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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1899)
lahi DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 1899. FIUI'LI V AIL KNOW. Saturday I ally. V. H. rik s pent today in town A. U. Craft of Mjro, it djiog buslnet io the city. George Kdiler, of Heppner, It a visitor la the city. B. S. Huntington returned lat night from a business trip to l'ortland. M. Z. Donnell was passenger on the boat Ibii morning bound tor 1 ortland. II. W. Stniiiltri came op from Port land yet?rday and it tpending today io I tie cty. Mr. T. A. Hudson, mho hat Pnt the patt week with ber mother in I'url land, returned lioma last night. Thit morning W. F. Grunow returned from a trip into th mining region about Sumpter and HakT City. County School Superintendent Gilbert returned last niihl from a vlil to the choolt at Cascade and Viento. Mr. and Mrt. N. McLeod came np last night from Portland and left this morning (or their home in Uoldendale. Hon. M. A. Moody will leave thit afternoon for Portland, where he will lake the Northern Pacitic (or Washing ton. Mrt. B. T. Collins, who has spent the part two montht near Heppner, re turned to her home io The Dalies yes terday. John Lawrence, who represent the Geo. Lawreno Company, arrived in the city yeelerdav and spent today in the interest of hit company. II. Glenn returned home last night after a week' itay at Ionir Beach. He v it was to pleasant at the beach and the ocean to grand at thia time of the rear that he wat loath to leave. Mr. ami Mrs. A. K. Thompson end children left on thit morning't boat. They are on their way to Eos Angelc to pend a month with Mr. Thompwn'i parenta and are anxious to reach there before Thanksgiving. Orin I- Patterton, editor of the Long Creek Eagle, acom pained by hit wile, arrived in the city last night from Port land, and will remain over visiting hit brother. Out Patterton, before return ing to hit home at Long Creek. Mcn1ay DmiiT- M. A. Leslie, of Waco, it in the city. E. M. Williams went to Portland on yesterday! afternoon train. Attv. W. B. Presby wat a visitor io the city from Goldendaie yesterday. F. S. Jackson and wife, of Eureka, Calif., were registered at the Vuialilla yesterday. C. W. Lord came down from Arling ton yesterday morning and spent the day io the city. Dr. C. A. Adams came in town Satur day from Tygh and remained over jet ttrday and today. Jay P. La as, of the land office, left on thit morning't train for Portland, on a brief business trip. Frank Cram was a passenger on this morning't train fur Portland. It is not likely, however, that he got in as early at expected. A.J. Holt, of Nansene it a business visitor In town today, and counting the Cheomcli among bit friends, gave os a pleasant cail. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Landell, who hare have spent the pat two weeks with their ton. Prof. A. W. Lnndell, wili re torn to their home in Morrow county tomorrow. Yesterdav P. F. Chandler and bride I passed through the city on their way to Portland. Mn Chamber is edimr "I the Canyon City News, and was married Io Mist Lulu Court at that place last Wednesday. Among the callers at the Cimoxu i.e office today wat W. A. Hunt, formerly of this city, bat now of Walla Walla. Mr. Hunt it representative for the Buffalo Putt Company and It here in Itt interest. Tieaday a Dai'r- W. K. Winant is op from Hxxl River. O. E. Thompson, of Grast Valley, it in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Butler returned last night on the Regulator (run Port- Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism! Rheumatism often cause the moat in tense Buffer; ng. Many have for yean vainly (ought relief from thit disabling diaeaae, and are to-day worn off than trer. Rheumatism i a blood disease, and Swift's Specific ia the only cure, be cause it ia the only remedy which can reach such doep-caUd disease. A few