The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 06, 1899, PART 1, Image 4

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rtorn ioi ah. so.
Em! Straaaer, of Ce-ilo, i : the ci:
Utr. C- E. Can.:
yeierev f.w M jro, '
abort utne.
spend the m int month, making
F-a.-Nara their be0.;nariera.
Nr. and Mr. L. E. Ooae went to
j rorunad veelerday a-ornirg, Xlr. lo
:.icf. C4 Ihit city, left I f j u,e reo.a;n.-er o( ttie week tbere.
S where tbe ai.. fi,o i ' , , . , j
Victor $.upoa caire ep from -I rrc,,,, Uat p ace Sai rrdav and left
eaJf Tt r.Ui and it ptDdg a few lwdT To j ,;n ti fa.her at N;.rU Yaki
Uyt at borne. mi afcrr a poa.tkin la in offrred
I. X. Pit, of Cascade lock fame, itia.
cam wp from Portland Jast niht acd ; -jr ka y Chat, H. Baw will
TCnr.tid cw today, !! on l be evening ira.n l.irOfx
TV r irfrtrxi French retun.ed to ; their fnra.e. Homo. For ttie pant luotth
- - .....( T cnrnd t!P 1 Kr h been TTT 1
Tha&kattvicg at hon e.
rati ir . r. v r .
Tbere are none to w bora the thor.g ht
of toirg rri-ien-ircd a no a ftfft cne,
and tli pangs of death are somewhat
Ieieised if e bn i-l that is it I ear:
of those w Jove our memory w ill UJ
lire. The idea of memorial day a
carried ont by the E:k. i there iore a
)eve eofunn worthy of a order whose object
it to car for and united those in used
j , and to keep evergreen the memorw ol
physician Lav reorren-d that ) tbeir brother after death. If la their
... . t tv VarH - hftM rrrii-i. f ..t tV.A V . am1m4 tint t
L. WIr.B-.fard and mU arriceJ lart I k-.g," -nd beid beire Jr he can v..i. -
riftt rrom rorijand and are Tiil;rnp
Jtr. Wiatitord'f trotDer, w. i. ano -.
Haonl ia c:tv.
EIb)1 Span'idiiic, wbo fpcnt Tbatka
r' ia AKona ani played U
Xctbe I?ttj Co jfffo ali tetr.
rrtamed 1M to bi tlauea is
Giet-r & Co.'t etoe,
S. E. Va Vartrw, kOH ? Twactic
i&C iv at, ca. dcaa tfci
jfT.irf and aiU remain c-rer not J
aiir Uie fcsera of hit brotber-in-law,
Cbaa. Job-neon, on &tuf Btxt.
DrnocT Its:.?.
Geo. W. Boaen it tw frrm G'.tn
vood todar.
Mr. and Mr. V. H. Moee. cl Port
land, epent TeKerdiT in tb c;:v.
XTaa. Edoz, ol Go"dencia'1e, rpr
aaered at li Urcaul-a refierdar.
Mie Mattie BaiT, bo ha Wn
therefrom. Tb quertion a referred
ta tb Diit to merit and public
j propertT.
t Ii"t of the street,
ninrthal, rtcwdcr and treanrrr were
ti.en read, ccftrd atd p"cd on fi'.e,
aftr a tich th io ioi its claim agtin:
the c'.ty were red and ordtrcd paid :
V T Uh. marshal t Ti (
Orea l.-n, nj:neer
A rlurman, nishtaatca
Ci Crai-iali. treDrer
N H Gtr. iwirder
Ia:ie Git Water Work, real
Pr VTm, tcndinj
Pallet Water Work, pips
and materii for ping 236 S2
H A MnrJerant, retiat road tax 3 40
J H J ark ton. tret commissioner IS 00
L Ii;b:non, roteon sa.t borae
73 li
e) CO
?3 00
50 00
50 00
5 50
IS 40
ak V,ja.n iValt Aaa M.nA MrK k.J ain4 4rVriH- mH & 31
. A4t 'um aAJvia4 ui v .-u a a- ' " - - - -
1 : an. . 9 fu
k a... rv V avmt r.r vm' av t ?
