The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 02, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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rtorn T OU AIL KNOW.
VVa tutulay t Pal'-V.
R. D. But r, ol I.ov.l, i a titttor lu
the city.
Cly.l B.nnr is up from Hool Biver
on buaint.
J. I.. Thorn paon hu rolu-ncJ homo
from lUkeoven.
II. (.. Stark am J. 11. Front wrra in
from Dutur yesterday.
W.J. llrrimn, one of Eudertby't
leaJinf iiim, i in town.
K. T. Murltuirt, rashier of the Arling
ton back, i in toon toOay.
Mra. E. 0. McCoy wa a i.nsr on
laat eTcuiug'f triti for Warco.
Misses Bertie ami EJna G'.enn iml
to Portland on the Flyer today.
Mra. J. VV. French returned last even
ing from a thort visit in I'ort'.and.
W". H. M.sor ran.e down from Moro
yesterday, ape-Jin.? today in the city.
A. A. Jut r e tat a honiing pasenr
front the metropolis yesterday a!ternoun.
Cha. Heptner fame np last tilit
From Portland to spend TliinkKivit.; at
Dr. and Mra. G. C. Khe!nin came in
from Pufur today to spend Thanksgiv
ing in toa n.
Mi?a F.rtie Bjltcn. who hss (pent the
past few day in Goldendaiv, returned
borne on the alage )esterday.
E. M. William and Frank Cram, who
have been in Portland on a business
trip, returned home last evening.
Ke. Joa. DeForest will leave ton'ght
foe Denver, where he wi. I accept a call
to the pastorate of St. Peter't church.
Lawrence Ainaworth, who for the past
few mint be ha held a position iu the
D. P. A A. X. office here, will leave for
hi j borne in Portland tomorrow. Mr.
Ainiworth haa made many frienda here,
who will dislike to tee him leave.
Miesea Beulah and I'.nJsnca Patter
ton ill leave for Wasco on this evening'
train to spend Thanksgiving with their
Dr. C. Gertrude French camenp from
Portland on lat niuhl't tra'.n and will
spend Thanksrivin,f with her parent,
Mr. and Mra. S. French.
Dan Cooper, who has been al-sent
from borne for eight years, arrived Mon
day from Montana inl ia visiting hii
pan n'.r, Mr. ar.d Mra. D. J. Cooper.
Will Frank, who has been absent from
Tbe Ddl ef i .r the pat six mouths, i
rain ou our streets greeting Irienda. lie
will remain here for a time at least.
Mr. and Mra. Henry Rnedieck and
family, who have made The Pallea thuir
home for the pat year, left today fur
Engene, where they expect to reside.
Hon. and Mra. Orin Patterson left on
laet night's train for their home at Ling
Creek. They are reluming from a visit
to their old home in Indian ipolit at-d
stopped over a few Java with Mr.
Patteraou'a brottier.
Fri.Jaa Iai!y.
W. O. Hadlty ia in towu from Mora.
W. Loid was a passenger for Portland
thia morning.
8. J. Nutting left thia morning for a
abort trip to Portland.
C. W. Lrd, of Arlington, spent yea
terdav with relalivea here.
Mr. C. P. Bailer left thia morning on j
the boat for a vieil'in Portland. i
, , ,
-Mra. I Muler U np fro,,, Port'ar.d on
a Tiait to ouin, Mr. S Boltcn.
Tr. Rty L)(ran ia up from Portland j
apendiiiit a few daye with bit father.
Jiniea Kelly came in flora hil V'ar '
at Kinvslrv vetterdav and remained I
over today.
Mr. and Mra. F. P. Mays and children
np from Portland VVediie...T to!
tpeud Thanksgiving nith relatives here.
V. II. Bltrga. W. A. Man-hie anil
David Pn'tou came doan from VVetco
yeaurday on U.eir way to Collin' Land- j
ing. j
Gat Conn. r ho went to Portland to
act a a beat man at the Marimoah-Cale 1
wnl ling, returned home on last oighl'e ;
train. j
. ,, . :
Moodr, Mr. and
Mr. and Mr. Z F.
