THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE SATURDAY. DECEMBER 30, 1693. The Weekly Gbronicle. AdtattUlug ttataa. 1 If.rh or cs In Pail O li ttirlu. and uu tor (our Im-hoa. . . 'et nuhe a:il uuUt-r twelve hichea O .er twelve iiu-lu-a OAiLV AND WISELY. Jne Inch ir ft tmh Over one Inch aim muter Im-hea. Orer lour In h and under twelve luchwa Overtwlv iui-hea authority. Tbe British are com plaining bitterly of their government, but thiuk or try to imagine what howl tbete would be against the in tluj country under lasted several days, and were of the boUtnous aud hilarious order. though these particular h.;scs of the ,vriM I government ! lo ! similar circumstances. Suppose t ie j 0f ibc country, the great festival of i, Filipinos hailbeen Uoers, anil in the i the closing week of the year now 1 fhst six weeks of the war with tueui j Ontls as general observance as it docs i i our generals nail undergone me m any oilier pari 01 iiuaieuuoiu l oo I periences of White, ami Galacrc, and Natal lints it very pleasing t his listeners. His selections were difficult, but the linger was equal l the requirements. Prominent anion the members ol the nWrvances crax!uallv subsided. In i club is Mr. Allan hiton, ol i.a uranue, . ... .:.. , hose monologues gave mm New England, as well as in the rest BASK M KECK IKS. The wreck of the Glota National bank of Boston and the peculiar financial dealings it has exposed may furnish a valuable lesson for the teen whose duty it is to safeguard the banking operations ot the nation. It arae to light two months ago that former President Cole of the Boston bauk had issued the bank's credit and money to bolster up investments in inflated stocks. .At that time it miht have been possible to avert the disaster which las overtaken the 11 lobe National, and its tffect on the financial world, even Lad publicity Methuen and Buller in Natal. A president could have scarcely kept his seat for the violence of the storm. And, to look buck a generation, this reflection sets out in strong relief the tremendous, appalling burden borne by Lincoln after Ball's Bluff, Bull Run, Autictatn and other early bat tits of the great Civil war incom parably the greatest burden ever borne by any American president, from Washington to McKinley, inclusive. C'imSTMAS AS A SOCIAL FESTIVAL. The evolution of Christmas as a causcti a crasu iu luai one ir.suiuuou, , urai innm u.-iuu would have caused hardly a ripple. I among tie English-speaking peoples It is alleged that Banker Cole used $300,000 of other people's monej to speculate with on the Boston stock exchange. If his financial schemes bad turned out all light the people who furnished the money would not have benefited a dollar beyond the small interest allowed on their de posits. If he lost, and it seems that be did, inuocent and industrious is an interesting phase of social evo lution. For December 23, 1G.2, Evelyn has this entry in his diary: "Cbrislrras day. No sermon any wheie, no church being permitted to open, so I observed at home. The next day we went to Lewcsbam, where an honest divine preached." The England of that particular day was hostile to anj' recognition of Captain Sigsbee, who two years ago, in command of one of tho rcost magnificent battleships afloat, en tered the harbor of Havana, has at last brought back the caskets con taining all that is mortal of tho crew of his pi oud ship, the Maine en tered Havana Jan. 25, 1898. Feb. 15ih the battleship was blown up and 2GC men of the crew either were killed outright or perished later from wounds in the explosion. History has been made since that dreadful disaster, which may be said to mark tbe time of the new departure of the United States in national policy, for undoubtedly the wreck of the Maine furnished the spark which blew up all that remained of Spanish sovereignty on the western hemisphere. people pay tbe piper. The result of Christmas or of any other of the holidays of tbe Catholic or Anglican church. That wi s tbe time of tbe Puritan ascendency. Tbe war of the Parliament against Charles I. had this reckless speculation will fall heavily on the small savings banks of Massachusetts in the first place, but indirectly will effect even' town whose bank will be called upon to just ended, Chailes had been exe make good its portion of the deficit. I cuted, and the Puritans, under Crom- ffl.A itv.nrnr)..K .nn.tntd I inn Banker Cole has proven of more evil, i The bank failed when the great stock exchanges 1 1 tbe East weie on the verge of a pani?. To bolster up public confidence it was necessary that every financial institution show itself to be solid as a rock, and the wrecking of an institution in which 0f well, were everywhere triumphant in Great Britain. During the Crom wellian commonwealth, which wa3 established a year after Evelyn made this entry in his journal, it was the custom of the Puritans to fast on Christmas and feast on Ash Wednes day, on