The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 10, 1900, PART 1, Image 1

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75P If
f W
? VOL. X
NO. 16
Hi toitixk
M Heap TraulJls Shot Four Ottitr
Indians and Tdcd Himself.
Wife, To Other Squaw. anJ Hi
ISrothiT Were the Red Devil'.
VictiniH Traijcdy Occurred Xear
' Pilnevllle.
I'HlNKVtl I it, Or., Jan. i..K
OK'iirrrd near hertf among a circle of
Pjute Indians, tlit li m far resulted
In the death of mi Indian, uno iquaw
a. I the probably fatal in jury (( another
man ami two women. Hrewater I at
the bottom of Urn" trouble. Matthew
Wrwa did the execution with a Win
c better rifle, which lit turned ti on h!m
If, witb fatal fleet, nfter shooting lilt
brother, lila wife and two other squaw.
At lait reporti allot the injurs I were
thought to be rapidly linking, and it It
doob fill if they ll liva much lunger.
Wewa lud a tepee near here, with
Ome oiIit Plutr and a few Warm
rlprliigs. They have tern getting along
andcably to far a can be leirr.ed now.
Tliii leadt to theconclntlon that wh!kcy
in the can of lb allocking work.
Who the par;iet are that aold "tVett the
liquor and I hu are reponible fur t be
deed liai not yet been learned.
.On the 'veiling of .January 2, Wewa
returned to hit te8 badly Intoxicatrd.
Me did not It'll w here ho had been or
What lie had been dulng. Immediately
Upon entering, lilt lavage temper rained
alarm In the family circle, constating of
bit brother Charley, bin wife Happie,
and two squaw named Tylor and Susie,
who wrre (ambling. Wvwi took ofTunte
at something hit beller-hrtif w doing,
per In pi her lotiet on the green elotli,
and commenced beating Iter. Hi per
Itted in thii pastime, and hi brother
Charley Interfered In her behalf. Thii
tiiragcd tho noble red man with the
load of firewater, and he felted hie Win
theater, ruthed outside, and commenced
j Raising the flap of the tepee to be
e .uld poke hit rum Id, be shot hit
brother Charles, w bo tell to tho ground
a. rloutly wounded. Then Wewa thot
kit wifo llapple, and a aln hit aim wat
too true, the woman falling also. The
two other squaws, by this time terrified
Out of their wilt, made wild rushes for
t)i tcp.edoor to escape. Wewa wat too
quick for them, huwevcr, hooting each
Ot them belt. re the could get away. Then
bo walked t uno little distance from the
frene of bit bloody work, turned the
filltupon himself, and ended hit life
ith tingle thot.
Consternation tpread through the
camp w hen the trouble and lit rente be
came known. That wit morn blood than
tbn the Indian are accustomed to In
tbete timet of peace, and white men
Were inmnioned In all haste to tee if
anything could 1 dune for the tufTereri.
Hippie died before help could arrive.
Charley, Tyler and Kutlo were itivtu
hat medical attendance could be com
mended, but their caret teem hnpelrtt.
Agent Jiimei Cowan, who hat charge of
he Indiana, when on the reservation,
wmientfor, and will arrive toon. At
that time it it alto likely that a. ttrong
effort will be made to ferret out the white
man who, againtt the law, gave Wewa
the drink producing turn cruel con
eq uencet.
, OrM (loth IJulcale HoniM,
. Uali.a, Or., Jan. 4. The Pioneer
Woolen Mllli Company, of Pall,
Opened lit lam plot of heavy-weight
nitlng and overcoatings lor the teasnn
Of l'.HW in New York city December 20,
and In four dayt ordert were taken for
the whole output of the mllli for eight
moot lit ahead, at prices considered re
munerative. The plant will be operated
Bight and ilny to itt lull capacity. Tint
Company It making a reputation for
u per lor Oregon woolent all over the
Kant, at the gnndt turned out by these
tiillla are niinl to tho beat In every
Mule Mope For Hd.
