The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 25, 1899, PART 2, Image 3

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The Weekly Gbronicle.
fH !
; urriruL i-aiaa or wax o iuiihtv.
" I'ltl.hihttl in Iro ford, ull H'fiiiriihiy,
ami .s.ilur.iai.
v a, rtMTlua raeraio, m iinrmti.
Otir jrear II W
mv ,
Tim" minima o
A,lri'tU'in ill raaanualila, U'I mart knuwn
M! gpp'11 u.m.
A,i,ir.i all rnimniilrUa l"TII IIH'IN
l I l'llu. Uraiou.
V OuesUajr a liallr.
It my la tli duly of tli cliy ollicrri
to ir Out Hi croti aalkl are kept
clean, tut it wuulila't b a bad Idea (ur
pro.i-tly owurt to aisiit little l.y oc
cailonally yetting out their little ihoveli.
It li net an uncommon tiling theie
daik night! to heard persona (lipping
off of lilg'i ildewalkt Into the mud, or
Ulllug into tuuie chuck hole. Im'l it
delightful to be torn pell J to ik In
Uaiitrman, who wt eenlenced yeiter
iiij to e two years' term In the itat
penitentiary, li on his way to Salem,
V. II. Iltitla dJ A. A. Uniuliart having
left for that destination ltd morning
lli tl prlioner In charge.
C. M. Urline! liaa been receiving
diovei ul Innil ffuiu various tedium (ur
the p-t ( dayi and will ililp taoctr, or 17 head, to Troutdal tonight.
Tliry are uow lulling at a good price,
nJ were more formers to go into the
hog r.tnii g huilnri, Ihey ouM find it
pmlitahle Induitry.
While the crowd Mrh attended the
club Ut night eat perhaps not n large
a mi I'iriiier concert weckl, the music
, i( possible, better than ever before,
the selntioni tielfig especially taking,
l'artii'tilarly p'etlng -wai the nninhrr
called the "Krln Watlf." Thee con
rrrta are greatly enjoyed and ad I ftinrh
to (he Interest In the club.
The vieai shown by the KI.HII Wara
graph Company lot night at the Vogl
ere inuatly dcacrlpll;e of the lute mar
ami in cuiirctlnti there Illi. 8 una i,f
them xerw iry realistic, particularly
(lio-n Known on !y the anlmalim-ope,
Am.i.g them were via In Alaska, and
many aeri of the opinion that the view
aluiig tl.e Yukon rcn-mbled cur on
Columbia river eoenery. A good-lined
au lii-iii aaa present, anil the email
li assisted greatly in the applause.
A teller riedved thli morning hy Will
Cro.n-n Irom I'ercy II. I.evin, who, with
llm I. ii al I aU ul of our city, gave "A
pinimier'i Fancy" at Hie cgt last
iprinn, tell that he li in Smith Hem!
u l mi the li If to atit the hral
talent there to put on a play ralleil
"The ll.-nrietta." Thli ll Mr. I.evin'i
thirj viait to that rlty. Ho report!
I'Vii I: I nineM at every plici he haa
vi. I. .1. It ii hil ill lire to again viil
Tl." I'.i.'n ultrr the firat of the tear,
hen a military play w.u!'J pruhahly he
put mi.
Wi,t are trrme.l "hall eorken" are
I ' I lln'ir tra.le In I'ortlaml at prewnt
ami entering hallwaya, ateailng what
ever may he lonuJ therein, nirti aa
overn.ata, hati and nmbrellaa. Tlie fav
ot lo hour for auch thievea la alxiiit
'Pi er time, when famlilei are bilay
wnli the evening meal. The rneak
thiif enteia the front door, whirli I
Unia'iy unlix keil at Ilia? Iiriur.aml help
hiu. ( tu everything in ainlit. lUlle
triple wniilil d. well to kiep their il.mra
Uli'tiiil at nidi timet aaa atray "hail
aorkrr" may venture thia way.
