The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 03, 1900, PART 1, Image 3

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The Weekly Ghronicle.
Published in two parti, on Wtdnetday,
and ouiuraavi.
T sail, rosTAGi rurAio, m adtancr.
One J ear II SO
Six motitia
Tnrae months 40
AdTertisinc rates reasonable, and mad known
on application.
Addrww ail communications to "THF OHRON
ICLfc, The Dallea, Oregon.
Saturday's Daily.
Four hearts that expect to beat as two
when the year 1900 toll around or there
about?, are liana. F. Jochinscn and
Louisa C. S. Rorden ; and C. B. Still
and Lizzie Beebe, the latter couple of
The county bridge at Trail Crocking
on Crooked river waa completed yester
day. It has cost about $1,200 and is the
best and most costly one ever bnilt In
the county. Ithai long been wanted by
the people'.in that vicinity, and they are
happy over its completion. Crook Co.
About twenty young people spent last
evening with Miss Grace Downie at the
home of her uncle, S- L. Young. Gaines,
music, refreshments and everything that
goes to make up an evening of pleasure
occupied their time. Miss Downie has
made many 'friends during her short
visit here.
A Haystack correspondent to a Prine
ville paper says a teamster was twenty'
three days on the road from Tbe Dalles
to that place with a load of freight. The
roads we acknowledge are bad; but it
looks as he might have taken on a
' different sort of load to be so long upon
. the journey.
midnight in which the League takes an
active part. All are invited to remain
or jain the meeting later who may feel so
60 far as we can determine, the bus!
nees houses will close all day Monday,
with the exception, perhaps, of a few
grocery stores which will keep open a
short time during the morning. The
Ciikomclk, which calls-every week day
during the year, will step aside on this
occasion and give room for more enter
tainmg callers. But in advance we wish
you all a happy New Year; and also that
it may prove as prosperous as happy
In the runaway Thursday afternoon,
when J. C. Egbert's team came rushing
down Second street at the East Ecd, his
son, Curtis, was thrown out at Farley's
harness shop and his right shoulder
was dislocated. He was carried into
Brooks' store. ' This is unfortunate as
Curtis is a student In the dental college
at Portland being home for a vacation,
and the accident wiil no doubt prevent
his resuming nis studies for a short time
at least.
Thia morning C. F. Stephens received
a letter from J. M. Filloon, whose dome
is now in the unfortunate town of Moro,
in which he says : ' "This town is almost
isolated from the outside world on ac
count of this 'Moro itch.' It doesn't
amount to much; only a little Incon
venience. We haven't contracted it yet ;
but it is scattered all over the town.
It's not smallpox. I think it's a disease
brought from the Philippine islands.
There have been no deaths so far."
As proof of the fact that the Central
Navigation and Construction Company
means business, we learn from head
quarters that J. S. Cochran, who has
charge of that department of the work,
has closed a contract fur machinery for
two upper Columbia and Snake river
boats, and has likewise purchased in
Chicago one hnndred thirty-ton cars,
two passenger coaches, two cabooses,
our engines and a number of flat cars.
Thia surely has no ear marks of a fake.
Yesterday being the silver wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bunn,
a few of their friends gave them a
genuine surprise last evening by calling
at their home near the garrison, bring
ing with them several useful presents
and a lot of good things to eat. The
evening was passed very pleasantly by
the following friends: Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Krauss, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hoenng,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stadelman, Mr. and
Mrs. Weigel, Sr., D. Lemison, Miss F.
There are at least a few generous
hearted people who realize just what
a newspaper does for a community and
appreciate its efforts, and one of that
number is C. L. Phillips who always re
members the girls in the oflics. This
morning ho walked in, carrying a large
box of splendid eating apples, and
the force have since been feasting there
on. But that was not all, and if it
were not that Mrs. Phillips reads the
Ciihokici. we would add that he also
filled them out with a supply of "Sweet
heart" chewing grim, of two-Hp flavor.
Mr. Phillips Is all right, so the composi
tors ray, and so say we all of us, while
we wish him a happy New Year.
Tuesday's I)hII)
rrlneville is now lit with electric
light, Christmas day marking the event
of their "arrival."
A rehearsal of the band will be held
In the Vogt opera house tonight, com
mencing promptly at 8 :1.". 1
The meeting of the Guild of St. Paul's
church will b held at the home of Mrs.
P. Delluff tomorrow afternoon.
Tbe next year's meeting of the west
ern division of the Oregon Teachers'
Association will be held in Albany.
Show that you're np to date bv writ
ing 19C0 at the top of your letters in
stead of 1899 as you feel inclined to do.
