The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 29, 1899, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
O i li,- or le til lat!
O er lo uioli.-a Nit-t intUiT lutir tiiohee -. .
li'tr fmir tnelioa n.ui uudor twlv tuclie
Ortl twt'lv liichtT,
ftr nek
... II .
Milt AMD WIIllT.
)ne Ineh or r tn.-h f-?
Orel one tnrh atiil 11:1 ler four l?ir?iea .... 'I IV
Orer four inch aad uiiUor twelve luetic. . 1
Orer twilv iuclu-a 1 M
losossion o' Hawaii and Guam am) , 1100 will he
ownership of island in the West as lu lt0t'i.
Indies. When other Caucasian! "
power, first began to cast about for Cultl,n
. , i.i i n.a i'n-.l flaurea reach I In a lunjr lime, says
Mate, was left out of the recko.i... " lobe-Democrat. The ,,
1U.U cobbled lrt Arlhur and , llkc ,,,e "KrlculluritU, a.e
asked iH-ru.Us.on of no one; the I the Kenubl.c.u
French carved a slice apait from the
Chinese turkey am! forgot to say
thanks; Germany dipied into the
dressing of the bird without asking
leave and prepaied to go back for a
second help. America was cot in
vited to the feast.
Possession of the Philippines has
caued a
reckoning. Ibis country has as
sumed her position as one of the
greatest fits: class nations, whose
pleasure or displeasure helps to alter
maps tind influence commerce. Willi
out the islands our rune of Influence
would be limited to matters on this
The commercial reasons for reten
tion of the Philippines therefore be
come stronger every hour. Since
the battle of Manila bay the Atuerl
can capitalist has been active in the
Orient. He has become an important
factor in railroad building, in the
construction of telegraph lines, and
the agents o' great supply houses
hive streamed into the stctions
where the bulk of our exports find
ready admissiou. So strong has been
the influence of American foothold
in the Orient that no commercial
treaty will be formed between I'tkin
rarity. Most of the cotton growers
doubtless voted against the Repub
licans in 1'JG. A large part of them
will probably vole the same way in
I'JOO. Yet the Republican party
will win Just the same, and the pros
perily which its victory three years
ago brought to tho country will be
ti a ..i - . ... t . , i .. .1... i.
wonderful chance in the ! rurmim .j iu u .".'"
This country has
much bigger than It ' !' al 6' " i' rouml-:0 '"', i0
l delivered l r.ino on .narin tei,
100 head oit April lt. Mr. 1 hoinpeon j
hivin4 reet.ivv.Ut.000 down. Mr. Man-j
Held toM a lag number to the "
parties at the am price. They are the
Hue hig steers ruined by Minor A Mar-1
latt.aml the shipper hvu lii guaran
teed fx) cents t-r pouud Ur iliem de
livered at i.ri City. ThU ill make
mt ol the Kri'rl worth T0 here at
home, which It the highest pilce ever
known. lleppner Time. .
in 1900. This prosperity, too, will
be shared by the Democratic uia.e
just as it will be by the Republicans.
The Democrais will get a little better
fortune than ttsey deserve, but the
Republican party makes no prefer
ences in the distribution of such
and European capitals without
knowledge and cognizsuce of
Washington government.
Aguinaldo predicted victor for
hli friends, tlie Democrats, iu the
recent elections, and, of course, he
feels as badly about the rcul; as
does Hryan or any of the other
American Tagals. What Aguinaldo
wanted the Democrats to win for
was his la-lief that this would compel
the government to withdraw the
troops from the Philippines and al
low him to mufder all the American
civilians in the islands, and start a
dictatorship, with himself as the dic
tator. I he recent defeat or the
j"great party" which Aguinnldo j Trontdalo about I
the crushing hich it will git twelve
months hence, but Aguinnldo will be
The future may be read with ease.; M tU.,( politically before that time
In securing tho only railroad iu
the Island of Luzon, anil the only
one in the entire Philippine group,
our army gains a irnsancnt ad
vantage that may be called con
clusive. Tins railroad tuns due
north from Manila to Dagupan, a
distance of 130 miles, in the central
latitudes of the island and through a
thickly settled, pioductive valley
region. It is the main Inland artery
of Manila and gives uscontiol of the
last of the main communications of
the city. The occupation of Dagupan
means the possession of another
leading seaport and railway terminus.