the theory that the greater the remove fiom tho usages of the We trust that Senator McBride, as a member of the forest reserve com mittee of the senate, will be able to bold down some of the Eastern craoks who are afraid the sheep will climb the big trees in the Cascade reserva tion and eat off all the tops, and thus kill tho trees and allow the water to come down in the winter and drown us all, and refuse to hold it in the summer season, end thus starve us all to death, says tho Salem States man. Senator McBride, in his easy waj', will likely side-track the cranks and get them off onto another tangent. That is probably the best way ; since the laws, unfortunately, would con sider the proper work with a stuffed club as homicide. the entertainment which is born of variety. His first selection was Riley's "Litlltf Wfslny'i Absence," which was greatly in contrast with the latter, a travesty en the tchool buys' declama tions, displaying great versatility. Another member who is indispensable to the succeta of the club is Mr. Arthur L. Frazer, the pianist. As listener was heard to remark, he can "claw ivory." His execution is remarkable, particularly in so young a pianist. These two artists, Eaton and Frazsr, appeared at the close in a traveetry on "Iugoniar," which was at once amusing and meritorious. Tbe costumes were well gotten np and the entire production rendered admirably. Those who have heard "Ingomar" scarcely recognized beneath tbe play of words the real senti ment intended, and "Parthenia'a" defi nition of love as an "itching of the heart that can't be scratched" was entirely new to them. At the close of the concert the mem bers of the High school aluranl and a number of their friends received the members of the club in the parlors of Mrs. E, M. Wilson's home, which was very prettily decorated with evergreen and holly, and where an hour was spent in social greeting, which was most pleasant. A short program was given and refreshments served. It was grati fying to those who were preeent to meet the9t) yjnng men who are endeavoring to make the most of life, and they in turu expressed their appreciation of the greeting received. A NEW BOAT. 'AT'! ,.-:- S J I.v. l)ul!i j ' TiH'wlny J, TlmiMlny 4 SaturUny . Arr. Porllaud 2, at 5 r. M. REGULATOR LINjjT Mtlanfl & IstOfia Kav t '"itlill, Tbo Steamer, of thb Regulator Line win tun lowing M-bedulc, tbe Com pan j reserviu. ,s. . "WH schedule without notice. " tW Str. Regulator. (Umtted landings.) Ship your Freight via CP. I Lv. l'ortliind at T a. M. Mondny . ..YVedneaflay I Arr:Ki'rty.! Regulator Line. lit 5 r. m. i CV. r-v .. -wr uaue, City. (Tchir.auu, 1-T. baliea at iVMt a, ga Monday Wdlleslay "' Friday. . . ; -Arr. I'nrtUhd ' (uncertain) "TkM V FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE; i. Travel by the Steamers ol the Regulator Line. The Comanv will enleam? 4 roua the beat Mfivice possible. For further iutormatlon audresa "re " W- $, Portland Office, Oak-Street Dock. t-0 ITiTtTtTlT .TIT w addresa CALLAWAY. Cen. Agt., TMr :tu.m,ivi.viww'.." - Impulse m. m M. Wheels The D. r. A. N. Co, Will UnllU a New Propeller To I'ly on the Colombia. the deposits amounted, according to older churches the nearer to true the last statement, to considerably over f 8,000,000, with widespread connections, has depleted the already low reserves of New Voik and New Kngland bat.ks at a tirre when it is ttos't diUicult to borrow money for legitimate business dealings. There are still glaring fl tns in the godliness For more than a century after tho end of Cromwell's republic and the downfall of the Puritans in old Eng land many of the ideas of the Puri tans of the Crom wellian time pre vailed throughout New England. Christmas was not recognized in Isws which govern banking, perhaps i eillier 0 "l'gious or a social way by tbe most dangerous that permits the ' lLc earI.v settlers of Massachusetts, directing ctliciHls to embark in doubt-! Connecticut and the other coloiie3 ful speculation with the money of ! in lheir neighboihood. Thanksgiving depositors. Overdiafts on personal j was li'e or,IV festival which had account should not be tolerated in a j any vogue in that quarter until well single instance, while an effectual j ,onB in tue present century, except Some people who are busier with the great affairs of nations than their quality of brains warrants are again urging arbitration by President Mc Kinley between England nnd the Transvaal republic. But as neither party has called upon the president to act as arbitrator, it would be an act of officious impertinence for him to offer his services. He certainly has business enough of his own to attend to. GLEE CLUB CONCERT. The I', of O. Student at the Itnldnlu I.ant Night. Van Dyke. Second tenor W. G. Beat tie, J. A. Ganiber, J. E. Tyree, U. Sweet. First bass J. B. Winstanley, R. R. - ... ... ... i Second Lal II. K. Ilenpniorp. A. K. . . .... i nntrm.i rMmm, I ... v. ' - The