THE DALLES WEEKLT CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 14, 1900. FKOrLB IOC ALL ! F. A. Yoan it In from E. S. Wilson it re'-trei at the Un-a-tilU (roan Grants. i ffiw),' ' W. II. Bit ems down from yesterday aiieroooo t r.--; ..trf In Port a! OB Tettetdaj's afternoon train, . . Geo. Patterson, tO eance cp iroai temfoi intirvnti-'ii".""('-"v - i Por!aol Utt night, left this morning for j wl j ia ntor, years, if ealtiTaiwn if con-. . Aotelope. : tioned. miae ber a wonderful tinker. j Hon. E. L. FreV.anl c:e op frotn i xte preaidici elder, Rer. EbU 'r-j FisrosT. Ky.. Feb. 15.-Tla morn Portland last bibt on tit ay to : 0r k. r unable to 11 Ma appoint-' j0, lf,; iTom London brought to Frank Henpner. ! men's in other loans oo accent of the' ft , number of Republican members Mrt. L. E. MUihck .L"!t? JV i pre.a ecce of im.i, remained in tha 0f the leg'atcre. Only a few absentee fhlulT.. W etTcrer Sunday, and preached torn very were sported when tbe teseiona were w "f ''Vi I jheAa-eloceBer I f a"'c ia th" nrg, eUrd In the capital building at noon, M t romifaat pl.c yeerday, : Ptor ccoPyir,f the polpit in the eren-; and ,LeSe are expected to arnra later in and' i.l tpenl a week in The L' j io. the day. Nothing bat been beard from Mr. and Mrt. Lem Bargw. who bare ! Eter since tit arrival in oor city Rev. LooUvia at to whether tbe Democratic been tpendio a fewdatt in Ti-e I:;e. j U. F. Hawk bat urged opon Lit neni- ; njeajbert of the legislature will adjonrn left thit woraiLt Ut th;r hoa.e at An- i beT tht Becfrft;tT of awakecirg in the their eeetion to Frankfort, hot tbe Re-lel;P- !fop of The Da'.'.ra a chorcb-'cg pabilcan appear confident that action Wa'iace MtCroaat, tn of P'jrt'and'a tp-ir-ltt ,Dj ictiMing that eicb chorch in i (q uien. beat known attorneys arnre-f y:erdav . . . rTam.. .TerT Son. j IKIVJVU 1 1 u. . &h - - ' aoormrc for th metropo:;t. A. H. Concor, who trt been an ean ve in tte O. E. 4 S. esEce at Port- i.n.) -r tin 1mm iht !'. on Xo. 4 Utt n.gbt, !eicg on Xo 2 for fttarbeck, rTff jtodar.aod toll of hit eiperiecce in mia- f (i ce t jere. tionary work along that line tince com- JV,ofc "JV'Mng to Ttw Dalle.. ParticoiarW did be nee. Mr. Docohoe it not very favor ably impreted with the condition of oar teeu. Lfit in ttat mpect te wsil nd a tamwr OI Uti.e. people man gtrr-: with bis If vuUv t IwT. E. S. Pratt, of Wamic, it ii town to day. J. W. Mre cam in yesterday. J. L. Rxfcard. aai E in from Boyd. from Nanseoe v. are Tayr Hi!!, of Pricevill, is reristered ! at th l.'oialilla. j H.P. Moore, of Chicken Spring, i, doing taficet in town today. Fred BroBtoa went down to White Salmon on this mormci't boat. F.S.JonMnm. in from hi. ranch ! near Sherart Bridg vesterday. I Mr,. S T). Hn. !?t on the boat thia morrioz for a vitit in Portland. f rs. S. Harris and daughter, Zeporah, returned Saturday night from Portland. Frank Bz'.ey arrived yesterdav from Slieslou. Wub., to attend the funeral of hit mother. Chat. Clarke came op from Hood Eiver atorday nigbt, and returned this morning. D. L. Cates is op from the Lookt to day doing basinet and meeticg bit many frirn lt here. Mr. and Mrt E. E. Hinton, of lUke ovrn, who have tpent a few dayt in the city, left today for Portland. Mr. A. . MacAlliste' and Mrs. V. A. Jot nIon were returning paisengers from tbe metropolis Saturday. A. g. Blowers, E. S. Oiinjer and Clyde Bonney are Hood Eiverites in town today, having come op last night. Miss Ethel W. Grubbt is in the nly from Portland, and will remain a few weeks, tbe guest of Mr.. Smith French. Mr. Emory Oliver and little eon were ap from Portland visiting her parent, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.fcjlvester, yesterday. Vr. and Mrs. Frank EuflTner and family left on the boat this morning for Portland, where they will make their borne. Evangelist