The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 10, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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    A. J. Pri'm ! in 'f'-In D'---'3r-
O. B. II.r.y, oi H-xJ LI.
if in ;
r . - -
U"t tifbl frcin Port aid.
J. M. B V '.ol isjer. raite; Trnmaa Eailer Ir't oo tS b:t in:
p from Port.t. J .t n jM- ; morais,-to a at. rt lice w.ta t!t
E. A. .s4E. L-Ho,irnarer:rtdjUiitriB P&rilitd.
attbeCaat.ilafrt Wa..o. , M;w E M- Le'anJ. teacher
E. Ja-ct"- i-'t Tetter i ay Jor a ir p
tiroo'Si t&e Pr.ivtTi. eoon.ry.
r,s imIit e'ter a ! Ti:t Lre.
'Jri A. S. M.eA.;
Mtt ii cji.,ii 1 boat "icnl K-r rr-
7 '
, v t .
51 rt. P. Per'maB. bo ti " '"
M. ". m, .H fepej. h. ' SfrtTi.
left tb cornet for PurLatJ. .Lere,f "Wa(U Wm J. iititr er
lLe 1 hear Xtraja. i i ter wty Port-aad.
Vim Ela Fiberaa er froas Port-1 ... . w ;., RVtna aid
lt fjst o erj n.t -ta .
caiioa nh her jaretu.
Mrt. Farnsan. "o fca teen TiKtirf
, ..
fcr Mr. J. M. Keauicr, Je.'t on
tbe Ut l-i morniBf for ber fcox tear
E. and Mrt. j. W. E'rk and fitLi'
Vit The Di. tody kT fe-f.jn. 'at..
Her. B ack taritf arpe-i a caJJ from
tbe BaptUt ebortb at tiat pkc.
Vr N. M. Efcftwood and oe. Berti
Prwyne. reteraed '. ' 1 wmmated at DfTlon and the fr.'"
atb vest at Mlto, Ca..I. Tbe'
topped orer in San Frenoaco pAnf and ; l'r nt to Portland a fatt a car
cnaisf. jcaa be had lor that parpote. A loot
Char'fEwd, cf PortUcd. a fmerilOO car will be needed, and it i poefi
Ia;i boy, who bat prut tb pt few j ble to r tot a few each day. Tbe
mosthw'i:h b!:er, Mr. Geo. Jbne-'jj at for 70,0 butbe't, averaging
tV UBf 're0d, l The price wa. 5 cent, on
ia The La.iet tin Motoay. . .. . , . ,
i boar i tbe car.. W. J. Loandacm made
froea r-t'em last c f U and ty tt ia tbe
iaterevt of the Art:tact, left tbi mora
tag for Goi4&ia, aad will frofaWr
retwraj tot&orrow. t peaklcz in tbe Huh
edU church Vjwjtt'jw n:g!it on temper-
frl:. .f-c. -nred.
Ohio, where tbe ba been tpending J The reg o ar price for grain there now ia
lac pat few month, f-h wa accom- ! from 29 to 41 cent. Lt Grande Cbron
zaaaiod by M.M fjesnit, of Coiambc, ' ;rv
iftio, who i a frod of Mr. Logan.!
Tbeiat'er mrt them in Portland, re-iT"
tom.r.g with them on tbe boat yefter -
Wen. Frciey, cf Fo;!, it in the cite.
M. M. Morrr;, of Tyb Va'ley it doing
txo net ia town t)3ay.
Fea SaUr left yet'erday
for Wamic,
here be wi'l (pend come time at borne, j
W. H. If. Dolor came up from Port
land Ian Lijrbt on Li way to hi Lome
at Da lor.
M. P. Itenberg, mayor of Belmont,
rime up on laet nigbt' train from Ifovd
K iter, (pending today in town.
Rod Cradiebaogb, who (pent tereral
ekt in the city, ba gone to tbeGreen
bora mining dittriet near Compter,
where be will pin bi father.
