The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 02, 1899, PART 2, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
jit uULM. ":
' orru ul rAvrm owawouii si.
" I'nUiihrd in 10 par($, un IVrdiiriifiiyi
tnd .S.Wunfav.
f anL, roaTa raarain, m iDVaata.
One rear J"
tlt IM'ttli '
farea inmiliia. w
A.!r'r 11 -t i raisw muoiublv, awl known
u mill
A M" " all '"nmilnli slloin WTIir HON
l I K. I Us Pall", Uln.
VYlirs4ajr'a lially.
Invention! for th Elks' memorial
next Sunday Itrrnoou wti itaued to
day. pr. I-shelmau I now prepared lo re
ceive patient at till office In th Vogt
A heavy wind ilurm It laid lo b rag
ing In Ilia ruuatry today, particularly at
riherar's bridge.
Nightwatehuian I'hirman tiat lieen In
poor health lor tevaral day and lart
pi;M Fan I i'aulaon took lilt plat- on tin
aatch. II I aid to b a lion I toilajr.
Today onr public school children are
eiiii''-l In tli couimrn, labia work ul
bringing In offering o( clothing, eat
il Ye. toe, lo t sent tomorrow to Ihe
Hoys' and Girl' Aid (iuvlvljr.
Word rrarhed her Ibis morning Oat
ll n. I I, n. J. Black, ri colli trior of
c ukI ' in . ae (uiiihJ tlrail ill liia bed In
Hit Iiiiriial Hotel at I'oitland t l.i
No partlciitart could he ob-
N. t Tuesday evening Chaplain tiii-
U-rt. the true hero, so dearly lieioved by
all of tha SrfOind Oreg ) i Una.
therefore by all the .t.te.w.U speak in
th. Method. st ciYlrch o i -xperlenre.
,l ,r.,w the rain oaian ill the I'l. lii.iiines.
At tlui club dance laat Kridav evening
nine el" by mistake mrrird any a
very pretty linen haiidktti l ief, with
In fl-'iitr. leaving III its plare one I
!i .'I. rrtrri'hlrs I, but ( Cotton ma
terial. The hilidkerrhtef has the nan e
of ti n ii tier In Ihe r -iilei, and the
w ,ul he L'ratrful If it were left at tllai
UUM i'i 3; j
J S. hmea lle wat ('loriona'y . i j, nw endeavoring lo earn a liveli
la.l i.ihl, and wat atout lo ore a ki.ife ,lu(Kj l.,le, people aro Low otIVred
and pi.tol loo Uoan at Michelhach't ,url ,n (,,,,,rlt)ity. J. C. Hint, one of
lalo-ti. when I'aol 1'aulaen ued hit j ,, frri,, Oregon volunteers, who waa
authority and took him up to the city J jnjred on the transport going lo Ma
jad. This morning he found himself : nVt .ml , u , cri)pe (lir life, has
in leW. d lo the city in the turn of i0, j (,,i,ued the agency for three iliiTercnl
tut c uldiri pay it, to he will msk his ( ,,ti oll . t,.aker, one called the
huti- at city headquarter! for a few . IIltrit-aii Kducator" and the other
')' "The dreater Kepublic,"' any one of
Mrs Myth Welherred arrived In the which would make splendid !-ookt f ir
cltv Ir ii, I'orllar.d on Ihe 5;.".a train either grown people or ch ldren. They
)e,',-rday and remained over with j art just Ihe thing for Chiistmat presents
In. ti Is until Ihe night train, w hen she and w bile yu are securing a gift worth
..,.! i... .. 11, ...iw iin ! havimr. von can also greatly aid one
ac.i lint of the storm tha meeting at the
I'n a: i;la I foils was pos'p o.rd ; but on
her return trip In Uul two weeks, Mrs.
Weth. rred will take steps inward lnli
tilin g a cabin of Native Daughters in
II. n city,
tieoeral Summert hat rsceived a letter
ho n II. D. Taylor, t.f Ti e Pallet, who
desires lo employ ny member of Ihe
Ore., ii volunteers lo work on hit ranch,
or he vil employ a man and bis w ife. if j
Ihe mldier It married. Mr. Taylor
wr ,te that sl.oti d any volunteer desire
to aicq.l Iha proposition and was with
o il meant ha would pay hit fare lo The
Dai lea. ( Iregonian.
