The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 03, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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Wednesdsr's Pally-
E. W. Helm came in jeeterJay from
Cha. lireer, one of Antelope'- beet
kootrn reeidents, it in tbe city.
Ralph Fenton. of Goldendale, came
over to the city on Dntineea yesieruay.
cu Mrtl Shoit came ud from Port
land yeaterday and ia tbe goeet of the
Jllaect Bolton.
Cowan and Sam B. Davi
arrived in the city yeaterday from tbe
Warm Spnngi agency.
Mr. and Mra. Mans, on and daughter,
who have epeut tome months at Spokane,
returned this morning.
Mrs. Gertrude Sviveater. who hat
epent eoine time in "Portland, returned
home on the boat last night.
M. F. Bird, of Viento. is doing bull-
nou in the citv today and was caller
( the CaBONR i.a tanctnm. lie was ac
companied by Mrs. Bird.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Cnrtiss and
daughter, Pearl, left ir PortUnd on
this morning's boat. They are bonnd
for a visit in Sacramento, Calif.
Mr and Mrs. W. H. Roy, who have
lived in Tbe Dalles for the past fea
years, left this morniiu fr Independ
ence, and will make their home there.
Dr. and Mrs. James Sutherland, who
have spent the pan two weeks with
relatives in this city, will return on this
evening's train to their home in Spokane.
D. R. Hurlburt, who is employed at
tbe lighthouse at Tillamook, is taking
bis three months' vacation aid spend
ing a portion of tbe time in The Dalles.
Miss Cad Booth, who has spent tbe
past lev days with her tUter near the
city, and friends here, returned on this
morning's train to her home in Port
land. Martin Jaksba, who is one of Fair
field's industrious farmers, accompa
nied by his son, spent today doing
business in town. He was a caller at
tbe Chronicle office.
X. W. Wallace was called to the city
on some legal business yesterday, and
remained over today. He says he is
not anxious to make the trip trom
Antelope again soon ; that the roads are
in anything but an inviting condition.
Thursday's Dully
John Ciavio returned on last night's
train from Portland.
Charles Lord is in the city from
Arlington on business.
Who said Hobson was so serioutly ill
yesterday? He looks lively today.
C. R. Pniead accompanied Industrial
Agent Jadson to the city yesterday.
Grant Mays returned on last night's
train from a short business trip to Port
land. J. W. Watson, a resident of The
Dalles many years ago, but now of the
traveling fraternity, is in town today.
Hoo. John Somraerville returned last
night to Idaho, where with his sons, he
ie attending to bis interests in the sheep
Frank McFarland arrived in the city
last eveninu and is continuing his efforts
in tehalf of the New Yoik Life Ins. Co.,
which he represents.
CP. Batch came np on Inst night'
train from Portland, where he went to
visit Mrs. Batch, who is in the hospital
there. He left this morning forDufur.
Yesterday R. C. Judeon spent the
afternoon in the city. He was togged
in his farmer's garb and as energetic as
ever in the interest ot the agricultural
welfare of Oregon. He says he has not
given op The Dalles yet, but intends
coon to present another proposition to
them giving them an opportnnity to ( en
core another Industry for tbe city.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Gifford will leave
this evening for a six-weeks' visit in
Eastern and Southern cities, going first
to St. Louis, Mo. Tney will visit Mr.
GiffVird'a parents in Springfield, Mo.,
whom he bas not seon for ten years. He
will take a few of Oregon's views with
hiin, enough at least to give his irienda
an idea of our scenery. We wish them
a very pleasant trip.
C. P. U'Ren it in from bis place at
Miss Anna Lang is visiting in Portland
this week.
Dr. U. C. Hollister came np from
Portland yesterday on a business trip
'ym have seen hundreds of your companions
waste away In mill and foundry with a persistent
muRh. You have evn bumlrensof them die witti
Xhnx terrible disease, CoiiMiniption. Ymi huveseen
'wives left penniless, and children thrown upon
the mercies o the cold workl. because the father
coughed his lite away. TJio air you bretithe
every day i full of (harp, metallic dust, which is
Inhaled into the Iuiiks and lrritau-s their dulirata
Jining. In the caea of glass blowers, the fierce
Hsat of the molten glass lorect (ts way up the
a1' il,u' h lungs where It gradually breaks
oown their delicate atrurture, making every oold
a danger to life. You can't eff.vrd toquit work
ing and are dailv exposed to this fatal dust and
JnteiiKB heat. W hat you and your friends need
Is Acker's English Remedy. This will make your
thrrau and lungs strong agnin. It will heal th
irritation, brace up your strength, and you need
never Itm a day's work. I have noticed that In
nome mills thcro are no rases of ConwmHioD.