We realize that If any lioneat peron
pii ki-.l np a puiae containing any turn
of money, i,n t,n itreet, they would en
deavor to find the owner by advertising
or ut her meant, and If they weie not
lionert rnoiigli to do to, any amount of
notiree put In the paperi with the
uhjri t of tei'overing It wi ul. I avail noth
ing, lint for (ear the finder of a line
whii li loat lal Sdurday, haa over
li. ki ll the"Iii" notice In our column!
and forgotten they found the pnrie,
wewiiiilil call attention to ll, hopliii to
ai.l the In finding the rami".
The remit of the preliminary hearing
III the caan of W. It. Ilrown, charged
with aataoll with a dangirom weaion,
hii-h came up In Jurlire Hayard'a
Coiut vi-nterday afternocn, waa that he
a lioiind over In the linn of 'AK)0 to
ppear hrlore the next gtu Jury l(i
rcl.rtiir v. It In tint liknlv ha will r ceil re
noinN. Thovn a ho ought lo be able to
t ti think bl wife will appear
iMiiiit him. However, ihould aha pur
"i" i he mmo co urie that many a wmnan
Imi t.iken and fail to prosecute, lliere la
no il miit evidence aufllclent to make hlf
t'"-iiiou a molt unenviable one before
the j iry.
At the Inline of Mr. unit Mn. Leslie
""Her, in Kant Portland, this evening at
6 o'. loik will take place the wedding
of thi'ir leromi daughter, Miaa Nellie
lliiilnr, to Dr. K. L. Nirkern, of Michl
Km. The newly married couple will
leave at once for Chicago, where they
ill remain until fprlng, and will makfl
r future home In Muakegon, Mich.
Tli" beat wiahei of a holt of friends of
(ho in thia city will follow her to
new home and Tua Ciiiiomici.k de
irca to be counted among thoae who
'"li for them happy married life,
Jaekion Kngiiie Company never made
failure of anything and doe I nut Intend
io una year; ,ut on nett WedneaiUv
evening will only add to the aplemliil
reputation which they have for
irtvlttu lli ....... ....i ii. . . . .. .
Ti i . . "
,n. They h.v. Hirlel.r.
urcne.tra, tint Intend to make ivi-ry-thlng
paa t,ir in tt-tr ihape. The
imrpnae lor al.lcli ,t I, given (that of
aaaiallugin purchnaing the fire depart
ment apparatui) It nillicinnt to a.nure
them a large crowd, hut w hen added to
that It the further Incentive of lo good
a lime, the llaldwin will hardly he large
enough lo accummndiite the ilancert.
Jamea HUkeney returned home Mon
day evening from Portland and feeli
much eUted over the fact tint the
doctora there told hi in ha could diapi,M)
with their lervicei now; thai, m f4r
ai they ran tell hit I. g ill ;i,a B)
light bow. Mr, lilakflli-y l.aa had a
very miiiui lime, and hia leg la now an
inch and a half ihorler than it ihould
be; hilt hia friendl are plen-ed to learn
that he coiiaideri !t on II. a way lo ier
mi.nenl alrength. While in Portland
hemeKieo. Poireii, w ho formerly wai
In hia employ and well known here, and
toll! in he if recovering rapidly from
the Injury he leceived at the aaw mill
on the Sound, and ii nuw al.le to leave
the hoapiial au.l be alxiut the hotel.
A happy little child aaa the 7-year-old
daughter -f K rank Ilavii, of Ilmue
Valley, w ho called at our i Hire yester
day afternoon to ihow m hr "new
eye." f rom her appearance we could
not tell hut that her eyea were aa g.xiij
ii anyoue'r, hut her father explained to
ua that up loan hour before the had but
one eye, her little brother having ac
cidently ahot her eye out tao veari ago.
They were juat returning from liarret
ou'i itore, where he ha I filled tier Willi
a glai eye. It ii a dilliciilt j ib, but
wi perfectly il me. Tl.e little girl'i
tyei are a pretty blue, and vrry large,
and It would he haul to tell ono from
the other now. When the lint looked
into the mirror the laughed ittt de
light and raid: "Oh, mamma won't
know me no ." She tveun anxiout to
alion it to everyone.
I.t night Mr. I. II. Hewett, of I.yle,
arrived in the city on the, bringing
lieu ol the iilildcii death of hia brother!
wife, Mn. Ilerliert llewett, w Lo H
formerly Min Anna liilliam, and made
her home at The 1'iillei when a child.
