The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 23, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle. Kate.
JVe raa-
O-itlt.otaor tea hi pally
O ar two inches and under tour Inch .
Oewr lour tnche. and taelva lm'hw
Of laaiv luoUea ..
...II V)
1 I
Arts Inch or lea., per Inch T! V
Oear on inch and under lour Iru'hc If on
over four tm-hca and uu.ler twelve tnche . 1 .V
Over twvlv incur
"The Hon. F.rrtng Winslow, sec
rctaiy of the New England branch of
tbe Anti-Imperialist League, Las gone
to Washington again to find ami to
impress congress," announces the
I"cw York Sun. The Sun goes on to
describe: '"It may be remembered
by collectors that this eccentrio old
boy descended upon Washington last
winter for the purpose ot laboring
with congress. 'Where is congress?'
asked tbe good old man as he hired
aberdic; and the facetious driver
answer J: 'Why, at the Congrcs
slonal Hotel, sure. To the Con
gressional Hotel, then, was the Hon
Krving Winslow wbiiled with all bis
convolutions rolling rapidly. He
actually expected to find most of the
members of the congress there, and
is said to have been great. y com
forted by the sight of one or two in
the bar-room. Forthwith be con
ferred with then'.
MMr. Winslow conferred with sen
ators. He went home happy, telling
everybody that the peace treaty was
beaten. He is now going to prevent
expansion, but we advise him to
keep away from members of the
Fifty-fifth congress who are also iu
the Fifty-sixth. They will be sur?
to ask him what became of those
ten million signatures to the anti
expansion petitions that be promised
to have before Dec. 23, IS. 18. We
also advise him to keep away from
members of the police. They will
be inclined to run him in as a crank
if they have read his Thanksgiving
message to or curse of Mr. MeKinley.
"Mr. Winslow will not fail to con
fer with his brethren of the Washing
ton Anti-Imperialist League. There
are as many as five of them, we be
lieve; and they spend most of their
lime in writing letters to Gen. Sambo
Bowles' Springfield Republican.
And while Mr. Winslow is in Wash
i igton he ought tijcommunicatc wilb
a fe'loiv Tanlogtout, Gen. Morrison
I. Swift of Los Angeles, Cl., secre
tary of tbe Filipino Libera. ion So
ciety, which consist cDtirdy cf
Gen. Morrison I. Swift.
"Mr. Winslow must know Gen.
Swift, who was eminent in Boston a
few j ears ago and blew tbe tramp
trumpet borreodously. It was Gen.
Swift who started to lead a force of
tbe foes cf work from Boston to
Washington, where they were to join
Gen. Jake Coxey's gazaboo grena
fliers. Gen. Coxey is making money
and rides in palace cars instead of on
shanks' mare and Gen. Swift is still
unreconciled and looking for trouble. I
He should be summoned to Washing
ton to meet Mr. Wins!ow. The
Massachusetts anti-imperialists ought
to be glad of the chance to bring tbe
two thinkers together.
"Gen. Swift is more radical and
more forcible than the Massachusetts
men. While they are sipua'ling, he
Las actually issued a proclamation,
emancipating' the Filipinos. From
such a leader Mr. Winslow could
learn much. Tbs Hon. Winslow
W arrcn, of Massachusetts and some
other Tagal fanciers want a new
party. We do ourselves a pleasure
-in nominating as tbeir candidate for
l"""'1"1' wu- w j
. : l . t : t c. .
, .. ,,.v,i.... ,uc.,n
Hon. Ervin? Wmslow, of Massa-
cbusetts. Piitforn): Down with Mo
Ktnley the usurper! L p wuu Agu.n-
alio, the heroic defen ler of liberty I" j
Till.' nnr rrn . M tivnc
' 1 ' " ' '
The house of representatives has ,
mndc an excellent and airrost tin- j
prectdented record, ssys the Te!e-'
. , . .i
cram, ii lias iiae. an imnotlanl .
bill before the holiJiv reer-as. inrr-J
J v - ' - I
thing seldom done. It was enabled i
to do this by the rules invented and
rutinto use by cx Spenkcr TLomas
r.rtckett Keel. It IS easy to frame
a high-sounding argutrer.t against
lhoe rules. It is true that
to a I
certain extent they gig a minority, '
lut this Las become absolutely neces-
eary in order to do the business of j the
tht country, especially at such a
time as this, when a gteat deal of
legislation is necessary. The party
in power is responsible to the coun
try for legislation. And there is
this to be said in commendation of
the Republican party it sticks to
gether iu a solid mass, and legislates.
Good or bad, wise or foolish, it ac
complishes something. If tho people
dout like it, they can express their
disapproval after not to exceed two
years' time by electing a Democratic
bouse, as they have dot." on many
The currency bill passed by the
bouse is a Republican measure. A
majority ot the well-informed busi
ness people ot the country believe
that something of the kind is neces
sary, and will be beneficial. So strong
is that belief, especially in t ie far
Eastern states, that eleven Democrats
from that section ot the country
voted for the bill. Now it goes to
the senate, and it is to be regretted
that it cannot be pushed through
that body as speedily as It was
through the house. A long debate
will influence nobody, enlighten no
body. But it will not lie passed by
the senate for several weeks, perhaps
not till spring, and then probably
with amendments. So it may be late
next spring before any currency re
form bill becomes a law.
