rturn ton all know B. Ienberf Is op from Hood RiTer. U. E. Stted i Hxi RiTer tisitor ia the city. A. J. Borie. fjrmeily of Pendleton, but now ot I'ortlaiid. was in tbe ciy today. Bert Barrett came op from Portland last bight to attend tte funeral of Us coo bio, Dora Aieaasaer. C. A. Shnrte, one of Arlington's lead iof merchants, came down from that place oo yesterday's afternoon train. Snperintendent J. P. O'Brien, of tbe O. R. A N.. ain tne ci:y for a short time yesterday a(lern on ou bit ay op Ibe road. Miss Lena Liebe. who has tpent tbe past three months in San Fiancifco and other California ciiie. returned tome but night. lira. Theodore Liebe and daughter, Elaie, of Portland, arrived in the city last etreningr aud are gaetts of Mr. and lira. G. A. Liebe. W. F. Bvare.of tbe Gcldend.le Seoti net, was "registered at the Umatilla House (eeteidav afternoon; bat if he Tesaised crer in the city be male as fraternal call. id not iloutUj Daily. A. L. Eanneli is over from Centrali. Ed McGreer was in from Antelope yesterday. V. C. Bro:k, of Wasco, was in town yesterday. P. T. Nicholas made a business trip to Xyle today. J. W. Koon'x went to Portand on this morniog'a boat. David Bonner left the city this morn ing for Portland. Mies Alice Huot returned Saturday evening from Portland. C. J. Stabling left this morning on a business trip to bttveoscn. Mrs. J. C. Meins was a passenger on tbe boat t&i moruio for Portland. - Mrs. L. E. Crowe returned home on Saturday night, after a wetk's vitit in Portland. Miss May Eor-ght came up from Port land Saturday ami spent yesterday wilh friends in Ibe Dalies. Miss Jeancetie Wi'iiame, accompanied hy her sister, Florence, left on yester day's aftern xo train for Portland. Mr. Clarence Hout, cf Corvaiiis, ar rived in the ciy Saturday and is spend ing a tew daytw ith friends. Mrs. H. A. Talefero ariived in the city from Portland Satorday night, to reeume her duties as professional nurse at lr. jei84-niJuiffer' office. Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Taylor came up from Salem yesterday, where they took tbe body of their son for burial. Mrs. Taylor left this morning for her home in Antelope. Mre. S. P. Stanard, of Brownsville, is spending a few days in tbe city with her annt, Mrs. L. L. Hill. .She is ou her way to join her husband. Elder Stanard, who ia etationed at Adams. Mr. and Mre. L. Klinger, who left several weeks ago lor California, iti com pany with Mr. and Mrs. L. Rice, have returned to their home in Dufur. Ore gon, they cay, suits them nil right. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Blakeley will leave on this afternoon's train for Portland. Mr. Blakeley will attend a meeting of tbe Pharmaceutical association, while bia wife will visit her parents lor a few days. Grant Mays returned homo Saturday nigbt, having spent two weeks in Call forma, lie attended the foothall gajie betaeen the Berkeleys and the Stanford on Tbauk'giviu, in which the former won ia a score of 30 to 0, and Grant hasn't (jot through yelling yet. Tuesday's Dally. A.C. San ford is down from Moro. 3. II. Smith, of Graea Valley, is a visitor in the city. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Piimaa came in from Dufur yesterday. J. Freeman was a passenger on this I morning's boat for Portland, 8. W. Chil.Ws and wife came down from Co'nmus on yesterday's after- ! noon train. j Jess Smith, L. B. Thomas and J.B.I HOW CHARLES VJ. BABGOCli Proprietor Lyoaum Shell Oyster Parlor, of Rochester, NmY Obtataod $2,000 life Insurance Polloym " Mr business as proprietor of the Lyceum Shell Oyster Parlor, 34s Main street. set, Rochester, N. Y., writes Mr. Charlea W. Uabcock, "was so confining that my lungs became affected. and gotoworkatsome thingoutdoors. He said my lunga were in bad shape, and I knew it just as well as he did. 