She had been ailing liightly fir a time,
hut laid the waa much better veateiday
morning, and prepared dinner. Altir
eating hit meal her IiiiMmuiI did fome
chore! and came bai k to the houae a
short time alter 1 o'clock on an errand,
when I. e found her, lying partially on
the bed, dead. K.ver) thing waa done to
revive life, but in vain. Heart trouble
an thought lo lie the caue. She waa
aged rS )er, and leavei (our children, 1- and the youngcat 3. She waa
a daughter o( Mn. Porter (iilliaui and a
aialerof Mn. O. W. Cook, ol 3 Mile.
The former left thii morning for I. tie,
where the funeral will take place
Tlioae who ao arrange aa to it-it the
ea.i.lf (or a ihort lime during the
winter monthi can obtain an idea ol
the grandeur c( the ocean never dreamed
of hy tl nmer vlailori. Particularly lo
tliia year, (or tt.e tide! aie
high, and many from Portland and
Astoria have made the trip don n during
the pant week to wltneii the wonderful
itiht. Among the viaitori lo I-ong beach
ii II. (ilenn, who, with an uncle of
Mn. (ilenn, haa ient the paat week In
their cottage at Seaview. Writing home
he layi lie reached ttiere in tiuio to lee
the hlglieat tide, and thai it came up io
high that the log! and drill wood were
carried up on to the high ben -h In front
of Ml cottage, which ia on the rauie
avenue with the French and Ird cot
tager. When the wavea itrike the
point, which il called the "rocka," the
water il thrown hundred of feet high,
and Mr. (ilenn lava the grandeur of the
light beggara deactiption. While il
rain! little there now, mod of the
lime the weather haa been like apring.
The Jay he wrote, however, Iho wind
wai blowing terribly; ro hard that they
could not make their way againct it.
Tliuraila) ' Pally.
I.aat night two carina. ll of hog were
received at the itork yaidi and ihipped
o Troiitdale by C. M. (irimea.
Thli afterniHin the outfit belonging to
the Central Contriiclion and Tranapor
talion Co., coniiating of two can of
honei and three can cl tool, camp out
fit!, wagoni, etc., were ferried acrun
the river and will be taken east about
ten mile, a here camp will be pitched
ml tveiylhing prepared to begin work
In a lew ilnyi
AMisiomi editor, in an account of I
.i.--..l.l..,,nf a collide in hit town
i.n u,,.r. imiriii-.l Ht the home I
Mill . I'J " ' ' "
cf the bible's parents, where tney win
remain until the groom gets a job."
We understand that Itev. Jot. De
Foreit, of St. Paul'! Kpiscopal church,
has received a call from a Denver
church. We have not learned as to hli
Intention! in Ibe matter, but, his many
frlcn.ta here, in and outside of the
parish, truit he will not lee lit to accept.
A move ia onlfoot to make a slight
change In 1b Dalles-Prmeviile ttage
route, and Instead of going by way of
Hidgoway to pass directly through An
telope. While this Ii laid to add lix
nilli't to the distance now traversed, itt
projector! claim there it much in in
favor tnd will he most beneficial to
Antelope tnd the country tributary.
Another advantage which la let forth la
that the mail received from Mitchell
and other t.lacei in that lection will not
i '"r "vrr " A""l"l' " ' -n over on
, I., branch roeJ to B.kecen. hot l,
delivered alout ten hour! earlier.
Should the change lie made It would
m-ceaaitHtu the Ha go leaving here an
hour earlier, or at 5 o'clock, and work a
hardship on the poatolllre force; but In
thli, at in everything elie, our poit
maater ia anxbui lo do everything which
ia the greatest heneflt to the greatent
iiuiulier, and aiil unl coiiipluin ai to
Thi morning at 11 o'clock Win. T.
Young and Minnie Ii. Miller were
married at the residence of the hridei
father on Five-mile. Kev. Kolit. Warner
i.H'u iming. The young couple left on
the afternoon train for Port. and where
they will reanle In the future. Mr.
Young ii interested in mining and will
iludy mineralogy and prepare bimaelf
to become an aeeayer.