Gen. Gatacrc's disaster at Storm
berg, in tbe light of full particulars,
may be pronounced the worst piece
of bungling in the recent history of
war. While it is eas to praise the
successful and criticise those who
fail, the fight at Stormberg is some
thing more than incidental defeat.
It is a symptom of something radical
ly wrong in British army leadership
as opposed to the Boers. Galacre
had 4000 men, while tbe enemy
numbered but 800. Tbe British loss!
was 700 killed, wounded and missing;!
the Boer loss, o killed, 14 wounded.
At this rate England might send
troops to South Africa by the hun
dred thousand and make no substan
tial headway. The British have
pushed the war with a headlong
purpose to end it quickly and their
casualties already foot up 0000. Not
a battle has yet been fought on Boer
soil. Tbe fate of the belengucrcd
British forces is still in doubt, and
that al! can be relieved is decidedly
The trouble with the Gatacre
episode is that nottlnz about it was
prudent, scientific or sensible. No
necessity existed for the movement
unless the result was certain. Defeat
would cost far more than victory was
worth. Tbe men were marched over
the wrong route until cxeausted and
surprised in a ositiin where Ihcy
were helpless, though they outnum
bered tbe enemy five to one. L'gly
rumors come that the Highlanders
were cut up in Methuen's last battle
wbils they were marching at night
into a position covered by the
enemy's cross fire. Such generalship
is on a par wilb navigation by igno
rant pilots. No doubt the ISrititb
public is deeply excited over the
succession of gross blunders that Gil
the land wilb mourning. A storm
of wrath will burst upon the war
oflkc if the chapter of startling mis
takes is to be ccntinued.
y l - - l. i .i i. ... ,
military authorities that if they are
to conquer the Iloers they will have
to throw into South Africa a vastly
increased armv. aava tbe Silom
Slatesmao. The situation recalls
ma) ro.rcl. .j.. exrrlence,t..r,k innl.. n,. K.f....
of lhe L-nitf j j,uict ; .,je wtf cf
h -ct v.... - ,.c.r
-v. wjn. H u wvi .4, V. ,
wilb no,hi . bul dlMlter u !
, ,,a ,,,,
1 - " v- ' - .,.- "OS , I
fighting n enemy whose ad vantages ,
of position and communication, to ,
sptak of nothing else, were such as !
to demand a preponderating force in
armies attstkinj them
The Iiritiab '
. . i
are oieratin? at various txiinia r,n a
wide rircln .0, W an ..t .s I
" - "'-"-j O M . i v. uai j VI -
least equal
lumbers occupyinz
strongly posted inside line. Only
preponderating cumbers can make '
such a camtaiin borefnb M' 1
phn of striking repeated blows would .
" "
s .i..t. . . . ..'
Lave lecn all ri2ht if be bad bd tho
w-" 'l rifjul U UC IIU'l Iia'l Hie I
rr.en to spare, but be Lad not. In
this wajr Grant drove Lee tbrou
5 i
Wilderness. It cost .ititoM tires,
but Grant bad unlimited reinforce
ments to fill up his ranks. Methucn
had none. Tho Boer army is as
strong as bis, and strongly placed.
In attacking it Melbueu has only
wasted bis men without accomplishing
results. Tho KnglisU have before
now fouud It bard to "beat tho
Dutch," but they also have tho virtue
of persistence and it is not to be
doubted that they will flht this
thing out. It it takes "all summer"
and "three hundred thousand more."
It is the failure to realize at the first
the seriousness ot the work before
tbcm an error like our own of a
generation back that is costing them
now so many wasted lives.
After one of tho longest ocean
races on record the Brooklyn, American-built
cruiser, reached Manila
four days ahead of the New Orleans,
an English-built war-ship of the
American navy. Tho speed test
must afford gratification to American
shipyards, for the New Orleans is
rated faster than tbe Brooklyn by
the English experts-
It Joubert really wrote that letter
predicting heavy losses of British
troops, he can find lucrative employ
ment in oities on Ibis side a! a seer
after the war closes.
Teacher' Aeeaclatloa al nalam.
Salem Is nuking great preparation for
tbe meeting of the western .division ol
the State Teachers' Association and IV
partuent o( Superintendence, which
will be held there on the 27th, 2Sth and
29th ot this month. 1 tie program which
hat been received by Sapt. tiilbert, if
eieelleut, and the Salem teachers are
arranging reception ana other enter
tainment for their guests; while those
who remain a day after ttie association
are to be given an opportunity to visit
the various state institutions.
The usual excursion rate hare been
made by the Oregon Kailway and Nasi-4
gallon Company anj the Southern
Pacific Company to accommodate those
who desire to attend the meeting. Per
sons coming over either of thrae lines
take a receipt for their fare which, when
counter signed by the secretary of the
meeting will entitle the holder to (he
usual reduction for the return trip.
