THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. JANUARY 13, 1900 The Weekly Chronicle. - j.ithoct induing in any threats or withdrew the British support ftom THE NEW YEAR GREENHORN. Frederick the Great which Pitt bad ' aaa Mb. fcat lha . .m i.VlcJ i-t Jrw : ;ttT ) s ii t-Oif UfJrt Crr la. J lix ltamr( involse 1 in the part.iioa , ,.r rv ... ut. the Astoriam This ' gien Lim. National astipathie are 1 1 U'y of rce that mean, rery ' sometinK. longdived. Wbe:ter,ui Cm, Jm. 6, ISO). J Imuchfor cur coerce, and U deed cf George III. waa bad or good, ; CaKKLt : it come to I celerstood will t it certtinij lives alter nim. It ; CbroBcf tal turned hi o!d re.-irdeJ as one cf tbe lest woi'ai cf decidedly unwise for tbe liritiiu ,t.:epvJr loose to count cff the d-iys ol t .ritie to don which wi.l ! ih vr lls.O. so Ur h 1 nn cobwdn 13 V v th? t .resect administration. , The occt.'ul brat cf diplomacy; intensify German prj-i- corresrer.Jer.ce is sutlcient answer' dices. Another German writer in ' ,,-, mbo tare been fearful that ; an American r-eriodical a few month jsr nr f.'o t.'Tii r&UW lbwiuse ccr tda-iE:strtlon did rot go declared tbat William II. m m new. Lv. liaile Secretary Gig' recent rejxrt; cf go'.l coin is ciies.ation ia tie Unite I State cn Nov. 1. 1 Kit these fibres tare beea chal 2e bluster and bellow ctr comffirice popular with the masse ot the people oullbe seiiyuslv itjurei by tLe cf Germany that, contrary to the 'facility and wpiditj wiib LicL Acerican notion, be would be j European cations Lave been carricg ctcen president if Gerrrany were a icbit Scce tLitV it migLt bare repctlic. Sonse of tbe Driliih naval bn letter for us to bare Joined ia offcers ia tbe neigbtcrbood of Wk .. . T- M 1 -e,l r y rro eor r aa.kser, d j , , T.... ibe WasLtcn cor,r.;0dent of b. we m iug Tery JiliUy to weaken the CTr.tu.esIxtD.rectorj do to civ -ze the infi ,eace of the Kaier with bis Bobert, ea to bare htttm; , - e fcr !e mnd abo:ish lhe Br,tUb alii- bv Prof rscr raii,oer statexents.; ' ' ' r . is ?oir. to f , J out -Letber there ! lhe ' u' tovemmenL .nee. b been a' 2,- ia lie customary j , We eigbt have kbI wiMh-.fji to, A literary society op at Tbe Dalles tcauaer of eau!jt:rg tL' asoot of CLlc'' nJ';:E w,lh Grwl BrU" ! bas debated the sixteen-to-one qoes o Al in the cca:rr. j U" dec!ire,i lhal we wouM DOt , tioa, resulticg in a decision against -WLt trocV.s the mitt daectcr friIt LErel lo d"P0ii C0UD-' free silver coinage. There bas been the Tribuse, -is that while be? u Ul ttsl wcuIJ rL,r5 L're in ' good change up in the bunch grass s the .bereaboctiofiLe greater j Ted m in eBbanassica IJtEcoltie. c,ion of 0re20t Jn ,M2 the kno5 rattcfthesMcoedia this coun- W, D l"e olner EV-'&M tl t-uro'e sheep owners up there voted the try sisce li'i. as large a portion of "d LTe c U5 COre aDX,etJ "J ; Democratic ticket, because Bryan it as i X-X'X-.V) baf eluded bii ! double than was worth while. In-; aD(1 L;s cocf,eres had informed them carcb." Thatistosar, tLego!lin!eiJcfdoIcSn-r of the5 lLin'' ' that free trade in wool would be circulation cav be csly about 00'V tLe "''',-'.oD, through tbe ef5- ; gQOj fof tben)- Tbey got free trade 0.H..V-.-., ics: 1 of the .mot here-' ciPDl J tf b" lQieUJ i in wool, and got their fill of it. For tofore estimated bv tbe treaiurv ! gc-tited with the great powers of four ywi xhey were ashamed t0 otTcials. j Earci- ,aJ ith lLal rhiuZ Asiat!c , look a sheep in the face. Now the It develop that for core lLl0 po-er, Japin, and secured the con- j are exlreCCjy wafJ of any promise te.y year, the mint ctHcia'j bare &f Grf at BrltalB' R'3' Ger' ; made to them by Bryan and bis been ue:c4" at the a.utitr of F'DCe M'1 Jspan t0 lbe con' I friends. Tbey then soured even on gold coin acnuallv melted do-n for r l,nat,on of tbe a door P01' ,D free silver. Eastern Oregon is pros- TbaiMi.T 4 ?turdT . . . I 5 r. . use in the t.s, and a deep suspicion exists that their guessing bas Ltea I i China. All the details of the agreements ! br which the doors of China are to of the perous. The calamity bowlers have nearly all left or been cured; tbe goose bangs high, and the sheep grow wide of the irutK 'HeDce, so.'.) circulars are to be i uc vu lu luc lu,c,tc "l luc ,fat on the succulent bunoh-rass. sent cut to frn.s usir., gold in tbe j wor1'1 haTe not Wfcn Ierfecte Lul So there is no longer any hope for arts, a.kicg ttem to say bow much ! lhe cf the from the j Democracy up there; at least not for gold coin t ey have melud down reit Pwe,s " 8ucb 89 to make 11 ; the Bryan kind of Democracy. daring the present year. If their i certain tbat -difBcnlty will be ' S8,em Slatestran rpr,:;t ir.MM i 'found in coming to a most satisfac-1 , lion cf, sa,), 10,000,000, instead of l,:O0.C -0), then the director of tbe mint will know where a good part of bis m:sir,g 500,000,000 has gone, and be will have to revise and cut down bis estimate of the amount of gold in circulation. Bat if tbe re plies show tbat tbe million and one half gcess is about righi, then tbe mystery as to the whereabouts cf that i O'Xi,00,000 cf gold coin will be darker than ever." Should tbi nifmije prove true, and if it I found that little morej tUn 500,000,000 of gold coin is' actually in circulation or rather in! tory arrangement. Thus the Lnited : The reduction in the pnblic debt States in tbe most caceful fashion during December is a very encourag possible bas secured the basis for an j jng piece of financiering. It amount arrangement that promises to be of ;ed to j,731,824. The increase in the greatest benefit to the commerce j the army up to the 100,000 mark bs: of the world. It will place all na- j necessarily made expenditures bigb, tions on an equality m competing j but the revenue i3 also growing, for the commerce of China, a field in j Income exceeds outgo at the present which the United States has become j time, and this is likely to be the increasingly active to the profit of j general condition tkrough the whole our exporters and manufacturers. of the year. The peiiod cf deficits "" is ended and that of surpluses is at XGLAXL'S MJSTAKEy C0Ci:SbRaAm This is creditable to the It ought to be apparent to the Present administration of federal British govtrnmpnt that the repeated j affalrs- seizure of German vessels in South,' '1 .n. nrtt ,im:rjiiitr the DlLetV and nine that bare pd back into tne abyte of eteicity, lot I do find myself wonderini wtat the cce year that bat COt TCI fuBO is;rij t I uiiu "-s. . , i )e)nfes a:o to a iffprtiliooi dread that ' Tu3y tte last half of tbe is tof festive cf what