i? Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r.rANSES THE jyoil.M i EFFECTUALLY 5 1 WIIUMb " OrDKiAKirMTIV PERMANENTLY JT5BtNEr EFFECTS. ICIAL U THE UNUINt-MUHTB OX (SUI?RNUlTGfSYRVfP(. 1 a. rot iau by Auomavwi mi Mt n ggnu. rdUFLI TOD ALL. KNOW. Saturday a JMilr. . P. Alb, of CascaHrs, is in the citr. P. J. Stadleman went to Portland yesterday. L. D. Woodside wan a visitor in tLe city yesterday from Victor. Eev. O. V. White and wife, of Dnfur, were passengers for Portland on today ' boat. Miss Hattie Morse returned to Peit land today after a visit with ber lister. Mrt. Kiddell. Mr. and Mn. Johnston accompanied their young son and three companions, who were visiting him, to Portland to day. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pitman, who have been visiting Mrs. Pitman's daughter in Seattle, returned home on tbe boat yes terday. Misses Bertha and Anna Burckhardt, who have spent the past few days with Miss Davis, returned to their borne In Portland today. Col. Pat. Donan, so well known as a brilliant and able writer and throughout lb political circles of the Northwest, was a visitor in The Dalles today. Tuesday's Dally. C. P. U'Ren, of Ridgeway, was In the city yesterday. A. J. Borie was registered at the Umatilla yesterday, from Dufur. Dr. Belle C. Rinehart spent Sunday and yesterday in Portland, returning last evening. Scott Cathcart left yesterday morning f r Portland, where be is to take a coarse at the business college. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lucas returned yesterday after a feur days visit with relatives in baker City. Dell llowell is in from Antelope and ia receiving the congratulations of friends on bis recent marriage. Mirs Elsie Fenree accompanied her friend, Miss Shelton, to The Dalles Sunday, returning to Portland touay. Mr. E. II. Smith and Mrs. Julia Powell came in from Prineville yester day and left this morning for Pjrtland. Mies Grace Dowhie returned to her home in Vancouver on today's boat, after spending a week with relatives bere. Mrs. Robert Teaene left on the boat tbis morning for Portland, where she will spend two months under the care of physicians. Miss E lith O Leary, who has been visiting the family of her brother, re turned today to her studies at the con vent in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cram made a trip to Portland Sunday, Mrs. Cram remain ing to visit friends, while Frank re turned last evening. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stevens re turned from Portland Sunday m, t. accompanied by Miss I'sarl Evans, wr-o will visit them at their borne in Dufur. Miss Hilda Beck returned to Portland Sunday afternoon to resume her stndies at the business college in that city. Misses Josin Jenkins and Edie Fisher will leave this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Van Anda have returned from Portland where Mr. Van Anda has been in the hospital for tbe past few weeks. He is Improving rapid ly and will soon be able to be about. A. W. Mohr., who formerly resided in Th Dalles, but of lntc vars has lived in Whatcom, is in the ciiy. We under stand he will remain and srofipt a posi tion with the Central Navigation and Construction Compsny. IKIKN. In this city, Friday, Dec. 29th, to Mr. nd Mrs. Henry Herbring, a son. Liquor Licensee Granted. A special meeting of tbe council was beld Saturday evening for the purpose of granting liqnor licenses for the next is months, when the hllowlnj were present: Mayor Kuck, Councilmen Keller, Clough, Gunning, Wilson, Kelly nd Stephens. License were granted to F. W. L. Skibbee, A. Ad Keller, Ben Wilson, L. O. Hawn, Cbf.s. Miehelbach, i DALLES F. Lemk,Andrw Baldwin, Jonn nowe, Wm. Marders, SInnott 4 Fish, Maeti A PonJ, Chss. SluMinf, Dn Paker, Foot4JobanneeD, J. M. Toomey ani Chas. Frank (two). Claims srere then reaJ against the city, and on motion of Wilson, that of the Gorman Rubber Co. mat laid upon tLe table. BILLS ALLOWED. - N D Hoghes, marshal Geo Brown, engineer ti A Pnirruan, night watch. . . C J Crandall, treatorer S H Gates, recorder Dalles City Water Works.rent V A Johnston, chemicals for ,...75 00 7 5 Do 60 IX) 20 00 .... 50 00 Pec 50 00 en- gine 13 42 Gutta Percha Rubber Slig Co, supplies 10 7-t I C Nickclsn, mdse 1 45 Sinnott 4 Fish, meals at jail 6 &! II Clougb. repairs 2 50 Dnfur & Menefee, legal services. .. 50 00 P F Burham, hauling 3 75 James Like, hauling 3 75 J W Blakener, hauling 75 A A Urquhart, labor 2 80 TT Fannon, labor 25 40 Chas Jones, labor 14 60 Bert Faton, labor 13 00 Ernest Patton, labor 27 20 Wro Morgantield, labor 14 20 J II Canfield, labor 14 80 R ii!ba, labor 17 20 () A Crow, labor 15 00 Tony Jackson, labor 5 26 J J Hecker, labor 14 20 E T Hensbaw, labor 3 60 J C Flood, lator 3W A Hess, labor 1 60 Geo 8etb, labor 6 20 Wm Cates, hauling gravel 20 80 X D Hoghes, killing five dogs. . . . 