The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 02, 1899, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Cbrcmiele.
AiltertUttif tialea.
Ptr tntk
O it li.cti or K lti Pai'.y II SO
O er two nirhrt :i.1 u utter Nf tnehoa 1 IV
O er lour Incite a.i4 uu4er twelve lucliea. . 74
O.-er Iwvlva inches W
m.u sr wiiili
On Inch or le. ier inch t2 W
lvo one loch a'.J ii'nler lur Inch,1 . 'J W
Over four tnohea and under twelve luchea. . 1 -V
Ovf twelve tuotixa li
The aggressive force and fighting
power of General Melhuen'a army
must have been frightfully impaired
by thj orileals it has endured, says
tbe Spokesman-Review. This force
is advancing to the relief of Kiiuber
!y, which is under siege by the lloers.
It baa fought three tWcc engage
ments, all ot which have beeu pro
claimed as victoiious. Rut the
readiness with which the Boers' army
has rallied after each battle first
after that of Belmont, and again
after that of C.ras Pan fills Loudon
wiih oread misgiving.
After reliiing from the battle of
Gras Pan, the Boers took up a strong
position to the north, at the point
where the railroad from Cape Town
to Kiraberly crosses the Mjdder
river. There the last battle was
fought, and General Methuen reports
that "It was cue of the hardest and
most trying fights in the nunals of
tbe British army." These are word
of terrible significance.
In all tDis fighting the British have
fought at disadvantage. Ther have
ties, and in the presence in many
instances of Lostite natives and
armed Spauiaids, the recotd may
well stand for one of euorusous
energy and effectiveness.
Ex President Cleveland has Joined
the ranks of the expansionists. It
will soon be bard to oiut out any
man in the Democracy sticking to
the conlractionist side who has had
aur standing in the partv except the
few wreckers who belong to the
Bryanile contingent. "Anti-iuiperial-ism"
promises, by the lime the next
election takes place, to bo as dead
as that other Democratic issue of
slavery. Some Democrats saw the
drift against s'avery before it at
tained formidable proportions, and
left their party. There were many
Bourbons like Bryan, however,
among the Democrats of half a
century ajo, ho clung to slavery to
the end, and went down in the
general wreck which overwhelmed
that institution. The flag fullers will
be beaten as badly as were the
slaveryiles, and fewer teats will be
shed for them than were dropicd for
their progenitois.
Aguinaldo is pretty bard pressed
these days. He may elude the
troops for a few weeks longer. Pos
sibly he may escape from the island
altogether, and go to Asia or Europe.
The end in any case, however,
be the same. Most of bis army
be captured, and the lest of it will be
so thoroughly dispersed that it will
found the Boers strongly entrenched j never get together again. We pre
tm heights of great natural advantage, ; sume the government at 'Washington
and there is grave reason to fear that J would not make any ejpecial efforts
in each engagement tbe British losses ; to bead Asuinahlo off if he were
A yul.l liay. lloalag M ilk I'hIum a.r
ylcea at Ihe ataihudlat ( kurrti.
Thanksgiving Day in The Dalles punted
off so quietly that It seemed a veritable
Sabbath to muu of lesidt-uts. At
least after 10 o'clock in thai morning, for
many of our stores wrre kept upon until
Uit hour. Feuling that it had done iu
duly, and given ui suuicienl tmwii to
be thauktul, lit rain did not make It
self very prominent until toward even
ing, although It shoaeri'd a little. The.
Jay was conspicuous chief)) for the
number of family gatherings, wliich
make It next to Christmas, the happiest
day in the year. Iu the afternoon many
took In the football game at the fair
grounJ, while others watched or took
part In I lie turkey shoot on the bear)).
Contrary to what it usually the
custom, nothing iu tbe nature of amuse
ments was announced for the evening,
Thie may have accounted for the espec
ially Urea audience which atteuded tle
union services at the Methodist church.
However, let us kive our people credit
and conclude that they are beginning to
see Thanksgiving Iu its true light and
have decided to henceforth make that
service the best of the year. The large
church was taxed to almost it fullest
capacity, barring the gallery auditince
room, lecture hall and class room being
filled with some of the best people of our
The pastors of the Riplist, Christian,
Congregational aud Methodist churches
occupied the pulpit and took part in the
service. He. Haak acting as matter of
The service opened with a voluntary,
followed by the dox ilogy. Hue. V. li.
will J Clifton ollere I prayer, after which the
w j au Jicnce j lined with tb choir Iu the)
hymn, ''(.nine it Thankful leople,
Come." The scripture lersons were read
by Key. I'. . l oling, and a uiaie
ijuartet, com posed of Prof. Landers, W.