Jailor Fiterald says if the city will
flii up the street at the Conrt house cor-H'-r,
he'll agree lo keep the crosswalks
eV.n. Thsre are more placet than one
wiiere th streelt thouid be tilled in, and
until il It dona Iha crosswalks will con
tinue to be a disgrace to the town.
Another matter that thouid be attended
to it Ihe condition id tbe sidewalks.
These should le kept clear of leaves, as
the rain falling on them catieea a t'tip
pery condition which makes walking an
We are alwaye willing lo give anyone
Ihe benefit of the d inbl, and therefore
publish In another column an explana
tion of the treatment purported by tev
eral cil xeiit to have been given a horse
on Sec. nd street Sundav. He that at it
itiav. Tiik CnuoMu i a amiouncci r
here that it la Aral, last and alwavt
the side of the rlumbaniinals, and w here
there Is the least resemblance to ill
treatment of such, we ahall not hesitate
to "speak up in meeting" Ul the chipt
fall w here they may.
The clerk'a odUa I the scene of vary
ing incidents, aometimet amusing, some
times serious. I.tst evening it had the
distinction of lieing the place where two
lourts were made one, Iee I.. Ilruner
and Thompson Uiing united in
nmrriage by Hey. I). V. Poling. We are
'ild that Ihe county clerk acted as
"fi letmaid, Ihe sheriff as best man and
thn deputy sheriff at flower loy. Our
I'i'orinant ray he wasn't present; Iml
If he didn't get there In lime to kiat the
hrlde, we are mistaken in lb character
' Ihe dejuty clerk.
Ntratgs at It may teem, newspaper
P '"tin have as great reason for thnnki
Hiving as com tin n, everyday citizen,
ami, therefor, that may projierly
observe th day tet apart for national
acknowledgement of every good gift, anJ
that onr reader may hv renewed
eaon for giving thanks, th CiirMi-i.
III not drop it your door tomorrow
averting. At that tame time wa trait It
may he a day ol rejoicing mil nleaaant
reunion to our readers, an I that they
may feel that thit year Ik been ona .,r
liiirh Ihry hav special reason to I
Ycaterd.iy Mr. ami Mra. Brooks re
ceived a letter from Mr. Anna IJ,,V.J.
(who waa formerly Mia Ileinley ami
maila her homa with thcui In thit city)! of her husband,
V. I. Boyd, in I-ondon on the 5th ol tha
month. A Unit two yeart ago they left
their home In Seattle, ,ere he waa a
prosperous im-rnhanl. to travel in
Europe, his health U-ing much m.
paired. The relief, however, a hut
temporary, ami he finally itirmml ed to
the disease, Mra. Itoy.l will probably
remain In Eng arid ( ,r a lime, a'.,on.rh
uo definite plain have lieen iii.tile a yel.
The Walla Walla Statesman Hi run
our aacertlon Court-riling lln ability ol
Mr. Povell, ho U lo deliver the eulogy
at the F.lka memorial year, and
in akin the anticipation of hie visit doubly
pleasant. It sayt: "The memorial
servient of the Klki, to he held at The
PatleD, Oregon, on Sunday, I)ec. fith.j
will lie made notable by the presence of
W, T. I ovell, of thia city, who his len
chonen to deliver the address. The
Pallet paera are Justitled la "l eaking
of Mr. Ifcivell a ling eloquent and
learned, and the pleasurable anticipation
evinced tr The Pallca people aid be
inoie than gratified. Mr. poveil it an
orator of no mean ability,"
(In errounl id the duUr.era o the
tea'im, to.lay't trip of Ihe Inland Klver
illb her lent until the
tprlng run,
I "lit inw tiuo K nolo
an I the travelrra itli I,
fie haa
! ," ll P"l''ar craft this seas ,n
i " 1,1 ''II"'1 " removal. She
! I'tt proven her-elf In he jit what wat
( needed tliintig the busy season, ar.d I
""", '""?'". r-"
!'" record by reaching here H
I ' '" '" l"i " i.ucomo naa
; taken great pride in her and in making
paaaeiigers as comfortable a possible,
and haa evidently tnccerdrd. lie it a
captain who uudfrntands his buinesa,
stnl t.eglertt tint Ihe sinaller-l details.
