THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. JANUARY 20, 1900. The Weekly Ghronlele. OKFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO COCXTV. Pnlliihtd in two part, un Wtdnetdayt and Saturdays. SCBSCRIPTIOS KATES. T mail, rosr-oa ruraio, is astancb. One rear II SO Six mont-s 75 Tnreu nionihs W Advertising rate reasonable, anil mads known on application. Adnr all commnnleations to"THF CHEON ICUC," Tie liullca, Oregon. LOCAL BREVITIES. Wedntsday's Daily. The river registered 14 this inoruing and is slowly falling. Those house jackets on sa! at Pease A Mays' are beam its at 75 cents; also the $1.15 aud $1 23 lints. It is reported that there are fifty cases of smallpox at Spokane. Among the patients is Cyrus Fulton, formerly of The Dalles. Don't sit around the house these cool mornings and evenings w ithout one of those nics jackets of Pease & Mays'; 75 cents, $1.15, $1.25. For the convenience of the many who desire to witness the bowling contest tomorrow ev. cing, dancing at the club party will not begin before 9:30. The flower that bloom in the spring often come before we realize that winter is over, but to see children gathering wild flowers in tne middle of January ie la an unusual occurrence. And yet they re making' their appearance all over our hills. W. R. Brown, arrested some months since for attempting to take his wife's life w hile on a drunken spree, was taken before Judge Mays this morning upon writ of habeas corpus, and, upon hear Ing, the prisoner was remanded to the custody of the sheriff. Moore & Gavin appeared for the petitioner. A very large crowd attended service last eight at tho Methodist church, and listened attentively to a sermon by Rev Frank Spanlding. Mr. E. J. Collins has charge of the music, assisted by a chorus choir. The congregation also joins beartily in the singing, which is partic ularly good. Tim pastor and members txtend a hearty welcome to all, whom they trust will not only attend but as aist in making the meetings a blessing to everyone. ' There was no failure in the crop of drunkards and tags at city headquarters last night and this morning, and when the recorder came to dispose of thorn tbey "were seven." John Murphy was fined $2 for drunkenness, which he paid ; 8am Siversen for the same offense was discharged ; Sam Johnson had no $2 and lanquishelh ; John McLaughlin was fined $5 for vagrancy, and in default was kept in jail ; Wm. St. Clair couldn't rake np $2 and no rakes the mud from the crosswalks; Frank Sullivan, another hobo, was discharged; while James Black will work out hie ? 5 on the etreetB. ! Joseph Supple has already begun to get the machinery out of the Inland Flyer, in readiness to put into the new boat he is building for the D. P. & A. N. Co. He Is engaged in laying the keel of the new boat, which is to be completed by April 10. Work has been suspended on the the Dalles City, which is on the ways atOlsen's yard, in South Portland. Her seams are open, as the water inter fered with calking, and there is some fear that-mites the water comes to a top soon, she will be floated off. The Mascot is waiting her turn at the. ways, and will not go on until the Dalles City is completed. Telegram. ' While most of our citizens look at the poatoflice key question, as an injustice, yet are making the best of it and paying over their twenty cents, others seem in clined to make as much needless trouble 1 possible, thus annoying the poet master and all concerned. The latter is a foolish policy and can do no good, as it takee as many howls as it took shouts to move the walls of Jericho, to change one jot or tittle of the red tape rules of the department. If any kick is made, 1 Jt it oe a combined one from the entire community to headquarters, and at the same time ask why people here pay more for poatoffice boxes than in other states. Thursday's Dally There should be a regular vaccination craze In The Dalles at present; but no doubt all will delay the preventive un til tl.e disease has made its appearance nd then will rush pell niell to the physicians. L. B. Geer, state land agent, is in the city today looking after the state's in terest in connection with some farm lands in the vicinity. From here lie will go further into Eastern Orrgon, be ig absent about ten days.. A. petition signed by titizsns around Cross Hollows has been sent to the post office department asking for the estab lishment of a postoflice at Shaniko, tbs new town at the terminus of the Columbia Southern railway. From the number of drifnken men S3en on our streets for the past few days, one would imagine the entire city was "spiritually" inclined. These, however, are not citizens but "gentlemen of leisure," who are "enjoying" our hospl tallty and teem to be royally treated. A meeting of the taxpayers of this school district is called for Saturdiyat 2 p. m. at the brick school bouse on Court street. The object of this meeting is for the purpose of levying a