The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 25, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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norn tr ah. know.
Kt-Govftntr Moody U in th ci'.y
Irom Saleu;.
J. C. Graham and wife, of ancoaver,
are in the city.
B. F. Miller arrived in the citv last
ight from Heppner.
night from liepp
J ewe ar,d Mamie Imbler are in the
city from Hood Kiver.
Mr. and Mr. V. I,. Itinkle ere down
froui Antelope visiting relatives.
T. Whit more nd wife, of Goldendale,
were passenger for 1'crtlaud this morn
ing. Mr. M. Mcl.iniel sras a passenger on
the boat tins morning, bound for Cali
fornia. Mr. and Mrt. F. C. Hamilton, or Lake
county, were registered at the L'uialilla
Mr. and Mrt. N. Mcl.eod came over
from liolden.lale yesterdav and left thit
morning for Portland.
Mrt. J. .; Geitendotffer, who has
been spending a ihort time in Watco,
returned home last evening.
V. H. Ward arrived in the city ves
torday from Gillian) county and it visit
ing his parrtitt here, lie it on hit way
to California.
juiius ritner nas reiarneu 10 iuei
Pallet from Portland and accepted a
position in
Parkins barber shop. Mr.
risher is a popular barber and many
will be pleated to hear of his return.
Mrt. A. M. Williams came up from
Portland last night to visit her children
and sister, Mrt. Doane, before leaving
for California, where, with the remain
der of her famiiy, the will tpend the
Thursday's Dally.
Geo. Johnston and M. J. Anderson, of
Dnfur, were in the city today.
C F. Miller and Wo, La. low are in
the city from Ileppner.
Geo. A. Young, a prominent and ex
tensive iheepiuan of Kidgeway, is in
the city.
M. E. Miller, lata of Canyon Citr,
patted through town today on hit way
to Antelope.
Mrt. J. R. Warner came up from
White Salmon yesterday an 1 spent to
day in the city.
J. Stewart, sheepman of Monkland,
l in the city today and called at the
CnBOMCLK office.
E. K. Lytle, president of the Colum
bia Southern 11?., it in the city looking
after railroad matters.
II. N'jrthnp hat a ten-day cessaion
of dnliet at the land othca and it spend
ing the time at hit home in Portland.
Mr. James Gibson, of Pilot Rock,
Umatilla county, w ho hat been visum?
with her mother, Mrs. Wick man, and
later, Mr. G. F. Gointher, left for
home rn Tuesday night't train.
Friday s Ial!y.
J. D. Heiiler it in from Dufnr.
Frank Gable, of Wapinltia, it in town
Harvey Young, of Goldendale,
registered at the Umatilla yesterday
R-ibt. Rand and W. S. Gregory are
Ixi-inees visitor in the city from Hood
Mrt. J. Sarsfel! arrived last night
from Portland on ber way to her borne 1
in Goldendaie.
Mr. and Mrt. D.E.Witt, who have!
lived for several veart at High Prairie,
left today for Kansas.
John Fender and wife came np last
night fro. n Huston, on the Washington
tide, and spent Unlay in the city.
Mr and Mn Wi'hnr Rnltnn ar.
rived yesterday from Antelope and are j
guettt of Mr. anc -Mrs. t. Bolton.
Rotcoe Oaks, the enterprising and
popular traveling man, who it always
welcomed in The Ilalies, came in yes
terday and tpent today here.
Mitt Erne Bolton left on thit morn
ing's stage for Goldendale, where the
will attend the wedding of her friend.
Mite Gertradu Reeder, to John Coffie'd,
which lakes place Sunday at high noon.
