The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 03, 1900, PART 1, Image 1

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    f i
NO. 15
i i
Bite Ami Has EeacM a Stragi
Of 28,003.
English Military Expert Asserts That
The Time Has Come for Change io
the Cabinet Wants Either Dic
tatorship or an All Powerful Mili
tary Minister.
Pietebmaritzbcro, Dec. 27. A dis-
patch from Ladysinith, dated December
22, says:
"The Boers have mounted another
howitzer on Surprise hill, replacing the
gun captured in a sortie of the rifle
brigade. Meanwhile, they wa'ch us
nightly with a searchlight, and bombard
the place daily, but show no signs of
assaulting the town. They probably
think they can starve us ont, but we
have plenty of provisions. The total
casualties since the siege began are
seventy men killed and 276 wounded."
Capk Town, Dec. 28. A dispatch from
Craddock reports heavy firing in the
direction of Rtormber. It is supposed
this is connected with Gatacre's attempt
to reopen communication with tbe Indwe
London, Dec. 29. Mr. Henry Spencer
Wilkinson, the Morning Post's military
expert, in his review ot tbe situation,
"The time has apparently arrived for
tbe nation to insist, if not upon a mill
tary dictatorship, at least upon the ad
mission into the cabinet of a military
minister, empowered to veto any pro
posals detrimental to the successful
prosecution of tbe war, and aleo that the
administration of the army Bhould b3
placed wholly in the hands of a tried
military administrator.".
Pbktoria, Dec. 25. General Schalk
berger reports, under date of December
23,that trains are now running to Coleneo
indicating that tbe Boers have built a
connection around Ladysinith. General
Cronja reports from Modder river, Dec
ember 24, that the Boers have captured
two British forts at Kuruman, December
11. It is rumored that Mcthnen's big
naval gun has exploded.
The Transvaal government has pro
mulgated a nuw go'd tax law, by which
individuals and companies working their
own mines are taxed 30 per cent of the
output, while mines worked by the gov
ernment will pay 50 percent. Suspended
mins will pays30 per cent on their prob
able output, calculated on throe month's
working. Reducing works will pay 30
per cent of their net profits. The law is
retroactive to October 10.
Boor Will Retaliate.
LoNDOS, Dec. 29 A correspondent of
the Standard at Lirenzo Marquee says:
Delagoa bay Ij the residence of Herr
Pott, a Hollander, who is consul-general
for the Transvaal and consul for the
Netherlands. . Pott is the principal
medium between Pretoria and Dr. Leyds
in Europe. He is also head of the Dutch
East Africa Company, and has the ear
of the Portuguese governor as well as the
chief of each department.
It is openly asserted that Pott has a
private wire to the frontier, and knows
twentv-fonr hours before others what is
happening. About him gather all the
other consuls, the Portuguese officials
ami tint Rarmin forwarding agents. If
Delagoa bay is closed the Boers will re
taliate by raiding Portuguese territory.
Teamster Was Walking ia a Flume
and Log Overtook Him.
Stkvbssoh, Wash., Dec. 28, Dellbert
Winchell, an employe of Phillips A
Lane's logging camp, was struck by a
log yesterday, and received injuries from
which he died twelve hours later. He
was walking down the chute behind
team of horses, and a stray log that bad
rolled Into the chute quarter of a mile
above came down like a streak
lightning, striking him on tbe wires of
his legs and throwing bim backward
bis head striking the !g, earning con
cueeion of tbe brain. His brother, who
Iires at Carson, four miles east of herd
was notified, and came down, accompa
uied by Minnie James, a young lady to
whom the deceased was betrothed. They
took charge of the remain,, which will
be bnrled tomorrow 1n tbe Stevenson
Mr. Winuhel! was twenty-five years of
age, and has parents living .at Pe 11
Wash., who have been notified of tbe
accident'. About a year ago a similar
accident occurred near the same place
when Ed Wilkinson was caught by a log
and inetantly killed.
TwoDty.Bn Yean' Constant I'sa With
out it Failure.