The tMimn It that Acker's KnglUb Remedy is
aiaed by the men working there.
u8o!? 50e. and tl a bottle, thrmighrml
tne tnited States and Canada; and In England
at Is. -M. , ad., 4s. 6d. If you are Hoi satinli.'d
after buying, return the bottle to lour druKaiaL
tod get your money back.
n nuthnriu the abort guarantee.
F. B. UQV&JiJi k CO., Propridcr; A'ets Korfc
Blakeley & Houghton.
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
yr.rrc.yi uallt,
1T5 BFliw.0 Gr -rFCTS.
BUT Th t GENVINC - M ANT o fty
nv. cai.. rB f- w.v. 1
ton wimn oou&asTi mi tat n boiul
and will return this afternoon. The
doctor is building np a good practice in
that city and is much pleased with his
new home.
E. Doyle is a business visitor from
C. J. Crandall is spending a few days
in Arlington, having gone up there on
a business trip.
Mrs. H. T. Murchieand Mrs. Chas.
F. Jones came down yesterday from
Wasco on their was to Portland.
George W. Johnston and W. L. Van-
dorpool, who have been in Portland on
bnsinees. returned last night and left
this morning for Dufur.
Messrs. W. Bolton and C. B. Durbin
came in from Antelope yesterday and
left this morning to spend a few days
with their wives in Portland.
Attys. II. S. Wilson and A. 8. Bennett,
who have been arguing tbe Savage case,
returned last night from Salem. Attv.
Gen. Blackburn appeared for the state.
At the Columbia Hotel, in this citr.
this morning, Jan. 31st, at 11:30, by
Justice of the Peace C. K. Bayard, S. K.
Knutcon and M. G. Tenold, both of
White balmon, Wash.
1.1st or Jurors.
The following list of jurors has been
drawn for the February term of court:
L. J. Kiinger, farmer, Dufur.
Geo F. Arnolds, farmer, The Dalles
Seth Morgan, farmer, The Dalles.
A J Graham, clerk, Hood River.
B F Laughlin, capitalist, The Dalles.
Mike Kennedy, farmer, Vamic.
Henry Meier, merchant, The Dalles.
William Aiken, laborer, The Dalles.
Gt o E Moore, farmer, Wamic
J W Marquiss, farmer, The Dalles.
E Locke, farmer, Hood River.
Lee Evans, farmer, Mosler.
1) L Cates, merchant, Cascade Locks.
Chas Koehler, farmer, Naosene.
James Kelly, farmer, The Dalles.
Kd Botbwell, farmer, Victor.
U J Hurst, farmer, The Dalles.
A C Masten, farmer, Victor.
It L Kirkhani, farmer, Boyd.
Harry Hudson, farmer, Boyd.
C T Bonney, merchant. Hood Uiver.
A 8 Blowers, merchant, Hood River.
O B Durbin, stockman, Antelope.
C Adams, merchant, Tygh Valley.
James Donaldson, farmer, Klngsley,
J V Clausen, farmer, Nansene.
A A Bonney, farmer, Tygb Valley.
John Malonc, stockman, Antelope.
J H Kobcrg, farmer Hood River.
J M Driver, farmer, Wamic
Dave Creighton, farmer, The Dalles.
Excused on account of smallpox in
tie district.
Notlct) to Voters.
Under the provisions of the registra
tion law all persons when registering
are required to furnish to thej register
ing officer the following information :
If naturalli -d, the time, place, an 1
conrt of naturalization. In this con
nection, it is necessary to produce
naturalization papers, or declaration of
Residence must be specific; giving
precinct, section, .township and range;
if within town or city, the street, No. if
any, and No. of lot and block ; if in any
building where rooms are numbered, the
number of the room and floor must be
In order to avoid unnecessary delay
aud inconvenience, every person desir
ing to register should lie prepared to
furnish the above information.
