The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 10, 1900, PART 1, Image 3

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Tbe Weekly Chronicle.
orru iAL i afkr or wain o ouintv.
t'nlitiihel in tut) jiirti, uil rVrdiioiiiiiyt
mi HMunlit it.
ay mail, roatiua raarais, m aotamci.
Ousrwir II W
H lllMlll 1
Urvn iiuiiitlis .... W
A1vrIMi( ratoa reasonable, anil made known
A.I.I rem. all nmmiiiilcatiius to "Til r t II HON
ll !..,' 'I ho iJaliwa, uregou.
Htur.l) Dalljr.
February Designers now oil sale at
I'rase A Mays'.
Maler A Benton will close their store
diirlng-January mi J February at 7 p. to.
Don't fo.get Pease & Mays' remnant
talo In dry goods, c imuienclug Monday,
Jaouar) Hill.
Merrill Campbell, who was yesterday
adjudged Insane, was taken to the
asylum at Salem today by Deputy Sheriff
A letter received by Mr. Peat this
morning conrornlng Ilia condition of
Mr. MacAdam, wat reassuring, am! to
tli effect that lia wasslea Jily Improving.
Remember fiat conn.enclng Monday
the Regulator will make Irl-weekly
tripe, leaving The Dalles Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays and arriving
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Tht new lights which hay Uen
placed In the Metliodiat church add
much to the enjoyment of the evening
service, acd lha pastor requests all to
make an extra effort to be present at
that eervlea ai well a In the morning.
The terrible tragedy which occurred
near Prineville may hear evidence of the
fact that Indiana are; becoming a "civ
ilised" a to;iie of their w lute brut hurl ;
but it mora forcibly emphatlxt the
truth that the white man who told hliu
the liquor ehonld have been one of hie
victlmi; alao that the atate of Oregou
ie responsible for the crime, elnce It re
fuses to prostcute Ihose w ho thu defy
it lawt.
Enough stuff liai come into this office
this week "About the Itch and bicb,"
to fill the paper. We have no epace for
anvoflt. In three line, latt week we
tald all that need to be said about it:
"Obey the law (of health Included);
disinfect your preuileet and atrlctly at
tend to your own affairs." There Ie no
small-pox In Moro hain't been any.
The measles laat winter waa ten timet
worio than tine Itch bnt "run into no
kind of danger" ie good advice at timet.
Ileppner Is certain to be notorious, if
not faiuuiii. 'I bla week, wa understand,
the editor of the Timet, of that place,-!
wat arretted lor naing language not be
coming an editor, whole vocabulary it
supposed to b stereotyped, the obic-l
of hit wrath being a tailor. Judue Wil
liama thought tiiat any printer who
would try to ompeto with a taitir in a
word war might to pay f 10 lor It. Fore
warned it foi?armcd, and brother editors
are cautioned to put it down In cold type
and let her go; but never "mouth It,"
no matter Low justifiable your grievance,
Yesterday afternoon from 5 to 8 Mrt.
I. K. Ziegler entertained a number ol
the young friends of Carrie Ziegler, who
left today for her home at Seattle. The
hours were patted at garies, with re
freshments served later. In a conteat of
guessing the number of beam iu a Jar
Zenno Itlddell wat moat successful,
Alberta Shepherd winning the booby
rix. Those present were: Alberta
Shepherd, Bessie , Riddetl, Joeie Nickel
sen, I.allah (iiitbrle, lll Waud, Hazel
Rice, Flsther Beck, Helen llobson, Maud
Uolden, Carrie Ziegler, Koy Campbell,
Arthur Waud, Z-nno Kiddcll, Martin
Nickelten, Ilea Campbell and Lawrence
Yesterday The Dalles actually waked
up to the fact that small-poi was in the
country and began to look about lor a
case or two. A man by the name of
Bonner, who wat visiting at the resi
dence of C. W. Bailee was the suspect.