tax to run the schools for the coming year. Every taxpayer should be present. Surely Dailea people will be glad to learn that there is a wooleu mill propo sition in the air, which bids fair to be a substantial one this time and amouut to something to the city. We understand parties will soon visit the city wiln a view to negotiating with our citizens re garding the removal of a prosperous plant to The Dalles. Further particulars will be given in tomorrow's issue. When the repoit was circulated that smallpox had broken out near Tygh, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Driver bad no idea that they had any particular interest id the report ; bnt a letter received laBt night informed them that their daughter, Mamie, who is now Mrs. Jus. Kennedy and lives near Wamic, is the nnfortu nate victim, having taken ill a week ago. The case, however, is not a serious one, she being confined to her bed only a portion of the time. The disease is supposed to have been brought from Sherman county by Frank Watkins, who having been afflicted with it, came over to Wamic. Still anotner case is that of a young man by the name of Miller. The school at Wamic has been closed, the teacher coming in from there yesterday and leaving this morning for the valley. Businees still booms at police head quarters, Nigbtwatchman Phirtnan hav ing harvested a crop of drunks last night. Joe Sterling, who was not as sterling in charactei as name, was fined $2 this morning for vagrancy, and sent tojtil. G.F.Snyder, for drunkenness, was compelled to pay a $2 fine; Geo. Powers' spree cost him $5 in fines, which he is paying by shoveling mud ; while Sam Severeon, who was discharged yesterday, liked the place and came staggering back last night to work out his $5 today. Last, and least, Marshal Hughes nabled a little fellow this noon who, though small in stature, was large enough and drunk enough to break pane of glass in Waggenraan's shoe shop. Two of the fellows arrested by Phirman attempted a hold-up at Skibbe's bar last uight. One of the workmen from the portage road was treating and die playing his wealth, when the two drunken fellows got hold of him, one holding him np, while the 'other started to go through his prcltotB. Phir man was near by and stopped their little scheme by arresting them. A telephone message from Antelope late last night conveyed the startling news to Wm. Gi'more, of Grand Dalles, that bis daughter, Maggie, had been seriously burned and was .very ill in consequence. Mise Gil more, who is a young lady of about 17 years, has bien stopping with her aunt, Mrs. Wilbur Bolton, and attending school. Last night while seated at the table, by some means the lamp was turned over into her lap and exploded, catching her clothing and causing ber to be burned from the waist to the ankles. No par' liculars as to tho manner in which tl.e flames were extinguished was given, but the phyeician in conversing with Simeon Bolton over the 'phone said that the hands and ankles were very badly burned; the extent of ber injuries, how ever, cannot be determined as yet. Mrs. Bolton is absent in Portland, but the unfortunate girl will have the best of care, a trained nurse having been sent for, who will arrive here tonight and leavo for Antelope in the morning. Her father, W. D. Gilmore, left the city at noon to watch at her bedside. Mrs. II. L. Kuck was at home yester day afternoon to fifty of her lady friends whom she invited to meet her aunt, Mrs. W. W. Teirce, of Polo, 111 , and who snent the hours in a very happy manner. No prettier decoration can bt found than that which includes an abundance of smllax, and from the cor ners of the parlors to the center chande liers were teatoons of that graceful vine, while pUnts were placid in every avail able space throughout the rooms and in the hall evergreens predominated. Each lady wore a boutonniere which was fur nished her by the hostess as she entered. The greater part of the afternoon was spent at a guessing game, which tested the knowleJge of the guests concerning the great men of the United States. Mrs. J. B. Condon was fortunate In guessing the largest number and captur ing the first prizs, while Mrs. Marden took the second. The refreshments, Served in a manner calculated to make them more tempting, were very elabo rate and thoroughly enjoyed. It was a great pleasure to the ladies to meet so charming a lady aa Mrs. Peirce proved herself to be, and all were grateful to Mrs. Kuck for the opportunity afforded and also for the pleasant afternoon. One of the happiest families in The Dalles today is that of Mr. and Mrs. I). J. Cooper, who for the first time in their history meet today in a reunion, fourteen of the fifteen children which have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Cooper during the forty years of married life being present ; Lynn, who would have been 12 years old at this time, having been accidentally killed In '03. Although not being