The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 06, 1899, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Cbroniele.
0iT.rhor lia Pally
O t two turbea nJ uiflef tout inch 1 I
lnihM a. i.l limit tWiflY lUCh. . "
nr tweiv iuche
a larze number of votes in 1900 that' Wood is to be made a major general
)n inch or lew. per inch -??SiDOr Under
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Next year Porfirio Diaz will be
chosen president of the republic of
Mexho for the sixth time, sajs the
Telegram. Tlieie will be no doubt
or trouble about bis re-election, s
would be the case in this country.
Owins to a clause in the Mexican
constitution, he missed a little time
in I860, bis Dext friend, Gotzalez,
holding the office nominally until the
constitution could be fixed. So, for
about thirty years Diaz has been not
only the piesident, but the real ruler
' Mexico, and will be so, if he
chooses, tiil his death. Though now
seventy years old, he Is still strong
physically and mentally, and may
live to be a old as Bismarck or
Gladstone did.
Diaz occupies at once an unique
aid an enviable position. He is the
only man who has made a pronounced
and continued success of government
in any Spanish-American country.
The result proves that Le must be
a remaikable man, one of great
executive ability1 and almost a genius
in government His success is due,
ft wo or tLree characteristics may
be particularized, to bis understand
ing of the people, bis conccptior. of
the benefits of foreign capital and
enterprise in the country, and bis
military ability. He is courageous
and firm, yet Le is essentially ' a man
of the people." Though exercising
almost the powers and privileges of ft
dictator, he zealously guards the
interests of the common people, and
tas chosen many of his advisers from
amon their ranks. Though the re
ligion of the country is Catholic, be
Las not allowed the church to infringe
upon tbe civil government; though
swift and stern in suppressing in
cipient revolutions, he has permitted
and encouraged personal liberty in a
high degree.
Endburaged by bis statesmanship,
hundreds of millions of dollars from
England, France, Germany, Holland,
Belgium and the United States have
found employment in the develop
ment of Mexico's great natural le-
sources, t tie results being visiolo in
railroads, factories, development of
mines, and improved agriculture,
employing tens of thousands of the
Dative people, and rapidly multiply
ing the wealth of the republic.
With tranquility and prosperity at
borne' and friendly relations with all
Giber nations, and having made
Mexico respected and prosperous
above all other Spanish-American
countries, that republic does well to
keep Diaz as its ruler, and it will be
fortunate if, when be pays the last
debt to nature, one as firm and strong
and wise can be found to take bis
were cast against U la lt'Jo. iue
Salt Lake Tribune, one of tne ablest
and most conspicuous of the silver
Republican papers of the country,
foretold more than a year ago tbe
return of its element to the Re-
can partv. The movement is
way, and wili. glow in
volume as the time for the election
It was made plain by the elections
of tke past year or two that tbe drift
of tho silver Republicans back to
their old party had begun. This is
the reason why Washington, Wyom
ing, Kansas and South Dakota, which
went to the Democrats in I89G, have
come back to the Republican side in
the ianvasses of 1893 or 1899. Colo-
rado and the rest of the Western
states which went to Bryan on the
silver issue in 1896 will do this ulti
mately. There is a chance that
several of them which have not yet
left the Bryanite side will do this
next year. Senator Teller himself,
the leader of tho sereders, is likely
to be back in the Republican party
in 1900 or 1901. Tbe Teller faction
of the Bryanite coalition were the
one ingredient which gave that ag
gregation respectability. But Teller
and his followers can no longer re
main in this fellowship. They are
Republicans on protection, expan
sion and all other issues except silver,
and, as silver is being dodged now
by the Democratic leaders, and would I
be abandoned altogether were it not
for the fear that this would repel
Populist and silver Republican sup-
e.f volunteers and
supreme command
ill be given
in Cuba until
such time as congress provides a civil
government for the island. His rank
will be that of a military governor,
but tbe probabilities are that bis
duties will be largely of a sivil
There are few who will question
the wUdom of this selection. Gen
eral Wood has seemed to be able to
urasp tbe situation in Cuba better
than any other man there who has
been Tested with authority, nd the
administration of affairs could not
be placed in safer hands. He has re
established government in Santiago,
cleanse! the city, set the people at
woik, and maintained law and order
throughout tbe whole district under
biscontiol. Intelligence and firm
ness with a large amount of common
sense have worked great changes in
eastern Cuba, and the result of
Wood' efforts there have proveJ
that he is well qualified to assume
I the responsibilities of governor of
the entire island.