years airo I was taken with Inflamma tory Rbewmattstn, which became so Intense tarn I waa for weeks enable to irclk. I tried evcral prominent physi cians and took their treat ment feltbfullr, but we unable to yet the allght eat relief. Iiitact.myeon. dltloo sensed to worae.ihe disease spread i from Norrmbrr to Marvh I wti1tTfi Tony. I trttJ many rirn I mlr,rv-, i tut none rlieTl me. I' pnn ih id t lei of frieni I rirclfVd to trv a. n. a. Bfor allowing m U Uke It. hW- the remlf. enl pnrwmnecl It frae of potauth or mervniry. I f-u s niuch hetier after Sekleat two tui-. that I eonunued trie pent- i eif.end In taromntli I waaeiiredr-tmpleiely. The eore waa perman-nt. fir I hare never since i xl m tueh of H.'eiimtlam thouirri snatny i Llffm M . TTrrSLIst STtI Fovreltoa Avenue, fbue.l-lphla. Don'taufferlongrTsrith Kheumatitm. j Throw aside your oil and liniments, at I eiperirwnt with d'ctora their potash ana mercury will add to your disabil ity and completely destroy jour digea lim. htrf.s.rW. TheUlUUU will cure p rlectly and permanently. It 1st KtiaranUM-d purely eeirptable). and ram tains no potash, im-rvury, or othi-r ' mioiTdl. " Ii,jk mailed frc-e by bwifl ' t'.fecific Co., Atlanta, Ua. mm v i, a, t Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r,EAN5El5 THE YSTEM EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES JrSTM (AUl7RNUTG'Rr(- tun.. - r . .u wa "ie.V t yew v. roa SAuar 4oaw4aar eau ot maeinc land, where thev went It attend the wedding of Miss Nellie Butler and IV. Sisteri!. A. If. Stark, one of the prominent men at Columbus, is in The Dalles on business. Mr. and Mrs. Wilhur Polton were passengers this morning for Portland on a short visit. H. Clay Myers returned home lat niitht after a tix montht itay at bit mines near Snmpter. Mr. and Mrt. F. W. MoCune left on thit afternoon's train to attend the fnneral of Robert Hunter tomorrow in Portland. Mrt. H. E. Warren will leave tonight for her home in ileppner, after a month's visit with her mother, Mil. II. C. Myert. Mrs. D. I. Clark, sister of J. M. and B. S. Huntington, acompanied by her two tons, arrived in the city yesterday from Portland and will tpend Thanks giving with them. J. W. Moore and little ton came in yesterday from Nansene anil were visitors at this office last evening. Mr. Moore brought in a large drove of hogs, which he told to C. M. Grimes. P. D. S. Olney, presideot ot the board of fire nnderwriters, is np (mm Portland on business connected with the new chemical engine and fire alarm system about to be nt in in l be Danes. i Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dickon are in town today from their honieat F.'idershr. L'ke the rest o( the (arniers, .Mr. Lhi kcn rej licing over the splendid rains we i are having. They have been subscribers of Tin Chromi l since its first issue and gave us a pleasant call. M. B. Potter, one of the oldest resi dents of Hood Kiver va'.iev, is in town toilay and called to pay l is snliacription to tlie CliBOMCLe. .Mr. iVtteris in very poor health and in a short time he and Mrs. i'otter will leave to retid the winter in California. as A h It I E l. In lhi cite, last evenin at 5 o'clock at the Christian church, Hev. Gentry Hashing, performed theceremomy which united in marriage Wavne KoSerson an1 Kfhe Evans, both of Wi.iie Salmon, Wash. The groom ft a nephew of Geo. Miller of this city, and beside hi family, but a few friends were pretent. Mrs. F. W. McCone preside- at the organ, playing the wedding march. The bride was very pretty in a dress of white silk, ami though a 'jniet wedding, it was en Im pressive ceremony. The newly married on pie will make their home at White Salmon. Keliee to ehol Teaeber. Kecogn'z ng the fact that a thorough knowledge of vxrsl in'jsic will in the near fotnre become one of the require ment of every successful school teacher, I ha v decided to open a special course for teacher in the rudiment of mus.e, yocal