tLe rwolu will be when added at tbe coee of tbe centarj. However, we ball all of ns bave to pot np with what J e (et, and we may be lucky enoasb to : J get off with one cipher instead of two. j I really hope to. Tbe Greenhorn is qaite livelv this winter, mach more o j the coming cammer will see socb activity in tne minee as was never known in Oregon before. It if undoubtedly a gieat mining region the greatest known to the world today but mining here, as everywhere else, requires patience, per sistence and determiuatioo. The Bonan ta mine, now producing 0O,0tO a month, was twelve years in process of develop ment before it began to pay more than expenees. The famous Red Boy, pro ducing t&5tC00 monthly, was mined ten Tears before it began to pay dividends. And the Golconda, now yielding no-body-knows-how-mucb, flirted with its owners for eight years before it "prom ised to be good." These are txceptuns to the general role, and in each of them the mine could bave been developed in a year, bad tbe owners been able to see into the ground. The Bonanza ledge bad a tunnel rnn parallel lo irfor 1200 feat, and the ledge was oniy thirty feet distant all the time. Tbe Golden Eagle bas flirted the same way, but I was in talking to ber this morning and she promises to quit and nnite her fortunes with mine for life. I be lieve ber. ' 5 REGULATOR LINE Dalles, Fortlantl & fistorla Kav.Ga Tbe Stiimeri of th BtaUor Line will ran is Jwt luwicj ct"lule. tbe Comjjny reterriDf the right to ei, teholule without notic. Str. Regulator. (Lioltrd Lnaii)gv) vr. Lv. lorlUnl i 7 a. M. Arr. Iilc at 5 r. a. Ship your Freight via Str. Dalles City. (Toochinf at au tJ f, COWS. Lr. Dalle ni o a. a. i MoDdaf WfdnelaT Regulator Line. : SSHfe.- (uucrtaio M Thuri MID.. Art. IV (UUftrni FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Trarel by tbe Steamem c.t the Reralatnr Line. The Company will endearor to five iu rocu Uie bet Krvicv poasible. For further information allru Portland Office, Oak Street Dock. CUKtUVftVLTiTiKlTtV I T1UI W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt.. ThDt. r,TITlllTITITTtriWMIM;, if'; n Wheels and TvlOtor MAXt'FJlCTrBEO BV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL d policy. the hf.nds of the bi,ks aid the j African waters is bad people it would follow that the ier j German historian, in an article in one j Uiat lbe (iisease at jj capita circulation of gold would be cf tbe American magazines recently,; 0 h , ' Ji. tie more than . It sLould be said there was only remembered luat this question is not 'Germany who did not bate England, j jJ,, ;a;seri itv Afivrfn .r -:i i i m . . t - ..vv.,.v, vi nee silver, tauu luiu nusviie jvaiser. ine story If Mrs. Filloon's suppositions are correct in last week's Agriculturist, Moro is not small- I pox but chicken pox, what is the vaccinated lately? Wasco Sumpter, our supply town, is putting on more airs and leos style than any town of its size I ever saw. It is crowd ed with people of all sorts and degrees, the mining expert, the prospector, and the promoter being most in evidence. There are seventeen saloons and a brewery, five hotels, and restaurants innumerable; two newspapers and a "dob," all for patting Sumpter on tbe back. There are stores, too, where you can get part of almost anything you want, and a postoffice where the clerks haven't time to read the postal cards. SUITABLE FOR DRIVING " GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, E Circulars and particulars furnished on application. . F. S. GUNNING, Agent nn26 . . THE DALLES, ORI C. J. STUBLING- Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whisk WHISKEY from i.ih xo $'.00 pir iiaHoo". (4 lo lo years oldTT IMPORTED COGNAO from 7.U0 to 12.00 per (rallon. 