; DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 10, 1900. rtorn tou au know. Saturday's Dally. A. A. Bonner went to Hood Kivsr tl it morning. Leeli Butler returned to Toit'.ar.d on the boat today. P. F. Stewart and wife came iu lr n Mneville yesterday. C. II. Southern an.I R. H. Winj are business visitor from Boyd. C. F. M. Brown is 1'iisines t'witor iu the city Irom lira Valley. Mr. F. Pond and Mis Kte Lester came up from Hood River yesterday. Mrs. (ten. KratiM and her friend, Mr. K. F. Folia, ol Hood Kiver. left in this morning' boat for Portland. Mis Carrie Ziegle left lor her heme in Seattle tbia morning on the boat ac companied as far a Portland by Mr. H. F. Zieg'.e. Corlle Merritt, ruanairer of the lleppner Gaiette, wai in the city last evening; fcr a few hours, arriving on So. 1 and depaitinf on No. 2 for home. Arthur Stiiblin and hi friend, Si Youok, of Astoria, who l.ai been visiting- r-im, left this morning for Eugene, where they will resnnie their studies at the university. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. French will leave tomorrow for Portland, where thev will be joined by Mr. Kussell bewail, and leave Monday evening for California, pending most of their time with Mr. A. M. William and family at Sraa Fran cisco. Mocrtay Dully. Hugh Chrisman, who i now post master at Kufus, i in town today. Earl Sander left yesterday morning for Eagene, to reeuiue his studies at the university. C. 8. Jackson, editor of the East Ore tonian, wa a passenger on Xo. 1 yester day on hi way to Portland, ' A. H. Huntington, brother, of JM. and B. S., of our city, and sheriff of Baker county, spent today in The Dalles. Mr. and Mr. Carey Jenkins returned to their home in Portland yesterday, having spent two week with relatives here. Mr. C. N. Thcrnbnry arrived Satur day night from Portland and i visiting her daughters, Mr. Kinertly and Sirs. Hudson. Having spent the past two week with her sister, Mrs. E. F. Sharp, Miss j Gertrude Farrelly will return to her bome in Portland today. Mrs. G. C. Blakelev left on Tester-1 day' afternoon train for Portland, where she goes to receive treatment for her eyes. She will probably remain a month. Tiamiltnn Pamnrall earn. Hnwn from Sherman county Saturday, and will visit here and in Portland until hi services i j . i . L. f - ' v. : . re oeeueu s .grin i.jr iuo vuiuiuum Southern at Grass Valley Mr. nd Mrs. E. P. McCornack pneaed through the city yesterday on their way to their home in Salem, having made a trip to Sumpter. Like all other visitors to that plac, they are enthusiastic over it prospects. Misse Sadie and Maggie Rueell, of Trail Fork, will leave today for The Dalies, where they will enter the Sister's school. Mr. Kuseeil will accompany ber daughter to see them comfortably settled. Condon Globe. IWhAts Dally. Wm. Froebe, of Wasco, is in the city. I ' ' ' I W. H. Mahan came over from Golden dale yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Beard are visitors in the city from Fossil. L. O. Lakin, representing Rosenfeld & Smith, ciuar dealers in Portland, is in the city tcday In the interest cf his firm. B. F. Pike, one of Moro's residents who is well known in The Dalle, csme down from that place on business yts terday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ommervi.!e ar rived in the city yesterday from Hay Creek. Mr. Sojimerville is on his way to Montana to make arrangements fur their permanent settlement in that state, while hia a-if a n! v,.ii hor mnnii lo Portland , P., l..l. ..,... -... a short lime, joining him later. In Dnfur, Satnrday, Jan. Oih, to Prof, and Mrs. R. K. Allard, a daughter; weight nino pounds. At the U nion Lodging Honse In this city, Monday, Jan. Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Andette, a son. A aheep King-'! Vlrwa. Mr. William IVnland, Morrow county ' aheep king, wa a business caller to this office yesterday. When asked hi opin ion a to the propriety of contracting wool at thi stage of the game, Mr. Pen land said he was emphatically opposed to such action. It is within the power of the sheepmen themselves, he said, to regulate to a great extmt the price of wool, If the bnyer can succeed in con tracting a lot of wool at 15.' ' cent now. tbey will be able to supply the demand for time, and will therefore have the remainder of the wool growers at their ! mercy If all the sheepmen retain their wool until the proper time conies to sell It, it will force the buyers to pay market prices, which, frouj ail judication, promUe to be very satisfactory, else the woo. ooyers would not be so anxious to have been held op Saturday ni.ht in just now to contrctalltheycanatl5,the East End, but the attempt wa eentt per pound. Several other promi-1 futile, a