interest which has be n taken by Ddlles people in the state university, particularly fince so inaLV from her own ! borders have been students oi that in stitution, was greatly intensified last i li lutit . wlipti atxtppn fit tlip atmlpnta inno bar should be rti td against loaning j araf,n?! the Roman Catholic elemeLt J inlo their heilrtg lbe enthusiasm which or usirg money with no more sevur- j lhe population. In fact, on'y they themselves feel. ity th3n thst affor led bv tbe rie and i wilb'n the past quarter of a ccnturv i Tlje personnel of the g'.ee club which tM of stock exchanges. It -n-l December -oth begin to differ " ' " " 'U',U"B- " ; ' ...:...,.. . : iin nvMt;,l m,.,vi., t ,i.JG!eD d'ftor; Fust tenor A. H ..u. imtu itvi mai lemumaie i , i Etcn, A. L. Frazer, K. C. Miller, E. S invade the stock exchanges, and rjo ,"erae USJ ,n lue calendar or tnc Linker who altemr ts to make his in- j descendinls of the original inhabi stitu'.ion nr dividend br such Me. ; Ur,t tte New England states. In a ulation wid enjoy the depositors. confined to men who risk only their anu N11 recognition from the first, own private fortunes. There is such The Du,ch Di Germans of New xa wide field fr loaning money on t Yo,k "d Penrjylvtnia, the Roman cilt edge securities that depositroiy I CaSbohc5 of Maryland and the de Ike -laced with absolutely do risk to j tcenJnts of the Cavaliers in Virginia lbe man who tru.ts bis little all to ! ,n(1 lr'e of tbe olber Southern the great financial instilulions. ' colonie nd '-ates had no share in Spokesman Review. I lbe Puritan view of the matter. rr-r Tbe Western states, with the toler- jance and libeity which have always I characterized tb section, have ob- Tbe English nation is bearing the; served Christmas from the first inevitable burden, and paying the ! Patrick Gass, one of the soldiers in rPESALTY OF FAILURE. Meterve, F. A. Strange, R. Norris. The object of the annual holiday tours thus made by the stadenta la mostly of a social nature; tending to bring tbe students in touch with thn people of tbe slate and through them to awaken a deeper interest in the educational work which the university is accomplishing. Last year a tour ol the southern part of the state was made; while the boys are now visiting the towns in Eastern Ore gon. A large audience of representative Dalles people were preeent when tbe enrtain rose last night and a fine-lookiog lot of young men appeared and sang as an opening chorus a selection "Oh Ore gon," written by Trof. Strong and the mosic composed ty Prof. Glen. Of course they were eucored, as was alio unavoidable penalty of failure, the expedition of Lewis and Clark whether such failure be due to nils-1 from SL Louis to the mouth o' the takes or could not have been avoided j Columbia, make this record in his it tm a I . 7 111 powwe snorts ana precau-. ontnal ror Dec. 24, 1804: -This the case in the various selections given, lions. Tbe Telegram says: The evening we finished our fortifications, most of them being veritable college ager and no, altogether reasonable j Hour, dried apples, ipper and other i n" taoltilude, even len it is composed articles were distiibuted in the differ- In part second so greatly was the "Lit- i 1 - T " I x ' l - . . g i-i..j , ... t . iuuiiii auu lunu nig encores t a. wed balanced people as the . ent messes to enable them to ecle- appreciated that they were called back English, demand success, and that brate Christmas la proper and J six times. Avery pretty arrangement quickly. Unexpected reverses, even j social manner." Lewis and Clark j w" tr'at o( "Maesa's in the Col CoV if unavoidable, ie the signal for tbe ; were at that time in winter quarters i Gro0D," io which I'rof. Glen sang the outburst of storm of adverse crili-; among the Indians of the UnDr flo lthi chora ccon'Pn'rasnt 'm r j ... , .!... . . .itatioga lani. While colleire aonai are, nose ere .n.ouenun(Kservea.M,ssouri, nd took precautions for:,,kiDa. after .1 th in,r.n,.i used in manv thousand, of h..,.. . censure. This is scarcely the esse defense, but th social side of tbe non.Ur of tncu selections as this, which ' thit tf0lJ ,n'1 and never disappoints no Afiica Again must we go away from home to obtain the news, that is with sufficient assurance to give them to our readers. While the reporter was given an Idea yesterday that the D. P. & A. N. Co. was about to have a new boat built; nt the same time wo were ciutioned: "Don't say anything about it until more definite arrangements are made," and so we obeyed ; but evidently the same injunction was not given the Tele gram, for last night's edition says: "Plans for the new boat to be built for The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Naviga tion Company have been changed, aud the will be a propeller instead of a stern-wheeler. The boat will be built something like the Inland Flyer.but will be an improvement in every respect. The dimensions will be: Length, 130 