Fortunately, the railroad has not
been seriously damaged. The larger
stations will be garrisoned, strong
jtockades built to protect bridges
and troops stationed at stiategic
points east and west. It will soon
be beyond the power of guerrilla
parties to materially interfere with
this line. They will find the bridges
guarded, trains will tun with an
armed escort, and tesrir.g up a few
rails is a damage so easily repaired
that it is not worth the rUk and
The possession of the railroad
enables us to re-enforce any point
along its route ia a few hours and to
send out conversing detachments at
a moment's notice. Nothing is left 1
for the enemy but to march on foot,
and they have no transortation ex
cept buffalo carts. A few hundreds
or thousands may collect again at
some rendezvous, but the chief pur
pose will be to prey on the inhabi
tants. The time has passed to dis
pule seriously the sovereignty of the
United States. Nearly 10,000 more
troops are on the ocean bound for
Manila. All the islands will receive
attention during the dry season now
at bind. The Tagal failure will go to quiet them. Aguin:ddo re
cently advised the insurgents in
Panay to hrc.U up into bands of
forty and carry or. a guerilla war.
Tho same policy may be adopted in
Luzon. H'Jt guerrilla operations
without horses are not apt to lust
long. We have seasoned cavalry
trained to Gbt Indians, mounted on
fast and tough ponies. The Tagals,
like most of the of the far
Fast, are without horses. Guerrillas
prowling about on fo jt and opposed 1 r illmore on the death of President j t, t ,ool rooms arr ri'.l uiodrn in pin,
by cavalry are soon wiped out. A 1 Taylor, Johnson on the death of ' yrt tly are well fuinil.pJ with patent
few lessons will dispose of the bands1 President Lincoln, and Arlhur on
of foitv. Their ttvle of hostilities 'he death of President GarHeid
is merely bushwhacking, not serious
Id follow 1114 lines ar to be limit.! at
IV ays &
Mai Yorft, Jr., and Alfred Hunt, who
. ... - 1 1 ... 1 ..
wrrw pawengurt 011 mi w r-m niui
SumUy niijht, are poiilv in the atr
lion that one r k 1 mora lliwn anyi
tinman belli cr lo he In or lo viw. I
When lh aeriilent bappnifd al 9:1S,,
. . ..... . 1..
a'lliougli Hi iaMMiirrcrswi mu or-1 1
railed lliey wrre jerked by lh momentum
Unit tl r car Ipiiicths and throw 11 from ;
their teals. ;uhiri(- from lh rar lli I 1
bvlivld uu awful ii(lit lh riUie and (
cars thrown ovwr Hi hank alinoai into
lh rivvr and math! all to placet, whil
in lh debris wer human being, lliey
knew ot how many. Work of rectie ,
was dilticult n l Milrr was tlmt Uken 1 .
out, but wa dead. Al about 1 o'clork
the Injured braketnan, W. F. tleralnger,
who had en lo Portland and ou '
hi way lo hi home at I. (iramle, wa ,
roleaied baJly injured, and 'ti taid l.e
died Ufl ni(U at lh huapital In Tort-1
land. Poor Ilun'er wa Hi Ut lo l
removed alxiul '.' o'clock. Hi groan
were continually hrarj during lh oik
of rescue and when taken out he
hardly rrcogniible, havinn lxi trfn
lu.lly burned about the litre. He dird a .
very ihort timv afterward, and (ruin all
indication died al hi "t. He wn
te.'ietary of tlie Kiotherho-xl of
I.oruuiotiv Kngineern, having taken
Keady' place, who died in a like nxiitier.