On October 2-'d, Kuth Inman, a 2
yeur old child, whore parent! live in
Lincoln county, disappeared Irom home,
and lince thai time a continuoua learch
hai been made (or her. A few dava ago
portioni of the body and lomo of the
child'! clothing were found three mi lea
from the place where ihe waa lat teen.
There can he little doubt that the wai
devoured by wild beanti.
Interest In bow ling il reviving at the
club and lefore many daya Oallei bowleri
will be rolling 'em aa high ai ever. The
Qrtt gauie In the three-corneied tourna
ment (or the pin took place on the alleyt
laat night, nd the team compoied of
Schmidt, Schannoand Houghton wvre
the winner). Our bowlers have a
reputation to nintaiii throughout the
tale, and they intend to luetaiu in.
A large number of fint-claai danceri
will loon be added to the lilt of the
devotees to that popular ainuternen t in
The Dalle, judging from the numler
who are receiving iiiftructioo in the art
from Prof. S.uidvig. There are many
other! who would do well to improve Hie
opportunity olIY'red, for he and hil as
instant are proving themtelvel to be the
best of imlr uclors. It would also be a
good idea lor the older dencert to take mean! of learning the new dunces,
aa inch instruction! have long Leen
needed here.
It ii laid that one-half the pleasure of
tile ii in anticipation, hut there it aleo
great latisfaction in retrospection, and
' reunion! are the occasion of much hap-
pineal to ail. Such the cum ping reunion
which took plnce at the home of Mr.
and Mn. A. H. Thompson last evening
proved to be, when the j yi of a month
spent in camp at Lost Like, near Mt.
Hood, were rtcalled by the (amiliei of
A. H. Thompson, B. A. (iitiord and
J. M. Huntington. Al5o'c!ock a din
ner wai enj iytd which would have aff
jieaied even the hunger engendered by
the bracing air and health giving vigor
ol camp life. There were lixteen eeated
at the table, and the remainder of the
evening wai spent most happily by ail.
Mr. and Mn. Thompson expect to leave
Saturday (or l.'in Angele, where they
will spend a mouth with his parents.
The houo that J.ick built isn't Jn it
with the house that Dewey got as (ar as
publicity il concerned, and before the
great hero hears the last of that house,
he'll wish he'd have chosen the right
course In the lint place and refused it.
Strange that one who It said, never to
have made a mistake in the great under
takings of hil career should have made
such an error in disusing of ihe gift of
the over-iealom people of the United
Suites, and caused them to exclaim,
there is none perfect, no not one. Hob
son'i gr?aintss waned because of hit
propensity for oscul.ition, and now the
llrst flaw ill the present hero of the
nation it found w hen he transfers gift
which carried with it the gratitude of
those who could find no other meant of
expressing their appreciation, to bit
son. who has rendered no public seivice
and to whom the country owes nothing.
And io Dewey, like other poor mortals,
makes mistakes occasionally.
The presence of Capt. Ormsby, super
intendent of the lorest reserve, in our
city lor the pasl few days, brings anew
to our minds the question ol the proposed
addition to the Cascade reserve, which
comprises T 1 X, and 1, 2, 3, and 4 S.,
It. )1 K., W. M.,and Uon the investi
gation proves to include land not mch a
great distance from The D.illes. The
superintendent has been looking up the
names of st tilers on the proposed ex
tension and will probably look over the
townships, lie states that the petition
.. ... ... .1 t
asking lor i ne exn ii sum v.niinuir.i n.-ww.
. ... I -It ..... f...... a min
iwu name, nm . " "7,,.
coiiniv. u jnsi o... .o .... -
a certain
aiiionut of interest it being i
tHken, It can hardly be said lo be as !
widespread as the results which would
follow such a move; for while all Indus
tries w ill iifcessnrily be effected there
hy, the sheepmen seem to be the only
ones who are Inking part in the effort fo
prevent it. Is it not time that the matter
he thoroughly siPJed and every citlen of
our c.iuntv tiikc part ono way or the
other so as to bring it more fully before
the people?
