xn DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1899. BUY TOADS AND BATS, she xzldld silverware, j Taat Wu "Way aha CWkiw4 Hee sw B00KMAK150 15 AMERICA. . M I I . j . . 3 V rk ! iMti Tka, Farmers ia England Kttp Then to Destroy Insects. j All tae Caaalry -Waal CaaaMalttee May B Keat grata rile mm Mattae bt tae Vair Bat Brit frnm. ( I Mlvwe We4alaat WYItaeat a I HUM. j I On an average 1V.V,X0 booVs are A Scath side ob wio tan: is . , ; .rr-ianv everr Tear. and ; not Mrs. Jones tas created a veritable v . .j., x j, computed, are mcmwb in a Urpe t;rc. tf aojuAitl- rwj lo othr countries, Leipe i axe- On tbe face cf :t. say i j eao miuEf. irc ""s ' . ! cired tvxvk city of Uennsny. At rut cf exrrinisti with to! , inectv-fifih .r.tirvArr cf her ti- - a . . m. v. aad bats, it x been mccflnw tnal j,, , , ,crpc. ti at J ter house, or even a wiuEtiHf, ws K, k,v , v. U.E ,,-ra: ;,r-TriI "?u,.r. ewrted to ctitr countries. I '"""Ui beea for cdt year tte rw(r- a otner runvia city, not a capital, occupies a poithM equally prc-iuinent, not withstanding the fact that the total rottiicpJiv P cf paPr in Oresiany for lxvk.-tr.i.ic i materially less than in Great liritain at present. In the United ; N ST REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, Parllanfl & Hstoila Kav. Co.; . - . d.mI.i.v I jm .III ran u ur tht fo! 1DI tnmci a tj lowing schedule, the Company rtervl:!f the risM o ensure 3 schedule without notice Str. Rea-ulator. (Limited LanJicn ) j - rwttnt'T tV ilI2?A!kB fret . . v : - u- t,liC? ic an. n . Th ,e - j ; to rcVcnt. v To- j pennon.. re midc by 1M , fwto;y. i v - " , i,.,, t ac ! E r. Hcx'iTc. or l.ark Btri.T. orc-t -Hattpk:" c ter. JIim. ITvt- uocr s trt Frt-, , - . t4t It. IM.H. TTWfcUT .. .. ThoiHliT .lurvUy . . . . Att. rUni i r. a. Str. Dalle City. SMp yOUT ; (Touchio at aU Way Point! ) Freight via I 1. H. I : Arr. i Regulator Line. at 5 r.. i Lt. Lmtle. at t A. M. Monday Wednesday FridT Arr. rortland (onccrtaiD) Lt. Portland at C A. at. Tneday ThorvlT Satordaf arr. balle (uncertaia) I v IinsJc of Canada. Id . , , ... . . m . inrnln! in ; 1 .v.. -v-w 4 in..rinJna: . ... v- ! irn;akii:c. vrzuXixg and botkbma.r t , -ie iwort tit c tfr ' ns i . t , M thr-c figures rcav be ' Bd fcma .oa. Toanrxct t tcr, , k,r ,ila By . ..kV. aeem to be tkcm I p:ccJ .tsm t ,tcK,Cre r,, tir- cv , ia asctker. j Jk " ' brought cf incat acd tet. Tteu:.swrc -VvT , kt.lrx ttat Mr. J . """T . ""7" ' r' atufactory as ttfy rc urc xjtcJ . m tUr -Ut i:t. : Z J"' Nw :.v L: j.-..v.K..r tcre wu la-.vTt.a. cxr t0( .. . rhiiaje;phia and Chicafro. Chi- 5 W. C. ALLAWAY, C en. Art-. The Dalle. n:-.. .v tr I . ... . cax has now n. w. .v.- ... : ."V:.- ' V"; "tv" i line may be MiJ to have Ime.t a mo- V "Tv.Iir. If" "' CS V c"r cx , , rticnIarlT in printing rail Towbu-siaai.nbssandbefaatofteJ c.(n cf , fZ:Z -T i M ,, ,,m fb.e. rauroad ma, s ana m ,w k ... , t tri I ds! act i fA t!7 .v . ."-ly.'T " i " branches cf eommercal pnntinp. roa-J. tut. t T.c.:r.g hit a? pt::e tc c-cv-i. I started to ccut. Whet 1 lad cccttt-d over .i b-.c-s ad the tJ irrs cf wishire t. coicy-e t:s c I picked him cp. rreTicuf to cv r!