the anniversary of any particular ever.t, it seemed to be the most propitious time for a reunion, when all could meet to gether. Few families are found of so large a number as this, and having suf fered the lost of but one of the fold. Another great satisfaction to the parents is that it cannot be said that among the many offspring with which they have been blessed one is found who might be termed a prodigal child, nor on whom tbey cannot look with a degree cf pride, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are a young looking couple to have about tbem such a family, and many a woman of younger years might envy the mother her happy con tented appearance as she discharges the duties enjoined upon her. At the table this afternoon in thei.- home on Tenth street were seated beside the parents, the following children : Dr. Belle (wife of Dr. Rinehart deceased;, Charles, Mary (Mrs. James Thompson), Nathaniel, Nan, Pruder.ce (Mrs. Fred Bsvley),Cyrue, Ruth, Daniel, Virginia, John, Jatue, Kenneth and Mildred. B-side these were nine grandchildren and Mrs. Chas. Cooper and Fred Baylc-y. Friday's Dally. The following books have been added to the library : "Ten Thousand a Year," bv Warren; "Astoria," Irving; "The Adventures of Francois," Mitchell "Blix," Norris. You may now select any child's jacket from A. M. Williams A Co.'s stock worth $5, and they will wrap it up for you for $2.50. Any other jicket the same way ; just half price. Have you been one of those who have registered a kick regarding the taxes you pay and do you now care to improve the opportunity afforded to have your say in the matter of school taxes? If, so, go to the meeting tomorrow and ex press your opinion, or forever hold your peace. The tax levy for 1900, as determined by the county court is as follows: For state, 6 3 mills; school, 5 mills; G. A. R , 1 10; county, 1135; state bounty, l milis. Making a total of 23 mills. It is estimated, that a levy of 11.35 will raise 8uflierit funds for the running expenses of the county, which are $30,000 a year. John Myers, who died in Portland Wednesday, was a brother of Clay Myers, of this city. As his illness was of short duration, his brother knew nothing of it until he received a tele gram announcing his death. Mr. Myers was a pioneer of I860, and a man highly respected in the community where he lived. Wm. McCorklo, of Tygh Valley, who is a staunch friend of Ths Chronicle, hastens to inform us by letter that we are mistaken regarding the case of smallpox at Tygh. He says there is not a case of sickness of any kind in Tygh, No doubt the two cases at Wamic are responsible for the error, the names of the places being confused. In spite of the beautiful weather which Dalles people are enjoying today, tho presence ofJ. P. Jones in our city, ad vertising the Southern Pacific, the Snu- eet route, cannot fail to entice one to en joy the beauties of the Southern Califor nia climate by taking a trip over that line and stopping here and there as they ourney. A very large crowd attended the club dance last night at the Baldwin, and the presence of many visitors', including the Salem bowling team, added much to the pleasure of (he evening. The guests were enthusiastic over tho music and highly pleased with the party. No nicer dancing parties are given in any city of its size, than those which Dalles society people are enjoying this winter. Mies Anna C. Smith gave a "Hearts" party to a number of ber friends Mon day evening, in honor of her visiting friend, Miss Virginia Marden, of The Dalles. Mrs. M. Reed received first prize for the best player among the ladies, and Wm. Davidson first prize for best player among the gentlemen. Sup per was served at 10:30, after which dancing was enjoyed for a couple of hours. Glacier. The Rathbone Sisters had a pleasant session last evening, when the following officers were installed : Mrs. T. Driver. M. E. C. ; Mrs. Nellie Wand, E. 8. ; Mrs. Clark, E. J. ; Mrs. Rtubling, M. of T. j Minnie Gosser, M. of R. and C. ; Mrs. Gavin, M. of S.j Mrs. Chrisman, P. O. T.; Mrs. Patterson, G. O. T.j Mrs. Phillips, TrnBtee, The installing officers were Mrs. Crossen, Mrs. Vause and Mrs. Thompson. Every one who happened to turn bis eyes toward Mt. Hood Wednesday even ing of last week is ready to testify that the pride of Oregon was guilty of the act of smoking. For more than half an hour before dnrk, smoke or thick vapor streamed out to the eastward, nndulat. lug and dissipating in the atmosphere like smoke from the stack of some large factory. Dark came on and closed the scene, which was truly interesting while it lasted. -Glacier. An exchange truly says: "Every pound of print paper, every pound of job stock used in a newspaper office is costing today 23 per cent more than it did eight weeks ago, and there Is no prospect of a reduction. Yet newspapers neither ak nor receive one cent more for their production in any of its forms. The price of the paper to