THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 10, 1000. The Weekly Chronicle. AJorlWInC fcataa. Oisti.ctior If. In li' ' J!1 O f iw.hiu Ik an.l iiu, let lour Initio. .. 1 w -er i.un inriw M uu lv r lau-lve Inches . . v). tw'l tm'tun DklLV !" VrSkl.Y. nu'h or k. ner ineh - .w... ...... i.wi n-i.l..r lour im-tiea ... Over l.-ur lueh.-a u-l uti.ler twelxa liu-h.- . 1 Aim twi'lvn tin-lie V SECRETARY UMiE'S MISTAKE It is the law, ami lias been the inactice of former secretaiies of the treasury, to require the deposit, in established United State sub-treasuries, of the internal revenue receipts of the government. Secretary Oije has established a new practice. To bolster up the redtt of the banks, and particularly one favored bank in New York city, he has directed that hereafter all such collections shall be sent first to the National City bank of New York, and from that general depository tiansferrcd to such other banks of the United States as shall deposit with the treasury the required amount of United States bonds. This has aroused a whirlwind of indignation, and will be made the subject of congressional investiga tion, both in the house and in the senate. It is significant that a large part of the criticism comes from bankers and newspapers which reflect the views and wishes of bankers. The internal revenue receipts of the government amount to nearly J 1,000,000 daily, ami H is pointed out that since only a third of these revenues are col lected east of the Alleghenics and north of the Potomac, the selection of a single New York bank as the place of first deposit h:is a suspicious look of gross favoritism. One of the sharpest critics of this course of Secretary Gage is the Chicago Tribune, a journal which has been cne of the staunchest sup porters of the gold standard policy of the administration, and from whose editorial staff Mr, Gage se lected his assistant secretary. The secretary's leading home paper says: "It .ill be difficult to convince the public that it is necessary to tig greg:ite in any one back, for the pur poe of distribution, the daily in ternal revenue collections of this great country. It will be impossible to convince lie people, and co-tiecial ly the people of the West, that it will not be fairer to divide the United States into several districts to have (he Pacific co:.t receipts put in San Francio banks, those of the. middle West in Chi'.ago, Cincinnati and St. Louis batiks, those of the Southwest in New Orleans banks, and those of New Knyland .and New Yoik in Boston and New York institutions. Thete are no difficulties in the wav unless in some one of these districts no bank can be found which is will, ing to give the requited security for deposits. "If one bank ruust be selected as the place of Erst deposit public senti ment will be adverse to the choice of anj New York bank, for that would look as if the intention is to draw from all patts of the United States public money, which can be loaned at C per cent or more by the institu tion holding it to thoe Wall street curators who are cocoplainir.z of the 'stringency of the money market.' A policy of government interference in financial affairs for the benefit of stock market speculator is not viewed with fivor by the public. It does not wish to see the general gov ernment play the patt of the 'god in the machine' to relieve distressed brokers. It prefers that the govern ment should remain neutral. This preferce is shared by the Tribune. It believes it neither right nor ex pedient for the government to at tempt lo bolster up a sagging stock market by exhibiting gross favorit ism lo . particular bank. It is too and Americans have no burning love for the Standard Oil Company or the men at the head of it. Had the secretary if the treasury consulted any outsiders before ho acted they would have told him that not all things which arc law ful unto him arc expedient aud that