THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1B00. The Weekly Ghronlele. THI MIJiHi OFFICIAL PA PEE OF WASCO COUNT. Pnblithed in two parti, un Wtdne$day and Saturday. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. t iu-, rosTAGi rurAio, ix adtahcb. One year 11 SO Si muut'in TC Tiri uiuuLhs 60 Advertlnlna r"un reasonable, and made known on application. A.iart-M aU communications to"TIIF CHEON- ICLt. Tae Kallea, Oregon. LOCAL BREVITIES. Saturday a Daily. Anton Novatny, a nntive of Austria, was today admitted as a citizen of the United States. This morning Dr. Esbelman was called to Dafar to attend Prof. R. K. Allard, principal of the school there, who has been very ill for the past few days. The doctor returned this afternoon and re ports Mr. Allard improving. ' Rev. D. V.1" Poling has consented to deliver a lecture before the Students' Literary Debating Society next Friday evening. The subject has not as yt been announced. It is - probable the First Baptist church will be secured for this occasion. : . '. Apples area luxury these days; but there's nothing too good for the Chron icle force, and, thanks to our friend C. L. Phillips, wear now feasting on the best of that fruit the market affords. Mrs. Phillips is away and Charlie knows how to stand in with the compositors. This afternoon in Juetiee Bayard's court the trial of C. E. Obrist. charged with the larceny of a saddle, came np, Dufur and Menefee appearing for the defendant. At the time of going to press no decision had been arrived at, but the case has been creating quite a sensation. While in the East recently W. F. Mc Gregor saw Colombia river salmon in halfs and pound flats and also in ovals. The latter cost the wholesaler 21 cents a can, or flO.OS per case, and the one pound flits fl. SO a dozen. The brands seen were from the Cutting Packing Co. and were first-class goods. Astoria News. It will be unwelcome news to the traveling public to learn that the Pull man car company has reduced the pay of colored porters. The graft on tips in the past has been almost beyond endur ance, and surely now the traveler who fails to meet the requirements of the black shadow who continually taunts him, will be simply ignored. - The VV. C. T. U. renews its -work in this city with fifty members, who met at the MethodiBt church Thursday after noon and elected the following officers : President, Mrs. Mattie Barnett; secre tary, Mrs. May Hashing ; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Mary Campbell; treas urer, Mrs. M. J. Willerton. On Tuesday evening a reception will be given the members in the Christian church. The ladies are enthusiastic, and determined to do good work In The Dalles. It Is hoped they will see fit to take up the reading room plan, as suggested by the Chronicle recently. " The greatest danger from colds and la grippe is their resulting In pneu monia. If reasonable care is used, how ever, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. It will cure a cold or an attack of la grippe in lees time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Blakeley A Houghton. Three weeks ago there were thirty five cases of the unnamed disease in Mora now there are but five; thanks to the board of health, which in spite of all obstacles, have unremittingly toiled to stamp out the disease. The highest number of cares at any one time was fifty-eight. No deaths have occurred from it. 'We cannoPblame our sister city for its alarm at the situation, but it deems safe enough now to raise the embargo against Moro. Observer. Mr. Max Sblllock, who lias long been connected with the Portland Ttlezram and who earned the reputation of being one of the ablest writers on the staff of that paper, is to be hereafter, or for time at least, located at Sumpter and Granite. Mr. Shlllock carries with him credentials appointing him ' as "corre spondent ior the Telegram,. Spokane Review ami Associated Press and we may now expect reliable reports from the mining sections which ha will have occasion to investigate. In the past (here have been too many "boom" or "paid-fur" articles finding their way in to print and a line will now be drawn that will be of benefit. The case of Allen Edwards, who was arrested for forgery Thursday evening, came up for hearing in Justice Bayard's court this morning. The charge had been reduced to larceny, and Edwards ' given thirty Java In the county jail. The young man, it seems, has been on a protracted spree since Christmas and 'rom all accounts up till this time has borne a good reputation. Edwards got olT easy, and should not only thank his lucky start, but learn a lasting lesson thereby. Yesterday In DalBta, at 10:18 o'clock, William Magers was hang foi the mur der of Ry sink, which crime took place on September 13, 1H9B, near Salem. Bi" was a well-to-do farmer of Wasco, and Magers murdered Lira for h.'s money. Alter weighting toe body o his victim he threw it into the Willam ette river near Salem, on the Polk county side. After the commissioD of the crime Magers spent the money he bad secured as a result of his cold blooded criu.e in taking girls for buggy rides and living riotously until arrested. As is usual, about 200 