Not wishing to "crowd the mourners"
collection day has been put off ote day
later, and we may expect those un
welcome visitors on Thursday, this
Sam Nutting came over Monday from
Muddy where he is engaged in prospect
ing for gold. Sam says he will enjoy
New Year celebrations at Asbwood.
Antelope Herald.
A handsome lace handkerchief was
lost on Court street, either above or be
low the bluff, last evening. If the
finder will kindly leave It at this office a
reward will be given.
The chemical engine came as a Christ
mas present, and, not to be undone, the
book and ladder truck and parapher
nalia came in and wished us an "all-
fired" happy new year yesterday.
Sunday evening during his sermon
Rev. D. V. Poling was taken ill and
compelled to cut bis address short. We
are pleased, however, to state that he is
belter and able to be on the street.
With the beginning of the New Year
the affairs of tbe state insane asylum at
Salem were trrned over into new hands,
Dr. Paine stepping out and Dr. Cal
breath assuming charge. There are at
present 1170 patients therein. ,
Deputy Sheriff Sexton returned home
last night from Salem, where be went to
take William Walter to the reform
school, he having proved incorrigible.
Mr. Sexton says there are now 114 boys
in tbe school, and about seven from The
Carey Ballard has disposed of bis
stock of goods at the Palzce of Sweets
and closed his doors Saturday night.
We have net learned that there is any
intention of reopening and Carey has
accepted a position with his brother-in-law,
W. A. Johnston.
Tbe annual meeting of the public
library will be held at 8 o'clock Satur
day evening at the library, tbe purpose
being the election of officers for the year.
Anyone who may have been a member
six months prior to the regular meeting
is entitled to vote.
Last night Deputy Dell Howell ar
rived in the city bringing with him
Kobert Geer, who was arrested and
found guilty of assault at Antelope. He-
fusing to pay bis fine of $15, he was
brought to the county jail here, when
he decided to pungle up and today was
released by the sheriff.
A number of our business houses have
very sensibly decided to close at 0 o'clock
during the months of January and
February. Among those who have ad
vised us to that effect are Pease & Mays,
A. M. Williams, Mays & Crowe, and L.
Rorden. We presume most of the stores
will close at the same hour, although
not having publicly announced their
The members of theordir of Work
men and Degree of Honor are prepar
ing for an enjiyablo time tomorrow
evening, when an entertainment and
dance will be given in their hull, and re
freshments also served. All menbers
of the orders and their families and
friends are invited to be present.
Splendid music for dancing has been
engaged, and the beautiful screen work
will be shown.
Tbe Methodist church was crowded
Sunday evening when the choir, assist
ed by Mrs. Jayne and Miss M. Michel),
Messrs. Jayne, Davenport and Smith
and Miss French, with Miss Ruch and
Mrs. Collins as accompanists, gave a
splendid sacred concert. All who at
tended seemed more than pleased, par
ticularly with the bass solo given by
C. M. Smith, whose voice is truly won
derful. Recently a very neat and creditable
piece of work in the shape of a catalogue
of the books in our public library, was
gotten out in the Heppner Gazette office
and presented by Otis Patterson to the
library. It would open the eyes of some
of those "crack" city job offices to see
the taste displayed in its get up. Be
sides containing a complete list of the
books of the library it also has a copy of
the by-laws and constitution governing
the organization.
Superintendent C. L. Gilbert returned
home from Salem Saturday evening and
Profs. Landers and Neff Sunday, having
been in attendance at thn state teachers'
association there. They are enthusias
tic over the meeting and especially the
treatment accorded the visitors. From
the reports glvm In the Statesman and
other papers, Wasco county was well
represented by these leading tducators
of Eastern Oregon, who neverare allowed
to take a back seat, though, modesty
might prompt such a course.
Sunday officers found a 17-year-old
young fellow, who belongs to a respect
able family In The Dalles, in a badly in
toxicated condition, wandering about
w ith his hat and coat off. He was ar
rested and taken before Recorder Gates,
who after exacting a promise of better
behavior and turning over a new leaf
this year, was discharged later. A
workman from the Washington side of
the river forgot too keep the twear he
sworo the night previous and was cele-
brating when he ran across tbe marshal,
who pot a stop to his hilarities by put
ting him to sawing wood.
Mr. A. S. Shrum, of Cherry Creek, is
Jn town and reports the mining excite
ment running high in that section. He
says that be has traced an immense
copper deposite from Cherry creek to
Pine creek, a distance of thirty miles;
that in places it shows fine' specimens
ol peacock copper ore; that the only
assay made so far gives $7.20 in copper
to the ton : that on his land near Cherry
creek the ledge is intersected by a con
tinuation of the Oregon King ledge.