one of the. most inexpedient things he could do was to favor the Rocke feller bank. The treasury should have no pets least of all a pet bank. Su:U an institution, is a stench iu the nostrils of the people." The secretary's action forms a most proper subject of congressional in quiry. In the first place, tho right place for these collections is iu the United States sub-treasuries, and the secretary has no right to employ the funds of the government to help out adventurous bankers who have over loaned their deposits. In the second nlaoe, if the government is going into the paternal business of helping out incautious bankeis, there should be no favoritism. Spokesman-Review, LEADER IX 1ROX PKOIVVTIOX In the year which has just ended the United State, in addition to breaking all othe-r industrial and business records, made an immense gain in iron production. It is esti mated that the country's output of pig iron in 1S9'J was in the neighbor hood of 13,'00,000 tons, which is a ain of about I'oOO.Oi'O tons over 18J."t, and an increase of nearly 4,000,000 ov i r 1 837. It is an in crease of 5,000,000 tons since 18'JO, when the base money party was making a canvass which was distuib ing all sorts of business throughout the country. The United States is now far in the lead of Great liiitain, and, ef course, still farther ahead of Ger many, which stands next to Great Britain on this roll. No estimate of the production of pig iiou in either of those countries for 10'J is yet at hand, but it is probable, taking the FACTS J BO IT SOUTH AFRICA. llocr sympathisers lay stress upon the "trekking" tendency of the South African Dutch. Upon that natural chnraeteiistio of all pioneer peoples, the imagination has built a uias vt wild fancy. The Itritish become greedy land-grabbers, tho Hocr farmers have been robbed of their homes, and have taken flight from invading Huns and Vandals. Tho SjHikcsiuan-Keview says: The facts present a very different story. Property rights have been resHcted in Cao Colony and Natal, as they are always respected in all parts of the British empire. Iudoed, if the Hi it ish government has been at fault on that matter, it has faulted from a too severe regard for the right of property. The following estimate of the white population in South Africa, made by F. K. Garrett, of the Cap assembly, is revealing: Dutch. .. . . . 7H.I 00 . . fi.OX) . . "tio.WXJ Transvaal... Free Male. . . Natal Cape Colony Knglish. U'.i.OOO 15.1MX) 4S.C00 114.000 SHEEP THE WOODS. Capiat. lrmau' Iteimrl lh t'.ar.U ttaeara. ..."J.tiOO 3:7.000 SlHI.OUO table that gain of eac'i in recent years, that ! England's production for 1839 will not be above 10,000,000 at the i Totals Total whites. It is seen from this 20,1 000 llocrs prefer British govern ment in Cape Colony, as compared with 80,000 Boers who prefer Kruger government in the Tiansvaal and 7?,000 who prefer Boer govern ment in the Orange Free State. But nolo the difference. In Capo Colony L't'.j.OOO Beers have every political right that is enjoyed by the 191,000 English. They control the Cape legislature and make the laws. It is majority rule in the broadest and most liberal application. In the Tiansvaal, upon the opposing hand, the 80,000 Boeis lnvc divested the 12:1,000 English, Americans and I Furoeans tf all tights and privileges of government. They will not per mit the outlunders to become natural ized, vote, hold ollice or bear anus. Their constitution expressly pro hibits Jews and Komau Catholics from holding office. The govern- i merit is a bald ttavesly of republican principles and institutions. a E UMAX VXIlE.ST. farthest, and it is likely to be rearer to the 9,000,000 mark. Germany's production niav reach 8.000.000 tons, although this looks like a some- Tlie twiCWT of what high estimate. Of all the Pis trcn n,"n' n1 '" 'owrrful : . i, .