IJCsr:-- - T Annul twi-I.e l! L" (pOv "'V. peikku ui li r t.-.L vwd tu -0Sr -st I ' , liful at u lift "f i-ncl-ie a. aa r-' hm sm. T-Z V is-, ... ... Vi-ti.nrc be .a.tx. i-ci- ACTS GINTLY CM THE Kidneys, Liver and Bowels EFFECTUALLY ITS iIe5 "4. uitaiiB. .out.- rtvrn if all - J. Jut ivet it a t.-; jt iruu. C. F. !? K L i'.'t, i is ' ;: c:': tsdty. Etg t. JvtKc was iys iua Arl.g t'js j er iey. lr- i.ud JC-. Jtu frt'.ii" ju.fi rt- Vr. i3 Kr. T. K- .tiiu m iL yitc.T i-'vu. 1i-1t I'.'a XnJdf. 'j. C. -W-iT ij till ".I ?X3- C J- YtE I';x w.a i& lri. it t tulT 5 Hit ;! tt. eJiy a tJU ima mum: 'trr auitf-rd 1V twit fcr- tf-T IA7 Wiii unt lut-if trtia. hritf os t. cm. I.. E3 JCareidin. on vf Pdirtc W'i itif tiw;iit, r:ie1ri at ti Ca-atii.a yeier4r. Ctir:i Kerritl. aiatkajrer of it Hj'P Oat.l, it is Tie tvder on timt. J'Auf.'jm to is r-jtu Dofar wlfi; a.i4 jtit lli uiyrnitf Jvf Ir. H. E. Eu.,, 4v.B yeeterdar i tbrowB in ,eTer of trttm aev aoi tpett today ia tbe city, j t'r'r Jt ootninf . S itcrdy tbe re w t... . -.. 1. i .. ' p'Jft gained credence tbat tbere were Ia Tt Lai, M-ft tbit n.ninj lor rorto4. t. C. P. Eaiy left fctordar eipbt I'M Wtrvs. L!re L wiil eoodovt a aeriot of o,t-tJi pt. Vetere, J. C. H'rtetler, J. 6. Firh and Tt0. Sc-B!-rt ieft sVatordaT for arnpfer ad tiie Oretibora caitiiog dirtnet, to Ivofc after ttir auisittg ioorreete tbere. Trtetiaa Bo tier refomed SatardaT (St. l'.r rpeod ap aereraj weekt paet I ia lm CaipWn wun Mrt. Katier t prex.tt. Tiie latter will remain aome titoe yet irtaiticp. H. W. Frencb returned borne laet ;gtit from a tbr-weekt vieit in Caii loraia. After vtaitief Mrt. Frencb't sttLer ia r-a V raucisuo, tbey mad tba tna tbropti fyxstbern California. Mrt. Preseti wtij retuaia ia baa franciaco ererai weekt Jonger. TaeMtj VmiiJ. W. A. WaUit, of M jrti, 1 ia town on boaisee. 1. B. Me A tea and G. E. 5olia are fa Iron Defar. 4. D. Bowuaa, one of Kingtley'i farm crt, u ia tb city. Mrt. II. Logan went to Portland yet. terdmy, wbera tbe will bear Nevada and tba BotUrnUnt. Ifoa. John 8ommerTille was a paa aenger on lart oigbi't train from I'ort laaxl, Mrt. KimmerTiIle baring retnrned a few dayt preriont. O.C. B!akeleye4meoponIatnight'elyooreotioado,,', t)icT train from Portland, having tpent hoo- j 'torte corrent nor half of them, and lay with Mrt. Blakelry, whose eyetigbt when yoo bear them don't any mora t reportt at mewhat improving. I ,bl0 uifAt ,hln be Jlm repe,t H. N. Bteel, wt.om Iallefl people will yoa "heard." reasemoer at having tang in the A. L, V. H. oaartt clob here atioot a year ago, paeaed throngh the riiy laat nigt.t on hit way to hnmpter where he it engaged in the real ettata botinett. Mrt. C. V. Pt.iliipe left on the a'ter. cooa train fur Portland, and will vitit her titter, near llillttxiro, nntil 8ator day evening, when the will leave for an f ranciwo to attend the millinery opninrton Monday and Taetday aod order her rpring goodt. M4KBIED. At the Methoditt pertontg,on Kighth treet, Monday affrnoon, Jan. 2th, by I. V. If aw It, L. K. Carmithael and Miet Matlie A. Yoeam. . Tbe groom repreerntt the Home Com. fort Kteel Iiinge Co. in Tbe Daller, while tbe Id ide arrived a fe dyt tir.cf from Ler houie at Beloit, Kin tar. us DILLS VTZZXLY CBSDSSOX. TnfflSXSDAY. JANUARY e:ia i ittJi:Liur ui -.1 p.n.ary ctwe-.u-t. Jt ce.rxf cuMs.jer.' nun-ax euuiry. - ' i.oo. c.Lt- iir twr cun.ntf rinI.. kt J'.t urn, tOid -uic (rr jb ttj ptTCil trf -'.'U.niitr, jicr--c.iTt. &nut.fi ; a--? ta'.Rt.tt i fu..