Mitt Ella Giibonen and herconsin,
Miss Lncy Clarke, of Mitsouri, who have
been the guest of Mrs. E. L. Grunow
tor the past few weeks, left thit morning
forClickamat countv, where they will
tpend the winter with their grand
mother. Mrt. N. Doane arrived In the city lart
night from ber home at University Per
Read This, Consumptives
"Frort the way my wife coughed for tix months, 1 knew she had consump
tion. She ahowed it in her face, too. and her body watted away to mere skele
ton. After the got down in bed the doctor couldn't do any good. I called in
both Dr. T. A. Shannon and Dr. N. L. Hawten, each of whom it a first-Uas
physician, but they had nothing
that would reach the trouble
is her lung. My wife's father
caune to tee her one day, when
she got very low. He lives in
Cedar Lake, Wis., while we
live in Rice Lake, Wis. ,e
Said he knew what was needed,
mod made me get a bottle of
Acker" English Remedy for
Coniamption. I went to
Schmidt's, our local druggist,
nd got a bottle, and it helped
her ngbt away. She tk eight
50c bottles, And they put hir
back on her feet and made her
au sound and well ai tny o.
"man in town. She has taken
cm flesh again, ho d'xsn't
cough, and if any me who
doesn't know the fact was to
be told ahe was so 1 ear death
with consumption, he wouldn't
believe it. My wife d'.es all
ber housework, and at niglit
sleep aa soundly as yon pleac.
Her etomach no longer gives her any trouble at all.
m telling. If so. I advise you to see J. N. Schmidt, the druggist who sold me
Acker'a English Remedy for Consumption. , He'll tell you the aame thing. He
ay Acker English Remedy is wonderful in all throat and lungtroublcs; that
it is sold on a guarantee to cure, or money returned, and he never yet had a
bottle come ba k to his store, a'though he hat told hundreds of them. My numo
ULi-ther Bedell, kite Lake, Wis."
. Akr'a Kniflnh Rrnly is aol l by all drna-jriafs under a politic guaranty
1 A VT.r """"I rfunde-l In caa t,t 7ilur. i.e., . andfia buttl In
United Mates and Canada. In Knland i. .J , ,d., and 6-1.
Wl OMtKaritt tte alxnt gwiranU W. U UOOHUt it CO., prnyrianr; .V York.
and will tpnd a fw vrsfk vrith hr
ton, lr. O. l. loan. Mrt. IVana was
resident of Ttie Pullet tuanv wars
and her old friends her will begird lo
attain greet tier.
Mrs. S. V. Soma arrived in tho rtlv
i j-erjY fnua her hum in HiUiim",
"Mont., and lelt tlii morning lo visit tier
1 parents. Mr. ar-d Mr. i.e... A. o.inis
Ki.lw.y. A.jgener.l i.ii.iu,.. of t .1
lOimg tatllllV Will ta-r
wiil take place on Mr.
Voung't birthday, which ocvurt tome
time next week.
Mrt, C. G. Roberts and ton, Charl-yi
left Mondav evening tor Portland, wh- re
they will visit lor a few davs, after h ch
they will leave for California, where
they will spend the winter, in hopes "f
benefiting Charley's health, which has
been very poor dnrinir the last tew
months. Hood Kiver Sun.
Tkf steal Christmas tun of All.
In choosing a Chiitluint gift for a
friend w hat can afford more present or
lasting pleasure than a subscription to
Ti:e YofTit'a Companion? The delight
with which it it welcomed on Christmas
morning it renewed every week in the
Tear. The charm ol it it discloted little
by little at the months run their course.
There It 00 household in which it will
not prove an inspiration.
Those who wish to present a year's
.... auit,iv.
" -
the beautiful new Companion Calender
for l'JOO sent with it. Thit Calendar is
a reproduction in twelve color printings
of three exquisite designs by a celebrated
American artist, a member of the Amer
ican Water-Color Society. In addition
to this all the issues of Tub Companion
for the remaining weeks of 1S99 are tnt
free from the lime tuhscriplion is re
ceived for the new volume.
Illustrated Announcement NumVr
containing a full prospectus of the vol
ume for llfOO sent free U any address.
203 Colombo Avenue, Boston, Mast.
Juka on m Uaker rhyslelau.