-.! ;., ,... ...,i.i : ... army completely at bis control, eke past year or two the Untied States ,iC u""t "avc turniMii'd about a third t art lead of this country over its prm cipal competitors, too, has been broadenins in recent vcars. and the I tendency in the ffin.n direction i f'hir'S ll"ul is necessary to escape the hands. a revolution on his IV, . ll'tlll. ...... ....ti.- I .... I II..IJ,'3. 4 VI II llll.tlll IJUIHIi: il II IHI 1 lie i I ship for England in her contest with I .1 1. ; .. - . -I I . i r. i iiie doits is noi suarc'i oy ino . man iieopie. iiiey are at no more charge of Use uj. stc to show their disgust ilb their ruler's conduct. Tl.ey scatcely ligutsc their hatred ot England, and their sympathy with extremely likely to be kepi up. Iron ho!. Is an important place among the country's list of ex toils, thouah, t f course, bv far tke larsjor portion of the ir.cressc in production ! tbe IioCr'- 1 ,,c ;erman 'reM' ,,i!e is absorbed in the home trade. There ! ""'" "ut.o.ts in its language, are seveial rcasons-the richness and , l"t unanimous " voicing the extent of the deposits, their accessi- ,"1',"I:ir Knl""ent- TLcre 14 real bilitytothj maiktts which the cx-1 ',1,3l"f,,cti"n' nuu;h unrtst' lensimofthe railroads has caused, mm tLe ernlsn I0!'1, over the and the improvement of the methods runif'rc'' ar"' MPrenl political ard by which iron is treated and dis j diplomatic com aurce between Will tributed why the United states Is ' iam Rl)1 Ci'an'bcr!ain an(l Sal'bu'7 in the ascendant in iron producticn. I If tbe Gcrra;,n I'f'I,lc '''' U'e'r WJ' These reasons are continuous. The i tlie' wouM Joln Kll,sia ""d even United States induces irm, taking 1 coeaiy l-rance, in an anli- the quality into the account, fully as Anglo coalition. But in this in- cheap as the most favored countries 5 lante "'"" ' lhan Ins of the Old World, and cheaper than ! Ieol'Ic' I,e like U,e l niUil StRte, some of them, and its advantage in this direction will grow us time and the mities of the rest of the countries lend toward exhaustion. This is the woild's iron sgc. The country which can produce iron and coal in larger quantities and with greater cheapness than its competi tors has an immense advantage over them in the race for industrial supremacy. This position is occu pied by the United States. has ouly the beginning of a navy, as compared with that of England, and England has do use for much of her navy in South African waters. Ius sia's objects arc her own, and would not bo ultimately beneficial to Ger many; and Iiussia, too, is deficient in a great navy. As to France, she would be a weak and troublesome ally. So William and Lis counsellors may be unpopular just now, but thi-y are probably wise. Telegram "I am ItiiUhted to Otm Minute Cough Com for nty health and life. It enrt-d ("apt. S. H. Otunhy, iiirrltitrnili.t of the t'aeailu lorent rvuxivc, oit of the l;Hjrt of the government reti'ivot in the I'ulttJ Matr, is uuw buMly em I loved lo tili!tg Ida reioit to tho lu U'tlor department, regarding the grating of elieep on th reserve. TMa Is hii third noit on the aubjirl titica he a appointed atieriiitiidpiil, una htlug r quired by the department every year, and when asked about the work, yeiter day, he laid that he would probably wear uut the lubjeel, If the lubject did Dot wear him out. The report will Ut a tnoit volj'uincui alfair, nud will go into details regaiding the grulng of iheep on the reaerve; Uieelleeti on the growth ol timber and underbrush ; the effect! on the rainfall, rloodt, etc., and a variety ol other luhjeeti. The writing of these reportt, by the various luranntendenti of the reiervei, is t! e direct remit of the cooatant ttforts of the scientiali to exclude sheep from the reaervei, from the fact that il is "luppoied that when everything ell gives out, they turn lavaguly on the pine." The report will include a variety nf lubjeets, and detail, itirh ai the cum ber of iheep leektng the different retei vationi; duration