-:Ti-j wHi?i1itn.ua " i Phi'-delrhia has a lar-e retail book they be ran to cyr-pra-uU. fn e,., ia cheap editions of the hhird aid tie rrrccljEff ce.ttra- cj ;h anJ west Two cther American "Oh." tali Mn. Jctet. "where did yen cities having a larce business in book- niskire. thouirh ia different branches 'SUS Phed in Iton are for the . . . " i IT ' raost part either exrensive stantlara rcaur hTir-s azXtT wviTj. art, cirer- T t- w . . l""" pCtirs, itcth, lir. wtv-.A. TKin." jt , USf. And. besides. I ari cry cii.tr ::tt 5-o. ton. ' reed kze silverware." ia a to.ise. a rvcra iut he eOeiryd tf ' 1 ockr.ivie hr avizf a ?d is is cv.r ' THERE'S JfOXEY IN LITHIA. aijrtt. ' "iiiirjinjiH'.r.Tmrt:'.X ,( Ckamael lata ft kirk Aaicrieaa awirts clr -r -.le crc-.l.s cf Kky..'j;ie ' Iaeaalry Haa X Vet axd Ji:t. tii t '.Ytt ianr-Jef ' Beea Dlreetra. creatri isxy wti cr. a f-irctir rv-i W to tie mur.m cf S: eci kikz. : n !-. frecrrai. known lo ad w 1 tx ni eiUfO atrl cf ' st-Jett:KC? chemists in the United te at i d 1x4 mcc thtt iS tisi ,liis uctry has vast re- r-Jr-t.T?TT t. NtJ tTr bn 'xpioited, says a writer in irjr a, i. j; pf- zx -T tt ia XririteeriE and Micirsr Jourr.al. tJkkr owr tis ard girders. Tcr ljittm :! asoteof the rare elt koaai:d rrrv a saI: arjtbercf, ni,:1fc- cdeed rare in its metal tcacs -. U i-:vea hones is in i form- bul i5s eoapouBds are net aqa&ris At r ;ht she t.-d -8id he ' i rccmaserce. We do let Je t k-U b-s. wh: in the cav tot ktcw "tat tbeir usefulness might tker e-.-tli ki3 I hive hull: iKrt!1'5 ,t;r sl;Pl!.v !ar? and cheap, vf exre cf wire screen, a fvt w:e and i tut " rr! the use of l.thium salts, two feet liz. the topcf which U kert I Ti-X? the carbonate, is chiefly in Cfata. Is Uet-'r zecjrv to r ut in two ' ,te FriaratK.c cf lithia water, which or three tcd."rrtvid then wiih shti- j !S osd xm"ly for mt dicical ptr ters. a diri cf water i ere ccrrtr. and J 13 such -'' s rheumatism. then keea it scrrlied with bits cf rsw Ll-e ,lJ E excess cf ur:c acid in st and arr c:Lr refuse matter cal culated to attract Cies." Ia speskiEj cf the bat Trcf. IIccre said: "We hive no animal mere ienr rsTitg acd prcbabiT cere mere valu able, and certain'y Kit mere misunder steod ard abased, than the bat. Thev the system. There are seme natural iithia waters, but a pood deal of what is told as such is artificial. The consump tion cf lithium carbonate for this pur pose in the United States is variously es timated at from to 2CO.OC0 pounds per actum, a'.l of which is obtained are easilv titced. atsciutelv ham'.M. ' sifrare vaiue oi when Ftntly hiLdled, and m'ike r-ts as J ,ta ialt 81 Nevr York in was ftuiET as tiny minleys. As destrc vtrs J r"r Pu- Consequently, it is evident cf dr; of ctr most "pestifero us c:Vht- 'itt, liere is a f005 business in sight tin inserts. like mosquitoes, the bit is ' !oT me ote vta undertake its alact ctr si cefetdetce. and, as he manufacture in this country, although j is known to hrtt icsects afvx.t. ss wU il "c"i3 t-ct be expecttd that the price as oa the he is also cf some vaiue ! wou ep up if the supply were in- Ma ' Be for Urvae that do not tr. j "ased largely. f 'Hy attettkn was turned to the ht , "v j throth the ewiiin acti. the insect to j ' C031ISSI0!.,, blaiae fcr mct wtro-ezten arptes. In; ! crvhirf twr t-t h,r-. I fTA r . M fc" " Applied t of the grubs cf this irstct in a minute. Claacii-r to ra into trithfr crcl.trd. works or those bavins' permanent value for reference, whereas the books pub !ished in St. I-ouis include a consider able number in the German language. Washington as the canital city is the seat of the government printing house, the publications of which are both ex tensive and continuous, and more than 3, "CO persons, a majority of them in the government service, are employed in book making and