The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 24, 1900, PART 1, Image 1

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5 0 , t r iivtrt r
f w
NO. 18
i:l General Vara Killei in Mm
Si Says Etprt
Geieral Littleton's Force Supported by
Artillery Fire, Made a Demonstra
tion in Direction of Breakfoatein
Kopje, the Boers Retreating.
London, Jan. 19. It was rumored on
the stock exchange this morning that
a" -r eighteen hours of fighting, Lady-
!;h had been relieved and that Gen.
Warren was killed. Nothing was ob
is' able, however, tending to verify the
ru-. or and it had no appreciable effect
on stock.
Ppiarman's Camp, Natal, Thursday
evening. The Boer trenches have been
persistently shelled by naval guns all
day long. Small parties of Boers were
seen at intervals, and a large force from
the direction of Ladysmith was seen re
treating to the northwestward of the
British position. A balloon did good
service in observing.
Ceneral Lyttleton's force made a
demonstration in the- direction ot iho
LVakfontein kopjes, four miles north of
tl.s-British position, nnder cover of
heavy artillery fire, to which the Boers
dlJ Hot respond. On the lett General
Warren's troops are now in possession
of two prominent kopjes behind Spinkop.
There were some Boer scalping, but it
was ineffective.
Tje Graafrienet Boers evacuated Pries
ka Jan. 16, and returned northward
cross the river.
Will Move Quickly.
London, Jan. 19.-2:22 p. m. Mea
S8;n from the front appear to confirm
tts general impression that events in
Natal will now move quickly, though
hardly as rapidly as tongues and pens
of rumor-mongers. There is nothing up
to the present to support the story that
the relief of Ladysmith is an accomp
lished fact, but it is learned on excellent
authority that the situation is now re
ga.ded by the war office with entire
confidence, and that the beleagured
town is considered practically relieved,
although -there is no attempt to under
rate the danger and difficulty of General
Culler's task.
Tlal was but 49, of Which 40 Proved
" Fatal Much Interest Has Been
Aroused by Publication of Secret
Decree by Empress Dowager of
China. .
Yokohama, Jan. 3, via Sao Francisco,
J3. 19. The plague ceases to attract
mzM attention, only a few sporadic
'a 1 showing themselves from time to
time. The whole number of cases thus
far throughout the empire has been on
ly 43, of which 40 proved fatal. The
chief injury sustained has been to the
bualness Interests of Kobe, which has
a.", red severely, and also' by railway
com panics, passenger travel having been
greatly deterred by stringent quaran
tine regulations.
A lively interest has been aroused by
the publication of the secret decree of
the empress dowager of China, In which
she shows a becoming appreciation of
the danger which threatens the empire
f c a foreign aggression, and holds the
r Incial governors to strict responsl
t. f for Immediate defense of their re
spective provinces, should attack be
made npon Ihem.
"The various powers," she says, "are
casting upon us looks of tiger-like to
rt ty, hustling each other in their
: 'lavors to be the first to seize upon
our Innermost territory. They think
thct China, having neither money nor
trorps, would never venture to go to
war itti them."
Speculation is, of course, rife as to
what has harpenad to bring oat this
decree, eminently suggestive as it ! of
this stiffening of China's backbone.
Some attribute it to an undemanding
with Japan, it being reported anew that
ex-Minister Yauko ii to return there aa
Japanese adviser to the taung-li-yainau.
Other see in it an assurance gathered
from the relations with the United
Slates government, which, it is thought
were indications that the new power in
the East bas provided for the protection
of its trade interests In China, by (flow
ing strong sympathy with the empire in
its present evil plight.
Urjan Turned Down.
Annapolis, Sid., Jan. 18. The Mary
land bouse of delegates, which is over
whelmingly democratic, today refused to
indorse William Jennings Bryan as the
recognized leader of the democracy of
the United States, and practically
killed a resolution introduced by a free
silver advocate to invite Mr. Bryan to
address the body.