of the graiing leasoo ; the locality, the extent and general course ol ranging, tho damage done to the forests on the reiervn, which In cludes killing the undergrowth by browilng, trampling it out, and Injuries to the Handing timber; Ihe diminishing of tbe water lupply by trampling the ground so that the mow utelt'i earlier in the iprlng and paei off in fl nxla before needed in the valleyi ; the retention ol the ninlslure from the rainfall, it being claiuted by the enemies ol the iheep that Ihe trampling of the ground eatiaei the water to tl w away instead ol being absorbed by the loll. Tho utetltodi pursued by the herder, whether or njt they are In the habit ol letting firei lo increase the grai'ng for the following year, li another subject ujion widen a report il demanded j the queMlon ol leaiing lh lai gfi on the receive, b) the drpartnient, the restric tion aud liiliitatlom hich llmuld be included in the leae, the charge per head of (beep allowed on the range and kindred Information il to be given at length ; latislici ro to be given regard' ing the value ol the iheep indunlry, the number of iheep on lh reserve, the amount of the wool production, tie value ol the wool, the value ol the aherp, the amount ol capital inveitrd in the In luatry, and a Ihouoand and one other point', regarding the and rear ing of iheep on the forest reierrei. Wlill Cantata (J rim by did not lay ahathii conclusioni wuu'J be on the variom point! involved, it i not likely that he will agree wilh the cientiit regarding the drMructiveneM of the fhep ou the rewrvee, in view of Ihe fart (hat the luperiiitendent In lorg been a resident ol Oregm, and lor imny veari a breeder of iheep; in addition to that, he ban travelled thousand! ol mile! on ihe reserve!, during the pat Hire year, itudyiug the q'lention! involved; he hi followed the lieep on the range for dayi, camping with the t rrder, and -!oeIy olnerving the a?tloni of the (beep, the condition ol the ground w here they had pi-ed, and after mak ing there extended invealigatjoti, im ap pears to be more than ever imbued with tl.eidi-a that the theoriel of the riuu tint are entirely wrong, ai the Marliral knowledge gaim-d by him on Ihe ground combat the views of the scientist at tne national capital. It might do for l ime Fastener, or some Mazama who Climbed Ml. !ljcd some time, lo believe that the iheep would get away with tbe entire reservation, mountains and all, but it il doubtful whether any one hav ing any practical knowledge, on Ihe sub ject, would ever believe that the sheep would in any manner Injure tho forests on the reserve. Salem Statesman. boarded trlghl Irain No. 'Jl In older to steal a ride, and fell e If near Mo.irr. It Is said that anolhrr man accompanied liliti, who iiiut htve gut onto I'oil lan.l. No Infoiinallon a! lo Ids place ol resl deme nor laintly could be ohtulntd, other than that he lold on ol the men he had two childien. An imitieil was h!d this ninridig, refilling in tbe lollow ing verdict : We, Ihe jury Impanelled by W. II. llittts. coroner ol Wasco enmity, t" ln unit into the. coe of Ihe. death ol th body now lie due it, find (totii Ihecvl d.'iue and fart Piuduced before ua, Dial Ihe name id th ileceaaeil was Albeit !iille, whose ago wa about forty-live years, and by occupation a laborer, who immediately lielote he came lo Itli ileal n wai employed on the iiortag railroad near Columbus, Wash., and thai he ram to Ida death on Ihe rVh dav id January, I MOO, sluit the hour ot I'.' o'clock ; that l.e fell from a freight train moving west, and wa run over an I killed thereby. That from th evidence produced this jury is ol the opinion that said deceased lei I from said train while trying to heat lit way from Th lUIIri to I'orilaml, and that no in l resxju SI hie lor ld death. 