This morning Mm. C. J. Cramlftll
reccivida telegram from Mrs. Cirover
Simpson, of Chicago, announcing the
death of her mother, Mm. M. J. Heer.ley,
at the home ol her daughter In that city,
with whom ihe hat made her home
since the left The Dallet about fix year
ago. For many yean the wat atllicted
with cancer of the noae, which, however,
caused her little trouble before leaving
here. For tome monthi part ihe hai
been unconscious, and prior to that time
suffered greatly, through all of which
she wai tenderly cared for by her
daughter, Mn. Alma Simpson. Her
death will be regretted in The Dallti,
for w hile having been away from here
lor mine yean, there are yet a great
many of our people who were intimate
friendl of .Mrs. Bcczley, who, with her
husband came here in the early 70s,
settling first on lo-.Mile; hut whose
family was brought up in this city and
occupied prominent place among the
leading families here. Joseph Iieezler
died ahcut iix and a half yean ago, and
w ai buried in the Masonic cemetery. The
(un 'al will take place Saturday in
Chicago, the remain! being interred in a
vault there until such a time at they
can be removed to thii city, to rest by
theiideof her husband. Mn. lieezley
wai 79 yean old.
FrWaj'a Dally.
It ll not necessary to rewind memberi
of the Columbia Dancing Club that to
night ii the regular party night, for all
are looking forward to the pleasure of
dancing to the music ol a full orchestra.
At Prof. Sandvig'f dancing party to
morrow night, the Wentworlh, lion Ton
and i'rairie Queen will be among the
list of dances, and all will have an op
portunity to learn them. On next Wed
nesday evening the usual lessons will be
postponed on account of the Firemen's
We are told that a force of surveyors
are at work in the vicinity of lower
15 Miie. There are tuspiciona as to
w hat their mission it, but nothing hai
been verified to far. They might at
least call on us and 'e a little more
friendly; we might give them a few
Some of our bowlers have asked that
the naiuet o( the defeated team in the
three-cornered tournament Wednesday
evening be published ; but the victors
seem to be reticent on the sut ject, and
do not seem to care to gloat over their
victory. F. L. Houghton will furnish
any information desired.
The deer-huoting season always
proves dear hunting in more ways than
ono. It hat cost several lives in Oregon
this year; or rather, the carelessness
of companions it accountable for it.
From the Adirondacks, however, comes
the report that twenty-three persons
have been accident!)' killed this year.
The former parties given by Jackson
Kngine Company having taken place in
the Yogi, without making inquiry we
announced that the bail next week
would be given there. We are, how
ever, informed that the Baldwin has
been chosen this year. This change will
i nly add to the pleasure of dancimr, as
the floor is at present in splendid condi
tion. If any still are skeptical concerning
the truth of the statement that woik is
to begin at once on the portage road,
they should have watched the long line
of teams, wagons and all the parapher
nalia which was ferried across the river
thii morning prepai atory to commenc
ing work in earnest, il iooked like
buslnesi to those who watched the wait
ing line at the ferry.
The superintendent of the Marion
county schools has decided to hold the
next county institute at the tnme time
as the western division of tl.e Oregon
state teachers' association on December
20th, 27th and 2S;h. So that 122 teach
ers, not consideiing those of Salem, will
be in attendance. Many teachers from
thii county will attend, and from all
indications it w ill be a most enjoyable
Yesterday afternoon Clinton Brad
thaw narrowly escaped ft very serious
accident, which nniilit have caused him
the lost of eyesight in the right eye.
While playing with t lie hoys at school,
one of them accidently struck him in
the eye. At first it was thought to be a
serious injury, but it it much better
today and Ihe little fellow will he all
right and ready for another play in a
few days.
It takes a very little to make some
people get the big head and look down
open their neighbors, and so onr
neiiihbors on the north end of "Smoky
How" are all (.tiffed np over Ihe fact
that they have put on en extra coat of
paint. The CititoNict.K nsver did believe
in painting nna prefers beauty un
adorned. However, as their improve
ment! add to the general appearance of
the street, we have no kick coming.
This afternoon about 1 :30, W. O.
Davidson, a traveling optician, died at
the Skibhe hotel. His home is near
Seattle and be has been in this citv for
a tin nth past, being ill most of the time
and having received kindly care. He Is
a man of about 4rt yeais, and leaves
family cf seven children. Is a Scotch
man by birth, and of the Presbyterian
fuith. Hit remain were taken to
Michell'i undertaking parlor, from
which placi the funeral will take plnce
tomorrow afternojn at 2:30.