The papaengrrs were taken down to
o'cloi-l: and hrouirht
prayed for was nothing, however, to! back alll ye.t.r.Uy. where they re
American flour, lumber, cotton, s.eel
and silver, and a hundred other
! pro lucts will find their way across
the Pacific and the PaeiBc coast will
flourish as never before.
as Iliyan will le immediately nfier-ward.
limine. I until they CjuM be bronht n.
arriving at 5 o'clock l'l evening.
(ir.!en To-il. !-ep Well I'dinpS HWkinit,', f,Kl,
):.iliUr and I oti..n II Ur lion ai,. ,slvr
Vinche'er ami Mariin Kille, latest model IIUi k.miiii', ( ,
Kihing T. kin Wagon Miker't rii,i,;u.,
t; v. li and hnmlile Wrolliihl Iron I'u Hn, Kiinnw
hinilh A Woii and Colt's Revolver Jlarb Wire , .,,
Warranted Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware Warranted
V wit! rUce ttrry lr tlfounJ rutil.
Granite Iron qnd Stewart Enameled Ware.
A Complet l.ttia of
I'ianet Jr. (i'in To il ) Wagnni
John l.i Plow ami Harrow lUrln llungie n. ('rrngrt
liean pry I'uini-" llurke) and PUno Mower and Iti-aprr
CuillVitor an-1 link lUrrow Tiger Prill, iiglite.t iiri(.
Our etiM-k of
Builder's Hardware and Carpenter's Tools
I complet In every detail.
Majestic Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves.
Before buying elsswhere examine our Stock.
General Ludlow gajs Cuba's great
est needs are a stable government
under the protection of the United
States and good schools. The first
secured, the second will follow as a
The elected vice presidents have n)aUer of course
been John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, '
Aaron liurr, George Clinton, Kl i The Charleston is the first vessel
bridge Gerry. Daniel K. Tompkins, j lost by .ur navy since 1804, with the
John C. Calhoun, Mattin Van IJuren, ' eiceptiun of the Maine, whose dc-
Uichard M. Thompson, John Tyler, j strut-lion was a mystery. The record
George M. Dallas. Millard Filmore, . seaks will for the t lllciency of
William It. King, John C. I'retkin- J otlicers and rren.
lidge, Hunnibal ilauilin, Andrtw
Johnson, Schuyler Colfs, Henry
Wilson, AViiliarr. A. Wheeler, Chester
A. Arthur, Thomas A. Hendricks,
j Levi P. Jlorton, Adlai Stevenson
Inn.) n.rr.l A It,.l.rt
Adams, Clinton, Tompkins and
Calhoun served two Urirs each.
Adams, Jefferson and Van IJ-jren
were subsequently elected to the
Tyler parsed to the White house
on the rleath of President Harrison,
a'hoolc at Vlma anil thm l.ork.
School Jiitriit Nj. I, Cni-r'Ie Ixiekf,
lias ifvn in wsiion for the Pt trn
week), and ha n total enrollment of
riiriely pupil in the two department'.
Mr. K.dytfi Weihrrred, tte oriCriier j
of the order of Native Piiiighter, will
arrive in the city thl evening and 1
desire to meet every nitlve daughter in
Ihe city over IS year of age at the
U-iitill lloima parlor tnnihl al 7 .:W
o'elm k. While le l'e not di me- to
organie a cabin tonight, rhe will to
p'tared to meet the Indies and diiru.i j
the adviralnlity of (tirh a move 11 tun
her relurn from Huntirigloii and ether
plire in K-tern Dreg -m. Tiie la-ly if
a particular friei d of tlie Cmkomii k re
porter, and we atire the ladle they
w ill I repaid in meeting Mr. Wetherred
thougn they n )f not m Tit to take part
in the work of the N.tlve I 1: !. t r .
W believe lh native rom are alw in
Vited to be present.
Still another young man well known
in Tlie Ial. w ill It-11 u in tiered with the
fi .jly. I
Dalies, Portland & dsloiia nay. Co.