Ford, whoa few rears since conducted a series of meetings in the Methodist church here, spent yesterday in town. Prof. Troy Shelly, of Hood Eiver. who recently returned from an overland trip to California, spent yetterday and today In Th Dalles. Mrs. Eobt. Mayt, Jr., and Mrt. Frank Bointnerville arrived Hatorday night from Portland and will remain lew dayt with relatives in tbia city. Mrt. M. Real of Vaneonver, and her brother, Wilson Pmith, of Condon, ar rived fiaturdty from lleir respective hornet to attend the foneral tf thair grandmother, Mrs. M.J. Beezley, Tiewlar s Daily. E. I). Butte is In from Boyd today. G. H. Baker is over from Goldendale. W city. Ido lirigtiam, of Dofiir, is in the J. P. and G. I M'jsier. Carroll are np from Henrv A. S'rbriM. t.l W.rtd Yuu;,.,a u registert.l at the 1,'matillH tMlay. Mrs. A. Henderson, who was up from V bile S Imoti vii'iiii Sir. T. Iltnlum, returueil home yestenlnv imiriiing. ... .... , ' Mi-s K.Iib Fisher, haviniripent several dayj with lir pnretiis lu re, returned yetenl.iy afiTi.on tu her nhool duties at Portland. noii v Near Hi ln's city, this rnorninif, l'eb. nth, id Mro. J. A. Fleck, a son. to Mr. a i 1)1 ,!. Attlm homo of his brother, Jacob Obrist, mi I)iit, l, Fiat, n'. 2 o'clock, F'ri- ur, roriiary jiii, I fias. Ubrit years, 8 mos. and ii Bye ii Deceased leaves five children C. E. Christ, of Th I)tlle-, and two sons and twod.iinilit.-rs in St. Imis, Mo. Funeral to. k plsca this afternoon from tba residence of Jacob O'irist on Dutch F tat. At the Methixllst i Monday's Mally. For several weeks pist Mrs. E. J. Collins has had in training a number of boys, who have formed a choir and will render selections eich Sunday at the Methodist church. Yesterday bo h morning and evening their voices were heard In sacred songs, and the sweet, nest of their tonet was most pleasant to liear, some of them having .plendid Alttoh tavini aidTUkM c inj. v ivft i m i hn the K-le-atore wh'cb it r: -'! atJ'iieoc to Itir tr.esa aaJ the gaJ Lieh U.t toy rie tfcerefroa.. At it nijht's service Miee Myrtle Lort. of Portland. rn!erJ a U-aalifal k.'n TntiitT. H:M snori Las a re-. i nuariaUe TOtee Ijc c yootf a sister, r '. . ... . ... -kt-h' dar. Lt n'iht be took for bit totjert . Itheexcatet ma-Jety varioct one in - ' vi'ed to the icarruge feat, at related ' in t- Srr, r,i i r. Ko!r?in ur-oo it. ' te tpj,;;e.j te text to the conditions of I orze npon the voong people the neces- ' tlj of attending pablie worship and ob- uiniCj the tvy rKeiTed thereby. OSircrs Threatened. 'Back of Hood River there are a few rather lawless people," remarked Game Warden Qiimby thia morning. Mr. Qnimby bat jast retnrnel from The Dalle, where be wat investigating (oiae alleged violations of the game law. "Tb people." continued the official, "are very impudent and tay that it it not bealthy for a gam officer to go in there. There :s a parly of men who b"e ki!1!n 'k- nd a deputy Is now upon their trail who will continue Investigation., despite the threats of the toagf.s of that locality. It is con tended that thev simply kill the eik for food, but thee animals are protected by law for the next ten years, and cannot be killed f r food or for any other pur pose. I have Informed my deputy not to file information unless be has positive proof whereby a conviction can be secured, for the reaon that the people there will not give away on one another. It would be a aaelees expense to cause arrest', un!es we had them 'dead to rights," for otherwise it would simply r in np ao unnecessary bill of costs. As soon as proper evidence is secured, how ever, the culprit will be prosecuted to the finish. "A gentleman told me that near Prinetiile prairie chickens are more plentiful than in many years, although it it suspected that hunters from Port lank take flying trips after these