Somebody's toes may be stepped
on and a few of the otEccrs of higher
rank may feci aggrieved, but scnti-
j mental considerations of this sort
! should not prevent the government
from availing itself of the services of
a man so peculiarly wen uueu ior
the place as General Wood is. Re-
Xfc Chca" CommlloDr Iliacasa
Iha Mattar ut Horluf for Malar.
Charles Johnson Dies at I'ort aud.
Saturday 1 bally.
Although Charles Johnson had seemed
! I - V,o t m-Aiirirrad in ro-TifJ t r tit Pun-
nun. i in miitr fit? luu i iij iuiiiili
-.t, i f li -! dition of l.ia health, neither hi wife nor
be held In line wiih iU yoke-fellows . . . ' . a na
V I i e 1 1 jitvitua ij u v ii.tu iivjjv - v -
recovery for the past three month?.
When he left here four months ago af;er
an illness of five weeks n 1 entered
smaller in 1900 and the Republican
vote larger than each was in 1896.
Those wheat faimers in the Pulousc
who have been claiming, for years,!
that diversified fanning would not;
Idaho's secretary of state, M.
Paine, who is one of the silver sec
tion of tbe Republican party which
seceded at tbe St. Louii Republican
Convention of 1836 and went over
to Bryan, says the lime has come for
all his element to return to the Re
publican parly. Ex Attorney Gen
eral G. M. Parsons, another Idaho
silver Republican leader, takes the
same view. "The conditions that
caused us to leave Iho Republican
parly no longer prevail," he declares.
"Prosperity is strongly in evidence
throughout the nation. The cry of
silver has lost its force and power to
rally men under strange political ban
ners." Thi talk is significant. The men
who are taking this view live in the
silver mining region. J'aturally they
would be expected to cling to the
6ilver idea with more tenacity than
would those who reside outside of
the mining quarter. When they be
gin to abandon the free coinage
propaganda and come back to the
Republican parly, as they are doing
in large numbers throughout the
entire mining locality, it Is plain
that the Republican parly will have
Tbe Whitman county correspondent
of the Spokesman-Review says:
'The diversified farmer has great
cause for tuankrulness tins year.
Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, poultry,
eggs, butter, apples, aud In fact
nearly every product of the farm,
with tbe exception of wheat, com
mands good prices In which there is
n big profit to the producer. It is
only Ihe farmer who put his all in
wheat who is not 'in it' this year."
The sooner Ihe wheat farmer of
the Palouse and' Ihe Big Bend faces
bis own case the better will it be for
his welfare. Under normal or half
way normal conditions we shall see
m more dollar wheat in eastern
Washiugton. NotLing short of an
extraordinary famine can bring back
the old price. In all probability, the
price of wheat for the next ten years
will not average above 40 cents per
bushel. Taking the world over, too
many farmers are growing wheat for
the price to swing back to the old
range. We must sell our surplus in
England ami Europe, and it comes
in direct competition there with the
wheat of Europe, of India, of Argen
tina. A few years more and it will
have the competition of the wheat
growers of Siberia.
The products of diversified farm
ing find a home market. The big
cities of Washington are enormous
and growing consumers. The lum
ber camps produce nothing but
lumber and shingles. The mining
camps of Washington, Montana,
Idaho, Biitish Columbia and Oregou
produce nothing but ores. There
are now nearly 100,000 men . in
Alaska, and every pound of their
food, apart from a little game killed
in the hills and a few fish caught in
j fie stieams, is drawn from Washing
ton and Oregon. If diversified farm
ing will not pay in this state, it will
not be profitable anywhere.
But it will pay. It is paying.
Tbe farmer who has diversified
products will live a great deal better
than the farmer who grows or-Iy
wheat, and he will have more money.
voting man cf great integrity, each at
tbe community cannot well spare, much
less his wife and three email children.
But such it seems are the first to no.
During his four years residence in The
Dalles bis steady habits ttnil worth of
character has been marked, aud hia
failing health during the past six months
was noted with regret.