-:irfxl ui ii tour t'CT .! tint ctrt ki mil. e-itcunn -J'l;rC It' fp"."t tItti' M0 L-uiiurr twim'j1, I !'- ti vuumt vt M)f riiir. 5'--''- nr jrtit. UUI dmffcl Hj tlJ- tr.B ni0 cj jon Jir n3it i. rieL prr.i t i i Li .loanifi.t eun ftUMVl'e t! J'Uli.iC :' : Mii t) 111 fi-WlWit VKlB til J0.11iU.! I.r jr:u.nrr re'.rl.i,'n i-iji I'Urer puhliCt ;'.!U '. Uj4-KX tU kli tl'i is 5tm"1T 5-.iftt Ci5!s I j'CK iuiti reiiTilrd to partic'pa'-e ii TKi,'jm. M n IkrutdCiki iiot r i cMictiafci I- r.j cfEat. Tt, i.su C-t.-" Ti lt aitl:iif lj t i.u b'.nn ttf Tecix.f:, Fr;iT, I -tmB.ry 2nd. i-fh.r "uf lii iot Wfttiiilion, lie Tl jtotjkih of lifutl'ciin c'ob irmtw'nif b-id lrt n:8tt in the SinTb VI Md, i Mrt onb in the pfedirig j.rijid t'.-lT, re ooium'iiikb. Jtt it Ltriia b..cn partr go on ith it tmoiinwt oion thit t't-, and ttiere will t no jtucu4 of eoujp'ik'.Dt. Tte Ore i K-rtt Uicre it no re.on to f-r ujit !i arraficeaiit lor tLe prlmariet iid con ruti'.Ti siil be otter tbao esitaliie nJ fair. B ti'n it noean tLat 11 ootutxifjt ibkke each r- g i ruifriurHU' Kiiy bkuiivii ruMj lras w;,ifJM,i;ltr,tqoli r,ltj to .a. It caa Lare ii'j Cjyjt.V'jn to oo ottier viae. CBsklla Hr It it reouarkabiy etracpe aitfa what rapidity Lad new arill epread, and bo a totpicion of tbe prettee of tujalif'ji isereat in a fe dayt to ten caeet. And tbet fvr to dayt part Tbe Dkllet bat ct twt.hpox oo tLe Lili, and j tbit nioruici at tcbool tbe children bad j it ten caaec. Tea Chesi. I a tpoke a few dart eicce of a complaint being made tbat a family wat rititiog Lere from Muro who bad not fuliy recorered frjtn tbe diseate. It proved to be a family by tbe name of Poole, contitting of fatber and mother, a ton and daogbter, who arrived htre a week ago yetterdav to vitit a family by tbe narae of Maliigan, wbo lire near Tbompeon'e addition. It teetnt tbey bad all been afflicted with tmallpos and tbe toy ttill bad a tcabortwooa bit face, wbicb canted alarm. Dr. Doane wat called, aod although not deeming there wat any great ranee for alarm, ia bit opiaion it aatacata which called for precaution, and the Maliigan family were quarantined, while their vititort retnrned from whence they came. Tba tarprite it tbat tbe pbytieiaot al lowed tl family to leave Moro wbea tba dieeaaa wat yet upon them. Tbey teemed perfectly innocent regarding tba matter, toppoeing it wat all right tine tSedoctort made no ot j action. However, too marb precaution cannot be need aad it can only be hoped now tbat no teri ont tetalt will follow their rttbneit. In the meantime, we would tay, while Xotlca t Ttr. Under the provision! of the rgit' ra tion law all peraont when regittering are required to foruib to thej regitter ing officer the following information : If natarallted, the time, place, an coart of naturalization. In tbit con nection, it it oeceteary to produce naturalization papert, or declaration of intention. Itetidenre matt Le