The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 09, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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nun: top all mow.
W. H. H. Dn'ur waa in frtxa Pa.'ori
L. E. Benty and Mis lill-e Ebjt ;
werw visitors ia the city yesterday, j At cce of tr. O. E.4. :it tra ns,
T T R -1 Vftlaat rht for fc.m-Bwi g Exsi R rr. j . hf r. h ard ' reaped the ixtv tvv iti rxst, aroa;
ibw wmurr. itseatj milt aesi cf rere, laU r.
J. C. Wio5f:j and W. J. Davkison Send was raiding a carve, E.D. Ramsey
were in low a frcm Victor c tofice
Charles CUrke
aad the new management wi.l I in con'
irJl tomorrow. AfLCSfrEfii! o! the
1 sale will be maleta touiurruw'a issae.
MCTV i jr. T2-bo cf the r.ew purchasers are
Sr A I l" c t f;Tt, rut it is unieri.l that tier
cL''-1,L;,r,E. C. Kegi. an.1 Maaric- Mr-
of this flace, sriineer of th ri"e-dr:Tcr,
lo-ft U:s balacc and Jr. I headlarg 01
toue rocks J oar cr t Iwi below, a:J
tr.ea rolled ictj a ditch T:.
tram waa r-rc at tt rst of frra
jtwentv-fve to thirty mile an hour, and
j the fa'i vat aa except kBally bar J cue.
'.he body striking a laigw rock with tech
S tijIiiJ 3 its:;! ti F;2x
C:-5 s n:n:i
carre up from
F.irer I aft evening, acJ reiarced ca
tbia anornizg'a train.
Fred Snipes passed t broach on this
aitrDa'i train on lit way ircra
MapCtt to Fortlani.
eitv vterda afternoon cn lis wav frotr. j " ""' "
Oo-d'esdale to Portland. lbs Lead straek f rtt. ear.rcg a fracture
Ml Era Singer came in frcm Daforj " tkaU.tte right leg was broken,
veaserday ca ber way la visit friends ia t r.ght arsa. aad rerere :n:ercal
Portiaod. Stewi.lWtecn ttlJ"i:er- i ic-ariea r;TfJ, the tcoit erioot ia the
aooa'a train. j aUomen.
Mr. an! Mr. II. G. S'.atk, aho were i Tbe accident oerarred at 6:25 in the
marrie.1 in !au ncday. caxt ' tTenic, ,3j nta were tnt d jag
; to Caf So. 4. tf.e i'aferfr train t'ch
Mk-ken, ieai:cj lU-pn j.:ems anJ uierD
lrt cf tie lit tr-i tf S;rjre, JLi'.n,
IIitM A ?dcMickfn. E. C. P.per, the
ed:tcri! t eaJ of the rrri cd Gorje
i U. F;pr, the lea nea manfjer, an
: noance t'-rir r:ireiert. lut tiiat
' ti.ey mi. i rem:n in the ata'.etif Waetini
ton. 5. P. West to ais today made
i bsfinff-f n.anajer.
j Tte parcbafe price if nnierstood to be
SX?,0i. the ta'k of which waf paid in
' cash tolsy.
Wilson flir-Tight Heater
reache tere at 7:05, on wbicb the
ioj-:rd man waa Irccjlit to tbis city.
no oa the boat letiercay. acd J:t tt.
Btorarns for tbeir bo ice at Da!nr.
Ttoriy a Iti y
J. B. Mcltee ia in from Dnfar.
S. J. "u-.ti:5 Je.'t tbif uacrnicj for
J. M. Mick'.er, cf PriLevL'e, waf in
towa jeiterJay.
Walter Brai'.ey cinte damn frcm
AxUajctoa yeeterday.
Geo. H. Brocfon : a
PriteT.Ua in the city.
ttm cat mt to Icrl.acd. ,
j Mr. Ramsey waa a man cf abont 44
WVJ,- R-Jin reared at tke ! years aober and indo.triooi. Haa lived
UmaUiSa from Jirjja?. i . .. ,, , , .
j in Tie Pallet fur Several ear, and baa
G. W. Bowert came oyer from GIen-iWnerB ?!DTedtlt cgineer on t be pile
waod oa tof:n retierjav. !.. ' - ...