Keturn tickets will be honored by the
O. R. A N. Co. within three days; and
by the Southern Pacific within forty
eight hours after the cloee of the session.
Tickets may be purchase! as many days
previous to the meeting at they are
piarcd on ta'e at the several ilt'iee.
Several teacheri from The Dalles are
planning to attend, and others should
take advantage of the opportunity
atfjrOed tor a pleasant vacation trip.
Ituhart Ttaotnpaffa III at Lot Aegclea.
A letter received from Mrs. A. K.
T morning tells of the
u-ui Ul .11 r. luou.pv.jn a unce, Jvooert
Thompson, at Los Aneies, Calif., last
Mr.Tliompson formerly lived at S-Mile
and is verv well known in The Dalle.
He wat the flher of George, (now
deceased ... James, who residet at I.e it
ton ; William of Fossil, and Mrt. Walter
Davenport of Colfax. He alto leavet a
wife and two brother!. J. D. and D. K.
Thorn peon, of It Angeles.
A thort time before leaving The Dalier,
aboat twelve vears ag), it will be re
membered that Mr. Thompson wat
severely Injired in a runaway, being
thrown out on bit way between here and
5-Mile, having bit wrist broken and bit
head badly hart. From thit be never
fully recovered, but bat been an invalid
ever tince. He had grown rapidly worte
of late and hit death wat not unexpected.
He wat a man Iigbl7 respected and
hit long illness and death will be greatly
deplored by those who knew him in
The Dal let.
Kaulag ika Wrecked Kaglaa.
O. R. A X. wrecking crew in recovering
the battered and bruited engine which
burled to death Kngineer Robert Hcnter
and Fireman Miler. Once the engine
wtt hauled op almost on the track, but
the cable broke an 1 it weut d the
The manner in which' tie engine i,
battered shows with what terriile f,.,e.
Hrock the rock on the track. ..Nearly
"T '! tod iron CUr ahich bell it
I ..... r. ...... a i -rni wreiieiiea
i jm t I. P nan. I I . w . k . ,
or broken. In fact, those wi,
io saw the
engine lying there in a tangled Leip of
Q0'J ,,OD n J ,,elt doohtel if it would ,
j be wonh saving for scrap iron, let a'one !
lieinir taken to tlin ear at, nr. a f,. I
Ti,.f.r.i i,.,,:;.. . - .'
-.. - - i, m mars Ol
..t. a ii m mi, rl ,
.ti ... i ,..,.: .1 . , , ,
ft0 feel ii r,ece...,,:. i.v,.i ' ,'
- -' " y 1 ' ' a I , J
means, worked by st-.m, and ,
I an Inelino built with great paint, the
Artmn op IDch in(ll f- , ,
,.tc..,i 1 . .t . .
- '"ins. '1M II
front part reached the main track
D'' w",k""n ere eongratnialing
iiiemsevrs. ii.e eatj.e iiiitm 1 iim..
I an I the mass Brain plune.1 il,n n .
- -"-.
erniiiiikuient. Teieirram.
gul)cribe) fur The Chronicle.
Wudueaday t Dally.
J. It. McAtee it in from Dutur.
R. Siginan is a bug inetsvlsito from
Dulur Iu town today.
Mrs. 11. liarner, of Centerville, it In
the eity shopping today.
J. W. Jones, of Waved, It doing
buaiueti iu the eity to.lay.
I'uter Ahnla, pottmaater at Center
title, It Iu Tbe Pallet today.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Clements came In
from 1.1 ran Valley yesterday.
Mitt Alice Koyt. formerly of thit city,
it in tho city from Dayvillo vititlug
Mettrt J. O. YYitiun, R. K. liutler, and
M. H. ltuller are In from N interne on
bo ti nets.
Mrt. Wni. Combs and daughter arrived
yeeterday from I'rinevllle and left on the
morning train for 1 ortland.
Mr. and Mrt. II. K. Rlue are In from
their home at Wamic, visiting Mrt.
illue't mother Mrt. Keavlt. Il hat not
t yet been ascertained whether Mr
ltlue will rebuild hit hotel, recently do
st royed by nre.
Thursday Pally.
11.8. James It In from tints Valley
J. F. Martin it a visitor In tho city
from Kufut.
Harry Adams, of Antelope, cam in
from that place yesterday.
II. C. Rooper, of Antelope, it transact
ing buiineti in town today.
Frank Kincald, ex-county commit
tioner, it in the city today from bit
home at Antelope.
M.J. Andereon and W. II. Ileiiler
were among the Dufuritet in town yet
terday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. V. II. II. Dutur raine
in from Dutur yesterday aud returned
home this afternoon.
Ata Stoirs.lUI. one of Tyg! Valley't
btiay farmers, came In from that section
yetterday on businett.
J. (iunning came np from White
Salmon on the boat taut night. He was
accompanied by hit daughter.
J. A. Thronsen, who hat been visiting
hit brother at the Oregon King mine,
near Autelope, came Into the city yet
terday on bit way to hit home at Day.
ton. lie wat accompanied by Mint
Ulanche Kiggi, alto of Dayton.