Since smallpox made its appearance in
our city one of the leading blacksmiths
of town was unfortunate eno igh to get
kicked by horse, while in the act of
shoeing it. Upon investigation it was
found that the skin had been broken,
and blood appeared on the face ami arm
of the tniilhy. In bis attempt to stop
the blool and relieve the pain, the in
jiired partt had received more or lest
coal dust to that it did not look alto
gether like a fresh wonnd. By thit
time a crowd htd gathered aronnd the
I young man, who wat rather pale and
'tilting down, Just then the doctor
' came by, and being attracted by the
I crowd stopped to tee what wat the ex
1 citemont. After looking at the "un-
I fortunate" man a moment, he said,
iavniino man vnn tiavi varioloid, lamall-
1 i ' J '
. pox,) yoo had better get home." Then
tnrning to Tom, bit partner, laid, "lake
him away, take
him away." Kepnb-
Old Ocean on a Tear.
Advices from all along the Oregon
roast tell of an unusually lull tea la-i
Wednetday morning. The Creecenl
City Record tellt of ilie i-fleet of the huh
lidet there: " Wednesday morning the
highest seat for several years, prevailed
along thit part of the cotst. The water
ran ncuntain high, washing debris ever
t'ie breakwater into the streets of
Crescent City in many places. At the
west end of Second ttrret legs were
piled high in the street by the force' of
the breakers. It was grand sight to
watch the wavei break along the rock
bound coast, throwing spray cvr the
highest mainland points and recks de
tached from the shore line. The most
damage was done the bridge leading
across Elk river in Elk valley. Log?
were thrown onto the ttructnre damag
ing it to such an tx'ent as to make it
Paint your houte with paints that are
fully guaranteed to 1st:. Claike A Falk
have them.
Maybe you doubt what I
Maryland Democrat Are Anxious tu
Lead One So Gorman TolJ Crokcr
Xcw Yoik Democrats Arc
Invited to L'ncourace It Himiinu
For a Candidate.
Nxw Yokk, Nov. 13. The IIrald
tayt: Maryland IVmocratt will lead In
an anti-Bryan nioviuient If any en
couragement It ottered them by the
leaden In thit tlate other Eastern
statrt. Thit fact wat announced to
Richard Cmker by Ex-Senator Arthur
P. Gorman and Governor-Elect John
Walton Smith.
Senator Gorman It quoted at taring to
a ft tend last evening that a sufficient
number of anti-Bryan delegatet would
be tent to the next national convention
to prevent the Nebraska leader from
obtaining the two-thirds vote necessary
for nomination. While in New York
Senator Gorman and Governor-Elect
Smith have beuu in close consultation
concerning the IVniocratlc policies
which Maryland may develop during
the next tix montht.
With them at the Waldorf Attort wtt
Buchanan Schler, censin of Admiral and
surveyor of the port of Baltimore under
the last Cleveland administration. Mr,
Schley it a close friend of Senator
Gorman and hit pretence started the
rumor that Etsteru Democrats would
unite in presenting the name of Admrial
Schley in the next convention.
It is Slid, however, that Admiral
Schley has announced that ha would
have nothing to do with politics and
would not accept the presidency as a gift.
If Senator Gorinan'l plant reach their
full fruition, Maryland will hold a very
early state conventional which a delega
tion to the national convention will be
named which will be solidly and openly
oppoted to Bryan.
Other Eistern atatet and tome South
ern Itatet are expected to follow Mary
land' example. No candidate has been
settled upon, it is laid, with whom to
oppose Bryan.
Arrested for Robbery.
