THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. JANUARY 6 1900. The Weekly GbroDlele. Vr mek a li.- or Win Pally..... .. .. -. l uir W .11 OrwUrlwh.'ouJ uuJolcKlm-tK . T . which Would LVe I r: i u tut a suing of land on that bank l ; oi me ru rr j-i. 4n turh or !.. ior inch .... Ott on wk aiui und-r f.f lnrh . . . Orr l.wir ltic-h ! unJec lM embassy. Jefferaoo tclli us they were not able to obtain any "sati faction as to the boundaries of Louisiana, other than a declaration ihU e Lad no right east of the Iberville, aud that our line to the ft THE FIGHTING BOERS. - Over latlva in. boa . 1 1 :taxvk cf vice IEXCY. J'RESl- lt mill be noticed that nioic men In this special message Jtffeisoii urged congress to makj a show or . . - ..... war agsinn ;pin. -mc i-nwut I crisis in Kurope," said lie president. m favorable for iresir2 such a are being mentioned for the Kopul- 4,tljementt Rnd ,10t moaent should lican nomination for vice Prci ,ont j b lost in availing ourselves of it. ' , , I,-"", mi,,mlMr 11 cl nwwri-" I ouly res )lt of the Boer successes in cccticu ...h t h oce not probable it -ill follow-but Iho'J Q msU muc tu i-- , - ( protf ction or our citizens, tuc spirit Mtesman. Among loem are See re- i , honor of our countrr. require England. Numbers of American syn-pathirers with Oom Paul's caue are contributing liberally toward the Boef tospital fun J ai.d sending sup plies to the Transvaal, via Dclago bay, and the arc Uking a much iM.r anl far more praiseworthy course. Napoleon said of the Knghsh, that they did not know when they were beaten. Most ceitainly their rcputa- lion is not that of men who lose their nerve when thev cet licked. The reverses iu Souih Africa has only knit all parties in England closer together, and we predict that Ihe An Englishman1 Account of Battles Fought with Them. Ury Koot, Cornelius Klt$. O.eceial fofce jbouM inlcriH)sej t0 (certain degree.' assuredly kev iew. not. S pokes- Woodford nd ex-Governor Bradley i. very section in me country casat , , , . . ; vou favorite son mentioned as a possible , nolhicg but conquesU nominee for the second office. Of. Ac,luisjtlon cf the Philippines may course, the r.nalr of persons ho onvjejt ilh SOIBe show fcf i0giCi widbespok.ntf in this connection I Qa groumlj cf hMoM expediency; -ill te'y to keep on g'owirg! on grou0(lj of rreccilcnt or until tae t;n'.e ror ice a eenrig 01 lae jV,nc;pie? convenucn, un:cS ID we mranuiur soite one or Ujem gels a accioeiij lead and Us lmjv'.s some of the j .VK5. LEWEY'S CARLS. o;hf r aspirants to gel out cf the con-1 Tbe vice presidentiil office bas saJdt r.Iy be"ne core aiu active to cept by cards, says the Chicago tiaee :J was cccsi-Ure-d something of a :r,-a lo e'er tie ooainaiion for tis rvsi t a stitcsxan of national The wife of Atltniral Dewey has 'raised another social tempest iu i Washington by announcing that she i will not be able to return calls ex British realize the full size of the task they have undertaken, and to go ahead and finish it. Leader. This country is estimated to have 21, 438,294 children of school age, of whom 70 per cent arc in the common schools. In 1870 the school atten dance was but CH per cent The average school year has been length ened eleven days in the last quarter of a century. Thirty-two states have adopted compulsory school at tendance laws. KftxiU Joa wbo had lcn looking for ; Record's correspondent. ; Before her marriage Mrs. Dewey's i visiting list wss comparatively short, but when she became the wife of the 1 heto of Manila and the admiral of That theie was a considerable movement of immigration toward Washington last year is indicated by the fact that m 1809 nearly 100,000 acres within the Spokane knd ollice . . l. 1 .. x- I.. district were men uion. eariy iuu families secured homes from the government during the twelvemonth in this district. Review. as beirz loo aeoej 