culture, theory and sight singing, filling one for radical knoa ledge in the different hrar.chet of vocal music. A, ttt,,rf desiring toeriter this course should consult or write me before Dee. 1st. Teachers from the country may attend without any lost of time at the iereont will be given on Siturdiy of earh week. Full particular and terms on ap plication. A. W. Li'xoki.i., B.M., Novl7-3ldaw jji Dalles. It taket bnt a minute to overcome ii.Li: : i .1 . i . . . ,iali; : nn.i .. rOfl itl by tt.O OH? Ol Uilt M.OUtfl Uolllh Cnre. T.iii remedy quickly rore all 'oriu of throat and long troubles Harnlea and pleasant to tske. It pre- ventt consumption. A famous tpecific fjr grippe and lit after effects. All personi wishing to take children, either loyt or g!, for legal adoption or on Indenture, should write to W. T. Gardner, superintendent of the IJoyt' and Girlt Aid Societv of Oregon, at Portland, w tirablerhild ho can prccure for tiiem de- ren of all ages. Alt applira- j lions mutt be filed in advance. tf J w w - Stak-d IP ill TRAIN WRECKED LAST NIGHT R03ERT HUNTER AND L. D. MILER MEET THEIR DEATH. PuiMfir Train Nu. t.Kaal-ltauail. Huae lata a aim Sear Koultr Keek leaaowa Maa He.tly I.Jurad. M.jn.Iny pUr. The dreaded word "wrick" hat b?en on every tongue during the entire day and all were anxiout to hear the truth concerning the awfu! accident which last night at 8:30 overtook passenger train No. 2 east bound, which arrives here at 11 p. in. Tbn, however, bat been a difficult matter, for to varied and conflicting are the reports, fairly pnitling one to decide which to credit. At nearly at we can determine the (actt are at follow: When the tram reached a place tw tween Kootter Kork and tunnel No. 1, it ran Into a bad rock tilde, cnsed by the wet condition ot the mountains along the track. The engine, blind bag gage and express car were derailed, tnrown nearly into the river, and piled opto a heap. The passenger cart re mained on the track and at far at we can learn not a passenger wat injured. However, tn uiiknoan man, probably a tramp, wat badlv injured and taken to the hospital in Portland later. The t"rrible part of the atTtir it that two of the best men on the road lost their lives Knginrer Hunter an I Fire man Miler. The latter wat crushed beneath the engine and killed instantly, while Hunter when taken fiom the cab was just alive, but died shortly after. Assistance was summoned Iroin Port land, but the unlortunat men were be yond all human aid. The passenger will be btought to thit city tint alter noon, arriving about 4 o'cloc k. The newt of the accident came' with renewed terror, ciuting as it did the terrible death of one of the oldest and perhaps moat popular nien on the road; one who had boett of friendt all along the line Robert Hunter. Everyone knew him ; everyone liked him, and lie wat one to w hom all the trainmen car ried all their difficulties. He com- t U, . Inlw 1881, and hat iteedily gained in favor,' being trusted explicitly by bit employes. He wat, about 50 years of age. Mr. Hunter's first wife wat Mist Dell Read, formerly of thit city. To tbem waa lorn two children, one a girl, who it now 11 yean old and It an invalid; another a boy, 9 yearl old. Mrt. Hunter died several yrart tince, and about .ix months sg, he married Mis Fenton, of (irui I ijllet, alio with hit children, ii'iw live at Albina. He wat a member i of the Itrotberhood ol Locomotive Engi neers. No one on the road could have n more cniised than I e. I.. I). Miler, the fireman, who has also lieeii employed by the O. K AN. for I -e.veral years, is a man of atxnil .".! r ars. lie was f-irmerly a it-sid-nt of The Dalles, n I married a young lady st Kairvivw. Ttiey liave made their Irinin at A bina tor some lime, where the wife and two little onet received the a fill newt of his death. He was a 'ilet, onassiiining man of splendid character and well liked be not only his fellow