birds." Telegram. Adtertlaert Letters. Following is the list of letter remain ing in the post office at The Dulles un called for February 10, 1900. Persons calling for tbe same will give date on which they were advertised : GEXTI.KME.V. Armstrong. Peter Armstrong. Harry Atkinson, J. T. Biurling, Franz Campbell, Mr.G.C. Cummins, W. A. Dermilter, Ieo Ferguson, Willard Green, Robert Helm, E. W. Jordon, C. P. McXary, Mac Meater, Frank McLean, John McMtnus, Jas. McFadyer, Doneld MacXeil Corporal Rinir, Mr. Patterson, Win. Pmith, M. A. Smith, Otto fchaw, Elton Kpalihger, Werner Smith, Martin Schudar, Adolph Stewart, I). T. Sirhndar, Francis West, J. C' Webb, C. 8. Yates, It. I. AIMEH. Burns, Minnie Clark, Mrs. Neal Klanls, Lettie Hector, Mniie llamilun, Mrs. J. Liuglilin, Kniie Norman, Mrs.C.M. Smith, Edna II. II. Eiwijxli., P. M Acker's VCJ v vl L.I I V? j ,, ,, LX ., , , , , i About two miles from Va"nr, Mich., J where I keep a drug store, lives Mrs. T. il. limit, h lie was very ! hii lt and hopeless V' V'ji (with roiiMiinptjoii. j 1 watched her raw iv2W ' with int-rc.-t nt'tiT I"'1" '"'K'"1 tnkinR V, tV i.) , Ackers i.nglish (A - JT, Heuicly for ( on- Ji i K t-iiniiition, because Ilia.lliear'No rriiirh about iu wonderful JffTZ''. cures. ell. .V - ' sir pcrliuM -'ll'-.-sriV-X ioulit it, but illSV4el i Willi my own eyes 1 saw tbis woninn set vm'II niul Mrone on tloit rctiuily. In a very short time tl coinrli Mopiu-il, licr luii)is were healol tip, the .orcms wintnway. anil s.he Ipi (.-iii tak inii on flih. HI10 hcrclf ioiil: ' Mr. IlnlLnnl, I owe my life to Acker's KiikIMi Jiimcdy. n is a ccnain cure. 111 ai. urali nrgliborhood her recovery has orcuM.mnJ much comment, ox you cn easily under, j Mend. Her caae sun one where evervbods thought it was only n qiu-tion of a little while until she U'niM die. J feci It a duty ai a druirjzit to "rite this letter, so that there need be no more deal lis from consumption." (Signed) K. A. IIi i.l ARD, Vassar, Mich. K.ld at 2.V., floe, ond 1 a bottle, throughout the I luted States and Canada; and in Kngr land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3-1., 4s. fid. If you are not satisfied ufter buying, return tho bottle to your drugifist, and get your money back. HV nnlhnriu th. abort, guarant'e. W. 1L UOOKtH it CO., ITivrietur,, JSw York. fOR 8AI.R BY Blakeley & HoTighton. a'MAU HIIIPT IN KENTUCKY'? Ut Ktr.oblicaa are Back in Frank- ia leuistiile. ! LorinviLLa, Ky., Feb. 12. Although j the protocol w at not tigned, there it a . troce in the fight for the ttate officet to await action bv the eoorta. Both lioatet of the legislature met again at the coart- boose to-day. When the hooee convened a concurrent j reflation which bad pined tbe senate j wat presented, calling opon Taylor to at once withdraw tbe militia and force of armed men which he has gathered about bim in the state house and surrender the executive offices to Beckham, the lawful governor. Under th role the resolution went over for on day. WOMAN WORE MAN'S CLOTHING Troth Cane Out After Her Arrest on Charge of Robbery. Paloihb, Feb. 10. B. M. Deatherage, city marshal of Oakesdale, wat in Pa louse last night on the way home from Moscow, where he had been on a peculiar chase after what he supposed to be the youDg thief who is charged with stealing $1490 from a woman in Spokane, but w ho proved to be a woman dressed In man's clothing. The woman visited Oakesdale on Thursday evening, and spent the night in a hotel. In appear ance and dress she resembled a young man or youth, and her suspicious actions attracted attention. The woman was traveling on horseback, riding astride, and dressed in trousers, sweater and a coat. She left Oakesdale early Friday morning ami started south. Marehal Deatherage learned of the peculiar ac tions of the supposed young man and started