1 vi'Ur.f. msijciceant A writer in . , , - r the bstv she was naturally the object w bo sever crerly aspired lo the first 1 . , . . . " . ! of paiticular interest, and there was lace on :te ticket of a jreal party, , kv'kei i-t the T:ce ireiv!ential ixsl , 9 " publican ranks. As for tbc oiber for their j ' J 5 j senator, Ftttigrew, Le represents no- iftu ic lit ri vi ilh iii n uijiii it", i . SU . ' , . . " ibody Lu-s iilote-Demociat recalls the : . , , , , . , , ... j when they are informed that she does fact tLai wken i!as Wright, of New ; J . . . , , . . , not intend to take the trouble to 1 crk, was nosiialed with sul-stantial , . ... -j.i ' visit them in person, but merely to uaarutiiv for vice president bv the , , , . . , send a card by the hands of foot eoivecUon wbich put vip Polk for . , . , . . . . I man or through the poslollice, they me luciiueu 10 say saucy luings. j bigin? te sect back such prompt and eaphalic declination that tbe telegrsph, used at that con vection for the first time for any Senator K)le, of South Dakota, ; has decided to return to the Re but himself. lie thought be had a party of renegades at his back, but can Gnd nothing there but his shadow. ot th TwBtlilh I'rntury. When does the twentieth century line year from Momlav. Horatio Rubens, a man who made Why ilo you say so? himself, as counsel for the Cuban! us answer by asking and answer- X laical gathering, was said by the JuflU in 18j79jt cfftcsive to tbe : ing other questions, politicians of the lime to have sizzled . Amcricsn by his lhrcaU of Wh did Monday begin? w ;h the New Yorker's indication. w nn .v. ', nf .L rU ..!., At 12 c,(xk anJy n,ght' ... , . . ! wr on the part of .he rebels against How long does Monday l.n? Many statesman of national stature, ,he v Mates saj8 U)Cre Untl, mUn,gUt Monj,Tf OT UealT. bowever, are apparently ready to ...tecl in Cub, XLis is i four hours, accept the vice presidential candidacy ; hsrd,T newj l0 xhe Vahc , Sutcs fof When d d the week bejin? everybody who Las been reading the ., . " i V hen wi,l the week er.j? papeis Las known that for a good , A, milinih, atardav. many monlLs Cuba bas been tranquil, j When did the mcn:h of January he- I tis is the Erst lime that there has:ein? At u.i Jti:ght PnnJiy. When will the month cf January end? n t'.e Kepu;.ican ticket in l;n0. Of couTe, the ccminaticn in this is cqaivalent to e!-cti-n. The experierct? of the late Vice President Hobart shows ;hi the rli. carries wi.h it, to ti,e right scrt cfaruan, a geo.1 dval cf iLuuecce ia political sfairs. Mr. lkdart ws consuhcnl fretly by the leadeis of h party, he was a confidant of the prei!ent, and he was thus able to iaipicss bis personality on public affairs. In this way the post lecarre the second office under the govern ment in more than a theoretical sense, ir a roan of ability, popular Wen real peace in Cuba in three quarters of a century. Ever since the ris-.rg? began in the rest of the ' par";jb cc-lorde in the Western! bcmispLeie duricg tLe cays of; FerdinaLd VII. in the eatly ;art of i the century, Cuba hs either been ini actual or virtual rebellion. When- j ever one rising was stopped prepara-i .lions began for the next one. At! i wic unit uoi vniy is lucre no iwar under way. but the marnlot ty and tact is nominate for vice , ,ho ia lhc ohU,n ,,SVSi alir Lad resident at the Philadelphia con .. cuse to vontion r.ext June he wi'd be reason-! .,; piy certain 10 gain cnongn prestige fry his service to give his post a era)aner.t boom in the ot statesman of character and am-. to la lion. JEFFERi-OX H'AS FOR FORCE. While no intimation has as yet estimation , been received from Ottawa in regard Ihe composition of the second Canadian contingent for South Africa, the greatest enthusiasm is be- ! ing displayed not only in the city of At niidnifht Jnnarr 51st. When did the jear Win? At miJcij!it Snndar. Wiitn