I'm 1 1. a ik i I'll i a , Jan, 4. The frlendn
of Uoland lieed in thii city wore adviied
today thnt Ir. Hull had performed a
tec mil operation upon the comedian In
Kew York. The lint operation, per
formed about a week ago, wat anpponed
to have been made nrcetmry by an at
tack of appunllrltlt. When (lie wound
wat explored, however, the tnrgennt
dltcoverrd that Mr. Keed wat lulferlng
from nn advanced attack of lutettlaal
cancer. Mr. Keed wat too weak to ttand
a radical operation at that time, and a
delay wat agreed upon. The radical
operation wat performed today, and from
Itt nature little hope it held out lor hit
recovery. ,
HI- Chlnuuk Malm.iw Winltil,
AaroMU, Or., Jan. H. Schmidt A
Co., the cold ttorage haudlere of lalmon
In Ihlt rtly, hive received a novel order
from London. Kngltnd. The Arm of
An Ir r ton A Colt man, one of the largctt
dealcrt in food product of that city,
want! a Itoyal Chinook talmoti, weigh
ing richly pouiidt or more, fronoii in a
cake of ice, jut at it comet from tiie
water. The purpuie it to exhibit the
flh at their place of butlm-M, and at
tract attention to it, to that the Inerilt
of the Columbia river talmon may be
practically demontlrated. The cold
ttoragn Qrin will (reel) and thlp the fli't
Urge taluion that they gut potM-dfiion of.
Jlinerlran i'ri.uert All llesraed.
WAtniMiTOM, Jan. 6. The war do
partment today received the following
dirpatch :
"Manila, Colcnelt Hare and llowte
havtt j'mt arrived at Vigan, Norlhwi nt
I.nnii, with all Hi" American priuoneri.
Their, tucceviful purtuit wat a lemntk
ab.e ai'lilevMiitut. Kchwau and Wbeaton
are now with teparate columni In Cavite
province. A (Iain In I.mon, north of
Manila, have greatly Improved.
Hocrt Are More Than Successful Not
Alone in Holding the Town.
IUnhmi'ho, Cape Colony, Jun. 4.
(Kvenlng) Colethurg bat not yet been
occupied. The Hoort unexpectedly at
tacked the ltrititli left at daybreak thit
morning, but were repulted. They oc
cupied the billt to the north of town, but
were eventually driven out of their, por
tion after an hour'ttlielling by our gum.
They still hold, however, the hlllt Imme
diately lurroundlng the town, preventing
the lirltitdi from advancing along the
The Itrltluli loft in todny't engage
ment! wat light, while the Hocrt are
reported to have loit lll, including
twenty prlonera who were taken by
mounted Infantry a'xiut midday. V. icr
attnckeit nil in In-red a tli-iuearxl men.
The Iiiiiikil!iiig dragoont rut their way
through tho Hix-m, w ho were f ireed to
retreat by the heavy artillery and
mii"kelry lire.
I.iisimv, Jan. 5 A Mafrkingiliapntrh
jut received, hut dated IVcember 2,
roiiflrmi rcportl of the Rritiili tortie
from that place, which wat first an
nounced from Pretoria, Iecrmber 30.
The Mateklng ditpatch tayt:
"There wat a tortie todty with a re
view of rupturing the Iloer eartliworkt,
but it wat tncrrttful. The woikt weie
crowded with Iloer awaiting atault,
and a hail of bullett lorced tho l!rltih
to ret Ire, killing and wounding a numler.
The llrltinh ttorming party numbered
eighty men, of which mimler twenty.
one were killed and thirty -three
wounded. "
Pikterm KiTxni'HO, Jan. 4. The ret
leiinet of the Zulu Itincreaaing. Many
of them aro on the verge of ttarvailon,
and there have been teveral Initancet of
the looting of Itore. It it leared the
maglalrate will not be able to rent rain
the warrlort much longer. It it averted
they are anxiout to attack the Hoert.