T-e el-win -r. it the ItetfuUti Unewt!) run i i-i Id. la
Inwii.g arlifdule, Ihe ttiilijr leM-rvli g the fi(M tn rbmift
M-lmlute with. nil untie,
Str. Renulator.
ll I in He. I Uu.lmi. )
Str. Dalla City.
;T nn hlrt Hi :i I'nini. 1
Str. Inland Flyer.
( 1 4 in 1 ! -I I .1 iHi(, 1
HlW -
l.e li.lUa
I 11, julae
.-.(iriUi .
Mr I-.. ill. ii.l
1 r m.
I.i . I'lirli.tiU
1 n.U.
r il l-r
Ail l I
I -1 r
I.I I ft, ile
.1 r. 11 . h
M .i...,
I rlilx
Arr. r-ri:4iul
1-i.rlU, .1
I ueilr
1 hiirwlM.
Arr. tiaile.
l t I -
10 a
M undue
1 r1nliir .
Art I'l.rll.u
I .1 M r
I r I'oilUn.)
1 :
1 Hcil.t
1 i'i:Ui
at l'.i;n
1 1 r
"great mtj irdy" tomorrow in Portlni.d,
when Mr. A. I.. Mm kint-h, c' Prine
ville, take hi hr!d Mir Cowle', of
1'ortlind. (iu lljiiii left tlie city this
morniiiK to art a lie.t man al the cere-
Mr. T. M. I!. Chaitain, of Victor, i:ln0ny. While not r.Uir.ted with the
tl.i- t! lt t
Trmel tj Ihe IniMrr, nt III- Kr'ii.tir I.I
firti. tuv iM tt a- l, li e - i.m.i. 1
I'vrtlai il Ollin , dak lm !
THe 1 ii:nwiir wilt en .
I'm lartliar Uil'irnallnii a
1 1: 1 1
W. C. ALLAWAY, Cn. Agt., Vt l ull
. aiif.Vif .r,f ,f iV.viiif . M-e Lit v . v iv
Prtni ipal and Mae r.ruia r.. 1. enroll ai
ti'tant teacher. 11m grade work of
both rooms is plant. ed in the tte
c3iire of study and Ihe h-rieficial ellecti
of it cm already l.e to-n. H lite a large
number of rea luMe hoi k are to he
found in tlm nlinul library ar.d thry
ehow sign of hating lieen nsed. While
The death of Vice President Hohnrt
. 1 .1 . . a ... ... : 1:
war. places ius eccreiarjr in siaiu imiiieui-
Stveral recent dispatches have , ately in the line of presidential sue
mentioned the fact that our troops ' cession
are welcomed as they advance, and
that the nstives have riot thought it
worth while to run away from their
people. I;
This marks a significant
in the deposition of the
clear that
tired of the insurgent army and
a .xii.m to settle down to business.
Luzon is a '.enter of fairly profitahle
industries. Its abundant hemp is
desk, hylopiatc blaiktxiard, and a few
pictures adorn the wall. A fiiendly
e mtest eilet bAwein the primary
pupils and tho.e of the grammar grade
as to which room ahaii receive the Ira.t
nnuiber of lardy mark, the fact lo lie
That is to say, in event of ! proclaimed Ly the room that exhibit
the removal, death, resignation or u,d U o,y- It" ehodr.nol the primary
. , , ., ... , ., room have held tho laurel for the ll
inability of President McKiniey. the! few T4et:k,
secretary 01 state would become: It would be
president of the L'nited Motes
there be no secretary of state, then I district No. 50, at Viento, for hn pre
I 11 wouiii oe wrung lo eay .lis
If Cora Copple wiehls the rod in eoi.oi.l
the secietarv of the treasury will net; 1 Wrt 10 rT",u "th" l love l,,,n ,,,r
... . . ... , . i Twenty-eight bright girl and bov are
and the remainder of the order of ,. ., ... . , , ' , .