PiNDl.tTO, Or., Nov. Ik Ruddock
was brought from hit home In the Blue
mountains todsy by Deputy Sheriff
Taylor, an I lodged in jail on the charge
of holding up tix people, who were
robbed here October 31. Ui that even
ing, t 7 o'clock, at the west limit! of
the lown, a tracked man he'd np three
teamt and tix people, robbing them of
all the money they had. Rnddock hat
been watched since that time, and var
ion (! v c.-s have l-en n sorted to to
l.sten guilt npon him. Bowman, one
i f !!) he!J up, made t'i complaint,
and twesrs he recogn x-t the voice of
K'l Mock at that of the man who robbed
It will not he a surprire t any who
are at all familiar wilh the ?n qualities
of Chamiierlairi' Cough lmilr, to
know that ix-oji'd everywhere take
plea. ure in relating their experience In
the nue of that splendid me ticine and
in telling of the lneflt they have re
ceived from it, of bad col Is It has cured,
of threatened attacks of pneumonia It
has averted and of the children it has
saved from attac ks of croup and whoop
ing cough. It it a grand, good medicine.
For sale by Blakeley A Houghton, drug
gists. A High License Passer).
Somi Exno, Wash., Nov. 21. The
city conncil tonight ptsted an ordinance
raising the taioon license to flOOO. The
vote stool four in favor of the ordinance
to two in favor of f.VX) licenses. The li
cense bat heretofore been t't'K).
II i,i h license will be an issue in the
coming election, at the present ordinance
doe not affect the present licenses, none
of which will i xpir until after the
election of a new council. If the voters
torn out, the prospect are in favor of
the tuccett of high licente.
World' Fair Director is Dying,
Niw Yoax, Nov. 22. At 2:.'10 thit
mornln, Colo lei Geotgt It, Davit,
director-general of the world' fslr, was
ttill alive, but much weaker. Hit
physicitnt laid they had given up hope
of bit recovery. Colonel Davil ha been
ill f ir tome day wilh valvular heart
Kid McCoy Breaks Down.
Nxw Youx, Nov. 22. A repirt comet
from White Plains tonight that Kid Me- I
Coy, wiio has been training at William)
Mul.loon'i farm lr the match with
Ma her December 11, hat collapsed
physically and will probably never be
able to enter the ring airain. It it tald
that I.I1 nervous syste..i is almost com
plete wreck.
Filial Kollvr-Skate Collision.
IxiiKriMikNCK, Or., Nov. 2I. Susan,
a ile of Chet Van Meer, of thit city, died
Monday night. Death wat catired, It it
supposed, by a fall, while skating on
roller skates at the Auditorium Saturday
evening, November ll, when the collided
with another tkaler.
"I wouldn't be without DeWitl's
Witch II;I .Sulve for any considera
tion," write Thos. I!, Ktiodes, Center
field, O. Infallible for piles, cuts, bum
and skin dileaset. Ileware of counter
re ill.
r it i: K (liKti"S,
4..I l
I ik. i n l t rtsT
MI.K, V. -I. WJ
III m-.Mi.lniic lih Hie .ii l l"ii ' ''
etiltlli.l "Ail Ael Mil.l.ililli I I" li e Mtelma el
II..' male ,. I'naoiiiil lln i.em tal hVli'ill l
W lii'M "II U liyl M. .!..!) Ill .lime, I "l Hi;;
feiitllus 1'rntx.MU on.tinttlminl Aiiieli.lmel.t.,
i.i.rm,. Kl.rii.ii v l. I ". I. I I i.ivi, ...r
rru..r el 1 lie suie nl uhk hi. il" bet.hy eaii.e llu'
Mluttlnt nKvl ami ii. I". lll l.i Hie I .ii.H
lull. '111. I Hi Mule id I.MH..II, I ellltli.l In lir
the wretnry ol Mill-, t" Iw .ul.ll"li. ("t
eiiliawilllv weeka 111 1 II Pi 1.1 I M .iM. I ,
a Nwi"r puti.t.lii.l In tlio aeivulll Jiellelal
I'l.lili t ul the Male ol I in n,n.
Pirn at Hi I B at falem. te.n,
I.I1L) this jl.taav ol NuieiiiliT, A H. IMitt
i'. T. lik. I K, luivetlim.