Facilities will be furnished in eyery
precinct in the county hy either Justice
of the Peace or Notary Public.
A. M. Kej.say,
dec4-30dys County Clerk.
"I am Indebted to One Minute Cough
Core for my health and life. It enred
me of lung trouble following grippe,"
Thousands owe their lives to the prompt
action of this never failing remedy. It
cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lunar
troubles. Its early use prevents con
sumption. It is the only harmless
remelyth't jives immediate results.
forte FiMin Eat Been Gsitt Co
Report Gra On Goof Minority.
la Recuperating Power of Butlers Army
Boers Believe That Deaths From
Disease at Ladvsmilh Are Enor
London, Feb. 1. The St. James
Gazette says it is reported on good
authorily that General Buller has again
crossed the Tngela river at three places
and that fighting bas been proceeding
all day long.
Hoop Laager, Ladysmitb, Taesday,
Jan. 30. All is quiet bere. The "Long
Toms" occasionally fire on Lvlyimttn.
Tbe deaths in Ladysmith from fever and
other causes must be enormous, as we
can clearly see them tmmng- corpses
daily. General Joubert went to the upper
Tugela yesterday.
Cap Tows, Wednesday, Jan. 31. A
British force with artillery is reported to
have occupied Prieska, and is now en
camped there. Prieska is on tbe Orange
river, 100 miles below Orange river
station and west of Kimberley.
London, Feb. 1. The war office has
no news of Butler's alleged movements,
as reported by tbe St. James Gazette,
but the paper says it has no reason to
doubt the correctness of its information,
although it has not yet learned the exact
positions Buller has seized.
London-, Feb. 1. In the absence of ex
citing war news, the nation and news
papers have had time to discover the ot
ter lack of relation existing between the
feeling of the people aud the temper of
tbe government as demonstrated in par
liament, where, instead of relieving the
grave anxiety of the country by the dec
laration of measures it is proposed to
take in behalf of national safety, the
ministers continue to demonstrate their
inability to grasp the situation by beat
ing tbe air with criminations, self
defense and bickerings as to the degree
of responsibility attachable to the re
spective departments of the government.
Actual news from South Africa is of
little interest. Buller maintains silence
as to bis future movements, but it is
generally supposed be is maturing an
other attempt to reach Ladysmith.
A letter appears today from a Hanov
erian officer, formerly of the Twenty
Second German infantry, but now among
the military advisers of the Boers, which
says nearly 10,000 trained European sol
diers, including quite 300 officers, are
among the Boers. Referring to the
military situation at Ladysmitb, tbe
officer says:
"Owing to the strength of our position
on the circle of heights like Sedan, we
can't be brushed aside, except by a re
lief olnmn outnumbering ns 2 to 1."
Catarrh Cannot ba Cared
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take Inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acta directly on
tbe blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of tbe best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucons surfaces. The perfect
combination of tbe two ingredients Is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Eend for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrnguists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Reward for Helen Mould's I'atrlotlsm.
Nkw York, Feb. 1. There will be de
cided opposition, u is stated in Wash
ington, to giving Miss Helen Gould the
thanks of congress as proposed in a
measure recently introduced. Repre
sentative Hull, of Iowa, chairman of
the bonse committee on military affairs.
said that be should oppose the measure.
"Not on the groond that Miss Gould
has not been the exemplification of gen
erosity and patriotism," said Mr. Hull,
but I think the thanks of congress Is
not a fitting way in which to reward. It
is against all precedent. In my opinion,
Miss Gould should have a medal of honor
from congress.''
Mr. Albert 8. Welch, announces a
production of a dramatization of Dumas'
Monte Cristo by local talent. The full
cast of tbe company will be made known
in a da7 or so. Mr. Welch promises an
historically correct production, a drama
tization of his own which has met with
much success wherever presented.
- . . , I , , IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH n ihiiiihhhhhu,,,,,,
fat) luixss.
gait Lskf, Denver, Ft.
Wortti, Omaha, Kan
sas I'itT, et. Louis,
Chicago and East.
:A4 p I
Jl iip. n
Si oktne
7.05 p. m
Walla Walla, PpoktDC,
MlnrieaiioUa. M. J-sul,
On 1 u I o, Milwaukee,
Chicago and Kant.