readers remains the same, advertising rates always low, remain low, and cut-throat competition makes profit to job work exceedingly problematical." List night about 0 o'clock S. Bolton received a telephone message from the doctor at Antelope, saying that he feared Miss Maggit Gilmore, who was burned so severely the night before, would not live through the night. This morning another message told of ber death at 4 o'clock this morning. Mr. Gilmore ar rived at her bedside about two hours t e fore she passed away. Although suffer ing terribly at first opiates were ad ministered, and she was not conscious of pain toward the last. Liter this morning Mr. Gilmore started for the city with her body, and the funeral will take place at the Congregational church Sunday afternoon. Would you breathe the air of Arkansas hills, and mingle with the simple honest folks who live there among and sympa thize with the afflictions that fall on the home of Tom Logan, an honest but much wronged blacksmith. If so, attend the performance of "Human Heaits" at the Vogt opera house Jan. 22. Not alone sorrows mark the play, there are tears in plenty, but also a generous supply of incidents which provoke hearty, health ful laughter. All who have seen the play will welcome its coming and all who have heard of it for its several successful seasons have made it a popu lar favorite will await with eagerness the performance of next Monday night. 'Human llearts." That great and beautiful drama, "Hu man Hearts" will be presented at the Vogt Monday evening, Jan. 2lst. "Human Hearts," the companion play to, but entirely different from "Shore Acres," is regarded as one of the best American stage productions of the past ten years. When any play by a comparatively unknown author, first merits attention enough to secure an opening and then goes on to the stage of the Fifth Avenue Theater, New York, nd conliues one whole season without cessation, it is a guarantee of its quali fied power and its real merit as well, as me rum Avenue I neater clientele id one that will not tolerate even a toler able good one for long. But let it be in moral clean, in its scenes and situations not ever drawn, aud its character paint ing and dialogue tiue to nature in the absolute, then let it be enacted by only the masters of the dramatic art, and all New York will forsake the bouse where "chaff" and comedv, ayo even the ighter charming opera aud modern English burlesque hold sway, to pay tribute to the weight of any brainy author, who, through the medium of the Btage holds up to them a true picture of American life. Such was the ex perience of "Human Hearts," arid now in its third season with almost the iden tical cm that presented it for a year in New York, it comes to The Dalles. It should, and undoubtedly will meet with the geuerous welcome that has ever been accorded it bv the American people throughout the land. Rev. Jua. Da Forrest's Suceea. The Denver "Eye" has the following article concerning the success of Rev. De Forrest in his new field of labor: "The new rector cf St. Peter's church on Second avenue Is doing a splendid work. He Is fast removing the obstacles which have in the past stood in the way of the growth of the church and brought tho society into a cheerful present with a prospect for a rnoro hopeful future. "Rev.De Forrost cauio here from Port land, Oregon, a short time since on ac count of his wife's health. He has Uken charge ol St. Peter's church and is well liked and his good woik thoroughly ap preciated. Mr. Do Forrest is assisted in his church work by his wil, who has for years sang in her husband's church, and Miss Adele, a talented soprano, formerly a student of tho celebrated George Sweet of New York, and later of Fisher Powers, of Denver. "1 he hope is generally expressed among the members and friends of the church that Mr. De Forrest and his charming family may remain long among them and continue their ood work." Maw School Term. Classes will be organized in the first primary grade at the Court Street and Academy Park schools at the opening of the new term, Monday, Jan. 22. It is desired that, as far as possible, all be ginners enter at that time and start with the new classes, as no other classes for pupils first entering school will be organized this year, Owing to the crowded condition ot the rooms there will be no new class started in the East Hill Primary school this term. It will be better for first primary pupils in tho eastern division of the district to wait until next September to enter. Or if parents deem it best they may come down to the Court street school or Academy Park school. J. S. Landers "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and colds. It is unequalled for whooping cough. Chrildren all like it." writes II. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedy that gives iirmediate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its early uso prevents consumption. "I am Indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my health and life. It cured me of lung trouble following grippe." Thousands owe their lives to the prompt action of this never fulling remedy. It cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents con sumption. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. U. OF O. NOTES. Tha Stadantt A grain at Work A Enrollment. Large Editor Chronicle : One looking into the sober faces of the 'Varsity students now would Imrdlv iuiuk mat me triuugtitiul cxpretsiou seen there was but one week ago sup planted with the smile of hilarity. the enrollment at the university is larger than It has been for two years and it would be a surprise to no oue if the hard work and mutual co-operation ot trie stuilents and faculty would next year bring to our halls double the num ber we have today. Much enthusiasm was displayed at the weekly assembly last Wednesday morning. A cast of Hosea, modeled after Sargent's painting of the prophets, and presented by Mr. Schwarzchild, of Eugene, was formally accepted by a voto of thanks. The student body then ex tended to the state inter-collegiato Y ii. I. A. conference an invitation to meet at the university of Oregon at its next annual session. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed when the president spoke of the uni versity Glee Club and the triumphs of its recent tour. Prof. Condon arose with a resolution of thanks which so nearly voiced the appieciation of the faculty and student body that the adoption of the resolution brought the assembly to its feet in a standing rote. A reception will be tendered the Glee Club by the president and alumni next Tuesday evening, the 16th. The club boys were well pleased with their trip and are loud in their praise of Eastern Oregon hospitality. The boys eay that many receptions were tendered tnemon tne trip, some oi which were swell affairs, but that for an enjoyable, informal, get-in-and-bave-a-good-time affair, Tho Dalles reception could not be beaten. Thursday, the 11th, the nnivereity of California Glee Club gave a concert at the Parker opera house. After the con cert the U. of O. student body gave a reception In their honor at Consor HalL Yesterday afternoon our president, Dr. Strong, spoke at the public charities' meeting at the Marquara on the sub ject, "Some Problems Whose Solution the Nineteenth Century Must Demand of the Twentieth." Stcdext. LET PUNISHMENT FIT CRIME. Drunken Brutta Should Be Dealt With More Severely. On the editorial page today we pub lish an artie'e regarding the ever-preeent beast known as the drunken husband and father, which juet hits the nail on the head, as the Telegram always does. Not alone in Portland, but iu The Dalles and every ot'.ier community is the contemptible creature found, who having taken upon himself tho vows of a husband and in after years becomes tha father of at least a dozen offspring, stands t the liar and squanders away his last cent and returns hoine(?)to bjat or slash them with a kuifo, and fien turns them out upon tho county for industrious citizens, who have done their duty by their own families, to support. As the Telegram says, the law dees not seem to touch the cases of such con temptible curs. What care they if they are placed in the county jail for a few months to sober up, while tho county supports their families, and lawyers are doing all in their power to obtain a hnbeai corpui or some other means to lighten their punishment, when the law should be making a "corpus" of the prisoner himself? In nine out of ten cases they are turned loose in the end at any rate. Instead of being placed in jail to Idle away the time before their trial takes place, some means should be devised by which they should be at once put at hard work and compelled to sup port their families. Bnt in place of that, the public not only supports the family, but bears the expense of long continued trials in the endeavor to obtain justice. But, although the poor wife suffers greatly at the hands cf these brutes, it must be said that in most cases she proves that it would have been better for coining generations had she never been born, or having come into the world that she had never been respon Bible for the being of those whom she lias caused to lead a miserable existence. For Instead of assisting in the deserved punishment when the case comes up, there isn't "a woman in it," as she re fuses to appear, while the husband goes scott free, and in a few weeks repays her with another beating, which she de serves. The Telegram is right, the legislature should take the matter in hand and mete out justice. PLEASANT CHURCH GATHERING ftlnaucee of the Congregational Church In a Satisfactory Condition. Thursday's Daily. The members of the Congregational church and also of the congregation en joyed one of the most pleasant gather ings in the history of the church last evening, due in a great measure to the feeling of good will