr,
for six consecutive weeks, commencing Januar;
tu, i'.'aj, ine uaie oi ine nrst publication.
jan 20 II Attorneys for PUlnlllf.
Lakd Office at VAKcouvta, Wash.,
February ;l,im
Notice Is hereby given that ihe following
nninea settlers nave tiled nonce of their Intel J
mm to inaxe nnai proot in support ol tner
claim, and that said proof will be iniido lefo;
W. B. Prekby, United Hiatus Commissioner fo
District of Washington, at his olllee In (Joiiies
dale, Washington, on Friday, March Hi, 1WXI, lit
iiekiab, widow of Y each am Tubs,
deceased, an Indian,
Homes tend Kn try No. W2V lor the w-est half o!
uorlhwesl qnartt-rand lot 4, seel Ion lii,townhli
t norm, ol rungo 14 east, vt ill. Mer.
Hhe names the following witnesses to rrov
her coiillriHons resl lence npon, and ctiltlvatloi
of said land, viz:
Bill Has na fha. Charlie Wles, Robert Wat
weyaa, Jeny Moses, all of Columbus P. 0.,Wast
also Skamiah Jr., an Indian,
Homestead Entrv No. va-i for the east half w
norm west qunrur and lot X, section It., Iowa
ship 2 north, of range 11 east. Will. Mer.
lie nainea Ihe followlnar witnesses to nrov
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ui saiu innu, vi.:
Bill Has na shs, Charlie Wlea, Robert Wall
weyaa, Jeny Moses, all of Columbus P. u., Wiih
17 11 W. R. DUNBAR, Riglster.
Notice Is hereby rrlven that the nndeisirrnn
has been annoinfed hv the oountv court, of lh'
suiicoi union, ior nasco countv. anininistraaF
of the estate of Patrick Brown, deceased. Al
persons naving Claims againt said estate sr
ncreliy notltled lo present said clalma, properh
verilled, to me at the office of Hinnott A Hlnnott
In Dalles City. Ore., within six months from tli'
uaie ncreoi.
Dated January Vi, 1900.
Jan27 II Administrator.
Executor's Notice.
Notice ia hereby given that the county com'
of the state of Oregon for Wasco county, I'
probate, has duly Issued lettera testamentary !
Ihe undersigned aa tbe executor named Iu tlf
last wilt and testament of Caleb Hrooks, til
ceaaed, and to administer upou ihe estate of Hi'
said deceased. All persona having claim
against anld estate are required to present tlf
ame to me at the law office of Condon A Con
don, in I is lies Citv. Orccon. with nroner vouch
ers, within six months from this dale.
December 1!, Mini.
Executor of the estate of Caleb Uruoka, rle
ceased. Dec-M U
Administrator's Notice.
The nndnrsia-ned hsvlr.a been annolutrd rid
mlnlatraUir nf the estate of Jonathan Jackson
deceased, under and b virtue of an o iler du"
made and entered lit th cnmttv Court of tlx
Htate of Oregon for Wasco County on the ZW
day of December, law, all persona having claim'
asainai sain estau era nervby noiinci r'
aent the aame with the proper vouchers and dm!
verified al the olllee of mv attornev. Fred
Wilson, Iu The Dalles, Oregon, within !
months from the date of this notice.
Haled The Dallea, Oregon, Jan. IK, l'". ..
K. K. H A I.TII A KHlf E,
Jan 20 II Administrator.
Notice la hmhw .k.n thai thai nndersigll"!
haa been duly annolnrrri ailinlnlatrator ol
estate of J. C. Baldwin, Ceceased. All pcr"V'
having clalma against said estate are hereii
nntllled to present the same, properly verlllea
In me or to my atUirucys, Dnlur Menelee, i
The Dulles, Oregon, within six mouths from tn
date of this notice.
Dated tills Hth day of February, 1'W. .
K. II. MEKKIf.h.
Administrator of the estaU of J. C. Baldin
di-ctaaed. febli