When the marshal, physician, a council
man and a few others had Investigated
It proved that the follow had been down
to visit his sister at Vancouver, where
there is no sign of the disease; but the
children had chlckenpox and he was
sick there with a slight attack, bnt had
fully recovered never having had to stay
In the house a day alnre tin rani back.
Home one had reported to Councilman
Stephens that the man had had some
thing of the kind and he at once looked
the matter np, w hich was a commend
able move, and shows that oar council
men are made of the right material.
While the country about us hat such a
disease In Its, too much precaution
cannot be used.
K. It. Wilton evidently that
Dalles people have an artistic taste and
has chosen that channel by which to
call their attention to the road w hich
lie claims Is not excelled by any other,
except it might be the "straight and
narrow" road, and we actually believe
he thinks the latter parallels Ms line,
lie has hung In a very conspicuous
place on one of the windows at the
I'mutlUa House, a beautiful painting on
glass of a largo engine pulling a number
of cars over the C. H. A (J. line, and
running at the rats of eighty miles an
hour. It was enlarged from a 4iU kodak
picture taken by a Mr. Lovett, of Coun
cil llluiri, Iowa. Twenty photographers
(professionals and amateurs) had en
deavored to "snap" the train, but failed,
and It remained for Mr. Lovett to sectue
It. The colorings ara beautiful and It
would make a pretty ornament tor any
parlor. If this, enhanced by K. It 's
persuasive arguments, dues not increase
the luterest whirl) Dalles people already
take in that popular road, then will
all else fall.
Hon 1st s Dally.
This morning A. K. Roberts shipped
7 W sheep by boat to Trouldale.
We learn that a Moro man with a
severe case of "Flllpino-eniallchickeu-pox,"
Is quarantined at Wamlc, and we
hope our neighbor will keep the case
well guarded; fur whatever the di cease
it we don't want it. Dufur Dispatch.
As the Irishman would say, there Is
no doubt that the case of chlckenpox
at Wasco is the genuine smallpox, and
of no light nature either. Saturday
evening it was reported that Mr. Hicks
was dying; but yesterday ha rallied, and
today there are hopea of his recovery.
II. F. Gilford left this morning for the
scene of construction of the portage road,
on the Washington side, and In a tew
days those who may still have doubts
concerning the genuineness of the road,
may be convinced by views taken at the
scene of proceedings.
No, the fine looking range in Maler A
llenton's window Is not an ornament, It
Is the real thing, lo other woids an
alumuiied Garland steel range. It is to
be given away on March 1st, and every
one who purchases 1 worth of goods
between now and that time will be given
a chance on it.
A cup of coffee tastes fins between
meals. If you doubt It just go Into
Maler A Itenton'a and let a chinning
young lady serve you a cup made in the
new condenser coffee pot. It takes half
as much c ffee as any other cofleo pot re
quires, the strength is preserved and no
odor of celtVe escapes. Call and test it.
The contract which the council has
entered Into with the Seufert A Condon
Company, lelative to the tire alarm
system, provides t!.at the company
maintain the system for ten years at a
ostof$l month, the city to furnish
all materials. Alum boxes will be
placed at the corner ol Second and Tay
lor, corner of Srcond aud Madison,
Second and Laugiilln, Second and Wash
ington, Third and Lincoln, First and
Union, and at the city engine house.
Yesterdsy morning Mrt. Oiborne, who
has been making her home with the
family of L. Frlzxell, received word that
her ton bid lienn accidentally shot Satur
day at Mitchell, where he wat at work.
The bullet passed through the abdomen,
and w bile he wat still living, his chances
for recovery were doubtful. The stage
contractor brought In the word and Mrs.
Osborne immediately started Icr his
This afternoon G. T. Parr, of the F'.sst
ern Oregon Ijir.d Company received a
mera:i(e from San Francisco, Informing
him that the contest w hich has so long
been carried on in the supreme eo irl
regarding the overlapping limits in
Sherman and Wasco counties bad been
decided In favor of bis company w hich
was gratifying news to then.; but will
hsrdly appreciated by many settlers,
particularly in Sherman county.