For three yean and a half Bertie
McCoy has been a victim of consump
tion, and last night at 10:l"i o'clock
death came to relieve him of his suffer
ing. 1I wai 19 years of age, and the
son of Mrs. Win. McCoy. Hit father
died several yean since at the hospital
in Portland. He leaves, beside hit
mother, several brotheri nnd listers.
The funeral, which will be conducted by
Kev. G. Hushing, of the Christian
church, will take place tomorrow at
10 o'clock from the family residence on
Fulton street.
Wliile boring for coal on Seufert Broi'.
ground, a half mile above the city, yester
day, the workmen struck an artesian
well about 100 feet below the surface.
The anpply of water il good and It il
thiow ii about twenty feet into the air.
Whi' w ill be of tome benefit la the
work ol boring, being situated as it n it
cannot I of any nse to Seufert Broi.
Those w ho are in gi eat need ol such a
water supply might do well to try the
experiment of boring for it before the
drill it removed from our city.
The meeting of the Student'! Literary
Society tonight at the city hall at 7:30
o'ch ck will be of an especially interesting
nature. Invitation! have been lent to
the memberi of the Jliith School to be
present and those of the general public,
both ladies and gentlemen, who are
Interested in the subject to be discussed
are invited to attend. The question for
debate, is Kesolved, "That the Acqui
sition of the Philippines WoulU lie Bene
ficial to the United States," and many
of our most prominent citizens will take
part in the general dircusvion, which
will no doubt be somewhat of a political
nature. Ii w ill not only encourage the
members to lee a large attendance, but
be of benefit to the cudience.
We cannot refrain from frequently
calling attention to the amount of
drunkenness among the Indians, for so
disgusting is it becoming that it is a die
grace to the city. Y'eeterday afternoon
a specimen of humanity called Caleb
Shorty, was fjund dead drunk iying
near the Baldwin opera hou-ie on the
beach. lie was arrest 'd and pleal
guilty, when he was fined which he
now eaweth out. This morning visitors
to the Umatilla House might have had
a splendid opportunity to obtain an
Indian picture, without any objection
on the part of the sulject. An Indian
woman was snoring away a drunken
spree uear a lot of wood piled up on the
street leading to the ferry. It is dis
gusting to everyone that such a thing is
allowed to go unmolested.
As is their wont, the Elks will make
l heir memorial service this year, if
possible, more impressive than ever
before. Sunday, Dec. 5 h is the date,
and W. T. Dovell, a young attorney of
Walla Walla, has been chosen to deliver
the eulogy. Fro.n reports we have
gleaned from those who are acquainted
with the gentleman, and also juding
from mention made at various times
t:. rough hie home papers, we an par
ticularly foitunato in being permitted
to lisien to Mr. Dovell. He is an inti
mate friend of F. W. Wilson, of this
city. The latter, we understand, has
accepted an invitation to deliver the
eulogy at Heppner, and if ever the
people of that little city had a treat they
w ill have it on that occasion, that is il
an orator can succeed in making a second
effort as meritorious as w as Mr. Wilson's
in The Daiies three years ago.
The Dalles will naturally receive some
benefit from the presence of 2J0 working
men so near her gates, and while most
of the supplies will fj.-t?pt le furnished
on the ground, yet there will be much
that this city will ba depended upon to
supply. Between the supply point and
t! e scene of activity it the Columbia,
not very broad here to be tore, but ef
ficient to necessitate the expense of
ferriage. We un lerstand the round trip
is 25 cents to a passenger on foot, and
while this it very reasonable for the
every day trade, would it not be a
splendid idea for the cily to so arrange
it that these men can reach our city at
even a lest expense; making such rate
that the laborer receiving the smallest
wages could make the trip each evening
without feeling that he is out much. It
certainly would be advantageous to the
city in the long run. These 200 men
will be here (or six months, and tome
may be desirous of making this head
quarter. Ticked could be furnished
them at a reduced rate or in aoma way
the trips be made cheaper.