D. Keene, advance agent for Froh
Born' "Little Minltter" company, if in
tow a VAij making preparation for
their appearance here on the loth. The
tow a ha been billed today.
Mr. G. W. Metcalf. a titter of Prof.
K. K. Allard, who ba been teaching in J
yimw t iuiur uunnt un itinera,
came in from there yetterday and will
leave tonight for epokaoe. Prof. Allard
i again able to reaume hi dutie.
Mr. and Mr. M. 3. Anderton came in
from Dnfur and will tpnd a lew dar
bere. N doubt Mr. Anderton brotigbt
in. corry coino wun nim ana w.n carry
tm hi vac-ination work among the
Ppt.!i.t of The Dalle, and con.bin. J
a l. . - '
with the tor head they will alto have
ore arm.
Homer Angel came op from Portland
oo let night' train and will pend the
remainder of the week here. This beinc
examination werk at the tat univertity j Ind., hat been troubled with that ail
Homer foond that he would hava a few ment ince 18fi2. In speaking of it be
. TZ o . "r'"f ue,n,1T
uw nrxviiLeil cu HUH U 1 VltllUU. j
ne eame nn to vitit lor a few dar
witb relative here.
FrWj a Dalljr.
J. C. Ward i in from Kingtley today
on butinet.
Mr. and Mr. John Jenningt eame up
from Portland on I ant night' boat on
A Mother's Plain Words
"I suppose you will be astonished when I tell you that six year ago I was
in a most dangerous condition with bronchitis and lung trouble, because you
can see how well and stronz I am now. The attack at that time canted terrihla
pain in my chest and lungs. I could hardly move, and tostoop caused intense suf
fering, bomeone advised Ack- ... . . , . .
er Knglish Remedy, and I
thought I would try it, although
I confess that down in my heart
I had little faith in it. The
first bottle gave great relief,
and the second bottle made me
the healthy woman I am today.
My husband's rungs are weak
also, and he -ured himself with
the same grand old remedy.
Our boy and girl have both
been saved by it from death
by croup. I know this is so, for
' -when they were attacked in the
night I had a bottle in the clcsct,
and by acting quickly that fatal
malady was easi'y overcome.
We alway give it to th; children
when they havo a cough o-c Id.
and we would not be without it
for anything. My sister will
.11 '
ten you also, if you ask her. that
it is a medicine that can always
be depended upon for all the
troublesof the breathing organs.
1 tell all our neighbors almnt
i-VL. Ail u KemefV!r '"fenvcr I get a chance, and there are plenty of peo
Kni? Mnn,cv'lle. NY., where I live, who would no mori think ofgo
115 ? " n.,Kht w,tbo!,t f J-"!' f t in the house than they would of leaving
- ,t r.,r,T 5P??- A" I 'X'k at U- Pftrent8 re criminally responsible when
ro!!io7- rS ''.'u'." t0,.dle under their very eyes with c?oup. because here
ia a certain remedy that will conquer the terrible monster every time."
. . (Signed) Mas. Flovd Fowler.
Anker f Fnifll.h RtmMdr la sold bv all drafrrltta ander a Doaltlva .,.,.,.
Wnltad 8-aiM and Caoada. la Kagland, ia. tdM . jd., and U fcd.
r omOuxU 0 aimtffuannlte. W. U. HOOKER & CO., PreprUtort, A'ew lurk.
a 1 rr . . . .
KS1" " "J "'"""i
ti r r.r.J'! ram co froai Tift j
Usi on Uat t. . ixt-
v .
. . Ciu jr,., V.X.
cjwav ri"-
from Albany.
i-ort:n-3 aj-rsrra i a.. . .
j and tpem U-iy
: eiclj xire In. CO.. r P
iBf , Uat.