V r lie. it iUm.n at ti Time- Beitber do tbry rnfn u
M.MiM.'nMr mnA m i'A rrtnra .vin to rre7ncc icv the exerciM in aticb
rx&:bjr to J i dnlie ber.
. .i P J CrandalL rerenne ttatcpt. . 3
. 1 - ' ... , , . IY; e Lumber Co, lo si tr Is 60
. - .3 v ; dnowl ahich tb more frmly im- i. :,., Jb i,o
In thi cut, Friday remrc IVc :t, . . i Maier A Eenton, nide ww
to Mr. and SIr.F.C.N xtoa, a aon. W m Gate. Mwing wooa ana
bo bare jiamed to tb )odf above. 1 btniinc
ACM-rUM letter. f Thronrh a'i the tie.ntlfnl M-araTiont Wm Her.zia. baaline
r . . ofrcrpleand.hite, tb potted plant:' -
FoIJOiCilbl;rtof lettr rena:n-: . T" . , J nan.icf
T-loffire at Tt Pallet en-! ' . .. " ' ff7-. """:
ice m tb
! called for IVcember 1, IS.'. Fernon
j ca'.'.irc Jar tb time 1U jr:v dat on
J trbicb tbey ar advertieed :
j Atvood. C M Ll IraiEC Co
j Karaee,VrCorde'ia Foiand, T
Kaldtn, Henry Fhiiiir. Win
Raxtr, L B Ret.ferf3rd, Bert
Bn!ciT, ile'Ter Ix, Jamec
F vera, Mm Nellie Roaiand, SA
Con lev, Mr C
Conrer. Henry
teacbic; at GraM Va'.M-y, it Tisitine at
oer Dcme .a ii c,.,. Ml
Miww Bertie and Edna Gler.r, ale ! Or. Mr Li, le
have Fpent aerrra! dirt in Portland, re- i It.rne, Jake
tamed borne atordT lifht.
Vmwc K.!e and Varcie Bochler. who
liav tea riuinc in Forila.uu, rrtorced
cm Ui boat t:nrcty evMiinc.
Mra. P. P. Clark and two era re
taroed to tteir boa:e in Pnrt.aDd today,
aJer peodinf a weei ailh Ijt tirotbert,
J. M. and B. . Hntunfitin.
IV. J. H. BtVerTy, W. Werireiller
and All Altea came np from Portland
yeeterday on tbeir aaj to their home at
lira. Annie Johnson, arc.irr pariied y
ber tbree children and bt ister, Mr.
Iaabar, ci Guldendaie, arrived in the
city cm last evtnir.f't train, brir.cice vitb
her tie ttndx li ber deceased husband,
Ctias. B. JoLcson.
W. T. Portll, abo delivered the
"Oct at the E.k meiDorial yesterdav,
retorned to hon at Waila Walla
laet i.ictt. Those alio met Mr. Povell
yreid that hi vipn in The Dalle
af of encb cbort deration.
ZL H. Licd'e m-'iJ leave the city on
toaifbt' train boned W a few month
way at hi br-me in Colnn:bia, Miseoori.
Harry ' friend all hope to ee him twrk
ia Tle Palie eron, a here le a ;11 be
trreatly aiieed nrirc hi alence.
Tondit I IailT.
J. E. McAtee i in from Pcfar.
E. S. Pratt, cJ Wam'c, if a viii;orin
tb city.
S. E. Vaa Vactnr will return to Li
how at Condon tcxifcht.
W. E. CampW left on tbe boat thi
aooraizic bosnd iir Portland.
. H. 'Webber ra a pawfBier for
Portland oa tbic naomicc' boat.
Patrkk McGreerey as over from Li
xroae at Ceaterriije yeeterday.
Henrr Stefman and danei.ter were
frota Cecterville veterdav.
Fren, Mr Ida B H
Gald. U B
Kare. Mr M
Had lev, Mark
Had ley, W B
Fiemmice. May
Hail, Mr L J
H:K, Lcla
Johnerip, Oscar
John, W J
Hirks John
Wracu, L li
Bicbardwm, Mn
Same, C M
Sacb, Anrnst
mib, Charlie
Smilli, F-eil 2
f-m:tb, W J
j-vbe, Mi Eiilb
ri,e, W Z I
Shaver. P H
Terry, Mra B
Th on. peon, S
Watch, J
Wai n. L G
menu graceful! v ia evidence about ! R g Brook, six cord oak wood .