For a fact, these statements indicate
that Crook and Wasco counties may yet
prove to be something more than "cow
counties." Crook County Journal.
Iu the haste and impromptu manner
in which the question of New Year's
receiving was agitated Saturday the
names of a large number of ladies,
who would gladly have received, were"
omitted, causing some to be somewhat
chagrined and to feel that the Ciihomclk
was unwise in giving a list at all.
Newspapers bave troubles of their own
and are compelled to heed the scriptur
al teaching by bearing the burdens of
othars to a certain extent; but in this
instance we certainly feel that in justice
to ourselves it Is no more than right
that we be exonerated from blame.
The list of names was handed in with
tbe Idea of awakening an interest in the
matter, with tbe understanding that
others, whose names were not included,
would also receive.- The Chronicle-
had nothing to say in tbe matter,
simply acceding to tbe request of the
promoters of the idea. We therefore
plead not guilty.
From the increased number of letters
addressed to Santa Claus received at the
dead letter office this year it is evident
that the popular illusion ot childhood
has as strong a bold as ever, or that the
youngsters are becoming accustomed to
the letter writing. Since" December 1st
more than 1000 of these letters have
reached the office, coming from every
state in the union and containing re'
quests for almost everything imaginable.
Two articles, however, dolls and candy,
seem to be in greater demand than anv
others, the little boys usually naming
the Bweets, together with something
el so in connection with the sports. The
patron saint is addressed in various
ways, the destination of some of the
letters being ludicrous. Some are with
out stamps, some with 2-cent stamp,
while not a few this year bore 5-cent
stamps, the senders evidently laboring
under the impression that the supposed
dispenser of toys resided in some foreign
country which was a member of the in
ternational postal union. Where tbe
address of the sender is given the letters
are returned, otherwise they "are de
stroyed. The Qregonian again comes out with
a splendid annual edition, and if our
state is not well advertised it is not the
fault of ttat most aggressive of all Ore
gonians. Wasco county, with the other
counties, comes in for a good share of
prominence, and The Dalles, of course,
is justly heard from. There is one kick,
however, that we feel is justifiable, and
that is regarding the cut of the city con
tained in the pictoral supplement.
Surely the view must have been taken
from the most unsatisfactory point pos
sible, for it gives a very poor idea of the
beauty of our city and gives the im
pression that this is a little 2x4 town,
with a few scattering houses here and
there. The fact is the burned district is
in the foreground and it doesn't even do
justice to that part of tbe city. There
are, however, several other first-class
views taken by our leading artist, who
is hard to beat. We notice several of Mr.
Gilford's famous Columbia river views.
Our postmaster, Riddell, and sheriff,
Kelly, appear to good advantage, the
latter being, especially natural. Tbe
supplement, taken as a whole, is ex
cellent and gives a splendid idea of the
scenery and Industries of our great Ore
gon and portions of our sister state.
A Lara K amber of Gaests Entertained
at the Umatilla Hones Last Might.
Saturday's Pally.
In years gone by the Umatilla Honse
has been the scene of many happy social
occasions and many residents can look
back on evening after evening spent
joyously within its walls. It remained
however, for the closing week of the
year 1899 to witness the most brilliant
of all social functions within its history,
when at the invitation of Mrs. J. S. Fish
and Mrs. R. B. Sinnott, about 130 of
their friends enjoyed their hospitality In
the happiest manner last night.
A more Ideal arrangement of tbe
rooms could not be Imagined. The
dining room had been transformed into
a beautiful garden, in one corner of
which sat the orchestra on a platform
surrounded by evergreen trees, from the
tops of which seemed to float tho sweet
est of music. From the center pillars
and about the walls evergreens were
festooned, and, as if to serve as a fatten
ing, were large bow-knots of red ribbon.
An immense bunch of mistletoe hung
from the ceiling at the center of the
room and large palms were in evidence.
In passing from the dancing hall into
the refreshment room was a veritable
grotto, surrounded by evergreen trees.
Here lemonade was served from a
large bowl of natural ice. A garden
Terrific redactions in this depart
ment making way for spring stock.
All overcoats or mackintosh buyers
who are contemplating the purchase
of such a garment will save money by
looking over our stock.
5l?is is a money saving opportunity.