The first indication of croup is hoarse
nese,. and in a child subject to tha
disease it may betaken as a sure sign of
tbe approach cf an attack. Following
this hoarseness is a peculiar rough
cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is given as soon as the child becomes
hoarse, or even after the croupy cough
appears, it will prevent the attack. It
is used in many thousands of homes in
this broad land and never disappoints
the anxious mothers. We have yet to
learn of a single instance in which it
has not proved effectual. No other
preparation can show such a record
twenty-five years' constant use with
ont a failure. For sale by Blakeley &
Daniel 8). Ford' Will.
Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 28. The will
of the late Daniel Sharp Ford, publisher
of the Youth's companion, filed for pro
bate fn the Middlesex probate court to
day, disposes of an estate of about $2,
500,000. This will gives $77,000 direct
to public, charitable and religious insti
tutions, mostly in Massachusetts, and
provides annuities for others. This will
also bequeathes 3i0,000 to the Baptist
Social Union, subject to conditions
Among them is that it shall become a
corporation within two years after the
testators death. Of the residue, one'
sixth goes to tbe American Baptist
Home Mission and one-ninth each to
several other charities.
Iladeu Powell' Proclamation.
Losdox, Dec. 29. The text of Colonel
Baden-Powell's ' proclamation to the
burghers besieging Mafeking, the gist of
which has already bet n cabled, comes
from Lorenzo Marquez today. After as
sorting that the republics cannot hope
for foreign intervention and preventing
to relate the exact attitude of all Euro
pean powers, including Emporer Wil
liam, who, the colonel said, "fully
sympathized with England," Baden
Powell makes the extraordinary state
ment that the American government
has warned others of her intention to
side with England should any of them
Many Rebels' Wounded and Captured
ia Supposed Impregnable Position
Northwest of Sao Mateo.
Washington, Dec. 29. General Otis
cables the war department today as fol
"Manila, Dec. 29. Colonel Lockett,
with a regiment of two battalions of the
Forty-sixth, (Colonel Schuyler), one
battalion of the Forty-fifth (Colonel
Dorst), and one company ot the Forty-
seventh infantry, and two guns (Captain
Vandensen), attacked the enemy, 600
strong in a mountain stronghold beyond
Mont Alban, northeint of San Mateo.
A large number were killed and wound
ed, and 24 were taken prisoners. Lock
ett captured one cannon, 40 rifles, 20,000
rounds of ammunition, 500 pounds of
powder, arsenal fortifications, all their
food supplies and considerable other
"This captured point, located on a
mountain trail, was formerly supposed
to be impregnable. Our casualities :
Lieutenant Enlow, Eleventh cavalry,
and fire enlisted men wounded, mostly
slight. Private Matson, Forty-filth in
fantry drowned."
All nersons wishing to take'chlldren,
either boys or girls, for legal adoption or
on Indenture, should write to W. T.
Gardner, superintendent of tbe Boyt
and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at
..... ...
I'ortland, who can procure lor mem ue-
sirablo children of all ages. All applica
tions must be filed in advancs, tf
Tiit fcass Gets a FiitSSi in Tie
Tbe Epidemic is Confined to the Chicago
Quarter Measures Taken to Stamp
It Out.
Sax Francisco, Dec. 23. The trans
port Centennial, which has reached here
from Honolulu, confirms the report that
bubonic plague exists In that city. There
bad. been no new cases of tbe disease,
however, from December 12 np to the
time the transport sailed, the 18th. The
quarantine at the port was to be raised
the 19th. There was little ' anxiety
among the residents of Honolulu, accord
ing to Captain Eagles, of the Centennial,
as the plague was confined to tbe
Chinese quarter of the city. That part
of the city was under strict quarantine,
and no ingress or egress whatever was
allowed. Up to the time of the sailing
of the Centennial, there had been six
The Centennial arrived at Honolulu
from this port with horses December 15,
but was not allowed to dock until the
16th. Even then, none of the crew was
permitted to land. AH inter-Island
traffic was at a full stop, as no steamer
could enter the port. Tbe citizens have
subscribed (25,000 to fight the plague.