He was aged 35 years, having been
born in acramtnto county, Calif. In
18s8 ho went to Goldcndale, where in
the following year be wag married to
Mies Anna Van Vactor, and there they
made their home until they camo to The
Dalles. His wife arid three cliildien
survive him Alma, aged 9. Irene, 3,'4',
and Charles, 2. He also leaves three
brothers in California.
lie was a member of the Methcdiet
church, and also a member oi the
Masonic order here, and of the K. of P.
at Gildendale.
In a telephone message this morning
Mrs. Johnson announced that she would
bring tbe body to this city tomorrow
evening, ilinets of the childrtu prevent
ing her coming today, and ri quested
that the funeral take place at 1 :30 Mon
day at the Methcdisl church.
Kitti From Ilia Suffering.
At the water commissioners' meeting
last night President Seuferl presided,
mod Mewra. Bolton, Moore, l'hirman,
Fish and Randall were present. After
the minutes were approved a matter of
great importance came op for diecuesion
relative to boring for artesian water
back of town and above the big reservoir.
This was brought about by the striking
of artesian water on the beach a few
days ago. List fall there was a move
to increase and better the supply of
water by going np Mill rreek to Wicks'
place, about eight miles above Iowd, and
a survey of the route has already been
made. It is thought the cost of this
improvement would be from 20,0o0 to
$25,000. It is now argued by the board
that if artesian water could be struck
back of and about fifty or sixty feet
above the big reservoir, or in some other
adjacent locality, a larger and purtr
supply of water could be obtained and
also a greater fire preeeure above the
bluff at a nominal cost, rather than by
extending the present supply pipe line
from Mesplie's to Wicks' at such a great
cost. It is thought that a six-inch bore
would be sufficient for all purposes.
However, the board does not feel justi
fied in proceeding In this matter until
the judgment of the water consumers
and tapayers has been consulted, and
in order to obtain the opinion of the
people they have ordered a voting blank
to be printed requesting each taxpayer
to register his opinion or vote as to
whether or not the experiment should
be made. Supt. Crossen will interview
the citizsns at once and so receive the
opinion of each. It will be a question
of spending perhaps $2,000 or $3,000 in
the endeavor to eave $25,000, and look?
practicable enough, but the matter
should be investigated by all before de
ciding either way.
Through the careful management of
Supt. Cf sen the claims against the
board fo: the past month were greatly
reduced, the last being about half its
usual size. Mr. Croesen deserves great
credit for the interest he displays in the
matter oi finances, endeavoring nj much
bil'.s were as follows;
was forthcoming ana li.eoe women
banded toaelher soon cnuhl have such
! an attractive reading-roont.with a cup of
hot coffee thrown in. that the lonely
stranger in town ennid nM pass it by.
Where now is the place where the dis
charged farm laborer, fheepherder, or
cowboy, who always gravitate to town
as soon as out ( employment, can spend
an hour or two in the afternoon or
evening, other tbn the saloonT They
always stand ready to give them a hearty
welcome, t-nd, incidentally secure the
most f their hard-earned savings.
The success of the work of the women
as evinced by tl.e Emergency Corps
shows how much can be accomplished
by determined women when united for
any cause, and the plan of working in
detachments, as did those eelf-sacriflc-ing
women, would be a good one where
on to build the efforts of 'a public read
ing rotm In Tbe Dalles.
Don't scoff at tbe idea, and say that it
would not succeed, because long ago
Lthcre was such a place which had to be
abandoned. Profit by past failures and
try again. "Has been" are not a good
thing to live upon.
Amatecr Refobmbb.
of three years ago. That was an un
holy alliance, and was bound to fall
. ..:..'!.. 1, ;a ,. .. - iK.i
. ..... ti i i. I fiAnil amaritAn hnrtiita! in Poilland.
tne ueiEOcrauc oie win oe iuucii; . - 7 , m.ihI. . iHHn ,hft ,lxtlt.n5B
where he was operatcu upon lor 7 '
complaints, Dr. Giey, although not dis
couraging him, gave Mrs. Johnson and
others to uuderstand that he was tu
bercular, and though be recovered iu a
measure from bis ailments, he would
pro'iably go into consumption. And co
it proved.