workmn, but hit associates along the line, ile wat a member of the Woodmen lodge in thit city and we al understand ot the Locomotive Firemen. lists a nephew of John Miler, of Mnaier. Ol hit im mediate family at have not learned. Thus another fatal accident it added to th long lilt which hat removed tome of the best men of the land from our midst. It would seem that there till scarcity of track walker in that vicinity j for tint lime of the year, and yet in spite of th ttrictett vigilance such acci dent! cannot apparently lie prevented, nor do on receive blame therefor. Closing af riea-Hlle Wehanl, The closing ezerciset of school district No. 13, (Mis Howe, teacher; on Five Mile creek near Mr. Benton's place, was held Saturday evening, No. 25. In tpiteof the inconvenience of traveling, a arge and attentive audience wit in at tendance, many coming from quit a distance. The program wat very Interesting and entertaining. While rjulte impossible to make particular mention of the tpeakert, dramatic ability and grace marked the effrrts of the tin pi Is, and others taking part, whose efforts were greeted with bountifnl applaute. All went to thow the careful training the pupils had received from their tetcher, ami too much praise cannot be given to ' Miss Row lor the paint the hat taken with her pupils. After the close of the eierciset a good cause was helped. The meant for hav ing a school Iihrar7 were raised by auc tioneering lonch baskets. lildt went high by the good natured audience, and ther niu'" .muteinent on opening the baskets to see who thsir partnert were to be in eating an excellent repa't. Twenty-five dollar wat realixud from the sale, and with ten dollar received from tlie district, a good ttart it made for a library I'leveil Oat. D ill Headnche, Pain in various psrlt of the bodr, Sinking at the pit ol the stomach, I.osi of petite, Keverithneat, Pimpletor Soret all I islliv evidence of impure blond. No matter how it became to it iiiuslle puilth'd in order to obtain good health. Aiket't i!od Elexlr hat never failed to cure .crolnluus or Syphilitic? poisons or any other Mood diseatet. It it ceitainly a wonderful remedy and a tell every Kittle on a positive guarantee. HlakeleyA Hough ton Druggist. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. luterealln Mules rruiu Oae of The lallrs aimteata at That laatiluilua. Ki oinx. Nov. 21, issm. Editor Dalles Daily Ciiiiomclk: The Dalles, outside of Eugene, has the second largest numler of students at- ' tending the university this year ot any city In the state. Ashland hat the honor of heading the litt with nine, Th Dalles folio lug with slg' t. The Dalles- ; itet at the university confidently hope , that next year The Dalles will bead the I list, with many to snare, At a regular meeting of the t.turean ' Societv the question, K-solved that w i thonld retain the Philippine Islands, was discussed by F. A. Strange ami Con don McCornack on the part ot the af firmative and Elward D. lUIJwig and I.. E. Hooker on the part of the nega tive. The decision was given to the negative. The I'niversity of Oregon ;!ee Club hat decided to make a tour of the taut- em part ol the state during the Chriat mas vscatlon and will very probably stop at The Da I let. If they do so it will bs a rare opportunity for music lovers of that city, as the tilee Club Is said to I better thit year than ever telore and j hat been pronounced by Eastern college men who have beard it ting this year to j compare very favorably with the lilrej Clubs of the great universities of the i East. The club aiil give a concert at; Villard hall on Thanksgiving night for J th purpose ot raising funds for the trip. Mis Daisie Allaway has been chosen j by the senior rlasa as one of their repre sentatives in the local oratorical contest which will take place in the winter, Hie a'so has the honor of representing the Eutaxian Literary S x-ietr in a j int