THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 3, lflOO. The Weekly Ghroniele. AdTvrtlkinc Kale. Ptr imc or lesstti Daily......... ...... J O er two inch. and under four luches 1 Orerfour Inches and under twelve inches. . . 6 ,-er twelve luchea DAILT IHn WEEKLY. Jtie Inch or less, per tKh Over one inch and under (our inches. . . . Over lour im Inn and under twelve inches Oyer twelve inches V M 2 00 1 60 1 00 THE CIGARETTE HABIT. The Chronicle has often ex pressed its views regnrding tlie result of the filthy cigarette habit and therefore we copy the following from the Telegram, which is in keeping with our former comments : A lenewal of the discussion of the effects of cigarette smoking is oc casionally observed. Not long ago a committee of London medical men, selected by a medical journal, and presumably prejudiced neither way, investigated the cigarette and found no harm ir. it. The cemmittee say they found no deleterious substances tn cigarettes. Other phpsicians have from time to time given similar testi mony. But, on the other hand, wf read . almost every week of disease, trental or physical, and crime caused by the excessive life of cigarettes. In some of these cases the cigarette may be wrongfully accused of being tbe cause, yet often it is known, locally to be so, and nobody denies the fact The worst effect of excessive cigar ette 6moking by boys and weak minded youth is that it often leads to the use of morphine, cocaine and other such drugs, which invariably means cwift and utter ruin. There may be varieties in cigar ettes as in other things; some, used in moderation, may be uninjurious but in spite of the testimony of the medical men II may be set down ns o certain fact that some, if not most. of the brands ordinarily bought by cigarette fiends are a poisonous evil, pure and simple. It may be charged against them, without fear of sue cessful contradiction, that tbey dull the eye ond brain, retard physical growth, injure the heart and deaden the moral sensibilities. Besides this tbey are nastily offensive to almost every one who does not use them. A good deal depends on the per eon. A full grown, full-blooded, active man might not be seriously or even apparently injured by a habit that would make a boy of 12 to 15 years a mental, physical and moral wreck; end any boy of this age who continuously and excessively uses cigarettes is pietty sure to become such a wreck. This discussion, however, is not so timely nor important as it was some yeais ago. The cigarette habit is not so bad among boys and youth as it wis then. The crusade against it by good women and girls has done much to check the vice among Coth boys and men, and the fact that a cigar ette smoker can scarcely find em ployment in a refutable business house or office has pretty well cured joung men of tbe habit. CORXilN HISTORY. The interest which the United States Is taking in making an intcrest ing corn exhibit in tbe Paris exposi . tion of 1900 is chiefly economic, of course. Corn is tbe most valuab'.e of all the products of the United States. It represents more money than any other one article produced in this country. Moreover, its lead is lengthening instead of shortening. Corn crops which pass the 2,000,000, 000 bushel maik have grown com mon in recent years. They will undoubtedly occur still oftener in the near future. It is to the interest of the country to popularize this article of food in the rest of the world to the greatest possible extent. l!ut corn at one time may be said to have figured In the political history of the United States Just as prominently as it does in the coun try's economic development. The earlier white men on this continent record t'icir surprise at the extent to which the Indians used this cereal as an article of food, The length of time which the red men could con duct campaigns through the forests on a small supply of dried corn, wTinA they would sometimes pound into a nicnl with stones and eat raw, and at other times bake Into a sort of bread, or roast it on the ear, was a revelation to the Spaniard, trench and Knglisb visitors to the preseut territory of the United States two or three centuries ago. The new comers, however, quickly adopted the usages of the aborigines in this particular, and corn was thus made to figure with a good deal of con spicuousness in American history. One of the reasons why the French of Canada could never hope to maintain themselves in the contest for supremacy with the English and the residents of tbe thirteen colonics was that corn could be grown north of the lakes and the St. Lawrence in limited quantities