Johh Juan came in venter. lav from
Antelope, and tiwnt today in flit IU I let.
J Hit trip coming in wat not the pleasant-
est, tor at i.'ing iioiiow a break iloan
occurred which caused Ihetn no little
trouble; but the two passengert who
accompanied him took the matter good
nataredly aud helped matter! out. Mr.
Juan leavet tomorrow for Portland.
Friday s bally.
M. A. Lethe, of Wasco, it In the eity.
C. II. Southern, of Rjyd. it in town
J. Kdwtrdt came up from Ilsy Creek
O. It. Hartley it a visitor from Hood
River today.
Dr. I.edgoe, of Antelope, it registered
at the I'matilla Houee.
I.. O. Howard arrived in the city yet
terday from I'rineville,
J. II. Sherar waaintown on busioeat
today, returning this afternoon.
Frank Iibletn, one of Kingley't
uioel prominent farmers, it doing bust
nest iu the city today.
Mist Kite Whipple will leave on this
aftemoon'i train io tnd the holldayt
with friends in 1'ortiand.
Mrt. M. Wiilerton in I daughter, Mist
Bertha, were raa-rtigert for Portland
to-lay, where they wtl! make a thort
Mrs. Mary Garrison and her eon,
David (isrri.on, left The Dal let a few
dayt lince for Salem, where they expect
to make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. It. ftyrkett came up
from White Salmon on last night's .
noil ana tpent lot'av thopptng. Tliey
win return tomorrow.
Mrt. Hiram Mitchell. ho hat been
tpending the past few weekl with
relativee at Antelope and Ha Creek
returned to her home iu Tbe Dallei
About a month agj Henry Ivilxe), in
company wan Dr. Wingate, left ur the
Ukanifin mining district. He returned
nome yesterday enthusiastic in Ml
praiaet of that lection and the prospect!
lor anj wiio nave claimt there. When
he leit there were two feet of mow on
the ground, and winter wat telling in
in earnest.
F.lward I'atterion, of Seattle, arrived
in Salem jesterdav for a holiday visit
Willi relatives. Mr. I'atterson wai
formerly a talesman in the hardware
ttore of liny lirot , and ha now holdt a
timilar position with Schwahacher Hroe.,
me irKe. nirqiin etialilnhment in
Seattle. He it well pleated with bit
borne on the Sound. Stateiman.
David Creighton, of .VMiie, who left
here on Oct. l"ih tj iit relative! in
the Fast, hat just returned home, ha,
ing ieen delayed Io Portland a few dayt
on account cf tickne.e. Durirg his two
montht' ttay h viiiied in Ohio, Iowa,
Indiana and California, spending moil
of hit time in the former ttate, where
he found gxd timet, good cropt and an
abundance of oil.
It of Maay at Jack
aoa'a friends.
It would not surprising to many
, .... .,. ill ii;e
neirfhtmboo.1, If baek of all tbe
a rat". I atari I 1 raw Air rtm ,.!e Ii.. . a . I
of Joll..ll.n Jai k ,on ,,,
euiiistances which riiiuht be brought
:,,',lh jrove that, while be may not
; ,:,ve Upn r""r'l""'d. thero were meant
nl I...I at I , I I .1
- - m s t ' vy 1 111111 111 II1UI I liver
up foul play. Such It the ronflrmed
i .' 1 1 , ,
Opinion Cf people) will blVe reason for
in li a conjecture.
In the first place it it saiil to be 19 at
t.irred fict that be returned to thit city
from I'ortland. Io-nJe, he bad In bit
. .
poeaeailon a flue gold watch, heavy
chinchilla coat, one ihec't for ftitiaud
auothrr for -'00; while, when the body
wat discovered, none of these thlngt
were found on lilt person.
Tlie repot t bat gained credence at
lHt'hutrt that upon reaching thlt city
lie continued hit tprre and freitii'ntrd
placet of )tiestlonaliU reputation until
most of hit money wat spent and the
remainder, with the watch and coat,
stolon. Ho had often asserted that be
wat going to Montana, and, It is thought
to cover up the theft, he wtt given the
Impression that ho wat to ttart for that
ttate, and placed in a bos ear, where be
wat found by the tralnmeu later and
put off near Celllo.
What foundation there It for such Im
pression we could not learn, but certain
it it that the matter should be ferreted
out and the true ttate of atfairt deter
mined. If Jackson bad money, it
should be tent to hit litter whom tie bail
been supporting, and not be allowed to
fall Into the ban It of those who were
responsible f ir bit downfall.
From bit neighbor! we learn that be
wat genera'iy liked by all; a man of
good priuelplet when drink bid nut
traoslormed hint to a beast.
The remalnt were given retractable
burial todav.
Adsartl Latlars.
Following it the list of letters remain
ing In the puttotlice at The Dalles un
called for December 13, tfttrll. Person!
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised:
Adams, Harry
ilrown, Wm F
Ilea n. J W
Urown, l.em
Halden. Henry
llalty. W V
l aiiiron, A
Creagh, J
Compton. J N
Dai ling. C I,
Foster, Chst F
lioheen, N I.
