The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 20, 1900, PART 2, Image 1

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NO. 17
Esmocrats Again Trying to. Full Bryan
Fault is Found With His Adhesion to
the Chicago Platform and His
r Peculiar Expansion Views.
Washington', Jan. 15. Another effort
is being made to get Bryan to withdraw
from tbe presidential canvass in ibe hope
that tbe Democrats may have tome
t"ght chance of winning before the
people this year. It is now known that
great many Democratic leaders have
addressed letters to Bryan or to close
friends of the Nebraska man, suggesting
that in view of the fact that silver can
not win in the coining campaign, it
might be well for the Nebraska man to
get out of the way and allow some con
servative man to be nominated. Fault
is found not only with Bryan and his
persistent adhesion to tbe Chicago p'at
form, but also with the peculiar position
he has taken in regard to expansion.
Having advised the ratification of the
treaty against the protests of tbe leading
Democrats of tbe senate, be is now tak
trg a position against expunsinn, and
tr.a gone so far in that direction that he
bus offended many Democrats of the
South, while his former attitude in sup-1
port of tho treaty offended tbe extermists
in tbe other direction.
It is not believed by the leading Demo
crats here that any advise that may be
given Bryan on this subject will have
the least effect, as they feel sure that he
la determined to lead the Democracy,
which, with him at its head, will be de
f ted worse than any party since
Greeley's time.
Representative Tongue today called
on the attorney-general to hasten action
looking toward the construction of
Salem's poetoffice building authorized by
the last congress. He learned that title
to the site has been approved and that
payment will be made in a few days.
Tbe supervising architect is about to pre
pare plans for the new building, and
Mr. Tongno is using his beet efforts to
have provision made In tbe specifications
for Oregon material, brick oretone. This
matter has not yet been fully determined
oa, but it is expected local bidders will
I s given tbe preference.
Preliminary Examination of B. F.
Harvey, the Brakeman.
Cottacik Ghovk, Or., Jan. 15. Squire
Vaughan's court was packed today by
those interested and curious to hear the
-preliminary examination of B.F.Harvey,
the brakeman who was placed under $500
bonds last Saturday upon the charge of
r9 apon the person 5f Miss Minnie
Tiiorn. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
L. T. Harris appeared for tbe state and
Attorneys A. C. Woodcock and J. S.
I.Iadley for the defense. Miss Thorn,
the victim of the dastardly crime, was
the first witness on tbe stand. She is a
rr. Jest looking girl of less than sixteen
years, and from the first created a favor
able impression, telling her itory in a
Straightforward manner. Only once or
twice during the recital of her pitiful
ttory did she hesitate and then ap
parently from aversion to alluding to the
d! jraceful affair. Tho defense failed to
break down her evidence on crosi-ex-t
(nation, and when she was asked why
l ) did not reist and cry for help, she
i.ed that Patterson and Harvey, who
she alleged forced her upon the car,
threatened her life.
The examination of the witnesses took
u? the greater part of the day. The ar
f ment was strong on both sides, and
c mimed about" two hours, the rase
r: ling with Judge Vaughan about 5
o'clock. The aged justice was not long
cc ning to a decision, and immediately
announced that he would hold the de
f . ndont to appear before the circuit judge
cf Lane county at the next term of court'
in the sum of $1000 bonds. Harvey ex
pects Junction people to arrive on to
morrow morning's overland to fix Lis
bocd. Patterson has not as yet been
beard from.
Waters era Booming-.
La Gbande, Or., Jan. 16 As a result
of the heavy snow in the monntains and
the almost incessant rain for the last
forty-eight hours, the Grand Ronde
river has reached a higher mark on its
banks than at any time during the
freshets of last spring. It is feared here
that damage will be done the new steel
bildges recently completed by the O. R.
& X. Co. There is already some washing
at the ends, but no serious damage is
yet reported.