tpecific; giving precinct, tection, 'townthip tni range; if within town or city, the ttreet, No, if any, aud No. of lot and block ; if in ar.y boilding where roomtare numbered, the no ruber of tbe room and floor matt Le given. In order to avoid annrcerriry delay ivf 1 wcir atiocd 1 ji-pawd 1 Inrciai U ktnwY iiiiirDuaUuti. Fc;IiiK te Jnrtid n m? jirecuiS i lii Puti: tT er.b Jo-n ui n i fir 5a-Jry Itiil.c nA.PrT N TEAR, iue iVUo Laeii " W Drrxn;f ov u ptai'ury jfrunieai k iiatj Cl. Bik&- Ti ri--Or DO BOl i 11 Twurd uf yrart J-1 tt tir-lt uf Ct.rr. n ur Coi-in&D. t'M ti? nnn a1. li.tir yk.r lrotu ti's iiini of ti; tc ;rar uf Ci-ita, Licb tly T i-!-c-Tfi :trtt-B.x j-ert tf 3. Tl7 rine to I fUuOS If tie -efr)'Uc rt jxr-u ti tl enicid uf cue enfieror aiid ti aj-jiuiiiiiutTt uf anu"-ir, lct iioid te tii catea tiier tare tec ciV rT;i!j lar a t carter ti a eettnrr. Ti7 itfan ti tair ikt erekiiJ; iy n..kt c:inici.'j li! nxrnur ts rjn ti yfckT a ilh a tiear Wiaoioe tiiwi, iJri otid lie a iendid i''.aa lor tiieir a Lite iirrxtierr to i jjvw. Tii arrrraJ tif tbe lw year ae titfraidd ty ti tiuai; Ctlxe kid, bo it siut-arca ti a3 Le ecrrej i Ctiiua tiE, WiLf ti ct"'y tnji'J JijLs in tirniL tie Lt aiid g'jrgvom'.j ia a U r-jj'jrt tif ti,e ra:tktw and etrotied it ttrw.t l.kt a pt-apw k- No prra: jnarktiuL i ever ttade ty Tt.e CLivanx ; Lot jnet Vt tiifin jet iu "J of CLita f':a axd tie ci5ratia af.f t,cU t& J'.nelf, n Drii tf iLeir eu?;'1.!: Liler:ry -i;iiLi'itp !it'f jb li eorf.:D tf firw-ar-tt-r a tica itkke tLiiipf i:re!T. Tije ti&eroeitT of llie C'rtt"ji! it iu eridruoe cicii tLi jiartirD.ar occaeion abd ii'.iie of tteir frieode are J'rp-Jitec, trt-ia-actere. tjot, ctdie, f ki'y-colortwl i.at.(Iatrt ii:f, te'je-, sdiii tbeir a ay to li LvitK- of 1 tLitir fi.roL and tiioae b are kiod to tberc. Tbe CLicefe in tbe rti'.wi Sialet tBn.lr 1S,(KiO and iiey c-jceuaae lare asjODttt of dt-iicacief frown and pot op ia CLica. Tbe cottom jrifictori at f ort'ktid 3 Prt Towcsfud report tbe arriTal of latge qnEtIue ol recracker, Cbuie i;jaort, provitigui and dei;ta ciirf, ir-rladicf canned froite, charkt' f nt, eeaaeed, edible birdt cettt, becbe de user, preetrTed egg, tie., and for deeeert a full etotk of Cbinew inedicioet, inclodicg boloeet at large aa g'A )wVif, dried tnakee, hr.irit, eeotipedee, etc., ! abich are intended to otercoice tbe1 deltterioot effecrit ot OTerinduljfence in tbe above tiiestioned diinliee. Gecera Satumert, castota appraiser at Portland, eajtenoafb of medicine have paraed tbro(b bit ofEce to kill erery Cbina oii a in tbe ttate if tbey were impartially adruiDiHen-d. Ioirel Iff fan. No more earnett worker bat ever visited the city than tbe w tio addreeted tbe onion temternce meeting at the Methoditt church latt n:tbt, Mrt. M. ' N. Grave, wbo it national organizer and Itctorer for the W. C. T. U. and I. O. G. T. of Waebington. The ehnrcb wae crowded and tbe aodience littened almost breathlessly for over an boor while tbe rpeaker pointed oat tbeevilt of the great carae of the liqoor traffic in America and the remedy therefor in a mott convincing manner. Her delivery it faatlett, and her argu ment Lrooght forth in tach an attractive and imprestive way