Hill Med cine Co,
Joyce, J
Keys, Kali'ti
Merkey. I.ewey
Smith,' W ft
Allen, Mrs. Nellie
Kruv, n, Mrt Klla
Clark. Mrt M F.
Kiltand, Miss Ida
1 1 am 1 1 loo, Mrs A goei
Mrklnon, l.nla
McNallv. Margaret
Springer, MrsMattie
Wilson, ri Nettie
Willmiiis. Mrt ti N
(.iilrt. Will
Harvey. Jack
Jones, J
lUuieit l.and.tgeucv
MciM-e, T
Smith, JJ
II. Kii.i.u i , P. M.
tin Fiftwn Mile, Iec. 21t'i, to Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. l;uv, a son.
At Seiiferl't canne.-v, near this rltv, IVr. SDtli, to Mr. Slid Mrt.
t" It Unr.'r a .laill.l.r
. i. rion-r, a uaugtiter.
tnll.iaeite TK..-..I-. I L !..
.Mr. idu nil, i re i rv,:er, a ton.
At Dry Hollow, near The Dalles. Fri.
day morning, Ise. 2.'nd, tu Mr. and
Mrt. A. S. Robert!, a ton.
Ik Malra Mulh.r
Hat found ti ll her b'.tlo ones are Im
proved mors by the pleasant Syrup of
Figs, alien in need of the Is i stive elici t
of a gentle remedy, thin by eny other.
Children enj iy It and it benrtln them.
The true remedy, Sy rup of Figs, It man
n .ii lured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only.
Sheriff's Sale.
I tiif. i
1 in, t i
ir tr .
, ..r VW.
ht i. r Tin. rATr. or
J. P V-nf rnr, a, ..1ni!i,t.trat..r ,.f lhe eatate ul
I'mlup Hi.a-au, U.e.;-i. fi.liitiil,
M Vt , V. allarr an.) a f. W tlre, Itrlriulalili.
Hy vlrlii u an eteriit.n. ..-r.- an. I ul .. r of
Mle. .lull laa.inl ni u iin l-r 111 ,.(
the elreull e..ull ut Ih il.t .! Ilreeun. lur th
euimtv .4 M .-eu. t tup .lirertcl ai.,1 t.u. Ih
ith .la- r. N',,efl.r. wel. liH,i a (1. re 1-
th .--i,Muf certain mutira,. In l.,ur .,
l.llitllt at, ti .a.ln.l aaiu att.l u,.l-.
meiil ren.lrn.l ail enlrr.. Iu sal.l .,,, l
alreei,tlll e.iiae. In far. .1 .lainlir a-,,)
aalnal the d.'frn.laul N. V ., a.
ment iltu.r. In Ih sum of nn liimiaan.1 ,,o
thirty Ian an.l ;i Hi .1. .liar, jj) alth In
er-al Ihrrv-.n I ruin the ath ,1av i eptniher
l . at tl, rate ul Wll ( e arr eenl l-r .nu.lin!
Ii. I Ihe liirllu-r aum ..I un hnixltr.1 n...lara
illK'laaalt.rtiieii'ea au.lth luMlir thirly
ai..t .u !. ,..l:.,. i ai ji.i ,,,,) ,,,
un ihl. aitl. an.l eurnm.n.lliia m u. m... hU
ui in mai .ru,rriy Inl.i.rr.l In aueh On n ul
lorech.aiir an.l hereinafter newrllirt Ml. I 1r
err an.l Jiulsmrnl l,a, li.a tara-n reinlerel .i,,
vnlerM un the llh .lay ul larb.lM-r, I--., I will
nn Ih Ihlnt .lay u( Jautiar, , I'M', al Ihe hir n(
l'rl,ek In the attern.ain trl aal.l ta an.l .t the
Irunl d a nl Hi eonnly e.Mirl huua. In .llea
Illy, Waaeo eiMinty. (irtarun, sell at IMihlle
auetlun Iu Ih hlhet hl.l.try ,- raah III
ha. 1. 1 all lhe right mi an t Inlareal ahleh
Ih .1. teiwlanta S. V .liar miA H. f Wallar,
n either nl Ihern. had un Ihe J.lh lai ul hrt,
leii.l- , Ih .11 1,1 Ih m.. (,.lerl..,
h-n-ln, ur whl. h MM .lefeti.l. nta or any nl h
rtrfrii.tNliU hi.-ln, har sluee aconred nr nuw
hai In and I.. Ihe lullnaln ral pr.n
erty, sltnalr-l and h.-l n( In M ac, roiinly. ore
fun, beall Ilia smith al .iart,-r n the ao.ilh
a tpiarler. Ih a...,lh ha. I nl Ih a...ill..l
quarter, and th Burlhea.l uarler irt lh aiMilh
e..l quarter of am-Unn I rl I , el h I In Mall. hip
,lh, nl range eaal, W lllam.lle
M.TNIiaii, cntalnltig l.ii aerra, ur an much ..(
aid pr..-rl as alll satlalr aa,,l I,, , I. ....... -.i
d.-erea-, allh eaiata and aeeiiilua nala.