The thaw and the heavy rains have
made the valley roads practically impas
sable. The feeding of stock on the farms
without waste is also very seriously han
dicapped. A January thaw at this alti
tude is an nnusual occurrence, and old
settlers report only two or three
similar circumstances in the past twenty
Nothing Will Be Made Known Until He
Has Succedecd or Failed.
Pretoria, Jan. 13. As a result of the
bombardment of Mafeking yesterday,
the British fort at the east was de
molished and the British retired. One
Boer was wounded. Advices from the
head laagar at Ladysmith report that
the attack on that place January 6 was
disastrous to the British and Ladysmith
appears to be in some straits.
Rsnsbuko, Cape Colony, Jan. 15. The
Boers this morning attempted to rush
Uie hill held by a company of Yorkshires
and New Zealanders, but they were re
pulsed at the point of tbe bayonet. The
Boers had twenty-one killed and about
filty wounded.
London, Jan. 1G. A complete absence
of news from Natal up to this hour
proves that the censorship will allow
nothing to pass until Buller's plans are
executed or have tailed. Even General
Roberts, in his report of yesterday even
ing, deferred from mentioning a word
about Natal or Buller.
From other columns there is little news
of movement. Modder river advices of
yesterday's date only report the daily
long-range shelling from which the Boers
are supposed to have suffered severely.
A dispatch from Sterkstroom, dated
January 15, reports that Gatacre's troops
had made a demonstration beyond Mol
teno in the direction of Stroraberg in the
belief that the Boers, intended to seize
Molteno. The burghers wore not sighted
and the British remained at Molteno.
Arrivals from Stroruberg estimate that
there are 4500 Boers at that place, mostly
revolted colonists and Free Staters.
President Steyn's brother is the landrost.
General French continues to shell Boer
positions, but nothing decisive lias
taken place.
Famous Tlctnre Sold.
New York, Jan. 15. According to a
cablegram from London, Sir Benjamin
West's famous picture, "The Raisina of
Lazarus," which for over a century has
hung in Westminister cathedral, has
been sold for 75O0 for the new Protestant
Episcopal cathedral in this city.
Bryan's Wentern Trip.
North Yakima, Jan. 15. lion. J. D.
Medill. of this city, is In receipt of a let
ter from William J. Bryan, who says it
is not now certain whether he can visit
this state in February, as he had in
tended. He promises to speak in North
Yakima if lie comes to Washington.
Land Patent Approved
Wahivotoj. Jan. 11. The secretarv
of the interior has approved a patent of
19.G38.G3 acres in The Dalles land dia
trlct, Or., to The Dalles Military Wagon
Road Company, the land being on the
clear list.
As a cure for rheumatism Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm Is gaining a wide repu
tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond,
Ind., has been troubled with that ail
ment since 1802. In speaking of it he
says: "I never found anything that
would relieve me until I used Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic
with me. My foot was swollen and
paining me very much, but one good
application of Pain Balm relieved me.
For sale by Blakeley &, llonghton.
Sine doesn't indicate quality. Beware
ot counterfeit and worthless lalve offered
for DeWitt's Witch IUcel Salvo. De
Witt's Is the only original. An infallible
enre for piles and all skin diseases. J
One Small Messaie Fran General
French Scores a Victory Boers At
tacked His Advanced Post and
Were Repulsed With Twenty Killed
and Wounded.
London, Jan. 17. 2:33 p. m. Public
anxiety regarding the advance on Lady
smith remains unappeased, and the
vague rumors that a general engagement
is progressing, purporting to emanate
from Durban and Pietermaritzburg, are
based solely on tho belief that Buller's
arrangements to advance would be coin'
pleted Monday or Tuesday at the latest
The war offica this afternoon posted this
"The following telegram is the only
news which has been received In regard
to Buller's operations near Springfield."
The telegram then proceeds to report
the death of a private from dysentery at
Springfield bridge camp January 13, and
the wounding of another private in a
reconnaissance toward the Tugela river
January 15.
General French's success, though con
soling to the British, is recognized as be
ing only a Bide issue. The country is
grateful to learn that the British losses
in the engagement wero only six
killed and five wounded. The news that
two transports with troops have been
ordered fiom Cape Town to Elizabeth
indicates tbatsubstantial reinforcements
are on their way to General French.
Victory for French.
London, Jan. 17. The war office has
received the following dispatch from
Lord Roberts, dated Cape Town, January
16, evening:
"On the 15th the Boers made a deter
mined attack on French's advanced post,
held by the New Zealand mounted rifles
and a detachment of the First York
shires. The Boers were repulsed, having
twenty killed. Their wounded are esti
mated at not less than fifty. The attack
was preceded by a long-range fire from
one gun. Otherwise the eituation is un
changed." M heeler Is Out or the Army.
Florence, Ala., Jan. 17. Tbe first
absolute news of the intended course of
General Joe Wheeler, representative In
congress from this, the eighth district of
Alabama, came in a private letter to
Hon. William J. Wood, state tax com
missioner, and a personal friend of the
general. The letter was mailed in Manila
on December 2. In it General Wheeler
states his intention to return to Wash
ington, and referring to a bill affecting
the mineral lands of Alabama, he says :
"I expect to leave in a few days for
the United States, and will devote my
self to getting the bill through, which I
think I can do. I could have -left here
while the campaign was on without be
ing subjected to severe criticism. I have
resigned my position in the army."
He Will Not Be Allowed to .Remain
In Congress.
Washington, Jan. 17. The special
commiltea of the hou?e to investigate
the case of Roberts of Utah, today
reached final conclusion. On the
polygamous status of Roberts the com
mittee was unanimous, and agreed upon
a formal statement of facts. On the
question of procedure to be adopted the
committee was divided.
The msjority.consistingof all members
except Littlefleld and Dearmond, favored
exclusion at the outset. Littlefield and
Dearmond will make a minority report
favorable to seating Roberts on his prima
facie rights and then expelling him.
The committee, in its statements, finds
that abont 1878 Roberts married Louise
Smith, his first and lawful wife, by whom
he had six children ; that about 1835 he
married as a plnral wife Celia Dibble,
who had ever since lived as such and
has borne him six children, of which
last were twins born August II, 1S97;
that some years after bis marriage to
Celia Dibble he contracted another
plural marriage with Margaret C. Shipp,
with whom be has ever lived iu habit
and repute of marriage.
Chairman Taylor was authorized to
prepare the mj rity report. It will le
ready in a few days and prospects are
that the subject will be before the house
early next week. Dearmond will sub'
mit the views of the minority.
Kearly Burled Alive.
Chicago, Jan. 16. A special to the
Chronicle from Indianapolis says:
Mrs. Ellen Crosby had n narrow efcape
from being buried alive in Crawford
county. She was prouounced dead, and
preparations for the burial were being
made. While this was In progress her
daughter, nineteen years old, worn out
by exhaustion, lay down to rest, but her
eyes had scarcely closed before she
sprang up and peremptorily insisted that
her mother's bodv bo returned to the
bed. She remarked that her mother had
called to her in her sleep, saying : "Mary,
don't let them bury me alive." The
undertaker complied with the daughter's
request, saying it was but a dream, but
tho daughter stoutly claimed the con
trary and would not be denied. Nearly
eight horns passed when Mrs. Crosby
slowly opened her eyes and looked at her
daughter, who had remained by her bed
side, constantly watching for a return to
life. Mrs. Crosby is now considered in
a fair way to recovery.
Must ltebulltl Track.
Lewibton, Idaho, Jan. 17. The North
ern Pacific train service out of Lewiston
is completely paralyzed. It is doubtful
if another train will leave this point or
arrive here for fifteen days. No such
utter demoralization has ever taken
place in the history of the system from
St. Paul to the Pacific coast. More than
twenty-five miles of track has been
washed out, and will have to bo rebuilt
at a tremendous cost. There is no way
of estimating the loss, but it will be
enormous. The whole Potlatch valley
has been washed clean by the flood, and
not a bridge remains to show where the
roadbed once was. As an indication of
how complete a ruin has been wrought,
the original profile of the road has been
called for by the contracting engineers
before they can begin to rebuild.