in pursuit. He traced her to Palouse and thence toward Moecow. She wat overtaken (our miles tbia side of the latter town and placed under arrest on a charge of robbery. She convinced Deatherage of her tex and was released. The woman, who was about thirty-five years old, made no explanation of ber strange masquerade, and when released rode on toward Moscow. NOTICE. To the SetlUrt on the "Overlap of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company: Tbe Eastern Oregon Land Company hereby desires to give notice to all con cerned, at follows : That at the October term, 1899, of the supreme court of the United States, the cases of the Eastern Oregon Land Com pany against E. I. Mesninger and John D. Wilcox were decided January 8, l'.lOO) in favor of this company; that any further question as to tho title to the lands included in the grant to the Dalles Military Road Company, is Thereby finally settled. This controversy forced upon the com pany through the ruling of the interior department of the government, has been long and expensive, both to the settlers and the company, and has worked a serious injury to all. We have under stood that there Is as is quite natural some anxiety prevalent as to the policy mat trie company intends to pursue. In response to this feeling, we hereby decUre that it is our purpose to do exactly right to adopt and cany out a policy that will afford no fair or honest man the slightest pretext upon which to found a grievance. No man who wants to treat tba company with justice, or who desire to respect the laws if the l.irol, shall have cau-e for complaint. j The Eastern Oregon Land Company J will make no nnj :l exactions or do I mauds upon settlers who have hereto- I fore filed noon tbe land", but will di n! I ! 8 humane anil liberal piii t with all 1 ,l"','t " orrespon in 2 1 "s K"t;d offices to secure, through Ok ! iron's renrcsirit:it ives anil Ibe rninnttiiv'a airents in Waehincton, to rnch ol the (ettlers aa may lie entitle. I thereto under i the law a reimbursement of 1 moneys heretofore paid liy thetu to the! K ivernment ; and if to that end addi tional legislation is necessary, vie vtil exrt our heat endeavors to promote it. Our agent in Oregon. Mr (i. VV. Mc- Near, has been instructed that In his intercourse with the settlers and in the adjustment of the hnsiness relations with them, the pt inn pals set forth here in are to be absolutely observed. Youra respectfully, P. I). Marti. President Eastern Oregon Land Co. Spain's Greatest Neeit. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends hit winters at Aiken, 8. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and! Nerve Remedy, all pain soon left bim. J mji this grand medicine it tt hit , eoantry Deed. All America know! that core lire and kidney trouble, part- firt the blood, to net np the ttomacb, : ttrengthent the nervee, pota vim, vigor I and new life into every mas, nerve j and organ of tba body. If weak, tired ceeu it. Every bottle cent. Sold by ! J Blakeley A Hooghton, draggiita. Victok, Feb. 12, 19. Editor Cnaosu li : Tba weather it fin her now. Alnmet everyone it plowing. Tbe late freeie in jured tbe grain bot little, and ttock lookt well. Victor 'a ball bat been transformed in to thoe tbop, C. C. Dickent, who it good band at tbat work, having ttarted in bofioett there. Tbe mayor of Victor bat decided to farm tbit year and will ra'.ae 400 tack of wheat. H. Peterson baa left tba Flat and rented bit place to W. Tabot. Postniaater A. F. Evick bat a good , grocery ttore, and it is taid be it look ing out for a she male clerk, for he'. afraid hi. present clerk will leave him. The postoffice it well fitted op and has glasa front. We have no smallpox here at yet, and tbe health of tbe people on an average is very good. Ed Bothwell and A. C. Martin have gone to Tbe Dalle to act a jurors at thit term of court. Victok. teachers' EiamloatloB for Ftate Papers. Notice is hereby given that tbe coooty superintendent of Wasco county will hold tbe regular examination of appli cants for state paper at theeourt boose, In Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on February 14, 15, 16 and 17, as follows : Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 14, at 9 o'clock a. in., and continuing ontil Saturday, Feb. 17, at 4 o'clock. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical geography. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, psychology. C. L. Gilbert, 5 tJ County Superintendent. Coming of Popular f lay. If the company presenting the piece is np to the claims made for it tbe season will offer nothing better than the production in this city Thursday even ing of J. M. Barrie's celebrated story a in dramatized form, "Tbe Little Minister." It is tbe author's own stage version of the novel and Charles Frohman in bis long and most successful career, never offered to tbe patrons of his New York theater a more popular attraction than "The Little Minister" proyed to be last season. The quaint people of Thrums were taken right into the public', good graces and they have continued to grow in favor thereuntil today there It not a more popular body ot people in America than the Scotch folks who help Gavin Dishart tell the story of bow Lady Babbie won the parish preacher, gince leavin? New York, although Maude Adams and her capable support do not appear In it, at least in this part of the country, the play has caught on just as firmly. Newspaper reports indicate tbat it has been presented to standing room only houses nearly everywhere. The play is given to nt here by Mr. Frvhman and we are promised that it will be produced by a company of capa ble actors and be in every way complete. Grace Heyer, a young woman who in the past few years has gained consider able prominence in the proieeeion, playe Lady Bahble. She is supported by a company numbering nearly twenty people. For Sale. Complete entertainment outfit, con sisting of high grade magic lantern, w ith views on Ppanieh-American war and new talking machine with 0 records. Made .'100 clear ,ier month last fall. Iieaeon for selling owner ill. Call op posite United Brelliern church on the hill or addreej Virgil E (iie;'i.i. The -''I'I'S. .JanLlMmo Horses fur Sale. Thirty head of eood hore, from 1100 to 1 100 lb". To b.i weiifht ceti at J.tcoh Mi Il-ynold's plac, I") miles ea-t froin The Dalles. Fur f irther piuticn I rs address, Htu.m iie Iii:o., jii'-M m Cur Tbe I.ialles, Or. Ilrnriarb Oiilrklr. Baldwin's spaiklii g fflervescent Cel- ! J ery Bona, a Harmless and ttlei -live cure I 5 for headache, nervousness, sleefdess ness, brain fatigue. 10 and M cents. Sold hy Clarke A Falk, drinrgists. jtri24 6 Cash In Inor Checks. All conntv warrants registererl prior to June 3, 18QU, will he paid at my office. Interest ceases after February. 2 I'OO. C. L. Phillips, ' Conntv Treasurer. W. 8. Philpot, Albany, Ga., says, "DeWitt'a Little Early Itisers did me moMjtood than any pills I ever took." The famous little pills for constipation, biliousness and liver and bowel troubles. uritr mm viae treiDCLB. Aaaiva Fu. Mall Worm, (hum, KB- Meil 11 W.m. ms iitr. ct. Luuis.- i:56 m Chieaeo and Eul j Spokane Walla Walla, gpoksne.j Bpokana tljT Minneapolis. PL fsal, Fljer. 