The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 17, 1900, PART 1, Image 4

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rjjrr E)olaioCJ,
I M. MM, rf A 4 IIFAl-T ' TMt HTSICnj. j AUJTt "
i ;1 ' : '
1f AIX
fM.urfta I-7-
Fj-G r. rK cruel V- S
ia 11. .ei If
tvlroi si :a ay c"- r J I ca
E.i ? ;.s&-. Kiu-Ef I ea
KiRt t jtrral icxj leJ I it'.
lie K'ky : Iflirt iircitt tl
eiitrs. so ii trrrj ci t tr:
' I. t 5t I-oTerT k st trc-ci
crt. ,
A - 1 rjv"
. - . . . i.i rTttar:i'. f"i
En riT2 mux tzuui-
Ft ?t La-. ItBTr. Tt. r
i (imp cad iaat.
12. f ta.WX-J. - - -
Wiih even' one dol-
okxae X3Ta WaTU. ft-.E. cykm
t tra-i L l:rt
uixhae at our
r-i. T'x
uliltLKl.tlUifc. 4
store during January
and February vre will
give a chance on a
Jlr. ..- JIr. -TT'r"
tk Uutr crt
F Ml Fr-iic
. m' mt ? ayT- t-x JB
-- - V- - t P f.
t tl tr rij.V f aa- r-v -
"aa" ''
at"' f 9 Will w JK-r
jb-- &
i i
.5 '.
j. ?x:-b - 'i
Vert Mr t
O- Ksrfrr j tf.zrs.t-i Vi t '7 4
Mr. M.T. 5 v. I Uvf.'jn i
JO En 5ui(f frl t tc -:?
Pfi Ktf rei-nJ y it r ins.
w uuo r-j ir.r
irtitr Kfc. c:?k Cry. csxr,
T frv8 fT-UPr-, V , L
Uj fr k ta. n?t U-e j
ta avvt a Cfcer J
Ea? ".. ii-M. irrr.T j-jb.
1 " ' ' w
- 'T,I-T'
K .V-
li ft' af4 '4
U Pa4 Paj C . af t tt
etyby.t e..i(Mfr:atf'5 -
Iwmi tiVSWt 13 sea f ta
Twhak tasiT. f
E. J. cf Iniir, tt
tUary V.'. b it t e-Jito- .f
taa tsry.
W. K. Rtrrr. ft
ti-ees'y Art i,.jr.t
Vr eva Xta fr a.
B- ,
"tT' ; it?' yoa. It'a at diSert Lt at a watch
Ira t.: t-"ty tnr? frrm a cake walk."
froaa Irva rif.utg kr t-jHer, M rt. t .
J. A. Ot.14.'l'yf "5rr. f faal Jaaaa' Cirave.
All (ttwi thr'jS tt city ' Tf . grare of Capt. JoLn I'anUonea
yTt af-erboca ca fc way from "at tot bn Ioit-J lr tbe trovem
Portiaad to tit bon. is Pr!6ti;.. 1 irett'jrb iu ir-quirift of the em-
Dr.aadMr. Ja. fiatbrUi4 r- lw ,'n tU r-nth eapitsJ. He died
.;.! i. -r,.r- on Juiy 17'jI. in Pant. ar,d ai bur-
traio, acd (-;.d ft aetkt tia.t-
iaj rt t'.itx trr.
P. A. WorthiczVi). dpitr cf
Ma:tbr. eootitT, it in iberity
00 bvtiBe c.rin't-d with tbe f-tt e
toetit of the K'e Laf cigar ttor 3-Jtt.
Gwr B'ryer, a?nt lr the "Harnaa
Ilearta'' ejeopany, arrired in the city
yetfdr to mate arrangmet't for H,e
appaa(ic cf bit company at tLe Vyt
zxt Mocday bigi.t.
U tbi. city, ton lay. Jan. 1 ,.. to Mr.
aodiar A. A. JncieV, a aon.
la thia eitv rinnlay Jan 15th to
Mr. and Mrt.Wm Xicho'lt, a 'dangh'fer.