A Thnmanil Tonteea
Could not expreat the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1123 Howard it., Phil
adelpHa, Pa., when the found thnt Dr.
King' New Diicovery lor Contnmptlon
bad completely cured her of a backing
cough that for many year bad made
lile a burden. All other remediet anil
doctor! could give her no help, but the
aaytof thii Itoyal Cure "It toon re
moved the pain ir my cheat and I can
now sleep tonndly, something I can
carcely remember doing liefore. I feel
like sounding Its praUei tbronghont the
universe." So will every one who tries
Ir. King's Now Discovery forany trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price TiOr
ami ft. Trial bottle free at Ilhikelcy A
Houghton' drug store; every bottle
guaranteed. 5
Sick Hemhtchn absolutely and perma
nently cured by lining Moki Tea. A
pleoxant hcrbdrlnk. Cures constipation
and indlgeetion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and hnppy, Satisfaction guaranteed
or money buck. '-'" rtt. and 0 els.
Illakclej' A Houghton Dnittglrt'.
Final Argnmcnts In Tfcc Ectols In
Taking of Testimony IScuun Id the Case
of Senator Clark, of Montana.
WasiiixciTiN, the Uob.
erts couiiuittee retuuird Its sesrion to
day, Roberts went on with bis argument,
begun yesterday. He reviewed the action
of the, conititutionai convention of Utah,
urging that this carried out Die require
ments of congress for the ad million of
Utah aa state, namely, that polygamous
marrlnget mould no longer be con
tracted. In particular, Kobertt con
tended there wai no requirement by con
grett or in the constitutional convention
that previously contracted matrimonial
associations should be interrupted.
Iu tho course of his argument, Koberta
said be bad obterved that the ladies In
volved in this queition of plural wives
were quite generally received In the
circles of (ienlile ladies of Vtah. He
vehemently denounced what be charac
tnrlrij as the sensational cruado made
against him, and alio the effort to arouie
public feeling by saying the American
home "was In danger." "If necessary,"
be exclaimed, "I could call audition to
ten thousand evils which threaten the
conntrv without going to the state of
Inclosing, Huberts said that the pa
triotism pf the Mormon church toward
the country could not be questioned.
When a fund was raised for thesurvivors
of the battle-ship Maine, the Mormon
church bad contributed one fifth of the
entire amount. When the conntry's
authority in the Philippine was
questioned, "Utah's gnr.s, handled by
I'Uh men, had been in the fore-front
of the fray."
Schroeder, the (ientile representative,
stated that no further point would be
made on Polierts' natural Mtlon papers,
as It was desired to exclude him from
c 'ingress specifically and solely on the
ground of bis being a pclygamist. After
the arguments cloed, members ol tho
committee attached some Importance to
tho question avked by Chairman Tayler,
of Huberts, relative to the latter beinc
amendable bile in the District of Col
umbia to the K lintinds act. It is undcr
stool special attention may be given by
the committee to tills feature.
At 12 the arguments on both sides
were closed, and the committee went in
to execntlve sesiun. At the executive
session it was decided t close the bear
ing and the testimony, unless ex-Secretary
Carlisle decided to be beard
further. The committee then adjourned
until 10 a. m., next Wednesday. There
was no rote or other action on the final
disposition of the case.
Oregon Delegation Indorse V. C. Hale
for Alaska District.
Wamiiis'iitom, Jan. 5. Memliers ol the
Oregon delegation today united in unan
imously recommending the appoint
ment of Judge W. C. Hale, of Kugene,
Or., as district judge of Alaska, to fill
the vacancy caused by the resignation of
Judge Johnson. Judge Hale was once
judge of the first district of Oregon, and
ha strong indorsement from the
circuit judges of the statu, well as the
judges ol the supreme court, and from
prominent Republicans. He wai a candi
date for the office at the time Johnson
was appointed, and was then supported
by the delegates to the national conven
tion at St. Iiuis. Although at present
this judgeship pay but flHHH), there are
very good indications that the salary
will be increased to at least f.'iOOO.