. tbe LaU veerdv, somebow tbe band I S Pnfnr. in, premium
, of crape' eeemed' to thow forth wilt , X Co. raUroad tron
, . 'WA Johnston, nde
; added eipnifcance ar.d the teeeion wti ; p Gcnnicp, repair
; a lodre of aorrow m every eiie of the Secfert 4 Cocda Tel Go, tele-
word, the teppreteed fetii&x of renewed j phone rent
aorrow at tbe recent death of one of ?rt rmpbrey, wood...
Cha Jonee. labor
j their anmber beinc very eviJert T T Fannon.labor
, throngbont tbe exerciee, the tollicj of Bert E.aron. labor
ilUt ieH in anwer to the name of F.arneH I'attf.n, labor
IGeorre Clackir., Ocen Willian:. and : ,' ibar----
. .. ... , :JHCanrjeid, labor
j Onn s. Waud at roll cail, only intensify-, tTM Hake'l labor
SO 00
56 50
15 So
22 05
ime it.
The exercise thronjbont were beacti
t fal, tbe opening of tbe lode bring a fit
!prelade to what followed. F.ev. P. V.
; Poling made the opening prayer, and
i wa followed bv
Iwhoeanein clear, tweet lone a verv
w ii.iams, wr u:to . loae ing ,nd ,rrrnr,ria:e e:-.ct!on, 'A
, I'rrtm ia j
Ntxt carx tbe address, and a Mr. W.
T. Povell. of Walla Walla, arose and ad
! dreesed tbe lodge, each listener w a at
I once ttruck with tbe peculiar richnt-et oi
bit voice, a hich it in itself a gift iLDch to
be envied and more than half of the uc
! cee ol a tpeaker. Bet without it Mr.
jpovell't addres would hate fully
(reached the exrellenry which all bad
anticipated. Hi language it perfect.
Wiliangbbv. Wm
Winter. T H
Weik, M P
H. H. Eipr-tix, P. M.
R Si ha, latr
Wm F.ate. labc
N Agee, later
O A Crowe, labor
I Slater, labor
J J Keeker, later
Mis Mvrtle Michell i Heny Bearh, labor
Joe Berger, htniing
Mr E Julian, 19 meal prisoners
5ct 1 Cash on band -.$2606 84
Cash rte'd during tnoEtb ltS 36
." 21 W
. 21 (0
. 2 70
. 18 SO
. 18 SO
. 18 40
. 15 CO
. 12 70
. 3 80
. a 10
4 tio
7 50
. 3 60
2 85
twiTenuty f Orer Xte.
EretKi, Or., Pec 2, 1899.
Eprroi! Tbk Palixs Chko-vicli :
Ji tte bned tccar was uotbiiin, V. of O 't
Oh tbe hvt-4 Kvrrr nu solhicg. T. of O.'
Ok tb kitd rore w twining, r. of O. eveTr sentence lirg rounded out and
Total S725 00
Warrants iesned, $;0S4 04
Interest on tends, 600 00 1CS4 04
Pec 1 Avui'.ahle cash
12040 96
Killed RrJaw Caarade Frldaj.
Ill Tarsity acrelv won.
failing npon hi
hearer ia a most
The perfect iab
Tommy avfe'i lEunecm we juaoed the 1 pieasxiig ZDanrier.
J. 1 w u cmru. ..... . . .
Tommy ..wit nmsrnin we i-laeed tbe ncn IDe speater expreesea in regard
E4 and Hngb Greer, of Antelope,
were doing bciunes ia tow a yesterday.
Viw Jeaxrie'.t Wiiliam arrived in
tVecity lat evei.irc frcm Poniand and
will rpend a eiiort time here.
Atlomey Geo Sta(.letoB. J Portland,
liaa apeat today in tbe city arvd.wili
leave ea thi evecir g's east bound train.
lira. W. P. Hardirg and daughter,
Edna, will leave tor.igbt for La Grande,
vfaere tbey wi.l make tbeir home thi
W. F. Oark, one of Kxgsley' lively
laraners, was toii.ees ia town
yteierdav and called at tbe Cebomcix
ol&ee last evt n r.g.
Mr. and Mr. W. L-rd left tbe city
Tetter day ft-t California, where tbey wiZl
harMO tmm. I
la lomiry it.k i. mnapum we placed, tnt
Ibe Varsity screJv won."
Tne: 1 mn Biown body b, etc
The place wa tbe Univert.ty .of Ore
eon football field ; the time. Thanksgiv
ing afternoon; tbe occasion, tbe win
tiing of the proud title t.f "Champion of
Oregon" by ocr redoubtable little
eleven ; tbe tone, well it wat tbe vent
of tbe pent up feeling of at enlhai-
i astic a collection of youn collegian at
j eter were Been ia Oregon ; tbey tang, '
j tbey yelied tbeniaelve hoarse,they b'.ew j
1 horns, rang bell, carried the heroes on !
j their thoullerc and fair'y hupued ticl. !
j o:.her ia the delirium of ihrir j .y. Tl.e
excitement wa tremendout for it was
eaid tbe farmert" bad a better team I
thn ever before and it was rx peeled the j
game would be a Lard, close one, so
when Oregon made tonrbdowa aftt-r j
touchdown in rapid tocceetion, enthusi
asm kn.w no bound. It certainly wat
a great victory, and olIv sbiwt in
"Following it tbe verdict biought by
tbe jsry impaneled to inquire into tbe
cause of the death of tbe younz man
w ho was rnn over by the train about a
half mile bek.w Cascade Friday night
and literally cut in two:
Cascade Locks, Or., Pec 2, 189.
We ttiejury, empanelled by W. H.
Butts, cornier of Wasco county. Or., to
ir quire into the death of the body now
beuire ns, find that the name of the de
ceased was John Cnnm'wT. ace ahnnl
on bit bearer and particularly on tbe ' 24 year, that fie came to hi death on
member of tbe order who commemo- ' or about the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m. on
rated the memorv of their deceased i tb J?1 ol IVcember, 1SW, at Cas-
caoe iocas, ty being run over by a rail
road train bile attempting to steal a
to tle a:;-a ue dealings U an aJ-wise
Creator, and the optimistic view of I
death taken bv him and which wat ex- 1
pressed in sorb an eloquent manner,
could cot fail to have the desired tbct i
Sacrificed to
Blood Poison.
brotbert. One of the highest compli
ment! which a speaker can receive 1 j ride thereon,
when those who lUtrn to him deem Li I
ad Irt-ss all too short, and tuch wa the j
ovimrn of those a ha heard Mr. Povell I
A male quartet, co 111 posed of Prof. I
Landers, P. V. Pulin. Dr. O. P. Poane j
ai.d Prof. .A. W. Litidrll. sang 4Oce '
Saeetly Solemn Thongt.t," the arrange
ment being very preity and well suited
Ur their voice.
Ju.3 V. L. Bradrbaw U.t n gave a
lom hing eniocy in which be spoke in
i a lender manner of the lir-t of those
1 a liose memory they had to perpet-
uate. He recounted the death of etch
F. IIoix.ers,
. i.sox,
P. L. Cates,
E. P. Ash.
J. M. Gaetos.
nritikr war hat r.TiM ctH.1.b ih Tki
vertitT ol Oregon it making ia the atb- i . . . . ,. ""uiU,
1 .- , 1 . i their demise, peaking of one pastme
letic l;ne, as the is alao in everv depart-1 , ' . ' '
. " f away in tbe morning of lite, the other at
tbe noontide and the other at the even- j
ir.g Lour, drawing therefrom tbe lesson j
that death it certain and the tixe of it 1
advent most uncertain. He tpoke of
tbe leseonc to be gained therefrom and
what tbeir effect should be on tbe lire of j
those who remain ia the lodge militant, j
The quartet Bang that beautiful se
lection which never grow old, "Nearer !
My God o Tbee," after which tbe clo-
ing exercise of the lodge took place, and I
Kev. P. V. Poling made tha doting
Thoae who bare sever Lad Blood Peri
oa caa not know what a desperate eon
dXitiaa it can produce. Thi terrilJe
wnalJe to core, it communicated from Tuicet atd led by a director second to
TbeGleeC;ob concert on Thanksgiv
ing eight wat a great enccest technical
ly, popularly and financially. Tbe club
it finer tbaa ever before and it pro
nounced by musical expert who have
beard both ting thi year to be superior
to the Giee C ob of tbe Caiverc'.ty of
California. Those citie ia Eastern
Oregoa which are included n the Christ
ina scbedni are most fortunate and
liioae who are wiee eniugh to attenj
will listen to a treat which they will not
toon forget There it heartinest and
earnestne to the cing:ng of college
boy which lends to it a fiscinat on pe
culiar to itself and wben ia additioa to
..CflflS. FHBHK-.
and Farmers
Kerr on flraorM the eelehrated
X'i.I MB1A BLEk. acknqwl
edrJ tte hert Nw io Tbe ITira,
ai tbe nu jn Come ia. try
it and he roonncd. A !-o tbe
Fin it brand of W inea, Lijoor '
and Cicaia.
ci all Kindt alwayi oa band.
V -1- . I. a - . . ,1 ak T- V . . , . I L.V1. I
auca uiw uiiciAwa axe wtmij 1 mry 1 c (n bj. r u u. rroiaraauie
caoe generation to another, infiicting it
taiat 11 poo counties innocent one.
1 mi yw an 1 araa iiMmiated with pntaaa
a aorar h in Wwsi a-j babe wilb tuooe
aalBA. Tae Urue car aa
BBql lb. airurcie.
aa w life vaa yM-jtMtd
v ta Uie fewrfai yoaacia.
c aii Ancia rai 1 atf
tmd aatoid auaery. I
w i.wrrd wiLb tm
ad tunrrs tluui bt d ta
oa, wd ft. ia&jruacw
n txim xnr Irriinc
mt dtnu vbuK km
yn. I had tar beM j,
v1ieal mtaa.. firr-
vrai i-bramana nrm J:
mvrfy trrat.a rr-. laat aj ."
a. a fmrwwm. Ts. tnT-
wrr and pnuub aertod to add twi to tb
arml nam. v birh u drrocinr;r inf 1 m
axti . a Nr frwada hi h4 xb wimiert-ai
cwraa ww W Itm tr S -irt a
rw tw. hntija. aad I h'r aaaia rmvr la
mr awwi .nop. I.t bf.ih and haroiDM
vwi I iniirrvH f -ttj to. . -l. and a roa-
r-e wad a.T-r f r-ar.wa.tb. rmiiL & a a.
tavoalT tajaad iwkt wtitra ? tvrh dea-
K aa. T . . LA.X.
K .m IrnmerT. Aia.
none ia the state 'hey are veritable
Tbe Freehmaa try-out debate lock
place Friday evening and tbe c'ass wii
aead to Portland in January at iit team
F. A. Strange, E. F. Blythe and Bea
Wagner. Tbe jodgr were Pr. Strong,
Prof. Glen and Kev. Brook.
All eiaaaew were taspended from
Fatk.r tcrkm la tb. Cltalr- la.r City
C. F. Stephens
.Dealer In.
May jr Keck being absent in the East, '
Councilman Stephen wat chosen pre- '
ident of the coancil meeting last night ; t
and there were present Councilmen !
Keller, Clougb, Johns, Shackelford, ' f
Gunning, Kelly and W iison. ! ,
After the aiinutet of the previout r
meeting bad been read and approved, a
Dry 'Goods, Clothing,
Cents Furnishings.
Bof.u, Sbnea. Hanv. Car. Xi.tiona.
lor W. i. iHtuff ia iibnr.
Ti'lhoo. Vo. SK.
1M shroud
Tru Tlcll.- flu
i r- vi jf . ! a ...
Wedneaday antil the Mobd.T following ,ae ""pany, prtying mat im MUS UUIVIA W. MOKGAN
Th.akiv e.alao the literarv aocietW. ! " ' t of VU1 " ln " 4UIUnn,
'did cot a-t tti week ao there it ai
acarcity of newt in gtneral. j
tbeir bos? house on Kelly avrnoe. Oa
aka aarg.awa.
,. . , . j ," . , formed : hot be cured bun self with
Of tbe many blood remedje. 8. S. S. ! .
ia tbe only one which can reaeh deep- bclr Eotk ''B ArT,lc,
an tea, riolefit
t e. It rever fail to ; tnreet Pile cur oa Earth, and the beat , . .
y and permaBently tbe 5,, a the World. 25 cent a box. Sold I .,,
motion of Gut n:ng it wat referred to
the commute, on fire and water. I
A cotrmunic.tioa from J. F. Moore1 ART NEEDLE ROOMS
E. McArthur, representing the j
of fire d -leg te. rec.n. nended 1 MASONIC BUILDING.
that tbe city enter into a contract with'-.. .- ...
iwm -treei. neiween tonrt fioj Watb-
1 . ' ton Mreete, . he Ua!l
pacy to rurnisn ana maintain power to
rtpera.e the new fire alarm boxew which
are to l pot ia ia tbe citr. Johnt
matter be referred to
Mi .!
( and J.
All doctor toid Renick Hamilton, of , rT
uen JtDrrfon, u., atter acSenng IS.
v . cr .- 1 - l. '
" " the Sentert A Condon Telephone Com-
J 1 r.inv in fnm iar .. mnm, t .t a a -.
vmjwt detroerat case which are bejood
tae reaca c other remecie.
by Elakeley A Honghtoa Lrnpgista.
Mis Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich.,
ears, I anCered a lorg time frota dvt-
' prpsia ; loet 11 -eh and became very weak.
i Kodo. I'ruep'ia Ca romt lrte T cured
IT -. . .
lna remec x gTaarxrea to eontaia no
xuertviry. poaa-h. or otber mineral. mil ara itonach trtab e. It never
ahtahie ma led free bv twJt fan to live ia.m"i.a e relief ia the
a r-rart t vix,rrn i. and it the trr.l
Lafb Omn at Tat Ptixc. Oirn )
Nov. ai, w!4
notice i nrrT yirrn th.t the t..linir
ratn4 mrt ti tied aotior of tin irit..t.on
l. . final t.T.,f (n i:tw,rl tA rlaim. .nd
tt.t and T.f nl ht til... brKit. t. ritor
.lid rrw.. v-- at "T ... T i .. , . .
I Tteciaiai of L. Bobinsoa for .r.40, ! IWB,ber vi:
i baianra. du ,in na it.. r.f 1 '.. t, r.-. ' lalla, ir
the eomociitee oa fire and water, a re
port to be givea la at the next meeting.
Spechc Coczipas j, Al'tri, Ucorga.
by thes ity, wa ordered paid.
Ciunci!mia Eei r rxpreesej tbecpin-
ioa that tbe rsck crasher, which it
owned by tbe city ar.-d C-uetv, should f i
, swi al)j m i. tr.
M. Ki. 1 p. 1 ., l. li '
H F . No kvt. the r
r. at. and . Ml
H. Ktmt- th. f.row:i, altnrm lo prm t
t.i. o..i tn ii m rcudrt p. upon and euUltaiina
ol i! lnd. vit
hw (w.,('t,.m V.tnrr. 1w Mr,-r,r,
,.oid. no t.Ct it being rece.ved . V'"" V "Vr
T ; Impulse
an(1 Jjpj
MAsrFAcrraEo bt
Ci.-culari and particular! furnished on application.
P. S. GUNNING, Agent,
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greate t American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour
WHISKEY from 2.75 to $6.00 per ifallon. (Twl5year old.)
IKP0STED COGNAO from $7.00 to 12.00 per gallon. (11 to fl) yrars old.:
CALirOEBIA BBA3EHS from 13.25 to 6 t0 per gallon. (4 to 11 yean old?
OLYYFIA BEES on draught, and Val Blatx and Olympia Beer in bottl
Imported Ale and Porter.
Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The
Maine point is quality and the
Merritt of our work is such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not
Hobson's choice, but the standard rate?, which are not
Cevera high as some people think, and we want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Corner of First and Court Street,
'Phone 341. THE DALLES, 0E.
IVasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot r u kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, of mTllVeed
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOU. Flmir ThitFlonr it manufactured expressly for fwnUT
. use; every sack ia guaranteed to give atiifcti
W tell our good lower than any bonne ia tha trade, and if you don'l thin
call and get cur price and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
All kinds of
Funeral Sapplied
Grandall & Barget
The Dalles. Or.
Hobes, '
Burial Shoes
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
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