About forty ladies were invited to
uieet Mrs. Kouer Sinnott at the home of
her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. S. F'ish, yes
terday afternoon, and it was the occasion
of a most pleasant gathering from 2 un
til 5 o'clock. With a cosy fire burning
in the parlor grate and chrysanthemum,
roset and carnations, with potted plants
arranged tstily about the rooms, it was
an attractive sight. The ladiel at once
discovered famiiar advertisements pin
ned about the loom an i felt positive,
havingseen them so often in papers and
magazines, tiiat they would have no
difficulty In placing the mines of the
ware! they advertised on cards pro
vided. It was a more difficult task,
however, than imagined an t required
no little time todecipher. Mrs. (ieisen
dorffer had evidently In en more ob
servant than the rest and won the head
prize, while Mrs. Crossen, underesti
mating her ability to discern, gave up
in despair and captured the "booby."
The lur.cli was no less dainty than
other t'olails of the afternoon ar.d was
one of the most pleasant features, one
table claiming the dittinc'.iou of l aving
three brides teate 1 thereat. Put brides
were nnmerois, and Mrs. Sinnott be
ing fie latest arriv it among them wat
heartily we'e one I to tnr city, and the
in turn proved that sho will be a desir-
able acq'iisitiin to tociety circlet in
The Dalles.
Aa Ordinance Paasail Laal Mliat II (ant
Ins; Llccaslaa tna Mala of Itaek-
rupl Ootid.
At the last regular meeting of the
council, the question of lici niing partiet
who come into the city to dispose of
bankrupt stocks or to remain a short
time for the purpose of cloting oat
stock! of goods wai brought np, and
wisely too, for, in justice to the mer
chant! here, the matter should be looked
into and our substantial business house
protected. At a special session lat
night, when Councilmen Stephen!,
Johns, Keller, Ounning, Johnston,
Shackelford, Kelly and Wilson were
present, Stephens introduced ordinance.
Xo. 3(6, which wat adopted by the
council and is as follows:
An ordinance entitle.! an ordinance to
provide for licensing the sale of bank
rupt stocks, the sale of second band
goods, and closing out sales and to re
peal general ordinance Xo. 205.
Section 1. Any person, persons, firm,
company, or c.r-irt:on who ahall
within the limits of Dalies City, deal in
bankrupt or second hand Blocks of
goods, wares or merchandise, or shall
bring any stock of goods, wares or
merchandise into L!:t) City for the
purpose of eloeing or selling out at re
duced prices, or w ho shall temporarily
open any store in Dailea City, (or the
purpose of closing out any stock oi
goods, wares or merchandise, or who
shall conduct any cloting out rale of any
goods, wares or merchandise, now in
said city or hereafter brought therein,
shall pay a monthly license of o0 for
the first month and 10 for each month
thereafter for a period of n monthi.
Section 2. Any person desiring to
carry on or condnct anv business men
tioned in Section 1 of this ordinance
shall pay for and secure the license
therefore in accordance with the pro
visions of general ordinance Xo. 272.
entitled "An ordinanca to improve and
regulate licenses upon certain trades
and callings and regulating the manner
of Issuing licenses," which ordinance
passed the common council of Dalles
City May 4, IK'3.
Section 3. Any person or persons,
w bo shall, as ow ner or agent, or at rep
resentee of anv person, firm, company
or orporilion, carry on or conduct any
business mentioned in Section 1 of this
ordinance, without first obtaining a
license therefor as herein provided,
shall on conviction thereof before the
recorder be punished by a fine of not
lees tlisnj f5 or more than $50, or by
imprisonment in the c ty jail for not
less than three or more than tbirt?
days, or by both such fine and im
prisonment. Section 4. That general ordinance
Xo. 295 Le and the same i9 hereby
P.issed the commcn couneil of Dalles
City, Xov. 22, l!-i'9.
A (.enunie r"lsh Story.
The Albany Democrat tells the fol
lowing fish tt-iry which is a good one:
An Oregon young lady while in F-urcpe
met a who said: "I understand
the sulmon in your riven there are to
thick that it is impossible for the eteam
boatt to get through them, li that to?"'
"Yoe," remarked the young lady,
"but the salmon bave been trained un
til they climb on the banks and allow
them to g ) by. The farmers have plant
ed apple trees along the banks and the
fish sit and eat the applet until the
boats have passtd."