F'lour is now worth J 10 a barrel in
llurn. This Is the highest price ever
obtained fur that staple In our town. It
Is really nutrageous. This commodity
Is something that merchants never ex
pect to realize but a very small profit
from. Ten cents a sack satisfies all
reasonable dealers. It is not good
business management to make a corner
on such an articlo. We trust to see the
price reduced to something near the
actual cost of delivery here. Harney
This being the week of prayer, ser
vices will be held during the week in
the following churches: At the Congre
gational church, beginning tomorrow
evening, when the service will be con
ducted by 8. L. Brooks, and each even
ing following, with change of leaders.
On Wednesday evening a series of special
meetings will commence at the Meth
odist church and continue indefinitely.
At the Christian church tie meetings
which were carried on last week will
All who are interested In our state
university (particularly the young peo
ple) should read the U. of O. Monthly,
published at the university, and edited
by a Dalles boy,' Homer Angoll. This
year's w ill be unusually Interesting, con
taining reports of the various debates
with other colleges, oratorical contests,
college athletics and other matters In
connection with the unlversllv. This
year the subscription price will be CO
cents, and any who desire to subscribe
can do so by applying to Geo. Iiuch, Jr.
The bowling tournament season
opened at Astoria Saturday afternoon,
and from two to ten sett of gtuiies w ill
be bowled in the three contests sched
uled, each wefk, until February 2'ith.
A team from The Dalles will play the
Milnea at Salem Thursday, Y. M. C.
A. at I'urtland Friday, rind the Astoriuns
Saturday. Next week, Thursday, the
Salemites will play our team at the club
alleys. Speaking of the games the Ore
goninntayt: "Howlers are freely pre
dicting that the Feldenheimer cup wiil
go either to The Dallet or Illihee, with a
shade of probability In lavor of the
former. The contests, however, will be
exceedingly close, and If a resort to total
plus to decide Is necessary, nobody will
be surprised. The Dalles claims lo tie
short one or two of their best men, but
the same state ol afr.iirs has existed be
fore and the team has alwavs been able
to give opposing teams all they went to
do and has usually pulled out on top.
There seems to be something In the air
at The Dalles that makes the propaga
tion of good bowlers an easy task."
As Is usual, but few attnledihn meet
ing of the members of the public library
Saturday night, which waa very dis
e turaglng to those who have the welfare
of the library at heart and who are con
tinually petitioned to keep the good
work going aud replenish the list of
hooka. However, the following officers
were chosen: President, Miss Lang;
secretary, Dr. Ilulle Hinehart ; treasurer,
Mrs. A. H. MacAllixtur; purchasing com
mittee, Mrs. J. 8. Schenck, Mrs. W. II.
Ifohson, Mrs. A. S. MacAllister, Miss
Lang, F. W. Wilson.
A telephone message from Hood liiver
this morning announced the sudden
death of Dr. V. G. Barrett at that place
last evening. He had apparently been
well, ami upon returning from the
stable, where he bad been to attend to
some chores, fell dead. No particulars
could be obtained, other than that word
had been sent to hit brother and no
arrangements would be made for burial
ontll he It heard from. He was a
brother of l'rof. Barrett, who was a
teacher In The Dalles schools some years
since, but who now resides at Baker,
and was alto an old and much re
spected resident of Hood I'.iver.
Mrs. Kdlih Wetherred psssed through
on yesterday's alternoon train, return
ing from a visit into the mining section
of Kastern Oregon. The object of her
visit wat to secure samples cf ore to he
taken by the Oregon delenates to the
editorial association at New Orleans and
distributed among the editors, tlrut ad
vertising our mines. She made a tour
of the mines adjacent to Sumpter, and
was most successful In her efforts, each
mine vying with the other in contribut
ing the choicest samples. These will he
neatiy placed In small boxes, labeled
and forwarded to New Orleans, where
they wiil be distributed by the delegates.