'Tbe trouble had been prow in g on me for a long time. Like most other people. I tried to the trouble was not ia '"T" the lung. I called it stomach trouble or ner vous disorder, but I kept coughing, spitting CtSgs. and wasting away right "SSi along. I lost in weight, falling from 140 to 115 pounds. Somehow or other, I got hold of Ack cr'a Enirliah Remedy for Throat and Lung Troubles, and after taking it according to directions, I was na well as any man in New York State. I was healthier and stronger than be fore I took the cold which came so near killing me. I now weigh i$o pounds ten pounds more than ever. After recovering, I applied for a life insurance policy. When the doctor began examining me, I was afraid he would discover that my lungs had once been affected, but he didn't. I passed all right, and -was pronounced in a first-cla3 condition. If that isn't proof of the most posi tive kind that Acker's English Remedy is a great medicine, I don't know what yon call proof. I give it my warmest endorsement. My address is given above. Anyone who wishes may write me personally about my case," Sold at 15c, 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada; surd in England, at is. 2d., as. 3d., 4a. (id. Jf you are not aatisfied after buying, xeturn the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. V oullutrUe the abort guarantee. W. II. HOOKER CO., Proprietor!, Kern York. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. ihjs DAISES McAfee are registered at the Ctnalil.a from Dofor. Mite Grace ITohon went do the boat this morninc to tpend a n on ibort time witli friendf io fortune. Chi. M. Randail arrired from Cali fornia a few dys sinew and is ri'itiDj his parent?, Mr. acd Mrs. M. lUnd:i. Mr. acd Mrs. W. H. B'jift came down from Wasco on ye:erdjr' afternoon train. Mre. Bi di'sirone cf at tending tbe carnival tonight. Mrs. S. X. Wilkins, wl"i has rent the past s-?Ten months in Eastern Of n in the ictrt of the order nt llehekih. came down from Prinevilm yesterday and will leave ttiis afternoon for her home at Corvaiiis. G. A. Feranson, who has been de cided not by vote, but by onr people in general, tr b the most popular engineer on the road, will lea v tan evenm lor Eureka rocnty, Nevada, where l.e will visit his mother, whom he has not seen for eighteen years. He expects to be absent about a month. Leslie Butler came op from Portland on last evening' train, and will return this afternoon. Being asked by r'ntl" miD if ihfv are bavins ram in rortIul Mr. Butler q-iietly said, "Well. I believe we had a slight rain storm two weeks airo." not savin that it bad been a con tinned on. Dalles people, however. have no advantage over Portland in that line tbl year. Tba Daaatlaaa Appreciated. Pobthsd, Or., Dec. 3, Editor Chbosiclb: The management of the Boys' and Girls'Aid Society of Oregon feel extreme ly grate'.ul to the pupils of the pub.ic sclioo's of yoar city for their geuerous donation on Thanksgiving, which was the beet donation received outside of Port land at any time since the existence of this institution. Tbe board of directors and tbe iadies' advisory board feel that tbey cannot sufficiently triable the little ones for their kindness in remembering other children who bad been less fortn nate than themselves in hav-.ng a goot hems and fair treatment wilh their parents. It might be interesting to many to know how much In the aggregate a do nation from the children of the public ichoola will amoox-t too, and they on readily tee bow much such a donation can help an institution such as tbe Boy.' and Girls' Aid Society, In caring for its many charges through the winter months. It must be remembered that in many instances child wilt bring a can of jd!y, a caq of fruit, a small pack age of groceries, an apple or potato or some cabbage, but when this is placed together it amounts to a present well worth the acceptance of any charitable institution, and in the case of the school children cf your city it amounted to as follows : 16 to-qunrt jire, 27 one-quart jars, 15 pint jirs, 11 glasfes of jelly, 20 tin cans ot goods, 4 bottles of catsup, 6 packages of mush and raisin9, miscel laneous packages dried fiuit, rice, nuts, toys, beans, 2 sacks potatoes, 1 cake, 1 box apples, 1 box crackers and clothing; also f-33.25 in cash, after deducting 90 cents for d ravage. The thinjs were all brought to the store of Messrs. Blakeley