The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 29, 1899, PART 1, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
uKrit UL J'AI'Kk OK :() COUNT Y.
I'ul'hihrtl in tuo ports, un ItVifurnfuyi
tmi .S.nunuv.
IV Bill-. Mlttlll rirID, IK tUVAIn
On' r '
Q HI. Hit
lur iii'ililha
A.1 rr t il in ratne rMaotiabla, anil maulo kuutto
",Ii,i .11 .H,ininii..liatli.ia Ui "Til If IJIK'jN
1. 1 .. " ii pallia.. uix'a.
Ltil'A L MHKVirik.
Hatillilar a I .ally
Jot. Steert, Jr., who In been quit"
111 villi pnrumonia, I reorled belter
At tlx county clerk' oftic Mil morn
ing marriage t ice it) w liaue.l V J.
W. luvl.laon n 1 M. M. Swift, bulli ol
Mil Taylor at iiounce lint beginning
Monday lon ol Kindergarten
icliool HI l changed from morning
till alleruooii, from 1 to i p. lu.
W understand that I lie Ilimlin
Witard Oil Company will viall thii clly
during III holiday, playing al It Vogt th nlir) week. Till company
i tlway welcome In Tli Ilallct.
1 he l oitufllcw wa clotcd thii after-
oonn from 2 till i o'clock, an Older having
been iraunl by tba poalmaitrr grtierul
,ir all i llli-r throughout the union to
cloae at that lime, during lilcli hnuri
took place the funeral of Vlcu-I'rraieiit
In apll of lha lieat neta to Thktika
giflng, ll turkey iiiarkrl iirim to lo
a.iuieahat (ill ami torn dealer have re
in., d lo buy. They claim the market
dill not warrant the rl(ea naked.
Tae iv rent a pound It what it being
Kveryone If ami. in t'.ir Inforinaliuii
f,n .tiling tl.e new railroad (i-heuie.
We un Ii-ntaml Ih aurvry ill U- made
at an early date, and w hen the prartl
raliiiitr if H e move I aurird, then
atrli The lU'.lea tmoke. There will
be rw il tlicully In ptiahirg the work if
our iople aee the belirllt which alll lie
dented therein iu.
li iv. T. T. tieer Thureilay tit a tele
gram of c inlulencD to Mr, darrelt A.
II, at I'atcraon, New Jeraey, on the
dnu i e n( the late VU I'reatdenl llo
bart, follow : "The people f tire.
gottjiin alili tlioew of lb nation in
haring with ion Ih lor row that hat
overtaken your boiteho., and their j
iruipathy il eitemled iu tl.i hour of
your great illlicliun."
An arciderit which proved lo he a
f irttintte one from the fart that much
harm U'liaKy retulla Iroin mrh crrur
reiv, hapiietitd yelcrdy at 3 o'cKx k
a' tit a hundred yard atMive th Waco
warHlmiite. when engine N . h'i, which !
W.U.-.1 in pa.ietiger tram o. I, ran , ,t.(lwli t .ptinled lo receive all con
Into an open twitch. A caltl car ' t r i l . t i ti fr ti that vaUey, Mia Cor
tlrtnk and badly .leuior.liird, but for- (.u1.Ie ,,, iento a:)d K. M. U.
tunately noon ai Injuied. I ClaMaiu for Cafeade I.orki.
Till a i the way tntxehango tlalrt th M,.n! Pally.
ea: Next year we may expert lo read , Atn thrr tnarrli- licenm wat ia'iie.l
aotii'thing like Ih following in the daily j Kftr ,-,.,, tu v,. !-o ,kh tine and
piper-. At out 10 o clock Ihl morning
a ii.iraeieat milk wagoi loailril (loan
with r iwlrti milk collided with a blain
lew rider on a chalulen wheel. The
lmkle hrelman wat badly Injured,
and being homele he mi taken in a
hortelett cab to a home for the friend
len. There are a numtier of men Id The
Pallet who thcnl.l be Inking a tilp with
K.J Maithal, jutt tentcnerd to teven
niontha linpritonmei.t by the I', H.
inar.hal at Yakima for telling l!o,uor to
ludlani. Thai' th way a uied lo do
buidneai when the government bad a
deputy marihtl ttationed hete; but now
the olToidert are at bold about breaking
llielawtt any on cjnld rotalbly be,
and jet go uninoletled.