Dufur seems to be somewhat skeptical
regarding the scheme of Dalles people
lo build a road into tho interior. Well,
we acknowledge it may not look bright,
but we can say this much, that in Xhe
presence of the reporter a few days since
a gentleman, who is fully able to make
his word good, said the n oney wat
forthcoming for the survey, and if it
were not, it should be made if he had lo
pay for it. The state of the weather at
present Is not such as to mske it sn easy
matter to secure surveyors. Wrli the
feasibility of the scheme assured, the
road, we believe, will be a go. Speaking
ot the rurvey now U-ing made out in
that section, the Dispatch ad Js : "Dufur
would sooner be connected directly with
The Dalles by railroad, hut if any per
son of that city will rouse himself
enough to drive out on any rot 1 leading
In this direction for a distance cf five
miles he wiil cease to blame Dufnriles
for being pleased at the probability of a
railroad connecting ut. w ith any market."
Tuetnj-'s Dally.
Thenter-goers are pining to hear a
good play. When will The Dalles have
the opportunity of listening to flrtt-clats
actors agaiu?
In answer to several inquiries we will
say that tonight is not hand concert
night at the club, lant Tuesday being
the regular evening.
The remains of Albert Daxclle, who
was run over by the train near Mosier
Saturday, were this morning interred
In the city cemetery.
There may be sleigh riding' in far
Kastern Oregon, but it looks more like
mud riding here, with the rain still con
tinuing and the streets a perfect sea of
mud already.
Orchardisls around The Dalles are be
ginning to feel a little shaky regarding
the prospect for the truit crop should a
cold snap come on and nip the buds,
which in many Instances are being put
Members cf the K. of P. lodge are
having their hall refitted papering,
calcimining and painting. The small
hali adjoining is also to undergo the same
repairs. The halls were already very
neat and pretty, but thee Improve
ments will add much thereto.
Week of prayer service will lie begun
at the Congregational church tonight.
The theme for the entire week is "Life
With God." Mr. Brooks will lead to
night's meeting, when the special sub
ject will be "Seeking to Know God, and
Growth in tbe Likeness of God."
Few orchestras in Oregon, if any, can
furnish better music for dancing than
that which the membeis of Columbia
Dancing Club enjoy eery two weeks at
their parties. Lust night tho music
seemed, if possible, better than ever.
Ilirgfeld's orchestra Is hard to beat is
the general verdict of all.
A few weeks since we mnde mention
of the death of Hubert Thompson nt I.
Our Brest
Clothing Sale.
Enormous Success.
Every Article Reduced.
This is an opportunity no economi
cal purchaser can aiTor.l to pass.' A
moments thought considering the posi
tive increase in the cost of all goods, the
assortment wo carry, and the fact we
have not as yet increased our prices will
convince any one that a reduction on
low prices is an otTer
reasonably he expected
the present
which cannot
b i lliir a d
emiiant Sale
during tho
is now on and will continue
week. All remnants in the various de
partments are marked down without re
gard to cost, but with the solo object of
getting rid of them to make room for
spring good3 and to aid us in our annual
inventory, which will be taken tho Ut
of February.
All gcods that do not como under
the head of Ilemnants have a special
price for the present month, and those of
you who are in present or future need of
goods in our line will save money by
making your purchases now instead of
deferring the matter until some future
Watch our show windows for special
lines with special inducements.
All Cooda Marked
In Plain Figures.
Thus Mr. and Mrs. Thompson's visit has
been attended by much sorrow, but at
the same time it is a satisfaction to know
that their presence has been a comfort
lo those who are called upon to mourn.
Frank D. Jones, who is charged with
larceny of a horse from D. J. Cooper, is
having a preliminary examination In
Justice Bayard's court today. It seems
that Junes, who lives on 5-Mile, went
over to Aug. I.jngrein's and claimed
the horse, which was at bis place, and
took possession of it. Later he came
into the Chkonhi.e office and adver
tised it as a stray. It is now claimed
it was his intention to steal tbe animal.
The young man has not the appearance
of one a ho would commit a theft, but
as we go to press the court is inquiring
diligently Into the case and will proba
bly hud onl the true state of affairs re
garding it.
I The plav cf Ben Hur has been placed
disgrace to the city. At no toj nothing. In giving a report of tbe hold
the city he has thoroughly renovated up Sunday morning we erred in saying;
and painted the viult, re-labeling and Caesedy bad nothing in hie pockets and
also rearranging the records therein. I therefore wa? relieved of nuhii.g. We
liecorder Gates certainly deserves much j had been misinformed, ond the fact was,
credit fol bis attention to duties and tbe ; the robber captured f 11.35.
manner in which he tills Lis office. i Yesterday a man by the name of
There Is a decided difference of opin- ! Chas. Wilson was enp?c"oned and ar
ion between S. B. Ortneby, superintend- j rested; tut ss Cassedy seemel inclined
ent of theCascade forest reserve, and ; "t-1 'oappear against him, he was released
the spectacled bugolngigt of tbe depart'
mcut of agriculture at Washington. Mr.
this morning. The fellow is telieved to
be cf the same ilk himself r nd therefor
Ormsby insists that the sheep do not hesitated to appear against bis assailant,
climb the fir trees and other tail timber canning be could not HI 0-itively.
and eat tbe tops ofT. He has watched
the sheep, and he has teen co indica
tions of such savage treatment of tbe
'Tis a strange freak these fe.lows bar
taken of attacking thoe of their own
"profession." $o h n,' as this date of
forests. But the bugolc gists think they affiirs eiitts it will not le so bad ; I a', it
is not Iike y they wiil c? re to continue
in such an nnproEtible (cenrse, and
some citizen will find bimsell in their
hands sooner or later.
In spite of the nnmber of laborers
said to be needed throughout the
know more about the habits of the ter
rible Oregon sheep. They have studied
the pictures of the sheep, and the his
tory of their remote ancestors, and tbey
nave seen the tops of t he tiees from
Pu!lnnn coaches, and they are sure that
nmin Hi !''. am! it nrnnml nr. a
of theK,eatestpiv. of the age. The j prmshy is asseverating through his ; country, the number of hobos investing
scenic effect, are suVerb. and it is stated ctiau- M'-Ormsbv can't Cud our city seem, to be growing e.cb day,
the play's success is due largely to the j
genius of the plan of placing it upon the !
slAk-e. It is not venerallv known that!
the credit tor the work Is 'duo to an Ore- "p. lu? S;U;UP- he ie UM 10 !lJ-e J"h
ginion, but, however, this Is the case.
Mr. Ben Teal, formerly of Portland, son
ot Mr. Joseph Teal, Sr., a highly re
spected citi.-n of that citv, took the
story as dramatized and adapted it to
the stage. It is now being produced
nnder his personal direction. The book
of "Ben Hur" is a marvellous story, and
the play is said to be equally at good.
f: o.