de bate which will lake place between the three societies In December. Homer I). Angell of The Dalles, after holding nearly every student honor in the gift of the cnivers'itr, is thit year distinguishing himself in athletics. As is characteristic with him, he never does ' anything by halves and is playing foot- I ball this year aithtne determination! and aggrersiveners which won ti e stale ! oratoiical con teal last yer. In the game with the university of California j he was pitted against a man weighing over 200 pounds and wat tuccessfiil In I Holding Mm down In all points, tie "" well trial lie was not Ice. I tiytliei coach of the Ilerkley team who said j that Angel! was the best football player ; he had ever teen. The To-I.ogian Literary Sciet of the Portland High School challenged the Freshman class of the university ol Ort- won to a debate. The challenge was accepted and the debate will take place in Portland on January l.t'.h, liaH). The following ijiiestlon will be discussed: "Resolved, that Immigration Into th United (Mate should be restricted ti persons who can read and writ the Constitution of the United Hates in tome language, provided provisions ran be made for admitting those Jcpendent on qualified immigrants." The Portland High School will support the affirmative of thit question, while the negative will be upheld by the Freshman class. V. Iward Baldwin hat been chosen by the class as business mansger of the contest, he will alto act chairman of the debate in Portland. Six candidate wer chosen by the clan at candidate! for th team. A try-out debate to decide opon th three best debater will take plac In Villard hall Friday, Dec. 1st, and lh three decided to be th best will repre sent lh ciast In I'orllaud In January. At thit try-out th question "Kesolred, that w should retaio th Philippines" will be discussed by E. N. iJlythe, F. A. Strange and Holt (Stockton on th part of the affirmative and Condon Bean, Thomas Hammond and Ben Wagner for the negative. Dr. Strong, the new president ol th university, it progretsiv and thorough- j it up-io-uaie along tn latest line ol euucaiionai matters. II hope to un questionably plar the university where it should stand, at the head ot all edu cational institution! in the Pacific Northwest. He It very popular among the students and is possessed of a most pleasing manner. He confidently ei pectt to tee .X) ttudentt at U.oK). at the opening of next year and feels that oi Oregon nas entere.l np- in a grow in wincn lor rapidity and solidity will astonish even it most sanguine friends. A fMt i,!t. !.. Thten Step doing business. Thit it the way yon feel after buying tome ten cent cigart. Try our Mascot ten cent amok and find out a her your real friends ar. Hen I'llrichL Miss Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich., says, "I suffered a long time from ilyt pepsla; lost flesh ami became very weak. Kodol Iiyspepsia Cure completely cured me." It digests what yon eat and enret all forint of stomach, trouble. It never failtto give immediatu relief In the worst catet. ri. tBjpeBa? v , - p.-'TrT"; , Trilby for wood, chips, knots, Bhavlnus, corn cobs, hay or poat. ess O'er' Construction -Thl Outit ltlt-r ( ll-e "t I. Ir tfrl I,..; II lie I Ail' HON I IMS'.". tnnktt( it 1iiralle. m! ia (rin il., rtil loft aii'l t-tllt.m bikI umam.'iiliil ln, llli trltlille ctttvr uutU'tiifMili. NlRkellntr It ti nlrketwl nrn, rauia ai..H"'l rail Vtlieva rointlle li.ia l" "" rtiul. i all an.l i.ur tlok tel r bujing viae bale. I !; The Busy Store. Kac'i day our biisinea tliowt the tcole are finding out wo are pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, ilesjKopto the very best, ami last, but not leist, buyer who know their limine anil buy for tbc eole. C. F. Stephens Second Street. r 7 .CHAS. FRANK- Butcher and Formers ..Exchange.. Kfat-r on sinnifrit th rpltrw)tssi I'll M t I A hf-KH, nrltiMwl XlffH tl ttcwl l-rr