- Tbe transport Newport has arrived
from Manila in ballast, with no news of
The Centennial will be kept in quaran
tine till tomorrow. There is no trace of
the disease on the vessel, and as has
been demonstrated, there is nolikellhood
of its finding lodgjient there, but still
there are many Hawaiian rats that have
made a home on tbe steamer, and they
have all to be caught and sacrificed be
fore the vessel will be allowed to dock.
Rita are said to be the most prolific
means of spreading the plague. They
carry the verms from port to port.
Ilroken Out Among Indiaim.
Spokane, Wash., Dec. 23. A brief
telephone message received here tonight
reports that smallpox has broken out
unions the Indians on the south half of
the Colville reservation. The message
came from County Commissioner Percy,
of Ferry county, and asked officers here
to inform Agent Andurson and urge him
to come at once. The disease has ap
peared near the raining camp of Keller.
1'urllftnd Ifuya Sent Home.
Astoria, Or.,- Dec. 28. Two boys
about 14 years of age wore found wan
dering around the streets this morning
about 4 o'clock, and were taken into
custody. They gave tbelr names as
Rand Stuart and Fred Matson, and said
they bad come down from Portland on
last night's train on vieit to frionds.
They were sent back to Portland this
They Are Said to Have Stored Large
Quantities of Ammunition and
Food Near Canadian Border In
New York, .Jan. 1. A special to the
Times from Burlington, Vt., says: It
is reported that the Fenians are engaged
n storing large quantities of dynamite,
lyddite ammunition and supplies ia
few selected repositories in remote dis
tricts of Vermont and Maine, near tbe
Canadian boundary linr,. Tbe informa
tion comes from persons who claim to
have knowledge of the purchase of some
of the supplies, and others who learned
of their transportation by railroad dis
guised as grocerios. Dynamite and other
explosives have been secured in surprls-
ngly large quantities, and storod under
ground on the Vermont border, while
large quantities of canned meats have
been hidden In tome large barns of sym
pathizing farmers on the main line near
New Hampshire.
It is said that an efficient ambulance
corps is being organixed under the
supervision of a few loyal Irish women
and surgeons who were in the Red Cross
work Cuba. They are also prepar
ing a large number of "first aid" pack
ages for the invading f jrce. The new
movement is the work cf the Irish
element of the larger ci'ir, bat it is a
fact that a larger and important work is
being djoe among the farmers of the
border states. A schedule is being ar
ranged of fanners who can furnish
w.gons, horses and oxen for transporta
tion purposes.
Kainrult at Astoria.
Astoria, Dec. 31. The annual report
of Weather Observer Johnson, closed
this evening, shows the precipitation
daring 1S99 to have been 101.40 inches,
the heaviest by far since the records
have been kept here. The average for
tbe previous fifteen years was 73 inches.
Tbe rainfall in 1884 was but 49 inches,
and in 1896 it was 94.82 inches, the
highest until, the present year. The
greatest precipitation' of the year was
during January, when 18.84 Inches of
rain fell. Tbe record for this month was
13.30 inches, an excess of. Si inches over
the average.
Burned to Death.
Corvalms, Dec. 30. Mr. Malone, 80
years old, aud mother of VV. II. Malone,
a proxtnent merchant in A I sea valley,
was burned to leath yesterday. Bui
meager details have so far reached this
city. Mrs. Malone lived with her vener
able husband at their home in the val
ley. Her screams attracted the attention
of her husband, who was in bed. He
hurried to the tcene, and found bis wife
entirely enveloped in the flames of her
burning clothes. Before the flames were
extinguished the victim was so badly
burned that she expired soon after, in
great agony. It is supposed that her
clothing suddenly took fire while site sat
by a stove or open fireplace. The family
are old residents of the valley, and
highly respected.
Kewapaper Damaged It Fire.