Sin. Kaloh
Mw.1v and eon, and Mr
and Mra K'lirene McOimack
ck arrival in I
ttse cut VNeitneadav evening to nd
yeaterdav with Mr. and Mr. V. 1J.
Greatest of All
' Every one in Pan Antonio, Texas, aava
tfaa Acker i Knarliah Heusnly ia the greatest
UUtna; ever put up lor couen.
ankta, aotLma, bronchitis,
caxmp anil consnmpuon. 1
isava been naing it over four
yaraforall forms of throat and lung tm
aia, and have yet to come arrti a can
i it faiied. We have four hula ones in
r bum It. and neither n,v a ifp nor I lura
r Umi aniKht'aslf'Il lecauseof throat I rt ill-
among tnectnidren. J rum that m mure
than aiiv other family ran say A ker a
ilii-h PriM-lr Isjunt aa effective for trrown
aip pple aa f-r the younr. It swms to wt
aormiaht to the place whre the trouble !
in tbe throat and bronchial tubes and lunrt.
Jt aalMi and heala the imialsd tiuen,
immrnm np the phlec-m ami mucus in the
breathing pa-ML'ea. quiets the nerves, inriz
awabw tbe constitution ami s'it the ouirh.
u. ... .. .;. .i
bottle in the house. It aill m a crnUiit ,an'-" I'ropressne city ot loronto.
aaieiruaH aeaint croup." (Siimed) , and the it bxikinp toward .Vinpnra for
y.ti. Zmsnms. Pan Antonio, Tex. ( the whirling of the peneratort that
nMaav..ior iiiisHiu. thrirtKMih.ron4 shall in time develop power to be trans
ial a a4 t aaada ; at .1 ia Kmlaort. mt to. l s l . , . ... . ' . ..
as.aa. HrainMsiuiwuwinm. raarsiu ndtteil to that city. V . Tribune,
aaaias tu jr dnwiiM anil ft fat ssoiki back. j
W. It. UoUktH aV CO . Iyrvivrt, Atw Jrfc
TOR ill! BY
Blakeley & Houghton.
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
roa Muammm ski so. su aunt.
Ihe Enormous Force Generated by
tbe Falls.
Eleetrle Road TwewtfFlve Mllea
Jtwar Are Operated by Ihe
Camat Toroalo to Da
, Snpitlleat.
Xiajrara Falla enjoya the distinction
of having a power house under the roof
of which there is more power developed
than in any other power atation in the
Yeara ago the people w ho journeyed
to Niagara had thtir luiiula wholly c.c
?upied with Ihe magnificent acenic
feuturea they were to find there. P.ut
to-day there is a new ii;.pi.:.-e to many
of these joiirneya. On the hanks of the
t'pjier Niuirara river, about n mile hack
from the cataract, there has prown up
the greatest power station in the world,
and men of scientific and enpiiieerin
talents who !csire to keep up with the
latest features of the development of
power travel to N'iiiirara.
In thia station there arc In opera
tion eieht mammoth peneratora, each
of which is capuhlc of devi li.pir.jr 5.i'"0
horse makii tr the present total
capacity of the station 4 i.i,.-.' home pow-
er. Iiut, in addition to t'ie. there nre
now in cors. oftrtl in , 0 ri pt.n.
. ,., , . , .,,
erators of the same capai 'l v, w hich w ill
Jjrin( the output of the station n; t-
lo.cto horse power, a wand. rfi:l amount
cf force. Ilach of thc 5.' !i hrre p-jivi r
t'enerators is connected hv a I 'tii? steel j
tube to a turbine nt the br.ttom of the
hi; wheel pit. which eteiil, slot like
f'-' trT 4uO feet beneath the floor of
thc dvnamo room. This wl.iel pit has
leen nailed in with bricks, and it is
one of the most intcreytirj; placet at
the fa!!. Hue penstocks, eipht feet
in diameter, carry the wter from the
inlet can:. I to the turbines, the head
under which the water ia used beirp
1.11 feet. An electrically operated ele
vator affords means t.t down in
the pit. end all who ore firtunate
. . , ,, , .,
" ,,,,u"
repam lor tne trip.