at to win the tym patby of ail for the cause the represent. An interest in the temperence cans: bat been awakened in The I)allet, and retaltt will be apparent in the future. On Sunday afternoon at the children' meeting seventy-one signed tbe pledge presented, which includes abttainance from intoxicating liquors, tobacco and profanity. Yetterday afternoon Mrt. Gravet spoke to tbe parenttand wat not t paring ia ber criticism of tba looee manner in wbicb tbe children are brought op and tbe awful result! of carelestneet at to their whereabout! and in allowing Loyt aod girlt to go their way ooattended by the fatLer or mother. At tbit meeting the W.C. T. U. of TbeDallea wat re organized with nineteen members, and at last nigbt't meeting a number of namea wat added thereto.' Mrt. Gravet left tbit morning for a trip through Valley townt and on to California. Srh.ol R.part. Report of Wapinitia tcbool for tba month ending January 27, 1WX): No. of dayt taught, 20. No. of popil enrolled, 21, No. of dayt attendance, 3?,i. Average daily attendance, 14. Tbe following named fcoDilt were net. ther tardy nor absent: Willie Foreman. Claude I..nMin Walter Woodside. M it lie WoodiUle Rosa Delco, Fred Lanihlin. Violet Perh. I ette, Minnie Abbott, Fred Woodside, Artiior Pechett T. M. B. CiiAtTAi.v, Teacher. A trifktfal Blaa4.r Will often caaaa a hnrril.l. v,n nald, cot or brnlee, Bocklen't Arnica Salve, the best in the worhl. will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Core old tore, fever tores, nicer, holla mm. elons aod all skin eruption. Best pile car on eartb. Only 25 ctt. a boa. Core guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley A Hooghton, drogitt. ' FALL OF LADY SMITH EXPECTED lrn-Birt. Eft btx Sbt Krufn liiips. .'an. Ti- Tir- it tjcairit ia Luidut oa tl C"icr-ptJirT bMaees tt ilw aecooiit ti ti. recaj'tce oi t-iut-kiif and tbat atrtt ? Genvrtl n'. 'is. Ti iaiier aayt ecu a ord atKirl tl Boert acain tbe il- and artaiiaiC ti Br:iieii trentnier, asd eiftcriij; ne a t o Lad boifttid tbe tile , at at Jtjoi!a tiU. Instead, Le f note of ti ii.ki.lw.Klir uf ub l tracLtijLi of Uie E-iLki 'n;." There ia vtA moci, duclit that t: tj aneontt it eorrert It it ly no lutiate baaetJtl. Tbe Lindyn jllitary erities LaTt given cp iifpe of aaripj Lidyeaiiib. biii it tndysiitfriy eiiart of fod and aain.ti.i ti'jii. Tbe arniE a ent on tbort rtliciL IeonLier 2. At it required a niBctb far Eair to rrtrt-rei iri. ls ti.r'Jan deical at Cojento. it it iiot lii'jDf Lt 1 en pall tit d bearted army tojMber tsf ia tiine to &-j atrtUtj i-Jt Ladrta.iti. Lcirliii ;Lt ar,i'.cB'y f or t : P:t to toave. Tbey eeeaj to be tg Ltir j t- a Terj de ti.e p'ao, ainl it it ibocfit tbey iuy attauk Ea'er waeeao'l LadyEaaiib- 5rw Yott, Jan. 2. A tpeciji! ctb;e faai frrn Loi.d jc to tLe EretiJEj Wrrld eatt: 42t it learned frotn a reliable eaoree tbat Lord Ejl-ertt bat adrieed tbe abaiidanrceEt vt Ladrfmitb. At tbe air tiEfc, the d.t patch ad it, no eonfiViDa'.I -n j erold t obtained of tbe adi-iee eaid tci bare pi Ten by Lord Kobtrtt." Lo.tDos, Jan. Tte war cfEce detiet tbe report that Ladysruith Lad eorrendered, and arjnoijnct that a very Le-ary liit tf ca?u'.ties will be