Moreover, should Judge lUlefnil to
secure this appointment, he will stand a
very good chance of S'-cui ing one of the
new judgeships, as it is almost certain
that at least one, and perlmps three, new
districts will bo created in Al.irkn l y
the present congress. Senator Mcllrldc
thinks it is very likely that tho territory
may be divided into four districts, as
this number Is really tieential to an
efflulent judic al system, and i rn om
ni'oi'lud by (iovernor I'rsdy. With the
Oregon delegntion a unito for Hale, bis
chances of sum M in ooc ol !hee ( (fleet
are very bright.
Wfiit Out i t Ills Wajr,
Washington, Jnn. 0. Senator Hoar
It boiug quite teverely criticised on ac
count of bit speech in favor of the seat
ing of S-nator tiay. Those who are
opposed to "i'lsy, and especially a large
number of senators, think the Massa
chusetts man went outside hit position
at a senator in declaring himself, snd
that it was unwarranted to make a
statement and partial argument in favor
of seating IJuay before tho case actually
came before the senate. The excuse
which be made to get hi remarks before
the people is said to be altogether too
lame, at petitions upon one side or the
other have been pourii.g in upon
senators ever since Q lay was appointed.
Kallrnatl Mama C'lint.
IIismauck, N. D., Jau C. Oeueral W.
I). Washburn, president"! the Ilimnarck,
Washburn A Fort iiufurd IUilruad Com
pany, has Q'ed with the secretary of
stnte notice of a change of name to the
lilsiuarck, Washburn A Great Falls
railroad, the intention being to make
tho line more extensive than at first ex
pected, and to biilid to Great Falls,
Mont., through the Judith basin.
More llnmed at Narrows.
r.t'KSH, Or., Jan. 5. J. L. Hembrie A
Co's general merchandise ttore and con
tent!, at Narrows, Or., was totally de
tlroyed bv lire on the morning of De
cember 30. The Ion is estimated at
f'tOOO; insurance, $1300. The cane of
the fire is unknown.
Engagement Began liefore Daylight, and
at 9 o'clock In the Morning the
Fighting Still Continued.
Ixjsiion, Jan. 0. The war office thit
evening issued the following:
"From Hullrr, Frere Camp, Jan. 6:
The following telegram was received from
General While January 6, 9 a. in : 'The
enemy attacked Caesar's ramp at 2 :-lo a.
m., la considerable force. The enemy
was every where repulsed, but the fight
Inn stiii continues.' "
General Holler's telegram caused
many later calls at the war oilire in ex
pectation of the receipt of additional
news. The official Mated at midnight,
however, that nothing further would be
issued during the night.
No news has been received from other
sonrces, though the dispntrbv indicate
that important events at the front are
imminent, if not actually progressing at
that time.
Ilorra lletert l.!-gray.
C.M'E Town, Jan. 0. A dispatch from
Heiscliel, Cap Colony, reports that
Ijidygray has been deserted by the
Iloert, whose families will go to the
Orange Free Stnte. The Boers, accord
ing to thit dispatch, are constructing
entrenchment! between Ladygray and
Darkly West.
Another tlvrman Sifimtr Bciaer!.
IH'hiian, Jan. fl. The German steamer
Herzog bat been teitsd by a British w ar
ship and brought to this port.
- Balelitt or w Newsftaper Man.
St. Pai'i., Jan. 6. A man believed to
be Charles Sulton, editor of the Iignns
port, lud., Daily Reporter, committed
su'eide tonight by shooting himself In
the head. He was en route home from
a tiip to the Pacific coast. No res sou is
known for the suicide.
Kama nr rostufllce Changed.
Washington, Jan. 4. Representative
Moody lias secured the appointment of
George W. Kenney to be postmaster at
Dement, Or., and the change in the
name of the office to Terry.
