THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 24. 1900 The Weekly Chronicle. THK DALIES. - . aKKOUN OKF1CIAI PAPER OF WASCO COUNT V. Puhluhed in two parl$, un Wtditetdayt and Saturday!. 8CB3CK1PTION RATES. t Mill., ronAGi raira.ii, iv adtascb. One year II M Blx nioutia 76 Tbree mouths 40 Adrertlslnft rates reasonable, and mad known n application. Addreaa all enmmnnlraUona to"THF THRON ICLik," The iaUM, Oregon. LOCAL BREVITIES). Saturday'! Daily. Call and inspect the line of golf and traveling cape at Pease & Mays. Pease k Mar have received a full line of novelties in golf caps, etc. This morning J. II. Preston, who was held on a charge of larceny, was released from the custody of the sheriff, friends . having famished the f 250 bail. Contrary to the nsual custom, services will be held tonight at the Methodist church, and the special meetings will continue tomorrow and the entire week. A special invitation is given the public to tomorrow's services. - It is said that a congressman the other day asked Brigham II. Roberts how 'many wives he had, when the gentle man from Utah answered : "Enough so that I don't bother other men's wives." This leads one of our exchanges to say, . I . : - . i A . i lucib tuia 13 uiuro iiihij euujo ui uur law makers in Washington can truthfully sy of themselves. Sometime since the Lutheran church in The Dalles extended a call to Rev. Wm. Brenner, of Oregon City, who Las - been filling the pulpit here at intervals for several months. The call has now been accepted and two weeks from to morrow he w ill enter upen his duties as pastor. Mr. Brenner is a young man, nd possesses that energy that will make his work successful. Nigbtwatchman Phirmfn is a good friend of the hoys, although they may not be old enough yet to appreciate the fact. Last night finding an 18 year-old boy playing cards In one of the city saloons at 10 :30 o'clock, be walked him over to the city jiil, gave Urn a night's lodging therein and this morning lie was given a wholesome lecture; one which should teach him to better employ bis youthful hours in the future. It is a grat satisfaction to Dalles peo ple, who remember kindly Charles N. Ori Hon tfin ivhn visited Anr nitv font years since and conducted a series of meetings here, to learn that tie is re covering from a serious illnees in Min neapolis, wbicb it was feared would prove fatal. The world cannot afford to lose such men as he, whose efforts in be half of the fallen and down-trodden, have saved hundreds from dishonorable lives and etaited them on the path of Virtue. Last eveuing Miss Lily Seufcrt enter tained a nuaiber of her friends at-her mother's residence on Fourth street, A number of games were played nntil a late hour, when a most tempting lunch was served. After luncii a few selections on the piato were rendered and then, nopmg mat trie pieasani evening wouia soon be duplicated, the following guests depatted : Dullie Morris, Yalesca Leibe, Bernie Schooling, Pearl Joles, Rose Bnrhler, Annie Harris, Wasco Morris, Mamie Buchler, Frank Seufert, Robert Stewart, Pete Mckeleen, Rtx Ward, Paul French, Fred Waud, Claud Martin, Silvey Kelsay. If the lessons taught last night by Dr. Geo. Hall in his lecture at the Baldwin were heeded and put into practice in every day life by those who listened to hiiu, there would be a trans formation in many homes of our city. The doctor Is a speaker who bears evi dence of learning and at the same time is of that type of lecturers who believe in choosing subjects of interest to his listeners which please and not puzzle. His delivery is-excellent and his 1m-personationsflrst-class, perhaps the most pleasing feature of bis address being the impersonation of the mother's lullaby, which was beautiful, being enhanced by the sweetness of bis voice. If Is ideas of what constitutes a happy home were well chosen and, being interspersed with pleasing anecdotes and witticisms, found fvinnh fdtrt il h iUa nillAnn Thla la bot his first visit to The Dalles, and all who heard him hope it will not be the last. I a woman or two working op the suffrage question, was all the session lacked to make it the "real thing." il. J. Anderson, the village black smith and Populist statesman of Dufnr, think he can see as far into a Repub lican millstone as the man who picks it. While in town today he strongly de nounced the present smallpox scare as a deep-laid scheme of Mark Hanna and the McKinley administration. "It is notorious," said Mr. Anderson, "that only Populist preciucta have got this Filipino itch, as they call it over in Sherman county. Moro, a Populist stronghold in Sberntan county, has got it bad. So has Wamic in this county, wbicb is almost solidly Populist. Tygh is badly threatened, and Tygh is Bryaneque to the core. Antelope and Hood River, two Republican strong holds, have not a siugle case. Neither is there a case in lue miles, mis shows beyond controversy that Mark Hanna is at the bottom of the whole business. The affected districts have all been quarsntined, and thus prevented from registering so that they may not be able to vote at the next election." It's a cold day when Anderson gets left, however. In the absence of a doctor, and without a proper instrument to scarify the flesh, Anderson has inocu lated every Populist in Lnlur, using