' ... -
j m;, Dwithit left thmnorainj for
' PbrtiacJtoteabaeBtef wekt. M;e
i Bertha Hiil LJ 1 rr potJtica in tte
1 WU A ' W.
U) fitT ut a:fbt on their -ay
; to Anieiope from Port -and. "here Mrt
' Boiton bai been ttcrMag medical treats
It C3t. tbi afternoon. Feb. 7th,
to Cap- and Mr. Cba. Alden, a ton.
Hbnl at !-
tear wheat deal wa recentiT con-
; a oo ur v xv a wg uw
: princ:pal teller bein W. T. Richard-
con, w fio had e-,CM)Jbnehe.'t of bi own
' grain in the lot. Tbi grain wa raieed
: within three mile of that city, and wa
' rA nnninillf wrmA nnalltT. whirh fart
fcxaaalaatloa for Flat Fapcra.
j Notice it hereby gien that tbe county
tuoerintendent of Watco county will
bold the regular examination of appli-
; rant for date paper at the court boue,
in The Dalle. Oregon, on February!.,
15, 16 and I", a follow :
Commencing Wednetday, Feb. 14, at
0 o'clock a. in., and continuing until
Saturday, Feb. 1", at 4 o'clock. "
Wednetday Penmanthip, hittory,
(pelling, algebra, reading, chool law.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of uaching, grammar, bookkeeping,
phyiic. civil government.
Friday Pbyiology, geography, men
tal arithmetic, competition, physal
Saturday Botany, plane geometry,
general hittory, Engliah literature,
C. L, Gilbert,
5-ti County Sop-rintendtnt.
Ihm MfMlarm Mother
II found that ber little one are im
proved mora by the pleaaaot Syrup of
Figf, when in need of the laxative effect
of a gentle remedy, than by any other.
Children enjoy ft and it benefit them.
. The trne reme(jr Sj.rop cf Fi,.t ie min.
, , ,. .. J ... v..
,mt,B7d ,he California F.g Syrup
Co. only.
A a core for rheumatism Chamber
lain's Pain Balm i gaining a wide repu
tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond,
"I new '"and anything that
would relieve me nntil I used Chamber
lain Pain Balm. It act like magic
with me. My foot was swollen and
paining me very unicli, hut one good
application of Pain fUlin relieved me.
For ta!e by Blakeley A llotiKh'on.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
1 ,
rjGi.Cl I. .3 1 n.uB3. w
I .
rb. S. Aeableditpatch.roiB
Spearman cat&p under today date
ayi: "Boer to .if bi poeition ; relief i
1aitm. FaK k Pn'Vr rabled Ihf
war offict that tbe approaimate BHlifblcontinoicr in their work of making
. ,v.n. pnti'a ' r.i lh. nrnnMl. i v. hr..)!!
Art, n t .mil TnMtii are-. Officer:
To kU:J end fsfteen voanded;
rommitcioned officer and men. 316
1 -. Th, officer. MM Johnton-mith and Liea-
tenant Sbafter, both of the Durham lijfbt
i infaniry. The officere oonded incia le
1 J .
Colonel Fiizerald, of the Durham light
infantry, and Colonel Montgomery, of 1
Cunningham, of tha RIfl brigade.
Losoos, Feb. 8 Pretomabl Boiler
i fighting again today, ia bi third at
tempt to relieve Ladyamitb. and new of
great importance may arrive atany time,
Yet here there 1 more doubt than ex-
oltation, for even if the recollection of
Bailer' two dieattrou .failure, after
uspicloo start, were keen in the mind
of tbe public, the list of casual tie pub
lished today would be a tufficient re
minder of the tremendous difficulties of
bi task.