Ir; ti i:derent
liphts break the phwri. rrd on the
j lower lnr.ding one stnrVs oier thetur
j bir.ea' hji:ic amidst a dcafcn:rfr noise.
The ir r.erators in the ' room
, produce current at a voltcpe of I.2ui,
j and the force of the rtation is divided
. op and sent over various !ii:s to irive
1 aervice to the powerrorrf ar.y's pntrrins.
It is used in many itin and nt many
j rcltapta. Carborundum, dominium,
caustic ssrf'a. bleachinp owdcr. en.-
Ide cf scda and other articles nre man
j ufartured in the fjctnrhs cperated bv
I electric power from this station. All
I .. .1rr.lri - I m tu. . i v ;
" - ' vi . . i p a i a
Falls are opemttd by the current; the
trolley linrs from M-ipara falls to liuf
falo find from KiifTu'.oto U. kpf.rt also
run under thia rower, while ?S miles
away, in ti e city of Iluffnio. trt lley cars
are prr pi !!. d and the streets lighted,
malt f oi.''. flrvr.tors ind flourinir
mills, frlr.tirp presses end other ma
chinery are run t v Ihe tubtie force f,f
the w. ndcrful Niagara i'r clotmier.t.
In ore prain eleiati.r there is
a lor. l i e f ir.o' cpera'eil by Ni
apara p'.er. nml these r:ctor serve
to trar.sfi r proin from iLe eietntor to
the bo.i's or from the boata to Ihe ele-
Soon this power ttatim will lie still
further rtilnrped r-r n new one of sim
ilar capacity l.tiilt close by. whirh will
plve a total ,f p'.o ii pwer.
Over on the Canadian side, bn k from
the Horseshf.e fall, the Canadian Ni
agara Power rompn v. Is about to build
power station. Ninetv milea awar
emva.ia uiiuti rfttl,
At well at tun. Tia lot hew much
yon tmoke, bat how yoa enjoy It. Try
oar l t-e . n centr s or si product
that 'e.t the eorlj. lien lllrich.
Law Union & Crown
Insurance Co.
Capital $7,500,000. Assets $20,1 26,035
If von are thinking of insuring your property I would
le pleaded to have you call. Now l tlie tune, not alter It
l burned.
ARTHUR SEUFERT, Resident Agent,
Fourth St., bet Union and Liberty. 'Phone Ml.
Wilson Air-Tight Heater
Thorc are other AIH-TKiHTS. Imt 110110 that onial ;
the WILSON. 9
....SOLD ONLY BY....
JVIAYS & CROWE, Sole Agents.
a.aujc v . V i-W
31 i
i 1
I '
I have re-opened thia -well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
v ' caA w .Va.
The "j
Datlaa, i
Job Printers.
! X
! i
I i
TIMS trtlRt-Cl.a.
Knvt .tll I , l..iv.r. ft.
Mail j vv..fl., in, kn
U 'u K Bl. Hi. M lUll, I
4 l.lrwtfo antj t
Hr.ias'w j Walla Walla. a.ariej arwkalia
H,r Mtinu(Hilia, I'aill, llf.
i eJ tu. I ' il I u I h. llnailkrv, .
I 4 lilraan ami aal.
p. I
m ail lratn.hli.
for (all S jan'IM- -Jitliuai)
anil ! live Jaj-a
ft r tii.
as Miula) ltir.tMa Re. atriitvr. t amiila)
10 AToai au4 W )
Hatuntajr lM lln.t I
iu y. m. j
am WiLLimm Kivil. t p m.
f. auti'lay Un a-oil I Itv. NwtM-fg, auuilay
: ra m A Ma; l-aiitt ,
Turv.l fi IT Mill. KlMM. .n . W wj
MtiJ tmt. OrttfiMi 4 lit, I'tttti.o. ii4 lr.