Br Hi linernr:
V. t. lilMIAK. Kirrelaiv id Slat.
R nwiivt tit ths Keiiale, th lliMiaeenn.
ruriins. Itial Ilie ful li w In af amendment I" Hit
Ci'lialltiltliMI ! Ill Mat l Olrn.m lw and la
hereby iuHeil
1 hal 10 ill Artlclr XI. el 111 rull.lllll
It. in id tn Male il in ..ti and theaaiii la
hvrelir atinnatnl. and In lieu llieniid enellini U'
ul Alltclv M. abail be lulli. a.
Kei-tlun 10. No county, rlly, .iwu, arh.nil ilia
Irlelur iilliii mnnli'liHil ei.riMiiallini ahall Im al
lowed li Uiim Imlel.liM In any manner or lor
any imrtioae to au amount liielinllns nrvaeiit e
l.tins'liii.ln, In Hi aaaTi-Kaie etin.iins
ttv ir centum en Ilia vaiuol Hi taaalil
froterly tlU'reln to l R ortained liy til la. I aa
aeaanirnl for Mnl and ei.itntv laaea prevtona lo
111 lucurtln id aueti Indi-ntiAlliiaa,
Ad. '. Iiil hr the .annate Jannar a'.
I'. '. t l'!, I'lialdi nl ul th eenat
t'oneurred In by In lloti., Kebruary !, Imii.
A. 1'. kiAl.y, ik.i id the II. ma.
Adopted by Hi senate January SI, l".V
jiurM M... 1-re.liIenl ul in m-nai.
CiHieurred In by Hie Itou.. Kil.rnary I, !...
I Haa. b. SliK.'KS, hjaker ul lit
II It rcautved br itie Menale. th It. ill ism
etirrins' IIihIIIi letlowtlic at.ieiiilinnl lo in
l onaiiliitlon ol lli Mat el ontToii, In lie is ul
Section Veil of Article peieu Ol, Uc aud lb cam
la oarvby ruHiaii, tien it .
asiTioa T. a.
Th l-evl.lattv Aaiembly may pmi Id for the
election 01 eunreni ami l irrull J.l.iKi-a in u.a
lluel clnaa. a. on id bleb rla.e ahali i-iin,ll
id 111 Jualier u( lb aui.reine 1 onrl, ho alia.
not litrlurill elreult duly; and th oilier rla.a
an. 11 r..i'i 1. 1 aa many , iri-1411 jiiiin-. m
b deinrd neeeaa ry. alto ahnll hold lull term.
without all..tuiat and n ho altall Lak lb aaiu
oath al th liuprvlti Jilda.'a.
'I he l-si.lativ A.aeuibly iny crvwt at u.auy
rlreulla aa may bv uri-eaaary.
AdoDteil t.y lb nat, Kebmary IV Hl
C. W. tCLtim, I'riatdi nl nl the nat.
. Concurred In b lb llouae, Kebruarr l'i. l.'it.
w. . kiilit, nHk,r id tli lli.iia.
A't"iteit by th Kenate, January II. I-.H
Jo.srrl blUoN, 1' id the rnate.
Concurred In by th, ritirunry fi. t-'.O
i Haa H. jwii"iii, ei-kero( the llou.
Ilot'fE JOINT Rt-.ii.l Tlo.S'. No. in.
Iteaolved tir tli It. .11., t tic nviial cniurr
Ins ; 1 hal the follow lis aiiie.idinriil to th 1 ,.n
atlliltloli ul lb Mateuf urif..u be and hereby la
liroim-ed . lb Oinatllutlon ta amendi.l by adding
Atllclo MX. aa I. .lion a, lo nil
aariti.s six.