bookbinding in that city despite the fact that in propor tion to its population no city of the country .has a smaller number of news papers, and usually the number of pa pers issued in a city is a guide to the volume of book-making done in it. New York exceeds all other Amer ican cities (Canada included) in the vol ume of its bookmakir.g and bookbind ing trade, and the publishers of this city now issue more books yearly than are published in all the rest of the coun try combined. There are 40 leading publishing concerns, and others of less importance. In another particular also. New York can securely assert its right to be regarded as the Leipsic of America, for it is the city into which are imported and from which are ex ported the greatest number of books. X. Y. Sun. THE EXPLOSION WAS TERRIFIC Forty D.-ad ia Mine. tb: Braznell j kat tk Worda Mraa ) Xerekaat aa4 War Vessel aaat i ark la. Browxsvili.e, Pa., Dec. 24. The horror cf the Brttaell nim disaster grows in inteusit? wish everr hoar. The lJV.7iJ:l?: I I ties days of r reparation fcr the ""mated international vacht races cce hears fre- 1 ,0"Jt na may pass teat Dgare. At ice It of w-ater craft -goirg into j me time there it a ftronjj presamption of the grtbs in iz. hct;r"s search. Then ' . is an c.; j tin ter It. in whkli T.r a inraeritfcrard te that h:.r' Its were-imf:a' "t" " catursl that that the lai regu atio minicK were adw-aya free 'n wcrtrs. N Y Herald-1 liI"-&n:sa "O'd as: What does ; eirelewly and probacy criminally dis- ie pbrase mean? !rerJed. Todar the first bodies of the t UTZt "7 lte,Xr YoTrri TicUm. were bro'nght out of the mine. ! une, has been misapplied, accord. ng to . . .. . , . i .k- .... . iT: ' 1 . d oerer in the fciatorr of mine disaster waat la DaTr Tar. a Beaa- i csed in connection with fflfn-h.r.im. era Lutnan beingt to horriblj tnnli- TO SAVE CLUF DWE1LETGS tlf al Clraat Bria lata a - XattaaaJ Park. A vessel bailt for trade ia -in business," j uw1- 11 WM nearly II o clock when the or "laid up," and the term "in c-om-) t of the bodies was taken cut, twenty I csisfon" is not applied to her except j eight boon after the explosion. Al5:30 As a reset of a mttt-j in DeiiTer a . cy snth icple as they who go "up-; three more were brooght to the surface, bin nsikitg the c-i dwelllrgs regioa . stairs" and "downstiirs" on a ship". j ,nj ,t 6:30 three came np in the ia tie sccthweswrn part of Cokrado i As to yachts, tie same authority said: ' of lte , (blfu a aatIorkI T-irk wi'J ia all prcbabllltvi ""When the owner raises his rrivate ' , . , . . , ... K. iar,-- , v t ' , , At least twee bod e, are in ught, coegrtsi. lir rrtsisiiii Jcis F. Siaf-: atoard, tie yacht is ia commission, and j -ww.ua u u. rota, J.dre Get.rrt. T. S-zzlzZt. Bcx-xi j til does cot happen until the vessel is ;debrla. Haloae atj Vr. Ciidta V. Ccberr. j in condition to go on a cruise." The estimates of the number of the writ tie be-. corstitBttd tie rtT- i War TeU are in commission when dead are eocflict'ng. A. B. Brsioell, ing. Cocgres-saiaa Siifrath went over i tie rocniitlir officer's ag or pen-1 president of tb Stockdale Coal Compaor, the details cf psg stKi a t:" and tatt ia hen boisted at the main, and thia afternoon said be believed that tk, other men prestnt, all cf wboa tiia again indicate ttat tie vessel is to 25 men bad been killel. Men who ail they perjocally gilbert i ecacerrltg the intertstlrg rn.rs beljw Daraigrt C;riatli.g tist the people ilvlrg in lfce