The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 22, 1899, PART 1, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
'fit MAIkM. MkUtlM
1 kkh ial nrt or wam o (ui'my.
I'uhliMhid in luo fiacli, uit HVifiir.duyj
0,,, ,S.iluniv.
it Ntii.. rMTui raaraio, dh.
(mi- r"' " w
1 ii.'lllt
fbrtw munll
Ali.rn.ln. ru t(
.lilitlt MIHMI.
Vi Im ill .-..inmili.Utl..m i"Tlir l H')N
l I K. I K" lHw. lrv.U.
Niiiabla, suit DiftiU known
Islunlar lull)'.
Tin Christian church will begin
series of meeting, shout Jan. 1st.
Iii.lrlct No. 10 on Chenoweth creek It
u hae cliool librar Boon, having
made choir o( twenty-ceveri well
selected book t't be Unl for that
It ! reported that two iteamboat art
to l huilt t once in 1'orllarnl and
pUi-r.l on iht regular rcn between tlit
pint ami Tli Dalle by IheO. 1C. & N.
Co They will b built after the plan of
,t llansalo.
Kervlce In Ilia tropic la telling upon
oar louliert. Eleven men, recently re
turned Iroin Cuba n! tha Philippine,
have been admitted to the government
hospital for tha Insane at Washington.
Tin-1 r Insanity l due to tha en-eaalve
peal of lb Iropici.
ham J. (iorniiii, a I lander abuse
but ! It tha telling of Columbia river
canned lalinon In tha Eenl, ia in Porl
Uii'l n a vacation. Mr. (iorman think
tliit the Bih tjpply la falling and that
In II v vrar not IOJ.C00 wdl be packed j
on Ho Columbia.
The first unlic merlin of the High
Fcliol l.ltrrAtr Cot-iel ana held Utt
tugl.t lit t'w rrl onl r"iiu. A
of viilr wera present, ami fion re.rt
given bv It. a n tha program was a I rni'id.
'i many inquiries have lieen made
itegardiiig the improvement at the
electric light works and o often have
been aked cunreriiing the time
which it aiil take to complete them,
'ill. at e proiioiinded teveral nileationa
todav I V aav of arrrrlainitiff infiirim.
",ln,,,rr I tion on that Buhjecl. The work a ill he
I finished about IIib first of tha year, or
tireliMii nut piitil Kflimnrv m t.i.ti IKm
Thia noi. -I tha moat c ..nmendable j ,,,, , , ,., , l)ore ,.
adjuncts of tha High school wo.k. ,,, ,,, ,,,, r;wivllt ,,.,, t,pne.
Mr. an I Mr. John 1 In. 'tin left for I lit from the addition of power. Lnd.-r
Tha I'tiUa luet lay morning art erj they ' ti, ptetint condition the engine la
ill visit their aon.Ur. J. II. llu 'tun, Lied far beyond a hat it should carry,
for a im. They trill look aitund mean-j The ne engine which hat been sent for
hi e f it a loatiuti arbera tlity ca t ie- lt a 12 1 home ,war engine. Ileside a
cure a plaiau.t boma In which lojifl K. V. dynamo, another boiler, new
pill their dechning ) earr.Condou . line ahalt and other improvement a ill
(' ha put In. An addition it being made
Hoi l-upi and rohbarift are U coming ; l" the boiler room and a new coal
frvjiif lit all along tha line. I.a.t bunker added. If the clly aere making
nuhl'li'" aiatio i at lligg wa rntvred arrangrmenti to put in itre-t light
and rantaikal In great Kyle, tvery- i hal an advaulaga il aouid be lo tho
thing Inn turned tonav tnrvv. I.urkll i alio now aaik In darkce.t.
Hit tv;it, K. I-eaia, had taken the I
Uionerant fTerrlhlng f vail home'
uli Mm, o tha burglar or a lioaver
the intruder aatj g it badly left.