the fellow had i,nil,m,ii,.,.. went wool grower of this county coincide with Mr. Penland's. views, while a few intimate that 1VS is good enough for them. It is a hard matter to say just now which would be tho letter plan, bnt a few month will decide the matter. Heppner Times. Cash In onr Cheeka. All county warrants registered r.Hor ti April 1, 18!,o, will be paid at mv oflice, Interest ceape af't-r Ann. fim 1,0J- C L. Pim.Lir., ' County Treasurer. w in f - ACTS GENTLY ON THE Kidneys, Liver and Bowels C if AN5ES THE SYSTEM 1 1 UMW " nenu ikirunv PERMANENTLY ITSRti. -0r ffECTS. Su THS I.FNUINIMtl 0UHKNIAl7GfS'RrP(. rua va tY i ow4o'i K bo. til SIXTEEN TO ONE NOT IN IT So It was Drrhled Last M(ht My ttaa Literary Nnclrty. utuMT s liallr. Billy Bryan may as well crawl otTand die, for if he had a ghost of a show pre viously, it fld like the rest if the chaff last night under the strcrg arguments presented at the Students' Literary Club, when the question wa forever settled. The decision had been not to touch on anything of a political nature, and of eonrse it was UrictJy adhered to; not merely touching, but resting there before they got through. It really l oked as if it might be a genuine case of 16 against 1 when the matter was ummed up and it wa found that one side largely outnumbered the other, but . .... . one apeaiser declined and then it was more evenly divided, although from the nature of the debate one could have withstood any number. The city hall was well filled to listen to the speakers w ho had chosen as their subject "Resolved, That the fre coin age of both gold and silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 would better promote the I prosperity of the people cf the United States than would the single gold stand ard." Upon the decision of the follow- lne juoges resieu lue late ol tne sui J-t l of anrh natinnnl ttrmnrt .! M flnul'tnir. . , r. . ... , . too, J. D. bitten, of Kingsley, and James Fisher. On the affirmative aide were Dr. G. Sunder as leader. Fred Flood, Rev. O. D. Taylor nnd Mr. Starr. On the negative, H. Gourlay leader; Mr. Stark and Harry Curlls. j Is was most apparent from the energy ' displayed by the afliiiiintlve side that! upon the evening's decision tested the i late or tha nation, while the negative, feeling that the qiiesli in bad already been settled, took the matter in a uwre cilui but convincing manner. S.inder (airly clawed the air, but finding that it wa balder to manage than pulling t. tooth, to. k refnire in the "crime of '7.1 " I ,,. . . - . . I wnne one ni ins co.i jiis produced a Flood f-f omt-iry, another fairly preached it into his audience that "we fought against it in but a few moments tiefore having said they did not discover the crime until five years later; and lat!y a Starr speaker arose, which should have persuaded tiie judges tha the heavens declared for free silver. On the other side the leader Hughed it to the po:nt and at once presented an argnment which could not be met, nor was it refuted by M opponents, who saw they were at disadvantage. The next speaker drove them Stark mad when they endeavored to answer him, and Curtis, although bat a young stndent of the subject, displayed an in sight Into it which wi creditable. Those w ho were present say it was not only intensely interesting, but alto amnsing to see the zeal dip!ived. 11 801"' withr ut saying that the judge dtcided in favor of the negative, and free coinage cf silver Isn't in it Ilold-I . irnhl.nn. ii- ii .1 the city Saturday and yesterday. The ' first vxtim w., a stranger who claim. ! lieved of. This morning Chas. Wilson was arrested on suspicion, and is now lodged In the county jail. ihe second in i nn lor.k n'a yesterday morning, when Frank O-iin-! p0rpM ' furn's,,l" hU for lh. eitr, Ion and John Carer, two tramps, beld !'"7 ,"Tl ,'"t " U ,i,,e nd up two other "gentlemen of leisure"- 1 kc,,t U"1 'mrf'"w- Al'" rewmmend Peter Kockler and Roy Wiiliamson-who ' the,at'TI",t n"1" 1,0 ne'1 ,0 re,lu had taken up quarter. In sorr.o br x c:. C"T ' "pffn""'- in the yards above the Wasco wnrehonse. The modern and most i flVcUve rure The former bad an empty purse and a for constipation and all liver troubles bar of soap, of which h whs relieved. I the fainoui littl,- pi!!n known aDeWltt'i and tho Iut:r 1 and a pokir (hip, Lut ' Little Early R iert. be blnfflu. the robber al he left of the articles in hi pmkt, ! '-'llow him believe thY were BotU poker chips, aud saved them. Yesterday aftornoon while walking down the street wlih Sheriff Kelly, Koekter and Williamson recognlaed the culprit In front ofThelUlle National bank building, and pointed them out lo the officer, who Immediately wa ked over, pu'led a revolver on them and demanded them lo hold up their hand, which they lost BO time iu doing. Frank Gable then went through their pocket, while a curious crowd gathered about. They were then taken to the jail. This afternoon they had a preliminary elimination in Justice Bayard' court and were bound over in the uui of '00 on two charge, one of robbery and the othir attempted robbery. Strange a it may rt.rj, the old enemy of all tramps a cake of oap taken from Kockler, and found in the pocket ofoce of the men, was the strongest w itness against them. REHORT OF THE RECORDER. Ulrica; an; I.Ira f I ha Clijr'a Itnaluaaa During tha rait Ma alootba. To the Hon. Maiir mid Council of I lltt lily: y On request, I lierowith beg leave to submit the following, as a report of the condition ol the cit;r during the first half of the present fiscal year, com mencing July l.lS'.r!', and ending I)e C -mber 31, Income as follow s : Miscel. licenses $ Team license ISO IX Dog license 7 ?0 Fine aud forfeitures till fiO City taies, IS;.S 0U 671 Deliniinvut taxes, prior to U'.'S -Hi I 82 I a. I 14 111 i Show licenses !! tHl Kunner licenses M 00 Koad taxe 3M 00 Miseellaneou income 17 SO Total income 701M !4 Expenditures are a follows : Officers' salaries 16H0 00 Bridge department ft :i Fire department 1571 10 Light department 6. HO Police department 1'5 00 Recorder' cilice 37 00 Sewer department -7'.' M . . . .1 . - I I K.l Snnerintendent of street .V, 1.) Water rent 3nOOOness, and In a child tub) it lo tha Sundries I'J 70, Total expenditure 4M(i 21 Interest for six month on debt 1710 HO Entire expense for six month tkjoO "1 KKCANTl'LATIO:!. Income 701U HI Expense UVW 21 Result Ui 73 Income and expenditure!! of the cor responding half 8?ctl year of the pro ceeding year, are a fellows : Income C.-tOO Pi Expense f38i 70 Ir.c-me over expenditure. . . .. 1 10- 28 It will be noticed that the income thi period amounted too03 '.KS over the income of the corresp nding period last year, ard also that the expenditure amounted to much m jre this year than la.t. I I desire to ctll the c inncli's nutrition j to the fact tlml the recordi-r's nflire ha collec ted more fines during ti e last six month than have beei c .llented ince the lstd.iy of July, IK'7, being a period of two years. ' In the year IS. Ill, more roa 1 taxe have . been collected by the city than had been j i collected for the whole period of five or fix S'CHrs previous thereto. His Honor, the Mayor, in hi message, recommended that the city vault, which i was in a very bad condition, be put In better shape. By an oversight of the C0UOCI thi was not done, yet I take j pleasure in informing the council that 1 have put the tame in good ccndition, without any expense to the city. Respectfully submitted, Nro II. Gatkm, Recorder of Dalle Citv. Clt7 Flnanca tuminlf taa'a ltepnrt. In the report of the city's finance committee, composed of S. 8. Johns, Win. Shackelford and J. L. Kelly, which was presented to the council at the last meeting, attention was called to the condition of the finance for the past ix month as compared with the corre sponding pertol of 18!8. For the last bailor I W8 the receipt were tOttW.OH, as om Hired with f709l 04 for the same period in ISM, an increase In ti e latter year of 03 9 5, notwithstanding the fact that the tax receipt are a Unit 5)0 less for S!m. The fines, license and road tax, however, Increased In the latter year I2u0.70. The expenditure during the former period, including bond interest, were .riot i ... ., . . '". leaving a gain mat term or Vn'ln V""!"""'1" P"' " 18!'9 U" P"'" 0o.21, leaving a gain Ul mil f-t-tl..). The increase of expenditures during !8!l were due to the improvement in the fire department and itreets. They also estimate that the l 'a' mill tax levy for street light will amonr.t to I'HVm.25, and a this levy was for the YOUNG AMERICA WON THE DAY Miuiature Dottle of San uau Fuitfiht by Youngster. Hill Cuii-Auo, Jan. S. Little Charle U worth tooted a tlu horn on Sunday after noon on the prairie at Western and Wa bansia avenue ami immediately 100 boys prang "to arms" at the improvised bugle call. A great battle had been ar ranged and the two armle of fifty boy each advanced toward each other In military fashion. A neighborhood (oud started the matter, end tinder the truce of a white flag the boy had agreed to fight "the battle of San Juan hill." Many of the boy had rifle and shot guns, most of them unleaded, fortunate ly. Those w ho could not gt guns had broom or stick. Some of the boy hsd revolver. The two armies threw them selves upon one another w ith a fury little short of a real engagement. While the battle raged, the patrol wagon from the police station came to tha scene, l'-ig policeman charged th coatblned "American" and "Spanish" forces, and when the smoke and dust had lifted, the fl-.'eing forms of the youthful warrior could be seen disappearing toward all point of the compass. On tha battle field, wounded and moan lug, lay several boy. The worst injured was "Lieutenant Harry Johnson 11 years old, and a "Spanish" officer, who was shot in the back. The "Spanish" commander, "General" Artie Standt, bad a bullet wound In hi left leg. Other had (lighter lujuries, but none of the boys weie seri ously hart. They were taken to theii homes. Later the police arretted En.il Guslafsun, aged 15, who they claimed, fired the bullet which hit the two "Spanish" officer. A St ria CI UK rK t'ltlll'l', Twanl j.flve Var Cuaaiaal In Wit. unl m Vallara. The fir. I Indication of croup Is brar.e- disease It may lie 'taken a a ire sign of the approach of an attack. Following this hoarsene i a peculiar rough couzh. If Chamberlain' Cough Remedy la given a toon a the child become hoarse, or even after the rroopy rough appear, it will prevent the attack. It a nted in many thousand of home In this broad land and never disappoint the anxious mother. Wa bars yet lo learn of a tingle instance in which it ha not proved efftx-tnal. No other preparation can show such a record twenty-live years' constant as with ont a failure. For tale by Blakeley A Houghton. Notlca 19 Votaia. Under the provision of the reg'atra tlon law all person when registering are required to fnrnltli to the register ing officer the following Information : If naturalized, the time, place, in I court of naturalization, in this con neclion, it 1 necessary to produce naturalization paper, or declaration of Intention, Residence must be specific; glting precinct, section, township an I range; if within town or city, the street, No. if any, and No. ol lot ami block ; if in ar.y building where rooms are numlwn-d.tha number ol the room an I flor must I given. In order to avoid unntiessary delay and inconvenience, every rson desir ing to register should be prepared to furnish the atxive. information. facilities wm In Mri.tr In. I in every precinct iu the county by either Justice of the Peace or Notary Public. A. M. Kikiv, dec! .'!0ly County Clerk, M-.ray Mullra. Came to my place on Five Mile, about two weeks ago, a buckskin saddle h.irse, branded with an oarlock on right hip and an M on right shoulder. Said horse tin hern on the range near my place for the past two years. Owner can l.ava same by proving property and paying all charges. Da!ed Dec. Iff, 18!i!. Frnk I). Josts, dec20 4t The Dalles, Oregon. A trlgntral lilanrlar often cause a horrible barn. Wii; rcald.cntor bruise. Bncklen'e Arnica Salve, the best In tha world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cure, old sores, fever sore, nicer, boll, corn, felons anil all skin eruptions. Rest pile cnr on earth. Only 23 ct. a box. Cure guaranteed. Hold by Blakeley A Houghton, druggist. Kulijrrt tn Tiki, The assessor at Kllliiigworth, Conn., have received the following ichedule of property Landed in by a poet-farmer n' !hat town : One wife with red hair, two steer that's a pair. One horie'she' t mare), that I all I wear. F. B. Thlrkleld, health Inspector of Chicago, say, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly. D. cured ine of severe dyspepsia." It geht what yon eat and cures indigestion and heartburn, and nil form of ily. pepsin. waswai rv The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, JWajestie Are MADE TO LAST ABSOLUTELY Itomoinhor that wi $45.00 Which is ft savin;; tn our customers of from $l.r) to $'2 over price cliarp-tl y fttUltrs for inferior range. Write for iaiiij'hlet, "Majestic Kviilenco." JVIRYS Jr.a1 fcW 41 la.tfa t.'4.fi E3 I-! 3: j K i i i 0 i ftiiitinf leiiVin ttiiifii'riiitiiiiir C. J. STUBLING-2 Wholonalo and Rotnll Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency tor the Greate Amorican Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.; WHISKEY from t: 'r to UKl r gallon (? io lVcara old. "' """""" IMFORTED 00GNA0 from 17 IK) to I2.(I() per gallon. (U to 0 years ol.l I OA LirORHIABRASDIE8 ! , 13 hX-'iJo l l-O per gallon.(4 tojl jrear old. ' ONLY TIIE PURTT LIQUORS SOLD. 1 OLTMPIA BEER on draught, and Imported Ale and I'orter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Crandallfi Burget - All kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dallos, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staplo and Fancy Grocor es. GEORGE RUCH, r:cinr A LIFETIME, and aro GUARANTEED. are scllinj; t ho sauio from to $60.00 & CROCJUE. 4.L44rU.JV-Jata. ! ' i ! f i t IN The Chronicle, The Dalle. Or. Job Printers. V! VI ,L. irr ttiiiiiiitniit Vt.ttkii'stf iisfy Val Blati and Olympia Ileer In MtlM i r. ai b tr la ; i mi tl