enrolled In this chool and are comfort
succession is as follows : secretary of ,0iy ,Mti ot) .,gtrnl dk.i ,rM, ,h,
war, attorney general, postmaster ! school is furnitht-d with good hlaek
gcncral, secretary of the nry, and J hoard, wall maps, etc. The district ha
.... r..l ant. not 1..1.1. Aa a 1
.....:iu. ; .r -1 .i. 1 secretary of the r.ter or. I he oflice " e, ,..,
... .... .u , school In the and is entirely out of
highest figures known. The insur- of secretary of Agriculture e- deM Th. scl.,1 lymrd I... j .-t s-arted
reclion has gone to pieces and prob- Bl-' "er i"e pas-.pge 01 tue sue
ably i.ot or.o person in fifty in Luzon ; cession act.
is in favor of further warfare. Ilivh
i A.L-ir.aia aea
j ..'.i ... u 'j i . ' j a t j j
praise is due to every brigade of the
army engaged in this advance. It
was begun with the idea that the
heavy runs ere ovir and to take
up position for the final campaign.
iSut the rx-.ovi men', once started went
steadily on in spite of a flooded
country. It is an example 1 f splen
did cricrjy find devotion as we!i as of
decisive reM;Vs.
a ichool library by purchasing the sup
plernentary reading books recommended
in the (tale course of tudv. It is pleai
ing to remark that the pupii of this
Aiknnias Jones snys "the Ohio for the JJe- , school are 1 xreptionally good in reading.
mocracy." S- it does, but Jones J Tmm..7e".i
does not seem to see what it tells.'
It warns Ihe Dirootracy lhat,astx-! ' ''" M't
I three rear enlfcred c maiderable lurh
pansion was a winning ssue tins ear, 1 ir , , . , . ,. . , ,. lf , .
" 1 ' . ins lit holding hn wool for better rrn-f-e.
r 11 ei. .1 u J ijr
mum or exiwxsios.
it will be rr.tii.h more
the Repubiitans next year if the
iJemocratic bosses are mad ertouah
to iut it into tho canvA.s. The fact!
that Na-li got twice ns l ire a ;
I luralit y as lln-liM'll received two
years ago means something
so.d I.M three ers ciipr, KM ,7:1.1
pound, at lieppijer' aarehoii. thi
week to Hllierman I'ro , of Chicago,
at 13 rent per pound, receiyjrijj a rherk
for tjlo,7IS 'J' for the name. The ileal
j whs madi, through Mr. Connor, and
Mr. Mi Haley, who two years ago was
which : nffered even reMi lit hi wool, ha
bride, Ihe friends of the groom in The
()aiie eitend their congratulalionn, f. 1 1
ing that a juting man of tmli sterling
worth a Mr. Maikintonh would not ail
to choj a wife fitted to l hi rompau
i n. The newly rnuriied roup!) will
viiil the old home of ll.e gro iin in Scot
land before returning to their future
home near Prinefilie. Thev have the
good wuhe of many Ilallet people.
ihantje of Time Ihe O. K. A . ;
Heglnnilig l)ec. lit, the I). li.AX.
will run their Spokane Fiyer via Wal
lul and the S. K. V. J. K. : Train No.
4 will leave Portland at li H p. m., ar
riving at Spukane at 7:15a. 111. Train
No. 3 wi.l leave Spokane at 1 :.'W p. in.,
and arrive in I'orlland at 8 00 a. in.
In ci.Miection w ith the above trains,
the I. H A N. w ill put on a pamenger
train leafing Dnytou at U :00 p. ni, and
Walla Wa:la at 10 :.',) p. in., ronnei-tiiig
al Wallul with No. -I from Portland at
1 1:1-0 p. 111., and with No. 3 from
Spokane al 12:00 a. in.; leaving Waliula
at 12:10 a. 111 , and arriving at Walla
Walla at 1 :20 a. rn, and iMytnu at 2 a. m.
l ard hjr Mrlilah a..ldlrra la Afrlra.