only. This valu able American product, which the Indians with their stone implements could plant between the tumps of their rude clearings or on the prairies, could be utilized to an im portant extent by those Indians only who resided in what is now the United States. The more northern tribes could grow it only in trifling quantities, and their French allies were thus deprived of a valuable aid in tbe maintenance of their power. Corn was one of the factors which gave the victory to tbe English and the Americans in the war which ex polled the French from North America in 175.VC3. It thus re served the better part of Iho conti nent to the younger and more pro gressive branch of the Anglo-Saxon race, who appropriated it a dozen years after the French were driven out. Here is an additional reason why Americans should take an in interest in the expansion of the market for corn, and happily they are introducing it to a larger and greater poition of the, world. The exports in 1899, 18G,000,000 bushels, have been four times as great as they were five years ago. Globe-Dengo-crat. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat thinks "Goebel's contest before the legislature will end just as it did before tbe state election board, that the candidate who had the most voies has been inaugurated, nnd the legis lature will not disturb this arrange ment." It adds: "Notwilhstanding that Democratic majority m the legislature, Goebel is politically dead. All Kentucky Democrats are not dis honest. Fortunately for themselves and the state, a very large proportion of them have some regard far the will of the people." The official spelling of tl)3 United States' new possessions in the Gulf of Mexico is declared to be Puerto Rico. This is how the name will be spelled on government documents. It is a concession to the feelings of the islanders which is well enough to gratify. Nevertheless, the ultimate spelling will be Porto P.ico. When the inhabitants of that island becdme Americanized they will simplify the orthography of tLeir locality. For the time being, however, Puerto Rico goes." When H was reported that General Mcthuen had compelled the retreat of the Boers from Modder river it was announced that he would turn east and march directly on IJIocm fontein, the capital of the Orange Free Stale. When ho moved for ward be found a force of 12,000 Boers disputing his march cast as well as north. After a second battle ho was content to assume the de fensive and fortify his position. England's national debt will prob ably be increased 100,000,000 by the war with the Boers. The debt at present is nearly $3,000,000,000. In the year 1815 it was $4,500,000,000. Since 1S83 the reduction lias been 8010,000,000. If tbe British win the gold mines will furnish an in demnity. Expression of (iratltude. I cinnot refrain from thua expreising my sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends who so kindly did everything in meir power 10 assist uurin? the long Illness and death of my sister, Mrs. Alexander, and also at the time of the death of my niece, Miss Dors Alexander. Especially would I thank Mrs. Gunninir. I Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Shackelford O. L. Dabrett. Experience Is the beat Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of congh, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money .funded. M I'll, snil Sll ala TloLl.. 1. II ! Drugjjiste. vv. -...cj i.UUK,ii.,n FOOLING THE SHARKS. j Fmvdlmm wi of that Oceaa Dumpling Tbat Mad Them ' Throw Fit. ThU being; the neuson of fii-h yarns John Kill-Lie, who. gayt the Chicago Tiineb-llernltl, lias for yeara conduct 1 most of the shorthand work nt nationn! conventions, sprung this story at the Press club. It took the biscuit, so to sjauk: "About tlie funniest tliinjr I saw," he paid, "wns while on u vessel down off llatterus inlet or some point near there. One day we ran into about forty thou sand million sharks. There was n lot of them, and I wondered if they were nil there for me. I do think sharks give everybody a sort of creepy feeling. We had some fun with them. There was n pussenger on board who hud had some experience with the beasts before, lie went to the cook and got him to make a lot of dumplings, lie came on deck with three or four dozen of them and be gan tossing them to the sharks. They snapped them down eagerly. Now you must bear in mind that these dough bulls in coming from the cook had time to cool on the outside, so that ns they slipped down the shark's throat be did not notice anything out of the w ay. l!ut the inside of the ball was like n fiery furnace, nnd in