I The M. gtiUtor nud Iuiles I'ity will inn
i alternately as formerly, leaving this city
: at H o'clock.
HThere are few but that feel a desire to
aiat a volunteer w ho has done his dutv
you can also
who volunteered to aid you.
loose who are to fortunate as lo be
entertained at the home el Mr. and Mrs.
II. W. French, always finl there a
welcome and good cheer peculiar to them
and calculated to mak- the hours happy
ones. Such was iha occa:on lat even
ing when aUmt twenty-five of their
friends (mostly youig married people)
st.ent the lime with them. The early
hours were tpent at hearts, ai ...
. . . -i i ami .nr. i. nuun rai- i
grealett number of hearts, and M. .
iKinneil wasa regular heart winner. In
an aninaing guessing contest Mr. and
Mrt. linger Sinnott wpre IhiiIi success
ful io capturing prizes, while Mr.
pjimell again stayed by the Uiobv, as
ilid also Miss I.ang. TI.e lunch was
i particularly tempting, the service being
at dainty a the refreshments. Al
together it wis a most pleasant evening.
Now thai Ihe hour for Ihe Thanks
giving tervics hat lieen changed until
evening to accommodate Ihe h"usewivet
who were often detained on account of
preparing dir ner, there ihouM be a
good representation of the homes of the
city at Ihe union service tomorrow
night at Ihe Methodist church. Not
alone should those who attend Ihe var
ious churchei represented be in attend
ance ; but everyone thouid leel that thit
Is a service In which they have a part.
Ilev. O. Hushing it to deliver Ihe ad
dress, and the inemlieriof the various
cholrt furnish the mus e, Ihe pastors
assisting In Ihe opening service. The
(run fplrit of Thanksgiving in every
heart carriel with it the truth that 'lis
better lo give than to receive. There
fore an cflVring will be made for the
poor of onr city. Hemeuiher thit im
portant part ol Ihe service.
Ftl.lsj't Pally.
The collectors will be out en mse
Mon.Uy, the 3 I Mining on Sunday this
We understand that Chiulea Frank
will toon move hit -a! ion into Ihe
W.itnaic tviopralv Drtiir Co.' old stand,
on Second street.
I .Harry C. I.iebe, the jeweler in the
Vmit bliMk. ctrrlet an elegant line of
i.linj tllver noveltlca of many dim-r
ent designs.
A.nost H complete line ol watches,
chain, rings and gold jewelry can be
fonnd at H. C. Llebe' jewelry llore in
th. Vogt block. I-.-:t
. . ... .. . Pie.e
Ilcgmntng today u." (
No. 4, which heretofore ha reached T I ,
Dalle, at 5:30 In lb w U
...r No33, wed,". ES !
hat been arriving her aUjut 5 o'clock
a.m., will reach here at 4 r'.'S In the
morning. Thlt change will make little
tlifTiremre lo Pallet renidenta.
Our people will need few remindert ol
Chaplain (Jilbert'i lecture next Tuaday
evening. All are loo aoxioua to listen
lo f a chaplain of the Second
The High tchool Tigera were "in it"
yealerday alternrxn, and male the
(iianta loe tome ttature by beating
tliein 5 to 0 In a gauie of foot-ball at Ihe
fair ground.
A fire in I'orllnii 1 yetterday morning
damaged luinet bouaet In the lllu
mauir bliu k to Ihe exifnt of (23,000.
Starting In the basement of Swetland d
Son't confectionery etore, the daiuae to
g'd, etc., waa ").mjO ; the I5!umauer
liriu Co. io.t S. (0 by tmoke; I'rager &
Son, a ho keep a c othing ttore, alto ioat
IIIiKki, and reveral other Urmt were in
jured in a considerable tutu.