Mr. Wills, of Talbot county, who in
troduced the resolution, asked that it be
carried without reference, but the prop
osition was voted down, and the speaker
referred it to tho committee on federal
Btqutiti fur Mattel Liable to Legacy
Port Towxbend, Jan. 19. According
to a ruling received today from the
treasury department and made by the
commissioner of internal revenue, a be
quest of money to a priest for the pur
pose of saying masses for the repose of
the soul is liable to legacy tax. The
case came before the commissioner from
Illinois, where a bequest had been made
for that purpose.
Freight Collided With a Paaneoger. '
Spokane, Wash., Jan. 18. Five per
sons were injured, one probably fatally,
this morning by a tail-end collision on
the Great Northern near East Spokane,
A freight train ran into the rear of the
east-bound passenger train, the engine
going about one-third of the way
through the rear sleeper. The accident
occurred about 9 o'clock, when passen
gers were at breakfast, hence the num
ber of injured was smaller than it would
otherwise have been.
Blew up tbe Safe.
Eu.ensburq, Wash., Jan. 18. The
office of Tjnssem & Son, millers, thrfe
miles from town, was burglarized last
night. The safe was blown to atoms,
evidently with nltro-glycerine, and all
its contents taken. The burglars se
cured $300 in cash and about the same
amount In checks. In addition they
took or destroyed all the papers in the
safe, many of which were valuable.
Pieces of the safe were picked up 40 feet
away. A typewriter was wrecked, and
office furniture badly damaged. The
sheriff was notified by telephone and
immediately set to work on the case.
All Mini be Vaccinated.
Baker Citv, Or., Jan. 18. The city
council has ordered that every person in
this city, over the age of six months,
shall be vaccinated. Failure to comply
with the order will subject the offender
to punishment by a fine, at the discre
tion of the police judge. Health Officer
Hayes and his assistants are directed
strictly to carry out tbe order, which is
prompted by the prevalence of the light
form of smallpox in this city, from
which no deaths havo resulted in CO
A Thousand Tonguea
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil
adelphia, Pa., wheq she found that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years had made
life a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Royal Cure "It soon re
moved the pain in ray chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." 80 will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery foran? trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c
and $1. Trial bottle free at Blakeley 4
Huughton'a drug store; every bottle
guaranteed. 5
Will Qo to Court.
Washington, Jan. 18. Roberts of
Utah announces that he will fight his
case in the courts if be is denied a seat
as member of the house. Roberts has
been making his contention on the
ground that the constitution prescribes
certain qualifications for a member, but
he ought to know that the same consti
tution allows the house to be the judge
of its own members. No court will un
dertake to set aside decision of the
house on such question, especially as
It would have no power to enforce it. '
The modern and most eflVctlve cure
for constipation and all liver troubles
the famous little pill known as DeWllt s
L.:tlie J-.arly Kisers.
Northern Pacific Ii Have tbe Clearwater
THE 0. R. & N.
Northern Pacific to Have Trackage
Down Columbia and the Union
Pacific to Pugct Sound.
St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 20. A special
from New York, says:
The dispute between the Northern Pa
cificand the O. R & N. Co.,, over the
right of the respective roads to extend
their lines in the Clearwater territory in
Idaho, has been settled, and the North
ern Pacific Is master of the situation
The O. R. & N. Co., has withdrawn its
claims to the Clearwater country, which
is left iu undisputed possession of the
Northern Pacific, and the next move
will be the retirement of A. L. Mohler
from the presidency of the O. R. & N
Co., and bis transfer to the presidency of
the Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf.
Formal announcement of the agree'
ment between the two roads will be de
ferred until February 5, when the official
time of the six months' truce between
them will expire, but tbe papers in the
matter are practically ready for signa'
ture, tbe fight is ended, and there will
be no more trouble.
The termination of ' the Clearwater
difficulty marks tbe end of one of the
most bitter railroad wars ever waged in
this country. Every phase of railroad
politics, diplomacy and force was brought
into play by the lines interested. The
Union Pacific took up the question in
dispute. In order to facilitate an arnica
ble settlement the Northern Pacific
offered the use of its Portland-Tacoma
line fo tbe Union Pacific in exchange
for similar track privileges on the Col
umbia, and the Union Pacific was offered
the alternative of accepting the proposi
tion or having the Northern Pacific
parallel the line of the O. R. &. N. Co.,
from Lewiston to Portland. The Union
Pacific has had the offer nnder considera
tion several months, and it has finally
decided to sccept it, and to refrain from
extending the O. R. & N. lines In the
Clearwater district.