See UiijdoUs.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
walk of rustic beauty led into the re
freshment room, which was also deco
rated in evergreen and red bunting, and
while the guests regaled themselves
music was constantly enjoyed, being
furnished by a large music box in the
AddiDg much to the artistic surround
ings was the beauty of the ladies, who
were clad in handsome gowns made es
pecially for the occasion, and of unusual
taste. Nor would we forget tho gentle
men, who with scarcely an exception,
made so striking an appearance in full
diess suits.'
Dainty programs had been provided
and as most of the guests had well filled
lists, dancing was kept up continually
by the majority of the participants in
the festivities. '
And thus the event which had so
long been looked forward to, surpassed
the expectations of those who were af
forded such a delightful evening through
the kindness of their hostesses, assisted
by Messers. J. S. Fish, N. J. Sinnott
and R. B. Sinnott as hosts.
How 1000 waa Greeted Culling Revived
in The Dalles.
Dalles people were not overly enthu
siastic about welcoming in tho new year,
although 1900 was greeted with the toot
ing of a few whistles, the explosion of a
bomb or two and the ringing of two
church belle. Time was when every
bell in town was rnng, and tbe old rang
out and the new la with a vengeance;
but now we seem to have little liking in
speeding the old and welcoming the
new. A watch night service was held
at the Methodist church and a midnight
mass at the Catholic, while a large
number cf individuals formed them
selves into parties and watched the old
out and the new in.
Old Sol gave the new year the "glad
hand" yesterday, shining out resplend
ently and setting an example which
caused a large number to imitate his
example and make the oust of the day
by revising tbe almost discarded, but
pleasant, practice of New Year's calling
The idea was not agitated until Satur
day, and all were surprised at the num
ber who responded, while about twenty'
five homes were thrown open to receive
tbem. A much larger number would
bave been prepared had the ladies been
aware that such was the intention.
From 3 until 7 o'clock were the hours
set apart and pleasantly passed in ex
changing greetings and partaking of the
dainties prepared.
Contrary to the usual custom, no
special entertainment had been pre
pared, and the evening passed quietly,
save to the members of the dancing
club, who enjoyed perhaps tte most
pleasant of the season's club parties.
The hall had been prettily decorated in
bunting, and evergreen trees surrounded
the orchestra platform and must have
added an enthusiasm, for never did
music sound more sweet. An unmual
crowd was in attendance, who teemed
to greatly enjoy the dancing.
Went Into Effort YvatrrilayTtis Essen
tial I'rovlalnn.
The law passed at the last session cf
the legislature, providing for the regis
tration of voters, went into effect yester
day. The Chronicle office has just got
ten out a pamphlet containing the com
plete registration law which will be sent
to each precinct. More definite infor
mation will be given through the col
umns of this paper at various times
latef. The essential provision, however,
is as follows :
"It shall be the duty of every elector
in the state of Oregon, between the first
Monday in January, 1900, and 5 o'clock
p. m. of the 15th day ot May, 1900, and
between the same dates and hours bien
nially thereafter, to regieter with tome
notary public or justice of the peace or
with the county cierk of the county in
which the elector resides, in accordance
with this act..
"Every elector may be registered by
personally appearing at the clerk's office,
but if any elector is qnable for any rea
son to conveniently register as aforesaid,
he may register, without charge, before
a notary public, or a justice of the peace
iu the county in which he resides by
using a specially prepared blank and
filling out the blank in mi eh a way as to
afford ail the information which he
ought otherwise give to the clerk, and
in addition thereto eigning tbe same
three times in the presence of two wit
nesses, freeholders of the county, who
shall sign their names upon the same
blank, and by the electors and witnesses
making oath thereto, which shall be
forwith filed by the notary or justice of
the peace with the county clerk of the
county in which the elector resides.
The county clerk shall supply such reg
istration officers, upen request, with a
sufficient number of said blanks."
The notaries or justices of the peace
must keep the names of electors regis
tered by tbem alphabetically, and shall
not charge the elector anything. These
officers are entitled to a fee of 10 cents
from the county for each elector regis
tered by them.
Cloning of Hawthorn District School.
Miss Hattie Stirnweis closed a very
successful term of school In the Haw
thorne district, Friday, Deo. 29th. Tbe
closing exercises were very well ren
dered, and the teacher and pupils joined
in making it an occasion to he long re
membered by every oue present and the
manner in which each pupil performed
their parts showed that their teacher
had taken a great deal of care in the
training of the pupils, and the spirit of
good will that showed lorth in each
pupil's face, was an expression of appre
ciation for the efforts put forth in their
The program was very appropriate for
the occasion, and also reminded one of
the fact that Christmas, with its many
good things, was still fresh in the minds
of the people, and that New Year was
not very far away.