Heetlon I. Th neeeaaary ua of land, fnt th
eonatruell. 11 1 t leaeriolra or at.trnse f r
th iunMM of Irilnatiun or for risnta of way for
th eoir.tmelliin of eatmla, dl U l.e. fl'inu-a ur
la toeoniey water lo I .'ar nl u. lor any
UM-ful, b-liertel,il or nuii. or for
: dralnaiie, or fur drainage of m!ht-a or the work
thira llieteof, by nienria of road., riillroaita, Irain-
( Waya, euta, luunela, iballa, ttol.tlnf work.,
dtlinlior other iie.'e.aarv n'i'4ii !i lln lr e.nn
plet ileTelofillleot or any other liae nrreaary 111
Ih Coint'ltto del nl ol tli natural r
aourei-a of th Mate or j.r, M-ri a I Ion ul I he heal I h
of Ma Inhalillnllt. la hereby UeelMlmt lo lw a iub
lie 11a and autecl In tie; regulatlnn aud voiilrwl
uf the Male.
eectloli i. Th right lo al.pri rtl.f!h ll iap.
prnnrtaliil water, id any ralural atn am In urn
vnelal uaea ahall never hd. tiled
eiTtt.nt. 1 h uae of ail watera
prtaled fur aa'. rental nr dlatnhntlon. alaoof all
water originally appropriated fur prltateu.
but Whleh. alter anrb haa here! ,
for been or ma. hrroalt.r be aold, relllrd or dta
trlbuted, I hereby di:ar-il lo li a lU'.IIeu
and autoeet lo tr r.-ulaton a"d eotilrid of the
Mate in the manner priwrlned by law. Irlul In
riehl I., iiM .i. .....1. -i.... .ii
I be ub)-l lo u. b 1 ro i.lona ..f lm f .r Hi- Uk
nig 01 private .nrty for puLlle or prlv .l 11
aa pmvide.1 In M.11..11 l Article I ol th 1 on
"III. Ill f the Nlate nf On g..n.
ecllmi I lb nl
fieuaatlon fur th uae of water suppllrd loam, eily, lown or w.tvr dl.trlrl or It. balm
aula t l.. ri .. la a frat ielilM-, and rannol In i r
eiaadeii-ept by authority uf and lu a maimer
prtacrlbed by law .
Adopts by the lliaiar. tebnnry I'., Ij I
W . I' k gal.r. -i-.k. r of th If. ma.
t.ignil klareb "t 1 I'VI.
Adopted by the Senate, ri-l.nmry 17. l-'iL
C. W. Kl'LTON, rreanleni of the nenato.
Clglu.1 March .1, lavl
Adoptil by the I'ouae, lehruary fi, 1-1'..
Ilia.. H Muonaa, aaker id
roncurred In br th aenate, February 13, l.'a'i.
JoatrH titan., I're-I.leul of Ibe Senate.
prnpnalng an arneiidinerit ti th f 'nn.tltuf Ion nf
theatatvij OriY'm, by Itpe.l.l.g eectlon lidl
Article I.
KeanlTed by the Ifnnae, the renate eoneurrlnt .
That rU.iu &'i of Allude I ol III onaUluUnu
b anil hereby la refa-aled.
Aib.pled by the llnuae, January It. I"r1.
W. I'., sp iaacr nf Ih llouae.
Concurre.1 In by the Meuafe. January ,10, ati
. W. KtLTu, frvaldentol lliamnat
Adupleil by th Ifnnae, January no. I",,
i Haa ll. Muoata, eker of the llnuae.
('(incurred In by the Senate, fi-brn.ry It, ai.-,
JnetrM Wlui, I'ri-aideul uf Ilie IK-Uat
f KNATE J'lINT HKsol.l'TIOX Xf) 7.
Peltreaolnd by the Senate, th ll'.'lae eon .
cirru s ll.atllie (..Una lug amenduient to Ih
l onatitutlnn of the Slalu nf Oregon b aud la
hereby proponed:
a srit i.g I.
Thel(-tyo franrhla In this Stat shall nut
hereafter bi prnlilbitiat toauy eltljteu on aevuunl
ul aea."