"aid IiroreTly alll la, . 1.1 ...I.I.-.I ,.., .
Udi an-t re.t..inpii.,n aa hy law .m? i.le.1.
1'nle.l al l.allrsl It,. Maw-,, r.a.1,1. li-...n
IM .-Jlh day of Voei.iher, l-w, '
ki tn' It T b ,M v
d.e- Hherlltuf Sunt 'uuifle. lliV..'n
t.a o Orel. 1 at Tmi Inn i. ii .1
iH luta r 7, la-f. I
Nulle a herehv lren that Ihe l .l,,,ul.
nam.. I aetll.., h.a nlnl lu. lire u( l,l,
to n.akr filial i.r...f In ..l l-.rt uf hi. elalui, an I
tl.uf ..Id .r..f .HI . i,,.. I,. .,,. 11,,. t........
si d h.a . iver al 1 he l.alk... Ui gon, on a.lur.lar.
..eii.ij..r is l- r., ,t.
I.aae . Ilnaland, r.r Ths lall, llr.l
W, mct.-ad t'ntlT . ,-), f,,r the Ki, Ji
ell', 'saud .'S',lil e. la. 1p f .lu
r.n- ti f. , n M. '
II" na.nia ihe fnli .alet altnraae. I., p.uva
his en nut a reaidenee uu and rillllati,,n
uf a.i.l land, vlr
J I. Ilrre, J W J.frr. Kr.-d ..rr.-T.I and J
W Juhri.tun . all ul 'I lie ll i. In. ...
et ti f
J 4 I. I I I A- Hel.ter.
Executor's Notice.
nilc . her.-l.r riten that the e niniy e.niit
'4 the atal uf llr.-vnn lur Haa-n euiiutv. in
.-..lmte, ha. duly la.nnl , tlera tc-Lnuuitaty Iu
, .1 in- oa-iliiir .,in. hi Id,
I "at alll and l.'.lanieiil .,( lalrh llr.aka ,r
f,',w.l. mil l,.,.l,...i . .. I
""' '-'e-i ah ,!...., a 1,., 1.,, n.,,,,, !
alnsl tal.l e.late .re .k,,imI ,,;...,
..,. . .. i. . ... ... . ..1:
aenl ll,s
Ai I .....
Ion, 111 halha I (la. I.rcgon. alrh i,rotr Yniu-h.
.. , , ,,, , uTuj.rn A I ..ii i
era aitlou t, ni. tilh. Iium II, .
le-eeini.-r jl, l-ri.
kill AN till 1. un, u,l- a
fieeutur Of lb C'l.l cf I .isb llmul.,' d
r.u k us- nari.iiN
r.a. cm. j, ,r,;,, 1
!. s, ." ,'
Ill eccotdalic alth II,. nrovLi,,,,. ., '
eiitllli.l "All A. I Kubriillil,,. t., i," ""A'l
ah . i xiiiiiioniha b i, i , , ' "r
l Urn,.. i, al u i,,,,,, , ,. ,J ;; l
roi-M unaitiuii,,,,.! .,,,,'
tlie hUta
i, 1...1.1
IM'lulltiif rrnM"iM ortatltlltluiiul a ' .
I1!1;" v' "" "u'" :' ""' 'i" . .. J,';,
t.iu..n -I iu, elate of ,.... .. , .. ,
llie eeeftarv ul Ntate. I., l.- ....... I
...I, litl.o ... H, ,4ua. , .""'S
In. III. I ol His 1.1.1. ol tir.a.m. 1 J"'lu "i
IN. lie al the t'a,tt,,
aat) Hits iUl .l.v ul S, .!-., I' 1,'T""'
V 1 I.O . 1
Hi M-l
T. l,KKM
H V llie governor'
V. I. tU MIAU, Htvrelary ul et.t.
HI.NAIIt JOINT tir.HllI I TloN, ((,, t
Ha II reolie. by Ihs Henale, tl,. ...,..
errl.. lhal Ih. lull.-ln, , ,;"''
I ull.lll.ltl.,l. ..I U.S UU ul Ore..,,,
Iieri'lty .r..NMr.l IS
1h.lM.t..u IU..I Artlrl. x 1.1 ll.n (...,
II..U..I turn Mal.ut .-,.,, Im. ., ii, '
l.r.y sl.r. .ll. ai..l tu lirU u,, fcl '" '
ut AUU to Ai. sb.ll la. lull.,,, "" "
41TI. . I.
. Uaetlne III. Kn eMiiily, n,r, twn . .
Irt. l .w ..ih-r uiuniritwl e..rt.M.u ,lM . '"f
HI .I..II ,J
e.we.1 to Dm.itt, Ili.li4.atl III an,
auy l.i all ain.Hiul li,rl,ioi. ., , .
I.tlng in.lrl,,.-!,. , ,. ' .
.l...ity Ih.rvlll In be ..fl.,, b. , . "
ameill lur hUU.h.l eount, .i,K.,T.
Ilia IlieurrlllS ul such llHleblnlue...