Kvery few week th member id the
High rchool geology clatt take a junl
out Into the country and tpetid th day
In undying the varloii rock formation.
Tlii morning a wagonette load left fr
the Waahlngton ide and vliited Wieh
rm, the Indian village up the river,
cieh lilp are not only beneficial in the
pir.iut of their tlndiet, but provide a
very pleanant outing and change from
he tediouinett of th tchool room.
A member of Iho t). It. A N. engineer
c opa aayt that at a point on the road
alive Motier Ia another tlldiiw mount
liko I he one near Catcade I.ockt.
li In k..,.p alhling and railing up tlie
lie and pishing th track towardt the
riv,r. Ilia party explored the top of
the mountain, w her they found the
kull of a mountain goat with the hornt
'nileto. They aUo found teveral pet
ruled treei and pxrt ol treet. (ilauier.
It will be g.;od nea t lo tunny Pullet
people tolearu that Melari. W. II. Illgg',
Murchie and Maviil Fulton, ol tt'arco,
Inivn inrrlia-ed the hot pring at
'ollina I.indiiu and inlcnd lilting the
properly up to that viailort to that
I'laea may receive the beni lit from the
lieullng properliet of the water, and alro
" luruiihed a go-d camping ground.
Tl'Urpring it iitnl to that at Wind
"ver, and with proper accommodation
ill heroin a poj nlar retort.
Everyone) who attended th clubdanc
lnK party Imt rven'ng It talking about
"to ipendld limn Ihev had. There wat
an 11.11, an. II. ...... 1 1.. .Ilomlani.. I
..nunnj inifg iiuau in riui ,,..., i
a,,,i .... v ., i .... 1
teemed to tveryon up ami ratiae
them In nilnr Into Ilia uplrlt of that hour
wilh renewed ri I m at i . I( teemed
like ol.l timet lo have the orchestra
one more, ami whilo ,0 dancert have
ei 'Jed II.. mesh: nt Hi (urmer parties,
the ad led Inalroiiu nt anil new imnir
er greatly enjoyed and enhanced UlB
pleasure ul dancing.
Several mouth tf., a ,,iari by the
name of F, Marshal wat arreated here
i... .i ... .. . .
fc, , mm II, V CIIBrgH Ol llOrH) Stealing (Ml
Indicted. He, however, furnished bonil
tn appear before tin- lt grand jury, hut
mid to thow ijp. Yetbrday the therill
received a lelt. r from tin United Halm
maranai at Yakima laying i,t II.
fellow liail iMI.f, taken up there lor
liiK liquor to Ii.iarn, and aentenr, d to
leveu iniiiill a in ,h t'. S. .. in t 'til iar y
at McNeil ialaml. When he haa ,.,.,'
pleted liia there tin ma'ahal
ava lie mil be turned bvi-r lo the (.Ihrert
here to he .lru!t with for ll.e horn- ttcul
illg 0lKll-e.
Our butlcest hoiian are now taking
great interest in prepaiing for Hie Mur
chanla' Jubilee Carnival to lie given by
tli ladie o Hie liood Iritrtit Kwicly in
tl.e near future. A tarniral which had
Jli iiib oljct in ic aa givm here
arvrral caraigo; hut It a conducted
on a difli-rent plan. The entire fvenint
I lo he laken up tlh the advertising
entertainment, and each peraon repte
aei.t inn litiaineaa honte trirea a ririla-
i tin ,1)tl(l( or in w ,y ,,, ,,,,,
merit of the firm they repreaent. There
are mine very catchy parodti and
lith ium w hli h cannot fall to call at
tention lo the good) advert fed.
