The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 25, 1899, PART 2, Image 1

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Vl4 v,V
Vicc-Prcsitlcut Became Uccanscians
Scan Afier Miiuijtit ani Pesscfl
Buyond at 8:30.
NO. 9
family and Relative Surrounded Bed
side of D) inn Slatcsinan During'
Ihc Last Moments Many Letter
and Tclcgrami of Condolence
I.Vu'ivcd by Bereaved Wife.
Pati ii mm, N. J , Nov. 21. Vlre- Pn l
drill Ih.barl died It ft 30 a. in. Tim
lire-prrldent hud l-rt n falling mce
! ir-tcrday Bf'rrn'Kiii, although ri -porta
given at the houati were that Le
eat holding hit ow n. S r. it atirr in i 1
ui(M f 1 1 became ut:cini-lona, and it 7
thli morning liad at altai k tit angina
pectori", (ruin which In) never rallied.
Mrs. Iltrt. Garrett llobart. Jr., I'r.
Newton, Mra. Newton, alio it cumin
ol Mf. II ibart ; an I Mil Alice Waddell,
nunc, ri at the patient's ldaide con
tuntly ('i in the time lie became unron
tciuut. Itb.nre llobart lcaine uncon
scious tin was able tocnrverse with Mrr.
lljUrt about some private afTaira. Ha
waa very patient, and allowed tilt le
tuarkahie will power to the latt.
Hxin after (ha neat ol Ilobart'i drain
i announced, telegrams o( condolence
brgan to arrive at Carroll Hall. Among
tl.i Br. i to ii,d woidi of ly in pat by and
condolence to Mra. Iluliart wire i'reil
Irnl Mt kioley and Mra. McKinley.
Mrt. llobart bears op well ojiler her
great ta-reivcment.
The Rust un the city hall and other
public buildings wrro ha!t-ntatd, at
fie also fljgton innnjr private buildinirt
and Jw.!Mnn. The Nil un the city hall
wat tolled at Intervals during the fore
ntxio. Thi 1'asialc C'jiirt adi turned in
t"krn of re.iierl to the dead vice-presi
dnt, and the bualneti hnttaei and public
buildings in IVereoii are being draped.
A special Hireling ot thecoiuiiion council
wat called (or noonatrltr ball to lake
suitable action tn H. dam's death.
. . i i
L III. llllttiM I...... .. I ..
" ouay. c, t
Mlen.burg lrm Goidrndale loort.'en
Tart practiced here continually
amrethat time. Il, WM we,, kll(i(J
throughout the itato, having been a
member ol the ,iiB ulnril , ,,lth
The ne ol hit death , btood-poisoni
In, through a malignant rarbiinrle.
leaves a wil in. I two young
lloribcad Wants Mmb.
m fmw i,,, Nov. 21.-The Kmn.
I"T tat that Welter .Moorehi-al, ol
J.ndon. who it thun-hold-r In the
Southern I'arlflc Illro..l r,.....
and . ki to t-i ..hio the rrorcitiization
ilan, hut (lied a ipplviuental bill in
the fniti-d Ktatct ilrcnit court. In hit
Mil, the court It cknl to rt aiide the
tMnntwr ol the property of tlin Central
I'ailrlo to ttie ( i'.'cflc I'.ily
nun pane or i tnli. The app-iiitment ol
a rrcelvt-r lor the r Knpuny n ',t n-'I'l'-tled.
lady Salisbury Icad.
Nov. 20 f.nly SnlMmrr.
wile ol the prviu'er, who hat been in ill
hralth lor a Ioiik time pant, tulIVriii'.' a
eetond etroke l paralytia in July lant,
it 'Ii-.kI. t-hn w at a dauirhter of th lale
H ii. Sir Kdward Hall Alderton, baron
of fie Ciurt of exiheiiifr, and wat
Humid to the inariiiii in lSS'J.
t a mh I in The (icarini;.
Ikii.ii I'ur, Nov. Ivan Strirk-Ir-r,
ge. 2i), u oiler in the TortUm!