a minute after it had been swallowed the heat began to net. I don't believe there is anything hotter than Lot dough, and if not exposed to tlie air it keeps hot. Well, you should Lave seen those sharks jump and plunge nnd throw themselves. I ncveaw any thing like it in my life, and, while I am always opposed to cruelty, it doesn't seem as if there was any Lnrni in doing anything to h shark." WEDDING WITH HYMNS. Tlie I'nlqne Ceremony Hecently Per formed In a Nebraska Mis alon Church, The western frontier often contrib utes unique and interesting incidents that never are exploited in the public prints, and (lie following is cue that occurred recently at a little mission church in Hyannis, Neb. A couple wanted to get married, and it was nec essary to send 30 miles for n minister, and people came from miles around to see knot tied. The little mud and wood structure in which Sunday meet ings were held once in two or three weeks was filled before tlie hour for the ceremony, and the minister was there promptly on time. Jlut the couple w ere laggard. .Minutes grew into quar ter hours nnd even to an hour, but the limn nnd woman appeared not. The minister read the Scriptures, said a prayer and two hymns were sung, and still ro l.i idal couple. Then it was pro posed to have short addresses to fill up the interval. Then the minister gave out :i hymn, and just as the people had sung: "Oh, happy day, that fixed my choice, Well may this (flowing heart rejoice." the couple entered thechurch. Theeer cmcny was promptly performed, con gratulations were exchanged and the new couple started fi.r 1hi ir ranch. As they went from the doorway 1hs min ister said: "Let us close by sinking the third verse," which runs like this: " 'Tla done, the great transaction's done. He drew me, nnd I fallowed on." MAKING OF A DRAMATIC STAR The Actor Moat lie Carefully liloitcd So aa lo Catch Pub lic Attention. 10 . The rewards of success on the stage are liberal, insists Franklin 1'yles, the dramatist and dramatic critic, wiiting of '-The Theater and lis I'cople" in the Ladies' Home Journal. They nre wen only by providing real enti rluinment of sonic sort. The favorite grows slowly into favor, as a rule, but there are ex ceptions. A strong play with n fitting role may carry an uelor into celebrity at once. Managers ere eve rcn thcaJert to find some on of whom n star may be made. When one is chose n for that pur pose a contract is rimele with him for a term or years, usually five. The actor receives Ihe salary he had been accus tomed to, nnd also a share of the profits, increasing from as little as ten per cent, the first year to ns much n so the last. The manager chooses the plays, forms the supporting company and conducts the business ns he pleases. If the manager is putting forward a star who will appeal to the better grade of audiences, his methods of exploitation will be dignified, yet he will neglect nothing to arouse seemly interest that i, he will seek space in the newspapers by Laving the actors address literary bodies, discuss questions of ds-nmni... art with reporters and do othVr things to catch intellectual ntt. ntinn it,., ei, endnimed at cannot be gained unless the star gives tLe money's worth of enter tainment to his audiences. Dark Light. In Science Francnise M. Le Tln Low, by the aid of n i.etroleum lmn it is possible to render objects visible' even though concealed by opaeiue cov eringsin fact, to realize the marvels of the X-rays by a simple apparatus. A lamp gives off two sorfs of Ilo-l. One is clear and luminous. The other is non-luminous nnd invisible, which J1,6 tnis dnl nht' n",, wh,. like "" , iB ' J1 , . i ...v.. .jwiuniy lu .,1. Te uon mere ore rcn v no nnnmi bodies; all substances are transparent; but our being blind to the lumiere noii-iv or dork light, we fuil to recognize this translueeiiry. ,'ie describes an exneri nwm-11 a newspaper is rend by means of litrht which Las passed through sheet iron. The Fnrth'a Inhabitant. The entire population of tlie globe is ?fm ' 4,020 every lionr, 107 every minute and one anel a fraction every teeoiitl. ItACE TJtACK TOUTS. Smooth Swlndleri Who Fleece the Uninitiated. Aa lastaaee of th Barees Their CoaHdeaee Caa A Wall Street Mam Takra la. Btructingthe exhausted digestive or- One of the always interesting fea- jana. It is the latest discovered digest tare, of an American race track is the ant and tonic. No other preparation tares or an mer' evneri- can approach it In efficiency. It In- tout. He is interesting to the exper BtantfJ'relleTeiandperlIiailentlyeurea enced race-goer, who is amused and i Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, astonished at the peculiar ability the pfatulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea, tout has for sepnrntmga sucner irum Lis money; he is interesting lo me un initiated, who plays tLe art of the "sucker," and who never realizes un til the next day or so that Le has been "skinned." The tout has developed rap idly since book-betting first became popular. In the olden time, the tout was usually a negro stable hand, who was sincere in trying to sell what h't regarded as grxel information for a couple of dollars or so. Then, when the real information was lacking, fake tips were offered, the little darkies relying on their general appearance to bear out their claims of stable connections. The little darky was soon succeeded by the white boy, and as the white boy grew into a man, he continued his oc cupation, continually changing his methods as the public became better informed as tothe doings of this fixture of the race track. Now the old ragged tout is a thing of the past. The touts of the day, or "Lustlers," ns they esll themselves, nre very careful of their appearance, and the better they can dress the more successfully they can operate. Many, too, do their work w ith out ever going near the race track. The Xew York Telegfraph tells the following story of Low a pair of topnok-hers te- cureel a good-sized bank roll from a Xew York broker who was anxious to make a lot of money in a hurry: Only lately two touts arrived in New York with $l,d')0, good credentials from far western business people, and were supposed to have a stable nt Shecpshead. They became acquainted in some manner with a Wall ctreet man. lie was informed gradually that by being discreet he could 'j:ne out' with the two, and when they were ready to 'cut a watermelon' Le should be informed. "Finally one day one of the schem ers arrived at tlie broker's office in a hurry. He held a telegram asking him to 'come on at once' from his partner at Cincinnati: The money was to be bet in the western pool rooms to get the best price possible. He woulel take four hundred from tLe broker to show him how it was done. "The Wall street man begged to be allowed to bet a thousand, but the tout refused. "Next day Le returned. The broker was excited aa the tout pulled out a roll of Venturies." " 'Here's nine hundred.' he said. 'Our horse was second. W'c bet on him both ways, nnd you nre five hundred win ner on it, while we are about even. We saved our money and that's all. Mr. Howard wired this from Cir.e-innnti.' "The New- Yorker could hardly con tain himself. lie asked the tout to 'take half,' and his offer- was indig nantly refused. 'I like yon. that's all, and want to sec you win,' said the gen erous tout. The broker was not satis fied, for Le wanted to bet more, a great deal of money, nnd 'win n pot.' Tlie tout would call to-morrow and tell hfin their plans. The broker had all night to figure on the delights of winning money on the races. Two days later both touts called. They end the broke r went in his private eifiice, where thev told him the next dnv their horse was out to win, but he Lad better let their man bet whatever he wifhed. " 'We will give yon a chance, but yon will have to bet about five thousand, for we shall bet ten thousand nnd the price will get down to even with all that going on, nnd we shall be hurling ourselves ny netting yours, which will help to cut the price.' "The broker ngrced to bet the money, and more, one! wanted to let two friends 'in.' "That night the friends gave the broker $2,000 each as a result of Lis entLusiasm. Next morning he drew Lis clieck for $5,000 nnd went with the two men to his bank, where he cashed it and the checks of his two freinds. The money was given to them and t!i broker was to rail at the Savoy hotel, where they were stopping, that night at ten oVlock, with his two freinds, to receive his money ond be o guest at n little wine dinner. An Lour later two gentlemen hurriedly paid their bill at the Savoy, and an early train carried them to Montreal, whence n steamer bore them to Europe to enjoy the fmi8 of their intelligence nnd industry. The broker gave his friends their money back, and he never 'hollered.' nnd timh. ably never will. He cannot nfford to. The two gentlemen wbo 'turne-d the trick' are known on race tracks from 'Frisco to lirighton Ilench as 'Miiln Solly' nnd 'I'retty Willie.' A business man who juggles with fortunes in l,i own line will go to the track nnd allow himself to be dupe d by a pair of 'touts' who tell him a Mery which, if he would stop to think about, would never ele ceive him. At the track, however, Le is in a different world, and ns a rule the smarter he is in business the easier he is to Influence." St. Louis Olobe-lJem- ocrat. It takea Lot minute to overcome tickling in the throat and to Hon a cough by the use of One Minute C jtih Cure. Tim remedy quickly cures all form of throat and lun? trouble-, llarrile.