4 Jta.m
p. m.
4 p. m.
FaoM Portland.
Ocmd Ateamahipa.
For ban Francisco
December 3. . 13. 18,23
ana at.
t d. m. Inn.
Ei.bunday Columbia Rv. BtmT. Ii.buudaj
I io aiitokia ana nay
naiuniax J-suaiugs.
iv p. m.
si. B. WlLLiBlTTl Riria. 4:30 n.ra.
Ex.bunday Oregon Cltjr, Kewberg, Ex.bumluj
balcm A n ay i.aud .
a. m.
Willahttti akd Yam-' 8:30 n. m.
Tuea.lbur. bill Kivik.
and baL Oregon City, Dayton,
and Way-landings.
ud Fri.
a.m. I Willi TTI River. 4:p. m.
Tue..Thur, Portland to Corvallis, Mon. Wed
and Bat, I and Way-Laudinga. .and Friday
Shaki Rivia.
RIpuria to lwlton.
8:30 a. in.
Lv Rlparla
1:20 a. in.
Parlies desiring to go to Beppner should
take No. 4, leaving 1 he Dulles at 7:05 p. m
making direct connections at Heppner junction
Ke'.urnlng makingdlrectotinection at Heppner
Junction with Mo, 1, arriving at The Dalles at
i.'oiu m.
So. S2, throught freight, eat bound, does not
carry paswugers; arrives 2:50 a. in., departs
3:u0a. in.
No. i!t, local freight, Carrie passengers, east
bound; arrives 4:au p. m., departs 8:15 p. m.
No. '21, west bound through freight, does not
carry pagseageis; arrives 8:15 p m., departs
v.w p. m.
No. 2a, went bound local freight, carriea pas
sengers; arrives 6:15 p. m., departs 8:30 a. m.
For full particulars call on O. R. 4 N. Co.'s
agent lne Dalles, or address
Gen Fas. Agt., Portland, Or,
Sheriff's Sale.
Oregon, for nnsco County.
J. P Melnerny, as admin Intra tor of the estate of
runup urogan, aeceassu, riaiutlll,
N. W. Wallace and S. F. Wallace. Defendants.
Hy virtue of an execution, decree and order of
sale, duly Issued out of and uadcr the seal of
the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the
county of Wascn, to me directed and dated the
2Hth day of November, lsyii, ukiu a decree for
the foreclosure of a certain mortgnge, in favor of
plaintiff and against said defendants, and judg
ment rendered and entered lu said court In the
above entitled cause. In favor ' f Dlaintill' and
against the defendant N. W. Wallace, ns judg-
ineiii ucuior, in me sum oi one moussna ana
thirty two and 22100 dollars ( 1032.22) with In
terest thereon from the Hth day of September,
lw9, at the rate of ten 10 per cent per annum,
'and the hi r titer sum of one hundred dollars
$Hi0!asattornev;fess.andtbe further sumof thirty
and M U dollars fM M mid. the costs of and up
on this writ, and commanding me to make sale
oi mo real properly emDracea in suen decree of
foreclosure and hereinafter described; said de
cree and Judgment having been rendered and
entered on the 24th day of Oetober. IKK). I will
on the third day of Januiir) , l'.nxi, at the hour of
2 o'clock In the afternoon of said day and at the
front d'Hr of the county court house, In Dalles
City, Wasco county, Oregon, scli at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash in
nana all tne rlgnt, title and Interest which
thedefendants.N. W. Wallace and 8. F. Wallace,
or either of them, had on the 2titb da) of Sep
tember 1S03, the date of the mortmige foreclose!
herein, or which said defendants or any of the
ueienuuiiis neiein, nave since acquirca or now
have in and to the following described r"ul prop
erty, situated and being in Wasco county, Ore
gon, to-wit: The southeist quarter of the south
west quarter, the south haif of the southeast
quarter, and the northeast quarter of the south
east quarter of section twenty-eight.ln township
seven south, of range seventeen east, Willamette
Meridian, containing 160 acres, or so much nf
said property as will satisfy said Judgment and
uwrev, wnn cosis ana accruing costs.
Haid property will be sold subject to confirma
tion and redemption as by law provided.