igrica'taral coui,:ry eor.t'cijas tj the cIIT d'I:r.gi mice no cbjccti;-n ;o tie a-fttltg aside cf tie laid containing tivese prthItor;c Luildlrgs. ard he had reciv3 almost an turince ti.it titv Arrtte Eialmr a aSaalfae. a-er working aroood the mine yettciday morniDg give di'ereot gnre. TLe? Dr. Xilhs Las settled down as a, 7 35 to 40 men went down the mine Norwegian squire and sportsman, and j tafl ia the cage', while aboat taenty .s tow a me no ix r cr the great land ' climbed down the tt cm in t be .levator ownirg clat. His possessions, which ' ,baft. Eetween 55 and GO men were in cost a eors.ierab e l.e cn the bor- i,,,., ,nJo, lh5i BOajber b(Jt twe;re der. cf Teitmarkex. to tie sot;ti cf , , . . . 15 , woaU not. Mr. tiaJroti ssw co im- Lvxkcrf. ere cf tie iighejt summits' " " ' . .7 " pedixtnt ia tie way cf p-isilrg t-,r ! c f that district. He has beccce cwxer Uli " j cf a large betel which wis built seme Maps and pictures cf tie grjutid and I jean ago for summer tccrists. btt will rains were carefully gone ever anc j tow erve as iis private resi dence. He studied. While tie dlmenslnns cf the bas also acquired a Lt;xlr cf scr area were not spc:Sd. it is tkoQglt rTitc".rg farir.s atd fV"s. that ii mile, rurnltr tortl.tit atd i su:hwe-t. bv fj-r - f-r- rzi.tt w ide. ... . ... .: , . i Coold not expre the rap-.ar I iao iiAinui laic aaj t -Ad ; ' i .. I Av;.'UiJU i ; w 4 witiout icfrirglt-jr a 4. . r.-eciaus j Pr!csrr. ot uowari rtt- tbeattroaeh of an a'.Uek. Following minerils or agritarl lar.ds. Mr. .:!, P-. bt) kb toon J that 1. lLi, boarvene U a pecoliar rocgb .-hifra:a made cop: Jos nctes tc take King New Kecorery for Cot.es sptioa ; -oo-n. u Cbasberlala Conrh Remsvtr i:h hici to Wasiitgt :n atu will w,rk tad eocnplelT rard ter of a backing fa rirea at sooa at the eL:M knn fter the croopy roogh crerect tha wttrk. It k!on could gire ter no help, lot tie OBwl .booaand. of s,. 1- j tie rert.wtaterertbenoajber, are dead. a st aa cri pun CEorr. Twatr- Tears C.a.laat I m Wltk at a Pallar. TL C rf indication of croup it bosrse ne, and in a chi d tolj-ct to tha dieea-a it msy be'taken a a tare rrn of fjr tie passage cf tij blli He a.itiset , eovib that for mart year hal trade hoarse or erea a that no appropriation I asktd f r in j lJt . be r Jen. A;i other remedies and ! ,rr ' - : , -the Erst measure. It will be sought to , a M s,. Irrt t a. 1 p make some provl.icaf-rtheear.tak.rg , 7. ' . , ' . 1. '".nWitMsr 1 ,.r ,. ' rw.,.. .-lT,cl tiRrJ Cr--It eoon re- i.a,, . made sciertificallv and w III 1 restrict- i "DTe',.,h T '. I tie atxico mother. W tare Trt to .... , , ., 1 now ea Kyioi.T, omethir.r I caa , , ... -ej by j.cLte. Mr. !rh:frt.!j w;J try; , - . learn of a t.cg e instione in aLich it to snlSt t,e interest of tie.isonUn j "-- ' ? ' t not TrU effect.aL No oti.! iasiltvllon. The matter U be Tushe3 oanoir pra.se mrcagvost tie wlth-all p-.-ssli'.t sreti At tie prs-'; onir'-' So will every on who trie nt tir.e t-x y Isrce fxp.rlrr parties J Dr. Kitf't New l.coTrT Ijfir.r tron'''e cf nf,i!lrs ah are lirg orrtn-li-d, cr.e in Ssn rraccico ai:d c.ne in tie tJ't. to visit tie Marers caryr.n ard exeivafe ia the rula. Dfnvtr Ee-j-nliicin. . of tie t&roit. tit or lar.js. Trie and 1. Trial bo" He free at E akeiey h lloQjttoa't drag ttore; every bott gtiara cleed. 