Andrew Gibson, chief of the construct
ing engineers on the Clearwater Short
Line, has been ordered to annul all work
on the new line and take a force of 1000
men and four complete work trains to
the scene of the disaster.
Horse Came Hlderlees.
Junction Citv, Or., Jan. 16. William
Burbe, who has been here several days
in the employ of the Oregon Telephone
Company, was drowned in Lancaster
slough, near this place, yesterday after
noon. He left here on horseback to go
to Harrisbnrg. The water being high,
he probably missed his bearing and got
in too deep water. The horse returned
in the evening without a rider, and a
searching party left early this morning,
returning tonight with the recovered
body. He was aged about thirty-five,
and had a wife and three children living
in Salem. He was a member of the A.
O. U. W. lodge, of Salem.
Hmallpox Abating; lu Moro.
Moro, Jan. 16. The so-called small
pox or chicken-pox that has prevailed
in Moro this winter is abating. There
are a few cases yet, but they are closely
quarantined in their own houses. There
have been no deaths from the dieease.
Another Great rire at Dawson.
Tacoma, Jan. 16. The steamer Faral-
Ion brings the brief news from Skagway
that a large part of the business portion
of Dawson burned last Wednesday night.
The loss exceeds $500,000. No particulars.
The steamer 'eft Skagnay before the de
tails were received by wire from Dawson.
Wheeler Coming Home.
Manila, Jan. 16. General Wheeler
will reinrn to the United States this
week, making a stop at Guam on bis
way thither. Three additional Cises of
bubonic plague have been reported.
Ihil Throbbing- Headache
Won'd qu:ckly leave yon, If you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. - Thousands
of suflVreis have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches,
They make pure blood and strong
nerves and build np your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25 cents.
Money back if not cured. Sold by
Blakeley A Houghton, druggists. 1
A New Candidate for Congress.
Ai.iuny, Jan. 17. It is learned from
friends df Judge H. II. Hewitt that he
has at Inst consented to allow the use of
his name as a candidate for congress.
Judge Hewitt is a man of ability, and
has many friends throughout this judi
cial district. Hejwill undoubtedly go in
to the congressional convention with
considerable strength.
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
ovt BAKtwft towrrn po. . ww vpihc.
Claston Bnlwer Treaty Will Hot stand
in ins Way.
Since Negotiations for Abrogation of
Treaty Failed and Since Agitation
for Construction of the Canal Has
Been Taken Up by Congress, a
Discussion Has Occurred Between
the Two Governments.
Nkw York, Jan. 18. A special to tbe
Herald from Washington says: It was
said tonight by a member of the foreign
relations committee that an understand
ing exists between the United States and
Great Britian under which this govern
ment can proceed with the construction
of the Nicaragua cnnal without reference
to the provisions of the Clayton-Bulwer
There is no doubt that since the
negotiations for the abrogation of tbe
Clayton-Bulwer treaty failed, and since
tbe agitation of the construction of the
canal has been taken up bv congress, a
discussion hascccurred between the two
governments, and it is understood that
Great Britain has given this country as
surances that it need not let the conven
tion of 1850 stand in the way of action.
It has been known for a year that
Great Britian was willing to abrogate the
convention on condition that eho receive
concessions in the Alaska boundary con
troversy, and it is rouble, if f he has
made the statement credited to her, she
has coupled it with tho understanding
that her rights elsswheie nill receive
consideration iu retuin for her con
cession. Representative Sulsr has prepared an
amendment to the Nicaragua canal bill,
requiring that American labor be em
ployed In connection with the construc
tion of the canal.
Kobbed the Uiave.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, Is narrated by Jhini as follows:
"I was in a most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Three physi
cians had given me up. Fortunately, a
friend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to
my great joy and surprise, the first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try then).
Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley A
Houghton's drug store. 5
The Choice of Republicans for Clerk
of the Senate.