Il .u rln (i inillt here, waa ai cili-nt!y
eanght In the gcHrlng thia ifti-riio'jn.
Olio arm wit inangled elmont to the
thnn'drr, the cither broken, the
bruiti-d, m l the nVali partly lorn from
one leu. Hit rwivrrjr it doubt! il.
Imi and Whcaton ClssLi in aci He
Was G
Law ton I'robahly un the Trail of the
Rebel Chiiftain Hardship Suf
fered by Hi Men.
Continue to Receive Reinforce
ment and Supplies Daily, How,
tur, and Their Purpose I Appar
ently Inknown to llritisb.
All Public IIuMucm Suspended.
WmmxiiToM, Nor. 21. All flga In
Waahlnston are at half-niaat out ol re
lct to the memory ol Vli-e-l'reaident
Hwhait. The annoiinccinent of bit
death caat a gloom over the c'ty, where
lie wit loved and tionored. The pteai
dent wat deeply aff. cted by the telegram
annonuciiif hit colleague'! death, and at
once ditpitcheil a telegram conveying
the tyitipatliT and condolence of hluitell
and Mra. McKinley to Mra. llobart.
rcretiry ol State Hay heard the newt
upon bla arrival at tha atate department
and immediately repaired t) the White
Hn-retary lliy, alter hit conference
with the prnldent, relumed lo the atate
dei artnient to give ordera for the exeen
tlon ol tha odlrlal programttia to lar aa
the government la concerned. Hay aent
private menage to Mra. llobart ei
prating bla tincera condolence and then
lve Mi attention lo the preparation of
proclamation announcing the death of
Iba vice-pre blent to the peoplo of the
I- ni led Statea. Thlt proclamation wat
I't'ied later in the day. waa regular cabinet meeting day,
but the death of Uie'vu-e-preal Jont over-
thalnwed all cite and public bntitiett
wat not mentioned. Attorney-General
"iygt Iff t for Paterton. He gora aa the
peraonal repretentatlva of the pretldent
ami cabinet.
Ilohart'a Ollice Vacant.
Waiiin(itoh, Nov. 21. Hy the death
''llobart, tha office of vlce-preiident
becomM vacant for the rett of McKinley 'a
term. The pretldent pro tern of the
"hate will b elected by that body when
"ongreta attemblet, who will bold ollice
"nil March, M). Henator Frye, ol
Maine, it now pretident pro tarn.
Funeral on Saturday.
Pati Haojf , N. J., Nov. 21. Vice-rreai-dtit
llobart'a funeral will take place
Patnrdav afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
:iniich of the Redeemer .Preihyterlan).
Dr. T. J. Ncwlnnd Dead.
Ki.i.RNiHfna, Waah., Nov. 2o. Pr. T.
Newlond, one tf the bert known
I'byticlant of Central Washington, died
Ijimiox, Nov. 21. The latest direct
neat from I.adyamith, dated Thurolay,
November 19, and Friday November 17,
trangely coliflicta with reiterated re
port! ol tieiiiemlont battles and great
llritlah vlctorlea on Wednesday and
Thurtday. Neither ol the mttaigea
above referred I", though dlapatcbed on
the daya lollnwing the date ol the al
leged light, mentioned any great fightl
or It ier deleatl.
On the rintrarr, both distinctly ttate
that beyond a lalae alarm on Tueaday
evening, and little increaft-d ihelhng
Thnrtilay and Friday, canting little
damage, everything wat perfectly quiet
and the garriton wat dialing under itt
enforced Inactivity.
NovertheleM, epecial diapalchet limn
Fitcourt tiMlay enlarge on the reported
battlet an. I intirtlhat the lioera received
a more terrible leaton Wednetday than
In any previoui Hrfht. According to
their circumttantial account!, the Itoert
determined lo attempt to reach the
north end of I.idyr mith with a large
force, but were unable to make headway
aganiKt the well tuatalned Ore of British
ntlenien ind Maxima.