A.l...le. hjf the aiial January 11
'. . tl-ttoe, frraMrul l'.h. , .
n.. ,t eeiiiiii, i.n III. al. ,,( . "
CoiK urrr-l hi by the lluiun, r. brn.ry . i,i
V. T. kltbV,, u u tl'.,UM,
. ' 1 1 . .a
J i'WI nr ins f-nala January II
J.xarM KIM..M, r-ir.Urui.,1
t'oueurrH In by Ihs ll.maa, rrtirn.r. .
IM.a. U. Vlouaaa, e (.., Ul ill,
ir.NATK JOINT KKa.iLt ThiN, no u
Ha II re-olvnl by the nanaie, tl,. n
eiirrinf lhal Ih l,,( a...ri.,li, i u, .71
I .....til. HI. hi ul Ih Klal .1 ii,,,, , , u U"JJ
ex-lluu Ten nl AMI. I. h.Kpi, b, ,u.t ,u
U berrhy oal, l sj
a-rioa ta.
Thi,. AMi-mhly tu.y .r. M, (.., Ib,
ele. ll. . II ul eu,me a. .J I Irenli J.i I... 11, ,i,
lln. I cla . m, irfahlrti elaawa ahai.eontiH
ul If Juallre. ul Ihe aurvln I ,.t,rl l, .
Ilul trl.lll elreull lutr: ami ,a ul.rt ri
hall ul a. many I Itruil J.i.,v, ,,,,
haxln-nil al,.. .h,o h...l r , , I r,u,
allhmil allMlmral .i hn.l.all Ut, Ih,
uaih II.- ..riu Juilm.
1 h I. ai. la live. A. ml, i, ni.y rrralr a .nt
elrrulU a may la, ar-ar). '
Al"'t.-I ty Ui Mrtiate, rWirn.ry ,,
c. . Iuii,, I n. i, l. i,i ii ,,(,
I neurre. In hi Ih ll nv, K-bruarv I . It.
. T. Kl.1,1, ..I ll.a II. a,.
A.t't'lr-1 by Ih an.te. i.tmary 1, t.
J.iasm M I'leal.t.-iil ,M I!,- - ,,,
I in rmn- In 1,, ih -,ii-, Irbtii.,, , o
MA. H. Ai.Kjaa. ,)-( i tl.Htm.
Il'.lr JcINT Kr..CTIOS, No 10
Hr-..l,rl t,y Ih l. Mi, the Kniil, e. rr.
Il I t..l thr .mrli.liu,,! Ii. I'.c I
.I.UIU..II ul Ih aula ul Hot. .u be aj b, fri., u
(.r, ,... ' "
1 hal II. I uii,tll.ill..n be amen. M I.I s.l.iiiK
Am. I I . aa lulluas, U. alt '
Airt. II ut.
eietl.-n I.
Tie fleer. aary lla ..( I , ..). f.
e..i.alrut-.n ol r,
t al.-as- hl,
" I "I-""' ul lni.o.i ..r l..i rihi,
ll-o e,i .ttuell, in ,, ral.ala, dl t,
wi i..r..i,.., ai i., i .. v
I a M
ii- ..r
U.- I.II, w.inelal ,-r li.era.rf
afln.. ..( m li, ., f, ,
aaa. rut., l.innel., akalta, h,Mtllg a,,,,
.t.Ut, ur ufher l,eawil Rtrans Iu III, If r.ia'
plrir dr, el.,,atenl nf alif nw. n..'o..arr Io
the e.,ni(..,tr defrhej.ina-t.l d the natural e
IIK.-aul fhvl.tent ,ri--erv.ll,.u uf II, r hra:lh
ol lift Inl.hllalll., 1. hrlehr da. .arr. to la. . ,,il
ilc uae and I t,i 11,. re(Ul.ti.,U Slid f-Mlllol
ul th- -tale.
eerllun J. Therlahlln an""l"tle the tll.aB.
.ru.iUlra a.lrra ,.f n.1,,,,1 ,lrr.,u i,, bru.
rmlal uaeaahall ur,a, lw ,n,l.-l
a-ell:n a. 1 he um ,i ail aalr.
.rlate. a!e rell tat ur dl1 rll.u lion. ,.( .11
a.lera rlglnallr al t,..r lalr.1 I,., .t,t ua.
hul ahli h, .llrr aitri, ...r..r.M .lu.ii, hat li.rri.,
.-r l--u ur m.T herealU-f he, rrnl.-t .11
lrl,.ili., . hrrehy d,alare to ta, a Hi' lie liar
and snhUrl In It . , e..utr.H ..I the
-lair In lit. Ili,,pv .rawiWal h, la lb.
right tu Ja and .ft-r. .l.t ani l, a.trr, a.'. ail
I-- .ul, re( to .ui'h r. l-loii. ul Ua h.rll.tlat
lug .A .flvlr .r...rt, t. i-n'-'lr -l, ,t ua
a. .f. , . I,, -,i,.n la. Aril. I I o tht I ..II
I'ln'l f lhe le uf llrva.Hi.
l,.ll II, 11,111,, r ,i l Iu,. , r-.a
I'.iMilun Lay ihe ua ufa.t. r a, it .i.. t.. ...
cniilr. , t,, I., an ur aat.r .ll.lo. t ur Inli.tnl
aula MoT,.!, la a franehla, and eann.-l la- rlrt
''"'"'II hr a.illwtllr uf and III a i ::.i.f
r. .. r.i. I,, i.a
A by Ih II ., K.-nmry I ., l-i:
A. I' ks.l.y. uf dr II. tia.
gi.r.1 Ylai. ti ;, l-i'i ..