5 00 TREASrKEit'S BEI'ORT. Dec. 1 Cash on hand 47603.70 Rec'd from Dalles Citv 236 82 Rec'd Dalles National Bank. . 2 20 Dec. SO Water rent. Nov 1011.10 Total J8S53.82 Dec. 30 Int. on water bonds $750.00 Dec. 30 Warrants re deemed 169 00 919.00 Jan. 1 Bal on band. ..17034.82 Meeting; of Water Commissioners. Water Commissioners Bolton, Moore, Randall, Fish, Bocbler and Seufert held a meeting at the recorder's office Satur day evening, when, after routine busi ness of minor importance, the report of tbe superintendent was read as follows : Total book account ,. . .1435.95 Collected water rent 1011.10 Delinquent $424.85 The following bills were allowed : J B Croseen, superintendent (60 00 C A Borders. helper 60 00 Ned Gates, secretary 10 00 A A Urqnharl, labor 7 60 F Clarke. labor 4 60 J Staniels. labor 4 60 E Julian, labor 3 00 Wm Morganfitld, labor. . .' 5 60 Jacobsen Book 4 Music Co. sup. . 80 J W Blakeney, expressags. . . -. . . 60 D S Dnfur, Ids premium 3 45 . Flayed Oat. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach. Loss of appetite, Feverisbnes?, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences. of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Eiexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wondoiful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley4 Hough on's d'Og store. Drowned In a Hath Tab. San Fbaxcisco, Dec. 31. Hiiliard F. Johnson, a reporter for tbe Chronicle, was found dead in a bath tub at his lodgings yesterday morning. The tub was full of water, and appearances in dicated that Johnacn bad fainted and fallen into the water. Tbis theory ia supported by tbe fact that his feet were encased In a pair of slippers and the bath towels bad recently been osed, while his clothes were lying across a chair in his bedroom, adjoining tbe bathroom. He was also known to have been a sufferer from heart disease. As cure for rheumatism Chamber Iain's Pain Balm is gaining wide repu tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, Ind., has been troubled with that ail ment since 18G2. In speaking of it he says: "I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much, but one good application of Pain Balm relieved me. For sale by Blakeley 4 Houghton. Stray Notice. Came to my place on Five Mile, about two weeks ago, a buckskin saddle horee, branded with an oarlock on right hip and an M on right shoulder. Said horse tins been on the range near my place for the. past two years. Owner can have same by proving property and paying II charges. Dated Dec. 19, 1899. Fbank D. Jones, Jec20-4t The Dalles, Oregon. Estrajr Motto l. Strayed from tbe range on Dutch flat, one dappled gray horse, four years old next spring; branded on lef: shoulder thus, C. Five dollars reward will be given to any person returning same to my place on 3-Mile. nov29-lmo O. W. Cook. JKreel With every dollar purchase during January and February we will give one chance on a $ j0 Garland steel ranee. jan2-l vr Maikb 4 Bknto.v. WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SEX IN IMMIGRATION, More Ilea Than Women Come to This Country. Same liereetlsr Facta all Flsarca A baa I la Arrival froa Dlf fereat Laada Tk Tide lacreaataar- From 1319, the year of the passage by congress of the law for the registra tion of iuimitp-anta arriving in the United States, until the present time, there have been 1S,5'JO,OUO immigrants registered in the various porta of the country, and of these, taking the aver age through the whole course of years, 60 per cent, were men and 40 per cent, women, a disparity representing a total difference of nearly 3,7i)0,000. It has been frequently pointed out as a matter of interest and importance that the proportion of male immigrants is higher where such immigration is least desirable, particularly in the case of Chinese and Sicilians, while it is lowest among the Germans and Irish. The reasons assigned for this disparity have been many. Among them have been the perils and inconveniences of a residence on the frontier before the complete settlement of the country, emi gration from continental countries to escape conscription in European, arm ies, the clanger and discomforts of ocean travel before the establishment of fast and commodious steamers, and the nat ural reluctance of women to seek homes in new lands. It has popularly been supposed, however, that as these reasons for the excess of male immigration either disappeared or were