0LTMPIA BEEB on draught, and Yal BlaU and Olympia Beer in b JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. but ty friend and suppliers or the single gold standard. .1 SOTABl.E SPEECH. now is that the Kaiser himself is be ginning to get anry at England. A TliuunaiKt Tonguea Could not express the rapture of Annie Phil- Tl.: . t - l ... au.Bu.aj v, u,aj iiu. uc wue, u'.K. Springer, of l!2o Howard St.. tue ioi,y or fcugiann s course is prct- j adelpr ia, Pa., hen she found that Dr. ty apparent to most persons by this j King's "ew Discovery for CoLsumption I can hardly wind up a letter to the j time, says the Globe-Democrat. j had completely rured her of a hacting0,i Chuomci.b withont going back to I Pt11jt tl.Bt f..r it'-ir.u a.... Inl I IIIGPe Oil K'lrilnV.m! M f.t Mr, I hw d ...... j i "''. crti 9 i . n i inane - . . . . . j 111 In 90 v rm nIH . . 1 1 .uuiiu til Lun 1 1 rr m v . v in iirni i iiijiji i i ' i iftii.iT nn I ritTrft i .a. .p. ...... ., ... . uii una i a jpsi.AaxJim irn o..'o io to.iu ir gallon. (4 to 11 yer 01 some of the saloons, whers (I am told) j ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. iu iair anu ayipu-ime iorms 01 tn hand-painted representatives of the gentler sex are whirled in the giddy and j Imported Ale and Porter (in this case) intoxicating waltz for four bits a whirl, drinks included. On these several accounts real estate lias "gone up" and ia still going. Why? Well, j Sumpter is going to be the Denver of I Oregon. The Blue Mountain American ' savs so, the Sumpter Club says so, "General" Warren, head of the townsite i syndicate, says so; the property owners j say go, and, of course, it must he so. : Nevertheless, I would advise my host of wealthy friends to leave their $0 50 in .t the old etoc ing f.r the present, for! directly some of the Drorrtv owners are ' going to find values go so high that they ; will be and remain "out of sight." C C. COOPER, MANrrACTf I'.KIl OF High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. DKALER IX Tents, Wagon Covers, and all articles usuallv kept in a tiret-elasa harness shop. Oj'f-ite .MiMj-lj a Warehouse, THE DALLE?, OREGON. This Stamp a Guarar MAKER of Quality. l'robablv there is coniiderable Senator U.-veridi-e bns made bis fceh and it ja?t hat was ex- l-.- cf lino. lie is a man who' ' - ' i liie a burden. All other remedies and ! have 'urination for me, partly be rcal.zea, boner than most your..' men j . 1 dtclors could give no beip. but eht I cui '' hat tome other poor j elected to hi-h U!l -c do I'mfil,,.,,,'"""1'1"'""'"' w,1"('e:l,(l an(J.faysof this Cate-'It toon re- devil felt hen sentenced to indefinite is a tiri.e to e-..k nr.,! .. ... i Germany in re-aid to tl; n .... 1 1 , I I I I I L f . T .T . - ' . r, . .....i ... 1 , i . 1 r . ...ll, U.:. ...!.-. I .. :'l ...I.- .1 .jwjir. 