I'igeon ai.d turkey ahoott mar be all
light; iudeed the greater number of
people teem to think they are. But, at
the rlk of being, considered cranky, Ihe
CiiuoMciK aikt what it theuaeofor
ganixing aix'ietiea for the prevention of
cruelty to aniiualt and lo leach the
cliildren to ba kind to dumb animate,
when, for the rake of a little amusement,
the men of a community will part the
afternoon in thooting di-ferueleca little
plgeom? D'jeen't it look a little bit
The towleit are preparing to roll
high this winter, and an ir.ler-club
tournament it being arranged for the I
in. lit-eide our own team, the
Astoria, Salemt and Y. M. C. A., of
I'ortland, will take part. In response to
an inquiry at to what date the Dalles
team would choore for the first roll, they
I named Jan. 10:h, with Ihe understand-
i,,g that fl.c game, would all be plaved
U,rillll,i.trl., beginning at SaWi or
later and
Kach will
meet their
visit The Palies
Waterloo on our
The double funeral of Engineer Hunter
and Fireman Miler, which took place at
Cpixir Alhina Wednesday afternoon,
w as very largely attended. Many raii
road people were present from Tie
luiles, w ho Hilorm lit that the service inii.ruiiira Itinltfiti t..pritf '.
i , i ' , ', ' ' . !
U'J tin, .ill. ri tl i'suii, ui 1110 t.iiinvvni I
, . . ,.
church, conducting them. So numerous 1
, ., . . . . , . i
were Ihe (l irul olfenngt that two light
, ., " I
wagons were required to convev them to i
. ... . .. " I Kir cemetery, where the remain
of the deceased were laid to rest.
Thit morning Zacnary Taylor, of An
telope patsed through The Pallet on hit
way from Spi kans, lo Ihe Valley, where
he wat taking the body of hit ron for
burial. About a year ago the young
man, w ho wat 21 years of age, wat taken
from Antelope to Spokane lo receive
treatment for consumption under Pr.
Sutherland. The doctor gave them no
hope, teeing he was loo far gone, but j '70s ard took charge of the Otter in 1ST",
the parents were anxious to do all they t different timet he was master of, the
could and kept him there. We could j Wcstport, Maria Wiikins, Clatsop Chief,
leurn no particulars as to his dratli cr( Governor Newall, Lincoln, Manr.aoillo
burial, other than that the latter will land others. In Pecember, 1894 lie took
luke p'ace in the Valley.
A special telegram from Washington
says: "If plans decided upon by Re
publican leaders of Ihe senate today are
carried out, former Representative Kliis,
of Moirow county, Oregon, it certain to
be the next tergeant-at-arme. TheOre
gonian lias the support ol all West coast
members, many votet In the middle
West and enough in the Fast it is
thought lo insure his euccest when the
Republican! meet in congrrss to re
orgnniisthe practlcil working force of
Ihe senate. It ia generally considered
thai the Pacific coast states should have I
this i llice in the next congress, and as I
Oregon presents the only candidate for
this place from the Pacilic coast section,
it is practically conceded that Ellis will
Cloture the pi lie.''
While not nearly so large a crowd as
was expected, and as thouid have at
tended, wat present at Ihe firemen'!
bull Wednesday night, there wai just
the right number
to make dancing j
yable. Kverythirtji
comforta'ile and enjoyable
was in the right condition
. ,
for real
pleasure th music, the lljor, and the
hearty welcome which Jackson Kngine
Company always give! ill guests, being
conducive to a happy time. While the
attendance wai not overly large, cur
citizen! were all in sympathy with the ,
nnrpote lor which me uau was guru
and many who could not attend pur
chased tickets, so that the loyal lire boy!
will be enabled to hand over to be
used in procuring better apparalui for
our lire system.
.Mra. Ilennrtt Kntertaliis.
A gathering ol about ti ft v ladies at the i
home of Mrs. A. S. Ilennett yesterday!
afternoon partook somewhat of the
nntore of a lionc-warming, and a
pleasant one it proved lo lie. It was un
necessary that any special decoration be
made, sines the handsome residence is j
a picture in itself, and perfectly fitted
(,.r audi an occasion. In her usual un
assuming, sweet manner the nos.ess
made everyone feel at home and toon
the gl, were deeply interesieo in
, mpting to tolve the hid len name, ol
gnthor and compos,. ...........
quest...... distributed among them
educating of such pai
... evi(,,u.lHl bv the efficiency which
l deciphering
U I J r
SX. .ale. were enlitlcd to th first
priio, Mrt. Ilobaon, however, coming
out victoroua when the try-out came.