people witnessed the hanging. The victim displayed much nerve, and on the scaffold protested his innocence. In the moot houae of representatives, which session was held by the Student Literary Debating club last night, memorial was presented against any law which ruay be introduced favoring the leasing of public lands. Hugh Gour jay fathered the memorial, and was ably assisted by a portion of the repiesenta tives, while others argued strongly against it. The discussion was warm and to the point. A vote being taken, however, the question was decided by a vote of 8 to 5 agaiast the leasing prop osition. ' If there's one thing above another which thoroughly delights the small boy, it is to get bold of an air gun, and 'tis not to be wondered at, for most of the older boys like the same kind of amuse ment on a larger scale. However, there is also much danger in these toys, and the boys should be taught to be very cautious. This morning on First street a boy was standing on the railroad track and ' shooting promiscuously Into a crowd of boys on the side walk, regard less of results. But a few days since a physician in the city was called to ex tract ono of the ' miniature shot from i toy's hand, and in Portland last week a boy lost his eye by the carelessness of a young companion who owned an air gun. Such cases are of frequent occur rtnee in larger cities, and should bo i warning. Monday's Dally. A. M. Williams & Co. are offering big reductions on ladies' tailor-made suits, capes and jackets. Go to Williams & Co. and get a $1.50 Manhattan shirt for M CO. 113 shirts to pick from. All sizes from 14,'g' to 16$ neck. The city assessment this year has been placed at five mills, which, it will be observed, is 1)4 mills less than. that of last year. The Noble Dramatio Company will not play in The Dalles this week as an nounced, having decided to fill their en gagement at Baker City. The Salvation Army people are having a lively time at their campmeeting now being held.' Services are all crowded, and the captain reports several con versions. . The Epworth Leaguers are arrang ing for an entertainment and "sociable" social in the basement of the Methodist church Friday evening, to which they invite all their friends. The jury in the case of C. E. Obrlst, who was tried Saturday in JusMce Bay ard's court for larceny of a saddle, brought in a verdict of guilty and he was fined $25, which was promptly paid. Amended articles of incorporation of the Centra! Navigation A Construction Company, the Paul F. Mohr road, were filled with the county auditor yesterday. They show that the capital stock has been increased to $250,000. Review. Still the smallpox rages at Spokane, ten cases having been removed to the Isolation hospital Friday, making fifty under treatment there at present. Rathdrum, Idaho, has instituted a quarantine against that place which is to last forty days. , As a result of the recent special meet ings, many have recently joined the Methodist church in this city, seven be ing received yesterday. The fruit of special labor Is very apparent in the Interest being taken in the work of the church, and the attendance at public worship as well as social meetings. We received word this week from Portland that our brother, Wm. F. Her zinger, who was injured in the railroad wreck at Troutdale abjut two months ago, had to undergo another surgical operation. It will be some time before be will be up and around. Enterprise Bulletin. Articles of incorporation of the Ophlr Gold Mining Company were filled in the clerk's ofllce Saturday by G. T. Parr, Frank Menefee, II. H. Riddell, D. 8. Dufur, A. A. Jayne and J. A. Gelsen dorffer. The place of business will be The Dalles ; the capital stock 25,000, with shares at f 10 each. Every voter'who registers must give the section, township and range In which he lives, and those living in an incorporated town must give the lot and block. Study out just where you live and then register at once. Unless reg istration progresses more rapidly a great many voters are going to get left. Will Wlloy passed through Antelope last Wednesday, enroate to The Dalles with a ton of rock from the Now-or-Never mine in the Axe Handle country. Ths ore is being shipped to Tacoma for treatment, ry the Antelope Gold Mining Co., and they expect the roik to run about $125 to the ton. Herald. Examination of teachers for a county certificate will be held In April and August of each year, beginning at 0 o'clock In the morning of the second Wednesday in said month. Examina tion for state papers will begin at 0 o'clock on the second Wednesday of Fehruary and August, and continue four days. Letters received from the old maids who are to attend the session of the "Young Ladies' Single Blessedness De bating Society" next Monday evening at the Vofct, are to the effect that boarding places are being arranged for their cats and other pets during their absence, and they will arrive in the city Sunday. A reception will be given them at the close ni the session. It will be noticed by a perusal of the city's bills for the month just passed thai the list is comparatively small, which is a satisfaction to those inter ested in its welfare, and creditable to those who conduct the finances. Its a difficult task to conduct ones own busi ness affairs, but when it comes to pleas inn many, men of many minds, its al most a hopeless task. Perhaps no patient in tho Portland hospitals receives more callers than does Mr. MscAdam, Sunday's proving a veri table receptiou day, particularly for re ceiving Dalles visitors. From those who called yesterday we learn that be is able to walk about tome, and that the phy sicians say he will probably be able to return home in two weekB. This will be good news to bis many friends here. M. Dichteumuller is up from Mosier having enrae up for the purpose of con sulting Dr. French concerning his eyes. He was therefore happy when he called at the office this morning and told us he would soon be able to see as well as any one. For a long time a cataract has been forming over both eyes and about a month ago ho went to Portland and consulted Dr. Gertrude French, who re moved that over the left eye, which had devt'oped so as to make it almost sight less. It now looks perfectly strong and Mi. Dichtenmuller is delighted over the operation. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G. Hansen are deeply grieved over the loss of their little daughter, who died this morning at their home in this city. It will remembered that Mr. and Mrs. Ilant ? in the kindness of their heart, adopted the Waud babv, whose mother died a year ago, just after the birth of the child. The little one has never been strong and although the foster parents have labored hard to keep her with them, death has finally taken her, and they feel the loss as keenly as though she had been their own, having adopted her almost at birth. R. J. Gorman, who left the city a month ago to spend some time with his brother in Bulte, and traveling through Montana, returned home yesterday. Dick says Butte is the liveliest placo imaginable, but, at the same time there are more idle men there than any place be struck, caused by mines being tied op-by litigation. At that place he met Dr. Albert O'Leary, who is county physician and doing well. His sister, Miss Moliie, is also teaching art in that city. At Missoula he found the family of Mrs. G. W. Rowland, who are pleased with their new home and all in gr :d health. Herbert Alexander, George Moabus and Roy Ballard are also there. Frequently at the request of the parlies most concerned, the clerk's office is turned into a chapel; and the officers not only issue the license, but see that the marriage ceremony takes place before there la an opportunity lor back ing out on the proposition. This morn ing the reporter fortunately stepped in upon such an occasion and witnessed a problem in addition successfully solved by Rev. D. V. Poling, when Chas. War ren, of Mood Kiver ana Miss Sauna Pyburn, of Wasco, were united In mar riage. The ceremony bad all the solem nity of a church wedding, and those who witnessed it observed such decorum that the clerk and bis deputy actually forgot to kiss the bride, much to their disgust upon afterthought. Speaking of the excellent production of the "Little Minister," in Spokane Saturday by the Frohman company, which is to present it in The Dalles on the 15th, the Review says: "Someone with the evident intention of hurting the business, bad Industriously circulat- ( 1 the report that Mr. Fro Inn an had seven companions playing the piece and this one was of no particular excellence. Nothing conld be further from the truth. Ootsido of the original New York com pany, compiislng Maude Adams and others, which has been playing ia a few of the larger Eastern cities, there are but two organizations touring in the piece. The one which appeared he.j yesterday has been most carefully se lected, each one presenting a character so absolutely true to the story that to Improve upon it one must have it step from the pages of Mr. Barrle's novel Its self, or must see the prototype in the Thrums original. Messrs. J. C.IIostetler, Theo. Seufert and J. 8. Fish, who have been up in the mining district near Sumpter, looking after their inteiests there, relumed yes terday afternoon, and, seconding every one's else report, say Sumpter is about the liveliest place they know of. It looks, however, somewhat as if it had reached its zenith, since there is no doubt the road will be extended to Clifford, cutting off much of the territory they now claim. They are more than encouragod regard ing the mines In which they are Inter ested In the Greenhorn. The Uoldon Fugle is panning out all right and there is not a shadow oi a doubt as to me White Our Spring Offering of White February 7th, 1900, and bo the most complete offering in this particular line yet inaugurated by this house. It will consist of Dimities, Lawns and organdies, Laces and Embroideries, Ladies', Misses' and Children' Muslin Underwear, Table Linens, Napkins, Towels and Towelling, Muslin, Sheeting, Sheets and Pillow Cases, Lace Curtains and Curtain Material. Gents Furnishing Goods Department. If you want the best you have no other choice, we don't make it so, but peo ple who like up-to-date wearables, just prices and fair treatment do. Not a hund red years, not fifty, nor even one has elapsed since the clothes we aro showing were made. They were made this season and in this season's style. This not only ap plies to our Men's Department but to the Children's as well, and there's a style about them that's exclusive. Isn't it worth something to know that you are in style, especially when it costs you no more? Our advertisements are our letters to you, written, a house that has always been jealous of its reputation and All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. future of the Double Eagle Mining Com pany. At the former they are working a 3-s t a nip mill, and have day and night crews constantly at work. His ninth birthday was a pleasant one for Clifton Condon, his grandma, Mrs. S. French, having invited nine boys and as many girls to spend Satur day afternoon with him. A very amus ing game of pinning the heart on the Chinaman afforded much' pleasure to the little ones, and Carmel Bolton, was' successful in getting that member just about in place. Then they were given cards with the name "George Washing ton" thereon, and required to find the largest number of words contained in the two names. Nellie Hostetler was given the prize for finding the most words. Mrs. French sat them down to such a lunch as would . have astound; d even tho older people. On the center of the table was a beautiful cake, around which were nine silver dollars, the gift of his Grandpa French, and on each was a lighted candle. At each place was a pretty valentine in heart shape. And thus th following boys and girls en Joyed Clifton's birthday in the happiest manner: Alfred Thompson, Guy Jones, Jamie Kinersly, Kay Bunnell, Charles, Walter and Wilson Huntington, Glenn Cushing, Nellie Hostettler.Lne Hostetler, Naomi Vause, Margaret Sampson, Frankie Sauipaon.Carmel and Nonearle Bolton, Maude Kerby and Helen Peters. Tuesday s Dally. City Superintendent J. S. Landers has been ill for the past two days, being confined to his room. The longer you wait, the smaller will be the assortment. Manhattan shirts at fl.00 are cot to be bought every day. Go to A. M. Williams & Co.'s. While cjnpling cars last night at Uma tilla C. E. McNeil, a brakeman, had bis right hand c-it almost off. He came down on No. 3 this mcrning and went on to Portland, where he will have the terrible wound attended to. The telephone and telegraph com panies are having a picnic today, with their wires outside the city, which were unable to withstand the pressure last night. By consolidating their forces somewhat they have succeeded in do ing business. Keller ia having his store fitted up in a very attractive manner, and with the best of taste. The walls and ceiling are covered In the lincrieU walton paper and tinted in light green shades, bordered with deep garnet, making a pretty effect. None need.follow the example of Sock less Jerry, for Markillie, of Pease & Mays' clothing department, says he's going to "sock it to 'em on sox." He's put his foot in It now and his customers are invited to call and make him p'ove his assertion. We undeistand that Lster Coffin has ofTered William Vessey 4 per head for 10,000 Jsheep, says the ProsserJ Record. Wedo not know if Mr. Vessey will ac cept the figure, but If he does it will be the largest sum cf money that has changed hands for one baud of sheep. A ineellng of the Young Ladies' So ciety of Single Blessedness was held last evening at the home of ono of their number to prepare for the convention which meets Monday evening in the Baldwin, ft was decided to Invite the public In general to be present and to enjoy the reception at the close. The gentlemen of any and every description young, middle aged or old are Winged Carnival! PEASE cordially Invited to meet the delegates upon this occasion. Strange as it may seam, in spite of the fierce wind storm last night, the Oregon Telephone local lines are in ship-shape, that line experiencing but one slight difficulty with a crossed wire. This no doubt is due to the efficient work done in reconstructing the lines throughout the city a month ago, and surely paid them for their work, beside giving much satisfaction to their subscribers. The surveyors who have been em ployed by the Columbia Southern In making a survey up 15-Mile have com pleted their work and moved tli6ir out fit IntoThe Dalles this morning. What will be the outcome remains to be seen; many deem it simply a bluff. Be that as it may, we understand the survey has cost about $100 per mile; the first mile up from the river being equal in labor to ten miles farther on. Spcklnjof the lecture which will be delivered by Rev. D. V. Poling next Fiiday evening before the Students' Literary Club, the Chronicle spoke of the Baptist church being engaged for the occasion. Such is not the cirse and the city hall, their nsual place of meet ing, will be used upon the occasion. Being in perfect sympathy with the young men and their efforts to improve themselves, no doubt Kev. Poling's ad dress will be a most interesting and in structive one. What possible motive could lead any one to deliberately throw a rock Into a car filled with passengers, is beyond our ken. And yet Sunday night as the passenger