A Houghton, and Mr. Ulttkeley, w ho acts as a;ent fur the society, packed the iroods and forwnrded them by bont, Mr. W. C. Allaway, the agent, k:nlly bringing them down free of charge. Superintendent Gardner wishes to say that he feels very grateful to his friends at The Dalles far their kindness, espec ially to Superintendent Gillert, of the county tchools, and Professor J. S. Landers, city superintendent, and trusts that in years to come this practice may bo continued, and fuels snre that it will be highly beneficial to the upils of the public schools, to say nothing of the irreat good that it ill do to dependent children of tbe state. V. T. Gardner, Superintendent Subscribe for Thb Chronic. My doctor told mo I'd have to leave the store mmm ft Y-CHHOyiCIJ; BUDGET FROM GREENHORN. Whr B la Ifcaral-II Own -ssslal. aa4 Ikn T.lls lb.il lliUxk a MaU. Tns GmxisHoas, Dec. 5, If '3. EoiToa Chkoxici : Tbackg:.v:og has come, and like most other good things gone. Thanks to T. J. sufert, the boys in cor cabin dined on turkey, wilh ce'.ery, cranberries, and doodles of other good thief , for which we were thankful at tbe time, bat which now stand well to'the front in the column of regrets. It is difficult some times to discover jost what we have to be thankful for, and yet a littie thought wonld give to all of ns abundant re at on a. Now in my own case, I console myself I with the inflection that a year ago Van- derbilt was worth HOO.COO.OOO, wb'ch was f 100.001,000 more than I possessed, the f 1,000 being'tbe torn that I bad to get before I was even with the world. Today the sum I have to earn to get even does not exceed 1998, while Yanderbilt has dropped all of his, and gone to that unexplored country where the Lehigh Yalley Railroad Co. and other Yander bilt railroads do tot control the full apply. Hi is dead aud will remain to a long time, white I yet wada around in the snow with bath feet still cold. Yon may or may not remember that in a communication to the Chronicle something like a yea ago, I told you of an old miner who brocght me a letter foand in an old cabin at Robinsonville, which said letter I sent to you. Well, the o'd man was over the other day and brought me a whole jacket of letters and written matter, found in that same eld cabin. I have examined the packsge and find It contains not only letters written to the dead miner by his sweet heart thirty years ago, but it cintains also the letteis .itten by him to her, and returned to him, as one cf the letters shows, when she married the other fellow. I wonder if it would be wrong for me to read and edit that cor respondence. I found tome things that pleased me ; bits of humor, glimpses of pathos, and here and there a Lit of poetry that welled up at the touch of Love from the heart of the now defunct, as the water flowed from the rock at the touch of Moses' rod. I can't quite bring myself to publishing this correspondence and yet I am sorely temptsd. However, I shr'1 venture a few lines at the risk of being -eaorne, just to show what the Muet did lor the . late lamented as he wrestled with the uncharitable world as exemplified by Robinsonville 30 years ago. This is evidently to his sweetheart: She wore my row""! In her hair. And otbera on her bosom fair; But sweeter even Than these, the vloleta of her eyes That caught their hue irom summer skies A gift Irom heaven. t-be wore my rop on her breast, Whose snow thiir criiusou petals pressed W.th velvet tliw; l'.ni sweeter roses Monmrd above, The fnircst, sweetest il.iwur of love Hvr rosebud lips. The rose Is queen of Sowers and yet Her C)es are dewey violets Just ofie to bloom. 