Later, It ia added, the Briliih force
worked around the Hour Bank, canting
tha latter lo w ithdraw under a deadly
fmilade, with exceedingly heavy loajea.
Large numbere of dead and wounded
... . . . ..... .i. c.i.l
are raid to nave neen ieu on wo unu
ami anumlierol prisoner! were ruptured.
Uritith lottet are reported to have been
Tbo diipatchel from I.adyimith re
porting there II an ample mpply ol am
munition there have leeiiiingly let at
real ft point on which there wai much
divertlty of opinion.
Apparently the Hrltlah commander at
Ladvimith bvlievei Cieneral Jonbert hai
gone loiith, leaving only ft force tulli
cient lo prevent the garrieon from lally
Ing out, and there la a diapoaltion in
luine quarteri w think Jonbert poatibly
initiated the atory with the object ol
Inducing Whits to maki ft leriona attack
or relax precantioni to at lo permit the
Boere to lelae ground vita! lo the de
lenie ol the town.
A report Irom Ilurban, however, lavi
there are minora that the lloera are pre
paring to break camp and withdraw
Irom the Inveetment ol Ldyimlth. But
it la laid that the inveating force con
tinnei to receive relnforeementft and
Ireih inppllea ol ilorea daily.
CUtke t Falk have ft full and com
n'eielineof bone, carriage, wagon and
ham palnta mannfactnrod by Jame E.
Patton.of Milwaukee, Witconiln.
Manila, Nov. 22, 12 :'.0 p. m. Ago!
naldo bat escaped between (ienerali
Voting and Wheaton. Gen. Young ia
puthing toward Baynmbonir.
The whereabou'i ol Liwton and
Yjungare becoming aa 'mynterioua at
Aguiiialdo'i. The belie! it growing at
Manila that I.twton baa (truck tho trail
ol the Insurgent "government" and il
punning tho minttteri into the Byquia
mouotaini. It bat been bit ambition
to ciptnre the Filipino leader and he
end Young believe that a cavalry brig
ade, living on the ciuutry, cold run
them dow n to any part o! the island.
One vaue report brought In by Span-i-h
prisoners :i that Aguinaldo and
other! were penrly turrounded by
American! Don after the insurgent chief
li lt Ti lac, but he escaped through the
lines in peasant's clothei.
O Hirers and soldiers arriving it Ciba
lanum from Lwton'i force describe the
campaign ai one of great hardship.
Many men dropping out lick were left
at various towns without adequate sup
plies and attendance, some of them
miking their way back across terrible
roads. A number o! hortea were dying,
and many toidieri and even some of the
ollicera were marching on, half naked,
their clothes having been torn to piece!
la getting through the jungle.
Some ol them were reduced almost to
breech-clouts, and hundreds were bare
looted, their shoes being worn out, and
all were living on any sort ol provisions.
Bread wat r .ire, and nriboo meat and
bananas were the staple!. Gen. Law
ton for.-aar that the campaign would In
volve tiii-li hardships, but considered it
the quickest and cheapest way ot ending
the war.
Yottnij on His Trail.
Manila, Nov. 2-'. (ieneral Young re
ports that Aguinalilo. with a party ol
2o0, including s mie women and a few
carts, passed Arlr.gav, on the coast
between San Fabian and San Fernando,
in the province ol Union, on Friday No
vember 17. The general addt that
Agninaldo probably intended to atrike
inland through tho Binqna mountains
towards Bayoinbong in the province o!
Nnevi Vi;aya.
(ieneral Young wi:h cavalry and
Mara tie bea la punning the Filipino
leader, part ol the A merican force taking
i the direction ol ban frernenuo. lo ft
fight with Agulnaldo'a rear guard at
Aringay one Macabebe was wounded
and the iniurgenti retreated. Their Ion
it unknown.
Around Rubin Hood Barn.
Pax Fra.ntihco, Nov. 21. A novel ex
periment Is to be tried at K. D. Hume'a
salmon hitchery at the mouth of tha
Kogne river, In Oregon. A million aalinon
pawn arrived there on the Oregon ex
presi today. The spawn will at once be
put In ft coldslorage plant nuttl they ran
be ihlpped to Cooa bay. At that point
a tug will be waiting and the spawn will
be taken to the hatchery at the month
o! the K igue river.