a carry comb to start the blood and in jectlng the patients with a virus ob tained, be says, direct from Lincoln, Nebraska. Mondav i Daily. Meetings at the Methodist church continue this week, and the public generally will be welcomed. Examinations all over and standings determined, a new term of school began this morning the second term of the school year. Some people are like bricks hard pressed for cash. Why don't they trade at A. M. Williams & Co.'s and sa"e some uaonev? The Christian church was filled to overflowing last evening with an at tentive audience. Services will continue this week. All are welcome. To give every one an equal chance, A. M. Williams & Co. have decided to continue their special clearance sale of ladies' waists and children's jackets for this entire week. Last night in Portland Dr. A. Tilzir and Mibs Carrie Beary were united in marriage. Dr. Inzer will be remem bered by Dalles people as having been employed as druggist for Blakeley dc Houghton some years since. It will not baa great while now before the fire alarm system is working and ready to warn our citizens just where the fire is. The new alarm boxes seven in number, and the enunciator arrived yesterday, and Mr. Cendon informs us be will soon begin work putting them in place. A disease more terrible than smallpox has made its appearance in Pendleton, two cases of diphtheria being reported there. The strictest of measures are being used to prevent its spread. When compared with diphtheria,- smallpox sinks into Insignificance as far as its fatal results are concerned. Mrs. H. Mrs. J. Those who make a practice of attend ing the meetings of the Students' Liter ary Society not only enjoy the meetings, but receive a great deal of benefit there from. Last night a moot U. 8. senate occupied the city ball and at the open ing of the session "Senator" Gourlay introduced a bill, the object of which was to open the Cascade Forest Reserve In Eastern Oregon to the pasturage of sheep, Hon. John Michell acted as president pro tern, and the following ''senators" took part in the discussion : Gourlay, Gavin, Taylor, Brownhlll, O'Leary, Anderson, Dufur, Barnett, Riddell and Northrup. The discussion was extremely interesting and con ducted in an understanding manner. The ability of the younger members of the senate was remarkable and gratify ing to those whe listened to the Ideas advanced. An absence of lobbyists and .1 he sonorous voice or the sheriti was beard today at the court house door reading out the names on the delinquent tax litt for '98. In answer Hill could be heard in behalf of the county, by whom most of the property was bid in, The list, however, has been pretty well paid up for such a long one. Phirman arrested him last night for vagrancy, and he gave his name as Ed Welch. ' This morning, when brought before Recorder Gates he plead guilty, but said he had just recovered from an illness of pneumonia and had come here to obtain work on the portage road. He P'omised to go to work or leave town, so was discharged. Not content with the never-ending century question, which the newspapers have made their readers so weary of, one paper comes out with the following conundrum, with which all can puzzle their brains until something equally as immaterial presents itself ; "Does July 4th, 1900, begin the 124th or the 125th year of the Independence of the United States?" We are in receipt of -a letter from a member of the Oregon Irrigation Com pany wbicb says that they will undoubt edly commence work on the Deschutes irrigating canal early this spring. This is indeed good news lor Crook county. Its thousands of acres of fertile "dnseert" will soon become its most valuable part, being especially adapted to grain and alfalfa crowing, and only lacking water. -Journal. As nsual' a small number of voters were present at the ichool meeting Satur day afternoon. The business for which they were called together that of levy ing a special school tax to pay the running expenses of our school was, however, dispatched promptly, and a7,'9 mill tax met with little opposition. While a suggestion or two was made re garding the expenses of District No. 12, the general opinion seemed to be one of satisfaction. r For - several years Raymond, the young ion of Rev. and Mrs. U. F. Hawk, has been an invalid, being confined to the bed a great portion ot the time with hip joint disease. Upon a consultation ol physicians Friday of last week it was decided that an operation would be necessary, and it was thought best to take bin) to the hospital. According ly Mrs. Hawk left with him on the boat this morning for Portland, where be will be placed in St. Vincent's hospital and operated on soon. C. F. Baker, he of unsavory fame in other days, is again in trouble. This time be is wanted in Umatilla county on a charge of forgery. After searching for him in the vicinity of Sampler, where he was purported to be, he was finally discovered in Thi Dalle-, and arrested by Deputy Sheriff Sexton Satur day night. Deputy J. A. Blakeley from Umatilla arrived yesterday and secured his prisouer. Baker's parents live bere, and it has always been a conundrum to people bow any son could bo so profligate as to disgrace such a father and mother, People through oat Eastern Oregon will be quite generally