1 it , rt.ur. p.irtumt (.i i I'fVRiiii, 1uv. Ihuf
hmn KlVBM. t llfl
tll jr j tjalif
fV" rrtf tlMalriiitf In t lit Mr.ttirr ihotiU
No. i. iii 1h mllt ! 5 U p. It
ttiahilibl tliTrt t C'f lirt-1 1 at H l (-licr (
K-lttrtiiti n-Jiktri,! ltrtlrHiiir'tj:Mi mt Mc.prtcr
JtiiM ii..u HU.S., 1, ftrr.tlntf ml Um l4l.o t
i p. m.
I Ty Mrt i, airttM i.ju . ui., tU-(fU
4 " in.
j .'i. t.w! f'rirltl. rairrls rnrrtt ml
: butul arrivi- I ,j i nt . tl -4tt 1 u in.
.'I, .t hatuixl lNrfticti It.-iattti, tV ru
I rarry ctigcf , ariira lb p ut.( d-fta
! ( tii.
c.'igcraj. iffhrsi IA i. tu., 4ritu . hi.
ff r 1 1 j arllrulara fall on O. K. N. I 0.1
itrut ILv i' of al'lrrM
11. Mr Ki ttr k v.
OtMi faav Agt., 1 tifiiauJ. Or.
Sheriff's Sale.
tx tiik vuu rtr. ot-KT or tiik r.ur
& .ir g u, t f W aaro ouuty.
J. I VrlTicrtir, a af mlfiUtratir tf tht ralalr i(
1'Lllilp lifttf n, (r-vitat. I'taiittllt,
y W alU rarit T. r rrtiUn a.
Hjr If iu tf ati r(itl.m. ai lf r of
tl'ilt lawt.rtl (Mil ait litt'lrr ml
(fir rlrt-titl rttiirt ( lh aUtaa nf ltrvm, .r tho
rvrtinty ul M .ari, In ins 4iM'Ut it-t thr
.fi tlar NiHfitilarf , 1 a tlwrrtu fi.r
ll irrtr,aura) ,,f a fwrtaiti tit'ttiffat:. In fa;. c-
l-ut.nlltl ami a(tnt al. 1rt nI'ttil. aift in ftf
u.riil fin1er"l ut rtttrml lu m). rur In Uir
alsttirtTiilltirvl rmw, in fastiC f tllill(t an,
antii-t lt trf-ii.ut N. W. UiUi-r, a. JuO
r. flit ilWrtttr. in ih um nt cut lhuatn bs4
thirty ami .' ! 1 lara il m ,.' ;i with In
rr '.l t!trisri ln.rn thr ih rtaf il M-trm ar,
al lti ratP t ltt 1 1 sf rul l-f ai.nurii.