It waa a cozy arena when lunch wat
terved, and the rcfreahmentt were In
keep'ngwilh the entire entertainment
of the afternoon, which wat perfect, and
thonnh many afternooni may be patted
pleasantly with Ihe boatee, not.e will
forget the first recrptiou given in her
new home,
Captain Orln a. Waud tiled at
lljr n tba laib.
Somehow TI.e Pallet hat been par
ticularly unfortunate In the past year or
two in the number of tad and ttartiing
dentin and accidentt which have oc
curred. No sooner Uo we begin to re
cover from one thing than another taket
pU-e equally aa deplorable. And to
Wedned7 evening when all were pre
paring to enjoy the Thanksgiving holi
day, about 6 o'clock the newt began to
lie told throughout Ihe city that Mrt.
O. S. Waud had just received a teleirram
announcing the death of her husliaod,
Captain Waud, at Daw ton, at 6 o'clock
on the afternoon of the l'lth. Everyone
wat shocked, for when the captain left
here In the spring be wat the picture of
health ind no one knew he had btxsa ill
at all. Indeed, Ihe laal letter his wife
received, written on the 1 4th of October,
gave no word of ill health ; and the tele
grain stated the mere fact of hit death.
The feeiinga of Mrs. Waud and her
three children may be imagined, and
c""'e woneol her nervons temperament
lj hard. Frlendt have done every
thing posaiole in toe endeavor
to as
sume her grief, but the it inconsolable
and Ihouti the triea very hard lo be
reconciled, it it well nigh impossible.
When hit son returned from Daweon a
few months since, the captain went on
io HI Dorado, a new mining section
about forty miles from Daweon, but
muet have been at Dawson at tbe time
of hit death.
Orln 8. Waud wat born on the Waud
Donation Claim, near I'ottlar.d, March
2'2, 1HI, aud spent most of hit life in
tbe Valley. He was married to Nellie
Murphy at Astoria in December, 1S7S.
To tehm were born five children, two of
them being laid to rest in Lone Fir
' ruMiutaru in Pml'dml
while the other
three Fred, aired 17. Hazel 13,
. . , , ..... ., i
Arthur 10, are with their mother here,
, , , ...
tie) also leavea three ustera, hi! two
. . ... , . .
brolhert having drowned, one in the
, ,, , . .. ....
Columbia and the other at Alaska.
He wat a member of the Kiks in this
city, and the Woikmen and K. of P. in
Portland, and thus our local lodge of
Rika have a name added to the litt
w hose memory they honor Sunday.
Captain Waud waa one of the best
knoan steamboat men in Oregon, ami
not alone in Oregon, bnt on the waters
of other statet hat he made himself
Unions by hit master hand at the helm.
He begin eteambjating in the early
charge of the Regulator and brought hie
family to The Dalies. He remained in
the employ of the D. P. A A. N. Co.
until April of lSVS, when he left for
Aiatkan waters, where h run between
Lake Ilennett and White Horse.
He will not only be missed at none but
such a splendid captain could be, but by
hosts of friends everywhere, whose life
long friendship he had won by hit
bappy disposition and kind manner.
A a loon at possible Mrs. Waud will
make arrangements to have the body
brought to Portland. Tho first steamer
out, however, is that which tails from
Seattle on the O h.
For tha Boss' and (ilrla' Aid.
Through the xeal displayed by Connty
Superintendent Oilbert and City Super
intendent Landers, the pupils of our
city schools were led to take an enthusi
astic interest in the Thanksgiving con-
I ri t.iitinna h.p I hat Hues' arol firta' A i.l
nJ (j (een
...... i .. i.
rierr imiff ivv iuu kiii sni uisuv tiair-
, . T. . , , .
pier uy llie lltoogot nisi lory nau gitcii
something for the relief of th boy and
girls nnder the charge of thia noble in
itiation. Judge Iilakeley kindly offered
lo pack the contributions and his hands
rat... roll l,.e a Hint When all traa
fooJ.t,Md .nJ ,w0 or
I three gunny tack were filled w ith
clot Ii in ir, all kinds of vegetables and
fruit, toys, aud indeed everything itiit
alile, besides (30 50 In cash.