diminished, the totals of the two sexes would be more nearly even, s conclusion which the tables just published by the immi gration bureau in Washington for the year ending March 1, 1699, completely overthrow. During the year the actual number of immigrants coming into the United States was 310,000, an increase of SO.OOO compared with a year ago. According to the ordinary division between male and female immigrants there should have been 186,000 of the former and 124, 000 of the latter. Instead of this there were 193,277 male immigrants, or more than CO per cent., and 117,438 female im migrants, less than 40 per cent. From England there were 0,700 male and 4,000 female immigrants, about the average ratio; from Germany, 14,700 male nr.d 11,800 female immigrants, less than the average number; from Scandinavia there were 12,747 male and 10,502 female immigrants, and from Finland, a coun try from which there hag been recently extensive emigration to the United States in consequence of the seriouscon- rlict between the Russian government and the Finns, 3,000 male and 2,100 fe male immigrants' came. From two countries female immigration to the United States preponderates, Ireland arid Bohemia. There were Inst year 13, 700 male nnd 1S,000 female immigrants from Ireland, nnd from Bohemia the number of male nnd femule immigrants was ulmost identical, 1,202 of the for mer and 1,204 of the latter. The long-disputed question among immigrant olhcials us to the designa tion to be given to Polish Hebrew iniml grants, whether they should be de scribed as Polish or under the head of German, Russian or Austrian immi grants, ns the case might be, has been settled by the adoption of a generic term for all such immigrants, the word Hebrew. There were 21,000 male nnd 10,000 female Hebrew immigrants last year, from Russian Poland there were in addition 18,000 male and 10,000 fe male immigrants, while from Italy, now the chief contributing country to the flow of immigration into the United States, there were 52,000 male and 23, 000 female immigrants. Italian immi gration is very largely responsible for the disparity of the sexes in tbe matter of immigration. Twice as many male Syrians as female Syrians came over Inst year nnd five times ns many male Slavonians. There were 2,200 mnle Greeks and only 132 female, but the rec ord of all other countries is distanced by China, 1,027 male immigrants and 11 female immigrants only. Cuban immigration to the United States last year was 1,400, including 1,100 mnle and 300 female immigrants. From Hawaii there were more women than male immigrants, though the number of either was not large, and from Japan there came 3,175 male immigrants and 275 female. N. Y. Sun. The Itarbrr Got Ilia Money. A suspicious-looking individual en- itered a barber's shon in Mn nohpsfpr and while being shaved casually re marked: "I suppose a good many of your customers forget to pny?" "Xo, sir," the barber replied; "there was a time when I used to give credit, but I never do now. In fact, nobody asks for it any more." "How's that?" "Well, you see," said the barber, try ing the edge of his razor on his thumb nail, "whenever I shaved a gentleman who asked me to mark it up, I put a little nick in his nose with my razor, and kept tally that way. They very soon didn't want to run up bills." There was a tremor in the customer's voice as he answered, from beneath the lather: "Do you object to being paid In ad vance?" Stray Stories. Mrs. li. Churchill, Berlin, Vt., says, "Our baby was covered with runninit sores. DeWitt'i Witch Hal Salve cured her." A specific for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. Cash In lour ( Cicki, All count warrants registered prior to Jan. 21. 181.0. will be nal.l at m. office. Interest ceases after Nov. 1.1th. 189U. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 3, ORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD ONE pAV.HhM OF ONLY The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEBIABRITANNICA. ciicrccrD. I 20 MASSIVE c f, t,at ;t rrvori-s the entire t&nzc cf human knowledge. 