The order I, ai gone forth whirh will
remove the railroad ahop and round
houae iroin Slarhui k to Winona. Thi
I a reault of the chaniie of ichedule on
the Kpokane-I'ortland tram i( the I). It.
A N., which leemito hit Starhin k pretty
hard. The arrangement in regard to
the run of cv'idnctor ai n t present otil
lined i Dial they ill run from Spokune
to I'matilla. That town ia not a pleaa-
anl a pl.ue lo lay over n Walla Walla.
here the cuuductora now lay over, and
tl.e may he uheiiiently given ll.e
! long run to I'ortland. The Iraini will
i not make the proper connect ion toen
I able them to dotihle hark to Spokane
Iminrdiately from I'matilla.
The priuclplei of charity are being in
i itilled into the mind of the children of
I the county. A few week ego a circular
letlrr w a rent out from the (.Hire of the
I coiinly rchiHil iiperinlendent giving the
! tchnol children of the county an 0e-
k. rtunity to make doitatu in of clothing,
cinned frull, etc,, to the Boyi' and
lilrle' Aid S iciety ol lrlland. A few
of the ichooli have arranged to respond
by bringing I heir gi'll to the tchool
huu-eon Wcdneiday preceeding Thanki
giving. Iiinatiot. Irom The lU'lti
puMic ichiio! will lie receiveil, boxed
and il.ippcd hv Jud'e lilakelev. C. I
-riiom poii , principal ol the Mood River
j,,!,,,,,,, M,elly.
Hie IK) you believe that man iprang
from the ape? IU No. Hut I Ulieve
all women rpring from the mouse.
Chicago Newt.
Thii morning at 10 M o'clock, at ll.e
Farmeri' Motel, Recorder N. H. Uatel
united In marrhig C. C. Woolford and
Mr. Kiiima Sparling, Inith of Pufttr.
From Saturday night until noon to
day we have had 1.1J Ir.chea of rain. It
not worth mentioning, however, if the
old Indian' report that It ia to continue
throughout the winter is true.
J. II. O-horne, w ho hat ent the paid
week at M. I. Farringlon' jilace, on
lower l.VMile, aariating In putting in a
roller teed mill, returned Mr morning,
lie rayt Ihe mill it no-v in order ready
for work, and it prepared lo roll ten and
twelve tout a day.
Matter Workman lU-aett, of the loc!
lodge here, received a telegram Ihia
afternot n from the wife of I.. I. Miler,
the unfortunate fire in an who lot hit
life in the wreck lail night, notifying
them of hi death, and Mying thai the
funeral would lake place Wrdneadav at
the family rejldence on Iturlt.wick ttreet
in Portland.
I.e M.Kirhoiiae't fatnotn photograph",
the "Crying Cavoae Twina," are attract
ing attention throughout Ihe I'nlon. A
recent leant) of the New England Home
nuigrilne, which it publiahed weekly in
iiop.oii, 'l"-"' . ". - ;
. ..... u..n.ipa,.lni,ll IIIH V n"
Accompanying Ihrtu It the -tory ol their
birth and the t.ikin;
of the picture! PV
Mr. Moorl. ono.
These are lively times in Ihe matri
monial market and November I livelier j'
than the ureceding months.
Vest i'
i.i .i. ,... at Hoi homo of Mr. and
M r I) W. Cook, on 3-Mile, their.
.laughter, Mist Jennie Cook, was wed-
. ' ... . ...