' Dayton, . Wash., Dec. 28. Last night
a fire ' in the Courier-Press office de
stroyed about $1,200. worth of type and
material, beside damaging the machin
ery to a considerable extent. The prop
erty was insured for $2,000. The
Courier-Press will be issued from tbe
Chronicle office until the losses are ad
justed and the "pi" straightened out.
Cf.tarrh Cannot be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional d'eease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh -Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quuck medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular piescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results In
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. .1. Cheney & Co., Propa., Toledo O.
Sold bv drrnggicts, price 75c.
Hall's 'Family Pills are the best. 12
Clarko & Falk have on ule a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
'f used to
cough a (;rcat
deal and pit
blood, nnU
my neighbors
in Dayton.
Ohio, whore
'.'I live, said
among thorn
sol vest that I
had con
sumption, al
though tlicv
did not toll
mo no to my
fare, for four
of making me
I kept on
couching and
trying diflcr
ent sorts of
nothing seemed to roach my trouble until I
Jot hold of bottle of Arkcr's KiikIIhIi
tcinedy. I prayed for health all the time,
and my prayon were amiwerod as soon
as I began taking tills cclohratod Kng
linh expoctoront Biid tonic. Bince my re
covery I have told hundreds of sutleroin
from congl), colds and weak lungs that
Acker's English, Remedy would cure thorn.
Home of thorn won't try it, and it does
soem to me terrible when anyone deliber
ately refuiws to be cured. There ought to
be a law compelling consumptive to take
it. Even if they don't care for their own
lives, the public's welfare should he consid
ered. . Pout yon think so toof 1 hope
such a law will aoon be enforced."
(Signed) Mrs. Kiciiarpsos.
Sold MSfttu, WW. andfl abottln. llirnnnhonl thernltM
RtHlt-aAm! iuuIk ; fiml In KiiKlnml, rt U. til.. 2. Sl.,
t Al. If ytm n mt Bullitt'! lour iHiytna. return tl,e
buttle tu your ilriiuumi mid get yuur mun-y buck.
We nnlhnrlt the almre gnnrantre.
W. II. UOOKJCR A IV., Vrnyrttloy, St "oit
Blakeley & Houghton.
, v sscujTEiy Pure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Siiil Han KaraniiBi! Bails in
PMiptliies. '
Aguioaldo Was Reported to Be In the
City Ready to Lead Filipinos to
Manila, Dec. 81, 6:10 p. m. An
American advanca in Cavite province,
south of Manila, is expected shortly.
Reliable reports from native sources
show that there are upwards of 2000
organized insurgents nnder arms with
in a mile of Imus. They are strength
ening their entrenchments, and possess I
At Novatela, the Filipino entrench
ments have been much strengthened
since General Scbwan's advance. A
thousand ot tlio encmv aro in that
vicinity, and there are GOO at San
Francisco de Malabon. Twelve to 100
soldiers will garrison all the towns in
the southern part of Cavite province,
and Ifia same may be said of tbe towns
of Bataginns province.
The provinces of North Catnarines and
South Catnarines hold quantities of
hemp, which the people cannot market.
As a consequence, the population in that
part of Luzju is suffering from lack o
food. Rice now costs four times Its
normal price.
It i estimated that 10CO insurgents
are entrenched at Calamba. Reports
hire been received that 2000 insurgent
are massed at Mount Arrayat, having a
strong position, which commands steep
and narrow trails, and that they are
prepared to foil boulders down upon ad
vancing troops.
Life along the coasts of the provinces
of Cagayan mid North and South Itocos
is resuming normal conditions. The
American troops occupy the important
towns and patrol the country roads. The
natives implore the Americans to con
tinue tiie occupation, to establish a set
tled government, and to terminate the
uncertainty, abuses and confiscations
that have characterized, the rule ot the
Tagal revolutionists during the last
twelve months.
Incoming 8paninh prisoners declaro
that Aguinaldo has ordered the release
of all Spaniards now in possession of the
rebels. Tbo mountain passes of Cagayan
and the two I locos provinces are sti.
guarded in the hope of catching the in
surgent general, Tino, who is still a
fugitive. It is asserted that Lieutenant
Glllmore is in 'lino's custody.