3f3m l sz: sss p r -, I i i - . .1 ii -i kt rL- The entire set and case delivered upon payment Balance payable in small monthly payments. Workmanship and material the The product of the largest and best The BRITANNICA Is the acknowl edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and ihe NEW WERNER Is the best edition the Britantiica. Do not put your money in old editions jr poorly made books because they are :heaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family ho has this work over one which has lot FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, JWajestie Are MADE TO LAST ABSOLUTELY "Remember that we are selling the same from $45.00 to $60.00 Whieh is a saving to our customers of from $15 to $25 over price charged by peddlers for inferior ranges. Write for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence." JvIflYS STEAM 'LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality and the Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which aro not Cevera high as some people C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of Third and Federal Street, 'Phone 341. Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle 1900. DOLLAR S83 IRRARY OF VOLUME with Guide of only bcrt known to the book-making art, equipped book factory in America. If you cannot send your children to the University, bring the University to them. Th.'s edition has never been sold foi less than $64.50. For a short time only 140.50 cash, or $45.00 on monthly pay ments. - ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. ATA A TA TM M Ml 1 A LIFETIME, and are GUARANTEED. & CfOU2E. think, and wo want to THE DALLES. OT? .A - It : M f f I . . . . ' " 1 NOTICE. STATE OK ORrviOX. incDTivE , r:rrrvtST In accordance with the tirovlnioas r.f i ititted "An Act iibiui(tli:r to ti c Flm.tL tbe Ptnte of Or-un t the General E!ertl, 2 be beld on tb rirt Mmular tn Juu, lay !z pending Pivpoted L'onitiiutional A mend menu" jiprovel February 1H, Hi, 1, T. T. Oer,i,o trnor o( tbe Stale ol Oregon, do hereby rani itl i"""""'. )" - n:r t oij,m. tiilk-n of tbe state of Urecon, a eerriiiwj to bi IbeSecretarrof Htate, to be T.ublibMi f s.l con aaru live weeks in Thi DaLlko I 'Hkoxu iV a pewviatr tubii iit.nea in tne beveutti j uuicii District ol toe state oi urvguu. Done at the Capitol, at Salem, Ore?ia HAL lhn Jlt day of November, A. L. ls X. T. Oti.it, Governor By the Governor: K. I. IA N BAR, Secretary of Stato. rEN'ATE JOINT BESOLl'TION', NO. 4 Be It reoivcd by th Senate, tbe House eon. rurrirg: That tbe following amendment to tha Ciiii.iHution of the btaW of Oregon be aod Is heri by prorosed: Ihut section 10 of Article XI. of the Contitn tion of the state of Oregon he. and the sme i, hereby br'ttated, and in lien thereof tnciiun is of Article XI. shall be a follom: ARTICLI XL Section 10. No county, city, town, srhnol di tricl or olher municipal corporation hll be al lowed to become indebted iu any manner or lor any purpose to an amount including present ex isting indebtedness in the aggregate exceeding five per centum on the value of the Mxablt property therein to be aaccrtained by tbe last u aemrut for stnte and county taxea pteviout to Ihe incurring of aucL Indebtedness, Adopted by ihe Senate Jsnnary 0, 1!3. C. "V. r fLTOS, Prtnidiut of the Senate. Concurred In bv the House, Ftbruary2. 191. W. P. Keady, f-peaktrof tbe House. Adopted by the Senate January 31, 1H95. I Jossm Simon. President of the Senate. Concurred In by the nouse. February 4, jSt, Chap. B. SlocnKs, Steaker of the Hcuse, SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION, NO. 13. Be it resolved by the Senate, the House'con curring; Ihat the following amendment tot! s Constitution of tbe State of Oregon, in lieu i Section Ten of Article Seven (7), be und the tarns is hereby proposed, to-wlt: SECTION TEN, The Legislative Assembly nay provide for the election of Supreme and circuit Judges in dis tinct classt s. one of w hich clashes shall eontist of tire Justices of the supreme Court, who sha.l not perfoim circuit duty; and the other class shall consist of as many Circuit Judges ns nitty be deemed necess .ry, who shall hold full terms without allotment and who shall take tbe same oath as the Supremo JudKes. i ne legislative Asxemuiy may create as ninny circuits as may be necessary. Adopted by the Senate, February 15, 1S9.1. C. W. I DtToN, President of the Senate, Concu.-rei In by the House, February 15, 1H93. W. I". Keady, Speaker of the House. Adopted by the Bentte, January 31, 1893. Joseph Simon, President of the Senate, Concurred in by the House, February (I, IS',15. Chad. B. aiookeh, Sjieuker of the House, HOUSE JCIST RESOLUTION, SO. 10. Resolved by the House, tbe Senate concurr ing; That tbe following amendment to the Con stitution oi Ihe state ol Oregon be and berebj is proposed : That the Constitution be amended by adding Article XIX. as follows, to-wit: ARTICLE XIX. Section 1. The necessary use of lands for the construction of reservoirB or storage bsslns for the purpose of irrigation or for rights of way for the con.',trnction M canals, ditches, flumes or pipes to convey water to tl;e place of use for any . useful, beneficial or necessary purpose, or for drainage, or for drainage of mines or the work ings thereof, by means of roads, railroads, tram ways, cuts, tunnels, shafts, hoisting works, dump or other necessary means to their com plete development or anv other use necossary to the complete development of the natural re sources of the State or preservation of the health of its inhabitants, is hereby declared to be a pub lic use and subject to the regulation and control of the State. Section 2. The right to appropriate the unap propriated waters of any natural stream to ben eficial uses shall never be denied. Sectlcn 3. The use of all waters now appro priated for sale, rental or distribution, also of all waters originally appropriated for private use, but wbieb, after such appropriation, has hereto, fore been or muy hereafter be sold, rented or dis tributed, is hereby declared to be a Mihlln use and subject to the regulation and control of the State in the manner prescribed by law. But the right touse and appropriate such waters shall be subject o such rovisions of law for the tak ing of private property for public or private use ns provided in Section IK, Article 1 of the Con stitution of the Stnte of Oregon. Section 4. The right to collect taxes or com pensation for the use of water supplied to any county, city, town or water district or inhabit ants thereof, is a franchise, and cannot be exer cised except by autboilty of and iu a manner prescribed by law. Adopted by the House, February i:, 1R0.1. W. P. Krauy, Speaker ol the House. Signed March 7, lfU:J.) Adopted by tho Scnnte, February 17, ls!:i. C. W. Fulton, President of the Senate. (elgned Marx it -in, l,v.U ) Adopted bv the House, February fi, l;!i"i. Ciiah. B. Mookkh, Sjieakerof the House. Concurred in by the Senate, February 13, tvti, Joseph Simon, President of the Senate. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 2. roposing an amendment to the Constitution ct he state of Oregon, by repealing Section 35 ol Article 1. Kesolved by the House, the tenate concurring; That Section :V of Article 1 of tho Constitution be and hereby is rewaled. Auoptea dv tnc House, January ti, ivm. vV, p. Ktttr, speaker of the House. Concurred In by the Senate, January 30, 1 x'.tt. C. VV. Fulton, President of 'the Senate. Adopted by tho House, January 30. ls! . Ciias. 11. Mooiy.M, Seaker ol the House, Concurred in by the Senate, Februury li, IMs's. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 7., Beltresolvd bv tho Senate, the House con curring; That the following amendment tn the Constitution of the Stato of Oregon be and is hereby proposed : ARTICLE I. The elective franchise in this State shall not hereafter hi prohibited toanycltiieiion account of sex. Adopted by the Senate, February , 1RM, Jimeph Simon, President of the Senete, Adopted by the House, February 6, lx'.i,. Chas. B. Mooiieh, Speaker of the House. Chas. B. Moo res, Speaker of the House. Adopted by the Senate. January 31, W.KI. T. C. Taylor, President of the Senate. Adopted by the House, January 81, E. V. Carter, speaker of the House. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) STATE OF OltKdON, 5 Ottlcoof Secretary of Stato. i I, F. I. DCNBAR.Secretarynf HUte of the State of Oregon and Custodian of the Seal of shM State, do hereby certify that 1 have compared the preceding copy of Senate Joint Resolution No. 4. of the legislative Assembly of Istt.l, "Municipal Indebtedness amendment;" Hecate Joint Resolution No. 13 of the Legislative As sembly of lswi, "Judiciary Anicndent ;" House Joint Kcsolution No. 10 of the legislative As sembly of IMi.l, "Irrigation Atneiidme.it;'' House Joint Resolution No. 2 tif the legislative Assemhl of Iw.U. " Keimtling Amendment;" and Senate Joint Resolution No. 7 of the legis lative Assembly of Is'fci, "Kiiial Snttrnire Amendment," with the original copies now oil rile in Hits otfee, and that the tamo is a correct transcript therofrom and Ihe whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have here unto ad my hand and amxed hereto the seal of the Mtsle of Orciron. seal Hone nt the Capitol, at Salem, Oregon, this Third day of November, A. V ifj. F. I. DUNBAR, Secretary of Stat. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK. Notice Is hcrcbr irlrcn that the nnd 'rslgnivt has been appointed hv the countv court ol th state ot Oregon, for Wasco county, administrate! of tliecstate of Antitno Jerome, deceased. All persons having claim against said estate are hereby notified to present thpm to me at niy olllee In The Hallos, Or., within six mouths from the (lata hereof, Hatl lieceinbor I I, lS'.l). R. f. OMION. declOII Administrator, r