The claim of other cough medicine to
be at good a Chamberlain' are effectu
ally set at reet in tbe following testi
monial of Mr. C. D. Glat, an employe
of Bartlett A Denni Co., Gardiner, Me.
tie eay : "I had kept adding to a cold
and coagb in tbe winter of 1S97, trying
every ccab medicine I beard of without
permanent help, until one day I was in
tbe drug (tore of Mr. Houlehan and he
advised me to try Chamberlain' Cough
Ketuedy and offered to pay back my
money if I was not cured. My lung and
bronchial tubes mere very sore at this
time, but I was completely cured by
tbi remedy, and have since alway
turned to it when 1 got a cold, and coon
find relief. I alto recommend it to my
friend and am glad to eay it is the best
ofall-cougb medicines." For sale by
Blakeley 4 Hoaghton.
fcravcalggert Kcrlka la bicnoi Ayrrt.
Buenos Aybeh, Feb. 8. The terrible
heat continues. There were 2G7 tun
strokes on Monday and 187 Tuesday.
The fatal cases show a diminution, but
numerous bodies are decomposing at tbe
cemetery, owing to the strike of the
gravediifgers for higher wages.
The following poetic effusion baa been
handed ui for publication. As it is not
of the "soaring" kind we give it spsce :
Titer taj tbe new aewers aro rolng to be made;
The old aewers hart too much of a grade.
The new ones will be made from eaat to west,
Ther claim thla nilem la alwuyi tha beat.
Tbe aeweia when made a 111 be all the atyle,
With a grade of a foot and a balf to the mile;
And If anythlL gets in aa big t.a your ahoe
IH got to Uy there If lt can't f t Ibroutb.
Tbe terracotta pipe, whether cbeup or dear,
Undoubtedly tniint be purchwed here;
Whether from Peters, or Maya & I rowe,
Vour correijiondent doca not know.
Tba money will be col'ectcd, but they don't
know wben.
And ther claim they'll employ a hundred men.
If aucb be the caae lt will keep 'em a running
To get the toola sharpened by our Councilman
Wben tbeae men want clothing they'll alwaya
Cbariey Stephens on Second street, bear this In
Wben the sewers are finished and we Hnd them
no good,
We tben can repair the old sewers with wood.
The money collected that the new aewers cost,
Being spent In this vita. It cannot tc 1 ft.
Koblird tha (Iravo.
A startling incident, of which Mr,,
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, la narrated by him as follows:
"I was in a most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Three physi
cians had given me np. Fortunately, a
triend advised 'Electric Bitters'; and to
my great joy and surprise, the firtt
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use for tbree weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they taved
my life, and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Only 60c, guaranteed, at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store.
Short Co and I Maatlng.
Wednesday's Daily.
The councilmen have commenced an
other terles of meeting, the second
taking place last evening, when, beside
Mayor Kuck, there were present Council
men Clongb, Gunning, Johnston, Wil
son, Stephen., Shackelford and Kelly.
At the last meeting the petition of
G. F. Guinther and other wa intro
duced, asking for a tidewalk on tha west
end of Nioth street. Latt night James
Leary and other property owner, on
that .treet entered a remonstrance
agaioit tbe tame. On motion of Kslly
it wa. referred to tha committee on
treet. and public property, which com
mittee decided not to take action nntil
the next regular meeting on th 3 J of
On motion of Johntton it wt. de-
t?rm:sd by tL coaccil that th city j
will hereafter pa.T EpreMCBrO th om ,
of M tot tu!im th chemical
oT n or steam engine to fire, end j
12.V) lor ttt boe cart
: l. . K nl tui
in whom wa. referred the puiioo of
. . . -
pointed a tpecial poHce, recoannecded
( ,h,t the petition be dttiied, wfclcn
rtMmmeJatk.n wa adopted.
j Ta tte niaiter of the petition from
r... Ender for the prxiotmeot
j W. O. Jobnttoa a a ponce,
committee acked for farther time. ;
! No particular pbae of the tewer ,
nnMtinn vii hmnvht nn. Ihi eommittff
! iV.r.K, It ... hnactn. decided that
af toon a the lack wa arcomplifhed an
expert wooid be employed to attend toi
tbe ciencal work.