7 Oi p. m. i 1 n t h, Milwaaxce,, S:a. at C aleac o and fcasl. j I p. sa. " Faoa Pommn. I I Oram Steamsaipa- I For 8D Francisco Ueeemter i. s. U. IS. 3; ! and . j 7 I Sp. m. 4 p. n. Ez.eundar Colombia Rv. Steamers. Il.suudsJ To AsroaiA and Wajn Saturday , luaingi. ; 10 p. ni. j j j . a.m. ; WrLLarrr( Ritib. I 430 p.m. El.ouudsjr Oivrop ( itr, Newber. , Ki.ounday -s t.T) at War Lead r i a. m, l 1U.1MTTH iD V iJ S: J m. Toes, Thar. mux Kiraas. ilon.,Wel and fat. , urceun City, burton,: and Fri. and Way-Iiidings. j C a. m. WitXaHrrrx kivia. j 4 30 p. m. Tue..Thar, Portland to Corvallir 1 Mon. Wed and Bat. and W ay-Landings. and Friday j Bvixa Rivib. Lbavb Lv Ft i parts Riparia to Lewlston. Lxwistom daily daily 1.2J a. m. m. Parties dextrine to ro to Bennner should Uke No. 4, learinf Ibe Iialles at 7:05 p. m making direct connections at Hettnner iunction Returning maktnedirectconnecuon at Hennner junction witn ao. i, arriving at ine Dalles al A. DO It III. No. , throuEtat freight, east bound, does not carry passengers; arrivee l.'M a. in., departs 8 50 s. in. xo. 'li, local freight, carries passengers, east bound; arrives 4 : p. m., depsrts X:la p. ro. So. 21, west bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrives b:15 p ni., departs No. ii, wet bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:16 p. m., departs 8:30 a. m. For full particulars call on O. K. A N. Co.'s gent The dalles, or address W. II. HCRI.BURT, Gen Pas. Aat, Portland, Or, EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THB Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland r ov press, I burg, OVERLAND EX-1 Balem. Rose- i Ashland. 8ac- 7:00 P. M. J ramento, Ogden,8au I frannlun VI. J 8:15 A. M. I -OS Angeles, El Paso, i New Orleans and I East I '8:30 A. M. Koseburg and wsy sta tions 4:30 P. It Dally except 8undays. is woodbura for MLAngel, 81 1 Tor ton, West Sclo, Browns Tille.SpringDeld and Natron Dally except Sundays 17:30 A. M (Corrallis and rstations wayj 5.50 P.M. INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. Express train Daily (except Hunday). :90p.ra. cLt Portland ...Ar.) 8:28a. m v :J p. m. Ai..McMinnville..Lr. 6:40 8:3U p. in. Ar..independeace..LT. 4: i:60a. m Daily. fDauy, except bunany, DINING CARS ON OODKN ROUTK. PDLLMAN BDFFKT 8LFEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS -BLEEPING CARb Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at Kan Krancfacn with rw-i dental and Oriental and Pacilic mall steamship Hues for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on Kates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu- roiie. Also japan, china, Honolulu ant AC'STRAIJA. All shove trsins arrive at and depart fron Grand Central Station. Fifth and Irving streets . YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jellerson street Leave for Hheridsn, week days, t 4:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, 11:30 a. m. Iave for AIRI.IE on Mondsy, Wednesday and Frirtay at H.XT, a. m. Arrive at Portland, Tues day , Thursday and Saturday tt 3:05 p. m. Exwpt Sunday. Kxccii Saturday. R. KcK-.lER, , II. MARKIHM, vlnna.iT. Asst. (j. F. A Psss. At Through Ticket Ofllcc, l.'M Third street, whers through tickets to all points in the F.astJ-m St:tt-B. Cannda and Europe can be obtained al lowest rates from or N.w,,EJAIioK!KKLA,,, TICkCtAen, n r.nMn ? s-s 114 a w BROS GENERAL 1 1?; s. ' 4 ; 5' !. i liorscsiicers 4 Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and TpffMn DVinnnirn i s iuiia uuu uuuui-'lll, mUliClja 72 "MBM tSTkTiTi w ' w 1 - ,' r j y .TS.1T iw.T .1 ONE FOR A DOSE. Ue Clarke Falk"s quinine hair tonic 10 keep dandrolTfroin the Leu I. ...AND... NOTICE of Applicttioa for Liquor License. To A LL W ao It SI a T Cones t x : Notice U betvby given that the niidTi-i 1. J V ihry, will st 10 oW in ii,T?JM on Wednesday, the Tth lay oi Wsreh. 