' driver for two rear past. He !-ave a
Mr. and Mrt. Cbri. Fracn carte n?Jlfe ,nj tbree"cbi:dren-e boy of aboat
froca Lrie yeeterdav, retcrniDg todav. j . '
J j 19 vearf, who h eroploved by the O. R.
t,ST-. C- L G,;lfrt ,wn,to;fcX. at Spokane, and two girl, ated 9
Hood River yeaterday to fpend a few i ' ' .
Scaaior Masco, cf Illiaois, Iairdccctl
a RcstilaUoa in the
U'ishio? the Bnr;hcrs Success in j
Their Fifiht for Libenj
Siw Toes, Eee. 6. A
Hera'd from Wabinctoa
He taken into tha Ottmb-a botel j koberlf : fia,::y hy theht
where I'r; . Logan and Doane attended
i him, acd w bere be died at 10 :45 o"c!o k.
, He aat cnronfciooa darioa; the entire
tixe. and oa acccoat of the terribie oon-
j daion of the body, it wat tbccgbt ad-
Tiat:e not to allow the family to tee
visitor frcm ; him oatij th, wmin, bmi been taken
! to Crandad & Enrgt-t t nnaertakicit
daya risitiof tcbooit.
! liiing jast acrosa the MiM creek bridge
Mra. L. Muler. who baa been Tititirei. ,
ber eooin, Mrt. S. Boiton, retarned to lo xtl r:nl M lce fCa-
her borne in Portland yetterday after-' Hii death, comin aa it did to tndden
noon. . ly and in eoch a manner roaket it doubly
Wasco county it !iable to os one of bard for tbote be leaves behind, and for
ita bet citizen a and tbnftiett farmert.
K, B. G.irreth li res on this afternoon'
traia for Lino coantr, where tie got to
look orer a piace abich be it mnTemplat
it excbacficf bit farm on 15-Mile for.
Wa tiope, bowever, that the advantage
oar eoaaty bat over thorn of the Valley
wij be to msrkej that be will remain
wi'h u.
Fndtj's Dallr-
W. L. Vatderpool it in from Dnfar.
T. Eeyno'.da i in from Wamie toiay.
J. L. Mazan came ever from Golden
dai today.
F. X. Janet it id from bit ranch near
Detcbote toiay.
F. T. Esping arrived in th:f city tb:t
afternooo from Antelope.
Mr. and Mra. F. W. L. Skibbe went
to Portland on jetterdaj'f boat.
Mr. and Mrt. B. Hntton came ever
from Guldendae today on tbeir way to
tbeir borne at Iiwaeo.
Mra. S. S. Johct, Mist "ora Turner
and Min Sumnelt, of Dartoo, made the
trip to tbe Lock a today.
Mra. Francit McCowan and Mist
jaarr cnipra were pawnra oo me , rate .f thirty m- an b nr
boat tbie mormcg bounJ for Portlanl. That the tsii Kd RamMv
whom tbe greatest tympatby it ex
pressed. Coroner Batu tammoned a jary and
held an inquest tbis rr.oDinp, which
retailed at folio wt :
In tbe matter of tbe inqueet over tbe
body cf Ed Ramsey:
We the jary impanelled by W. H.