1'alU-l City, Oto., January H. p.XH). K W. Wiisom, N xt ii eT. Pai l l't iN, J. iNillkeTY, K. II. MaHKiix, J. K. l.ANg. A WARM MtETfNC. Ska Walsr liiiuiul. loners H.ruxllag Uaestlvw HaUvil a Tuil. OUAICDIAN'8 NOTK'K. in itm ttii sTV ii ar or mi ain J nl t in-full, lor Vi sm'ii siiuiltr. Boston has hid more businc failures in the past two weeks than ! "1B ' 'nng trouble following grippe occurred there iu many times that j Thonandi owe their livei to the prompt duration for years past. Ail this js , c ,0" '" l"is ni-ver 'ailing remedy. It due to the suspension of the Id, hank I :.:.. V 'u'' big . contract. The government may j in that town early in December: The ' lZ:'! S be harmed mote than the stock j Boston suspensions will bting up tbe ! ,,,,"Pti"n- It i the utile harmless market ., helped. nuinber am, tlie liMVliiet 0'f Uic ! nu,ttl' ''jive,i", r()lt? "If it rcre necessary, as it is i.ot, failures for IPD'j (0 higher figures , to select some New York b.r.k as the than were looked for a month or two ' j. ' ' '"ft- '"'"'.T ,1,lri"g i:!-VC- XaUoU.i;.So,,JutW.hwi,,.ti,,be,o CitybM.k is the or.e of all others in any previous year for more than!i"'2 Main A IUnto. which a cautious aecretr.ry of the a decade. B,t this allliclion for' . II. Applelon, jmiiT," ( .ee , .......... u iUViu3lull l9 ,,rooaoiy tear Us end. : viaisiijurg, j., Myl, "DeWilt'i stand !. would remain here .while wouM not have chosen. ! The general buimcss conditions in Litll K"1' llir "ra ' ""' I'"'" Katurd.ey night he ca.hed check at It is not a popular bi,tjk even among Bos' on and all over the country arc ' '8 r"r"!lil'lt'"'"' "'e use n-jlh-n Wilsot,', East End mloon to bankers. U is the Stand .r 1 Oil bank, ' unusually sound I others." i.tickly cures all liver and the amount of til or 15. and that was I " bowel ir.ubles. the la.t seen of him. lie must have KILLED ON THE TRACK. Laborer rails Oflr th Trvln Vt till Misaiing leiiie. Early Kunday morning Coroner Holts received a message that a dead man had been found on the railroad track near Mosier. He left on the early morning train anj la'er lent for Hobert son to bring down a team and under taker. Accordingly, In company with Vim. Michell, he left here at 7 o'clock, reaching there about 10 :110. They lonnd what seemed lo be the body of a laborer, dreadfully mangled, lying between the Iracki about 100 yards from Ihe Moier depot. The body had been levered in iwo place, the head and upper part lying about two feel from the main track. It wa thought be must have been dragged about ninety leet. The remains were brought lo this city. In the evening two men called at the undertaker'! and reognized It a the body of one Alliert Daxelle, a man ol about i t years, who had been working with thcrn on the portage road acros tho river, driving a team for the fmet threo week. They came to the city Saturday, Intending to beat their way lo I'ortland, but he gave them to tinder- The council I holding what might be termed "protracted miellugi" at protect, and they are not lacking in lu- terest either, particularly the Saturday night sessh n, when some ol the council men got warmed np iu great shape, a! did alio the visiting water commission eri. The coiineilinen ho look part In the deliberations were, beside Mayor Kuck, Clottgh, Keller, Stephens. Johns tiunning, Johnston, Miackclford, Keller and Wilson. The bone ol contention seemed lo pre lent itjelf w hen Ihe pn st:oii of reined ing th water bouda was brought up and Councilman Wilson, reci n bd by John son, olTi red an amendment. As stated In Ihe report of Ihe last meeting the water coiuiiiisiioiicrs presented an oriiinaiif providing lor tie re funding id ijo.fOO worth ol l-o,.l Ihesn bouda becutue d-e March 1st and on account of Improvements recent ly made amounting to 11, IM) and other rxcem-ea, they will be onable lo nnt-1 them an I therefore desire to redi'i i lor twenty year at the rate ol four per ctnl. ihe former rat having Urn six, Thet was a Icinpeat In a teapot when a nioth.n lor amending and charging it