1 he violet is the loveliest flower And yet her lips twin iokcuuUb ure With their perl u me. Bill Matlock nerl to own an old mule j'l-t about the tImQ the bove lines were written. The mule and Matlock were located at that time at Umatilla, Mat lock being in the town and the mule on the sagebrush range in that vicinity. The mule had a riata about ninety feet lon attached to himself, as Yirgil pats it "pendel colla," which literally means "he had it in the neck." Now you couldn't get into Umatilla from any di rection without seeing that ninte unless yon came up from the lower levels. Matlock loved that mole; he mourned when he couldnt eee him every day, and he used to inquire of every stringer that came to town if he had ''seen a vener able mule with rawhide rope attached, as he came into town." Of coarse the stranger had seen him. Then Matlock would say he wanted that male awfully bad, that ha had been looking for him for two weeks and what would the stranger take to go out and bring him in? Bill wanted that mule so badly that it made no difference what price was asked be always promised with cheerful alacrity to pay the desired sum as soon as the stranger arrived with the mule. Then yon would see the stranger hike out. Now, the fact was, that male was peaceable, bat the minnte anyone at tempted to pick np the rope he was dragging he would tarn, fighting end ou, and with his head dowp, he would come with his hind feet in the air and going like a stern wheel steamboat trying to back off a rand bar. A man might as well try to bring In a cyclone. Matlock need to feel awful bad when the strangers would return without the male, but he never despaired of finally getting him. The male had onl one rope on him when be was tnrned out, bat he accum ulated riatasand McCartys, hemp ropes and cotton ropes and ropes of every kind. Whenever anyone threw a rope on the venerable relic It was a gone rope for It was agaioet the male's principles to ever give np anything he got on his neck. He whs an "expansionist" or "imperialist" (whatever that is), but he finally got so many ropes on him that he conldn't keep cases on all of them, and when be backed up and began to kick he was like a Dalles girl with her first dress tn traine he got his bind feet tangled; and when he kicked, the rope broke hi neck. I am told that Mat WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1899. lock roU more than nine miles of rope harvested from the remains, but I won't vooch for this, because I am A Gressiiobs. TIU f th Kect Ballrashd Wreck. W. F. Herci'.eter, the tiutaxan who was in the recent wreck when Uobert Honter and Miler were killed, is stiil at the St. Yincent hospital in Portland, and yesterday in talking to a reporter said in part : "A you know, I was riding on tbe engine. Bob (the engineer) had asked me to ride with him. I intended to get off the engine at Troutdaie and go back to the patsenger cars. 1 tat on the fire mio'i box and we talked about various things. Bob, I remember, was com plaining about whistle signals not being prope'ly blown. " 'Ain't yoa getting wet,' I said to the fireman, who had been sitting behind me when he was not down firing. 'No; I'm all right,' he replied. "'Lookout ahead there, Jack!' the engineer suddenly shouted to me; 'is that a headlight?' " No,; I said, and then added : 'My God! Stop her; It's a roek!' "The engine struck tbe slide instantly and reared op in the air. It seemed as though tbe rock kept rolling under the engine some little time. It was pitch daik. Bat the glare from the furnace lit up the cab. I was thrown cn the throttle. The fireman grabbed hold of me and exclaimed, 'Oh, God; I'm killed!' "I could see Bob with his hand ou the lever and heard him shout, 'Stay with it boys; stay with it!' He was stiil on the seat and seemed to be trying to reverse the lever. "Since then I have seen that picture in my dreams. The roar of a torrent in my ears, the red glare from tbe furnaca showing Bob's ghastly form straining at the lever, and the fireman's cry of anguish and palid face. There had been a te-rible jolting and sickening sound of steel and iron being rent asunder. It was awful. No words can describe the bedlam of crashing noise that followed tbe doll thud of the engine striking the ground. Tbe entire mass of rending iron and steel turned over with a heavy groan, and I knew I was buried beneath tbe wreck." Tba Church Choir. The following which we glean from the Dallas News, temporarily published by . C. Pentland, ia very timely and to the point : "A church choir Is everybody's ser