Unless Dutch Have Retreated War
ren's Force Pushing Us Way to
the besieged City
London, Jan. 21. The war office short
ly after midnight posted the following
dispatch from General - Buller, dated
Spearman's camp, January 20, evening:
"General Clery, with part of General
Warren's force, has been in action from
6 a. m. till 7 p. ro. today. By a judicious
use of his artillery he has fought his way
up, capturing ridge after ridge for about
three miles.
"The troops are now bivouacking on
the ground he has gained, but the main
force is still in front of them.
"The casualties were not heavy. About
100 wounded had been brought in by
0:30 p.m. The number of killed has
not yet been ascertained." .
It is evident from General Buller's
dispatch to the war office and the ad
vices to the Associated Press from Spear
man's camp that a big battle is now be
ing fought. As far as can be gathered
from these dispatches, the results
remain undecided, and unless the Boers
withdraw during the night, tbe engage
ment on which hangs the fate of Lady-
luiith, and which may prove the turning
point of ihe whole war, will be resumed
thla morning.
ProgreM of the Battle.
Spearman's Camp, Jan. 20, 11 :15 a, rc.
The firing of field guns was heard
early this morning on the left. Evident
ly General Warren bas commenced the
bombardment' f the Boer trenches on
Tabanmyana mountain. Theie was also
brief musketry fire.
Among the prisoners captured Thurs
day was a grandsonln-law of President
Evening The Boer trenches were
shelled continually today. General
Lyttleton's brigade advanced and oc
copied a kopje 2000 yards from the Boer
position at Brakfontein. A company of
rifles advanced with a balloon in action,
and was received with a heavy fire from
the Boers.
Tbe artillery and musketry fire con
tinues from General Warren's position
The enemy has not shifted Its position
at the time this dispatch is sent, and
shells have set fire to the grass.
Lord Dundonald's force Thursday sur
prised 350 Boers. The British, who
were! posted on a kopje, allowed the
Boers to advance leisurely before opening
fire. The Boers did not reply, and a
majority of them galloped oJ. It Is re
ported that the remainder surrendered.
hrUttau Science Victim.
Council Blvffs, la., Jan. 18. Mrs.
P. E. Yates, of Tabor, la., against
whom the grand jury has returned an
indictment for manslaughter in connec
tion with the death of her daughter,
Ethel, in this city January Eth, was ar
rested at her home today and is now in
jail here awaiting the perfecting of her
bond in the sum of $3000. The girl died
of appendicitis after the . physician at
tending her had been dismissed and she
bad been for several days under the care
ot a "divine healer."
American Soldier Attempted to Kill Otli.
Chicago, Jan. 19. A special to the
Record from Victoria, B. C., s.tys: J. P.
Molera, who arrived from Manila, tells
of an attempt on the life of General
Otis. In conversation in reference to
the situation there, he said that General
Otis once appeared on the firing line,
when a shot from the rifle of one of the
soldiers whizzed uncomfortably close to
his head. As to who fired the shot no
clew was discovered.
Great Art Critic and Writer Passes
London, Jan. 20. John Ruskln died
this afternoon of influenza, aged eighty
one years.
He was born in London, February 8,
1819. His taste for art was early .mani
fested, and after graduating at Oxford
he studied under Harding and Fielding.
From the study of painting he took up
that of architecture. His first work,
"Modern Painters," was written in
18-13 CO.
Harvey Got Itoudnmen.
Cottage Gkove, Or., Jan. 19. Frank
Harvey, who was held in the circuit
court for assaulting Winnie Thorn,
promptly secured bondsmen, and re
sumed his former position as brakeman.
On tho witness stand, Miss Thorn Identi
fied Harvey personally and by tho
clothing he wore. Sentiment is strong
against Harvey and Patterson. The
former has a wife and two children at
Junction City. Geo. Patterson, who
was placed under $2500 bonds, was tin
able to get sureties, and was committed
to jail at Eugene. He waived exami
nation. Pullman Conductors' Wage Cat.
Chicago, Jan. 18. In a circular
which has been posted on the walls ol
the Pullman euboffice at the union
depot, a reduction in the wages of sleeping-car
conductors Is announced. The
amount of the cut is said to be in many
cases as much as 20 per cent. Whether
the reduction is to be made among all
employes of the company or is to be en
forced only on some lines is a question.
Suicide of a frleoner,
Salem, Jan. 20. Joeeph Willard, who
was held at the county jil 011 a charge
of murder, committed suicide at 10
o'clock this morning. Unfastening a
sash cord of a closet window, he tied one
end to a waste pipe, and, making a
nonse, he slipped it around bis neck and
leaped from a window Bill. Ten minutes
later his body was found dangling from
the pipe.
"I ans ImUbted to One Minute Cough
Cure for my health and life. It cured
me of lung trouble following grippe."
Thousands owe their lives to the prompt
action of this never failing remedy. It
cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
troubles. Its early use prevents con
sumption. It is the only harmless
remedy that gives immediate results.
I'endleton Won at lleppner.
Hei'iwkr, Or., Jan. 20. A football
game between Pendleton and Heppner
was played here today. The rcore was
5 to 0 in favor of the Pendleton boys.
Use Clarke A Falk's quinine hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the bond. 1
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
OV, I fUKftfO OWOf
Gen, Warm a! as Early Hw Coin
niEicEl a riasSiiij Msveiut.
Batteries of the British Worked Con
tinuously Boers Had Few Can
non and Devoted Their Attention
to Musketry Firing Captain
Honley, of the Dublin Fusiliers,
Fell Mortally Wounded.
Spearman's. Camp, Jan. 22,9:30 a. ra.
Early on Sunday morning General
Warren commenced a fl inking move
ment on the extreme left of the Boer
position. The infantry advanced at 5
o'clock in the nforning along the ir
regular sides of Tabamyama mountain.
which ends at Spioukop. Tho artillery
positions were behind and on the plain.
The British carefully worked along the
hills until within 1000 yards of a com
manding kopje, on which the Boers were
concentrated, concealed behind immense
boulders strewn thickly over the hill.
The artillery opened the attack and
the batteries worked continuously, pour
ing tons of shrapnel among the Boers,
who devoted their attention to musketry
firing 011 the British infantry. The Boers
uck to their rocky fastnesses with
eatest tenacity and at the conclusion
of the day the Biitish had only advanced
across a few ridges.
The Boers apparently have few guns,
and they did little damage.
Captain Honley, of tho Dublin
fusiliers, fell mortally wounded while
leading his men to seize a fresh point of
ltcrult Not Known.
London, Jan. 22.-2 :30 p. m. Nothing
has been received thus fur to. lav to indi
cate that any conclusive result has been
reached by the British forces iu the
region of tho upper Tugeln, and the lack
of information regarding the number of
men and the munitions the Boers have
in reserve prevents accurate determina
tion of the measure of real success at
tending the two days' hard fighting. All
that enn be said is that the British seem
to be doggedly advaucing in tbe f:ice of
equally stubborn lesietaoce.
At the close of yesterday's fighting,
the Republicans had merely evacuated
their first line of defense to taku np an
other semi-circular position a short dis
tance in the rear, recalling the old
burgher ruse by which the Boers had
previously managed to entice the British
into fatal traps.
Dispatches from elsewhere Iti South
Africa this motning give trivial details
of minor happenings, and do not II
pminiite the situation.
Still Held it) Abeyance Oregon Says
She Should Have I teen Consulted.
Wahiusgton, Jan. 20. Tho seleclion
f a collector to succeed Ivey in the
Alaska district is still held In abeyance,
and it is understood awaits snch repre
sentation as Senator McIirUle desires to
make to the president. There is con
siderable feeling engendered over the
matter in the Oregon delegation. Mv
Pride and the houso members feel that
they should have been consulted before
any recommendation was made by
Senator Simon. On tbe other hand,
Simon says that notwithstanding this
appointment has been given for many
years to Oregnn men, It was in no sense
an Oregon appointment, snd it was
ft CO. , NfW YOK.K.
promised to him a Ion time ago by the
president, without any suggestion as to
having the Oregon delegation agree upon
it. That was when the charges were
first made against Ivey. Afterwards,
when Ivey came here and it became ap
parent that there should be a vacancy,
the matter was again taken np between
the president and Senator Simon, and,
in accordance with the promise prev
iously made, Senator Simon made the
rt commendation.
There is talk about how I lie members
of the delegation have previously agreed
upon appointments ol Oregon men, but
it is also recalled that Governor I.crd
was appointed solely upon Simon's rec
ommendation, none of the other mem
bers joining him.
Checka Without Funds.
Ashland, Jan. 21. H. C. ttollins, the
dapper young bartender rbrmeily em
ployed in the Hotel Oregon, in thistity,
who is b.idly wanted for kiting checks
and drawing drafts on imaginary de
posits in the Bank of Ashland, w hich he
found parties in Medford, Grant's Pass
and Ilornbrook, Cal., to readily cash,
has again been heard from, at Marsh
field, Coos county, where it is said he
has been operating his game.' On the
15th Inst., he is said to have drawn a
draft for (50 on the Bank of Ashland in
favor of John Curran, which was cashed
by that gentleman and was on Saturday
returned, protested, to him. Collins is
said to be an old hand at this game, hav
ing done the tame kind of work in
Minnesoti, wher ho went by the name
of Codder. It is supposed ho has left
Coos county for California.
"One Minute Coujh Cure is the best
reinely I ever used for coughs and
colds. It is unrqitlled for whooping
cough. Chrildren all like it," writes IU
N. Williams, Giniryville, Ind. Never
fails. It is the only harmless remedy
that gives irrmediate results, Cures
coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu
monia, bronchitis ami all throat and
lung troubles. Its early uso prevents
What Hath (lod Wrought."
New York, Jan. 21. Mrs. Annie Ells
worth Smith, widow of Roswell Smith,
founder of the Century Company, died
at her home here today, age. I 73 years.
It was Mrs. Smith who, in 18-14, when
she was a girl of seventeen, sent the
famoui first telegraphic message, "What
hath God wrought?" from the United
States supreme onrt room, Washington,
to Baltimore. Her f.tthcr, Henry L.
Ellsworth, a son of Chif Justice Oliver
Ellsworth, was thx first comimsnioner
of patents, a?.d hus been called "the
father of the patti.t office." He had
been a college fr en I of Professor S. F. B.
Morse. Together they had endeavored
to induce congress to pass a bill granting
$30,000 for the construction of a trial
line betwei u Washington and Baltimore.
Morse bad been set kin tliu help of con
gress since 1S3S, but it wa not until the
hist five minutes of ihe session of 1S43
44 that the hill was passed. It was
Annie Ellsworth who carried the news
of the passage of the bill to Professor
Morse the next morning, and he assured
her that she should send the first
Wall or Hold tiro.
Baker Crrv, Jan. 21. What is in
some respects the most phenomenal gold
find in Eastern Oregoa is reported by
Cleaver Brothers, of Baker City. The
discovery is 7'j miles south of Prairie
City, In Grant county. The width of
the ledge is 000 ieet, and thivwalls are
broken away for a distance of more than
3000 feet, leaving the ore expos d 150 to
20) feet in the air. It n said that no
where in the orld has such a body of
ore been found, standing, as this does,
where no tunneling is necessary. Tho
V .Una of the ore run s from (3 to (03 ptr
ton in gold, and it is Jree lulling.
Thousands upon thousands of tons of or,
unincumbered by mountain of dirt nnd
valueless rock, stm l uncovered.
Your Face
Shows the state of your feeling and the
state of your health n well. Impure
b'.oo! makes itself apparent in a pule
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak an 1 worn out and t'o not have
healthy app:'aranca von should try
Acker's Blood Elix'r. It cure all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsap.irilla and
so called purifiers fail; knoln this we
sell every botile 011 a positive itmrantee,
Blakeley A Houghton, drulsts.