C. A'laway, Francis Sexton and I'nf.
Lundeil, rn lered a lieautiful eelrrtloii.
An offering being taken for the Kir of
ltaaJ Ihe mili"li
We call the atti udon of our readers to
the proposed amendments to the con
stitution of our state, which were ap
proved Fob. IS. lS'.fJ, and will he sub
mitted to the voters of (begun at the
generat election to he held In Jmi",lW.
These will be. published for fir con
secutive weeks In the C'miionici a and it
is the duty of every voter (and would-be
voter) ; In fact all, to not only read them,
but study thrni well, so tliat they mar
vote In an intelligent manner upon the
Important Issues contained therein.
At the Obsrr Hotel tn this cltr, Nov.
J0ih at 8 p. m by C. K. Itayard, J. 1'.,
Wm. II. McAte.i and Jeuulu Knighten,
both of Tygh Valie.
At the Oharr Hotel in The Dalles,
Thuradav, Not. 1(0; h. at high noon,
Justice, of the Peace llayard united in Iobt. K. Jordan and l.aura
New, both of Kingaley.
Strata Maa rail
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles as wall as women, and all feel
the results In loss of appetite, poisons In
the blood, backache, nervoumese, head
ache and tired, listless, run-down fil
ing. Hut there's no need to feel like
that. Listen to J. W. tiardner, Idavllle,
Ind. He says: "F.leelric Hitters are
lust the thing for a man when he Is all
rundown, and don't care whether he j
lives or die. It did mure to give ma;
new strength and good epetite than j
anything I c mid take. I can now eat J
anything and have a new leaae mi life." ,
Only 60 rents, at iilakeley Houghton's
drug sture. Kvery bottle guaranteed. 3
T Impulse
m- 7. Wheels
and Motors
HAM r.UTl KSU nv
Clrriilars and particulars furnished on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
THE D.U.I.Ks, l)RK(i01
u it J'
have been much Leavier than those
of the Boerg.
The situation is therefore critical.
It looks as if the Boer forces have
been handled with remnikable stra-
i our ritv hi ienerom'r nntrihuted to.
trying to escaj to the outside wot Id. i Tee union choir then sai.g the anthem
The prime object is the capture of
liisarmj, aud this can not be de
layed much longer. It is pretty
clear, in any event, that the Taaal
"Piesed is He That Cnidereth the
Poor." Another hymn. "Oh, Worship
the King, All Glorious Aliovo" preceded
the sermon.
kv. iifntrr itun:n?. oi irie ipiian
tegical ability. Apparently a sutli- rebellion is on its last leg, despite J church, win was chosen to deliver the
cient force has been left at Kiniberly
to prevent the British ganison there
from making a sortie to tbe support
of tbe advancing relief column; and
apparently the 'orce sent out to meet
tbe advaucing British column has
been bandied wiih a view to inflict
ing severe looses on Gen. Mcthune's I
forces, while avoiding severe looses ! growers.
the aid it got and expected still to rermon, took bis text from Malm-hie
get from the great parly whose 'd:12, "And all nations shall cll you
victory in the recent elections all,
the Filipino rebels prayed for. i
blessed, for ye shall be a delightsome
the fcripiures to moJern times, bo en-
It will not be a surprixe to any who
are at all familiar with the good u!iiiv(
of Chamberlain's Cough Ifetnedy, to
kuow that eop!e every lu re take
pleasure In relating their experience in I
the use of that splendid medicine and i
in telling of the benefit they hao re- j
ceived from It, of bad colds it has cured. I QLTMPIA BEER nn
Wholoaata and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agf rcy lor tho Create t American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash
WIIISKEY fr"" "A lr eaiii.n. 1 1 lo S years old.)
IMPORTED (KiaSAC from 7 i0 l I2.1 per eallon. (11 to ill v.-atrl,j."-
CALIFORNIA PRAKI1F8 ; :n n vMo in co rr ealum. i i n , i47
of tlireateued atlaiks of pneumonia it i Imported Alo
has averted aud of the childien it h
saved from attacks of croup and hoop
ing cough. It is a grand, iiood medicine.