At the conclusion of the program
candv, nuts, popcorn and apples were
brought into tbe schoolroom aud all
joined in a merry time, visitors and
pupils all thanking Miss Stirnweis for
the efforts she had put forth for the ad
vancement of the pupils.
And thus came to a close one of the
most successful terms of school ever
taught in Hawthorne district, and all
left the schoolroom wishing eajh other
a Happy New Year., Pat.
"I was nearly dead with dyspepsia,
trieil doctors, visited mineral springs,
and grew worse. I used Kodol Dyspep
sia Cute, That cured nie." It digests
what you eat. Cures Indigestion, suiir
stomach, heartburn, and all foims cf
Clarke A Falk's tUvoring extracts are
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
Just what you have been looking for
LafliSS' DM SKiilS B.10W COS..
One line of black sateen skirts,
with 10-inch flounce, three rows of
braid and all full lined, $1.50,
Now 85 cents.
One lino of black sateen skirts
with 10-in flounce and surmounted by
a 4-inch corde.l ruflio and full lined,
Now $1.00
One line of black sateen skirts,
13J inch flounce and surmounted by
two 4-inch nifties and four rows of
cording on each ruffle, $3.50,
Now $2.00.
One line of figured sateen skirts
in colors and full lined. These skirts
have 9-inch flounce with three rows of
cording, $3.50,
Now $2.00.
Besides these lines mentioned, we carry a full
line of untitled skirts in black and colors, sateen and
silk, which we are offering at special prices daring
the present month.
The Modern Mother
Has found that tier little ones are im
proved more by tbe pleasant Syrup of
Figs, when in need of the laxative effect
of a gentle remedy, than by any other.
Children enjoy it and it benefits them.
The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man
ufactured by the Fig Syrup
Co. only.
A rightful blunder
Will often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, tbe best in the world, will kill
tbe pain and promptly heal it. Cures
old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns,
felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile
cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley A
Houghton, druggists. 1
Dyspepsia can be cured by using;
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refflnded. Sold iu handsome tin
boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley & Houghton
DeWitt's Little Early Risers purify
the blood, clean the liver, invigorate the
system. Famous little pills for consti
pation and liver troubles.
Fast Suit Lake, Denver, Ft. Fast
MhU Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail
ll:43p. in. sua City, tit. Louis, i:,Up m
Chicago aud East.
Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane
Flyer Minneapolis St. Paul, Flyer.
7 05p.m. on lutb, Milwaukee, 4:20a. m
Chicago and East.
i ;
8 p. m. 4 p. m.
From Portland.
Orean Steamships.
For San Francisco
December 3, H, 13, 18, 23
and JS.
8 p. m. ! 4 p. m.
El. Sunday Columbia Rv. Steamers. Ex.Sundaj
To Astoria and Way; v
Saturday Landings. V
10 p. m.
m. Willamkttk Rivrr. 4:30p m.
El. Sunday Oregon tty, Newbenr, El. Sunday
balem fc Way Laud 'a. (
. .
a.m. I WlLLAMtTTI AND YAM'I 8:30 P. m.
Tues.Thur. hill River. ;.Mon.,w4
and tut. Oreron city. Day ton, I and Fri.
aud Way-I.audlngs. j
6a.m. Willamette River. I 4-W p.m.
Tue.,Tlmr,. Portland to Corvallis,' Mon. Wrl
aud sac. j aud W ay-Landings, and Friday
Snake Rivkr. Ijiti
Lt Rlparla RIparia to J.cwlaton. Lawix-nut
dai.y jlaily
li'JJa. m. 8:;)s. m.
. I
Parlies deslnria; to ro to Heppner should
iHkt-.o. 4, leaving 1 lie naiiri at i:ci p. m
making direct connection at Heppner Junction
HeMirnlng liiHiiugdtrcctconiiection at H-ppner
junction lth Mo, 1, arriving at Tbe Dalles st
J.fw . in.
No. ', thrnncht freight. eat bound, does not
enrrv pNMt?tii;cr; arrivea 'i.M a. m., departs
a .Hla. m.
No Jl, local freight, carries passengers, east
bound; arrives 4 ,jo p. in., di-mua Ij p. in.
No. .'I, we.t bound through fr ight, doe not
curry paxst tigers; arrive s.lj p in., departs
9: p. m.
No. it, west bound local freight, carrlea paa
acnKcra; arrlvca 5:K p. m., departa S.iO a. ru.
For full particulars call on O. R. N. I'a'l
agent The Dalles, or addresa
W. II. tll'Rt.RrRT,
('en Paa. Agt Portland, Cr