Kear Boyd, Sinday, an. 15th, to Mr.
mod Mr. John Ward, a ton.
e,i ?. ,r,th ,v ,
Dt Has Never Failed
Mr. C. S. Pealee, the vrelJ-known drcff''it of
Morgan City. La , i highly thot-jjbt of in hianeigh
boch'rd becaaae of hi a k ill and care in filling pie
enption. Tnc Wat phytician in tbe pla;e aend
their patsentatohii fore whesever they tan. Any
thing Mrl.icti Mf. IVaslee mayaavcan t,e depended
tpn nlv!t,tel-. In a letier to'V. If. Hrxker &
C t., New Vwk City, proprietor of Acker Eznh
Kerned y. be tay. In alt my many yea'a" txperi
1 nc at a d'Uif-iat. I have never handled a medi
cine of any nature ih it jravc audi complete tatis
fac in 1 aaAcktr'a Knvl tli Remedy forThroat
id 1.15! TroiiWc. 1 have aolrl hnndredsfrf
b tk. and have yet t'i learn cf a tingle
wh ic it f jiled to care. In
troiip. it rutt vith a cer-
tiiiiiy lint in really mar- , "
rei'iu. My wife coca not
take much alcck in medi
ti .e, but the ha xh'oliite
fa-tti in Acker' l''lih
Kemedy. always h-v.n it
at her c'.boflr in iao t:;e
chihlrci are attacked by
coup at tiitjht. It U 4
po itivdy harmlent rem
edy, aa I can personally
jrirl who accidentally drank
atomach lor a tliort time, but the ticknei
in bfttcr health than ever before. I can
edy it to efficacious, because 1 am a
but 1
i ttrenscthcnintf. invifforatinsr tonic
t the mucous membrane, it also builds
blood. I endorse it absolutely."
IVold at 75c,
aod i.i Rngtand,
re'nrn the bottle
50c. and $1 a bo'.tle, throughout the United States and Canada;
at it. d.. t. 3d., 4. cd. If you are not satisfied after buying,
to your druggist, and get your money back.
H't authorUt Utt olmre fwmnlrt.
W. It.
For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOTjailTON".
acts cintiY cn the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Ik Iark-a a a a It alia aa in LJkc
Calu WaJk mm m Uiltk
Xf tc rr t'.t.t Ii?r't.?e
I.- tit cirt .i Itilzi boot
uil a ioa t'u'.t tcm to a
C ij-i Z'j Iittr rtjArtt-r. "I ut
unit I"44, n.'.tl of
jt tie i.r. 71. dri- io li.e jrk
13 tarJr ai-3 ;or- at'i tte
I'-ilia rs aOkt cf tie pir'r.'
";,, joo ut a clarity, atd if be"
r. Lt'.l to L; ectttoicer. If
.irt ,mo cf jj. tj,tyni ctatter to-
Atd tte darky i
fJ of aCi,e i.r.d dant-e that
. . .1 : i: i. -u
1;vJ Uat o.t a rwJe kic3 cf time, at if i
u mtTe j,- , VT nttiL..:
, . . . . .,
y f.- . Jt. w i, uiun jvu ia
tt yoa ;tb tbe wtirp brocm in the
ti:- ay.
io itto yte ol tbe J! "parjora
itd ifa at at ill aaa prare. Ttre may
a d-n Wtblacka. bat tot or.e cf
I xn,t.'Au Ttrr do tbtir work ttead-
ij ,td nvmr. but it't work, and not b-
trr !w. tiama ar&v Kith 1hir t.rnt),.
Vd with the V.?.fri Lor.ort by the )
French roverament, bit the piare cf
Lit bijnal cannot r.ow le dcttrminfd. 1
Vr tm
S'iOwt the ttate cf yoar feriing? tod the
tlate of yonr health aa wt'.l. Impure
b:orl rr.ak itaeif ap;.a'ent in a jale
and taliow complexion, Timplet an4
S-in Eruption". If too are feclir.g
weak an 1 worn out and do not have a
'healthy appaarince yen tl.onld try
' Bu? !!
d it..-, where cheap Sanap.n a, and
pa'-S-" fA i knowing thit we
, vrr-' bottie OD f'Ilive nrantee.
I iioninion.aroygian.
I PuWribe for Tub Chuosici.
Crrrrni' V IbeArrw-
whole bottle. She waa. nf fVHeaa a.rV at Vaa
pasted away, and then the child waa
understand whv AW Vri,h u..
druggist. It is not a mere exoectorant.
a well. While it heals the irritations
tip tbe constitution and purifies th-j
llOOk tR a CO , Prrmrttton. .Vcv 1VL Tizi Tim E Cnl lie
Ctrl Tpt, Tu- lh.X c;tfi
Ti.a rrjKjrt t carTett berej jofr
B':tr jiitirdT, let it U C.K?i-i.ie4 isOI4T Co, OiB;M an J rent .
ti re;rtJ enmg tl tt Top-U nm i M:onl,in 4 Lirery Co, de-
GiT;i WiT't dirUka reiciii hrtnt e;nioc toppiie
liB rsKf. 5ertL:e, tte boIjH Herbribf. bootiuf
1 1. V .. Jt;.JJJ i frrr.
s3ta A!r darlt li . lortyijtt 1
, to3r, io-i ttat osabiced for-
ard rf cousprebeiiKTe
chfrtT U fxttdicj. It it not
tary to beltve the o neon firmed elorirt
cf tii Eoert bsioj ia fo'l retreat from
Co'jtato beeac it bat ben l?arued that
i a 'oxia la rfoceedios Tia Weeaen to
I H.'aiaktr to cct oJ tbeir retreat, bat
attKetaaie time, credible icformatica
from aaay toariet iadUcotab-F point to
, Ktomeotout chmnge in tLe diijoiuon
of tbe Et-pabhcan force.
! Adrice from P;eterniarilebnr dated
Jacciry 13 tay tbat tbeir defevt oo
' Jinoary tbe Bceri bare been remoricf
tbeir gana from potitiout aoatb of Lidy-
t.iiiih. The came dif patch cocfirrot tbe
rre.rk Kt t ha Thirt4nth tinaara
reached Grobeiertkloof wltboot meetinf
i ... Boert. At tbe trencbe at GrobeSer.
! k. .v.. .t,.,
i 1 1 1-
lWy Mtonitbed tbe Br.tith.
Merchaott at Pietermaritibor bare re-
frnm I.iTPmith tarin :
t . . "
j "Brine op jitn, etc.," indicating that
; tbe Ladtmitb tgentt anticipated tbe
( immed;at opening of coromanicationt,
tlll. fHT.m:th alto helioeraohed the
U - .i;.f J.nn.,. 'it
j that tbe Boer were moving and concen
! tratir.g tbeir forct eltewbere.
j At a corroboratire of Brititb activity
in tbe direction of tbe relief of Lady
i ttnitb, a ditpatcb hat been received in
I London from Bailer to tbe effect that be
1 expected all diapotiliont for a tynchro
1 ucat movement of the varioat coin rant
aitiintt the beieed garriron would be
j completed tbit morning. Under tbete
I citcamttar.cet it icoDtid?red qaite prob-
able the advance cn the beleaguered
ton hat commenced, and that fighticg
it progreetirg. Opliiiiicts gi to far at to
' tay it it expected Ladytmith will be re-
j lieved tn:ght, if ail goet well.
I .sdox. Jan. 15 -Militarr men are
j divided in opinion a to whether Boiler
. j( Bt Spring6eld or pertonally directing
i the flank movement from Weenpn.
, Officialt are now inclined to credit the
th" Briti.b have crotd the
j Togf!.. river in tUt direction, although
j there it no confirmation of the report,
j ttl. !together there it a mora hopeful
! feeling in official circle. There it little!
new of importance from eltewbere.
a .a
French' force have anrraetlml In
dragging a 15-pounder to the commit of
, steep, rocky Coletkop, a thoueand feet
above tbe surrounding plain, and they
tnccetefully rooted a Boer camp three
mile away from Stormstrom.
An Interettlng item of new ia that
300 Boer, escorting a party of reaper,
have taccetsfully gathered all the crop
within two mile of the colonial cjmp at
Bird river, the Britith force being too
weak to interfere.
A Oiipntch from Pretoria tay the fed
eral forces recommenced the bombard
ment of Mafeking during the morning
of January 12.
liamor of Krltiah Rarer aa.
Losoox, Jan. 15. A telegram from
Xewport, Wale, tayt: Rutherford liar
ri, formerly resident director in Sooth
Africa of tbe Br'uith South African Cora
pany, ha. reared, cablegram to ,h.
effect that
uunci us iuucicu anuiuer
Wrlta "Laaadrr" on the -law Leaf. A A Urquhart, came
In turning overlhTnew Je.f for im, -
ht it occurred to yoa to try oor work? John M Richardton, tame
People who have, lay it' all right. M Kand, came
Remember there ic no charge connected W.m Mchel),tme
with our collection and delivery cyttem. TiZollm ' op lndon 'phone 341, or long
a:ttaoce WZ.
PaI.1.1! I.avmht Co.,
Cor. Third and Federal St.
A lbaaaa4 Tonfaes
C'ould not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard t., Phil-adt-lpl
ia, Pa., a hen the found that Dr.
5 0?
1 CO
5 CO
terol trock etuirea
I lor pmofr
j J U Cr'4, f tor fcpr. .