lit lurttwr aiaiit f t hun.ifitl lafa
li'ii aaaatt'Hnf' at iai f ittl.r atimf 'ft rtjr
J-.i.atr aiil ,u i ,1', ai l ltr r1 i ( ainl ut
mi lti!a writ, arfil r.ttiini anIt naj mi V mk aal
! "I tho r-i irt-ai-rf rtnl In -m-h dit r sf
j ..rv ! Mirt ai t brrrtnatti-f teorrirait oitt tj
rirap jttl ar !- I haln lrrii rt-n Intt ami
I flita-f.-., on il,,. .'itM tV ( IK-Ulaf, I- 1 Mill
on l! Ihltfl ilay of Jatn.aM , )', al hour of
; rl.w k lu U-v a(lrrixiii of a'1 ta atul at Ihe
ffotit i r of Ih ri:itv ntittt hitiiw., in I t it
4 .tv, Wrmii ram my. itc n, d at utsMr
irti.-n to tht lutlie-at ht l if f..f ra-fi In
tiaril all tha f I ti t f (itlt ti ntarrt M. b
thr fit-((: a nU N. W . al!a r aii 1 r4. f . a !.,
or c-ltlti f of t!.-m. Iia.t mi the .t th ! of r
ttiifj-r Int, tli (nir of Itia nn.rijift orrrl'sM
hr'rt. or wliii-h mi1 iJi Ii-mUh t or any of li
ilrffixlaiita ha riu, hava avtUifrJ or ttiw
liVf in ami to the h.lio ta It. g ihrTttaar! fnl pro
rrtjf, irnal1 u4 twlnr in ttni wnitilt, Oft
Con, IomiI Thv aoultiv al juat.t r of lb anQth
-luarfi-r. Ihf at. u i h ha I of thr
quart i. affl tha northrat nartor of I ha aoufh
t iiarlcr of art-tloli (vtrtilj r.;lilbll t "a li.tilp
fvan xHitn. of ra-.-Tf aavrtilot It vt, If IMarrvIt
M-r:ian, r..(iUirh-n ! arrva, of imirh of
i4 To(-fty a Will MtUfy aat'I Ju-lKmrlit aud
tWrrrs, 1 1 h rta am tara-r ulna nta.
wi'l pfoirrii t libra-. h) ui.,t-i ii.MQflr;na
tl"ll an- r-tf motion aa hi law fo?iiln,
lat at jiailra My. VV aro ctruut. Orra;iti ,
thia ."iltt day of Novaiabrf,
liOHKRT k ri.l.Y.
(Jrt'i II hborllTol HiMntmihlt.UK-ion.
Laud Otru I itTni luu ( ,i
tirlotjrr 7, mj. f
Ntttlrv la hffhjf flrrn that Hi (.lloainf
natiirtl aaHtlrr hai nlr notlr of hi tiitarullon
bt make filial proof In auviri of him rUiiat, anl
thai aatil pt'nA will ! mailt ltitn (he Ka- ltrf
ami Kraivr at The Iall,(HTa:riti. w haiunia,
NoMMiibef ,l ln, tU.
laaae . llewlaDfl. ttf Tfce lallaa. Or.
V)Vrmrti-l ritir No. '-), for the fej. Sf4t
H Nh' ami Nwh rw. U, I oorlo,
rann- It r . M.
Ma. nanitt the fnltowlnf wltiieaaaai in frrrrra
hi rttfiiiniHHia rvaiUvuf- uuit aiwl cultivation
of a 11 lan-t, Tt
J. I'. Hre. J W. JWrr, FreU Harr-'iil an 4 J.
Johftwbiti, all ul 1 he l-alir, fiirt'ift,
Oct 11 V J f. Lrt'Art. Kller.
a Ms
Tliinl f trcel. krtwtpn Court and Wash
ton htrreta, Ilia Dalles.
Lettrra of Crilit I at awl avallalil In tlta
Kasttirn htatra.
Sluht KrliariK ami Talraphll
Transl.r sv.hl on New York, Chii ago,
SI. i-nnia, Kan Franriaco, 1'ortlanJ Ort
ion, Nrattla Wash,, ami varioisa polnlt
In dragon amj Waalnnuton.
Oillwll'int mala at all no int a on fa.
oraUa tarina.
' t arnsr. j.iri nivia
3I00KK A (i.VVLV,
R.roms to tiul in, over V. . Ui.rJ Olflra.
TTV. UK llltri.liN
lls.itiva i ss,.,,,,,
i.s, ., :1 . I
In artMinla lira null ihx i r..n.i,,i..
olltltU.I "All Art MiI.ii.I iIi,, t,, j " r "II 1st
II. MH'f .1 III.) I ,a ,, .'" " "I
la, I..-I.I .... iha h..i ..,,, , ...;;. ".io,,10
a l,illl.( IT...,H ,, MIImh,,,,.! ..,, ,.