will the year i-nd? At midnight IVeemt-er 31t. When did the year 1W0 begin? At midnight Sunday. When will Ce yeai 19X end? At midnight December 31st. When will the nineteenth centurT end? At midnight DecemWr 31st, 1900. When will the twentieth century be gin? At miduight December 3Ut, 1000. Joint lailallatinn. It may le said the acqn.sition of;"0, V f " , f ' tk !,;?; - i i v ictori. but throughout the island Last night every chair in Fraternity hail was occupied with members of Mt Hood Camp, W. of V., tnd the Circie, together with a few invited guests. At 8:30 J. M. Huntington called order, and after the singing of the opening ode, in which ail present j lined, C. H. Brown was introduced as installing officer and was assisted by C. C. Cooper acting as j grand escort, who installed their oflieers . T rAiinff niAn A r inin noil mm . I. foreign relations. But we held them I. , u"" wuu -. . ....... uciaiuiucuk Sltl LL1C l lC'iiiria . r . fow ita I be pool mitl of ail toe . . I In Tr" impressive manner, arrrat rowers, and Ihat wa, r.ol the J?"" Mnj f lht Wb h",Ut'1 1 The were then v.e.te,! for of , uo iivium hi me ocuei lliai "f" oi me circle and Mrs. Cushina? m ;.v t . - . v wmm hi iuc wiiii i.iat "".--!' ui m circle anil ; wita Louisiana. In a special 1 . . . r. v , I lbe Canadians wou d not see active 'ntroooced.Mrs. C. F.Stephi ge of DecemWrf,1803,Presi-l gua.di.n, who inst.Hed ,h, . . . ..... ... .w.. ujvw ,u I' fUCI tesssage Vfit Jefferson, in lens, as grand tha oflieers. as- - . i v. . . , ..... Iik.:..,,.....!.!. ' ... ..ouurr acung M congress the ugly attitude of Spain ! T " ' wlulD" t'- attendant and CaPt. MinnbCo.. over ihe cession of Louisiana by' l'"'D eTCT B,n w"".. bo had eh.rg, of the floor work. France, said: i require d to meet the situation in Tha following program was then rrn- oum Arrica. Lieutenant Colonel : auuress on behalf of Woodmen, Giegory, who has himself offered to1 J' Brnhi11 P'o solo, Miss Lota . -.a ... rf . frimii ui ing tircir. toward ns. It was first manifested: j .j,-un me con- by Mri- 6ttpXltnt R ... x ' From that moment she seemed to ber conduct and dispositions by Ler protest against the right of tingent now being formed, has overjDi 100 'aason. State Organiier Wheeler, France to alienate Louisiana to usj -ir.-"nt iron, volunteers present ami made an intPrefting vh.h. however, w n Arreted. , .J the front j- ;m rd the right cocfirmed." i The reported reorganiration cf the ' Measers. C. E. Dawson, H. Parkins, pa:n then disputed the boundaries Fenian brotherhood for the rurixfe ! MiM Joshing and Mrs. Stephens then a larre rart of Louisiana, id nf inra.l-:na r.r..l. , fn'ered a comic q-iartette, after nhi.h ' me ..i. . . f Jefferson -sent Jrr.M tMr t Tv:.; ) , . w served - " v I'vwiuivu nuuj mure Toiuniccrs tv, Wadnd a, minister cxtraordmsry , to South Africa, i, denied. This were .neeessful i every efflrl to maae siovl ikt.potecl:ary, in conjunction frovercsnect would cot for an instant xhe evening a rleant one, for it a vriih our ttisistcr resident there, to : tolerate the organization cf any such ! ,n 0,Ul enjoyable events that mdeavor to procure a rat;5cation cf movement in the United SUtes. It ! hl C ofrnrr'd ,n iiy hall. Mie doei,'t indicale ihkIIit. It...r. aae io!Tnercor.vcr.i.cD. an l to cone i is doutlful if cur Irish-American to an Jit.g with Spain as to fellow citizens would countenance the boundaries of Louisiana." ; another Fenian invasion of Canada. othirg was acccrxp.isLcd ly that 01 counterfeit an I wnrlliless aalva nirr.l kr iVWilfs Witch Salvo. Ie-;.-;.., It would l e a roor w,T of sttackinir I -.-11 ,." ' I. ,.g .An Thar A Ferlea EeHet Mirkiati-Luki Eat 11. Oatwaanber Taelra Iw , Evrrjr EDgfitat .rT- lt is usual. I know, fur military men to sneer at l!e M.tralshi. or uart of i!, which, a. t':ie Bilie, J reiHni- ble for the M ijuba d.sajter-lhcse enr ios are uie after the evti.t pottcn that tiie IVirs nut o-.hfr cf.ieers lhan G-n. Colley at Itronkhortt S;.ruit ia a number of Mirhts atoiit 1'rttorji, 1'oteheslxjom, and othtr xi'.Iayi.s and that in no case were our nu n and Mili tary leaders able to stand up to the enemy. At Durban, in Natal, in 14S. we rot the worst of it, a we tiid at lloornkop, where Kng!ih oflieers of the ordinary type ejniniaiuied. The only military sueeesa hii h Krfjlish officers can claim in a god many enconnifrs with the lloers is the battle o lionmplaats, fouirht in 1?4S, between artillery aad flintkx'k frun. It is therifore, non sense to take refuge behind the lack of (Ti-neralship of our leaders. If such fac tors as courage and leadership da not come into the controversy, c-xetpt to a very limited extent, in what direction must w e look for the explanation of our defeats? At I.aing's Neck the action began bj- our puns dropping a few e-hells into the JJjer lines, arid, as admitted by the liners themselves, the small loss they sulTkred from this fire tien. Joubtrt was nearly hit by a splinter of a shell induced them to think seriously of abandoning the position. Thty were r.bout to leave when the attack by a small number of mounted ir.fiir.try and by a few companies of Col. Pence's regi ment, was made. Only or.e of cur men reached the Pot r !ii.cs, the othtrs being flopped a short distance away; and as they were unsupported, these were driven back down the hili. Result, 190 killed and wounded on the Pritish side, against 2! liters k'lled and wounded. At Ir.gogo, f.Migjt a few days oiler ward, a farce of about 200 men and two guns were stopped on a small plateau, and after an action luting ail day our men, with th; two gur.s, were with drawn during the night, leaving the dead and wounded on the ground. The Poors also left the field at night. At this fight the Poers crept up Xo within CI yards of our gnus.' They lost 17 hi'.kil ami wounded, while our loss was l-i2 killed and wounded. A force of about Cf.O infantry set out for the summit of Majuba hill on the night of February 2(1, ll. There w ere about 530 combatants. After leaving some'eompanies on the road about 400 men reached the summit ami were dis posed in various pjsitions about the rim of the mountain. The first shots were fired about six o'clock, and the combat went on uninterruptedly for hours. In the final stages the main body of the Poers crept to within 4i) yards, and for a considerable time fu silladed our troops nt this distance. Many of the men fell in the subse quent flight; but when the Uga'inff was over, at one o'clock, our ca-suuliiis were SsO killed nr.d wounded, while the Poers lost cue killed and four wound ed. At Pronkhorst we lost 120 men killed and wounded within ten minutes, the Uoers losing one. In the Jameson raid our losses were aln.iit 1C0 killed and wounded, the Poers having five killed and wounded in the actual fight- j ing. It is usually maintained that these Transvaal fight-s were fought nt a dis advantage, and that our men were in each case vastly outnumbered. If we accept the Pinr accounts, our forces were not outnumbered. At Majuba they say they had aloiit 4H0 men. Puttxen assuming that there were as many ns 1.000 Poers, the result is still extreme ly unsatisfactory. African Review. ( wmm-3 i W'.y'iV"-5 ? 4 " REGULATOR LINE. ! Dalies, Partlantl & flslorla' T'-a fct.iuueni of thfc Regulator line will run at petti, ' lowing acaeduie, the Comiuinjr reierylug the right to schedule without notice. Str. Regulator. (Limited Landii.g". ir' t ? I t. lillt II is f.r- I 4 .1 a. M. J. 1 !lUTMlV 4 ssauininv. .. . ; Air. .rtiud J alir. . Ship your Freight via re. Lv. 1 ortiini t ; a. M. MolltlHV . . . Weduescy Arr. Z'ZZ Regulator Line. at ir.i. Str. Dallea City. (Touching at all Way r0.. soc.1. Lv. Ualltra at6:0 A. If. Monday Wluedar FriaT Arr. l'ortlaud (uucertaiu) Thurv ; FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel br the S teamen nl the Reeulatisr Uoe. The CompanT will endeavor to giveittv - rout tue best seivieo possible. For further information address J J l'urtland Office, Oak Street Doci. W. C ALLAWAY, Can. Agt., TheOtt H if 1 t;t?-Sr, -3g ""' ?V!"H"' 'i J Impulse : Wheels and f.lOtof MANTFACTCKED BY AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL Ci SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, EI Circulars nd particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, , un6 THE DALLES, QKW WasGoljarehouse Compan Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kin hk mm t-J a, X-M AlttaA mJX-JJk. fcS XU1 A UlJl J. w M M ( a. am III T L V Kill Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kini Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, srt,?" Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendli tOn FlOUr Tbis Iloor 19 mnnfctnred eiprewly for fin ' rise; every ack is (tnaranteed to give eatiefactn eell our pools lower tban any house in the trade, and if you don't tniii call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whsat, Barley and Oats. " 1 C. J. STUBLING- Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Wfiiskei Stray Notice. Cam to my place on Five Mile, about two weeks ago, a bnckjkin esdJle horse, branded with an oarlock on right hip and an M on right shoulder. Said horse has been on the range near mr place for the past two years. Owner can have same by proving property and paying all charges. Dated Dee. 19, 1119. Frank D. Jones. dec20-4t The Dalles. (Won. m ! Asa cure for rheumatism Chamber Iain's Pain Halm is gaining a wide repu tation. D. II. Johnston of Richmond. Ind., has been troubled with that ail ment since 18i2. In speaking of it he says: "I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamber.) Iain's Tain Balm. It arts like miific witn me. My foot was swollen and paining me verv nuieh. hot nna orwvl application of Tain Halm relieved me. or sale by Rlakeley A Houghton. 'I am Indebted to One Minute Coimh Core for my health and life. It cored meof lung trouble following arinne." Thousands owe their lives to Ihe prompt action of this never failing remedy. It cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and Inr.g troubles. Its early ne prevents eon. sumption. U is Ihe onlv harmlvaa remedy that gives immediate result. Sick Headache absolutely and l erma- nently cured by nirg Moki Tea. A pleasant herbdrlnk. Cures eon ti nation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, wora ana nappy. f-atwUction guaranteed or money back. 2" rla. an. I ... niakeley A Honghton Drnggiaf, Clarke A Kalk have on sale a full tin of paint and artist's brushes. WHISKEY from $2.75 to'$tf.(W "ir ifjillobT w irreire oldT) 1 IMP0ETED COGNAC friitn $7.(0 to $12.Wrailo."qiTo"2J vare old.'"1 CirgjAJBBAIiDirS In m 3.'.'5 to 6 to fT pallonTTi to 11 tears old. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LTMPIA BEER on draught, and Val Blat and Olympia Beer in Imported Ale and Porter. botti( JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. C C. COOPER, MAXIFACTIRER Of High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. DEALKR IX Tents, Wagon Covers, and all articles usually kept in a first-class harness shop. Wa'w.. TIIE DALLES, OREGON'. Thla Stamp a Cuarantst MAKER J of Quality. ST EAR1 LAUNDRY Dewey white vaIi? VC5, ami wash white. You can Havana thing wahctl at the Steam Laundry. The ) Maine roint is quality ami the Merritt of our work is f-ucli that in ople po Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, hut the standard rates which are it Cevera high as some people think, and we want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of Third and Federal Street, 'Phone 341. XIIE DALLES. 01 1'iirs anil an sktn ill iresses. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle