The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 06, 1899, PART 1, Image 3

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    The Weekly Ghroniele.
Piibtuhed in two part, on Wednetdayt
,Hd Saturdays.
n r II M
ax mciifn
Three montit
Advertising rates reasonable, and made known
wrU communications to"THF CHRON
ICLK." 1 ! Halloa, Oregon.
Saturday'! Dally
The heavy frost which covered the
ground this morning reminded us that
ibis is December and that Christmas is
"mighty nigh."
The first accident at the scene of oper
ation oa the near portage road, on the
Washington side, occurred last evening
when a workman was killed by a blast.
No particulars were obtained concern
ing it, other than that the remains will
be brought here for burial.
The Bret rehearsal tor the Jubilee
Carnival, which is to be given in the
Vogton tbellth, took place last night
at the hall, when bevy of young ladies
weieon hand. It is expected that at
least ninety ladies will take part, repre
tenting the various business houses of
the city in an attractive manner.
According to reports the recent storms
have dona considerable damage to prop
erty on the rsortb beach, ine waves
swept over the land for a considerable
distance, and carried a few drift logs
with them, A resident of Long Beach
says that the fences around many of the
cottages were carried away and houses
on the lower ground suffered consider
able damage.
The tremendous rains of the past week
Lava raited all the creeks in the county
and what are usually babbling brooks
are now raging torrents. We have not
yet he.ird of any serious damage being
done, hut fears were expressed yesterday
that the Rock creek dam would go out.
If this should prove to be the case,
would seriously cripple both the Iman
and Rock creek eaw mills, but we hope
the fi'ars were unfounded. Skamania
After two or tbreodays of almost sum
mer temperature, there, being no freeze
even at tiight, (now is falling today and
it is hoped that it will get oil enough
to prevent it from melting. This is
necessary, in order that hauling ma
chinery and supplies to the mines may
be resumed. It will also add somewhat
to the pleasure ot life here in town,
where walking for pleasu-e has been
abandoned for a week past. This is not
intended as a surprising news item for
local readers. Sumpter Miner.
About 4 :30 last evening" Thos. Johns
met with an accident, which although
not dangerous in its results, was hard on
i man of his ago. lie was leading a
wild horse, which the hoys had been
training, to the barn, when tho animal
kicko I him in the face, badly bruising
and cutting his nose and mouth, so that
Dr. Logan was compelled to take a
stitch both in the lip and nose. He ie
getting along nicely nnd thankful that
the kick was not of a more serious
Mender particulars concerning a fatal
accidmt which occurred about a quarter
of a mile below Cascade Locks last night,
were received this afternoon. It seems
that a voung man about 23 years of age,
whose name was nnknown, but who had
been working above the locks, was on
his way to Portland, and falling off the
train, was run over, killing him instantly-
Coroner Butts was sent for arid
went down this morning to hold an in
quest. The burial took place at the
Locks this afternoon.
Yesterday arternoon Miss Wasco
Morris entertained a number of .her
friends at her home on Fourth street
nd a splendid time was had, the lead
ing gauie being one of deciphering ad
vertisements clipped from newspapers,
t which Emily Crosse n proved herself
mostefneientan I Miss Hannah Schwabe
carried away the booby. Lunch was
enjoyed at th clote of the game and the
following guens wer served: Pearle
Grimes, Margaret Klnersly, Valesca
Liehe, Lilly Scufert, Burnett Schooling,
Helen Hudson, Emily Crossen, Prudence
Patterson, Veva Sommervilb, Pearle
Jo'es, Hannah Schwabe, Ruby Groat,
Effl j Bolton, Vera Eol on and Rose
Monday's rally.
Tha emilnsof William Taylor, son cf
Zac la ry Taylor, of Antelope, who died
t Spokane, were taken to Halein, where
U'ey werdburlel Saturday.
!n the case of Peter Slevers et al vs.
Tue Dalles, Portland A Astoria Naviga-
'ion Co., which was trie I at Vancouver,
the defendant moved for new trial and
the court after taking the matter under
advisement donle 1 the niotion.
The Telegram aptly says: "Tho mines
l Kastern Oregon aro worth ten times
"lore than all those of Alaska and the
Yukon vallev, so far as heard from re
liibly," In answer to a telegram sent by Mrs.
Waud to the Bennett Lake and Klondyke
Navigntlou Company, of Victoria, by
whom Capt. Wau 1 had been employed,
desiring Information concerning his
death, a Utter was received this morn-
ing, informing her that they had heard
naming oi any sickness nor of his death
p.wooio Wora na4 not reached
mem, as in, telegram which came to her
was signed by au intimate friend of the
muiiiy, who is now at Daason.
ou,, ua,, woen it seems
mai our items are mostly of a mournful
nature and try as we will we can find
uoming which will serve to disperw the
u,cn gainers over all on those
aaya which "must be dark and dreary."
A. Al. W illiams' store wss close,! ih-
afternoon from 1 until 4 p. m. in order
10 allow the employes to attend th
funeral of Chas. Johnson, he havin bee
au employe at the time be was taken ill.
The attendance at the Satnrdav nihi
dancing parties still increases, and last
week there was a very lame ciowd
present, and dancing was greatlt en
J)ed. It is a splendid place to sneud
tne evening.
. .
-ook out tor rose bushes and tender
plants these nights, for Jack Frost is
getting In his work. Fridav the first
killing frost occurred The experience of
last year, when our rose bushes were so
badly damaged, should teach us a lesson
this year.
Blessed are they who scorn to borrow
their neighbor's paper, savs an ex
change, but come to the sanctum and
layiug down the price of a year's sub
scription on the desk, say: "Put me
down on your list; I like your paper
very mocb." Yes, verily, they are hap
pier, their family is happier, and such
as they are entitled to a front seat next
to the band.
When the news of Captain Waud's
death reached here, his liltle daughter,
Hazel, was viei'ing at Cook's L Hiding,
down the river, and as soon ns possible
word was sent to her and she returned
home on the boat Saturday niht.
Hiizel was a great favorite of the cap
tain's ami the news of bis death was
very hard for her to bear.
Winter is somewhat backward this
year, but it will get here just the same,
as the few flakes of snow today remind
us. Last year the Drat fall of snow,
which was light, occurred on Nov. 10th.
and on the 9,h the mountains were
covered. During thela9tof December
quite a little snow fell. On December
10th the Inland Flyer did not succeed in
returning to the city, the river being
blocked, and remaining so until the '221.
At the homo of President Gatch, on
Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, Miss
Claire Gatch and Lieben II. Wheeler
were married by Dr. Thompson. It was
a quiet home wedding, there being none
present except the family of President
Gatcb, the groom and Dr. Thompson.
The bride is the esteemed daughter of
President and Mrs. Gatch, the groom is
a prominent attorney of Seattle. After
the ceremony aud dinner, Mr. and Mrs.
Wheeler departed for their future home
in Seattle, Wash. Corvallis Gazetle.
It is with pleasure we are able to an
nounce the discovery of another very
promising mining camp in this country.
Ids eitua!ed en t he northern slope of
Lookout mountain about thirty-five
miles east of here. Mr. F. S. Cram,
Perry Cram and Mr. Sidley, ti. dis-
cjverers, alter careiui investigation are
satisfied that they have tomcgood claims
and were in town Monday purchasing
supplies and tools. They proporo to
run a 150 foot tunnel to open the various
ledges cropping out on the surface. The
ore is in a porphyry formation carrying
iron oxides and assays from $10 to fi-y in
gold ami from a tiace to $2 in silver.
Samples of the ore submitted to reliable
mineralogists are pronounced by them
very favorable to continued richness and
extent. Crook Uounty journal.
The young ladies who attended the
Methodist cl urch last evening were es
pecially f-vored in listening to a sermon
by the pastor on the subject, "Our
Honored Girls," for the speaker paid
tribute tu them well worth hearing,
congiatulating them on the fact that
whereas but a few years ago mere were
not a score of places in the business
world opn to them, now there aro said
to be 5000. He also spoke ol tne special
giits which had been given to them and
to what a great blessing they might be
used. While there are so many places
open to them outside of the home, It is
very essential that In the place for which
they are best suited by nature, they
hould be most efficient. 11 is sermon
next Sunday evening win oo u
Uncompromising Young Man. ine
choir rendered a very preny ....,...,
Jesui My Shepherd Is"amt at ttie close
the sermon Mrs. U. I. rarr sang
Calvary. The lady nas a very
voice and sang wun goou
This sale is vastly diflertnt from the general run
of clothing sales, inasmuch as all the sale suits and
overcoats are positively new goods, embracing all
The Newest
and Latest Styles
in single and double breasted suits and overcoats.
Commencing with a "Broken Line" of Men's round cut sack
suits, embracing tweeds, worsteds and cheviots in all the latest pat
terns; usual prices for theso suits from 13.50 to 810.50, during this
For the "Week ending
9th, 1899.
5'2-inch Turkev Red Table Dimask i7e
58-inch Turkev Red Table Damafk
00-inch Turkev Red Table Damatk . . -70
58-inch Bun" Tahla Damask 27io
58-inch Bleached Linen !!!'.!!'.' " 21o
lS-incl Bleached All Linen Crash tto
New and choice line of Outing Flannel '.!'!!!!".'.'.!!! . !!!'.!!!! ! '. .bo
3 choice lines of Eiderdown, 20 inches wide, plain and I figured
ot 'J9e, 39c, 59o
Special Prices on
Another lot of broken lines, comprising black cheviots, black
worsted, fancy checks and stripes, in both round cut and doublo
breasted sack suits. Sold heretofore at prices ranging from
$10.50 to 15.00, during this sale
The above two items represent only a. very small portion of
our stock. See window.
In Overcoats
wc are making enormous reductions. Cost price and original sell
ing figures are entirely eliminated from our vocabulary ; they do
not affect us in the least. Now is the time, and it must be done
quickly, for our piles of clothing must bo reduced.
and Comforts.
10 4 gray or white cotton blanket sheets, colored borders !0o per pair"
11-4 uray or tan blanket sheets, fancy borders 7,"c per pair
10-4 half wool (tray blankets ." $1 50 per pair
10-4 all-wool white blankets $.'1.00 per pair
Heavy large size comforts 00c each
Extra heavy large size comforts .$1.25 each
Largo idze silkoiine covered comforts, tilled with pure white cotton,
worth $3 25 2 50
Iiadies' Jackets
and par Gapes.
i Black Kersey Jackets made In the latest style of short back and new
dip fiout, ranging in price from $3.50, $4.25, $5.00 and $0.00 each.
Far Collarettes
and Scarfs
In great yariely of Prime Bsavar, Stone Mrtin, 8 ible Mouffiou, Electro
rieal, etc., ranging in price from $2.53 to $10.5'J each.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
For macy years the condition of the
city cemetery has been disgrace to
The miles, and frtrpiently the attention
ofits residents has been called to that
fact by the newspaper?, but nothing has
been done toward improving it and
Kill remains the same negu-uicu
although situated in one oi ui
be.utifnl sites which could bo
While this can go on with
out causing any particular disturbance,
there is a matter which must be attend
ed to at once, or we must find some
other means of disposing of the city a
dnad than burying them. The ground
now inclosed is well oitfh filled with
graves and right foon there will not be
, paca left where a body can le la.d.
VVl.ile there are a few lots, In mot cl
them it li impossible to excavate on ac
count of the rocky soil. The city must
do something in regard to this matter,
and that quickly. We understand two
acres j lining the cemetery on the eouth
can be purchased for $20 an acre. This
Is very reasonable, and the city could
make no better move than to buy this
ground, extend the fence and thus give
to those who are so unfortunate as not
to be able to pay $25 for a lot or even $15
for a half lot, a respectable place in
which to bury their dead.
A large audience was present at the
Congregational church last evening,
prominent a.nong whom were the Elks,
who, as a body, attend services once a
year. Tho order was well represented,
and listened intently as Rev. I. V.
Poling spoke of "The mysteries which
lie conrcaled in the shadow of Castle
Garden," dealing In a large measure
with the influences good and bad
which reeult from the mliiratlon of
foreigners to our shores. His ideas of
the subject were good and clearly de
fined. On? especially good point was
that in which he suggested that.wheroas
every foreigner who comes to our Bhores
leentitledto vote whether he has re
ceived the education compulsory In
America or not, schools should be es
tablished at every port where he could
receive the necessary instructions in
political economy, etc., and as a result
vote understandingly. In closing be
spoke of the benefit which America had
received from each nationality, giving to
her that which enables nil to proudly
sing "My Country 'Tie of Thee," and at
the close of the sermon the audience!
sang it with a vim. The music of the
evening was especially good. The two
anthems by the choir, particularly the
oncentitled "How Good is He the Giver"
being txcell 'nt. The male quartet also
gave two pleasing selections.
Tucvlay Dull)'.
It has been decided that the firet
games of the inter-club contest will tsko
place at A'tom on January 11th.
Charles, the Infant sou of Mrs. Anna
Johnson, who was reported danjirously
ill yesterday, is said to be much better
Wednesday evening is the date of the
next rehearsal for the Jubilee Carnival.
All who take part are requested to be
at the opera house.
The city marshal's report, as presented
to the council last night, showed nine
teen arrests during the month, and the
.recorder reported $120.50 collected as
flues, an unusually large amount..
The usual band concert will take place
this evening at the club rooms, the
business meetinii of the members inter
fering in no way with the enjoyment of
the music, having been called for 8
The school term in District No. 44,
near Wamic, which has been taught by
Mies Rojinia Campbell, closed on Friday
last, and that in District No, 41, near
Mosier, taught by Miss Ruth Sturgisson
November 29th.
Everyone is beginning to hope that
the old Indian's prophecy of an open
winter will fall to make connection.
What an outlook to be compelled to
wadeabout through such a sea of mud
during an entire winter, instead of glid
ing over ice ami snow.
The Business Men's Carnival to le
given on Tuesday, Dec. 12th, promises
to be a silccpfs in every particular.
This entertainment as given in other
cities has passed into history as one of
the finest ever produced before an Amer
ican audience.
N. Whe.ildon, impersonating Father
Time, called at this oflica this afternoon
and reminded ns that we will soon have
to write it "naughty-naught," by pre
senting us two "up-to-date" calendars
forl'.tOO; one with the compliments of
the -Magdeburg Fire Insurance Company
of Germany, and the other from ti e
Fire Aesociation of Philadelphia.
Wo are prone to imag'n that our who are in any part cl Alaska
have been In the ley grip of winter
frozen stifT for months past, but such is
nottha case; that Is not to the extent
we imagine, for the Skagway Budget,
which reached us today, says that on
Nov. 24th at Bennett the thermometer
stood at 33 above zero, an 1 at Dawson
10 above.
The Dalies Commission Company's
store changed hands today, Wm. Van
Bibber having disposed of bis interest
to Kimonson Bros. This has always
been a popular place of business, and
we wish for our new neighbors the good
share of patronage they deserve.
Wn are frequently ai-ked, "Has pas
senger train No. 1 changed time?"
Queer question, since she has been
changing every day since we can re
member. However, she is doing it of
her own free will, no change being made
by the company, and she is still due at
A private letter received from Dr.
Belle Rinetiart tells of her pleasant trip
East over the Canadian Pacific and of
the arduous work which she is now do
ing in the Polyclinic at New Yoik, every
moment being occupied. She is taking
a private course in surgery, for which
she seems to be well adapted and in
which she has always taken a deep in
terest. Since publishing the article yesterday
concerning the city cemetery we have
been Informed that the ciiy really has
no deed to the land now occupied, it
having been used only by content of the
owners. It might le well to look into
the matter, and if f ucli is t.'ie cse, or
the city is entitled to a deed, make ap
plication for it and Ihui have tie matter
definitely settled.
A bright American girl is going to tell,
in the Lsdies' Homo Journal, how she
and a girl friend went to P..ris together,
saw its sights, visited all ibices of in
terest, lived theie and ha I "the time of
our lives," os she explains the experi
ence. In three gossipy nrt'clei all the
points of interest in ami al on', the
French capital will Untreated and briefly
described, and how to live well 1 1 Small
cost in fact, just how gir's goln; alcc
to Paris can best and cheapest enjoy the
trip, will be explained. Of course, these
experiences are intendel to serve as
guide for girls going to the Paris Ex
position in 1900.
No one would imagine that a tramp
dare present himself in any community,
now that there is such a demand for
laborers everywhere; but "Weary Wil
lies" get here just as tired as ever, and
every night it is said there are ganga
hanging about the depot and passing
the night nnder its roof. Close watch
is kept and they are routed out as often
as possihle, but it would require a special
depot police to get ahead of them.
Family It.unlon.
A very pleasant family reunion was
held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
W. h. Richards at Fairfield near 8-Mile
Thursday, when their children, Mr. and
Mrs. C. M. Sisson, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Mant., Mr. and Mis. R. E. Haworth,
Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Richards and Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Haworth, met with them
to partake of Thanksgiving dinner.
Sixteen years had elapsed since the
family had all been home together. The
pleasures of the day were greatly added
to by the presence and merry laughter
of nine grcndo'iihlren.
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and w ill cure the
j worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley
it Houghton, druggists.
To t'ura a Culil In On. Day
Take Laxative Bnuno Quinine Tab
lets. All ilruk'giHts refund tte money if
it fails to cr. ''.
Kl -S0SS3U
-Ij.u u.wo jpij) o-ie Xaiii
poonpoJcI ODUopiAD oqj Xci
s.iul! pun epos
spruixa Suuo.miii oajjoa
jop.wod ihnuq ti
For sale by
Vandugn, Adams & Co.
Tygh Valley, Ore.