Coaoeil adjoarned to meet on Sator
day evening.
aad Mti. K. C. P GIi a Ktrf
tlaa la Their w Bmi.
' The reception giren by Mr. and Mr.
e. C. Peate to almott a hundred of
their friend lact night wa perhaps tbe
mott brilliant affair of it kind ever
clTen in The Dalle. The handsome
( reijdence .bowed to the beat advantage
in its holiday attire, although no elabo
rate decorations bad been attempted,
tbe room, being ornament in them
selves. In the large reception ball
green and white predominated, and
patting into the parlor a yellow .hade
met the eye; in tbe titting room cerite
wa. most in evidence, while tbe dining
room gave forth lavender and pink
.bade.. From the chandelier to tbe
corner, of tbe latter room .milax was
festooned, and the tables were beautiful
in tbeir arrangement. Many of the
costumes of tbe ladies were also very
handsome, addiDg much to the brilliancy
of the scene.
At tbe door tie guests were met by
Misses Clara Davis and Grace Hobeon,
while on the upper floor Misses Alma
Schmidt and Georgia Sampson assisted
in receiving. As they entered the par
lors they were met by tbe host and host
ess, whose cordial greeting gave as
surance of the hospitality wtiich was so
prominent throughout the entire even
ing. Souvenir cards containing many of our
national acd popular air. had been
given each guest, and during the etrly
part of the evening all joined In singing.
A very choice mnsical program was aleo
In tbe large attic, which has been ar
ranged purposely for such occasions,
were tables of "crokonole," and "pillow
dex" was also a favorite amneement.
While much time was spent at these
amusements, each room ws. converted
into a scene of gaiety.
No more charming scene could be
imagined than the gue.t. beheld a. they
entered tbe dining room, and .at down
to a spread in keeping with the sur
rounding.. Those who assisted in
serving were Mesdames H. Gibbons, O.
W. Morgan, M. Bayley, F. Bayley, C.
Cooper, Emma Thompson.
The entire evening was perfect, and
those who enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Pease
bospitAlity, could but congratulate
tbem on the beauty of their new home
and their desire to bays their friends
enjoy it witb them.
A Coavlnciag Answer.
"I hobbled into Mr. Blsckmon's drug
.tore one evening," .ay. Wesley Nelson,
of Hamilton, Ga., "and he aeked roe to
try Chamberlain'. Pain Balm for rheu
matism with which I had suffered for a
long time. I told him I had no faith in
any medicine as they all failed. He
said: 'Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm
tfoes not help yon, you need not pay for
it.' I took a bottle of it home and nsed
It according to direction, and in on
week I was cured, and have not sines
been troubled with rheumatism." Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton.
Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat
ment by Lly's Cream Balm, which is agree
ably aro runt ic. . It is received through tha
nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur
face over which it difTnses itself. Druggists
sell the 60c. sizo ; Trial size by mail, 10
cents. Test it and you are sure to continue
the treatment.
To acconinxxlute those who are partial
to tbo use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for ttitarrhal troft
I'Ui, the proprietor prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form, which will be known a Ely'
Liquid Cream Balm. Trice incltidinff tbe
spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail. The liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of (he (olid preparation.
Saab la tosr cbmSs.
All count warrants registered prior
to June 3, 1890, will he paid at my
office. Interest ceases after February. 2.
M0. C. L. Phillip.,
Count Treasnrer.
"I had dyspepsia for year. No medi
cine was to effective a Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. It gave Immediate relief. Two
bottle performed marvelous result.,"
write L. II. Warren, Albany, Wi.. It
digest what you eat and cannot fail to
John Dirr, Poseyville, Ind., say, "I
never nsed anything so good a One
Minute Cough Care. We are never
without it." Quickly break up cough,
and cold. Core, all throat and lung
troubles. It. ne will prevent consump.
Hon. rieasant to take.
BatMll t
8Msrl-c Mill.