Adnpted by Ibe Senate, rhriirar S, tVt.
Jo.aril himiir, Preaideul ul ibe Senate
Adnpted by th llnuae, fetirtiary It, taut.
Hia. H. Mooaaa, Mieaar of th llouae.
Adnpted by th Renal. January ill, part.
1. (.. 'I A V LoK, I' real, lent ol the Senate.
Adopted by the llnuae, January HI, n.
I.. V. tasTss, Srakr ol Ilia Hnu.
riini n i iKanoa, .
ortie of Hn'retary ol Slate. I
I, T. I. W'Nn A It .Secretary of State of th Stnt
of Irri-guti and ( uatiMi,in of tli seal nf said
slate, do hereby eerllly that I hao compared
the prei-edlng copy of seuale Joint I'.i'anlutlou
No. nf hi. ..tflttlaltv Aaietnbly of sw t,
" Indi-liti.lneaa ametiilineiit." Serai
Julnt Hi .nlutlott S.i 1:1 of II.h ldalnllre Aa
ainiblyid lm,- Mudlelary Amendenl; '
Joint Keanlullnn No. 10 nf "lie ll.lnllv Aa
aeuihly of 1-11 ..Irrigation A memlm it ; '
llntl, I, .llit lleanl.illun No. I of the lgtalntle
Aa-en.bly nf l"M, hepealllig Amendment,"
and S4-nnta Julnt KiManlnlliHi No. 7 of the legla
I. live Aaaembly of .i'., -K'Hnl sulttage
Ameiidinent." wilh Iheollglnal eoph-a now on
Ilie In thla, and Ihat the aatne la a eorreet
Itnuaerlpi tliet rotn and Hi hul thereof.
1 Tg.Tiw.iay W itgasor, I liar her
unto aet my baud and altlie.1 herein
K1I.1 the aeal of the state nf ori gnn.
Inii at the 1 y luil, i Salem, Orenn,
thla I bird (lay id Noreuils-r, A. 1)
r. 1 in niiar,
rtoerctary ol htals.
Turkey Mhool,
There will le a turkey and pigeon
shoot on the ireach Wednesday and
Thtirttlay, Nov. Lnb mil .IDth, contlncted
by A. V. Marsh and Isaac Joins, td d
Fresh 5aralr.(r chips and tailed
almonds f.,r a.le at Dawson't grrs'ery
Whrtior.i' and RaUII
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agtncy Icy tho Great t American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WUISKEY Ir-mi "f t " I"1 ir tallon. ( to ! yeara old.) "
JMFORTED COONAO Ir-ni 7 iH) 10 l2.tJ per gallon, m m ;t) ,, ,,, ,
PALII'ORNIA BRASnrS JIM" S.VA tolHI'Oier Bailor.. 14 ii.,r. ,M
OLTMPIA BEER on draught, and Val Dial and Olyinpia lleer In bottla
Impiiiled A U and I'orter.
Dewey white wash? Yt'!, aiul wash white. You ran
Havana thinn wu'lu-tl at tho Steam Laundry. The
Maine point i ijuality unl tho
Merritt tf tnr work is tsiu-H that jiooplo p
Miles to jatr:ii.e r.s. Our j'lifeH aro not
Hobson's choice, hut the utanilanl rate?, which are ml
Cevera high as kohio pi'ojilo tliink, and we want tn
C-U-B-A cuatoimr of outh.
Corner of First and Court Street,
Phone 341. THE DALLES. OR.
Was co Ware h o us e C o m pany
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail k-nds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, x kind
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, mi"?
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tfjTl T'loill This Hour is m an u fad n rod aipreasly for family
" uu' ns: wrv ac I. jnaranttaail to giva salnlartiiaj,
Ws iwll onr goods lowar than any house In tbt tnsda, and If you don't think m
call and got car prior and ba oonvincn).
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Bai ley and Oats.
I have re-opened this wellknown Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
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