Kor sale by Ulakrlev A Hoiik'hton, drug
gists. lied Hut rrim lh
Was the ball that bit . V. Mra
of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It
caused horrible ulcers that no treat
uient deified for twenty year. Then
Durklen's Arnica Salve cured him. It
cures cuts, bruiws, burns l fe..n,
cirns, skin eruptions. llet pile cur- on
n. I Poller
and Val Illats and Olympii Po-er In tuti!i
Dewey white wa-h? Yip, ami vali white. Ymi can
Havana thinL' wnht 1 at the Steam Laundry. Tht?
.,, . ! larged upon the blefsings for wliich our
The Lmat.lla county wheat grow.losu mtJ ihooM lg Ualj lh.lkfu,fur
crstirelD about tue same Frame or ii)A mn
airi i h it n ini i jru fir iini ,s ni; ...i t . a .
, - - i rrm. 1 neni vnvs ct-nn b m i. mru . s .. a
guaranteed. Sold by Llakelxy A Hough- IViaine I'l.llH IS .jliaiHV til u
ilsclf, the plan being to fiht from
Mrong positions, an! letire before
the Briu-li could deliver compen
aatirg losses.
The Kentucky cotirts l:ave saved
the reputation of that state, and
proven themselves to be in fact what
a court is in theory a temple ot
justice. The supreme court of the
slate, affirming a lower court, has
decided in Ta lor's favor as to a
large number of votes manifestly
cast for bim, but which the Goebel
machine attempted to throw cut be
cause there had lecu a mistake
probably one "done a puriiose" in
the initial letter of Taylor's middle
name. The Kentucky judges are
presumably Democrats in politics,
Luton the bencb they are judges,!
not partisans; and looking solely to j among squiirela. quails and the small
tbe merits end justice of the case, g9nie, but be doesn't have much luck
they promptly rendered a just de- j whtn he goes forth to bag the
-X-Hfvon. tith these votes ccunted in i leviathan of Imperialism and the
Same frame Of ,,ne! fr Il.a nleliteonaneaa of Die
--, , -- -
mind as the Willamette valley bop land; for her churches, societies, schools
Some of them have lickl ' n 1 'poke at lergth on the Christian
mothers cf America. Not alone did the
speaker dwell upon the blessing, but
pointed out many things in which e
I are amiss, urging upon tils hearers the
high, and tho indications are that importance of remedvin ihese evils b
thcre will be no change in this re- f,jre another Ttmuk.'giving rolis around,
7r,l Tt.-.,.ir, mml, t oot ..! ml praying that the same day in I'juO
wlicat to market that the allowance
onto their wheat, hoping something j
would happen to make a better i
market. Iiut occsn freight rates rule
ton, drugg !. 3 IVierntt "four WUlk IS UK h tllllt jHHiJilo p
"One M nuleCougli Core la tha Ins 'MlleS to I 'ilt foU .( t!S. Ollf prifl'H art' IlOt
Hobson's chfiito, hut the Mauilanl ratoc, hi !i are not
Cevera hili nunc people think, ami wo want to
C-U-B-A customer jf otirs.
Corner of First and Court Street,
would find many of them wiped out.
i Mr. I: n t li I n if is ioseed of a iro d de-
to the producers is lowered below liver, epeakine so that n'.t me In the
the point of profit. Too much wheat. I ,Kr'! "dienec missed a thonght.
1 At the rloo evervono sang "Amer.ra
Too much bops. Too hish freiahtfi. i with in're vim than tie have heard it
'Phono 341.
funtf iii The fialles tut smne time. l!ev. ng clowl the service with prsyer.
Iiouble Wfdilltif; at l'avo.
Too mucli short selling. .Statesman.
The waiting country will welcome :
this, the latest reliable news from; . . , ,, ... ,
I A rilltHt flnnl.'ia ure'hlinir Inrilr I. ,fA at
j Colonel Hryan. from the columns of; h,a,, n,on Soi,.,,yt Nov. o,;, WM th.
the ew loik Sun: "Col. Bryan home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Floyd,
has been having high sport and joy J I'asco, Wash., Mrs. Plojd being a sitter
of William and Adatultun. The four
l .. -. .. r- I c. l.r,,rl. ""'''' J""S pciwm. cie iini cr. .-nine
in Col. Wetraorc'a Taney county
j game preserve.
land Mi Alia Full,,,, mil U'ilU,,, !"!
a chef from St. Louis eo that the I ,,. ,i ,:.. n..,,.
great foe of plutocracy tnigLt be
nourished suitably, and the Jefferson
of Nebraska did wondrous execution
octopus of monopoly.'
atra? Xotlcr.
Came to nriy place alut six weeks
ago, a way stallion colt, about thn-e
years old ; brand similar to an inverted
V with a cap over it. Owner can have
the animal by proving property and
paying all charges.