The councilnien may be holditg a
series of meetings, but along that line
they are not outdoing the water com
missioners who met in council again
lat night. Commissioners I'hirman,
Bolton, Moore, Buchler, Kandal), Fish
and Seufert being present. Not content
with tbe course taken by the council
Saturday night regarding tho lefunding
question, they determine to again pre
sent to the council tonight the oiiginal
ordinance, amended by that bodv, ask
ing a reconsideration and the right to
refund the entire :5,(HX) bonds. While
one or two of Ue commissjon were
previously undecided regarding the
matter, the entire cjinmisaion coincided
at last night's meeting. It was further
decided that the expense ot the issuance
of bonds will be borne by the com
mission. Though few, if any, citizens outside of
those elected to attend to the city's
business, attend the council meetings,
yet none are ignorant ot every feature of
the city's affairs, and they have but to
read the papers to see just what it being
done. Today iu another column we
publish the recorder's semi-annual re
port, giving in minutia all the financial
business of his office, and should any
desire further information they have
but to call upon Recorder Oates, who is
ever ready to enliuhten anyone regard
ing all such matters, as the newspaper
reporters can testify. In him they have
found a most obliging officer, and one
who is thoroughly interested in every
thing concerning the city's welfare, and
who makes Us interests his own. From
his report it w ill be seen that more fines
have been collected doring the psst six j
months than had been collected since;
she p that wiil climb a tal! fir tree and i ttna 81 tue lnle time they co .tinu. to
ent off the top, and chew up ail the bark, j more impudent end commanding,
clear down to the roots, and then grub i particularly to the raiiroa 1 ineo, who
i tcircely dare refuse them a n 'e. In a
What's he for anvwav, if not to prove ! hospital at Everett, Wash., a topnlar
the wUdoru of the four-eyed biuoloists 1 tireat Northern hrakeman is lying at
at Wn.'himtton, and forn:h reasons why t:'e point of death from wtunda inflicted
thev eiiouldeo on drawing their salaries?
A Bystauder, in Si!em Statesman.
Slag I'resrulatloB.
It is the intention ofTiiK Cunosicis
to give the news at as early an hour as
possible, sod to ecdeavor to overlook
nothing which is of Interest to its
readers. Reporters, however, are far
from infallible, and, as Cradlebaugh
would say , not having been born triplets,
it is impossible to be in more than
one place at a time. We, therefore,
ueglec'.ed to report a very impressive
service which took place at the Congre
gational church last Sunday, and al
though a week has passed we ft el it to
be such an important event in the his
tory of that congregation, that a men
tion of it is not out of place even at this
late hour. We refer to the presenta
tion of the flag to the church.
Through the efforts of Mrs. W. S.
Myers, a beautiful flag was procured
and Sunday evening appointed as the
occasion for the presentation ceremony,
F". W. Wilton being chosen to make the
presentation speech. In a short, but
very appropriate manner, that young
gentleman delivered into Mr. B. S.
Huntington's hands, who reptesented
the trustees, the "Stars and Stripes,"
among other things saying that it is
fitting that we bring to our church,
where we have all that is uplifting and
good, the emblem of our liberty, the
Stars and Stripes. Mr. Hunt ngton's
remarks of acceptance were very ap
proves, giving as a reason why the
Congregational church should peculiarly
value our flag the fact that Congre
gationalism, w hich was called independ
ence in the old country, did not flourish
evi n nnder so mild a gov
ernment a New Kngland. Thfy went
to Holland; but ultimately landed on
the bleak New F'.ngland coast, where
under the "Stars and Stri"s" they
achieved their fullest development.
The service was beautiful an 1 im-
by two trauij.9 whom he had to eject
from the train, while in thtir Indiana
home a wife and children awai; hia
The tramp qa;tion is certainly get
ting to that pass where stringent
measures must be used cr .law-abiding
citiz-ns will suffer as a result of negli
gence in that regard.
Size doesn i
uiv. .beware
ol counterfeit and worthless calve offered
fcr DeWiU's Witch Hazel Salve. Dt
Witt's is the only original. An infallible
cure for piles and all skin diseases.
nreseive and the fl.ia Kreatly honored
Angele. A letter received yesterday j the first day of July, IS!'. , showing that j ruj nj,)reci.ted by the entire niember
froin Mrs. A. R. Thompson contains j the recorder Is not slack as regards ' j nhip.
news ol the deatn or another rl the duties in inai line, wine wiosb woo
TI.K... 1... m Tnl... 1-1. I IK f.lll.u h?M tinlni! nrillk Iktll'
who for many years has been an Invalid faction the interest displayed in the care
and whole home was in Los Angeles. I of the office, which for some time was aj
riv Departure In Trampilom.
Tin Cn kon is not so flush in a
financial way as to consider $11 35 at
With every one dol
lar purchase at our
store during January
and February we will
give a chance on a
Steel Uance.
per y epn