Dated at Dalles Cltv, Wasco county, Oregon,
tbia 2Uth day of November, 1M.
decMl Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the county conrt
of the state nf Oregon for Wasco county, in
probate, has duly issued letters testamentary to
the undersigned as the executor named In the
lust will and testament of Caleb llrooks, de
ceased, and to administer upou the estate of the
said deceased. All persons having claims
sga!nt said estate arc required to piesent the
mine to me at the law office of Condon & Con
don, in Dalles City, Oregon, with proper vouch
ers, within six months Iroui this date.
December 22, ix'jy.
Executor of tbe estate of Culeb Brooks, de
ceased. Dec2a-li
Administrator's Notice.
The nnricrtlgncd having been appointed nd
mmistriiior of the estate "f Jonathan Jm-ksnr.
den asrd, under aud bv virtue of an n der duly and entered In the c.mitv Omit of the
Stttirt. fit (Irt-vi.t. f... W nww. ,.. ..... rti..t
day ul December, all jiersons having claims
".-. mu t-t vwi.r aiu ucrtoy IMIIIIKU 10 pre
sent the siime with the proper vouchers and duly
verllied at the olllce of my attorney, r red .
W ilson, In The Dalles. Oregon, wlthlu six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated The Dalles, Oregon, Jan. 1, l!aj0.
Jan 20-51 Administrator.
Nntlee s hereby given that the undvalgncd
his been appointed by the county coiut of the
state of Or. gon, for Wasco county, administrator
ofthcestxte of Antoue Jerome, deceased. All
persons having claims aitnliist said estate are
hereby notliitd to present them to me at my
oIIIcb in The Dalles, Or , within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated December 1:1, 1H9).
K. F. OIltOXH,
declf, II
Aaacure for rheumatism Chamber
lain's Tain Balm ii gainlnu wide repu
tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond,
Ind., hai been troubled with that ail
ment aince 1802. In apeak inn of It he
aya: "I never found anythinjr that
wonld relieve me until I used Chamber
lain'a rain Balm. It acta like magic
with me. My foot wan swollen and
paininif me very much, but one pood
application of Pain Balm relieved me.
For ial by Blakeley A Houghton.
Str. Regulator.
(Limited Landings )
Ship your
Regulator Line.
I.v. Dalles
at Ha. at.
Tuesday . . .
Lv. l'ortliind
at 7 A. at.
Thursday .
. Wednesday
iturdav Friday
Arr. Portland Arr. Dalles
at 5 r. at. .at i r. at.
J Travel by the 8teamers of the Regulator Line. The Company will endeavor to give its pat
Si' rons the best service possible. For further information address
8, PortUnd Office, Oak-Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt., The Dalles. ,
Chsua rsvs w ay a,w,hsr fcVtB sr ivi viv i wimMi Tw'rTATtTswMrfwaiTtirs'rtvtuj
A Spltndid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grasi and
Seed Wheat, Seed O.Ue,
Seed Rye, Seed Barley,
Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn
King Philip Corn,
Stowe'l'e Evergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Corn,
Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of
which will be sold at cloee'prices for CASH at the Feed, Seed
and Grocery Store of
r . til V
Circulars and particular! furnished on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
All kinds of
The Dalles, Or.
Funeral Supplies
I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greate American Liqnor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
Wfil'gifit ffoVi $2.75 Yo K00 per galion: (TtoTrfeara old.') ' " "
iMPORTED OOGNAO from 7.()0 l0 $12.00 per tralloi,'. "dl to 20 year, old.!
SAjjOgglAjRj SPIES f'om 3.25 lo 16.(10 per yallon.74 to 1 1 yearToTd.
Subscribe for the Chronicle.
Advertise in the Chronicle.
Dalles, PoniaiiQ & Hstor uui
8t2 mors ot tbe Regulator Line will run as per the fol
lowing schedule, the Company reserving the right to change
schedule without notice.
Str. Dalles City.
(Touching at all Way Points.)
Lv. Dalle
at 6 30 a. sr.
Wednesday... .
Arr. Portland
Lv. Portland
. Tuesday
Arr. Dalles
White Hominy Corn.
Early Rose Potatoes,
Burbank Potatoes,
Spring Vetches,
Brome Grass,
Cheap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
and Motors
& Burget
Burial Shoes
V'' BUU 'nd lyn,p"' BMr ,n b0tt,e,