interested in the news which has been sent out from Portland to the effect that Paul Mohr's steamboat company, which is building the portage road at The Dalles, has purchased in the east three sets of ma chinery for stern wbee! steamers and the construction of the steamers will be commenced soon. . Louis Faquet, ol Portland, has the contract for one boat and work will begin in a few days. The Molir company has bought the old steamer Frederick Billings from the Northern Pacific company and has bad her repaired at Pasco. It is claimed that the new company will have a line in operation from the head of navigation on the Columbia and Snake rivers to Portland and Astoria in time to move the 1900 crop. E. O. Saturday being the fifteenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Young, a number of friends were in vited to a dinner at high noon, and to spend the afternoon at their residence oq the hill. The occasion was an en joyable one for both host and hostess and guests. Mr. and Mrs. Young re ceived many gifts in crystal ware, both useful and ornamental. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. M. Randall, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Cooper, Mr. aud Mrs. S. Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. F. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. H. Willerton, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lane, Mr.nd Mrs. Lee Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Campbell and daughter, Gladys, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gilbreath, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hartu and son, George Mr. nl Mrs. C. E. Bayard, Mr. and Mrs. James Snipes, Mr. and Steers, Mrs. Wur. Michel!, Mann and son. Earl. A very tormenting habit of some of our young boys is that of throwing at Chinamen as they pass, attending to their own business, and not in any wiee interfering with the little hoodlums. No more energetic race can be found than these Chinamen aud so long as we admit them to our shores, the law should pro tect them. Everybody knows Dick, who is an inoffensive young Chinaman and not ono who would merit such treatment as he daily receives, when a (gang of little toughs stand on the corner and pelt him with mud as he passes carrying bundles of clothes. It is use less for him to attempt to defend him self for the foolish parents of these same disreputable boys would see that the'r "darlings" were not ur.justly dealt with by a measly Chinaman. Juat the same, if tbey are not capable of bringing up their children the law should assist them in the person of the marshal. Tuesday'! Dally. I The ladies of the Episcopal Guild will meet with Mrs. A. A. Jayne tomorrow afternoon. There will be-no band concert at the club tonight. The members will meet for regular rehearsal at the Vogt. The Ladies' Aid Society, of the Con gregational church will meet with Mrs. C. B. Cusbing tomorrow afternoon. Most everyone has read Lorna Doone, and will learn with regret of the death of its author, Richard Blackmoie, who passed away at Teddington Sunday last. The Klickitata seem to have just dis covered that its winter and put on their white hoods. Once before they threw a thin fascinator over their heads, but it slipped off. Saturday night of this week the A. F. C. bowling team of Astoria will be in The Dalles and bowl a contest game with the club. Having next to the highest record in the present tournament, they will no doubt come with their war paint on ready for business. Letters received from Mr. and Mrs. L, E. Crowe, who are spending the winter at the Arkansas hot springs, are enthusiastic in their praise of the springs and the accommodations found there. Mr. Crowe is improving in health, and says be is "training" with Sharkey, who has been one of the guests at the hotel here Mr. and Mrs. Cioweare stopping. A letter from relatives at Wamic re ceived this morning, informs Mr. and Mrs. T. Driver, that although their daughter had been much sicker than they surmised, she is improving rapidly. Three other caees are reported Selth Miller and one in the Knighton and Remington families. All cases and those who Uiave been exposed have been quarantined. Portland has been visited by two terrible fires today. This morning the iron works of the celebrated firm of Wolff A Zwickler caught fire and al though not completely destroyed, much damage was done. This afternoon the The Great Clothing Sale ' Is On. The mat velous offerings during the past two weeks have been so liberally responded to by our many patrons that we have been inspired to still greater efforts for the balance of the month. Men's all wool suits .... Men's all wool suits Men's all wool cheviot suits. Men's fancy worsted and serge suits. . 3.85 . 485 . 6.85 . 