.j.r..s ..I l. hni.iy l. I.,,,, , ' ' "';
iTM.iT ..I til. aiai. l i,M. il..!,,,!,. ''' '"
I. .II...I,,. ,.,,..( ...i. I..I 7. ' , "" W't ..r in. M.1....1 1,, ... ,,,,:,,,,;'T
II. . t.l.rr t.i M,.l , ,,, 1 " at
"-o t.i im i-.u,.. ,!; V
IMlll. l.,l tl..lal.. (r1, .. J "si
Imiii. al tii. ( a II..I, a ..,., ,,,
tki. :i t .i.v ,'r n..;,;,,u ;. ','.Tv,i,,,,.,,:
r. I. lit MI.VK, Kvialaiy ul M,,t,-.
a I: N A T K JOIST Mwil I Hon, m, t
a. it r..l.1 1. in. a-,,,.,, ,. ', .,
...rrll.a I hat lh. l..ll..,, .,,, f '
II.HI..II i.l Ilia Slat. ..,. u ', y
1 1. at - ! HI..I Aril, I. XI Of ll.rl , .,,,.
ti..n..i ih. si.i.,,1 .,,.. u .,, ,i,r.!;
h.rrl.t al, a. ,.. ,irr. .,.,,. 2
,4 AlllrW XI. aball b. aa l,,l,,., """"alt
sartt ta n.
VHI,.n lo. K.i-Mii,ty,nir,t, ,,,,
in. t..t ..ih Hiuniri,M,l ,,,,.., ,,. , ''
I" l "U. lli'l. Ulr.1 In .i , ,. ,., ."
an, ,,.,., , .,,,! r ,,, ., '
I. II.. . lii.l. 1. 1,. I..... ii, t, .,,.,. rtma,
II. . c l.ll Hi. .,,. II,. to,L.
.r..riy Ihrn-ln I., to ivnuinr.1 h lh, ...
"l.tean.1 r. , l,, . i.,, .!..,.. k,
III. Illf-Ullll.g . awh lllrbl.-.iir.
AJ.'t'U.t bv lh. Mi.ata Jan'.arv i M
. V, TI.-.I.I. i,t ii;,, ,,,,,,
( ..iiriirrt l.i t.r tl.s l,. .. ,.,,,,, . W),
. l kt.l Y. Pk i ol ii "UM.;
A.,'lrl T tha s.-iiat January II ...
J.sra aia..a. rmi.i.i i u.. ..i..
t '..nriirml In l.y lh. II, ...w. Tcl.t.,.,, H
I Maa. II. I.k.hsb, si.. ,,i liVu,.,
Ik it i,l.. ,r I ha xanai,, n,, h,
riirrli.. Ihallh. l,.n..n,, a,...i.i , tb.
I .tlistl I.l I lull il lb. nut. , irM.,0 ,,ttu4
s. i... I... ul ArtK-sr wimfl, ., ii,,. M,ja.
la boivbjr, b , II
Th. lr(Ulall.s A.l,,t)l may f" I'la '. I IS.
r!n'tl n ..I U.f.u.. ai.. I lir.m J.i.l,,, j,.
Hurl rlaa . ..... ul a In. h f la.M-a is run
ul JttstUva ul Hi, .ii.r,n., I hhi, . , k(u
U..I lrlolm rlrrull dill, ari ll, , u,nrk.
.t.ali r..,i si ,,f .a man. I In nil in.),,, .a ma,
Wftr.llcl r.-sa ry. !. st.all h ,,! rMO,
alttM.ut ali.'ttu.Kl ati.l m hu i.all u. II.. mum.
INIIh aa In. MUrriM. Jilt!.-....
1 h. iKtal, II A.armuly mif mail, a fcaDf
rlrruila as su,i im f
A l.' ln !.T lb, "Wtlal., Sl --.nry 'vn
.. . I lilos, l'l,l.lrnl ,J lh. Asrul.
fut.rurrtt In by lh, II. mi..., IV IIL
I' XlabV, S..krr ,.l I!.. uai
A4"-Im1 lT I'm. M,,. lat.uary 1. l-i,
J.mtrsi Ii-,.u.iit .1 it., ivt.,1..