And now not a tout i lo he f oil n I alio
ill at knowledge having teen a ahooting
inrtmr, f ir one of the moat noted
a-'r'ihLiiii-ri In the government a-rvi-e !
biiii. hi'. rea thai tha ahnaer aa predicted j
a yra t.xi oon, ami will not im ur until
l'J it. till, well, it'l matter, every
hlv had an rxrilea f ir itting up all
n g'.t and Q'ina would attempt to kick at
the ctart anyway.
Corporal IhitiiphcflVr, the Vancouver
young man who, with othera, at
ri'tiN-nrtd to be (hot on charge of aa
amliing Filipino women, may earapa
the death penalty, but will no doubt ht
given a long linpriaonment. Cntiring
!! r t In di behalf htiva liren rierted,
an In large number of attldavitt have
been (lied with tha war department at
the mpieat of retldenl of Vancouver,
Heating tht good character of the young
The committee which out Ihl
ii,,,. ...n..:- ,..!. .hi, 1,1.1,1
t make a anrvey of the prnpoaed rail
road Into lh interior, report tplendiil
aijeceaa, and no doubt II will not be long
ere aurveyor are at work. If ever Halle
people did rally to.lupport anything it
h'.nld be dow. If you are Interetted
in the loan, your action In tin matter
ilUhowlt. It aeemt to have reaolved
lliell into to illttinrl claate for or
K iin.t. You may not ba able to give a
laige amount, but auppoit it to the beat
of your ability.
Mr. I'. Drerner, an fttenalva farmer
' Might Mile, wa In tha city the Oral ol
the aetk, and informed lit that the
ii.. ,i..n ,i .
doob .b." h . 1,1 V"' T"U Mu"0,li" church., formed th.ui.elve.
in .loubt alxiut ju.t bring idem i tll, lnto . .,, . , ... I
, .i v 1 L"jnv Ul "TV,CI "
ing mutual benoDt thereby, promoting
the epirituul welfare of their congrega.
Hone by general disunion at lo the
mean lo be employed to luth an end ;
alao to foat. r a unity of effjrl among the
variou denoininatloii repreeutei.
Deputy K. J. GlUan. of Antelojie, ar
rived in the city on yeaterday' tege,
having In chitrge Alva Kiinrnona, who i
charged with having robbed Tho. Bur-
geaofl(X) In money at llnkecven on
the night of the 10:h, and alao having in
hia poaaeaaion other article auppored to
have been purloined. Theae conaieted i
of genu' furnlah
m i ........ 7
K'wla. etr. Uwa proven that I.I0 of j
ihe!K)0 found in hia trunk, belonged to.
him, but there ace ma to Utile doubt :
that he ia the parly wanted for the
llurgi-a roohery, he 'eing employed by j
Mr. iiuryeas at the lime. j
.Mr. and Mr. I.. Hire, having diapoaed i
of their (arm near Knderahy to Johnaton
I'.roa., of Dufur, came in the city today
and will leave tomorrow for California,
going drat to Lot Angele. It ia not un
likely they may decide to remain in that
atate, making their home there, but thote
who have known them ao long In tliia
ectlon venture the hope that they may
tee fit to again cait their lot among n.
Mr. Kice ba been a (ubacriher of Tin tince it firat publication and
we regret very much to lote him from
our hat, a well a from Eaatern Oregon.
A bold burglary occurred at the office
of William Mcl.iiire, representative of
the Veco Warehouse Co., at Col um hut
on laat Kilday nlglil, the 10th inat., the
thief or thieve getting away with 300
In money. The money wat locked in a
draaer and wit all tafe up to Friday
noon when Mr. McGuire counted the
tarne. The drawer had been pried open
with a chirel. Mr. Mctiiiirn and tao
other men were deeping in the building
at the time and heard no noire during
tiie night. It i poaaihie, however, that
the robbery wa committed Saturday
morning while all hnnda were at break
ing. It wa a Terr bold aiTair and Mr.