At received from the various rooms
the c?h offerings were a follow: ,
Fist Hill primary. . .
M iis Pout hit's r. un .
Mi?s Klla C'.H.per't. . .
M iss Martin's
Miss Wrenn's
Miss I'hiroiiin's
Mies Flinn's
Mrs. Roche's
Miss Hall'
Mrs. Haldwin's
M iss I. Rintoul's. . . .
Miss T. iiinlotll'. . .
Mi-s Micheli't
II igh School
'. 1
. 4
'. 3
IHl j
. 1
2 50
1 .SO
2 3S
s -j:
Aa linporiaut tuftrrence.
To make it apparent to thousand,
w ho think themselvei ill, that they are
not ati'.icted with any disease, bnt that
! the sysL.n simply need cleansing, ia to
'.. ... . i I
brinil com tort Home io uiiir iiranr. ii,
a costive condition is. easily curea uy
ning Syiup cf Figs. Matin fa cared by
the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and
told by all druggists.
we will
Clearance Sale
The condition of the weather today prompt us to mention
Rain-Proof Coats.
MactintuSli (tats,
BcSlicr Coats,
Slicker Coals
Standard qualities
In such weather
as this, "Wear a
rain-proof coat aud
enjoy comfort anJ
good health."
A. M. Williams & Co.
fc ai iV
jfti t& jsft W mlV jk
Ji V V
Mora Srhrl Libraries.
Through t lie enteric effjrts of
Sopt. Gilbert, a growing sentimint in
favor cf school libraries has firmly taken
root among the ecbocis of our o.mi'y.
Today Wasco county stands among the
foremost counties o! Oregon in the fur
nishing of good, substantial, healthy.
supplementary reamng material ano the
obsolete method of teaching mere elocu- ' ttlii ,nT overeoafi ,n j t,x iarnlDg ,0.
tion has been supplanted by the more animal loose forgjt to notif r the owner
healthy cue of teaching student to lead i where ttiefe xhingl coll,j b; foanJ The
silently, raprdiy and accurately, mater-; .-kind-hearted Citizen" did not notifv
ial which they may digest. the fellow" where his horse might be
With such a plan in mind Mit BesM- . foilnJj ,, lie..fcilo.. ofter hunting all
Ha-tings, teacher of Liberty school, an.l Squ,!sv ,ligl.t accidentallv discovered the
students, with the aid of friends n i ! animal in a vacant lot Mon lav morning,
patrons, proceeded to give an entertain- jHE .pELLOT
nient and box social at the school house ,
on r riilay evening, Nov. 24. It was a! Appendicitis.
decided success loth socially and fiuan-
ciallv. A full house was well entertained i Oi-icirna having varied to such an el
and $31.50 netted. The folloaing pro-i tent "Ifarding the much dreaded a,
gram wat the beginning cf tbe evening's j Pndicius, e clip the following timely
entertainment. j e'Vestion from the Oregonian, which
Sonn-'-Greeting Glee" School "'' V'? remove the dread attend-
Recitation "Beautiful Hands" j mg its approach :
Erma Bolton j "A ppendiciti which came into fashion
Recitation "Rock of Aires ........ . as popular ailment, not manv vears
Maggie Hastiiius . . ... ', "
Sonr "Jesus haid ol Little Children"" jago.H going out of fashion, at least so
Recitation "Women of Mumble Head"
Flossy Adktsson
Recitation "Childrene' Hour"
Lura Mcllaley
Jingle :onK "Our Happy School."....
Duet "Chiming Bella"
Nelly and i.ura McHa.ey
Recitatioo "Grandma- Angel"
Elsie Adkisson
Recitation Vfreein' Things at Night'
Ray Bolton
Recitation "Jamie Pouirlas"
Nelly McIIaiey
Song "Little Candles" .
Recitation "That Line Fence". ....
tjuinlut Underwood
rong liasli It Uown .....