Cajd. C. (. Ih-nnlnon is well known
all over Africa as commander of the
forces that raptured tho famou rebel
fialishe. Under dale of Nor. 4, 1S'.7,
from Vryhurg, Ilechiinrialand, be write :
"Before starting on lh Inft campaign 1
bought a quantity of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and lirrlo-t Itemedy.
which 1 used myielf wlien troubled withl
bowel complaint, and hut given lo my'
men, and in ever) rase It proved n.o.t!
beneficial. " lor Bale by iJlukelcy Aj
Houghton, i!run-iid.
nam 1 u it or
High-Grade Stock Saddloa
and Shop-Mado Harness.
Tent, Wag. in Cover, and all article iitually
kept In w tirt-clM burners nhnp.
MimJ) a arehirtlM,
Thl Stamp a Guarant
of Quality.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency lor the Create t American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
whiskey from 2 s t n u i.r viion. iht, is'rft nid i
i IMPORTED C0QNA0 from 7.(i0 to I2.H per gallon. (11 m -.11 year ll.
CALirORBIA BRANDIES Ix rn I.I.IT, to In I0 er gallon. (4 m il 5ar "l
and Val Iliats and Olympia T-r In Mll
0LYMPIA BEER n drmuhi,
linHrt. I Ale and I'orter.
An linpuriaul liirfriani e.
a ho
An.pi ica logins to ii'utk the fruits Jones evidently tijis'cs. The in-
tif riTtinrii.iiin mi inr-r than the nun ' t r ! 1 1 err-n r npwatifitif-r t.t .IririrV rifirtv
... ,. . . i. . . , lime to laugn. 11.11 the heat price
ii ""J pii.J M-ro for many yearn, and Ihe
man-Kevicw. in the about the returns rrom Unio and the ! K,.ft irili vi-lual deal that ha jet been
of the "open door" in C hina il np- other states. They nre showing their coimimmaif.d.
nenrs cur diii'ouiats are to plnrnn readers that tl-e drift is sUadilv! The lent prhe ever paid in thi c-,un-
a toXive condition 1 ein.llv l,
. I . -I ... 'lu 1- . . I 1- ,1.1 ' 3
t' . .loi'i'iig, jttn ih Sytiin of ria-n. Manufactured I
square onto his j-b and it i now hi j ihe California l.g Syrup Co. only, an
Wasco Warehouse Company
tl;V for Seed Grain of ail
n,t.i!!ted win, .,,y, but ,h.t j Heaclquar ters for Feed Grain otrii kinis
Ihe nyt.m limply needs rleatiaing, I to j , ... MnA
. ; -nuauquarturs ior ixonea uram,
.Headquarters for Bran. Shorts. :?;a
"' 1 Headquarters for "Byer3' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
bring comfort hom to their l.enrtn,
sold Ly all drugu-lata
Hinoke In inurOwH I'rnnt,
A ae!l an our. 'Ti not how much
important pnrt. This position has against the Iictnocracy, and that the
been made j ost'hle only ly octuja- chances are tint Iho Hepuhlican
lion of the rLiliinrs,
! ly for beef ffi'tie wan that received by
ahcolute ( nifij jrity in the electoral tolleoe
flear Tho
I Butt'T Crtfk thii ?fk. Oscar aoM 1VJ ' Ktnl rve tor .t ft.- Vmm
I j hi-J to ft .Seattle Gnu of Klondike thip-j houe.
This Hour is mannfactured epre-nly fnr
11 a 1 vr nark la ,n,riin tee 1 to give tl'' .
Via sell our mmli In,.,.. il,.n .n. l... l l, i, and If voll doll I
you smoke, but how yu enjoy It. Try . call and get our prices and m convinced.
wir .ilancol ten rents a oral r-roducl I
that leit tho world, lien I llricli,
Highest Price3 Paid for Whsat, Barley and Oats.
AdvertisQ in tho Chronicle.