THZ DALLES VTZTZXT CHRONICLE, TTZPyiSDAT. FEBRUARY 7. 1SQ3. rtvrif -- avar. fa-s'.ti-tje'' I tr.a ".tiCI-a U-j. t. X'. . I: liuua vax cr; tii 1inuw K c X. A. I ur i a t 3 -.v if vt u. au vi j t -w .4 nr .. r"f . fiat t-rt, tut :'.Jil8 ll vji" -.rut i'ar tar-m-- uttf evtima i Jf-. rtt KktiiCtr if t iron, rwml t Xm Lt'V XJk n. - Itr. 1 .A t'T ' F. I a BULLES STILL SOUTH OF irGELA r. Ft! IlLf iLTI II IHL'I ITU E3! SlEliOI In Ti Ju.n.' inf jr-ia-au. U; W ot eTed a: -.1 raj"! Cunj'nrt. it, r i - .n n-t-tiW IWIiifrlI H tit t a bmi.ctj it tv a- lb.1iLt.U- i. a f t r- ' iir-n;Viiiiu a. -!- T.t!-r ' FORCES ARE WEAR ING LADYSMITH rtnit. M M Jo L'f i. '-i l-if w JiC fmi S-jt Ln iCwitr, v- 1 i. titnt Ct; rrt,f TLr. j4 J f Mttrti! r- tvi ---.iie, tii twit J m I i.uu i it it c K't y--": it Cu oe ; 4 : Tijh-Jl K .;.jrf J-H t ?W-- j fcl-rtrti tn. X J-Jf htrtiMit VI t-. t. Hrt. is.tx turn ssjrxXnf tirt- aMt-f-t fcl ti.ti i iv ltl. . Id t-t A- iC 1 ju, Vi - ; r !'- i(fr M-v-t tc I-. f '-1t, i; I.T.lrx."liltT'l. ;a -.Art tt t.ji i n. tl - - T. r.- , : i . -t.itin )tiiT' m t-.t- Vtit i.f'jc-'jfi Frwet rrt Irws as ! fitJ tyjort lxt .'jKi".cvfc! n cjtf nij ti'j t-M twrs fw!r4 7 f 'IT t&t Lirijtii. Ox ti ewttrtrr, ceariltj ti irti.l VjvsumX, tir it rrj U, tiki ttlift r ?"-rt 4 li. if .!.'-.: '-d- nj rufjj i .- n:na -fit lint i! c.r v- IjJ X tumr'-i. ill 113' ma irmjrr. a.-i.t i iru.iei a lirfa' niata ftriiiw tr t:? .rr ri t'.J.cii'. f ijrot- IB iTi3 knit s it- yt-fcj f :fa ifclir 3i4 ni3Li-t tbdf.t', t trtEti I 'J L-f ctix ja jnic tt etiL.".f t. i nit o iii t-5jrt TI iriud U- tot Ktiruui Lucrt U.d DM J c. rtfLittoit ca iur u3 b:?t la cjt-f-ffc'- jrtr ti Utr uutt. Tt Ej--a.5t kvi n5 -renJ brrf is pjui 'it.iLi.iff Uaa cu t - t-I tlittri t::k rrd sxd ia Tcsxt ort-Variltijf ia ti i'i.icrt trod, Ler iir esiuf.e C-j rf.:t, ai ia ft ia rfcrj jof ireCjDtt ti.X are erre to lu.d li r-itf cti tt nxiocf e.t ia a lt- jean mi'.- ti Ut ax i WsL are pet oa ia.allitt'r. TLere j- if s & ia lt-tii ti grvcp hen J ;fa becaaae tbere are docbc' ( WLi etreraJ ti tL-ria ia b.a. Tbt-r ia ytatri froa Jl ta 14. Tiy are ta 0r t j aa4 are aonitiiaet okra ! . . - i- - v;!, ;;;-.. i 1- The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, jVIajestie Ti-r carry mt-Vditm aaj frecraekert , V . ati4 oiT at roue tia-e or tLer be tt ; t irkrs;tjejtafrosl.aTfntitli;lM!4M mt tie r dfpart-j j litre, it i et.rn,if4 tLfct -a jratieej -1 !atir or tn-Aber aba knoai , m.y 1t Ua r' latere tit or Ler boy cf 11 to 14 yean p U.vrr a tti Lt ja4 rfcartd ti , 5, jj, t?imre fcr,, wbo sft0rt the j Irvtt- Ti 9t cSt UMit p.,, t if with aod the practktl tf r;Tt-a m c.rnct'a oJ ti re- j jB!ja-;l, aill LTe.n.och Jeea eaoae to j jiwt liat tat rwrcieid tie Tcfela I tk ..jjj, . t;rl( j, fntore Teirf 'Where j rTr bat ImtA Ut tLttt turn n.t be- Are ilADE TO LAST A LIFETDIE, ard are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. FJeaember that we are selling the same from $45.00 to $60.00 . i a faring to our customers of from $15 to $25 charged by feJJUrs for inferior raDges. .. .;te for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence." JWflYS & CH0UIE. ' Jfl'TtTli" -j. -Miyf "fTartl,Mil aatfWaJifaTaaaJTta aT" atjtJflXaajj It ;;irftit tia'.wai Unecdoi im- ; m.f .t u ae!! to remark ttt tbera If it My Waoderiof Boy Ton:gbt? j-j (,'.f tviT tv ;wt! ii ett- j tr. . tt -r t.4 trr j tx t r st a. fJKrr.'.. t. i 1'. t.lift t:i U. t-J trm,l tvtr t ..t ii .; vs, ; M j ;a ts ts-i fjtft. trvsu f- j av U irtw: tin Mfj.: . L1.I.T. It'.v. JAf K. it.--r xi ri.f jr. are f-rct4:ef on ti Toe:. b4 it if lioof !t tbat eitber tb deaial tt vrirwyUd by a 6r're t ktp tbe ( ui:Ii;ary awttaxiU a Mcret at (ioefibU ,' eii iii tocM-tbicf if acecitcplitbJ, or tbat , Ei.ltr it kwjt j tbe bon,e oCoe in tbe iark itditii rui.f. It i ctTtat'y ta'remely Jiffjto't to ex'.ract tte troth Inta tbe efltflictinj t'.atiJijft rtgardicj EoiJtr'f rrire Uin.Kr, brat tiirrt-t tf tbe onnxetsUtorf aotbisj taid bere iu relatioe to keepicg track bf tbe bort that wiU not !to ap- j t!y to tbe firii." A WARM SYSTEM. 8aea l tb sw Fir Alarat BkciU; fat la la Th Dalle. Tbe Cre Ijot evidentiy tbonbt tbey ere ia tor a genuine fire a warm a.'ett.t tbe girt of tl.e iteiL tenJ to ; number tbif moroict;, for an alarm oo itfjufirm tbe be'ief tbat luovemtDtt of iu- i tnch a bre-zr day caacea ad-Jed terror at pvrtact are m projrrete. It i troe tbe foocd of tbe bell. Keaching tbe 'Kit Nta Vvfk t p'aiaH t.,e ftatfcp ' eorrt-fpoodeou at EaHer'f beadoarteri , tnz ne boae, however, tbey found it .jv -7 m,vt, , j fT; pa a pjy it it not ai-jeoorey tbe lajprewion tbat hit main j waa bol anotber teet of the new fystero, rtnrAjT 'i T tf-at it taeefa:-:a- I l'rc it ti:i ivotith of tb itia j p. Je S. Olner, manager of tbe board a aa tA - a rv vt 1-iam, wit. U rt), Lvtrtw, u wittt a d'xjtt , are a etciKwj, t tt tt i i.t ,t (.- ta,ti, - Wiai.ltr, arta tt tary it., r fM4 v;ty I'vrfv.. Jt tbat taa bo aeot;J tbii M a-X .. y tiat iJ.rry r4ra 1 .rf;l p y tTa b b'a tbat irit tr. tXaar,. pe t'i aiL iU 1m ' B- TL'f u '. . ... . . . .. . . . . mts i ai rwl tt. ts.k r, n'1-r ll fc. rtt a,i fi-t-.Vt tare jyeat i tow ffS osafriai eoi4 b tbratbed yf.woiy. .... . ! iw ; .j.,. j,. , f.r. li.m awtinJt if . K. .... i i ia fct pebf, itt ebaractert to tbf it.o bate rad V.t Uxk are faoiiiiar fcootb of tbe Tagtia.bat ltn p. De g. Olney, manager of tbe 11 xwpti'yo abkb pron eaa:!y coooriTaWe tbat tbe d:patcbee i of file onderwritert, being in tbe city to Feb. 5. A rpecii! diepatcb from Larban dated today tart: "Tbere ia uo definite neat from Bailer, bat it it rcfiorte tbere wat heavy fibt Si. y HL't it 0aa Inm hi.wutm ' v btae. ( ffvxi tte rt; i'n Kfitf cany aitb iitf'i 0aa a Ln(. twjftr ; tbetu tbe prttit.M of tbe theme, Kar fa l-a4 ; ':i.t tfai. jf(g i.i, JacaiBg !o the t:!i,. K. Marti.", of Uaatiiia'f ' Ttr are ut ttai. f etMrntial tt ha SaaXig x avta, i fivaa frva tAjt-1 U(JCj Uj p, "teart iotertf ( b"Jt tbe uArtrj Saagbter, and rognith Sr JJ. i w. a im fcyr fnj are ao arinning, tbat averc... ' j ;l at tsiw eoatitteney i ttrained it it -'- t. jf-xjirea. J. M. Barrie abo hat inale t f, M m t(,e t u y.fU7 !sr- I u'ion of "The Utile Min.t ryfj vtA tt., '.r iA tbe ! r" ff'i hi fauna novel of that nttue j bat t rn nt, it ia taid, one of the pret- .. f!,,ti. mis I t ms ; l-t pi7 ever n. ctrrtairjjy no play p-wUt.t O: Uu ( err t br ; pro4 in toaoy year ha achieved Jrt":1 ; tU a vcdrJoJ eaeeete thil one ba. We Jy llff, ard a;, i tvr arrer-; . . , , ,. al motiV.t. -oi! er of the rir)arkabie teccete of tf.. ti' i. j s ; p'aya ia yw Vork and other large ci'.ie Mr, w. Ird, abi a .b -r tv-r .... , tar'l. h n6t the (.( fw a-.tU at 41 t'""'"l enirigew-ent harta Barbara, (.! !., rfr-l t-vv j thty pay, and d'i'jbt t em, hot all that fcnrfUy i,ght, Mr. iyd asuyejLat a!d ri-gfd:i;g "Tbe J.iltlc .I'"''' U,i6 5"' it tine. I t ron in Sew rk with i iijtw ia fort; a 4. M(f Mrr.e r-,;t. ab ba Mr. and Mr. I'.. B. ,fi'.t and Jf. J. f-ioii'tt it t f'ortlanfoq tbe fsr- Throat Troubles MBrdwll, Kf., wliere I live, U In tl trenti) wu-rn part of the Kut and only .L. f-w iill- frim 'ir', I I j 111., whirre the Ol.ic I II fv&X etiiptU- into tlm Mi l ,i,l I'.ix-r. It may lV Jj betlialth-oaltrMjl,l 1; ."CSf re uitnrnon here ! ft X raime of l'a ff) !'", hut. fj 'V ahatever th I iw i" tauum, 1 find 3 It l to con tauiij in-pi n p ply ol A' Wi-r Knit- ,IUh Idlnriljr ... t ' r- .i I I tlun on hand. 11 ii i Tr5! It U the bl V II r thing I evrr came atTfM for coiikIi, r'bln and throat trotililca, and I hav iim-4 it In my fuiiiily for yrara. No lruri(it h'-r ran t d-M-nii d iixn to have It alwnyt, o I atti writitiK thta l-tti-r to W. II. llH,kT '., !) llroadway, N. Y., to rdi-r duzffi hottlit at a time. My wife it IxrtlK-ml luU ljr with Hire throat and illtlW-iilt lireathlnv, hut Jut at axon aa the dozrn hot tlia ( tnTr, will give hi-r fiiw duM, and aha will ci ruilnljf he well again. I eiprrt to write another Vtt r In a thort time xaylng my wlfn laciirrd, for I fi-rl aUolnti-ly ture It la what aha ni-d." (Signed) T. A. Wiiitc. Hold tTr.,W)c. and l alxittlo, throughout tha I'nili-d HinKt aul t'MiiMila : and In Kng land, at In. 'Jil , 'Jh. ;tl., 4n. IMl. If you are not aalirflfd after huyltig, niurn tin- hottla tc jrour ilruirKixt, aul gi t your uir,rn y l.u k. 1( nnttSitrtt lUt at trATntre. W. Jl. llOOh IK CO., iTiiyrltLj,!, , IV. H'K HjII.K HV Blakeley & Houghton. J York o 3X) trl'irniaricr and everyone will aodi,ir that taxtd the theater it a feat tbat would lie bard to duplicate, fcinr.e it baa been eeo out of that city it bat done a remarkable butineet. Krery ahere the tame atory it toid, "every teat o!d" before the company arrive. It will be teen in thit city at tbe V'ogt on the Kith. tlr Xm VaUr. Under the provision of the regittra tlon law all pertont when regidering are required to fnruUh to the' rrgitter Ing officer the following Information : If naturalised, the time, place, anl court of naturalisation. In thit con j Bfction, It it nrt-etaary to produce nataralization papert, or declaration of Intention. Kealdence mutt ba tpecifir; giving precinct, tectlon, itownthip and range; if within town or city, the it reef, No. if any, and No. ol lot and block ; if in any building wheia room are numbered, the number of the room and floor matt be given. In order to avoid nnnrcemary delay and Inconvenience, every perion iletlr Ing to regiater thould be prepared to furnith the atwva information. Faciiitiet will be fnrnlrhed in eyery precinct In the county by either Jottlre of the I'eic or Notary l'uhllc. A, M. Kki.atr, decl-.'Wdyt Connty Clerk. F. 11. Thlrkield, health inapeetor of Chicago, tayt, "Kodol Dytpeptla Care cannot tie recommended too highly. It cured me of aevere dyrpeptia." It di geta what you pat and cure Indigeation and heartburn, and all form of dyt-pemia. A. Irvlae Dead. j Atisisr, Or., Feb. 4 Hon. Iiobert A. j Irvine, one of Linn ronnty't mot: prom inent pioneer, uieq ui'ieniy mil morning