The Dalles, Nov. 8, lh'.iO.
A. F.
Ranch in Company Hollow, eight miles
'Southeast of The pallet. tiovH-lui
Mrajr Hnrt.
' Taylor's favor, bis election is so
clearly manifest that it is imrtohahle
that even the Democratic legislature
will attempt to count dim out.
especially as a good-sized minor ty
tit the Democratic members have no
t love for Goebel and bis methods
In the fieal jeor covered by the
ripcit of (I jartermaster-General
Lodi-igloi., the thirty-seven vosels
of the United States tran;poit fl-'et
plying between the oiis f the
Tnited Stales :nd those cf Culi,
I'uerto Kicc, Iliwaii and the I'hilp
pincs. have trMisfeited 20-.'..',7 per
sons without the hSS of a single life
by acii'lent, says the Orcgonim.
Thee ve-si-1 h ive i lv carried be
tween these ports 27.-j.i-3 animals and
86,1 ."0 ton of freight. In nddiiiori , . .
I I wai nearly de 1 with dyspepsia,
to this, the ho lies of over 1200jtri,j ,,ctors, visitfd mineral spring.
BOldiers anl Civilians who fllC'l in the and grew worse. I ned Kodul Dyspep-! dining room, where an elaborate dinner
government service in these diverse ia Cure. That cured me." It digits 1 awaited them. Mr. and Mr. Ptone will
and fur-distant islnmls were returned 1 what '00 Cures Indigestion, sour make their future home at his farm near
. ,i r-it,l tiio. r. .ri..l !'omach, bearthnrn, and all foiros tf Yakims, while Mr. and Mrs. Koiton will
AVben it is considered that this
as lb ,
remedy I ever ued'f ir ci.ngh ati j
cold. It is uiif'ialiei for whoopiu j
cough. Chrildren all like it." writes If.
N. Williams, Uenlryvllle, Ind. NVver !
fails. It is the only harmless remedy j
that gives iirmediate reult. Cures I
coughs, eohU, boarnesi, croup, pnen-1
monia, bronchitis and all throat and j
lung troubles. I:s early ue prevents'
Wurklug Mhl and Hay j
The bueicst and inightieet little thing '
thitt ever a as nudo li fir. King's New'
Life Pills. Kvery pill is a sugar-coated j
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, !i"tlesnes into'y,
brain f:g inio mental per. They're j
womieriui in ouihiii.g uu ino health. tt. 1. a. f i j r .
Only 2i cents per U.a. Sold by Iilakeley XXCClUU Ulll LUi O IUT JC tied VlrUlU 01 f 11 KinaS
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ai kinds
Vasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail wni
i llongliton.
Mus Annie K. iunnlng. Tyre, Mich.,
"I snlfered a ho g time from dys
pepsia ; lost flesh and lcame very weak.
. ! .,,ir.,.H . i, ,, ,,,- r l- ! Unnrlnnnnnnn V,M T3M C r- and all a I not
xxcauu uui uu nr in r iih i.m. .... .cn
Strayed from my place near Kingiley,
oneCiidehay horse; star in forehead;
weigiit shunt 20 ponnls; branded
something like an II on left stifle. Will
give f 10 to any one bringing him to
KiniT'ley, or for ir.fjrmation eoiitcrc
iiiv Ids whereaiou'e.
13 lrn CiiAiii.i.s
All are well known in both Warcoand
Sherman counties. William Kill ion and
his sister, Ada, grew up at The falle,
and are well and favorably known here,
they being a son and daughter of one of
our olde'l families of this county, Mr.
and Mrs. Jamea Fulton. Miss Walker
attended the Hters' academy at The
Dalles for a number of years, and has
ml nr frlfnili ahn wiih hr harirvinwa
. - ' e " nofZU-lmo
no lurcecs in Iter new relation In life.
Mr. Stone is from Wasco, and Is one of
the well known wheat growers of Sher
man county.
The wedding was very private. No
invitations were issued, there being
preaenl Mr. ami Mrs. Floyd, Itulb, and
I.elsnd, and liev. Callaway.
The brides were becomingly drensed
in p ire white, including slippers, dresses
gloves, etc., and carried It i la crysHii
themnins and carnations. The grooms
were attired in him k.