-g nnd pleasant to Uko. It pre vents consumption. A famous specific for Rrippe and its after effects. Ash your grocer for Clarke Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. nun Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and alda Hature In strengthening and recon- sicEiieadacne,uasiraigia,t;ramps,ana another resultsof Imperfect digestion. - Prepared by E. c. uewif. (o-. ctjicaga. We will make especially low prices on Heating Stoves from this on to make room for our new stock of Cook Stoves, Steel llanges and Bicycles for 1000. Our prices, will be the lowest we ever made. (PER & BEIiTOjI. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to strive at Portlat OVERLAND EX-l iress, Snlcm, Rose- 1 iurg, Ashland, bno- I 7:00 F. M j I Hindi bo, vguni iii i 1 Kranciseo, Mojave, ( :13 A. M lios Aiigeies,r.i raso, I New Orleans and I Hast a:30 A. M. lltoseburg and way tU- uons.. . f Via Woodbury for i I Mt.Angel, Bilvorton, West Heio, Hrowns- ville.riprlmn'.'ld and Natron J 4:30 P. M Dally except Huuiluys. Dally except rJuudays 17:30 A. M . (Corvallia istHtlons.. and way j 5:50 P.M. INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER.' Express train Daily (except Munduy). l;.V)p.m. rLv Portland ...Ar.j R:25a.m 7:30 p. m. Ai..McMiiinvllle..l.v.J 6;A0s, m 8:30 p. m. tAr..lndtpendeuce..I.v.) 4:n0a. m 'Daily. flMiiy, except buntniy. DININ'i CARS ON OtiDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET BLFEPER8 AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at f an Francisco with Occi dental and Oriental and Pacific mall steamship Hue's for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing date on a) plication. Rate and tickets to Eastern points and Eu rojpe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU ne AUSTRALIA. All above trains arrive at 'and depart trotr Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jtderson street. I-eave for Sheridan, week days, it 4:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, :30 a. m. Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:35 a. m. Arrlvo at Portland, Tues day, Thursday and Saturday tt 8:06 p. m. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. R. Ke..EL.L,ER, (I, H. MARKHAM, lanaaer. Asst. G. F. 4k Pas. Act Through Ticket Ofrlcc, 1H4 Third street, whors through tickets to all points In the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent, or N. WHEALDON. C. S. Smith, THE i!p-to-date(Jroeer Fre.-sh Eggs and Creame'y Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. li PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTURERS Of Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIF.D BEEF, ETC. Heating Sinves Sheriff's Sale.. s the cmrriT court or the state or 1 Ort-gun, tor W ni ( ouuty. J. t Mclnernr, admlnUtrator of rhe eatate of Fliillip UroKan, ducvaasxl, fliuutifl, ra. N. W. Wallace and 8. Y. Wallace, Defendants Hj- virtue of an execution, decree and order of aalu. duly IwbueU out ot and under the aeal of the eirctiit cuurt oi the alate oi Oregon, for the county of VYaaco, to me directed and dated the 2th day o( November, lS'.ni, upoa.a decreo for the forerloaure of a certain mortgage, la favor of plaintiff and againat aaid defenditnta, and judg ment rendered and eutared In aaid court In the alxireeiitiiltd cause, in favor t plaintiff and against tbe defendant N. W. Wallace, aa judg ment debtor, in the aum of one thousand and thirty two and 2M0O dullara (lU,i2.i.') with in teret thereon from the Sih day of September, lsa, at the rate of ten If per cent per annum, and the lurthcr mm of one hundred dollars ltlH;aattorue;ff.andirie further aumnt thirty and -0-1k dollars t 20 and the eM of and ui ou thia writ, and commanding me to make sale of tho real proierty embraced iu such decree of foreclosure and hereinafter described: aaid de cree and judgment having been rendered and entered on the 2tto day of October, lKN, I will ou the third eiay of Januarj , 1110, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said day and at the front d'r of the county court house, in Dalle City, Waaco county, Oregon, sell at puolio auction to the highest bidder for cash lu hand all the right, title and interest which tbedefenoanta.N. W. Wallace and 8. P. Wallace, or either of them, had on the 2olh da; of Hep tember M'Ji, the