at 6 o'clock, fiom a paralytic ttroke, at the age of 75 year. He wat born in Kentucky, moving from there to Mitaotiri when a yooug man, and thence to Oregon in 1802, locating iu Lion coauty, ahee be reeided on a farm near Lebanon until eeveral rearl ago, when he moved to Albany. He wtt prominent in politic at a Democrat, wat l erifT of Lino county two term, and ttate eenator for one term. Eor many year be wat martbal at the ttate fair. He played a leading part in the develop ment of the coanly. He wat a leader in the ettablitfi inent of the Patrons of Hotbsndry- in thit connty. The de ceased left a wife, two font, J. H. Irvine and Dr. F. L. Irvine, and three daughter, Mre. A. B. filauton, of Wash ington, D. C. ; Mra E. L. Thompson, of Portland, and Mra. L. Bilyeu,of Eugene. Ihat.Tbrobblac Htadacha Would qu ckly leave you, if you used Dr. King'a New Life Pilla. Thousand of loflVrert have proved their matchlee merit fjr 8ick and Nervout Headacbet. They make pure blood and strong nerve and build np your health. Eaay to take. Try them. Only 25 centt. Money back If not cured, gold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggiitt. 1 Plre Alarm Maw Complete. The Are alarm tyttetn now flnithed leitent tbe danger of teriont ft ret but tbe Law Union A Crown Int. Co. pro tect you' propei tr from loteet by firet. Before renewing or taking cu' Inanrance have the agent call and explain a Win make tbe tett preparatory to making tbe ten pc-r cent redaction in the in turance. Mr. O'ney eztmined every feature of tbe new eyttem thorougblv, and ex pressed bimeeif at greatly pleased with it in every particular. He tayt Tbe Dalle hat now a better tyatem and better boxes than hat Portland. He wat also pleated with tbe new book and ladder outfit and the chemical engine, tbe latter not being among tbe provisos neceeeary to the reduction Anotber thing which assured tbat gentleman tbat tbe companiet would lose nothing at the bands of tbe Dalle fire department, wat tbe prompt man ner in wbicb they responded this morn ing, and tbe large number which turned out to give assistance. Tbe Ciibo.v- iclk just bere desires to inform all un derwriters and others concerned, that Tbe Dalles 6re department can't be beat, and their equal ia hard to find. Too much cannot be taid in their favor nor regarding the noble work they have done in the past. Tbey may ask acy who have knowledge of their record and the tame opinion will be torthcoming. So far aa known now it will not be necessary to give any farther alarms in testing the tyttetn, to that any fature alarm may be known to be genuine, excepting the three tap whicb will be given each day at noon in order to de termine whether the system it Id work ing order. Chief Laaer hat turned over the thirty five keys to the boxes which will be well distributed, and we would advise all to preserve the cardt containing the nam ber of the boxes, which were recently given out by Pease and Mays, tbat they mty be nted for reference. Tbey are as follows : Two lapt followed by seven in succession ;is the general alarm at I he engini home; two with tix succeeding, In the vicinity of third and Lincoln; two-five, Umatilla House dletrlct; twe fou', Sccoad and Washington ; one-nx. SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. W Q W W m Q w w w A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Reed Wheat. Seed Otts, Seed Rye, freed Barley, freed Buckwheat, Jeed Corn King Pbiiip Corn, fr towel i's Evergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn. Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn, Wbite Hominy Corn. Early Rose Potatoes, Barbae k Potatoes, Spring Vetches, Brome Gratw, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Bee Sa(.pKe. A magnificent etork of Staple and Faccv Groceries, ail of which will be sold at close prices for CASH at the Feed, freed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS. w a Ul m Ul H H d Ul SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. Arthnr Henfert, resident agent, j RvC?n !.,n ,l L,uhlin. one-See, Second Phone 141. j Maditon; one-four, See ood and lay lor, WHERE ARE THEY? A Nam her r the Wandering Mey Are imtarbluf Oar t'harehe. Were a few of the parents in The Dalits to ting "Where It My Wandering Boy Tonight" with the "spirit and the and cough in the winter nf 17 i,.t.. least, every couih medicine I heard of itt.n The claim of other cough medicinm to be at good as Chamberlain' are effectu ally set at rest in the folloainr test), monlal of Mr. 0. D. Glass, an employe of Btrtlett A Dennis Co., Gardiner, Me. ue tayt: "1 had kept adding to a cold T Impulse & 4 Wheels MASCFACTCBED BT and Mot'S AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars snd particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, THE DALLES, OREGON C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors apd Cigars. Agency for the Create American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. HI8Et Jlrorn ' YzifVto KfoO per galionr'(Tl3TJyeai;s"ord.T"' " IMPORTED COGNAO from $7.00 to 12.00 pergal)on.(irto20 years old.' ' 0ALir0S5IA BBAHDIE8 from 3.25 to (6.00 per gaTfo"n774 to i llTears'oluV ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. OLYMPIA BEEB on draught, Imported Alo and Porter. and Val Blats and Olympia Beer in bottle JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. understanding," the churches at would not be disturbed In their worship as hat been the case for the past few Sunday evening when a gang of hood lums gather in front of the Lutheran an 1 Baptist churches and with shooting, etc., raised such a disturbance that was Impossible to hear but a ttnall por tion of the service. The following article, written by a "lljttander" in the Salem Statesman touching on this very quettion, is right to the point : Where Is My Wandering Hoy To ! Blakeley A Houghton permanent help, nntil one dav I wat in tbe drug ttore of Mr. Houlehan and he advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and offered to pay back my money if I wat not cared. My lungs ant? bronchial tubes were very tore at thit time, but I wat completely cured by this remedy, and have since always turned to It when 1 got cold, and toon find relief. I also recommend it to my friends and am glad to say it it the best of all cough medicines." For . t.. C. C. COOPER, MXn l FACT l' HER Of High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. DgAI.gR IX Tents, Wagon Covers, snd all articles usually kept In a Oral-class harness shop. aVVwreho,,... THE DALLES, OREGON. This Stamp a Guarantee MAKER 3. 'ALUS. of Quality. ' Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle