The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 07, 1900, PART 1, Image 1

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Cttif fitite s
NO. 21
. - ,
Saeral Freud Sail to Hais Cajlnrel
Eljbt HinM Batre.
Dispatch From Gaberoncs Disposes of
Story That Mafeking Has Been
Relieved Little to Confirm or
Discredit the Rumor That Butler
Has Agaia Crossed the Tugela.
London, Feb. 2. There is no official
news from General Butler's head
quarters, and the only information
which haa reached London In any way
oimnortintf the report that lie haa re-
croteed the Tugela is found in the At9
elated Press dispatches announce
Lord Dun lonald's reconnaissance, which
is taken to indicate a prelude to renewed
activity. As the dispatch ia three clay
old, and Lord Dundoiiald found no diffi
culty in crossing the river, it is not im
possible that General Buller may t.ave
moved in the interim, and public anx
iety is aain concentrated on the Upper
Dispatches from elsewhere in South
Africa merely tell of desultory shell fire
and the movements of patrols, though
Cape Town mentions a rumor that Gen
eral French has captured 800 Boers,
where and how not being announced.
Loi benco Mabqukh, Feb. 2.--A dis
patch trom Gaborone, dated January
23, describing a reconnaissance of tome
of Colonel Plumer'e forces around the
Boer laager southward seems to dispose
of the story that Mafeking has been re
lieved. On that date the Rhodeiians
captured two Transvaal lings and drove
off the Boer outpost before returning to
Robert Want 90,000 Additional Man
London, Feb. 2. sensational rumors
are current that the militia ballot act
will be put in torce February 14, and
that General Roberts, commander-in-chief
of the British forces in South Africa,
has cabled for 00,000 additional men.
sending 50,000 militia and volunteers
and -10,000 reserves.
It is also said the volunteers will
mobilize forthwith. It is even asserted
Unity that the cabinet Las especially
dealt with these matters. The militia
I allot act makes every unmarried man
between 19 and 30 years of age liable to
service for five years.
It Wai Family Kow.
Hii.i.KBOKO, Or., Feb. 2. W. B. Mc
Lin, a native of this country, who wa
shot January 18 by his brother-in-law,
"alter Thompson, formerly of Cornelius,
three miles west of here, is recovering
from his wonnd. The Mountain Echo,
of Roulder Creek, Cal., where the shoot
irtg occurred, says that the trouble arose
from the fact that Mrs. McLIn Insisted
on going- to a dance In defiance of her
husband's wishes. He followed her and
Her friends and threatened her and ber
sister's husband so that a peace warrant
was sworn oat against him, but It was
not served. McLIn the nest day went
buck to his brother-in-law's bouse,
where all had been staving, when the
brother-in-law, Thompson, met him In
the front yard and shot him through the
neck without a word. Thompson is now
n jail in default of bonds.
Cold Weather In Chicago. .
Chicago, Feb. 1. Two deaths were
emised by the cold weather In Chicago
In the past twenty-four hour, and many
persons suffered from frost bites of vary.
Ing severity. Hundreds of homeless
men wore cared for by the police. The
mercury tt 0 a. m. yesterday and at
1:30 a.m. today touched at below aero,
the lowest point this winter In Chicago,
'he forecast today promises ome relief.
After carrying his wife and two child
ren from his burning cottage early to
day, Herbert Fletcher was overcome by
moke and flames, and fell near the
doorway and died before assistance
c'"lld reach hlin. The weather tii
hitter cold and his wife and children
ere clad only In their night garments.
Fletcher had rushed back Into the hnrn.
Ing bull
when overcome. '
"tor a n.l( to Kst lamB(r4 drain.
Monkob. Or.. Feb. 1. Hoffian l rat.
vicinity. One dealer was out for two
day, and succeeded in securing nothing
although he offered 4)4 cents per ponnd
for bogs on foot, either fat or poor, and
as good a price for cattle. It is said that
spoiled grain Is the cause of this condi
tion, every rancher wishing to bold bis
stock nntil his bad grain is fed out.
The cold snap put a stop to the winter
blooming of several kinds of wild flowers.
The buds which were about to burst in
to nowers were frozen at the base, so
that they died. The frost was not heavy
enough to affect the grain.
Warm Cluthel for Brltlfk Boldler.
London, Feb. 1. Owing to the dis
sovery that cotton khaki is insufficient
protection for troops eleeping on the
South African plains, the government
ia starting to reclotho the forces in the
field with woolen khaki, and has already
ordered 95,000 suits in Glasgow alone,
Democrats Trying to Enjoin Taylor
From Acting as Governor.
Fbankfout, Ky., Feb. 2. Senator
Goebel pasted a comfortable night, and
was somewhat better this morning.
Washington, Feb. 2. After the cabin
et meeting tne following statement was
made: "The president and cabinet de
cides that no case has yet arisen to
justify the intervention of the national
government in Kentucky, and has so in
formed the governor."
Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 2. Governor
Taylor this mornintt ordered that nobody
be admitted to the grounds of the Capi
tol under any circumstances. Passes
which heretofore have entitled holders
to go through the lines were taken up
when presented. The object of the new
order is to prevent any civilian from
serving any legal papers upon him. It
is the intention of the Democrats to se
cure an injunction restraining Taylor
from interfering in any way with the
meetings of the legislature and enjoining
him and Lieutenant-Governor Marshall
from exercising the functions of state
The Democratic plan is to make a for
mal demand for admission) to the legis
lative halls in the statehouse everyday.
As on yesterday, they will be denied ad
mission by the militia, all of which, with
the exception of two co.npaniea from
Barboursville, will remain here. These
two companies have been ordered to
London for the meeting of the legislature
there next Tuesday. Taylor gives no
intimation of abrogating this proclama
tion calling for the legislature to asremble
at London. He is making arrangements
for the session there. Many Republicans
went borne last night and this morning,
a'l intending to go to London Monday.
Another 1'olltlclan Aalnted.
Middmkdoro, Ky., Feb. 2. It is re
ported here that William Wright, ex
member of the Kentucky legislature and
a prominent Democrat, was assassinated
at iioones-rotk. JNo particulars are
The Modern Mother
Has found that her little ones are im
proved more by the pleasant Syrup of
Figs, when in need of the laxative effect
of a gentle remedy, than by any other.
Children enjoy it and it benefits them.
The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrnp
Co. only.
Head Wai Cat Off.
La Gimndb, Or., Feb. 3. John Hack Englishman, was killed above
Ililgard at 6:30 this morning by the
No. 1 train. His bead was severed from
his body and tho trunk was horribly
mangled. He was Identified ty a
letter written by his brother, 8. Hack
erty from Nelson, B. C, to John Hack
erty, Leadville, Coio. Hackerty was in
L. Grande last evening, and was evi
dently beating his way to Pendleton.
L. T. Travis, agent Southern R. R.,
Selina, Ga., wrltei: "1 can not say too
much in praise of One Minute Cough
Cure, In my ease it - worked like s
charm." Tho only harmless remedy
that gives Immediate results. Cures
roughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all
throat and lung troubles.
Itohert A treated.
Salt Lake, Utah, Feb. 3. Brlgham
II. Roberts arrived here this afternoon,
and was drivon from the depot to the
office of his attorney, J. II. Movie. While
In the office he was arrested for unlawful
cohabitation with Dr. Maggie Shlpp.
He was released on hii own recognisance
to appear Monday morning next for a
preliminary hearing.
oo MEN
" State Forces at Storm
t. mfflost SnrronnieL
Buller Has Probably Resumed Fighting
Reports That Besieging Force is
Leaving Ladysmith Are Renewed.
Stebkspruit, Jan. 29. Commandant
Olivier, of the Orange Free State, in a
speech to the Boers at Ladygrey, said
that his men were almost surrounded at
Storm berg and, unless recruits were
forthcoming, he would be compelled to
abandon the position.
It is admitted that in the recent fight
at Ladysmith. the Boers lost 1100 killed
and 600 wounded.
Many colonists who fought at Storm
berg have gore back to tbeir farms and
refuse to return to active service, though
threatened with death. Among those
are some conspicuous burghers.
London, Feb. 3. A dispatch from
Ladysmith, undated, via Spearman's
Camp, February 2, says:
Native deserters report the following
field cornets killed in last week's fight
ing: Lombard, ot Waterburg; Grobelair
of Bremersdorp; Opperman, Pretoria
Daniel Erasmus, of Mugaliorsbarg, and
one tree btato cornet. The British
artillery broke seven Boer gun.. The
casualties were approximately 1000
though this information is not confirmed
London, Feb. 3. A dispatch to
London paper from Pietermaritzburg'
says:a The appearance of the flying
column of scouts in Zululand has created
some uneasiness among the Boers over
the border. A number of Boers have
been hurriedly withdrawn from Lady
smith and Dundee to Vryhelcf to protect
that place and oppose any Britieh ad
vance. The Bor force there is about
1000 strong with three guns.
London, Feb. 3. The war office I j si
lent as regards Buller, but there is every
reason to believe lie is continuing his
movement npon Ladysmith, Those who
are in a position to know confirm his re
ported recre ating of the Tugela river, and
believe he was engaged yesterday. The
message from Ladysmith Thursday, say
in i the Boer forces were leaving again
and that the besieging force was con
siderably diminished, tends to confirm
Field Marshal L'jrd Roberts has noti
fiel the war office that forty Highlanders
who were previously reported killed at
Magersfonteln are prisoners at Pretoria.
Plundered Heande Cottages.
Nkwi'obt, Or., Feb. 2. Several sum
mer cottages, belonging to people living
elsewhere, have recently been broken
Into and looted. Persons living at
Yaquina city were suspected. This after
noon search warrant was sworn-out
and the premises of John Hass were
searched. Much stolen property was
found and Identified. Hass was placed
under arrest, charged with bnrglary
He was brought down here by the sheriff,
given a hearing before Justice C. R.
Ellsworth, admitted bis guilt, waived
examination and was bound over to the
July term of t.ircuit court. His bond
was fixed at f-"00, in default of which he
was committed to jail.
Another person Implicated escaped. 'It
Is expected he w ill be captured.
Burn., "the Mao From Mexico,'
Is Now a Sore-Head.
San Francisco, Feb. 3. The Exam
iner this morning prints statement
over the signature of D. M. Burns, in
which he formally withdraws Ida nnine
from consideration as a candidate for the
office of the United States senator. This
insure the election of Thomas B, Bard,
the Republican caucus nominee.
After thanking the members of the
legislature who have supported him, he
reviews the incidents of the senatorial
contest, and the proceedings of the can
cases held yesterday, stating that tie
action of the meeting of his opponents
which harmonized on Bird, virtually
controlled the action of the full caucus,
and abridged the right of individual
members to vote as they pleased. He
states that a hearing was refused a com
mittee of his supporters, but without
comment states that he Is a loyal Re
publican, and submits the matter to the
party for consideration.
I? dried on Ham Bull.
Salbm, Feb. 5. The remains of Corpo
ral Hal 6. Hibbard were buried at War
ren cemetery yesterday with military
honor. The casket bearing all that was
mortal of company K's greatest hero
reached this city yesterday morning and
was taken In charge by the volunteers
and students of Willamette university,
who escorted it to the grave. Brief ser
vices were held, Rev. G. W. Grunnis de
livering a very eloquent and touching
address. After the remains, had been
buried a salute was fired over the grave,
in accordance with military custom.
The services were attended by a large
crowd of fi Sends of the deceased. All the
members of the family were, present ex
cept the father, who was too ill to make
the trip, a distance of twelve miles.
Over 200,000 British Soldiers to Fight
the Boers.
London, Feb. 2, 4:.10 a. m. Mr.
Wyndhara'a remarkablo declaration in
the house of commons that Great Britain
will have in a fortnight 180,000 regulars
In South Africa, 7000 Canadians and
Australians, and 20,000 South African
volunteers,, is received' with wonder
ment. Of this total of 213,000 troops,
with 452 guns, all are now there with
tbe exception of 18,000 that ate afloat.
Beyond comparison this is the largest
force Great Britain haa ever put into the
field. At the end of tbe Crimaen war
she had scraped together 80,000. Welling
ton, at Waterloo, had 25,000. Mr. Wyud
ham's speech was the strongest defense
the government has yet put forward as
to what has been done and is being done.
The general toneof the morning papers
is that his figures will astonish the coun
try. Roughly speaking, only 80,000 men
are at the front. Ten thonsand others
have been lost, and 10,000 are shut up at
Ladysmith. Excluding these thcrj are
70,000 troops who have not yet been in
action, in addition to those at sea.
Why so many effectives have not yet
been engaged is explained by the lack of
land transportation and the organization
of supplies, to which Lord Roberts is de
voting his experience and Lord Kitchener
his genius for details. It seems as though
the weight of these masses must destroy
the equilibrium which now ho'da the
British forces stationary wherever they
are In contract with the Boer armv.
Kobbed the titer.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, Is narrated by him as follows
"I was in a most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Three physi
clans had given me np. Fortunately, a
trlend advised 'Electric Bitters'; and to
my great joy and surprise, the first
bottle made a decided improvement.
continued their nae for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try them
Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley A
Houghton's drug store.
To Take Advantage nf Complication.
St. PaTERsni-KQ, Feb. 5. The cam
palgn In favor of taking advantage of
present complications in South Africa to
secure Russian ports oo the Indian
ocean and Mediterranean is being pushed
ith vigor. The newspapers openly ad
vocate profiting by Great Britain's diffi
culty to realiz the scheme upon which
depends the ultimate, prosperity of
Russia and which Great Britain has al
ways frustrated. . a
VourJ Para
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health 4 well. Impure
blood makes iVlf apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance yon thould try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases w here cheap Stir-mpiir llla and
so called purifiers fail (knowing this we
sell every bottle on a poutivo guarantee.
Blakeley A Houghton, druUts.
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
ot Mump
Assassin's Bullet Eolci His Life
6:45 SalnrJay Eraiini.
Brother and Sister Were Present
Another Brother Arrived a Few
Minutes Too Late.
FRANKFonr, Ky., Feb. 3. The bullet
fired by an unknown assassin last Tues
day ended the lifd of WiPiam
Goebel at 0 :45 this evening. The onlv
persons present at tne deathbed were
Mr. Goebel's bister, Mrs. Brawnecker
and his brother, Arthur Goebel, o
Cincinnati, who have been In constant
attendance at Mr. Goebel's bedside, and
Dr. McCorinack. Justus Goebel.
brother, who has been hurrying from
Arizona as fast as steam would carry in
'a vain hope of reaching his dying brother
in time for some token of recognition,
arrived forty minutes too late.
Oxygen was frequently administered
to the dying man during the afternoon
in an effort to keep him alive until his
brother's arrival, but in vain, for by the
cruel irony of fate, the train on which
Justus Goebel wan traveling to Frankfort
was delayed several hours from various
causes, and when Mr. Goebel finally
reached here it was onlv to learn that his
brother was dead.
Among bitter partisans of both parties
deep grief is manifested, and already a
movement has been started to erect a
fitting monument for Mr. Goebel
memory on the spot in the stutehouse
grounds where he was shot.
No arrangements have as vet been
made for the funeral. Plunged in grief
and locked in the death chamber of
their brother, Arthur and Justus Goebel
and Mrs. Brawnerker have given no in
limntion of their wishes, and no arrange
men's will be made until tomorrow. It
is understood that a request w ill be nade
on behalf of the citizens of Frankfort
that Mr. Goebel's last resting place be
In the cemetery here, where lie buried
Daniel Boone and Vice-President
Ten and Captured
and Their Men.
Five Guns
Manila, Feb. 3. General Kobbe has
occupied the islands of Samaar and
Leyte, in the fight at Catbalogan, ten
Insurgents were killed and tbe Ameri
cans captured five cannon with their
Oti Report Cebu A flair.
Washinuton, Feb. 3. The following
from Otis haa been received at the war
department :
"Manila, Feb. 3. Kobbe reports from
Cebu that insurgents endeavored to burn
Calbayoc and Catbalogan without suc
cess, except slight destruction of the last
town. When the fire was pnt out by the
troop from this point Kobbe drove the
insurgents, nnder Genral Lnkhan, into
the mountains, rapturing a large arsenal,
powder-house, Lukban's baggage and
money an I all his artillery. Insurgent
loss in killed, 10; no casualties,
'Kobbe captured thirty pieces of
artillery, a goxl many rifles, stores and
ammunition. There are large quantities
of hemp at the points seized, and thirty
merchant vessels are engaged In trans
porting the same to Cebu an I Manila."
A Thnitaand font ue
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Sprinjar, of 112") Howard St., Phil-
adelpf ia, Pa., when she found that Dr.
eowor co., ww mm.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
had completely carei her of a bucking
cough that for m tny years ha.t made
lite a Imrden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Royal Cure "It soon re
moved the pain in my chest and I car
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries)
Dr. King's New Discovery forany tronblo
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c
and ft. Trial bottle free at Blakeley A
Houghton's drug store; eyery bottle
guaranteed. 5
ICrward or BWOOO Offered.
Franklin, Ky., Feb. 4. L. Lt. Finn,
county attorney, has offered personally
a r ward of $1000 for the arrest and con
viction of the person or persons who
made the attempt on the life of William
Goebel, or of any one who had any con
nection with tbe crime.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine..
It was was prescribed by one of the be?t
physicians in this country for years, ami
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined witb
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous suriitces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients ie
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chkney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Frank Fisher Arrested at Walla Walla
for Robbery Committed at Spokane.
Walla Walla, Wash., Feb. 5. Sat
urday Frani Fiher was taken to Sp-
kane, where he wlil be- compelled to
answer to the charge of robbery.
Several data ago Fisher was arretted
in this city for diunkenness. Upon bia
person were found three express com
pany receipts which bore the name of
George Strong. Alter he had sobered up
he was questioned concerning the .re
ceipts. He said that he hail forwarded
three packages from Spokane to George
Strong, at Portland, ami that the pack
ages contained quatitulee ot ore antl
clothing. The man admitted that hia
name was Frank Hastings. His state
ment aroused Marshal Kauffman's sus
picions, and accordingly Chief of Police
McLaucbtan, of Portland, was com
municated with and advised to obtain
and open them. Tbe packages were
found to contain "quantities of ore,"
consisting t f several pieces of valuable
jewelry and a set of burglar's tools.
Further investigation proved that the
jewelry compared almost exsctly with
the list of goo Is stolen from Merriams
ewelry store in Spokane. The authori
ties at Spoktne were notified tf Fisher's
arrest, and upon immediate Instructions
received from them tUe man was held
n custody im-il the case iurtber
A Cui. Tinning Answer.
'I hobbled into Mr. Line mon's drug
store one evening," says Wesley Nelson,
of Hamilton, Ga., "and be atked me to
try Chamberlain's Pain Hal in for rheu
matism with which I I at nitTered for a
long time. I to'd him I htd n faith in
any medicine at they all Uil.d. He
said: 'Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm
does not help you, you need not, l "T for
it.' I took a hott'e of it home and used
It according to directions an I in ens
week I was curd, an I ha.v iot since
been troubled with rhr U'natism." Sold
by Blakeley A Houghton.
Wheat floe I i.
S u km, Feb. 5. The S leni Flonring
Mills Company has advanced tt e price
of wheat 2 cents, and now quotes it at
42 cents. Titls is still ten cents below
the quotations at Portland. t
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