Bans, coroner ol Wasco county, state of
Ort-on, to ieqoirv into the cause of tbe
death of the body now before at, after
examining tbe body of the deceated, and
bearing the testimony of the witnesses
ptodactd before as, find tbe following
f.cts, that is to tay :
That the name of the deceased wat
E J Ramsey, whose age. in oar judgment,
was about 45 years, that be wat an
employe of the Oregou Railroad & Navi
gation Co., as engineer of said rompaay's
pile-driver, at the time cf hi death;
thathecamo to bis death on tbe 7th
day of December, 18K9, in Dallet City,
That cn (be said 7th day of December,
IS! '9, while ridin on the construction
train of eaid company, the said Ed
Ramsey fell from a Hat car of sawl train,
bile standing thereon and while said
train wat traveling pat at about the
fell there-
Maesrt. Brent and Ike Driver came in ! ron -,bfmt hr'e quarters d a mile wf st
mb Waruw; thit morning bringing with j 4,1 tunnel No. 3. of said company, while
at seem inevitable,
that he mar come
ant for a teat in the senate. Hit rejection
by tbe boose, it it expected, will add to
hit popularity in Utah, and it is
suggested that if Quay it s -ated "y the
senate, tbe Democratic governor of Utah
may appoint Roberts to fill the vacancy
that ex stf in Utah't representation in
that body.
Catarrh luiol b Cared
with IocaI applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
Scoate ; is a blood or constitutional disease, and
ia oricT to cure it voa must take inter-
nil remedies. Kall't Catarrh Care is
; taken internally, and acts directly on
tbe blood acd mncoas snrfacet. Hall's
j Catarrh Cure it not a quack medicine.
trcia! to the ' II ws PrMcnbeJ one of the ft
If , puyticians in ims couinrv sur crs, suu
it a renlar prescription. It is composea
of the best tonics known, combined with
there it a nossibilitv
f .r-.rd . a rlaim- I Pn, g
on the macauf sor:ars. I he pcrlect
combination of tbe two ingredients is
what prodacet such wonderful results in
caring Catarrh, bend fur testimonials,
F. J. Chenet & Co., Prop., Toledo O.
Sold bv drrngit!ts, price 75c.
Hall's'Farr.ily Pills are the best. 12
Roberts' Iavesti"atioa.
1 5
( J
t ff
Killed Bj Depntj Sheriff.
Republic, Wash., Dec. 6. Joe
Washisgtos, Dee. 6. R. presentative ! jams was shot thia morning by Deputy
Tayler, of Ohio, chairman of tbe special j Sheriff W.T. Swan. Williams had charge
committee to investigate the ease of of the gambling games in the Butte
ae of Roberts, of Utah, has called a j saloon. He bad been drinking heavily
meeting of tbe committee for 11 o'clock and was quarrelsome. He went into
tomorrow. Tayler says tbit initial meet- j acotber saloon and was flourishing a
inz will be to determine opon aline of j pistol. Swan wrenched it from his
action. He could not tay bow soon the I bad, when Williams, who is a powerful
committee would be able to report.
Roberts was about the hou-e daring the
day. There was no session, and he
chatted with groaps of members and
visitors a ho showed a frier.d y disposi
tion towards biru.
Kyle (South Dakota) and Walcott rte
s?nted a camber cf petitions against
polygamy. Aldrich, chairman of the fi
nance committee, prern'.eia finance
measure to "affirm tbeexiraag standard
of value of ail.formt of money, to refund
the public debt and for other purposes."
Rawlins (Utah) presented a resolation
providing for a full investigation of the
alleged polygamous practices in the
United States and whether the president
has appointed polygsmisU to federal
offices. Referred to tbe judiciary com
Mason (rep. 111.) rffereda resolution
extemlii.'g the best hopes cf the stnttte
tj Boers in their cmirst for liberty.
At 2:.V( '.be senate a?j arnel.
man, threw the officer ten feet. Swan
then fired Williams' pistol, and the ball
pissed through the bjdy near tbe heart.
Tbe wcur.ded man grappled wub tbe
officer, wrested the pistol from him, and
was about to fire when strength left him
and be fell back and expired. A cor
oner's jury fully exonerated the officer.
Tha Supply Limited.
fnarlseon Mt. Hood from Lost Lake.
P!ac your orders now for Christmas or
you may get Mt. Gifford. nl"-lm
tbeoa a large hand of hogs, which they
told to C M. Grimes.
ronncing a sharp curve.