Cumeqilt ntly when news of his death
1 reacned nere laei cvenin;, 11 was
not unei LecteJ. caurh e. however, the
pay, are readjusting their views. ; deepest regret .for Mr. Johnson was a
J B Crcssen, supt $60 00
CA Borders, helper 60 0(1
Ned Gates, sec'y 10 00
J 11 Jackson, 10 pounds rope 70
Timee-Mountaineer, printing 5 IX)
Mav & Crowe, mdse 9 Oft
.1 T Peters & Co, md?e 5 70
I C Nickelsen, mdee . fcO
Win Morganfield, labor 13 00
C M Fonts, lar.or 3 00
S S Johns, rebale on water rent. . 1 75
Nov. 1 Bal. cifh on hand f.0!82.71
Cash sale city lots 163 45
Reo'd water rent Nov 113105
7778 11
Warrants redeemed 174.41
Dec. 1 Casdi on band $7003.70
According to a dispitcb to the
Chicago Times-IIerald, Gen. Leonard
Monday' Dally.
Despite the stormy weather this
afternoon, tbe Methodist church was
well filled with brothers and friends
who desired to ray respect to the mem
ory of Chas. B. Johnson- The Masons
attended in a body, and took charge of
the services at the grave, where they
interred tbe remains of their friend
neath a bank of beautiful flowers.
At the church the choir rang "One
Sweetly Solemn Tlionuhl" and "Thy
Will Be Done", and Rev. U. F. Hawk
sp''ke for a short time on the life of the
deceased and the hope which ho and
those he leaves behind have of Immor
tality. Being a personal frien ! c( Mr.
Johnson, he spoke with much feeling.
Brother Masons Allawar, Darnielle,
Fa'k, Fisher, Marden and Furdyce acted
as pall bearers.
As a cure for rheumatism Chamber
lain's i'ain Balm Is gaining a wide repu.
tntion. D. B. Johnston of Richmond,
Ind., has f een troubled with that ail
ment since 1862. In speaking of it he
says: "I never found anything that
would relieve me until I used Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm. It acts like mnglc
with me. My foot was swollen and
paining me very much, but one good
application of Pain Balm relieved rnc.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Can In tour Ccaok.
All conntr warrant registered prior
fo Jan. '21, 1V.-0. will Im paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Nov. 13ih
1899. C. I.. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
One That Should lie Ilcell-Lct It lie
Couddrred and Ihrn Acted I pun.
Editob Chuoniclk :
Mrs. Tburman, the colored di ciple
of temperance, is trying to arouse the
Christian women of Portland to a cru
sade against tin saloons. The Rnv. J.
E. Snyder, the missionary of the Port
land presbytery, has mapped out the
North End, located the saloons and dis
reputable places, and has collected funds
wherewith to prosecute the work of
Have not the citizens of The Dalles an
interest 'in a similar reform? Surely
there is no place in greater need of such
an effort.
It is an accapfed fact that two objects
cannot occupy the same space. There
fore, two interests cannot wholly ab
sorb the same mind ; when one increases
tho ether decreases. Following up this
thought would it not be a w ise' Idea to
substitute some other attraction for that
of tne saloon?
The saloon is a legalized business, and
being under the protection of law, un
lawful means should not be used in an
attempt to free the city from the liquor
traffic, notwithstanding many feci deeply
in the matter.
What are the Christian people of this
little city built among .the rocks, its
foundation washed by the waters of ihe
largest river of the West, Its outlook
upon the hills, from whence cometh
strength what are they doing, or going
to do to overcome this evil?
There are churches of every denomin
ation, lifting their spires heavenward;
there are numerous women's societies in
active organization (God bless them 1 the
churches couldn't live without them;)
but what practical Christian work aie
they engaged in? It is true, one is get
ting up a spleudid coolc book; another
is making pa-try for sale, nice enough
to tempt an epicure f what does It matter
If the original outlay is as great as that
obtained from the sale, and might as
well have been given outright,) and still
another meets in the parlors of its mem
bers, drinks cofit;o, cats Ice cream and
enjoys iteclf.
Suppose they were to combino forces
for any reform think you they would
fall in anything so undertaken? There
are vacant rooms down town which
doubtless would be loanej for anvstiod
I cause at least until a paving tenant
Ntllve to -chftnl TvKcnr.
Rccojtnizi nit the fact that a thorough
knowledge of vocal nuiiic will in the
near future become one of the n quire
menta of every successful school teacher,
I have dec! led to open a special course
for teachers in the rudiments of mus e,
yocal culture, thfory and sight einyinir,
fitting oie h r a practical knowlcdga in
the diff-re it 1 ranches of volmI music.