Aduplr-I by tt,a aen.le, tehfliary IT. I-.:
1 . . S i Una. .,1 t!, a.-na'a.
(algued Han Ii I-o I
A'ti-laal hv the ll.aiae. t. hruary A.
lltll h VtiHiS.a, Sa-ai-r of t:, II 'iar.
I ntienir.d tn l.v Ihe MVu.te. rrh-uarj 1.1 l-l,.
J'WIfl SlMoa, Treat lrlil uf tut' -tl.ale.
ll'il'eH Jnr kl aiilfTloS D J.
eruMMlug an In l!i. f',,n,l!l,ili -m
In alat , urey;ni, hy Mertl-'tt li .4
Article I
Meaulveit he lhe H-nlM. the , c-nnifrf i f .
T h.l aea 4. .f Artu-I I of ttie i niiutuu.a
hr and hrf.-r.y la r-1--ale..
Adu.lil l,v In ll.ei, January II. 1"1.
W , . K l iy, e. aker l tnr II, -oar.
( rmcurre. In l,y Ihe rt.,af.. J.n.i.n i. 1-n
I. W. lilt,,,, I'laahlelil uf th aen.t.
Al . te. hy Ih ll.uiM, Jai.nat) i. l-'i.
I Mi., II. Mooaaa, .t. r ..f IV II ..
t'uticuirat In l.y Ih Neuate r.-.r.iary II. I-'O.
JuatrH eiUuli, I'rraldrllt i-l llir .H,'l.l
SKN.tTK JOIXT HItaot t TtoN N" '
Be II reaolred .y Ih a.,,ale, the II-" "J"
eurrli.g I hal Ih lollua Ing! "J
I uiiali iiitloi, r.f Ike etalo ul Oregon h ana
hereby proi-aw-i! .
1 ' .".i. IranehlM In Hit. Met '.
hetealui u i r .h'MUal In any clllien uu
A ' III eenale, Frhf'iray . I- ''
.-..a. ul tin-Hens'
Added by . l. rebtliary I. f
I sua. B. w. na.. a" "'
Adoplr-t hy Ihe aenal. J.iin.ry Jl, J""- ,.
I.V. Ta vu.a, l ra.i.lei.1 ul H
Ad.ej tail h. Ih llmi , January SI,
t. V.I A.I.I, "leaser nllh. ""
fMTHl UTtlH iF A M K It t 1 A ,
iimeirf r. ury o( t"'.
I, r. I M AH..-retarynf et.tenl the "la ¬
nl un..)) .,,.1
id I llah-ll.n ul III 'ce' ,
a., t , . I have roml-."
the t.rTee)l.l copy of Henale Joint K.-a.. i
No 4. i.l the le.l.l.ll, Aenihle ol I" '
- Viintclnal lndel..,n. aa ameiulrnetil
Joint II. Iloi, Mo. 1.1 ul the lall.lally'
rinhlv uf l-.i, larjr Amen.lnl '
Jnlul Kra,,lill ,n No HI uf he la-lala'le
a. , .,1,1. ,. Ni Irrlitalloli An.-"'" J
Hull. I. .hit llr.lutlon Nu 5 ( lhe lKl"i"'e
Aaaemhi uf l-il, - K.f.lng Ainei'.l"--"'
and ..nale Joint kcnlutl. .tl .So . "'"' ,
latlie Aa-r-ml.le uf 1 ... -"r l'll "'""
I,.,J,- ' . IK in. ...Itflnal .-..I t-'a I""
ft I" I . ii. i. ...e... -n.l in. .1,,. tame la
tl.llM rl.l there, rum Bil l Ihe elwle Ihertall.
In T.Ti .V nl"f. I ,';r '''T,
unto -! niv hnnd aud .ma.--. ' -
the aral uf Ih lateol I'n n
..n. al the I at Hot. at -i""i
. urrtf n,
Ihl. Third il.iy ol .Norriiile-r,
A l-
I-., i.
f PI'S It lilt,
V'.liee la lienl.y r I en thai the lllid Ml"""
I... 1.. u......i I. 11.. , .,11,11 curt ( t e
a'-ie ..( ..r. ., t,.r e...iiit,'
i.lll,fn.. ,. .,, J,-r....e. d eea.l. 'l
ui.i e-i.te sre
r . ...
hereby nullflr.1 to .ee-lit Ih-.n Io ni sl HIV
ulh.e In lhe l'H.-, nr., It I.l si l
from the d.'te herea.f.
li.t.U 1K ember l.l,lH. .. ...
n. r c. 1 rn iv-t.
ilcclo II Admlnltl'a'-u