vant. Its members are expected to be in place cn Sunday and all funeral oc casions and do more work for the pay tbey get than others. In many cases tbey get no pay and do not wish any, but are entitled to thanks for their serviced. Their time is as valuable to them as it ia to others. Suppose that on some f jneral occasion they should say 'no.' WoulJ not that be dreadful? Only think of it 1 If you want a choir stand by them and help them all voa cin. If you can't sing yourself, help those who can. We have no hired choirs in the country and do not want any, and when they give their time and services on any oc casion they are entitled to thanks acd due appreciation. But lots of people expect to have their service, who never contribute anything to help train and drill them. They have their reward in the conscious fact of doing a public dnty, appreciated or not." M A Kit I ED. In The Dalles, Saturday evening, Dec. 9th, at 7 :30, at the home of L. Richard son, near the garrison, Justus L. Thomas aod Miss Agnes Wilkins, Rev. U. F. Hawk officiating. The groom is a Dalles young man, having been In the employ of Seufert Bros, for sums years, and the bride is the daughter of 8. Wilkins, a prominent farmer of Klickitat county. A SCR CIKR roil CROl P. Twenty-Ova Tears' Constant Vm With out a Failure. The first indication of croup is hoarse ness, and In a child subject to that disease it may be taken aa a tnra alrn nf the approach of an attack. Following mis coarseness is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. It is used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints the anxious mothers. We have yet to learn of a single instance in which it has not proved effectual. Xo other preparation can show such a record tweoty-five years' constant n out a failure. For sale by Blakeley A A frightful Itlnndcr Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cnt or braise. Backlen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promntlv he! it p.,... old sores, fever sores, nlcsrs, boils.corns, icion ana ail skin eroptiqns. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley A Houghton, druggists. Tor Halo. A gorl farm in Klinkitai Wash., fire miles from Columbos, con sisting of 210 acres. Trice $1000. Apply to H. E. Curtiss at A. S. Benneif. office. t.iitt. Ure ClarksA Falk'anninlna 1,.;. ! LOSES SIX HUNDRED MEN Wtfts terdE' TO lis Bsr are Mi tl. LED BY TREACH EROUS GUIDES Battle Took Place XearJStormberg, and Britishers Supposed There Were But 500 Boers; Instead, They Es timate There Were 6000. New Yobk, Dec. 11. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: Tbe British forces in South Africa have met with a single defeat. This sensational news was officially announced from the war offics at midnight, General Gatacre admitting that he had met with a serions reverse in an attack yesterday morning on Stromberg, in Northern Cape Colony. The British general says he was misled by guides as to tbe Boer position, and found "impracticable ground." Ap parently he was caught in an ambush, as his casualties, aa at present known, are alarming. The numbers of dead and wounded cannot tie considered excessive In the circumstances, but the enormous num bers reported missing suggest that tbe engagement must not have been unlike that of Nickolson's Nek, when General White lost so heavily. England is Depressed. London, Dec. 11. Later details re garding the disaster to General Gatacre's column show that bat for tbe magnifi cent work of the British artillery the disaster would have been far more ex tensive, as the incessant Boer fire in the midst of repulsed infantry ultimately led to disorder, which only escaped developing into rout through the batteries of artillery occupying success ive positions, covering the retreat, thus drawing a portion of tho Boers' galling fire. Apparently, the British were set at an impossible task, and were treacherously guided. After a trying march and be ing under arms sixteen hours, they at tacked the wrong part of the Bjer posi tion, wher the bill was impregnable, and the burghers were estimated to number 6000 