date of the mortgage foreclosed herein, or which said defendants or any of the defendants heiein, have since acquired or now have in and to the following described real prop--erty, situated and being in Wasco county, Ore gon, to-wit: Thesouthe st quarter of tbe south west quarter, the south ha ( of the southeast quarter, and the northeast quarter of the south east quarter of seel ion twenty-eight, In township seveo south, of range seventeen east, Willamette Meridian, containing ItiO acres, or so much of said property as will satisfy snid Judgment and decree, with costs and accruing costs. Said property will be sold subject to confirma tion and redemption aa by law provided. Dated at Dalles city, Wasco county, Oregon, this 29th day of November, 1MW. "ROBERTKELLV, decMl Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. IX THE COrNTY COURT OF THE STATE 1 of Oregon, for sco county. In the matter of the guardianship of George kiiiut. Frank Jorduu, Katie Jordan and Mary Jordan, minors. Now on this ih day of December, 1899, came William JordiiD, the duly appointed, iual!tied and acting guardian of too above named minors, and presented his petition praying lor an order authorizing and directing him to sell the interest of said minors In certain real property herein after described, and it appearing to the court from said petitiem that it is necessary and bene-' ficinl to said wards that their Interest it) the south half of the southeast qnurter of section 1m, township 2 neirth, range 13 east, W. it., be sold ; thereore it Is ordered that '1 lierewa Kllmt, the mother and next of kin of iieorge Kliint and Frank Klinit and said William Jordan, father and next of kin ol Annie, Katie and Mary Jordan, and all persons interested in said estate, apiicur before this court at the court room there of in Dulles City, Oregon, on the 6th day of . January, l'.IH), at the hour of two o'clock p. in., then and there to show cause why a license should not be gianted for the sale of such estate. and that this order be published at least three successive weeks in The Dulles Chronicle, a wee-xly newspaper printed ill said comity. imiea nils vin a ay ot ueeeiuner, 1 s'.f.i. KOHEItT MAYS. decl3 l County Judge. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tin Dalles, Or., I October 7, lK'.W. ( Notice Is hereby given that the following tinned settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Kenlster nnd Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, i-iuvi-iiioe. iry,,, viz; . Isaac V. Itowland, of The Dalles, Or.l Womcsteiid Entiv No. W190, for the NEt(, SHU NKH and NWJ BE Sec. IS, Tp. I north, range 14 K., W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: j. it. n yre, J. w. Jerrv, Krcd Sargent and J. W. Johnston: all of The Dalle-s. eiie-eon. Oct ll-il JAY 1'. LL'CAS, Heglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalleh, Oreoom Nov. -21), IN'.W. j Notice Is hereby- given that the following named settler has tiled notice eif his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that sild proof will be made before the reiristi-r and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, 7L'uemoer zy, ifttrj, viz: Milton s). Fox, of The Dalles. Or. H. E. No. 6717, for the V. 8WU and 8W'i SE'f Hoc. a, and Nfc4 See. HJ.'Ip. 1 N., K. li E, He names (he follower wllnrsses to Drove his couiinuous uuou and cultivation of t.alr! land, viz: Peter Fagun, Charles Matnev, Issnc Matncy and William Woodman, all of the Dal!e, Ore. Novi!-l JAY P. LUCAS. Register. Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the county court of the state of Oregon for Wasco county, lu probate, has duly Issued letters testamentary to the uiidr-rsigtied as the executor named In the lust will and testament of Caleb Brooks, de ceased, and to administer upon the estate eif the said deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required tn present the same to me at the law oltiee of Condon A t on don. In Dalle's City, Oregon, with proper vouch ers, within six mouths from Ihls date. December ii, IfWK. ROLANDO O. BROOK 3, Executor of the estate of Caleb Brooks, de ceased. Dec!-11 C. F. Stephens .Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Notions. Agt. for W. L. Douglas Shoe. Snas't?;M- me Dalles, Or, Ms. owvw w. pHGAfl, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wash ton Street t, The Dalles. J)K- KiKNinitrriCK Physician and Siirireon, Special attention given lo surgery. Rooms 21 aud 22, Tel. 32 Vngt Hint k JJ A. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Office orer French t'o.'s Bank Phone 6, THE DALLES, OK EtiOM V J Y ! t i V T St V