to read IJO.OtX) wasmaile.snda dtrcu'sli it eiirued in which Ihe question of boring for artesian water was somehow Introduced to hich II seems Some ot J-rl anil tor which they claim the extra foot) will I used. While they claimed they had no desire lo curtail the commission, at Ihe same time they deem the artesian (jura tion a in .at uncertain one, at.d stated that Kin the iuture such a c utse shou'd be laktu the funds rou'd bn (.blnined from the revenues. They also coitind eil that the In nicy should list appropil ated for the not intended, to reduc the bond. The aster count. Inn, on weiea! so divided on the question, some hold ing for amendment and others lor the full sunt of i"i,i!(H). W hn put upon final pa-sge, however, th amended ordinance carried on a vole ol six to three, as follow: for Keder, ( lough. Wilson, Johnson, Niarkeiford ai d Kelly. Against Stephens, Johns and liiiuiilng. An ordinance providing for the city entering into a ten years' c ntract with Keufert A Condon lor maintaining a Are alarm system, w a introduced and car ried wilh but on dissenting vol. John then introduced a resolution of the Council determining the slz, depth and general plan ol Ihe sewer system, which was placed on final passage and carried. On motion of donning the estimate ol th cost ol the proposed sewer system, which was to have teen made by the conncil, was postponed until next meet ing, which, on motion ol Gunning, will be held tomorrow evening. CLAIM AOAIInT T!l ITV. J W llaworth, printing 2 (V) Klectric Tel A Power Co, lights . 31 it) I'eaae A Mays, mdne 1 15 W A Johnson, mdse 0 -4'! Mays A Crowe, mils 75 James Heater, labor 70 Arthur Penfe-M, Ins. premium. . . l'.'ti 60 In llie mailer i,f II S'lnr-IUh.l.l,, ,., . ' KiOiil. rrst.k Ml'iil.Ain.luJ.,i.U,i.K,llr ami lmy Jnnlatt, iuliiir. wu NtiMT 1,11 IliU vlh ilt.jr mI Ih-eiMiitM-r, I- .1 . w illtmn JuiUh., tim dnlr mi-im.11,1,,1, , ,' '' anil i-lilis iiariluuul Hi J.-, uu', , ,!'' au,l ,i..,iiii. lii I-.-1IH..II iiianu i,.i. , " alllll 'll.l" Rlul illlii'llli lihn l.i ( , III .Hill lltllKU III l-OttMllI reill -,m'I t v l,r,'' stli-r iltwitu.l, aiol It ai,Kio ,, ,. ' troitl alil tM-Otl'1!! that II U i:r,r..Mrr Ni.,1 ij!' It.-LM I t(t aunt Wauls thai lli.-lr lut,,,.,, ' ftilltl lialf el II, amiilira.l ,tinM,.r l(( kr ' la. tow ll.lilp 'i tl'Mlll, laii-, II rn.t. M l,l. tli,-o f,re II l i,iir,-. that I lil-. alit ' the liixltier nud lo'Sl il k In ! Iiimim k lot rrank Sv 1 1 til I ami auld William J,.rilHii. t.n all Heal ol kill i,l Annie, walla Jietlall, ami all trttiia llltvreat.-il In .ni, a,M-ar l-t,,ie thla euurl at the court i.Mtu I 111 Pallia Illy, IUeuii, on lh,', ,i , I Ml ll.a K..,,. ..f Iu.. . . ' ' 1 p I II..,.. jHiiiiarv, I 'm, at III remr nt two n ri tlii-11 anil llivri In allow eaua wliy n L kIihiiM Hot l gianted lur It a , it ,i, t, MU ami Ihal II, l uoli f be I I a I,.,., ( nie.vlie Hrt-ki III 1 lie llMllea t lie. 1,1,-1, wilklv new .Nr illllle. III aalil eoiiuty, ' 1 pMti-l tills Ulll lis) III li'ei,ilM r. vi ' KullSKI MAYS. ' iIitIS I I ouutjr Juoif ' AtMIMSTHATOK'8 SOTU'K. K.ille la lh lln.l haa Inen Blhtel l.y Itia eiitiutr rotitt 14 t, Ute i.t tir. ,iii. tor V aeo imiiiiiIv, a.ln,lni.nL. ol the eatala i.f Alltiili Jerome, iJivum.,!. , IMtraotia havln elaluia aaalnat aal, v.uta. ..0. Ir llollHid to preai-iit lliein In n.a at t ortl.-a In llie I .all.. Or., WIII1I11 li iu,,,u (roui tha ilate tirmil. liati-il iH-eeiMber 1 1, W I. t. r l.lll.iNa, I llM'Ill II AUlllllilkliau ' NOT1CK KOU ri'lll.tCATIoX. i (Isolated Tract H-rublic Land Sals. I.iru (irrn s at Tms luei s. oar.,,,,, Jan. a. 111. )tleeta lieli'bv Klven thai la ttauiie tliattiletl.Hia tl, nit tl eoltiatlailot,. i, ti,r f eral laml ortier, umler autl nlltjr Vaaltd In i hlr arrllon .-I I'. H lire atai , aa 1. 4 Ilia a I ol n.i.ari'aa ai.iir. Pebruar j w . Ill ,i.i-rw,l In i.rtt-r at iMil.lle. aala 1-11 at. 