7.85 Men's all wool blue serge and cheviot suits, single and double breasted 9 85 It will be well fqr you to remember that this is a January Clearance Sale and cannot last much longer. Hats. Hats. The latest styles and latest shapes at clearance sale prices. A Timely War nin q TI.ere are eight more days we will do business at in this month In which Cut Rates Those of you who have not taken advantage of this golden opportunity must not regret it when it is too late, for we have warned you repeatedly that we have been offering goods Much Lower than the market really justifies. There is no reason to believe that all fabrics will not be higher in future, for prices have advanced all along the line, and for people to presume that they can always buy goods at the pres ent low prices is utter folly. We will not quote you prices on special lines this issue, but bear in mind that there is a liberal reduction throughout the Dry Goods Dep't.l and especially on dress goods, waists, skirts, ready-made garments ot all kind?, underwear, etc. View our silent salesmen the windows. All Cooda Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS Standard Oil Company's works, below the city, are burning and from a report which came as wo go to press, will no doubt be a complete loss. Word reached here this morning that the body of a woman and a babe bad been found in a spring six miles this side of Condon three days ago. A tele phone message trom Arlington this afternoon developed no facts other than that It was supposed to be a case of the experience of Winuin Thorn, of Latham. These men may be the angels they have tried to impersonate, and no matter how the court mav deal with 'them, conclusive evidence has been ob tained that some railroad men may be the perpetrators of dastardly crimes, as well as other people; but when a girl tikes it upon herself to frequent the depot grounds for the sole purpose of flirting with the employes of the road murder and suicide. An officer had h not only lessens her etand in the been cent to investigate the case, and more definite news will be given later. Our old friend the Chinook is a blow- hard, and gave ns such a breeze last night about 11 o'clock that many were corgratulating themselves that at that rate our etreets would be dried up. But Jupiter Pluvious disputed his sway and reigned supreme, making the streets, if anything, worse this morning; Con tentment is said to be the road to happi ness, and tbe best way for Dalles people to do is to travel that highway, leaving the mud beneath them. J. H. Baker, father of C. F. Baker, who was arrested here Sunday night by the sheriff of Umatilla county, as the man who was wanted there for forgery, informed us that it was a case of mis taken idenlitly that the man wanted was C. E. Baker, and his son returned yesterday afternoon. Baker tallied ex actly with the description sent to the sheriff here, and his past record caused the mistake, if mistake it was. Mr. Baker says the man upoc whom the check was passed exonerated his son. About a week ago, Mr. C. M. Smith, who so delighted Dalles people with his wonderful bass voice upon different occasions, left the city for San Francisco, and in a letter to a friend informs him that he has decided to locate there, and has already accepted a position in one of the largest churches. While we are more than sorry to part with such a musician, at the same time we realize a place the size of The Dalles cannot afford the opportunity such a voice merits. In Colorado he was known as "the little man with tbe big bass voice," and he was well named, for none would believe a person of so small stature could possess such a phenomenal voice. His friends here wish him all manner of success in his new home. As usual in The Dalles, the greater portion of the first act of last night's play w us completely spoiled by the con tinued arrival of the audience. It gen erally takes a little time to become ac customed to the voices and the surround ings, but last night those who were there at a reasonable time were exasperated beyond measure as they endeavored to catch but a few scattered words of the conversations which generally form the nucleus of the play. Now that the stores close at an early hour, there is little excuse for tardiness in arriving at entertainments However, many may have been uncertain as to the hour when the curtain would rise. In the future Tiik Ciiiiomci.e will endeavor to publish the hour when the play commences, and It is to be hoped our people will soon be gin to consult the pleasure nf others as well as themselves, and be more prompt. Referring to the case of Winnie Thorn, which has caused such wide-spread horror and indignation throughout the state, after censuring the brutes who perpetrated the dastardly crime, the Cjttagd Grove Nugget warns girls of community in which she lives, but she has started on tho trail that may almost any time lead her into the vicious hands of men not unlike the brutes who brought diFgrace and shame upon the heads of father and mother, shocked a good commuuity, "set a blister" upon the fair name of the victim, and knocked the rust off the hinges of tho peni tentiary. Girls cannot afford to run these risks." not been closed la Baker City, thongh in the presence of sixty caees of small pox they ought to be. No inkling of the condition of affairs ran be gleaned from the newspapers of Baker City, but if the disease is raging there as reported, it would be the part of wisdom for Pendle ton authorities to keep a sharp lookout on visitors from Baker City to prevent another outbreak of the diet as) here." Review. A PRUDENT HOUSEWIFE. " The THE SMALLPOX EPIDEMIC- Willi tha Dleas All About la should UaeMoia rrecautloo. We While it is' the general opinion of Dalles people that we cannot well escape the