V Wiamct, toate r et for
tn rrf
9 1
1 CO
i Mr U J Pr3t. crrjicf tr
13 0)
H Lojin, M D, profrttiocBi wr
kh ior patr
5 00
K KBD3. re&Bl OO IBI. .
boJ ez-
j penwre
' Wm Frai'.er, tberiff
eoniitT, f-eMiuz
I J E Lace, remofinj tree 1
i C H Crocker A Co, f apfke .
I Imia-UodoD Co. t appliet
123 01
W bo
42 t0
113 00
63 19
f0 CJ
2 CJ
2 CO
2 00
3 60
ir-aiein J-nnnel. printing
YV U Whipple, a.eeor, cerricet
to date
J T Peiert, material for eraaty
H C Doddi, M D, profeetiooal
P F Barbara, witnett c) CDnrt. .
G A Phirtnan, tame
C F Laaer, tame
W D Bicbarit
J B fiarerlej
7 CO j
I w
8 )
6 C)
6 S3
6 10
8 SO
4 40
8 CO
8 00
' Fritz C!anen.
' K B Gii breath
I Woj Hatting
; L L B;i
X O'Xeil ....
A C Kice
Mri Sarah Grazier..
C Grazier
P.obt t-cho'tz.
21 60
kobt Coleman 21 f-0
Geo Lirenon
H 51 BeaU ...
Looie Merer.
21 GO
2 00
2 00
6 f-0
6 20
5 10
26 60
5 t0
4 00
5 40
"6 00
11 00
Jtme McConnell.
W T Smith
L J Klinger
O M Corl ..
H M Beall
Chat Herons
Joseph McNeil...
Leonard Field
F X Hill
Mri M Murrey
i Carrie Metplie
v Heronx
Chat f-tee man
L A Porter
A C Thoma
S Creighton 2 SO
Hant Lage 15 20
Will Gardner 14 00
Peter Mobr 15 20
Joseph Meant 12 60
DLEoiton. 14 40
C. A Crarror IS ftil
P M Jackson 17 $0
! f Bv?'m,n
j Mjke GUvey' ".'.'.'.I'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. lU 00
! J Ci WinBfi(ld 14 firt
j Tbomat B Leibo 14 20
: ; ; ; ; ; ; 2?g
(3 f; lUvward.. . 12 00
j C V Champlaio 12 00
gba.vd jihob.
J W Moore : 12 00
1 f Il T 1 -
I w J l-JUkJl ii i u
A F Erlck 15 50
j S.p
Henderton 12 60
W R Haynes 12 00
C L Morte.
15 40
P Gorman
M Z Donne!!, med for pauper. .
C L Gilbert, school tupt, tundry
Ciibomclb Poblithing Co., print
ing and poblithing
W II Butts, coroner, feet inquest
W II Buttt. fee inauett Kebrien
12 20
22 00
77 C5
30 50
25 10
17 50
15 40
20 80
1 00
1 00
1 (tO
1 00
1 CO
1 00
1 60
1 60
1 50
1 50
1 50
9 65
W H Bultt, fee " Ram.av.
W H Butts, fees " Jackson..
F Rodger, juror " Coonobay
E Nelson, " " "...
AFKnightlv," "
D L Ctet, ' . . . .
E P Ah, " " " ....
J M Garton, " " " ....
J FTranna,witnec " " ....
J FStont, " " ....
A C Schoeder, " '
Geo I-emere. " '....
I A Treverto, " " "
John Tranna, burying Connohay
t j T.
1 00
r. . Aiaen, lame i
w A .M 4(1 roii, came. . . .
I C F Stephen, tame
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 5(
1 50
1 60
1 50
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 E0
1 50
6 00
1 50
Paul K Panlten, ame,
Cha A Hchutz, same
C F Stephens, tme
Ned II date, tame
W H Allen, wttnet aine...
O I) Itoaoe, tame
) I I'oane, tximining; body.
II A Knget,
Yon will not have boil if yon take
Clark A Falk't care cure for boil.
Frtk H". crirml kttmsw f
C. F. Stephens
..Dealer In.,
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Cents' Furnishings.
Boot, 6hne. Hat,, ( ap. Nation,
fur W. L. ?be.
Telephone S
TUB Dalles, Or.
becoua ot..
F. S.
Wagon Shop.
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
Cor. Second & Lamtlin. Tfione 157
Wholesale) and Retail
Carry the Largest Stock of
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries
In Eactern Oregon.
175 Seccni Stet. THE DALLES
Latest thing In cameras are Im
proved Magasine cyclont at Donnell's
drug ctore.
f 1
24 - j
1; maim & Be
- - ' - . w. i
Ez-s I ?!:b St. !upn. F :
Id Airoaia at J
sanrF la-,J;-tw ;
l-'F-aa. -- ; ?
it. a . Wiixjkj r Ritte. 1 4 :p.