1 .tcl 1 . IA sjnndirg its pram- triroughont the at.rthe conflict c-n U. Ths Mory :" ho will everyone who tries uis neon rc i cite 1 with reat tircum- it. t-r, r.r iij;cnVery forane trouble stanti .!ity ncci.l'y, r nd it bus i.;vcr coWarehouse Compa tbe ' t.. f . v!it Ul.t ser.! I i'w ;f hi 1 SO :i. ('., an 1 - ii j d I fill i n-U:".!i;e lb; !. ;udi, .! i'l- 'lli'Ije kept c-ccf.sii.n pre ni.d l!:en be to --ly, s r l;t fringe j ii.cs lat s'jiiiiiitr, "ie sevft:.! iu.'rj. . . . " . - - . ITT . ie Uocr war, movel tli f a:n in my clie?t ar.l I can ; service in tne ureenl.orn. An l so I ive XXQPt 0.0110. rTGrS iCiV SPfi I 4-TQ 1 Tl nf ,11 Jr; jan-1 the distribution of territory in r,ow s,t"'p eo,irl'Si.v. somethinC 1 can i you a 1 nef i.ttle sample of what be j , v ? "- take place cf ti..' I il 1 ll I'll !',r in iijU ! ; ilrii't c t.M' tri.i 1 i li :!,! t-i fi.; in a 1 j'. H cf va!:.e t, t!.e lie iv.'Ms i!,t- P'rj:i t' d. t! ue, pi-M'-ivi -.-.., Ill !!,( iMi.fc pn,b n ri.on ll.e . rnl in lhe ii. iM. He is pi vrf i-sive , i'. hi.', old t rr-f n ; i o i been foraiully dei.ied by cither tbe lit ili;!i or the (itrm.m L'ovtn.nient, ahhotuli t!it re ere some cautious on the ptrt of tiruirtn ( UkiV.s in to j cue cr two of the thirds nl.ich Get many mis to have agreed : The s'.i.jv in iu thought thirty years ayj; IioniNsoxvn-LE, Or., Feb. 11, My Little Sweetiieakt: Ves!er.j:iv I nc-ivrd vour letter nn.l ti.riat, ci.n or lui.js. Price ;v I ine little til. ri?tin cr,. !!.. ,ir...i B'i i !. '1 1 iu I o tie fri e if Ulakeiev & ' I was yn wiil never know, udIpm you II inhton drr.g etorej every bottle j are banished from lhe world and nil you gmraotf edrf - g : l-jve, and jnt wb n you h.ive concluded ., jllit you Hre forutten. receive, ns I ...U':!e Cougu Cure is the best iid, arnrnt.c that not nii!y you nre re remedy I ever u.- l f ,r :.,iiirb an.! i ''iinlieie,), hut that foui'.;oi'ie felill be- CJ, I-. Jt IS ll'.i-'i i f .r T7nn X J" Tl 1 xiuauquunurs ior a eea uram ot fH kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an i Headquarters for Bran. Shorts. :?t Headquarters fcr "Eycrs' Best" Pen ton Flour. C .u; '.oj,: " i ' i X I e -'"'lit. Il-nte it Aiii'-r;cni p"(,'j.e. 1 St ite -or.ares !y S!.d tu ri'iivo I lif.cst. s; in t !.i c!e.-r. --.t 1 .'in-u-.L-e j , . ;.jl,c. tnt enrgov 'rr,n;.r,l is re-olv,, to keep and t'ovein tLt-e i.,:;in.U. H reacts be c!3 fe.r;I, i;i ,!eive:y and hiuii- ir.i-'i 1 1 Chriiilr'n ul! It i-t the only harmless rHm..'v ! the heart f;ck. bicn-1 f'Mtuie?, tli.-, t (hue is un under- j that gives in mediate results. Cpri's Ciiiths, l.oairies, eron;, pt ci- nionia, r:il. ; t is au l nil thM.a snd i'lng trotitilc?.. lis eaiiy nso prevents 01:8111111. tio.:. I ti o I inn r i.- n:i..;:.i. tnrd exprclv fr II:.. ; Klnri ni .'1 i j .... ....... I . ... , . ........ ..t ii , n.. 1 in k: e .! in m, o-ir xuf low . r tt.ati any house in the trad:-, and if v.nj d,..,'t t: i.u; j.i !-! ai.U L'O coiivinee.l. Iii e in and loves von Ke if," writes H. f, iM.,.-a i, i... ... v. , .... ilHlfhrcr PnVnp T)o, v. Tri a r i .. N. tViiliau... 0-;!,trvvi:ie, I,.d. ver ' cjn..,,i 1 1 X" !... " .il. Wiey aUQ U1V talis, it 13 the l.armti.sK r-i, t tie heart f;ck." ami phi elv I ),nvn m.nj.n t lia heart sine. standing between the two govern-' merits, ninl thuteacli is ii'ung tu have! more territory in Smith Africa after. ' the ivir ends than it' his now, is; pn.hal.'v tcirect. evtrli.eless, the activity of lhe' I)iit!'.i ar-sliips in overhauling and L'EAI.i:i:.S IN F.xperie!:ce is the het 'leajher. b'st Arker'a r.t.ytis'.i Ii ' in any c.ish ol c.i:ie'h, c 'i l or crou;.. SLouM it fail t.t tive imuiediat.; relief tuonev ref u.,!-.! svarcLing t.crman vc-seds 2 cts. and 50 tts. I::ake!..v .& n, '1 ie? hreHkiii- ihi n i r i every i have tn cte t. tin. van-I ishiiu t-f i ne ("il l hope alter the other, i ' ' t-'y beraii'd the tf'.ivel won d not' I.h.v, has iiisd" n.e cailmi", cvnicul nod oe. I h It, letll'jiit like n! Mr.rh.i.ii ,r tl"! I gnt, an 1 ilrihing aith the i!de of rieU- nil 1 J c lr,s and bop-less human. tv. of nhirblHII KinQS 01 milling csni9 arn mud", ioiu leiterl has changed inv thoimhts into other: r . - .. ehaimeis, an.) turMiv. it voo nn l, , pHnfiMl Snr.fil! i nons.y in bis speech, reasons that will ap; eal Thcv arc and seizing their cargoes, or patt r f : Drntrglats .them, is calculated to distuib the' i arrangement which bas been entered: sftonalv to of good results. Telegram into between the heads of the two panei. t ninl wan f,,r n,e. I cannot 1 i lighten 1 ,."r'.' enonn o reluc another tusel : . ...... h.'111-ii giain i niav not! ag4in be thrown. Hear liiCe girl, mhat would I not give ' to see you, to read in the pellucid depths ! ' : of yur frar k eyes the etorv thev have i I so often told me; lo bold yon again in I I my arms, and to know that the rat. 1 r V .... I. - . I . 1 I ' ..iiui term, ii.jw out a oream. whs a I wonder if that time i CrandalltSBarget UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Irjiiij: iin-jiPraiioMS JctcI. opnry t...- y dry rp the Secretion", I r. ... "i-iv.nLi.' r.- . i I.':.- I "i.'H.iM'-l. ftnn no mm Aoiencans, and should tc rroductive ' e ica(,inS German; roca.:S:r.:r.. far i..oreM.riou.H trouble tban ' uvoeiiauiTs, who a lew cxcentinns j i-i ! er.: -.rt i. avoli oil drv. Olis'lii rea itv .re bitterly hostile to England. The1 and Cl i . . i ' fc ai ibsi ... v ;y hi MO),),.!!!- rilB 0S SO OltBil dashed from my parched lips? That is part ol what be said, but your readers time and your space forbids fnrther quoting. I U, I knew tnat theiomlest hopes of both mere realized, hut I don't. In fact I don't know much of anything, for I am only A GutKxnous. Robes, Barial Sh; Etc. n -. - - . . rAHI,lfli,n r.m . I T 1 . - .. I j Ma T l-.-'s f'f1',i T'' i i.b.. ...i.j. ji.nii iir.u i yc i units - J1 I'" k ci i u, - , , , ,, , . ' Tbe .res". 1 f l'" K8,3j; tl ItrtlK the president and bis secretary dating back from the diys, a ccnturv r,!u!c:1 toT ' ""f - A,l;st,.,ii of state deseive the congratulation, and a third ngo, during the i anl thanks rif tho rr.nriri- i . r-i-.i,- . ! . : .: .,.1J lKJl iueir )cara war, wnen Oeorze III., in his 1 " "-"'' thim ltwif Success in tn-t ' il.o .1 , r; J 6 ' f'ver an irntalf-d ai.d amrv surface, roll,.. kectilnz tbe dor fl f.f ri.iriK 'snn-.iiw (v Dili 1 at . . . epen to the commerce of tbe world to resign from tbe cabinet, and then inp; lmm'i:atelv tbo i.ninful i With'a Crr-ara Jl.iltn yoa are armed agaiust Nasal CutarrU aud Hay Fever. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH. Pione car.