I tat Is
j Among tie niiny
ool lorer who
Sisit oor city, n--.ce it
belter nor tuor
- , t Rw'l
hi faith in Tie Dl!e and iti fatnre.
and near emphasizee that belief by a
proportion hich he oiaJe to the maoa
factoriee committee of tb c'.ob last
Like all thoae who hare given the
qaeellon thoogut, Mr. Bnaaell realize
that, titaated a it it in tbe tery center
'of a wool jrowiDj aection, it ia theer
7 ,u w .u
it hoold without ome mean are need
t0 tottT lhtt 'nlotry
He therefore
i come to a wun a propomion wu:to
itb a
teem, to be a most feasible one,
and which we trust will receive more
consideration than bave like induce
ments along tbat line.
His idea i. to organize a jjint .tcck
company, with a capital stock of 40,
000, and erect a scouring mill in this
city; bonds fur the full amount io be
issued. Should our people tee tit to
take f25,000 worth of tix per cent bonds,
be will take tbe remaining $15,000.
The proil'ion wa. preeented to tbe
roanofaetoii-t committee, and will to
night be submitted to the board of
director, of tiie club. Should tbey see
fit to take tbe matter in band, Mr.
Russell detires to put the plant in this
While tbe plan teem, ti be an excel
lent one, at the tame time it should be
considered in connection with a woolen
mill, for in otber place., taken separate
ly, a scouring mill ha not proven of to
great advantage. Some time since the
Chronicle tpoke of an offer being made
the city to move a first-claes woolen
mill here. So far a we can learn no
word ha. since been heard from tbe
parties concerned; but if arrangement.
coold be made to bave tbe mill in con
nection with the scoaring mill, The
Dalle would be making tbe very move
wbich should bave been inaugurated
long since. It is, however, no doubt the
intention of Mr. KaeeeJI to put a woolen
mill in later.
Will the proposition be parsed over
like dozens of others and lay moulder
ing on the tbelf? We trust not.
Proposals for Kefaadloa; Water Boada,
Dallea City Ortgnn.
Sealed proposals will be received by
the board of water commissioner of
Dalles City, Oregon, at (aid citv until
8:30 o'clock p. m. of tbe 26 day of Feb.,
1900, for twenty-five thousand dollars;
and twenty thousand dollar, of refund
ing water bonds of said city, (as it is not
settled as to whether the total amount
of bonds will be f 25 000 or $20,000) au
thority is extended to tbe said board to
issue refunding water bonds in tbe sum
of $25,000, but if found not to be neces
sary, the issue will be for no more than
$20,000; and at a rate of interest not ex
ceeding four per cent per annum pav
able twenty years from date of issue,
interest payable semi-annually, princi
pal and intereet pavable in gold coin of
the United States, at any -city therein,
at the option of (be buyer.
The bonds mentioned will be issued
under tbe provisions of the several leg
islalive acts of the state of Oregon, ap
proved Feb. 26, 1835, Feb. 19, 18s9, and
Feb. 14, 1895, and in pursuance of an or
dinance adopted by the common council
of Dalles City, approved January 25,
1900. The proposed refunding water
bond, are intended for tl-.e redemption
of outstanding water bonds io the smii
of $25,000 ; but in case tbe board of water
commissioners prefer, it will iscoe re
funding bond for $20,000 only, therefore
bidders may make proposal, for both
$25,0C0and $20,000, and in the denomi
nation of $500 each.
No bid will be entertained for a rate
less thai, par value of the bonds. Prem
iums and rate of intereet will be taken
into consideration ia passing on tbe
value of all bids.
Bidders mnst deposit with the presi-'
dent of the board a duly certified check
on some responsible bank equal to 2 per
cent of the arrount of bonds bid for, or
accompany his bid with cash of such
amount as will equal such per cent of
bis bid, and such certified check made
payable to the president of the board of
water commissioners of Dalles City, Or.,
a. liquidated damages in case tbe bidder
shall fail or neglect to receive and pay
for; at the office of the citv treasurer nf
said r'ty, the bond, awarded to him on
hi. b:d, on or before the first day of
March, 1900..