Cnin-tir.tM In br lb. Il..ti,. It t.t.ia.y s. l.v
IUII II. .'S'SII, SS. ul tluual.
H'.it'sK JulMT k'U I II..N, Ml 10.
Ilrw'l.r.1 by IS, II. .us,, lh, M . n' r,.iMurr
Ilia . 1 h.l lh, ,,llui am,u.lii..t, tj V.r 1 1,
.1,1. ,11.... u II,. swt. .J !(. , U' b.ii b; la
1 ir l b, tinu,,l.. bj MU.
Aril. U X I . a. .,ll.,,. u all
sWrtluM I. T b. nrryvsary uar ..( ta. .t,rtlha
IS'lialrurll .n ul v,rvurs i, sf,.. Iia.ln. t
lb. t.tfar u Iriltall.H. u. u I.I.U f ,,f
II,. runMt IM-Il'in l r.fiala, it I u l.,. H i of
lai bi, sial,f to I ,arv ul it. ,h thy
UM'fui, b. li,SrUI ur lwr.rf .ir !,
dralnaa.. nr l.r tlralnat. uf tulii, . r l',r wt
II. as l..rf., by SHMiia ul r.l. i-ll.a.i. tra.a
.. ruu. hafa. lut.tut ."rt.
dun., or i.lh.r ll--aaary rhmitts !, II,. If CSS-..,M-
l ... , uf alt, utl,rf u it.v.Mirv lu
II. r.ut!'t ul ll i.,ltiil ff.
..irv. ul II.. sui.ur n-wrvall,.i. l tt, tiraiih
uf I'S ll.hal.ll.iala. la It.i.l-y !-, a'r. t,- V a ..dv
II, u. aiul atibjaarl tu Ibo rrauiatl.,11 ai,4 r4itM
ul lh, ,all
rllli i ISMrr'ahltn at .rr.,rl,l.- lh, iiraf
ir,..i a!t aal.raul any; , b, lasa
.lll-lal lla. ahall n,ff ba .trlil.l
SMylt n . h. u. i.f ail .at,r h., ar.r
.riab. f. aa', rt-lilal nt tlltrlh.)l,.i. a:M .-j all
-lr . vrlalhally t.r.rlalr. ,.r,
but wtllrb, all am ft a ,r.-, lal I, ,l. , hrrrlo
l..r lar,u f may Im- aul.l, r,..u. t lis.
Irlhiifrl, la h,r,by tliiaiM lu I a iu :i, u.
a. .4 aul.yrl to is, r.yrulat..ii a J r,,titr,,l 'rflla
slab- In lh, mni..y nmrft'arsl br I U"' tfe
Ittlit b. .M and a,rurlal s.i. I. trr alisli
b artbrl b. aurh ru .l,,a ul law for lli I.B
Int .4 I'llsal. r.uvfl. f.MT ul.!.r uf .rl .!
aa .r... blit In suyi,,ii . a rll. l, I l l!.a V a"
alilulUHi M lb. Slal. uf Or. ..ii.
,y-i..ti t 1 h. ughl tu ,,,1 l..' nr r.t'
arll..,MI ,,f (I,. UM, .alri t,.l lt l. S'.S
fuill.!,. rily, town or al,y tll.trl. l ..r I.. li.Mt
anta lli,rya.f, ta a Iran, hi.,, au.l ,-.,li"l Iwr.ry
r.aatl ,t.-v. bv aulh, fitly i.f and iu a li.m.isrr
l-l.v riura bj law
A.I. ,.l bv lh, lima. I"rt,rry 1 . "
I" ktal.V. ri ul ll,c II -rin.
( Mar. Ii 7. -.
A,1., lr. by lh. Stial, Irbmary IT. 1-1
C. V. . I btus, rrmblnil "I II a,n'a
l-lfi.rd Kan Ii
A.ulM lT ll. I'.wi,. I.bftiary . I
I Has. H. !.., tmsr..l t'. II' saa
I oisrnrrarl 111 bv Iht ,iit,. frbruary l. I'ltt.