'lav. Ilia lvt!i ilajr el rrl.riiary 11-al, at O.a . i.l n u'i l. k, a. 111, at thla ortli'. Ilia I.-. (.-a tiMet of latnl, t wit r jl anU Iota I ami 1. aiT.-.l. T. I X . I. k. . W. M. Any ami all MM.,t,a rlalmleff a.Uerarlr atnoe !. 1 1 Im-,1 lamia ai a.lile1 ,i ton th rl.lmi In tills ottu-at nn 1 ticftiia th 0i at.-. 1pianat.-l lor tha eoiiiini'itee eel. I il ai I M iitbeiwl llloir tl..tila will m loio-IV it. JAV V l.fl'A. K.ltel, Janlfll Ol I PA i rKlti-'l-N, IIi'1t - r.w -ii-av rjsasswssiaaasjaTMaawaajs MCkt I TIWS ai-HBI'CI . I Asniri r-a I sua liausa. s , r..t ,ialt tJik'. tinier M.l Ka-t Mall I W.'ill,. Uinal, a, I. an ! Mai! , II I, 1. tn.l a Itv. "t Unjta.i S p 1 e. titrajtu ana r.sai. It - tkatif r o . r 0 v m II'. 1 Walla Walla, S.kaiia. f kllll"pa'.,Ma -1 I'ahl.i 11 I u I h. Mllnallkrar, 4 e hleagu alnl Iter ' a. s I 4 fsow t'"retn. tH-rn trr.i.hlHI. t or eati r FamiN, . I lieiTiiiber .t. a. 11, la, .ra i.ii v ; s r m. ' 1 F.i 1 olumhla Kv. llninn. Ki . to Aaroala aiol Mi hatur.lajr , Jaili4li,ga, Iu i Ul. Sam Vi -r ti Itivr. lamas K nun lar tlrio.ii 1 ii. ll, fcg aut 1 fa. cm . Ns IJII.-l a , .a. tn. It'll 1 laiTI. . w V a. Tli'-a.l h ir kU llivsaa al.'t eal. Orea-on tlly. Iialtofl, alel M aj I At, tOifa. la. in. W11.1 lairii ki mm Tu.. 1 1. nr. foil aiol to t.oia.n, ai,-l aal. anU ai, M.e, -si.J Ir. V..i. a. an-1 I il- . "One Minute Cough Cure 1 the best remedy 1 ever used for rongln anJ eolds. It is uiif.illed fr whooping cough. Chrildren all like it." write II. N. Williams, lientryville, Ind. Never f. III. Ill the only harmless remeilv that gives In mediate results, Cures coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis ami all throat and lung troubles. Its eaily use prevents coniiiinpllon. l. ai'-t i 1 i a. in. ; rllll I'.ltri lUjnta to ;,,. atoti. I si vl Ik. tall' I . a j I f I SW t'ar.l'. ileal 'ine to SVl l-l lf.p: er ixat la- Nn 4. h-at!ttf tli. ial!i-a at T ' t- e tliaall'M illrva-t f .11 lleelt. .I.a at tl-t'lier Jut etk -heoiriilna; iitaki,r.tiri'.'leiiilieiti .i at II. ,(. J.O .II..M mill v,, I, arriving at 11k ia.:m I : . in. ' N't '. ihronrlil Iralrht. eaal hoiin-l. il ' eartr Mia.eiirt( airtra i.u a. m., Uisa I ' a in. No .'4. I.aal freight, earrla fiaaaeecera, Se bonti.l; arrive 4 .sip. m ,rliMiila li y m. No Jl, weal liouml ttiriMish tirliht, il-i -earry paaaeugera, arrlvaa a U u n... d-p ' a. p m. So. U, weal bolinrl l.ieal fletfht, earrt.'a aengera, srrKaa i )., i. ra., depaiu S ju a. ra. Kiif lull tirlleiilareall nil O. H, N tv aunt rti la!lca. or wMreaa w ii. nt'Rt.Ht Kr, len l aa. AsC. -.rl.a:i-l. 1 Preserves i r fmttsi, JkIMi, l.k)M r rtitRTip nrm A HHifet rfiihjr, ninri qul- siiy, sM n-eiiinTiiMy nsiir. nun iuiiiii tnrtllli Wm tmn hf lUtf oilinf yj n.ii"-1. ltttM ot uiitt uasisiwiUbsf X fc"-to,Reflned Paraffino Wax In prrf h'.iihr.M. It li rU'H imi-m fctif. ts.if.riif.i ntf, wsttor nil m ui pftsr.f. Ui t ixximI rnkit It Uh 111 nf itn, rtiuiiy usj fim yrxir ilr iikifitattir gt-si r-r. teuk fverywliere, Jd. le. I.y VaSsV) 919 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. , Itartindallydlgestitbefoodsndsl! feature In atrengthenlng and recot structlng the eihausted digestive r n. It Isthelateatdlacoveretldiire ant and tonic. No other preparsilrt can approach It In emclency. It Ir stantly relieves and permanently ctif DvapcpaU, Indtgeailon, Hearlhun KlaMilence, fcjour 8tomarh, 'aus Slcklleadacbe.Oastralgla Cranins." all other reaulu of imperfect dlgi stl( Prard by E. C D.WiO. Co , Crjicss t-U-rt VIIllT' tOST V'dO' AND rVIAWHOC- Cures InlJlotencJ,"lpht.lTlln.-i'nli, wa-tliitr tllicanwa, all ctTcctu of c rVi abtiiar'. or execs and W" w'r crction. Aiif-neti.tilcni' , JT. Id-ttKl In "V, My run il ;; P'-r l.ox; ''' lor; with n wplllen (rum l-o tti euro or r r.nvl tlo hk""' NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jackson ats, CHICACO, iitiiltl.r. l"tln!:l VT' I. ink nlow to .t.-i'.e Chechia VV1 lehtnn -a hn fire )f