ded lor rank.. oore.o, -
the lateW.H. Moore, Rev. Smith ol
the Imfnr Methodist chinch, pcrformtng ,
,. . .i
the ceremonv. jney
Will IIII1KB ll ieir
home at iMifur
. ,
wi.iu ahle to be around, Mr. Adorn it
.. .. ,. j....... il. or c iriiiecr. .1.0.1
J. II. Adams, an ou. r. ,, . (i.,r of Mrs. Crocker, lost the ; Yesterday afternoon while at Jau.ei
Fast Side tustaine.. a s. r. - ntarly a ' Simoiuon'. place on 3 Mi!e, John P.r-
iili.eea a w . "K" " ' I , tlie ri,ok ttai iu- ecteJ a rott .ntfred painful rccid.nt. lie;
dangerous, a ' I "i,.ini Interested in its disappearance. ' slipped and fell Iu I weight on the tight
after working will. hi... for ome time, j being; ,. . ... : ... ., , a .0..m. UUreo
nart v recoverca irom me n... . ...- - . ,...... t... I .... .,,,.,.. ..,.t iu.. fl,,e ,al,l..h h . 1
till far from having recovered. Or
gonian. Mr. Adami 1 well known In
The Uallet. and a brolher of C. A. 1
Adauit, of Tygh. j
The hour for holding Thankagiving '
lerviee thi year ha been changed Iroin
morning until eveulng, and on Thnrt !
day evening at Ihe Metho.l:l church a
union tervice will bo held, the pattor
of the Congregational, Chrinian, llaptiet:
and Met'ioiiiat inking part in th ter-!
vice. A male quartet w ill give a telec-1
lion iiinl ih,. variuut choirtwill fnrnith
other limbic for the occttion. Rev.!
..-nt ry Uuahiiig, ol the Chriftiao church,
w ill preach thu lermon. j
Yesterday morning Henry 'i'eatne, !
who hud come into ihe city from bit:
place on fhiirh Flat Saturday, went up
to Morniiii't bain, near the fair grouude, ,
to b ed hit team. Loving a "ark of grain !
he wrenched hit lurk, w hich had been j
injur! d before, ami fell to Ihe floor. ;
lh-ing unable lo ateii-t himaelf, he lay '
lor about four hour", w hen he w at die-1
covered and taken lo the hom of hit
brolher, R jhert Teagne. He it tome-1
what better today, and it it thought will '
lie able to be about in a few dayt. j
Intpeak'ngof the proponed railroad j
up I)et Chutet and on to I'rineville, !
Ihe Crook county Newt tayi: "The'
trallic to and from thii teclion hat ti
nt va paaed throogh The iJallet, ilt I
naluial outlet, and only ill indifference i
has en incd the !on which il il now al-
moat certain lo ttii'ain by the building'
of the C. 8. railway. If, however, the ;
etrortt lo retain i'.t trade thall bo the
meant of alfording ut tuita'ole tranepor-
lation facilities, we can fctv w ith Jere
ti.iaii, "Itt an ill wind that blowt any
body no good" or wordi to that effect.
It it probably not generally known !
that the Filipino boy, Manuel Ruble
w ho wat brought home by the S.-cond i
Oregon hoyt from the Philippine, it
now a Undent of the Indian training;
tchool rear Salem. The little fellow !
wat without a home after In arrival in !
Oregon, and to Mr. Whitney, of Wood-j
burn, a kind and generous man, took
charge of him and gave him a home.
Superintendent Rotter, of the Indiun
training tchool, was solicited to take
charge of the boy and give him rn
education, and he ha undertaken to do
so, without any particular authority i
fioiu the department at Washington. j
Si. I'aul't church ii to lose a good and j
able rector and the community a tplen-1
Jid citizen, Rev. Jos. I)e Forest having
decided to accept a call to the St. Peter's i
church in Denver. For ome time he;
hat been undecided regarding the course
to take, hut the result of bit delibcra-;
tions com-erning the matter wat made ;
known laet night, when he preached his !
farewell sermon to hit parish here. In of counsel and regret at Leaving,
he expressed bit farewell. Having been
rector here for two yean and a half, it is
with regret that they part with him.