As a cure for rheumatism Chamber
lain' Pain Halm 1 gaining a wido repu
tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond,
Ind., has been troubled with that ail
ment since lSiVJ. In speaking of it be
says: "I never found any thing that
would relieve me until I used Chamber
lain's Pain Halm. It act like magic
with nie. My foot was swollen and
paining roe verv much, but one good
application of Pain Halm relieved me.
For sale by Blakcley A Houghton.
Has llullrr Drrratr,! lli Hurrs?.
J.ondon, Jan. 8 0:4"p. 111. A rumor
is current in the city that General
Holier has crossed tho In gel a river,
captured twelve guns, and i now
marching on I.ndy$milh.
Makes the food more delicious and v holesome
Vrvai fiasrfvi krwrf
Graui Total or Tts Volunteer Force
Was 223,235.
WERE 32,306
About 24, 000 of These Were Discharged
or Deserted Total Deaths Were
Less Than kh.
New York, Jan. 8 A spcciul to the
Times frou Washington say: A pamph
let tins jut been issued by the edjntant
jtr,eral'i oflire iindr the title of "Statit
tical exhibit of the atrengh of the volun
teer foic-s called into servico during the
war with Spain, with losses, from all
causes." The volunteer forces consisted
of 10l7(ffu-er( and 213,21 8 enlisted men.
a total of 23,235 who were tngnged in
the war. The deaths numbered Hi
officers and -)3'0 men.
During lbs war fourteen volunteer
officers and four officers of the regular
army holding volunteer commissions
were killed in action; three died from
wounds, 119 from disease and eight from
other causes. Of the enlisted, nineteen
were killed in action, 78 others died from
wounds received and 3729 from disease.
There were further 1j9 deaths 01 enlisted
men from various causes, 97 of whom
died from accidents, 21 were drowned,
11 were tuicidrs and 30 were victims of
murder or boiuicid". Desertions from
the ranks niinibeftd 30"i9. 1 he total
losses in the volunteer torces were 171S
officers, including 23,3tV dismissed, be
sides resignations nnd discharges, and
;!d,iSS men, including 23,3i'..' discharged
for disability by court-martial and by
on both sides
Are Chief Results of Recent Hard
Battles at Lad vsmi.h.
Lospon, Jan. 8. 3:45 p. in. The war
office has just published the following
bulletin from General Holler:
"Frere Camp, Jan. 8. The following
is from White, dated 2 p. in., yesterday :
'An attack was vouimenced on my posi
tion, but was chiefly against Caesar's
camp and Wagonhiil. The enemy wat
in great strength, and has pushed the
attack with the gieatest courage and
energy. Some of the entrenchments on
Wagonhill were three times taken by
the enemy, and retaken by us. The
attack continued until 7:30 p. id.
" 'One point In our position was oc
cupied by the enemy a whole day, but at
dusk, in a vtry heavy rain storm, they
were turned out of this position at the:
point of the bayonet in a most gallant
manner by the Devons, led by Colonel
Park. Colonel Ian Hamilton com
manded on Wagonhill, and rendered
valuable sei vice. The troops have bad
a very trying time, and have behaved
excellently. They are elated at the
service they have rendered the queen.
" 'The enemy was repulted every
where with heavy loss, greatly exceed
ing that 0:1 my side, w hich w ill be re
ported as toon as the litis are com
pleted.' "
Nnv Yoiik, Jan. 8. A dispatch to the
Tribune from London s.iyt: General
I'uiler's opportunity for an effective dis
piny of strategy has come, and, It is to
to hoped, not too lute. The hussar and
tho battery of field artillery for which
lie lias been waiting w hile Ladrsmith
was In deadly peril are now nt the front,
ami be baa every available man, gun
and horse and mule. General Joubert's
army it making a belated and desperate
attempt to enrry Lady smith by incessant
rr try vr.
bombardment and a deliberate and per
sistent attack in front acording to tho
latent ntjws from L.idytaiith. What the
emergency rrqu're3 is a cautious and
rapid, yet far-s giitnl, 1 1 in of operation
like that adopted by Wellington in the
hhotgun Quarantine la H.iDnlula.
Has Fmxcuco, Jan. 8. A letter from
Houolu'u, dated December 3i), says:
1 Thi carious spectacle is presented bere
of a revival of the sl o:g.m quarantine
arcun-J the plague-infected district, sauitary measures and disinfection
have been practically abandoned. Tte
board of health called ou' the National
Guard thre? days after Christmas be
cause of the discovery of five new cases
of plague, two of which proved fatal. It
is now paying $1000 a Cay for this pro
tection, and th retn't o' this strict
guard is that lueiness ii demoralized
and many poor Chinese and Japanese
who worked in the American quarter
are starving.
flayed Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in various 1 art
of the body, .hiking at the pit of the
stomach, Lost of cppeti'.e, Feverisbness,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences,
of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be pnrlfi -1 in order to
obtain food health. Acker' Blood
E'exir has never failed to care Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee. B'.akeleyA Hnu;b
on' drug store-.
Meningitis Afflict Hariri,
Coi fax, Jan. 7. Dr. S. B. Nelson,
state veterinary surgern, snd bis assist
ant. Dr. Rolling, visited ti e farm of
William A Gordon, (our miles south of
Colfax, on Spring Flat, to investigate a
peculiar disease that is afflicting Mr.
Gordon' horses. The disease, which it
of recent appearance, ba already caused
the death of ten of Mr. Gordon's horses,
all valuable animals. The doctors say
they l;!ieve thcdlsease to be meningitis,
and to be produced by the animals eat
ing a fnn.'on" growth in hay. Tfi horse
have been eating barley hay, which has
been wet, and hns spoiled to some extent.
It is not regarded r.s ccr.tagious.
Catarrh Canuut he Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
rcc! the feat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
. in order tj coe it vo.i must take inter
nal remedies. II ili's Catarrh Cure is
I taken internally, un 1 aots directly on
j the blood and uincoas surfaces. Hall'
: Catarrh Cure is not i cue!: medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in Ibis country f ,r years, and
is a regular picripti in. It i? composed
of the best tonics known, c nnbined with
the best blood puriliei?, aclii!-;; directly
on the inuc ,;i5 sr.rfa.-t s. The perfect
combination of the two irgr.-dients in
whiit produces s;:ch wonder'u'. results in
curing Catarrh, fc-'tnd it testimonials,
F. J. Ciiexkv A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by ilrrnggist!, price 7V.
Ilall'a Faiiiily Pills are the bet. 12
Lara; Warehouse at tiutle.
Bctte, Mont., Jan. 7. The larye
warehouse of the Hecnessv Mercantile
Company, opposite the Great Northern
d 'pot, wnt destroyed by fire at an early
hour thit morning. Loss on building,
$12,000; fully covered by in?marce. Lost
on stock, between f-10,000 and 145.000;
insurance f20,00.). The cause of the fire
is unknown, nut it is believed to have
originated from delective wire or spon
taneous combustion.
Ihit ThiohnlRC tleailarhe
Would qivchly leave yon, if you used
Dr. King't New Life Piils. Thousands
of sufferer have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervoui Headaches.
They make pure blood and strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 2" cents.
Money back if not cured. Sold by
Hiakeley A Houghton, druggists. 1
Cnmnaiau rrrltiuluartes.
Sai km, Or., Jan. 8. The Salem Sen
tinel, a weekly newspaper, lias changed
hands, C. H. Irvine having rol l rut to
A. A. Miller an 1 A. M. Dairymple. It
is reported that Mariou county is to
have another newspaper, tho new ono to
bo published at Aurora, io the north
end of the county. Country newspaper
are a long felt want in this county j ict
before an election like tha' to be he'd ia