When they finally reach the hatchery
they will have traveled 1000 mllei, and
will not b over forty inlltl Irom their
itarting point. This long trip wa made
necessity by the mountainous character
of the intervening country.
from a hot
Royal Baking
Powder biscuit
whets the
appetite. The
taste of such
a biscuit
sweet, creamy,
delicate and
crispy is a joy
to the most
OYAL Baking Powder
improves the flavor
and adds to the healthful
ness of all risen flour-foods.
It renders the biscuit, bread
and cake more digestible and
Royal Baking Powder
makes hot breads wholesome.
Food raised with Royal will
not distress persons of deli
cate or enfeebled digestion,
though eaten warm and
Imitation baking powders almost invariably con
tain alum. Alum nuikea the food unwholesome.
ftation. The dispatch adds that the
railioad elation it in possession oi a large
force ol Boers encamped near Mitche
lon'a cutting. Tiie train bound to
Kttcourt returned. It only got mile
and a hall northward ol Hirhlan'l'a
station. The Natal Stud Company's (arm
has been raided and 4:X) blood horsei,
valued at 113,000, have been captured.
j mariizbur wis i howi'rerj and other
artillery. General C.rary'a situation, it
I would appear, n;us: be becoming in-
01 1 f A A T Djyrj) I tolerable; to a-riout fi;htin my be x
l MUUl 111 1 LU i PecleJ at any time, as it 't pi inted out
Hum Move So Fast and Often That
British Cannot Keep Track of
Them Their Forces Increasing.
Di-krav, Nov. 2'-'. A diipatch frmn
the Mool river snyi the telegraph line
was cut Tuesday evening near Highland!
Boers Swarm Southward.
London, Nov. 22 Thero has ap
parently been no communication with
Kstcaurt since noon Tnesdir, and the
Bocra control the railroad to the Mooi
river. Consequently, momentous de
velopments may be expected at any
lime. The Boers, it teems, are swarm
ing southward. Large bodies are re
ported all around Estconrt, and the
parties appear to 1 threatening Pieter
maritaburg. The Boeri encamped at Highlands sta
tion are well supplied with artillery and
all evidences show that the various Boer
forces are be'ng largely increased by ac
cetiiona from disaffected Cape burghers.
The serious deficiency in cavalry is being
felt bv the British, who are unable to
keep in touch with the mobile
Began Swelling Their Camp st 5 O'clcci
and Kept itUn Torce Honrs.
the L'tnera! nmn clear his liteo! com
munications in order to compete the
concentration ol t lie relieving !orce.
According to the latet reports from
Natal, th- artillery duel was recom
menced this moimnz at the Mcoi river.
The statement that the British garrieon
! ther is only icing on tiie defensive ap
pears to be an admimon of weakness,
I and it is thought the troops may be at
the m"rcy ol the strong Bier forces re
ported in that neiih'nrhood.
A collision may a'so be ixpected on
the western Irontier within forty-, iijht
hours, il it is true that Methuen has
Inn.lnn U Rnaiins Vprnuii fiver the 1 started northward, a lie is certain to
Situation, And Wonders Where III
Will End.
Moot Kivkr, Natal, Nov. 23. 10 a. m.
Boer guns began shelling the camp at
5 a. m. The British artillery is In
Boer ! position on high ground to tbe east, west
forces, whose presence is hardly reported
before they are lost sight of, only to re
appear at any vital point along the lino
of communication. General Hildyard'a
force, anchored at Estconrt by the naval
guard, cannot make au attack until
General Cleary's force is capable ot tak
ing the field.
According to ft Cape Town diipatch
General Methuun'a division left Orange
river and reached Wittepute, hall way
and north of the nation. The artillery
duel wai continued until 8, when it
ceased for an hour. Tbe Boers recom
menced at 9 and dropped three shells In
to the camp. They are still firing at
intervals, with no damage, although
their aim is good.