Ho will irave Wednesday for Denver,
taking with him the good will of the
We ack again why il it that otir city
ordinance in reg.ird to the trut:tit of
dumb animals, particularly hoises, can
not be enforced. The resident! of the
city are becoming indignant over the
state of alVairs in Ihis regard. Yesterday
nearly the whole day long a horse was
tied iu front of MichvlbucY saloon,
lightly cinched, with the rain pelting
down on him continuously, while no
doubt its owner was spending the time
in a debauch. A kind hearted citizen
took pity on Ihe animal and took him to
bit own barn, where the taddle was
taken off and the poor, thivering animal j
fed. He left word if the fellow wanted
hit horse w heie he could find it, an l
although the animal wat there when he
went to lied, it wat taken away lie fore
morning. The oDiceri should rot only
take charge of tuch animate and make
their owneri pay for their care, but ar
rest the inhuman ownert and punish
Another Pallet young man (for to we
will always claim htm) today left
Ihe ranks of ungle blessedness, and
H. W. Phelpt made Miss Cora H.ut,
now ol Hilgard.bnt formerly of Heppner,
his wifo. The welding took place
at Ihe home of Hon. W. R. Ellit in
Heppner. Many of P.ert'i friends have
been aware that he wat contemplating
matrimony, and npon bit recent visit
to this city he did not deny that he
would toon "past away," but received
congratulation with all the grace of
one who wat happv in the prospect.
From report given by those who are
acquainted with Hie bride, we feci satis
fied Rert bat chosen at a companion
one of whom any young man might well
i. ....., I.. ..... ......I,
he pro, .,, ..... .-- ;-" J
astureoiy .on, r. ...... ..... -
groom. We hasten lo exlind our con
gratulation and with them the heartiest
.,f U.T...I w sties. We nmlersiann I lie
, 'ibriilo and groom parsed through the
I citv on Xo. 1 Hi: afternoon. I
Ij iong. the Chilian. an w ho was Itupli-
eaten in tne r .re. ...... - ,
and was arretted Wednesday In
i .i . V .i ..... I..nb rn i am
Walh. for .'cling a diamond
, ..,,. . 1
was u . . ... ,
....,.i turv ill lilt- pi un ol c
K...... j ", - .
been chip oved at the icti.tenc; oi j. i'.
lieen rni
ItlS. i.lrt
'I nia .er to. muuu.. .
i ....... i. mihit a pi U! I .rn, ..ia i 1115 oiuuiu
1 1 1 a( 1 1 ' I' 1 1 .' .. . . - , . .
We have decided to
Sale of
To the end of the month.
Our piles of Clothing must be
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
officers kept watch over Wong tjuong
an I hi friends and lately were satisfied
that he had the stone tecrefd, being
afraid tooffer to dispose of it. A day or
two ago he was arrested and searched.
Quite a sum of money wat found upon
him, and h'9 wuist was girdled with a
belt securely sewed. This was lemoved
and in its folds was rli-covered the little
jewel neatly wrapped in ti.-ttie paper.
Reside this (00 in gold waa also ab
(traded from the belt.
Tuewlay'i Daily.
Some one reported yesterday that
Ihev are having a dust famine in Sher
man countv. What about Wasco conn-
ty, with 1.32 inches of rain in The Dalles
from Saturday night until this morning?
The young Indies; in fact, all who are j
to lake part in Iho Jubilee cninival, are j
rr quested to be at the Yogt opera house ,
Friday evi nirg for rehearsal. It has j
been decided to give Ihe rnmival on the
night of Ihe lltli nt the cgt.
Engineer Rrow n has moved the F'ai-t
Kud cart ami hose dow n to the engine
house and is busily engaged iu drying it
out and utheiwlse rellttii g it. The old
racing cart has l.etn taken to the East
End home in case of its being needed.
There n talk among the piurrrlv""Maini"T.o?nt!;uirir. ueese,
n. ..era alonar Tenth street renarding the -' '"'; Mi!iS Krcw, fl. Tlie Watnic
grading of the street from the High
school to Wakefield's property, near the
-round. This wou.d be all
for wllile U the Wst road in the
cny, . or ... -in. ... . v ....
I vlV. I,,,,, II,,. nut .neiilioiiFil.
I'l.....-"--'.-." -
Baroains for
continue our.