That in falling from said train the
said YA Rimtev broke hi richt 1. in-
C. C. Alvord. of Goldendale, is in tbe s jorej his right wriFt, was !nj :red in t ln
city Vdav and will leave tonight for an j .txlominal cavitv.and ir.jared his brain
extended vrieit in Chicago and other j That said deat.n was caue. by fa!!io
Eastern citiet. frpul tr,in. and that tbe immediate
can;e of said death was shock and brm-
I orrhage of the brain, produced from said
1 fall.
Dafd at Dalles City. Oregon, this the
Mr. and Mrt. G. T. Pt.rr and little son !
ware passengers on this morning's boat
for Portland, and will leave toiiigbt for
California, where they will remain cntil '
tbe first of the year
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Chandler, who;
passea throagn this city aooat a week
ago on a weOding tour to the Valley, re
turned on last evening's train and left
ow tbe sight train for Canyon City, Mr.
Chandler being editor of the News
that place.
Stn day of December. 18Ir9.
T. J. Twoitio.
Ned II. Gates.
Claike & Frfik have a full and coir.-
Paint yoor boose with paintf that are p'ete line of house, cairugf, irn and
folly guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk a,n Pinta mannfKCtured by J tn:es E.
bave them. Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Distinguished Testimony
No secret society ia the world stands higher in noble aims and charitable
accomplishments than tbe Knights of Pythias. That order ia doing great good.
ana one ot us nnesi institu
tions ia the Ohio Pythian
Home, at Springfield. Ohio,
which is ably presided over
by Superintendent Le Fevre
and bis wife, Mrs. Callie I.
Le Ferre, the matron. Tbe
latter has recently written a
letter, which will command
widespread attention because
of the prominence cf the
writer. It is as follows:
Messrs. W. If. Hooker &
Co., New York: Last year I
nsed Acker's English Remedy
at tbe suggestion of a fnend.
for a serious, longr-standing
throat difficulty and extreme
ly bard cough. Had nsed
many well-spoken of prepara
tions without relief. I can
honestly Bay that Acker's
English Remedy removed the
difficulty and stopped the
i t J : j . i. -, -
. .iT". . T Callie L Le Pevee. Matroa Ohio PythUn H..
ties, and at leaU one-half of the last is still on hand. I also consulted pny
aicians with no permanent results." (Signed) Callie I. Le Fives.
The friend to whom Mrs. Le Fevre refers as having suggested Acker's
English Remedy is Mrs. W. B. Chilton, wife of the president of the Troy
Transfer Co., of Troy. Ohio, where tbia remedy has accomplished many other
cures in Throat and' Lung Troubles. In conversation with an acquaintance
Mrs. Le Pevre also said: "If you will-call on Mr. V. H. Schauss. a prominent
cbina and art merchant of Springfield. Ohio, you will find that he, too, has had
any amount of experience with Acker" English Remedy in his family, acd
thinks they cannot keep house without it."
Arket' Ennlih Kmnlr ( sold bv all drnirit under a poitir guaranty
that roar mo;er tri.l be refunded in r&seof failure. ic 50c. and fi a bottle in
Uimod S't- and Canada. In England. i. id . ?. id., and . 6L
Wt amthonx Utt aim gtnrmtU. W. H. ic CQ Proprietor!, tint l'ork.
v W to I -"V
ManT Reports Presented.
Washington, Dec. 6. t the open
ing of tbe session, the anuntl reports of
he secretary of the treasury, sttorney-f-ner-al,
comptroller of the currency and
vrionf officials wens prest r.led. Siooner
i'.Vi.) presented resolutions from the
l?ai?lature of Wisconsin orbing congress
to take action locking to the advance-m-nt
of Americin shipping interests.
Ulorlona Xial.
CoTies from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita. I. T. He writes :
"Four bottles of Electric Bitters bss
cared Mrt. Brewerof scrofula, which had i
caused her great suffering for years.
Terrible sores would break out on ber
head and face, and tbe best doctors
conld give no help; lot ber cure is com
plete and ber health is excellent." Tbis
thowt what thousands bave proved,
that E'ectric Bitters is the beet blood
pnrifier known. It's the supreme
remedy for e tenia, tetter, salt rheain,
ulcers, boils and running sores. It
stimulates liver, kidneys aad bowels,
exoelt poison t, helps digestion and
builds np the strength. Only 50 c?nts.