J.issrH aiana, tif-...fM.I .-I ll.r rsri.als.
lliifsE JnlNT lil.nol.t TloN S I
tr..-li.f an an.rn.l.n.nt bi th, rr i..niiiti"" "J
lh. at.l. , Ofaajun, bf ra.l I'S rwl"
Aril, I. .
Nraa.lynl by th. Itm., tha .,ntr rH.iirtirr1rH.
thai saa-llua, J.,..! Arlsrla I ol lh i unslllulsa
b, sn.l h,fa-h ia nrll
A'l...laJ by lh. Iluiia.. January II. l't
W. V. XsabV, u'lha I''
l oiirurrot In by list Srn.l,. January ti. I
. W. M Lrua, r-raldrnt uf llstlt,nala
Aitopta4 br tha It.sna,. J.nnar) an. I
t Maa. H Mi.a. m,f th llm
Cimrurr.! In br th. ,nar, r.-hruary II. in.
Jisstra snaua. i uitacotw
O N ATE JulST UlriOl t Ili M
B, II rva. lv.fl hjr lha sWnat, III, ll.irfsa
rurrl.n 1 hat th. lolbta lu( .inrii.linml i.l lha aut. ol tm-.n bt ana
barvby irt.Maatial .
Tii. .Irrtlvc Iranrhlaa In lht Hlal. shall snf
hnnlirr I... .ruhtllla loary rlilrni "
est tas.
A4i.J.trl bv lha" Sa-natc, rrbrursy , I" '
J.aira Sin. ID. I'lr.l.uil nt lb."'-
Attutitnl bv tha rbrnarr . l",..
t has. . M.aiaat. uf mt II by lh. su-nsw J.nnsrv It, -
t. f. 1 AVUIt, 'rvat.lrlll ul Iht StStia.
AuV.plv.1 bv lha II. ma,. J.nnary SI,
t. V. taatta. ri"-aki.l "h I'"""
I SITr.l aTATI") t AMOiH I.
.mraa i.l M-r.lary m ntaia
I. r. I .rSRAR.!wytarv..t ''"' M.m'
nl ilrnfin anrl I iat..llai. ul lh. "ii ' .
si.t. rt.i h-n-br cattily that VRunus
tlirryallilr,..T ul H,nal. J-H'l
N.. 4. i.l ll.a Utlslallaa AtHH.HI y:
"Miinlrllsal lnuVhtf.n,aa, nl
Jul,,! K.-.I..II..II N.i M .rf lh- I''"'
srniblyr.l 11,-.Jisfllriar Anin.b-n "
J.iiul h. Inn N.i. in uf !. 'l-l"'1.ii
armhly .4 i,-.rlall..n A ""' ,
HU-S J,.t. Mr Illllun J "I U', '
A.., r. l-.t " krtM" m''" ' ,,.
and sssnals J.sllit Knnlnllnn N- 1 "I a Aamlily ul I-'-. -I.l"" '
Ani.nrliiianil. " llh lh. uilinal c- t'" " .rrrl
111. In 11,1a .,. and that lh.sai' l'
lrai.M rl.l ihn, ruin tn.l il..nur, ""'
a asst..'. I h"'i,
mi harm a .!
th, a. al nl III, Hal, !,
ih., .i ii.. i '.,iii.i. i i T
thia I 1. 1 nl tt.y N'"""1"' "
I"'" . ... vml
r i
. rylary of "
P r a pimp'" tV",r"w
i.-i- ifaa, M ,,f I).,. til.t,
i 'ir1 tt 'lar, a.. I llrit.-ttia.
A ro.vf itIV, ,,f i h. ft. w"9 ai r mit a
' f haa.i t fs-f H-h-r . iw m-r - k ',, 1 t r
t"o-a i .i.vaai'lmvi '. ' ' '" a-,
Ka.tJMi4brarttSL(ya. Oft JkAK0 C0 Pr