feet; breadth, 19 feet; draft, 6 feet 0 inches. She w ill be 20 feat longer than the Flyer and one foot greater breadth. "The additional length gives room for many improvements. Joseph Sup ple, who will build her, has a model which shows that she will have lines like a racing shell. The stern, instead of being cut oil short, as in the case of the Inland Flyer, will exteud out grace full? over the water. This will allow the use of a Case wteel; that is. the propeller, instead of being directly under the stern, will be far under the boat, as is the case in torpedo-boats, And will al ways be under water, nr matter how the vessel rocks. Tho rudder will also be well under the stern ; In the vase of the Inland Flyer it was bung right at the stern. "The engines of the Flyer will be used, but there will be additional boiler power. The boat -wl'.' have two decks, an elegant dining-room and kitchen, and a promenade deck occupying the space below, and on the npper deck will be the ladies' cabin and the genllemeu's smoking-room. Half a dozen bertha are also piovided. "A draft of the boat as she will appear when completed shows that she will be a beauty. It is the intention of tbe D. P. & A. X. Co. to spare no expense, and she will be made luxurious and elegant throughout. She will be built to catch the tourist trade, which increases year by year as the fame of Oregon's Columbia river scenery spreads abroad. "Mr. Supple will put on about 15 men next week and tbe new boat will be begun immediately. She is to be com pleted to turn over to the owners by April. The contract was signed at The Dalles yesterday." and IflOIors MANCFACTCSED BV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. . F. S. GUNNING, Agent, nn-6 ' THE DALLES, OREGOJ Wasco Warehouse Gompan) Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds Headquarters for 'Feed Grain ot f 11 kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, TmZt. Headquarters fcr "Byers Best" Pendlfr ton FlOUI his 'onr 19 manufactured expressly for fiaf f use ; every sack is guaranteed to give satiettcca We sell our goods lower than anv house in the trad. and if vnn Hnn't thmli can anu gei cur prices ana be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whoat. Barley and Oats C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskf WHISKEY Irom f'J.75 to Jrl.tK) ymr Bnllou. r l. vears old.) IMPORTED COGNAO from 7.U0 to12.00 pi-rlrahonT-(11 to -JO yean old.1 OALirOBHIA BBANDIIS imi I.V.'S to 6 10 lerValion. "(4 to 1 1 jmioji. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. A SI KR CIRE FOB C It Oil. TvaBlf-flT YaarV Cosataat la With oat fallura. The first indication of croup Is hoarse ness, and in child aubjtct to tlia diteass it may be.taken as snre sign of tbe approach of an attack. Following this hoarseness it a peculiar rough coogh. If Cbaruberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the ebild becomes hoarse, or even after the croppy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. It 0LYMPIA BEES on draught, and Val Blats and Olympia Beer in W Imported AIo and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Crandall & Barget DEALERS IX fyS, flllkindsof undertakers Barial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened thia well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pon ccr C3I". wine r, as regards tbe war in South observance of the holidaj was not b,ve w,'l rtigbt term a "eour in j ,he n' mothers. We have yet to ica; aj-r arectlx there have been ceglected. It was customary through- tb'm' woulJ add mach to their enter-! le"rn of 'inl8 instance in which it e inexcusable blunders; but the oat the settlements and atuon2 the ! 'V1' . lo P;, lLe h" '"J'0' .'S!:lat: No , .i . , , ., KiTen uuriDi iiie evenin. eaca was : ' " sucn a lecoid CiQtcrv against the eovernment wrjiill nil torv c. r.t it. -.. ..i7. .. "'", ca was, inoiu " , ,. , ir kindly re.rxndej to, proving tbe staying "7-n years' constant nse with aoounue same u a canaiu, j bacs as the beginning or the exist- ( quality of their voices, reasonable critic co ld not have-ence of tbe Wet as a r hvifrI r,titr ! I'rof. I. M. Oien ant-eared in two a'..,a . i j j lointed out any bad blunders. Dis to have festivities of a social char .jipointment and grief and shame acter on Christmas, and sometimes,!, must cry out aloud agaimt those in as in the older English fashion, they ' tDe out a failure. HonghtoD. For sale by Blakeley A and to tbe Crt encore be responded, Floral lotion will cure wind chapping declining the repeated demands in the ' "nd sunburn. Manufactured bv C!ark ttercate. His vo: s is of a rich bari ! quality and tie ease with wLich be k Falk. Subscribe fur Tut Chkumci. C. C. COOPER, MASlfACTllitB OF High-Grade Stock Saddlos and Shop-Made Harness. liKAI.lK IM Tenls, Wagon Covers, and all articles usually kept in a first-class harness shop. 'W-arehou THE DALLE?, OREGON. an1 This Stamp Ou,rl MAKER a1 v AV of Quality-