F w y Or twm hit. N fT. F -cg-alty
eaa k J i I a.
T a . Fuiiirni inTu- Kit
Took'l&ar. bl fcjTZBa.
aIcL Oi-fAg .iT. tartc. 1 Fi
axil Baj-iai.1irf.
a.n. Vmirm iorza. ita?Fm '
T e-Iner, Prtl v Con raiiU. lia . w
asd 5a az4 aj-l tc as4 Tr&f
Lziti i
a. a.
, L E:t-U
1 a. m. 1
' u.tNa - lrar-.BC lae tia i at ; x - a .
; Ktrm.&t B it;f d-rwsarra -a at Hr;-t-ar
;-iK-tA. alii Uamvioc at Tbe ia.- a
! -
j No. fa. thmcrtt Imrbt eat b nJ, at
iar na K.f; arnTea 2J& a, sa., Oesi a. u.
! a .'4. knl f-riht, eairoa T -nr ,
I biuoJ: amT . w.. i a .
1 Xo. 21. wet4 e-aia lfci"Uf a iruiSt- (Kas an
'a7 iaHr; unm :) F w trui
- !. 9: - w.
. I So. nt ixwad loral t iriit. ejrrtta ;a-
jtn. ama i li p. au, oepara S . a. av.
j For full rarri t'-an nil m O. L 4 S. lx
; aatct Ta Wea. or aTra
j Gas F . Aax. ForrL oi. Oc .
and Embalmer.
Rooms on Third Street,
One Block Back
French & Co.'s Bank.
.3H 33S QMV 3WOD
C. S. Smith,
Up-to-date (Jroeer
Freth Eggc and Creamery ?
Butter a specialty. :
2d Street.
Thone 270A
1 of Oregon, tor Waeo count.
In the matter ot the (uanlianihlp of lieraw '
Kiimt. Frank K Juraan, Katie JorUm
and Mary Jordan, minora.
Now on thin Mb day of December, l!". r"" -William
Jnrdaa, the duly appointed, .jiiali bbI
and aotlns tuardianof theaUx named mi"'"
and pmrnlrd hi ptllln praylne ler i
aiithonilng ami dirertins hlni torll Iht irli roi
of ald minor in certain real property herein
after dewrihed. and It ar-pearinr to (he ro'1
from ald tition that it ia lierraMry and tx'ne
finl to aid waid that their Interna in tb
onth half of the toutheaot quarter of aretlf
1. Uanhli 2 mirth, 1.1 ea.t, W. M .
old: therefore It l ordervl thtTherea KIIBt
the mother and next of kin of t.eonra Klimt
Frank klimt and uid Hllliam Jordan, ("tl"
and next of kin of Annie, Kali and Mar?
Jordan, and all pentoii IntereMed In taid fil
fir before thia court at the court room tl'e
ol in haile lly, Oretron. on the Mh duf '
January, l'., at the hour of two o'clock y .,
then and thera to allow eauw why a li'-i-rw .
.1, on Id not tie si anted for tl rle of mirh r-!l'-and
that thl order be iihllnhel at leaat It""
iikth.Iv. week in The Ille t hr.iiil'li
weekly newrMKr printed in ald eoiinty.
Ualwl thl ytn day of Iieivinber, lw.'i. ' "
declj I County Jmlira
(Itolated Tract ) Public Land Sale. .
I.n Ori a at Thb Uai i s, Osso..i
Jan. S. !!. I j1
Notice I herfbr slven that In piiinno .
Iii.truelion from tne eummlMioner of the p1' ;
eral land ollire, nniler authority velel In bi
by eertlon ;.'v, l, H. Kev. tli., amended W
the art of ronsru approve1 Fehruary I"1,
we will profe.d tonrTer at piihlle aale on Put"'
day, the 17th day of Kehrnar next, at lh
of IDoVlork. a. in , at thia ollire, Ilia folluwim
tr t of land, to-wlt: , 1
"lit I.Hw. Ji.and lota I and t, 8oc.Xi, T. 1 .
UK., W. M.
Any and all per .on elalmlr adverelrtw diwrilKl ianda are advlM-d to fllo ,
elalm. In thl oltlee on or hefora Ih dr "'":
ileintl for llirfommnin-iirnl of said "'
olheiwine their rirthu will he (oriel t"l.
JAY V UTAH, Krlter,
JantO l OII3 I'ATIKKSON, Receiver.
- j
- J;