Master Leland, with his little sister,
1 Kuth, led Ihe bridal party to the parlor,
i which was beautifully decorated with
cut flowers. Miss liuth wore a pretty
while silk dress and carried a large
! bunch of sweet peas, and made a very
pretty little maid of honor. Mr. Stone
j followed with bis bride, then Mr. Fulton
I and bis bride. The ceremony was per-
rinn'l by Itf. Ciliaway, of the First
I M. K. church. After ongratulations
; were etci.angeil, all were Invited to the
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely cured
me." It dlaes's what you eat and cures
all forms of stomach trouhle. It never
fails to give immediate relief In the
worst cares.
f.alrajr llfl ,.
Strayed from the rangn on Dutch II it,
one dappled gray horse, four years old
next spring; branded r.n left shoulder
thus, V. Five dollars reward will he.
given to any person returning same to
my place on 3-Mile.
O. W. Co iK.
Headquarters fcr "Byers Best" Pendle-
tntl iVlmiT ThisHonr is manufacture! eiprensly for famll'
, , nae; ever? sack is guerantwd to give estnlactioa.
We sal! our voods lower than an hnnao In lha irala. and II run don't trunk SI
call and get cur prices and he convinced.
Highest Pricos Paid for Whoat. Barley and Oats
Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved Ids
child's life by One Minute Cough Cure.
Doctors bad irivfn her un to din wiih
croup. It's an infallible cure for coughs, pUflSFSl Suppll6S
-"'- h n'tn't piiTuoioina, oroncillllB anu
throat and lung troubles. Iteiieves at
All kinds of
I spend the winter at I'a'co, Wash.
A Fhienk.
transport service sprung tip,
were, in a night, and was pu
tbe f ice of great obstacles, including I
AM rillntff warranta reiiHtjrf'r1 r,r!f,r i j ,--tr i
were, in a night, and was pushed in to Jan. 21, im, will paid at my I "l ? " ' p,' '".."
lofflcri. Interest ceases after Nov. 13th, " "
IMWi. tl. I.. Pun ne I would be appreciated more for the
lack of wbsrves and landing facili-I County Treasurer. J holidays? novl' lm
Dyspepsia ran be cured by nlng
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
b-)ies at 2 cts. Iilakeley A Houghton
Art Von l.nklii( rur Taper KaniW?
We don't sell them, liu If you want
the best five rents, worth in Ihistowr,
try our Far West cigars. It'll make you
feel good all Jover, and only five cents, I
Crandallfi Burget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes
lien Ullrich.
S'ck llead n he absolutely and peroia
nently cured by uing Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures contlpliori
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 2"j cts. and HO els.
Iilakeley A Houghton Druggist.
i (,Ajrr,ata.
s- I' "was-,, -
i mm
ja t v . J
Oood Itaciue single itty and har
ness for sale at a birgiin. Call en
llawnrlh, the printer, over Dalles Coin
mission Co. r.rt2'Ww-27
Paint your house with pAirits that are
ully guaranteed to last. C'laike A Falk
ave them.
V raTKaf?a-aat-a-aaaia;-jrTTaii-M,-"
Danes, Portiami & flsicna
The Hlea ni r. ..f th Regulator blue will r" lr ,h''
lnwllig rli.(!,ie, Ihe ( olHny leaervlllg the UK11' '" C "
at-li-4liiltf a Itlmiit nntlee.
Str. Regulator.
(l imit..! Ijni.llng, )
I v. Iml,a
nl H M.
'Iile.ilny . ..
'I IhhmUv
AtF. I'.HliHlld
iii r. m.
I.v. I '' r ( t li .t
I 7 1 . M.
- elHi-.iMV
Arr. Pallia
at 6 r. at.
Str. Oalloa City.
(1.,ih lilnil at all Way I'olnta.)
I.V. .lr
it . M.
W ilneMpiy . ,
rrlilnv. . ...
Arr. I'firllHtitl
(nicer talto
I.v. Portland
at m.
i lie.iUy
. 1 tinr.iluv
Arr. I in I Ira
Str. Inland Hv"
(i.iiuiii'i i "'I'l1'""'1
i , frll
I t. Iiall'1
M i irolrt v
Mclnewtiiy ..
Arr I'.irllmi'l
at . I .U V.
Ihili -
Air l'"
al I ' "
J Travel by Ihe tha Keitnlaliir l.lna. Tha I'mnpany will rii leav ir I"
i ruin llio heal u-IUi v ewall,l. fin lurllirr lliforoiatloll aildre
( I'nrtland Ijirieo, Dak Hlreet IukS, W. C. ALLAWAV, Own. Agt., The P'-
Meatu.- tTj.B-astaTaatwaar.awu.wa.www