Losdok, Nov. 23. The fact that fresh
portion! of Natal are being overrun daily
by Boeri is producing exasperation in
.1... i i : .. . . v, i iM
, . , , , limb luiuu. anil III1C11U U.l.lil.inilUII iu
to Belemont, yesterday and advices Irom , , , , , ...
. . . . , . Great Britain, where the idea ol possible
Orange river today showthat the Boers
occupy Belemont in lorce and that the
neighboring hills are covered with Boer
AannnM A halrnl tl llmwll H It i ! Il h.l
The rumors that peace deputation
returned to tbe Orange river came un- , .
,, i, i fi. ! from President kruger is on its way to
ei peeled Iv on iwo Boer Three. .
i " it , i . l I Cape Town for the purpose ot ascertam-
nraiinr ! mill u iibi i uit iu tin minx D. . ... i
who however were unharmed. I1"' ,erm, Up0n immediate CRees ol ibe disease hi re have been over-
ti.'. I cessation of hostilities could b secured I ,stimated, it being the opinion of the
......... , , , ,. ...... . ., ....... .o ru.. ' . mi v sicians i nai sv verii oi me euBpfcieu
I cases are nothing but chlckenpox.
extensive violation ol British soil was
I contemptuously dismissed in tbe early
J stages ol the war.
meet entrenc'ied B vr at IMriont and
Modder river. It i reported Mafeking
is suffering from lack ol water and that
fever ia rile thee.
I d Hy Urlturt ttulili.r. In Africa.
Cap. C. G. D.-noiro-i is well known
all over Africa as coniiusnder ol the
forces that captured the hiniouj rebel
Galishe. Under date ol .Nov. 4, 1897,
Irom Vryburg, Bt-cho.maland. be writes:
"Before ettrting on the Uit campaign 1
bought a quantity o! Chainberiaiu's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhiei Remedy,
which I used myself when troubled with
bowel complain', and had given to my
men, and in every case it proved moet
beneficial." For sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, ilriikVi'ts.
No Danger of an Epidemic.
Baker C.ty, Nov. 23 While Baker
City undoubtedly has a few well-developed
cases of sinall(K x tho epidemic ia
well under lonirol, and no bars o! ft
spread o! the epidemic are entertained.
A strict quarantine is maintained over
the infected l.ou-es, so that exposure is
next to impossible. The number of
said to b the largest transport in tho
world, which left Southampton No
vember 4, with 3000 men, their kits,
weapons, machine guns, ammunition,
balloons, pontoons, wagons, etc., arrived
at Cape Town this morning. About 35,
000 ot Bulier's army corps have now
I had dyspepsia fifty-seven years and
never found permanent relief till I used
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I am well
and (eel like ft new man," writes 8. J.
Flemlnc, Murray, Neb. It Is the belt
digeitant known. Cures all forms ol in
digestion. Physicians everywhere pre
scribe it.
11 such deputation has been teut it
will meet with scant conrtesv, as those
I who ara conducting the war will be
satisfied with nothing less than dictating
the terms of peace at Pretoria, after ft
parade ol British strength through the
Meanwhile, Irom the scanty and
emiscnlited dispatches which are drib
bling from tbe front, it is difficult to form
an opinion of the true situation. Tbe
Boer invaders are occasioning constant
surprises. They have already cut olT two
portions of the Ladysmilh relieving lorce
from their base ol supplies, and with
great rapidity are advancing on Pieter
As to the caiue o! the disease there ia
little question that the absence of a
sewer system is at the bottom of it.
This belie!, which is (.into pei era), has
awakened the people o! this city to the
necessity of taking some step) looking
to the construction o! such a system.
Hanna Will Be a Pallbearer.
Cleveland, Nov. 22. Senator Hanna
received a request Irom Mrs. llobart by
telegraph tod.iy, that be 1 e one of the
active pallbearers o! the
vice-president Saturday. He immediate
ly wired hit acquiescence.