All ttac'ier desiring toenter this course
ehoul 1 cji su't or write me 1 efore Dec.
1st. Teacher from the country may
attend without any loss of time as the
leesons will bo given on Siturday of
eanh week.
Full particulars and terms on ap
plication. -A. W. Ll'KDBLL, B.M., The Dalles.
Catarrh (annul bo Cu ed
with loci! applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catar h
is a blond or constitutional dieeae, and
in order to cure it vou mint take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a qu:ick medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the bpst tonics known, omhined w ith
the liest blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tbe two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrugiriHt?, juice 75r.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
There will b. a ,choo
and boa social given b, the 7
mg.Dec.8ih. Door, opeo It' " ' "'a.
Piano Duet !! 'Kh
Doll Drill rati. "
Burtoque Doll Drill ;El1"U
Music ""v"7 tht Wit-
"Hooullght on the Uke" T?01 i
Hoop Drill ""WT.
Jack O La itern Drill ft
"Come Rise With the Urk''''DKfi,',
Scarf Drill T 1 '
Musical Kymphonie.' . Ulj.
Tableau s 'al Y!WI
Auctioneering of Boies
Admission. 15 cent.. Ldif,b,iBPi
baskets admitted free. ApriL ,
given the lady whose basket sell. fo ,"
highesi price. Proceed, of entertaiZ
ment to go to the Dufur Public gj!
Library and Incidental Fun
Iha Slodera Sloihor
Has found that her little one. , i.
k... uv me pleasant Sirnn
Figs, when in need of the Isxttin tf
of a gentle remedy, than hw
,.., . ' ' ".' J 0108.
Children enjoy it and it benefit. Una
The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, i. 0tt.
ufactured by the California f: t...
Co. only. " '
"One Minute Cough Cure i. th.
remedy I ever used for conghi vi
colds. It is unequalled for hv,n;.
cjugh. Chrildren all like it," writH.
X. Williams, Gentryvilie, lad. Setii
fails. It is the only harrule.s remK,
that gives immediate result.. Cimi
coughj, colds, hoarnees, cronp, pnM.
monia, bronchitis and all throat
Inng troubles. Its early use prevtui
My eon has been troubled for jew
with chronic diarrhoea. Sometim. ip
1 persuaded him to take some of Chaoi
berli;iu'd Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhon
Remedy. After usiug two bottles of the
25-cent siza he was cured. I give tli;i
testimonial, hoping tome one einiilitl;
afflicted may read it and ba benrfited.
Thomas C. Bowek, Glencoe, 0. Fr
sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Fur Rl.
A good farm in Klickitat coauli
Wash., five miles from Columbus, eoo
sisting of 210 acres. Price $1000. Apph
to II. E. Curtics at A, S. Bennett'i
office. nl3-iihlai
The Supply Llinltrd.
Sunrise on Mt. Hood from Lost Lite.
I'iacrf vour orders now for Clinstniai
you may get left. GifTord. nlMs
Subscribe for Tim Chkomci.
sflNffss JrsasjFassarsiisasr sfirsarvEssnstTsaraNay
The following lines are to be found at
Garden Tools, Deep Well Pumps blacksmith's Tools
Rubber and Cotton Hose Bar lion and Steel
Winchester and Marlin Rifles, latest models Blacksmith's Coul
Fishing Tackle Wagon Maker's Supplies
Ricyclesand Sundiies Wrought Iron Pip and Fitting.
Smith & Wesson and Colt's Revolvers Rai b Wire and Naiis.
Warranted Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware Warranted
We will replace every piece if found rusted.
Granite Iron and Stewart Enameled Ware.
A Complete Line of
Planet Jr. Garden To ils Rushford Wagon.
John Deere Plows anil Harrows Racine Buggies nd Carried'
Bean Spray Pumps , Buckeye and Piano Mowers ami Reaper.
Cultivators and Disk Harrows Tiger Drills, lightest draft.
Our stock cf
Builder's Hardware and Carpenter's Tools
is completi! in every detail.
Majestic Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves.
Before buying elsewhere examine our Stock-
MAN l' FACT I'll It II Of
High-Grado Stock Saddlos
and Shop-Made Harness.
Tents, Wsgnn Covers, and all articles usually
ct.v in a ursi ciass liarness shop.
AIcMKly i War. hoUM!,
Thle Stamp a Ouarant"
of Quality-
Advertise in the Chronicle