issaed tonigLt. EXPECTS THEM TO COME BACK Be!ieres When Eastern Gold Democrats Understand tbe Chicaeo Plaifurm Tbcv Will All Xbit aad Work for II New Yosk, Jan. 29. A special to the Herald from Washington eayt: Wil liam J. Bryan tpent a quiet Sunday in this city and left in tbe evening for Providence, ria New York. Mr. Bryan't visit to Providence will be bit second entry into New England, and while he doet not, of course, look for substantial reeoHt from that section, be believe the indication! from Lit Eastern reception will be of value to the party throughout the country. "I bave been greatly pleated," be said, "at the interest manifested by Demo crat! of the East in what I bave bad to tay npon tbe great isioet before the people. There it every indication of the retarn of every man, wbo, misunder standing the ittnet of tbe latt campaign, went off to tbe enemy, and I believe tbat at the real meaning of tbe principal! of tbe Chicago platform are better under stood by the people of tbe Eaet, not only will we regain the Democrat, bot we will alao make eerioot inroads ia the ranks of our opponents." Mr. Bryan doe not believe tbat the Kepoblicant will bold oat tbe hope of in ternational bimetallism in their platform of 1900. He expect! to eee their plat form declare nnequivocally for tbe gold standard. TmI frMpeeta. la a circular to wool grower Christy 4 Wise, tbe San Francisco wool dealer, "Advise consignment instead of sale at home," and declare their belief tbat "Tbe quality of the wool will be excel lent, bat the number of sheep bat been reduced by tbe financial and climatic hardship of recent season, and there fore we cannot meet the heavy demand like in former years, a condition tbat will alone create sensational price. To onr way of thinking the grower have the best opportunity for a decade before them, and will retrieve tbroogh th.ir mutton and wool the tevere losses of previous year." Victor !.. We are having a fine winter; no par ticularly cold weather a yet. Wheat ii looking splendid, with good propect for next season. Rev. R. G. Brown ha been conduct ing revival meeting here, with good lacceai. He it a fine talker. Oar school 1 not to flourishing now, probably on account of evervone'getting vaccinated and the smallpox scare. However, there ha been no tmallpox on Juniper Flat yet. We are having little dancing here tbit eaeon. Vicroa. Victor, Jan. 28, 1900. Rltaailoa Waat.d. A yonng man want tituation ia a theep camp. Address, H. Dai to, jar20 1w The Dallet, Ore. a. isoo. I-flEE-l With tvery one dol lar j'Tirc-Lase at our store duriag Januan' and February we will give a chance on a Alcrniiiized Garland Steel Range. r ..CHflS. FRflUK- Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. K7 on tSranrfct rbe kttriiK-4 r3 tt tttset iwf im Tttt at ue dqj(l1 y-nf. Com i a, try it 4tXid itC WLTJljlfd. Al4 Hit FiwKt bm.Dd oi iDtr, U ,Tir aUl4CiaiZft. Sanduiiehes of aU tiiidujri on basl. BROS. a 0 EXE SAL Wagon and Carriage Wark. Flah Brother' Wagon. IliffiLETA JMUHTOJI, Wholesale ano Retail Carry tbe Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 115 Sscoci Street. THE DALLES F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith. Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Secant & Lanolin. Ttocc UI JJ 4. 8TURDEVANT, Dentin. OlSeeover French a Toi Bank Pbno , THK PALU. OB IQ- . f. acoaa. 1H Oi TUT MOOIiK & GAVIN, ATTORXF.V9 AT I.AW. Room. and to, over f. 8. Un. Oltlc. .1 i j jnaier & Beaton ! . BlacKsmitls AND llofseste DEB STJUIIONS. i IS THE CTECTTT torET rr TH ; c Orua, li u Cdoiit; 4 kj. TlTl Belie JiwT, phiiuf, To ThiJ ItPiiretTT, a4eulai,t. I tt Sn the ikte i4 Crrf n. y, bT.r reyiiia w VKr kn4 mi Viui ta ;a ia u t-DJt Vi'-Lik trn at mm tl lalr .; tbjr nawci KB rou. K w it -,. Uii Lvatrtj: r il nrt titj. i MT tnETj 4 11. l Me. ttiea will is ? w, tt, trwk U dktr t4 tbe fcuk u.i ji, cvoa ya " u rsr bimb j Wr tmrauS. tfctra w a tur Utt iT J ta f;i4 la ror t f.uijj to-ait. a arffwemi tnti Inon ti k,. U liO M)tbcstia ben4: ktm! j , lkt. t turnup ta -au.ui ia !iit. bnt. ti:t tl ajrrul UeC OW rllJHJT fctWMl iavlI.S ar4 . Ut .VirlM tit rXCOajV CMataQT fi Ua n, Tlxi ""tin. il iHr i aen m! vit ?om V fast. tia vtmji. tcroaut t tM wtr 4 tM rait Ctrf. ir-aOe afjS fivw4 b tt- i'C eoaturtU ctav. txu. )-: n jM2hji Attune? iar lu-t yoncE. J t. ivTutn. aaniitkjaiv i ti eul Lytia A. KjcUbupq a . Ofoeaftp 1. yu -"SQatf , as rkf tii tKr Himcraitje OonitT u.un M t elate i4 .n-rra itr aato rxtouTT. ccW tu ai4 crf'tfTvo ta tx tti CUt etf sot. T tnrm attd aiirt tu 1.4b Cm 4 kv.tsrx.Hrt, Kc v w-w at firiTaM1 -r Urn em-t :n au J ttrr i(LMiif Oearr:iaid rtmi OUV-.Wkj mcto tbttK2a Lai acud LLim X. kithMi kteaiKL W- U: TLrt? ;tnl'ert uarr i4 tfc acmtiw Tt and fttvtitt bau rt tt- nrrrfc ft ls-mj e 'lit woii wft quarter f uf tutn ntn-x uaan Ad awt-Hfii tbrxf ;'.) ia toa-n.t!:j !nut i tv.n. raxiff tt.ntw4!. H'.', mKt I in i:iwrr jaJk, in 1 aw wntiiT. .fnvta: a I ttitt fw jtr parottl 1 lit i4 partJMiiariT K-uiiX u Qtt.!itgfl a kuitmfr itzeiurirratt; -4 r,, L-5 iat-i aiejKi jbe atst!ta4 MratT trf & r;titi4 t;iiart d -tnrn ttrt s ;u tic t.3v f'UT '4 tct f rarre thiri!B a;-liH- uxtuix TSf Dirr)iiia i ix rww euurr xau and rti'tir tin?:. twtr rBr-fcui liiMrt st : Tdt and rt : OTrt-isaii a-rf, aita I !-: y ea4 3 JHH HUC ,, to liit (if ttt:i:i:iuc aav a.T;C em 1 tjfpfci mm i ur i(lt ia aiMaAtariii a AQCi.Tjw y mt 1 tii if7fTh. tj'fa t tinea, bt -euo-attii and txnniv! : Tt vnan t e o-aci! . .''tiDiit mi m: tuu Uj ijfcriiaj a aV&Aj.tu it- u T4vt: oi 7jxti. a laid otii aid V.aa:4c t-jii!-fHrdM ia tie lirwn 4 im3 r tHui T. lrr ni- a.id rtmi -taf- ikiw AarT. Kfiv2iai.;ur Jjt arret, xottre cc iea&. At? tienrm dwiiTtf nVraiatHTa "ritb ?;? 1 aad rtml nU- sti(iud cal d tr adcirew- aj . MerrOfe, ai 1 be lamea. rtn. lattd ttii- LTtfa 4cj ui JaunaT. I.. 4. S- Ft KftrE'S aidrHiJ., MX2tML Km A V. tm. Att' trie kr Adminifitrat'rj. lqjt en GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. P' II TV THE COrSTT COfKT OF Till rTr. Bi 1 vt uivirtm, ir Wkeo ecnTT- - k ni t. Fni.i Kbnit.Aiii.je J-on. i.mi taia he kljd M.ry JtrQrn, iliu(ti. , i W j t i)i!nm Jfratta, the doir .TWwtd. inalii. bi ih3 wt'nc t uhrfliitfi at tiie slKpe ciad n.at rf Mi4 nilTfr is oertiiin reJ fmiirrtT trt. ir i'cntd. and it kt'Tmriur to iiir erc to I i Mtid tDB 1ti it it nflmnvary an . trim to MDd werdt ttimt tber inHVfvt ia 9 as J : Uinrkin it ttikt I bcrrva Kin Ht I tn nx.iim aaa next eta i .w.irf Kbict. , . r4 Mil f III 4 ADtiir. Katie ui Mr pei aiir U-iorr thu ort at U ooort mors ibff all j of in Iiailm t ity. Orreva. B tbe !h o..t I Junuarr. l. at itie bouroi w odirl i ult lc n aud thT u hrar mo wny a iM"Hij tbould ac4 bt faDtvd fcw U .ale o4 rortinac I and that lti..rJ-r br r-ut.bstr4 at Jeat u-tlOt ; ;wnKMtf mti la Ybf Iai)r Chrxtick wti.t muawT tfliiw ii hm Mwuty. " " tiattw ttu Ka Uy l liewnihrr. lf. tea kofcaKT M.4Y atelM toosty Ju4r Dot allc NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. (Isolated Tract ) PnWic Land Sak p I-ao Ornt av Tbb Iiallb. Oar.-w r Jaa. 0. X-tw if brrrby girea that ia -a mum-rra trtTDrtinR trots iKtnaiMwinm ri On ., fi lati4fCx, UDJCT aulljHT IC.U4 1 I BOlf by atrtioa .'4,6 t". K her. rtai.. a inruM jj thrart 4 eotrn .rfied rtmiary k.r e ill tn d uof)"t at ycblK aa oi t day. Ur 17th day of Frtmary txt. at K 4 10 i''( h-l. a. m . at tbia i tljet, tbe lvnoii V trarKif taad. to-wit: l4 1. and k.ti I a4 8, Se. 21, T. 1 J ithe 1IE . VT. M. . Aar ainl all jwranca rlalmlne Jrrrt' abtrr dwritatal lauda arr aduivd to t.t ir' rlaimaia Uii oflic oa or bHore tbe da' a" dirnatl Utt Uoiuinrn-aeBt M Uidaetr blbrrinar UMr nrbu will befarintM. JAY f. LTCA8. fcWi.hr. eye aalO-i Oils PATTEBjKjX. fLmaw 10 To;; Notice of QTidian's Sai'io: trc KotW U bcrrty girtw that tar andfnarOi: the dnlr appfnntrd and aMiD( gnantiai mail Ixnar kltBii. Fiauk hliaat. Ami. Joid, U Joidauaud Marv Jurdan, wiaora. aiU.10tl( and artrr lit ITth day W Febroary. lrX ""ho tbertciit, tibeaod interm ol tba.btn. awuu BiDora in aLd to the at nth ball tt U analHIeTC iaartrr of afrttoa In anvnabia t aorth. raaa eamt. '. M.. Uetamc brtca- a tbrae ilihi W eat la ai4 to aald iaad, it raak la basil M prlvaas aale bated JaiiBArv If. W WILLIAM JORPA tlnn jaa M Coard Jl I. Executor's Notice. JJJ Nntire la herrby rlraa that the eountr ... ol tbe aula ot lirnraa f vi aaro inf trotiatr. ha. duly laued letter tnUmi ntt"'o CO ii aiiocraifnea a tbe naraUir namro ii- a 111 Uid InUnMI of I.Wb Hr. 10re enaan. and to admlnl.i.r npnw ihrrtutr'.i.. . aaaiot aaid aatate are minlrrd MwwuiUntti am to m at tt law nfiloa of CobkIkii a1' don. in Iwllxa t Ity. orf n, with nn-p" wtont! r. aithla ali rnontba iron tbla dale. ' la ltDib ii, IV). Koiaxno o. rrooki traps Ixrrolar of tba ntau of Caleb Br,- '. ' tnow ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice re la berrby tlren that lha nn'ttvtr' rn arpntiiird it tba county cmi:t at &At OrMriHi, f'r Maaro county, adm'.nltl . h. brr of thecaut. nl An anna Jrmme. draa. (rona aona baring rial ma aralnat aald '""I'gci'' rbr BotlHrd to nrrapnl Ibcm In n at" r. In Tba lialfra. Or., within all na f Dvtrbr omri (mm to. data hrnof. Uatnl frcrmtwr 1.1, m V. derltil Admlnl'tn)"1 eyed Caah ! mmr caaaaa. All coootv warrant reaiittered srSodiei to April 1. 18W. will be paid .nhich office. Interest ceaaee after Jai-hr. I li00. C. L. PHtt tir Conntv Trea.tr ONE FOR A DOSS. M.iat. Flmpl, r-OT "'"";nM, Hnl ii,.Bi.mM, PILLS iry ti Ge . I.? '"- Thr,"""tar . -.. T"Tl 112 Z.';?.' " ",fl "'" n..i. uf M' . ald Uf dracguta. pg, UOaANHO C0.fhW w a. tt cs fr e. 01 at be de