5 preparation can ti t-ach a record taeety-fte jeart c.tttaat in with cit a taller. F&e aa'.c ty Elake'.ey A Impulse Wheels and Motors WiSrrACTCKBD BT AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. P. S. GUNNING, Agent, qd26 THE DALLES, OREGON Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain oi fii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TIIl Headquarters fcr "Byers Best" Pendle- toil FlOTir Tbi8 rloor manufactured expressly for family w nee : everr nack it snaranteed to rive satisfaction. W sell oar goods lower than an? house in the trade, and if too don't think as t, . caii ana get car prices aoa ue connncea. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for th8 Greate t American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISi"JE?ltro1n $2.YoTto fcj.tij B,iTon. "(4 to 15 rear old.) IMPORTED COGS AO from 17.00 to 112.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 year old. CALirOESIA EBA5DIE8 trom 13.25 to te.tO fer gallon. (4 to 11 year old.' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. OLTXPIA BEES on draught, and Val Blatt and Olympia Beer in bottle Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles. Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. PIONEER BAKERY. mmmmmmWmmmmmtmtmmWmmmmtmmmm- I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. C-arke k Fa k Lave ca sal a foil lice of r ait! a ad artie." bra be. Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle EAST and srim.. wu ,n Va The Shasta w Or TH Southern Pacific Comn', Trains ktar and art doe to imi. .. . .-n-rm rtnMTrtlfTf A TT T)T XT' 4 Q TTTJ TT t FOB UU JUr Uri 1 , rjjJixJUi. i ta.ii- x uumjuiiu, 5 T-avel br the Steamers of the Rraltnr Une. The Company will endeavor to give its pat- ,5 1 too, xm bot aervioa poaiib.e. For lurther Inlormanon address k Portland Olte, Oak -Street Dock. LSSTB. "7 I? OVERLANn rT preas, emm, 7:00 F.at.'J """Ofdenjaal I East IM A. M. fh" nd "I'liiJ ia Woorihnr. Cl't Dally ezceft enntlays i1 Brown? I vtllepnars-idajuj i INatnta :U ig I 0aJ ja ISM 1HDEFEXDESCE PA36ES0ER. tZT rortiand 7.30p.m. JAt .VeMlnnviU u'l S:jMp.BU Ar..lndtjiHltiic..Lf;J . Mil Dally. t Dany, except Boiioay DIXrXQ CAR8 OS OGDES itOPTI. PCLLMAU BCFFET BLEEPIU ASD SECOND-CLASS SLEEMX8 CiM Atuchtd toallThrouchTraia,. Direct connection at Ban rranrfwn m . deutal and Oriental and PanST, line, to, JAPAJ aad CHINA, si J,2r2 ai plica Uon. ""a a Kataw and tickets to Eateni punts All above mint arrive at and Amm l Grand Central nuolon. Film and lrunJJ YAMHILL DH-IBIOS. raasenger Depot, loot ot Jederaoo an Leave for Sheridan, week dan. ma.. Arrive at Portland, 30 a.m. , Leave for AIRLIE oa Moodav, Wii . Friday at ib a. m. Arny at PorUaaaTrS dav, Ttionday and eamrda) u.0b,b Except Sunday. "Exeept Sataraay. K. kXlLER, G, H. XABKHAX A anaer. aaat. G. F. a Paav ir. Tbroneh Ticket OS) re, 1S1 Thin! itnet C through Urketa to aU posnta In thel-S Utea, Canada and Europe caa bs obuiula lowest rate from J-B. KIRKLASD, Ticket Aral or S. WHEALDO.S. "I was nearly dead with djipepjit tried doctor, vieiud mineral tpricji, and frew worse. I used Kolol Dripfp. sia Care. That cared me." - It dipsj what yoa eat. Cares indigettioo, ma stomach, beartborn, and all foirai d dyspepsia. Sheriff's Sale. IS THE CIRCVIT CtirBT ofthestaum a Oregon, lor Waaco County. J. P Melnemy, as tdminl'tretnr of the atilti PbiUlp Brxjgan, deceesal, Plaisti va. X. W. Wallace and 8. F. Wallaee. DefemUnti By virtue of an execution, decree and arferi sale, duly issued out of and onder I be ual 4 tbe circuit court of the atate "i Hmrno. lor k county of Waaco. to me directed aud diwltk :b day of November. npon a dernt k the foreclosure of a certain mortrura, la BrRd plaintiff and again.t said defendanu,aa( judr meat rendered and entered In mid envirt It tit above en ti lied cause, in favor of aiauttf im arainst tbe defendant N. W. WallM. M ;w ment debtor. In tbe ran of one trmuairf lat tblrty two and 21 1' V dollan .IKiiLn ail. terct tberoun from tbe Mb day of brptniMi 1-ya, at the rate of ten lC percent per miss and tbe Inrther snm of one bundled Sniia I Kni'aa attornei ?e.ad i he further aunW lainj and .v-U'dolian-lHj J')ndllrfeouonMlof on this writ, and eommandinf me to aui mi of tbe real property embraced in tueh seerw forecWvf urr aud hereinafter dearribi4: axl a eree and judgment hatir been renderel uf rntentd on the 24th day of October, I". ' will on the third day of Januan, l!w.at the bri 2o cl-k in the alternoon of M.ddij aa4 ik front d"or ol the county e-wrt nouat. ii In t itv. Hiuco county, Orecmi. teli at tMt auction lo the tai(c!K"t bi'lder for eat k hand ail the right, title and ititerei atid the defni)anta.N. w aliace arvd 4. r. t.t oc eitber of them, had on the th da t tember lWt. the date of the morti-c forerwa hwin. or which aud defendants or at? ( defendants boiein. have Mtiee aeijai7drB have In and to the following dweribed ra. eriy, aituated and bring in V aeo emetT- w gon, to-it: Theaouthe ftquarteroi taeiMtt went quarter, the wulb h i the auartcr. and the northemt quarter ol the mat quarter of rectlon twentr-eirht.in vmaa aeven aoutb. ot range aereuleen eat. Meridian, containing 1") acre, or m aid property a will aulv " ivifaxt'" decree, with eol nd accruing e.. twid pmpern will be oid uhwl tofimvn Uon and redemption as by law ptovioia Ialel at Italle. titv, Vm eoonty. WT thU lh dayot .Noveciber. 1" dert ii SberllTol Wao County, Ore . - NOTICE FOR PrBUCATIOS. LiXD Omn at Tni paiiaW-J (N-tober I. l!" ' Novle, i. hereby given " lh named aettler haa Bled notice of bt$ '"-( to make final proof In aupport . '""r that Mid proof will be rn.de hef.-ra the and Receive at Tbe DaiieWfoo.osS1" November ii, leVf, vU: laaae T. B.wl.nd. of The Da"0'" WrneM Entry No. Vt. for tbe Tj J nd SYt et cC- N range U K., W. M. w He names the following it!,r,o hit eonrmuout realdeoce upon and ta of aald Land, vif : r . , .1 rril 1. I. Mvre, J. W. Jefrv. rred Ssnfra' W. Johnston; all ol The Iilr0l-ijat. OctU U JAV P. LUAS.WU" NOTICE FOR rrBLICATIOS. Laaa Omci at Ta ff ! Sorlew It herebT git en that tbt Jj'j, named settler has tied notice of kn , to make flnal pc-l In mn-orU "rf! that id proof will he m. ie ILm and rrcefverat The ltaiiea.Orer. Lwembrr , vli: ,w Mllt.a a. r.a.al The "'"T;" jfJ It. K. So. SV.C. !" the F', 1 1 1 are. Js, and 'a sec. Tpl- J He name the Mlow'r-g itTL?a,aO hli oontintou. reaideoc vva ana of aat! land. vi: , jgr Pet Kagan. Charles iia id William Woodman, ail of 1 1 and Nuvil I JAY P "'CAS. Executor's Notice. Notice It hereby gi'en tt at ot the atatw of orvc-n f -r ?am1mW' ite, ba. duly la-uen ..d i Z nderaigne-l a. the eieeu , Brr J prob. tb u la.t will and (fUmmi - - - ' emued. and to admini.trr ut- Ilf T0 Mid dereaaed All pe' '"V. arainat Mid e.tal """", , ' at to me al lt law oftoe o ' r do. In Iikiii."i,V 'Yu ui lwalrl.... .vtlrt a rtWTjtnr of U- -.AS? ADMINISTRAIOK S SOTltJ Kotloe la herrtv givea tnai rt d ' haa born a,.t..t"S -f'"'f7l ol the.t.ie .4 Act.- . '7', 4 cf" J petk-na having fuum. "'"! a -Ur.hyntid l "nl ',la r' ora la tht l-a';-. t'r.",ul" 1-aloJ iTeember 1 dec IS II