21 yards Unbleached Cotton Flannel tl.00
19 yards Kxtra Orade Cotton Flannel 1.0O
24 yard lileached Muslin 36 in wide 1.00
20 yards Unbleached Muslin 3o-in wide 1 00
20 yards Indigi Blue Calico 1.00
20 yards Checked Uinnham 1.00
17 yards excellent quality Outing Flannel 1.00
1 complete line of checks and plaids in dress goods
per yard 12
Ladies' pure linen, hemstitched and scalloped, hand
drawn work, revered block, hemstitched and
embroidered handkerchiefs ; woith from 4'jC up
to -4.o0 each
We have just opened
styles in ladies'
Ncarsilk Petticoats in all colors ; umbrella flounce,
rioted, two small ru tiles, strapped seams;
from i'S; to f 4.50 each
Silk Petticoats, assorted ttyles and colors, raniricg
in price from fS.OO up
been tewed up some years lince. The
cut it a bad one and had to be re-sewed, j
to that he will not be able to use it for j
some time.
A telegram was received by G. T. Tarr j
thi morning announcing the death of
D. V. C. Hecarie, piesident and eecord
largest stockholder in the Katfern Ore
gon Land Company. He was an elderly
gentleman and had been ailing for some
time at l.ii home in San Fianctsco. He
died thii morning. His loss will be
keenly felt by every bratch of the com
pany wherever found.
Word received this morning from
Portland etated tiiat the funeral of
Robert Hunter and L. P. Mi'cr will be
j held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.
All employes of the company who may
desire transportation to Portland to at
tend Ihe obsequies have been provided
tor, also their wives, Xo doubt many
from this city will be present, at least as
many as can be well spared.
Mis Katherine Brogan closed n sue-
j cesefnl term of school in Lower Antelope
; uistrict November 24th, and mailed to
! the county superintendent contribution
j to the Roy' and Uirls' Aid Society as
I follow: T. P.rogran's children, 11.50;
school contributed 43 cents. Miss Hester
Kent, of this city, closed her tirst term
of scho l November 2 l.h in district No.
W. Ptch F,t
. ., f ... .!.,.
t v
... .... ... .... I...
un, a iiu nm uuuia .hi- - o. ,
not mixed up witii the w rong kind of
' foot an I got hold of tangle-foot instead of j
"corns, bunions and ingrown toenails."
riiirman ran across him and when he
! attempted to take him he didn't use a
raior, but struck the t, flier with a
.He Weed
a choice line of the very latest
fashionable and popular-priced
Shopping Bags.
A magnificent new line cf novelties in ladies' lea
ther and silk shopping ba, ranuinz in price
from 75c, tl.UO, .1.25, $1.50 and.fl.75
See Show Window.
valise. He lodged in the jail and today
as fined fiO for being drunk and dis
orderly, in default of which he languish
eth and will no doubt work on feet of
earth for a few days.
Pease A Mays' force certainly ha not
one artist, but many among it no niter
from the appearance of tlie how win
dow at present. Taken at a whole,
the most beautiful display of goods we
have yet teen it that which now I con
tained therein. Even the article which
In themselves alone have no particular
beauty, are so arranged as to produce a
handsome fleet. From the plain white
shirts and cuffs and collar in the
clothing department to the most beauti
ful silks of the dry good department,
all are gracefully draped and festooned
so as to attract the eye. -They turelv
have some professional window dresser
among their clerks.
There is a shortage of bacon and lard
al over Fastern Oregon. Why thi
should be there is 1:0 explanation, Save
the sloth and want of enterprise and in
dustry on the part o! Oregon farmer.
Oregon can never txpeet to le perma
nently prosperous so lonj as it i con
tinually sending out of the country
large sums of money for bacon J an lard
and butter and other mc'i fcod pro
ducts, ail of which slu uld be produced
at home. To d. p-'tid altogether upon
one crop, nn I that ir .p wheat, mean
constant uncertainty, with ever recur
rins periods of rosperity and depression,
with plenty ono year end a hand to
month fxeienct) another. V. W,
To Core Cold Ob Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
let!. Ail druggist) refund tbe money if
il lai's to cure. 25c.
- .oJ I1.U1IQ I'J llkO IUII UIVl.fav.n