men instead of 500, as spies bad reported. Thete is little in the story to mitigate the immense humilia tion caused by the episode, nhicli was almoet an exact counterpart of the battle of Nicholson's Nek. The war of fice was besieged by anxious relatives today, and successive editions of the newspapers are eagerly scanned. Men and women are equally persistent in pleading for information, but the au thorites either do not possess any, or are not prepared to publish it at present. Itobbed the Urave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me np. Fortonately, a Irlend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to my great jjy and surprise, tho first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their nse for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one shoold fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteedat Blakeley A Houghton's drug store. .5 That Throbbing: Beadaeh Would quickly leave yon, if yoa used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pare blood sod strong nerves and build op your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 conti. Money back if not cured. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 "One Minute Coogu Cure is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and colds. It is uneqmlled for whooping cough. Chrildren all like it," writes H. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. It Is the only harmless remedy that gives irr mediate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. My son hss been troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea. Home time ago I persuaded him to take some of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After uing two bottles of the 25-cent size he was cured. I iri. thi. testimonial, hoping some one similarly ifilicted may read it and be benefited. Thomas C. Bowxa, Glencoe, O. For sale by Blakeley A Honghton. Floral lotion will cure win. I .r,ni and sunburn. Manufactured '.(. ru,v. .CHflS. FHbjh and japrners ..Exchange,, Keei-. on draught the vu,.... . t .neural ..rlco. ro.n' Finest brands at Wlnot' n ' audUxars. vlB.U,B0, Sanduiiehes of all KindialwarsoBbsu. PLEASE LOOK HerT WM. MICH ELL, aod Eialw. THE DALLCS. OREGON. r o Room3 on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3W 33S QNv 3W00 C. F. Stephens .Dealer In... Diry Goods, Clothing, ueiivo r-ui'uiguiujja, Boots, Bbnes. Hnta, Caps, Notions. Art, for W. L. Doug as Shoe. rffla.88- Tne Dalies, Or. 4 ' ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except Sunday. Pates reasonable. Telephone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop, j 5' BROS.x nsn2S I GE GENERAL Eli AN Dee Hoi sssnogis Wagon and Carriage Werk. Pish Brothers' Wagon. li1 : Tbird aDi JeiTcron. Pious If JOHUM"1 M00RE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT UW. Rooms 39 and 40, orcr U. 8. Und 0O I win0 a s acwTiHaToa " IT CKTJNGTON A WU-SON. O OceoterKlnrtNat. Baua . GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. M THE rOITNTY COURT OK THK ,T'T' of Oregon, for Wsx-ocouiilr- .1 c In the mutter nf the J""?11""'" Joe aii'l Msry jotcinn, minor. Jotcinn, minors. .pm, ( .hi. uih d of nercmlwr. iw . Willlum JonlnB. the rtnlr "V'"''".'!; Bin" now on nil artins; ii.rmun ni idp""' .... ,nn n1 prvsmtwl hUpatllloii t.rnyinsr ' .nthorlina snrt cllrrctln. hfrn nf aailii mliK.ra In PtrtAlll r,.,.l pn.l!r'Jh'rr-,rt sft-rikrrlN1. sntl It sopi'Stlii " . from l1 petition th.t It Is "?.r'Jr is I flnUI to slt wilds thst their I '""J south hslf of the souih"-st 'I"""" w. SI . ? in, township i north, I .'tortf K'' .,,1,1; then-fore it l or.h-r.-l thJ "; Klimt' the mother snrt hest of It in f l.tH snrt next of kin of Annie, k d Joril.n. snrt oil Perwns Inter.-. '" ", ,irr siowsr hefore this eonrt st the " h M H ollr, l.slle, city, tiwn. " '., . . Jnnunry, ll, ml the hour of two n then sort there to show '"""""i. should not ben.sntrd for in.1 and thnt this order be t"1'11'1 7 " hnwlr 1'nted I this 'Jtn asjr 01 ; ...l rT M Tl. "" .....! JlK" rtecl3l iGRsmuos Use Clarke A Falk'sKosm br tW to keep dandruff from the head. AFalk. - '' ' teeth.