Attention should be given the fact
that the board will not issue and dispose
of more than $20,000 of such refunding
bonds, unless it .hall he deemed nece.
sary to do so, but otherwise, if tin board
shall find that it i. necessary to issue
bond, in the sum of $25,000, it will then
offer and issue the full sum, ($25,000).
The right to reject any and all bid. I
reserved by tbe said board of water
Bid should be addressed to the presi
dent of .aid board, or to the city record
er. Dalle. City Wasco connty, Oregon,
and noted "Proposal, for refunding
water bond.."
By order of th Board of Water Com
mission, by and with the consent of the
Common Council. Thi 25th dy of
January, 1900.
r , T. J. SxuritRT,
I U S.J President of Board.
Attest : Ned H. Gates,
Recorder of Dalle City.
Ruraka Harnea Oil I the beat
pr-arvailT or now Imtlirr
mi ma neat renovator of old
leather. It oils, soften, black
uaand protect. Uaa
on yonr h-at kirnm, jmar old bar-
.mi ,.,ur nrrlMMon ind lhr
will not only look iN-ltrr bul mr
mnnr. r,iu rv.rywrr In rano-.ll
etaea from half pints to nvr mluiia.
Haas k, sTiintaa eu !.
HiLfolJ Uo'iiMo
thll llAI I IS.
It-tip. sa
Salt Lakr, Denver. Fit Fan
woru. vniaba, aLan-
City. . Louis,; 6i ,
Cbieago and at j
BTtokan Walla walla. Ppokane,'
r'lyer I Hiumwoui. pL Paol.i TltrnT
7:Cjp.aa- iullb, Milvankee.' ji.
taicaca ana ruut. I
Oceao Steamship.
For Sao Franeikeo
, December S, S, 11. 18,21
aud -K.
P- ! p. m.
Ex-banday Columbia Bv. Steam era. Ex.aaiidtf
To Abtobia aad Way
Saturday j Landing.
W p. m. j
(LB. ! WiXJaAWSTTB fttVBB. 4:30 p. BV.
Ex.bunday Oresroo CitT. Kewberg, Ex.eatMUi
boiem A Way Land a. j
1 1
a. m, WujjMrrTE isdTm-I I 30 n. a.
Tuea.Tbtir.l bill Kivaas. aton..We
audtsat. 'Orewon City, baytoa,, and Fn.
I and Way-Landing.
(a.m. I Wiixiaarr Kivsa. 4:90 p. bl
Tue..Tbur, Portland to l orvallis,, Mon. Wed
and Sat. and Way-Landing. and Friday
Ska EE Bivxb. Llir
Lv RlpariaJ Riparia to Iwlston. Lawino
daily daily
1:U(.D. 8:300.0.
Parties deainnartotra to Henpner should
late no. 4, tearing I ne Dane at . :o p. a
making dlrert connections at Heppner junction
Returning makiugdirectoniinertton at Henpocr
JuneUon althKo. 1, arriving at The V--a.
2:56 V D.
No. 11. through! freight, east bound, does got
carry paitscnfera;' arrivea 2:60 a. m., departs
3:50a. in.
No U, local freight, carries paasengera, eut
bound; arrives 4:3U p. m., depart 8:15 p. in.
No. 21, went bound through freight, does not
carry tiaasengera; arrive :15 p in., depart!
::) p. m.
No. a, west bound local freight, csrrii-s pat
seugers; arrivea 5:15 p. m., depart 8: JO a. in.
For full particulars call nn O. R. k X. t'o.'i
jtgent Tbe Dalle, or add ret
On Paa. Aft., Cortland, Or,
. aid Embalmer.
Rooms on Third Street,
One Block Back
French & Co.'s Bank.
iw 33s onv awoo
Trie coiumtiia Packing C3.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of VV BRAND