S ild by Blakeley & Hoaghlon.Draggiets.
Quartz About Malheur. -Bakes
CiTT.Or., Dec. 6. Dan Bruner,
who has mined in tbis section for nearly
forty yeart, left this city today for
California, where be will pass tbe winter.
Speaking of the new enterprise cf qaartx
mining in the placer field around bis
hometown, Malheur City, thirty miles
from here, he said :
"Tbe best showing is on the Golden
Eigle, ownrd and operated by a Portland
company. Aseavs cf tbe ore show values
cf ?ti0 to f'JSO per ton. Ceep linking is
onder way, and will continue ell winter.
The out pan? will erect a qoartx mill in
the spring, at early as practicable."
1'unr Face
Showt the state of yoor feelings and the
ttate of yoor health aa well. Impure
biocj makes i tee i f apparent in a pale
and tallow complexion, Pimplet and
Skin Eroptlont. If ynrj are feeling
weak and worn out and do net bave a
healthy appearance yon should try
Acker't Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and
to railed pnriflert fail ; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley h Houghton, drnggista.
Seattle "P. I." Changes Hands.
Seattle, Dec. 6. lhe Pot-Intelli-gencer
form illy clanged hands today,.
Admiral George Dewey
(Till receive the moat royal welcome on Oct lav
aext, that waa ever accorded to an invrin
You will find a oompleta biography of this great
hero, including hia brilliant victory over the Bpa
ith eet in the treat, authoritative and np.
' '-data woii of reference, lha
, Kew Werner Edition of tie
This is the only encyclopedia on the market that
toeniiona Admiral Dewey. It glvea tbe date of hi;
birth; how be ipent hia boyhood days; the part he
look In the Civil Vtr, bow after tbe War lie was
Be ployed on tbe European station; in the Kara)
Academy; hia riaa to the rank of Commander and
Preddcnt of the Board of Inspection and Survey;
hia command of the AjdaUe Squadron; bow on
April 27th ha left Bong Kong with hia squadron,
bund and destroyed the Spanish Fleet, at Manila,
an Hay 1st; bit appointment aa Acting Kear Ad
mlral, tbe honors bs received from Congress, and
bow on March 2nd, 1899, bs waa created full Ad
tnlraL It fpeaka of him as a strict disciplinarian,
an all-around athlete, a daring b one man and
huntsman, and socially a good club sua and a
tencrai favorite. It tella of his marriags to Mist
fcy Goodwin, a daughter of the "fighting gov
ernor" of New Hampshire, who died ia 1872, leer
ing a son, George Goodwin Dewey. fi
Governor Theodore Roosevelt
Admiral Schley
Admiral Sampson
Capt. Clark of the Oregon
and acorea of other noted personage not evesj
mentioned .a any other Encyclopedia rerelva Uit
same attention In this edition of tb
Encyclopaedia Britannica
It speaks of General Wood aa Governor of gatU
ago; of General lienry aa Gorernor-G jneral ol
Porto Rico of Aguinaldo's declaration of Wat
against th C. 8. rr
of tinman knowledge and pmgreaa, wherein Infor
mation la mora easily found and aojulrvd than In
any other book or encyclopedia ia tb world
roa sals st
There are other AIR-TIGHTS, but none that eoual
the WILSON. 1
....SOLD ONLY BY....
jVIAYS & CROWE, Sole Agents.
31 I
Dallea, i
Or. !
Job Printers.
f 1
r. cJk - mi
and TvlOtorS
CIrculsrt and particulars furnished on applicstion.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
Dewey wliite wash? Yes, and wash wliite. Von can
Havana thing washed at lhe Steam Laundry. 'fhe
Maine point is quality ami tlio
Merritt of our work is such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not j
Hobson's choice, hut the standard rates, which are
Cevera hiirh as. snif nonnln fliinlr. and wo want to
- n I .........
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Corner of First and Court Street,
'Phone 341. THE DALLES, u