train stopped at Bonnevil'e a good-sized rock whizzed through the window into the chair car, mashing a passenger's hat in, grazing a man's knee who sat on the other side of the car and scattering glass promiscuously. Had ic struck a little lower it must have knocked the man insensible. The train men were Justly wrath)', but though they endeavored to discover the culprit, 'twas in vain, for he had escaped. The gentle (?) Chinook wind "bloweth where it lieteth" today, and every place else for that matter. It also made Itself felt last night, shaking things up lively. The windows creaked, the tall trees swayed to and fro and the houses fairly shook on their foundations, one barn near the fair ground collapsing under the severe pressure. The Chinook is about a month previous, but if he had come with the Intention of drying up the streets, he would have been wel come; on the contrary, however, rain and snow accompanied its fury and the mud is even worse than ever. On the Klickitats and the hills west of us the snow held its own tor a time this morn ing, hut finally succumbed beneath its mighty power. Foor "Kid Moore," the morphine fiend, who was such an annoyance to The Dalles officers last summer, seems o be a greater torment to himself than he conld be to anyone else, ami Saturday ia the Portland jil attempted suicide by cutting his throat with a razor. It would almost seem a pity that he did not succeed. And yet an employe of the Chronicle ofllce knew Stewart Moore when he was a bright, happy boy in the Valley, but the worst of all calamities caine to Stewait in the loss of his mother, who left him to the care of a worthless father. And lust of all a demon, in the form of a woman, who was a near neighbor, taught the lad the An (ul habit which has been Lis curse. Goods "'11 """" on eunesuav signed and backed business integrity. up by & MAYS If there is not a place of future torment for such a being as her who thus led tho young !ad to such a living death, then will justice fail to be appeased. The confirmation of II. II. Riddell as postmaster of The Dalles office will be a satisfaction to our residents. Coming to Mi. Riddell as the offici did, without his seeking, it was the desire of all that he be firmly established in the position. Then, too, be has already shown a desiro to do bis whole duty toward the public, and his efforts in many directions in connection with the work have been most commendable. Among other things he is using every endeavor toward secur ing a free delivery system, and it looks much as if his efforts would be rewarded before many months. We bespeak fo our postmaster a successful term of office. Not that he will please all, nor perhaps more than half, for what person in such a position ever did, or could? iThatona would certainlv be infallable who could perfectly satisfy the various characters with whom hi has to deal daily. i - There is no reason why The Dalles should not have a hospital, while there are numberless splendid arguments in favor of such an institution in our midst. Every few days patients from the city, as well as the country about u, are sent to Portland for surgical operations which could be performed at home had we but a place where they could be cared for by trained nurses. Not only would this be a saving to those concerned, bnt a large amount of money would thus be kept in the city, which now is ex pended elsewhere. We have compe tent physicians and surgeons here, who if they could not undertake all, are equal to the greater portion of the cases which are now attended to in Portland. A splendid place for such an institution would be the stone house on the hill, if It could be secured. This qreetion should be agitated tnd . see what can be done in the matter. Toucher Than He Looked. Appearances more than often deceive, as it seems will be proven in the case of Edwards, or Simmons, who was arrested for forgery last week and given thirty days In the county jail for larceny. As was said by a minister in a city pulpit last nifiht, it is almost beyond the ken of those who deal with them nowadays to understand how it is possible for so many young men to be such hardened criminals. Simmons, It now appears, is among that number, as the following letter received by the marshal indicates: Portland, Or., Feb. 4, 1900. City Marshal Hughes, The Dalles, Oregon. Dkar Sut: I understand you have picked up a man for passing worthless checks. We had a man in that samw business a few days aeo who passed several small checks here. The follow ing is his description, as near as we conld get it from the people be passed the checks on : About five feet, seven or eight Inches tall, dark complexion, small dark mustache, dressed very neat ly ; wore gray suit, small check pattern, and presented a very good appearance. If you should have a photograph of him taken, kindly send us one as he may be the one that Is wanted here, although I f "resume von have a good case against diu in The Dalles. Yours trnlv, D. M. McI.ACCHI.AX, Chief of Police. Simmons answers exactly to the fote going description and the marshal has been ordered to hold him on a warrant from Portland as soon as his thirty day are up her.