Prime Minister's Son Said to Have
Been Wounded ia a Recent Sortie
at Mafeking.
Nw York, Jan. 1. A special to the
Tribune from London says : Indications
still point to a battle on Tugela rWer at
the end cf this week, althongh there
may be delays throrgh a inula transport
service, which General Buller Is evi
dently organizing on a large scale. The
Tugela Is reported in flood from tbe
heavy rains, and tho passage cf tbe
river will be most difllcnlt.
' British accounts of Baden-Towell's
sortie at Mateaing cannot be expected
for icveral days. The Boer official dis
patches, stating that two well-known
British ofllors, one cf them a son of the
prime minister, a ere wounded, have
caused much anxiety In the world of
wealth and fashion.
Nsw York, Jan. h A dispatch to the
Tribune fiom Lonlon says: The new
year opened gloomily for England, with
a record of miscalculation and disaster
in South Africa to be retrieved at great
lues of life and treasure, and with tbe
reputation of generals in the field and
ministers at home banging upon tbe
issue of battle during the next few weeks.
There is no lack of criticism and fault
finding in the .press, and there are signs
of anxiety in ministerial circles over the
political effects of additional reverses to
British arm", but there ia also a hopeful
feeling induced by fresh proof of the in
capacity of the Dutch allies to make nse
of their opportunities. The Boer vie
toriee of Stormberg, Magerefonteio and
Coleuso have not been followed up in
any instance. ' They have been no suc
cessful raids on the lines cf communica
tion, and Ladysmith, Kimberley and)
Makeking have not been overwhelmed
by superior numbers and guns. There
is a record of Boer failures as well a.
British defeats.
The budget of news received at mid
night was a light one. The arrival of
Cape steamer brought a large mail, and
all the morning journals print letters
from their special correspondents. The
most interesting letters are those pub
lished in the Standard and Times and
other journals from Ladysinith, in which
incidents of the siege and garrison life
are described. The writers are wisely
reticent on important points, and deal
lightly with tho dangers of the situation,
but there is little doubt that the garrison
has been short ot ammunition and the
knowledge of this lact has influenced
General Buller in sacrificing his original
plan of campaign and massing bis forces
for the relief of Ladysmith. He is still
calling In reinforcements, for the
Majestic has gono to Durban with
another battalion and numerous drafts.
A Thouaand Ionoet
Could not express the rapture of Annio
. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil
adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of a hacking
coi'gh that for many years had mado
life a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Royal Cure "It soon re
moved tha pain in my chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery fornny troublo
of tliH throat, chest or lungs. Prico 50c
and fl. Trlul bo'tln free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug More; every bottle
guaranteed. 5
I'olnnnrtl tVith sirjcluilno
North' Yakima, Wash., Dec. 30. II.
J. Bicknell runt hdarl Sanders, of
Parker bottom, a ere taken sick after
eating at their hou'e WednesJay even
ing. A doctor who was hastily sum
moned found that they had been
poisoned by strychnine. The poison was
apparently put into several articles of
food. They believe that they know who
attempted to kill them, anl further
developments aro looked for.
Charles McAllister, a well-known
sheepman of this county, was kicked by
a horse at the ranch of Captain Dunn,
in Parker bottom, Wednesday evening.
Five of bis ribs were broken.
Itolilied Ihc Gist.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, Is narrated by .him as follows:
"I was in inoit dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
aud sides, no appetite gradually grow
in weaker day by day. Three physi
cians had given me up. Fortunately, a
Iriend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to
my great joy and surprise, the first
bottle made decided Improvemr nt. I
continued their nse for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Only 60c, guaranteed.'ut Blakeley ft
Houghton's drug store. &
That Throbbing Ilcadach
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervoui Headaches.
They make pure blood and strong
nerves and build upygur health. Easy
to take. Try them. Ojly 23 cents.
Money bark if not cured. Sol I by
Blakeley fc Houghton, druggists. 1