Niw York, Jan. 18. A special to the
Tribune from Washington says: It is
now believed certain that at the Re
publican senate caucus to be held on
Friday, Representative J. S. Sherman,
of New York, will be dec'ared to be the
candidate of the party for secretary of
the senate, which.of course, is equivalent
to an election, and that bis formal ac
ceptance of the honor will be announced.
At one time it seemed as if James II.
Clarkson, formerly of Iowa, but more re
cently claimini legal residence in New
York, might became the choice of the
caucus. But if his candidacy was really
formidable at my stage, it certainly Re
'An Baking
ceived its death blow when the opposi
tion of the older senators developed soon
after the meeting of congress.
The Democrats hope to have tbe con
ference conclude to retain the services of
the present serjeant-at-arms, Ricbartl
Bright, but the Republicans, it is be
lieved, will favor "Dan" Ransdall, of
Indianapolis. The latter is a one-armed
veteran of the civil war, was marshal of
District of Columbia under the Har
rison's administration ; took a prominent
pint in the manaueineut of PresiWnt
Harrison's campaign for renomination
at Minneapolis, and combines with tire
less energy and great suavity the happy
faculty of tnakiug friends wherever bs
goes. Among Republican senators Le
seems a general favorite.
At Least Gen. Warren Hopes To It t
Thought a Combined Forward
Movement Has Begun.
Londox, Jan. 18. The war office has
received the following dispatch from
General Roberts, at Cape Town, duW'd
today :
"I have received a telegram from Gen
eral Buller, stating that one brigade and
one howitzer battery have crossed Tugela
river at Potgieter's drift. Five miles far
ther west, at Trichard's drift, General
Warren has thrown a pontoon bridge over
tbe river. By this means part of his force
crossed yesterday. The remainder ia
expected by this morning to be on tbe
north bank. General . Warren hopes
tbac he will be able to turn the enemy's)
position, which is five miles distant to.
his right front, and ia being strongly en
trenched. There are at least two cross
ings by which ho can bring up tbe neces
sary reinforcements."
Officials of the war office here are satis
fied that the tide has turned, and that
news of more hopeful character from the
British point of view will hereafter be
the rule instead of the exception.
That the British advance in n north
easterly direction will be fiercely resisted)
is fully anticipated. The Boer strength
is probably superior to the British, and)
dispatches show tint the burghers oc
cupy strong positions.
There is a doubt whether the Sproen
kop, oicupled bv Gei eral Warren, is
identical with Spio.ikop. If so, tbe
British are within a few miles of Actom
Homes, thr. scene of earlier conflicts be
tween White's forces and invading Free
Staters whence there is a good road
direct to Lodysinilh.
While General Warren's force was
crossing the Tugela river, tho Boers oc
cupied a thickly wooded position one
mile north of the river, and sent several
volleys into the advance guard. The
British replied, and the artiilery opened
on a neighboring kopje. As the 1'ritisb
pushed across the river, the Boers found
their position uncomfortable, and re
tired to the hills. Immediately after
the pontoon bridge was completed the
whole British force crossed. Il is thought
probable thtt a combined forward move
ment has since developed.
In the meanwhile the naval guns on
Schwartakop have been persictf ntly
shelling the Boer intrenchments faring
the kopj '8 ccjnpied by General Little
ton's brigade.
A Sllie 11 UK rilH CIIDIT.
Twenty-Ate Year' lunntant tne With
out a Failure.
The first indication of croup is hoarse
ness, and in a child subject t Ibat
disease it may betaken as a sure sign of
the approach of an attack. Following
this hoarseness is a peculiar rough
cough. If ChamberU'n's Coti'h Kmedy
is given as soon as the child Ik cornea
hoarse, or even after the croupy conuh
appears, it will prevent tho attcc'i. It
is used in many thousands of homes in
this broid land and never disappoints)
the anxious mothers. We havo yet to
learn of a single Instance in uli'r'i it
has not proved effectual. No other
preparation cn show tuch record
twenty-tive vears' constant ue with
out a failure. For tab by B'akeley &