1 same Uring the n-gnlar Hanb 1-suirrm of T sppiy to the t ounty Coon, of tb tt.t mV'11' said, for such period as bis rwipt frotTu C001.IT Treasoirr ol said enanty nisy esll fc? lau u scuuuu hp, hhi ucenie, which hvii E resent to Ine said County Court on said dsu Z erwnsfter let forth. ".a Dated this Mh day ol February, 1v()0 J-J.WILET. FetltisB rr Llsjaar Ltecasa. To tbe Honorable County Coort of the tate Oregon, for the Coauty of Wasco: " We, the undersigned residents and ktral rotsn of Antelope Piecinct, in the County ot WiS and tha state of Oregon, respectfully ptuwl vonr honorable body to grant a license u J j Wi;ey to sell pirituous. malt and vinous liqion in les uuantities than one gallon in the tosotf Shaniko, in said Anleiot prveinct, in the Cool ty and state aforesaid, for such perbjd as his r. ceipt from the county treasurer of said couuti may Call for. Jas McCarthy W Scoft D 3 Rhibee J B fclder Wm Hull W C Purler Wm liunley HoarardLoomla N A Cchmitt D R KeiMiy K D saundera John Lanr,i Alf Kelsay F V Dnna J W ThomMoa ii W Kuter CWCUrk O Coriwtt J Stevhenson Thos Collins Thos Brrsnt AlnnxoTurner W M ilc srthy bam Biaaneat C Molvnenx S P Gamble B r woitiock Ed Sheehsa W E Dswsoo bam Wort hss Fortune E C Diekerson i A cratty Jas Warrack F A Lueddemsai Frsnk Miller Frnt Miller L O hsvuian G W Sinn J O Wiltey D 8 Ryan SB Miller R O Carland T Henneghan J I Tunny W Lewis John Mslone J B Kelsay P Ilartv. ig W if Davey E C Goodwin T G Condon ,V J Kepier J A Tilly J M Renter A T Esping Koss Allen Albert Button E J Glisan W E Kemp Geo Hiller W H Prone E D XIarliD Lem K Bedford Robert Oner David Scott R J Pilkington F M Dial J Mslone Jobn Phelps Patrick Cadina v nai rrm Diaua o t cuuiuusuu u i nuweii E J Grave Henry Dice F W Bilvertooth 1: Miller r. Casey Kerr 1-1 11 ley jK belh J Thompson Chss Gsllsgber John Gallagher FrankKincaid J W Scarlett Walter Condell F H Borning George Condon John McLennss j niank Geocoebrau 11 E Mckinna Harry Adams Chss Greer H C Rooter KrankNSpicer Frana Irvine Max Lueddemta Mr. Miller J T Bennett i J Wiley 1 1 Finlayson NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract H-Public Land Sale. Land Ornti at Thx Dallis, OaxooNi Jan. 8. M ( Notice Is hereby given tbat in puisuanca ol uitirucuons iroio me eomninoner o! tne v eral land office, under authority vested in h'a by section JUi U. S. Rev. etai., as amended by the act of congress approved February St6, we will proceed 10 oiler at public sale on eutut day, tbe 17th day of February next, at the hoar of 10 o'clock, a. m., at thia oliice, the Jollowiai tract of land, to-wit: ' Ixjt l.See. J4;and lotsl and 2, Sec. 23, T. 1 X. E. 12 E., W. M. Any and all persons claiming adverselv the above descri bed lands are advised to hie "their claims in this oliice on or before the duy above designated for the commencement of said sale, otnerwise tneir runts win oe lorleitcd. JAY P. Lt C AS, Register, 01I3 PATTERSON, Receiver. an 10 1 NOTICE FOil PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land Office, at The Dai.lrs, Ore.,) Kibki akt si, 1:100. I Notice is hereby given thst tbe following named settler has Hied notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register aim necciver at 1 ne Llaues. unwnn. on Mon. day, March 2t, WOO, viz: William C. Clark, of The Dalles, Or. Homestead Entry No. 5271. for the SWU. section 11, township 1 south, range II east, W. M. He names the folluwing witnesses to prove hit continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: A lbert Turner, Charles Gosson . Charles Smith, C. A. Gibson, all of lhe Dalles, Oregon. JAY P. LUCAS, 'eb!4 i Register PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, Undertaker and Embalmer. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 0"C '3W 33S OKJV 3W03 C. P. Stephens ...Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Ilia.ts, Hhocs. Huts, Capj, N'otbma. for W . L. Doug hi ftbo?. Act. T-'-tcrihonc No. lit I Scentid Ht Tbe Dim Or. BLflKELEY & fiDGGflTII, Wholesale and Retail DKIST! Carry tbe Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 115 Second S rcet. THE DALLES ii-Hii, malt and vinous liquors in k usnn " than one gsikj, iu tlx town ol ebsniku i ..!.. m Ww.tur In Ih. aamm,- .