If! Tlt iHilla, t th nrntsil rtr, ronir In, irjr tl ii't tm Mttvtitrt AImi tli Kin! hmmU ot H iim( U funt Sonduiiahes of all Klnii always on band. ...STEAM.. l ! Wood Saw Will run every day except Sunday, Katet heasonabl. Telephone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. C. S. Smith, THK dp-to-date Qroeer Fresh Eggs and Crrame'y flutter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. MRS. OZiIVIR W. MORGAN, STUDIO ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC I1UILMNG, Third Street, between Court and Wash ton Streets, The Pallet. Hlaier & Benton PttASC LOOK HtHT" WM. MICHELL, THl OAtLCS, OHtGCN. llooms on Third Sfroof, Ono Dlock Back Of French A Co.'s Dank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 1W US ON" 3rVQ3 E UANE 1 ( BROS. I: i V t.CSKHAL .AND.. . , Watson end Carriage War. Flan Brother' Wagon. j Tliiri ani JelXcrno. 153 PaMMtl -rilTtsaHMIH EAST unci SOUTH via Tho Shasta Route or Tit a Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train, leave au4 are due to imn si foruaa ( OVKK! 4l a X I , 1 reaaa, nalatn, Km j , I bur. Ashland, fiaf. I j ramruU. l.fil' ! Kraiiflani, M-iava, f j ti. AliSira.t.l l'aa. t I See Oriaau. .U.I i i ' Kaal ' i l(.ai,ur eud war .u 1 llotta ( l. WiMatrur fl , S t A. M I'ally a-etl MLAn(-l. ailavftim, I Vtaal r-lu. Hrt-ena ) llallf ai.wv nuuaara suu-ir I vill. I villa. eruttal-l nt mm .'. I . II A. M If'nevalll. ralatn.tta and war" I 1 I3P . l-allf t.-el suu.lari. V m. .t.v. H'.MIan.l Ar 1 lit.u. At VrMleroill. If I -s s au u. as. far lnd M.ileu I CAr . Ind. Mfiiil-u.- ja l lilf. ianr, .sr-vl suiilar IININ1 I'Ak ON (M.HItM Ki it'll. Pt Li.MAM Rt-rrcT pintrraa AMD Sl.rKI'lo raat Attar bad to all Iknmtti 1" 11 Irfrarl erifinell.ra .1 fin lth OrH itrKtal a... I .l.t.-NUI a i l l-arltle mall alraiBap't II. ir. r..r JAPAN and I II I.N A. raUiU lalaa a B fllrall.Mt. llala and II. krla tn faalMn f'1"'" an K-la. Ala.. .lal-A.N, l lll.NA, lloN'll.l'UI aat AT "THAI IA. , All alM. tral... .fflr. .1 .111 d'-Trl ,rT I Oraod Lsutrel auikHi. tlllii uid lrn.. .u-aaS) YAwllll I. WVlalii. fuaeneev U. ! l J-".n Uesv. lavve l.rr Mharlilan. wl day. 1 I Arrive .1 lot t la ml, B a. l-ave (. AIRUK on w-ndaT, l.wadsTSd frl-iar al X., a. m An1 at l-"l and. T dav, Tr.ura.Iajr and aalurUa) M i "A m. gseeail tuod.r. ItrV SaUirJaf. a K K'.i.ka. o. H. MAKkiiA. jlanaa.r. AaaL u. . l A1 Thnnifh Tleket OBlec, l4 Third "'. V? ll. kau U all llajla In U '""ri HUtra, ( .n4 Kurp t.u Ix oMalues si ki.waal rale leien . J, P. KIKgtJlM'. In tel Atval t X. WIIKAI.1M1.N NOTICE FOR I'UIll.ICATK'N. LA.DOrr.,.ATTj.l-ff...;-, . herebr tlVell thai II ie tiam.l artilrr baa Itlnl imllee f M t.. make anal i.r..l la anfi-.n ( '"''"i"!.' that aal.l r.r.a.1 will I ma.l l-l"" o "".T and lim-tver el TI.s pallea,ire..ii, ..a asiereai. .Noveuiber JK IMM, Via: I ..a. V. Mew lead, ef The Halle". W. meatead rnllV Nn. Vral, f..r SI.e f'J 2LII" KHs N Y and SWl ar. If, 1 P- II. name, lite totlnwlaf lte e. J" h- tilaeMiiilii.imi. real.l.nee umi cuiu"' of aald land, rli' . ., Ba J, J. I. litre, J. W. Jefrv, frrd ear sent SS W., Sll ..111.. ' '"T'S-laSrt IJel II l JAY I' II . H " NOTICE FOK I'L IH ICATIOX. UDrtifTaluMrt'-;i;"E:," Nntlre I. hereby flven ','"' 1 namnlaeiilrr ka. filed entire ' .,l t.. make Hlial l.r.d III auw-i-rt ;l hl ''"i.ier Hint a. Id .r..f Kill be la-l"" TT,, and rlv.r.l 1 lie Halle., ttr.a an lwtrmlr w, WW, vis: BSIIIon e. arais, mw m , II. K. Ne rj. for the K', ''. "".'V it " - a.- Ilalla". W M. M t,, mrs Ile name, the ..iii.w:n " . a .nllin..ll re.lileoe u n '"1 "" aald land, vis . , Jtr- s-el-f r.san.l h.rlea Malney. I id William all '''"' Kl,.ir tit li I JA I II .nd M00KK tt (iAU.V ATTOKNKYS A t IA Kms W snd , over I'. - 's'"' JJ A. 8TURDEVANT, Dcntht. C)me0verrrenrhAI."',,, ,, .... i k, IlKtW" Phime , TH It I'Al i r. . F-''-IVTMkt)Kr(,0l Ottios ovei r'rst Mat. Bans. Undertaker and EoikiliiHT, BiacKsmiins HorsBsriQers