Recitation "Not Gnilty. .Rose V i ton i ., .. ... ... , ,
Recitation-"The Inventor'. Wife" . . I P,s"b,e tll"t lf ullsUke D1d8 ni1
L. L. Bell ' t'ie patient did not have appendicitis.
Song "Nearer Home" School ; it was a vry tried thing to remove hi
Great credit is due Miss Hastirgs and v uniform appendix, as it was of no use
o hers for zeal displayed. May it bi- anywae, and it might become diseased
come thoroughly contageoi. throughout some time.
the state. There it an urgent need tf j "Doctors themselves, however, seem
reference material along the line of his-' to have a h inkering for retaining their
lory, biography, geography and the in- j o n appendices even if they were ue
dutries of our countrv. It it certainly j less. The practice niw is to defer oper
desirons that our children become moie , ati.m for ap;iendicltit at long at pcesible
thoroughly acquainted wit', the lives and to uso the knifecnly as a last resort,
and aims of such men as L mgfellow, . and if this becomes necessary, to operate
Whittier, Emerson, Hawthorn, Wash-; between attack. The plan of operating
ington, Lincoln, Garlield and others, ; "on firrt iotenlion" toim times proved a
their works and the i fT cti cf toe tan.e f.tilure, as in the c ije of one person in
upon mankind. I this city, w ho, when operate 1 on for the
"A good book is the precious Mood of
a master spirit emna mea ana ireaurej
tip ou put pose to a lite beyond life."
rellon" Cbjerla la t'ollte (?) Terms.
. . ,, ,c ,
The Pallet, N-ir. 29.
To the C.,r.oNHi.z:-W remark,
in Mondav s Hfue anenl a lors- inai
was alleged to have stood all day Sunday
tied to a post in front of M'chelbach I
saloon in the pehirg rain, tightly
cinched, while its owner wat rioting in
a debauch, displayed a frnga.Hy ol truth
..... ... I n . I. knf.Lr.l.n.l ( f n.r.i.
ins. .rnrui ... ........... v.
The horse wat only there from
bonl9p. m. till 11 o'clock, while his
owner awaited the arrival of a Ira n,
lie waa not t;ght!y cinched, nor wat he
commence a
This ii only on
out of a dozen good
ty!ea :
All-wool Black
Tricot Cloth
Cape Coat,
rain -1 r.x'f mttt-jisl;
In-hioiinhi tut Mini
tit;-1: iiirruxlily re
liallf mttiie-, i i kiz-.i
up lo i brettiti, only
oshtr tf.l.t.
f,; : .
B.yi' Mackintosh
C ie c.jat", .,.oj.
W y
f" A A i A V .- ."V t fV v
: exposed to the pelting rain bnt wa
Icarefullv covered with hi owner'
; mackintosh overcoat. Maj 1 e the cit'ien
who took pity on the animal and took
him to his barn was kind-hearted a
: you say. Bat the barn was an open
alley aith three feet of s'uehy cow
, manure for its fl-jor, and the "kind-
hearf...! pliinn1' tw.l , a J
nlle ,e h; L!4nkp. -niI
j far as requiring a surgical operation for
! its cure. Tnree doctors in thii city have
had this disease of late, and some of
them hare had it ''bad" but nary a one
i of them has allowed himself to be oper-
' rtn Tliia rar..aa et iI,u..a.i t I.Va
their own medicine, at it were, may be
considered as indicating that the knife
has lieen used too freely in the past.
Appendicitis is now treated by tbe nse
cf castor oil, sweet oil and other lubri
; cants in large quantities, and with good
success. The method nsed to be to
; operate as soon a! it was decided that
one had aoDendicitis. tbe theorv beimr
c ire of appendicitis, was found to have
. ns no Vt!rmirm p,vendix.'
A Itellahle Optician.
If von have had trouble in getting
i glaaaea tosnit, vcu will pleas- call on
The,,. H. L ehe. trowl cted at II. C.
; v b,ci k ,iQ ,, .
; . ....
amine vour eves frek an I leu joa
hether your eyesight can be 1 ecefited
by the use of properly fitted t lasses.
Charges for Klaet reasonable. Peel 3
To Core a Cold l On Hay.
Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tab
, . . . i i . . . . . . . . ... . ii
I "''I'.Vno"" "'""CJ "
I. .an. ... ...i. - .
Ue Clruke A Fa V Rosafoarn f jr the