smallpox, which is now prevalent throughout the neighboring towns and along the line of the ' railroad, at the same time very little precaution seems to be taken. So far as we cau learn few have resorted to vaccinntion, and if a case should develop in the citv tomor row, no place would be in readiness to receive them. A room should be fitted up in the pest house, so that any stranger coming into the city and taking ill of the disease, could be cared for. While we do not advocate the idea of "ehaking hands with the devil before meeting him," yet it does seem as if The Dalles should use a little judgment in the matter and be prepared for its in roads. The fact that the disease is, in most cases, of a light nature, should not make us leas precautious, for a case in Spokne which was contracted from one of the lightest cases, has proven to be of tbe most malignant type. Tbe cases of Mrs. Kennedy and Selib Miller at Wamic are of a light nature and confined to one family, the latter making bis borne with Mr. Kennedy's parents. Although it is a difficult matter to de termine to what an exent the country is infected with it, the following clip pings from exchanges will give a slight idea: "While there is but one case of that dreadful disease in Grass Valley, our citizens are taking every precaution to prevent its spread. The public school has been closed for the present, people are being vaccinated and disinfecting their premises, etc., and it is thought by the aid of a strict quarantine the epi demic will not only be confined to one house, but entirely wiped out." Journal. "A number of cases of smallpox are reported at Waitsburg, as a result of which schools have closed and public meetings prohibited. The caees, how ever, are well in hand and the author ities are using ever precaution for the suppression of the disease." W. W. Union. "A well known citizen of Pendlelon, who came in from Baker City Wednes day morning, aars that a very serious epidemic ol smallpox Is raging in that city. Ho reports that there are sixty cases in Baker City now, that op to Monday the type id the disease was mild, butt hut on that date a very violent case was sent from the hospital to the pest hone. Several blocks are under quarantine, but the quarantine is not Wife of President Krogtt Al ien tl to All Detalla of Her Home Establlabnient. Mrs. Kruger, the wife of the presi dent of the 'i'rnnsvual lepubllc, does her own cooking, although her husband is twenty-five times n millionaire. The husband, who is of n frugal disposition, not only approves of his wife's super vision of the kitchen work, but says it is her tint' to do the work in order to save expense. Not only does Mrs. Kru ger cook, but the frequently washes the clothing' of the family and scrubs and rolls the clothes with the tkill and strength of the best of them. She also insists upon making her own beds. This may he because "the Kruger" needs a very troubled pillow, a sheet without n wrinkle, to ease him from the arduous duties of scheming to make empires and millions, hut if she does the rest of the hard work it is prob able she makes the bed to also save the penny or whatever the money is in that land. When there are guests at the presi dential table Mrs. Kruger personally waits upon them. This dut v she will not intrust to a servant, for she says her husband's guests must be served just as if they were at their own tables. She may be ttingy in other things, hut is liberal to a fault in what she sets be fore friends. Every plate is heaped with the best of well-cooked food, every glass is kept full to the brim with choice wine. It is the pride of "Auntie" Kruger that her household expenses never ex ceed the sum appropriated by the volks raad, $2,000 a year. Not a cent of the president's salary is ever used. It goea nto the bank or into investments known to be safe and productive, and unless the pending war with England results disastrously the boer executive will be one of the richest men in South Africa before he dies. X. V. World. Notice to Votara. o'.uer towns ami apuy says: ine young , tnct and the disease I stili spreading, girls o( the various towns can profit by 1 Strange to say tbe public schools have Under tbe provisions of the registra tion law all persons when registering are required to furnish to the register ing officer the following information : If naturalized, the time, place, ani court of naturalization. In this con nection, it is necessary to produce natnralization papers, or declaration of intention. Residence must be specific; giving precinct, section, .township and range; if within town or city, the street, No. if any, aud No. ol lot and block ; if in any building where rooms are numbered, the number of the room and floor must be given. In order to avoid unnecessary delay and inconvenience, every person desir ing to register should be prepareJ to furnish the above information. Facilities will bo furnished in eyery precinct in the county by either Justice of the Peace or Notary Public. A. M. Kki sav, dec4-30Jys County Clerk. J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Sur geons w ante 1 to operate on me ft r piles, hut I cured them with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve," It is infallible for piles and skin diseases. Bears of ccunter-fits.