and fellowship w hich prevailed, enhanced by the satisfaction which arose when the treasurer, B. S. Huntington, read his yearly report which assumed them that the finances of thechnrch never were in belter condi tion, holding the banner among all the Congregational churches on the coast la this regard. A' church society which owes not a dollar is an unusual one la ibis age, but ancb is the recorj ot the church in The Dalles, as announced last iiight. Moderator S. L. Brooks presided at the business meeting, aud with the as sistance of Clerk A. R. Thompson, soon disposed cf all the questions which came up for consideration. Among; other things B. A. Gifford was etee'ed a trustee; B. S. Huntington re-elected treasurer, A. R. Thompson re elected clerk, and Mrs. E. M. Wilton again chosen a deaconess. At the close of the business session a pleasing music program as rendered. Mrs. E. O. McCoy gave a pretty solo, entitled "Always;" W. E. Siraonton, accompanied by Miss Schmidt at the organ, then rendered a cornet solo, "I Cannot Tell," which was heartily en cored; Mrs. G. T. Parr sang "Dream ing," which was especially suited to her voice and well rendered. The male quartet composed of Messrs. Lundell, Simonton, Poling and Landers, were so well appreciated In their selection and its reudition that the audience ould not be satisfied until they again ap peared and rendered "Bumble Beo" quartet. The selection from the "Hay makers" given by the church choir, was beautiful and also loudly encored. The folding dcors leading into the lecture room were then opened and re- vealed tables set in the moet tasty man ner and the room was also prettily dec orated. Soon the members and their friends were seated and enjoying the re freshments served by the ladies, during which time happy convereation and good cheer prevailed, making the entire evening a most pleasant occasion. SAID TO BE ALUM POISONING. Serious Cases ot Illness Reported Froaa, the I ia ol Impure Making rowder. The poisoning of the Thomas family, of Thomas' Mill, Somerset Co., four memlors of which were reported to have b-eu made dangerously ill by impure baking powder used in mixing tuck wheat cakes, has been further investi gated. The original can w ith the remainder of the baking powder left over after mixing tho cakes was secured by Dr. Critchfleld. The powder had been bought at a neighboring country store, and was one of the low priced brands. Dr. Critchfleld said that the patients had the symptoms of alum poisoning. As the same kind of baking powder is sold in many city groceries, es well as country stores, Dr. Critchfleld thought it important that a chemical examina tion should be made te determine its in gredients. He therefore transferred the package of powder to Dr. Schill, of this city, for analysis. Dr. Schill's report Is as follows: "I certify that I have examined chem ically the sample of baking powder forwarded to me by Dr. Critchfleld. The specimen contained alum. "Db. Francis Schill, Jr., "Analyst." Alum is used in the manufacture of the lower priced baking powders. It ia a mineral poison, and for this reason the sale of baking powders containing it is in many cities prohibited. Johns town, Penu., Tribune. Tho Howling Contest. "Turn about is fair play," so evident ly thought our bowlers when they beat their Illibec guests three straight games last nijbt. It did not, however, look encouraging for a chango in luck when the visiting team came out so far ahead in the first game, nor anything to brag of in the second ; but the two last told the tale, and showed that Dalles bowlers had not lost all of their cunning. D'Arcy, of Salem, was high man and did "handsomely ;" Kurtz high for the home team. The audience was not so large nor quite so enthusiastic as that which witnessed the games last year, and yet there was a good attendance and interest n bowling was somewhat renewed. Somehow the Salem and Dalles bowl ers affiliate remarkably well, and a lasting friendship has sprung up be tween the two teams which will be carried into every day life and prove most pleasant for all concerned. Beside this, Dalles people have a very kindly fueling for the Salem team, which some how comes naturally, and their visits are always enjiyed. At the close of the games all repaired to the Baldwin and joined in the danc ing, after which the team was enter tained at the Umatilla House. The scores by games were as follows: 1st 2nd 3d 4th Total 27149 311 121 25-131 41 2I) 34 LiS 69170 McNary 44 Hughes 2.1 Hoyt 32 IVArcv 64 Minto 47 Barker 37 39 30 3'J 61 24 38 Totals 247 231 218 219 Rradehaw .42 .'!" 2 44147 Baldwin 37 54 44 34 lt Kurtz 30 3" 40 lit! 171 Houghton 33 41 41 42 l.V.l Mavs 21 32 3il 3!) 131 Schmidt 30 3!) 49 4iW2 Totals. . .190 23b 238 2C9 Cash In lour Cceeka. All county warrants registered prior to April 1, lSi'tt, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 81 n. 1SO0. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. i