"Weil, well,"' ejaculated the credulous
old lady.
The Democrat man heard thia to'd by
the mother of tne young Udy for a fact.
jT C ut tMs a-l. ' Ut aviiJ tw.i.i t UA,
K & feiD 0 BotfcY Anil we illfvi.J
y.-u tla watfti by prs. u. U.
UtJiH-i n f lantiiiati.'ii. urn ia
csanrnr i your nfM'
KliJ if f unl rrVe-lly atraiao-
mwrj 7 esq uavl t irk
k that in bl a4irtlMli
mis)f.iintf i1rtct ipttotu
4 htfltt Mtl. Ane-rtoaa
Rules ) t'ltrtl or l-k
t kr. WH-Kt
r.lled ilbrw, t. JC
t tiTu, it tlit aiu,il or
rHMrTttinnat)y ol lhii
utt ll"-. pv i mrl
aef)t "IK FKII , .&
U. 1 i tire-a i-hAiv-.
Don't be Deceived
tj t-lrhj Idnnlirantt
w hiVh wonM lrad vm to
rtrlirT ii vi: 1 tfrt at t MKt,m att
ft . 71 t li, wrm w tatll U aithtv $2.43.
rrw..tOtH I ar, r.tiu m intl ami wet. fit Id alatril, hainl""tn-.-
Met i tmt trarfiBC wairfc, niorenitvi t tna ui-kel I Jf we I.
M ntt-m inl Amerin. arrai.tctl. ami a tfnnl trmtw
kit'per. fur Wairk frwta t ap, ..t-l ill wstatoa
fV li aa an, wHtt tr t r Watr mn imlrj Caialcw.
. SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO.dnc.l.ChicafQ
(Star, ftattaak Ca. an taara af rlUkli.
A Hrl.l L.4K I
S.00 VI l it. ) 7C
II kIMII-ll It tfl.U
frun unuftHCV t hi tliix
tat your krMkt ! Hj fct, aiaia mmmkrmt
IMaN arvutatl MCI a I anaii, uiriirrr
.a! b aaler eat, flow ap Brr irat, ami
k SV I 1 WewtU wn.iyou.l
-T. l C. .P., aafjrft la
fi 1 ' v U '
We will M'i'dyou llllM'imt pt ei)mr a.
aufijeft la BMtiiBltoa. r.l-
PI1MI "ur nrarr'f
and If feMn4 tart It
ata ja nrr aaw ae hear, af, ait
r-i.r-a-Blel an4 IB Mix4
equal la any ! ya eaa -
UPKI UL Orf kH f RUK, S2.79 UMi
Till MM KITO.fllf latent !
ltl'. rn-y flttit ir. niiu.e frt m kravy
walfraetx r, taa alur, ntn ! la-ert
llatkt f"ll lenti'h, l"iil'le htvaafetl,
Hkrt'r Telvet i.-l!ar, fam-y plahl Itnlnn.
watiTpril ovi'r1 -t iaiiiit. Huital'ie tor
both hh rr O'rreoal an.t iraraat-l
fcRKIIk-r till 1 f-r -"Vrfl t om
anv ..t'n-r h-Mi-e. r Fr-a? I lota 8aaaa
if Men' Mai-kintwhf up to a w.
,a-fy and Ma.lO li-M'.-tire m anu i"rr-
j-r' r.ust r fr- in ) t.'H-' i. write ftr
FKK Slri.l. MtWIl Sa. '. -raB,
Baua a (.a. ara orwnjii -"- ..
Hll.lU.Htlt. SlRV rirrAT, llrvel mm
Istiil.-4, heurtit il ft. 4 in., U ft M It. r 4 ft.
ken 11 I or 1 1 in. K'r atiT other
r,r ml f.Ti ntfl"ire. Vnr thl atl out
nn.ltMMi.l l U with t IMH.I.aH, -tawa
lt w lit-e I wfttitiil mui r !! 1 -"! thm
Ur freirfM I. O. . RitlwK 1HH a
.ur frt'tiriit depot and then fay IViai
a...i kalaaac. mi !M in ,1 frHittt lia rifw.
m -.' . i
Hi- i.