Mi'liuire ia well convinced that it wa
done, hv parties In that neighborhood
One w iiiild hardly auppoee that a hobo
dare make hia appearance in theae time
w hen work ia to plentiful and It I im
xiaible to eeenre lnhorcra ; but never
theleaa an cccaaional cue loom up and
demand a "hand out". Last evening
I'iiiiuian ran acroat euch a one and
"handed him in." Thia morning lie
cordvr (tale, fined him $20, w hich he i
now working out on the new grade being
built on the hill. The "weary one"
eemed to think hi eenteuce it tough
one contidering hi atanding, and re
marked "I wiah you wouldn't betoharj
on a feller. good recommend
tiona. Wat in jiil teven mouth in
Montana, and the aherilf gave me a good
oiuca ana we'll relieve ton of Ihem.
Joking atide, the counteileit dollar
lueatlun la aaauming alarming propor
tion here, and coin,!it , ,,.,,t,j
dally concerning the iiumber in circula
tion. It it thought they are menu
lectured fn Meiiuo. A perh-ct raiuol
counterfeit liickelt, ten cent piece and
2.'-cent piece la aald to he flooding the
city ol realtle, and occadonally a tpur
iout gold coin alao turn up. ' lim the
leigil diver la there In uiillnnted quan.
title. A gang of couuter'eitera it la
thought have ma t,t (lace their
headijuarlera. Cp lo thia lime the alol
machine re raid to be the chief loaera.
The caae of the Slate v. Joaeph dan
teman ia occupMug the attention f XM
court l-cLy ani l( being tried heloru a
Jury compoaeil of A. W. llnorman, I,. C.
Hennepin, K. M. Jm kaoii, J. (). Wing
llrld, C. V. Chaiiiplain, John Nolan,
lieo. V. Jordan, Thoa. A. I.alw, C. A.
Cramer, Mike Olavey, I). I.. JloUoii and
C. K. Ilayward. Moore A (iavln appear
for the defendant and A.A.Jayne fur
Ihe plaintiir. The caae I one In which
danteman w a indicted for uttering a
forged check. Ill purported that on
May llth In Charle Krank'a saloon he
Iried io paae a forged check lor l5 on
the r iral National bank, signed by C. A.
Morria. He wat arrealed at Similiter.
Tliit morning tealimony ua lakui and
council lor partiea waived argument and
at we go to prea the caae w aa aubmitted
lo the jury upon the iiiairiicliom of the
court. A thia I the laat caae lo lie
tried, court will probably adjourn to-
A. M. W
M.inila) 'a Vaily.
Iliilllia A Co,
are telling a
Rraiu in hi lection il "out of light." A
great .leal of Ilia volunteer ia np l'J
lin liea, and no doubt rune of it will
Joint before frera ng weather Beta In.
lnteadof proving a detriment to the
K'Kin, Mr. llrenner Ihlnkt il will be. a
bi in fit to It, be ante it will prevent th
'now from blowing over and (reeling
out ihe, root. I.Ike all other farmer he
la already rtjilcing over liet year'
rr"l which promitvi to hi a itunner.
Il.'i.pner Time.
A laachi r In Boston itihnrbaD achnol
received the following "eggcuae" fr.nn
the mother ol a boy who had fulled to
be prraent on a certain day: "Dear
ieacher, I'lcasa eggacnae Andrew Jauie
or not having went to achool jeatorday.
II" atarted all right, but him and
'other boy itopped for little m ini In
ha river, and a dog came along and
'm led ntT Andrew Jami' pant nd
"hirt and he ba 1 to day In Hie w aler
"ntil the other boy cjiiii home and got
more pantt and ihlrti for him, and then
It w too late. Cniler tha clrcuin
atanco you could not eipoct bim to be
lliere ao kindly rggicuie.
'ook out for jour money, particularly
regular f l.'ilahoe for 2 li thia week.
A ho up-to-date In every particular.
Any ue.
I! ,yt' suit tale at A. M. William A;
Co't. No reaaon why your hy can't he
dretaed aa neatly and cojifortahlv at
anyone elte't now. f 1, (12 and (11 a suit.
i If you want to make a mcceat ol a
biiaiueaa proposilii II let peoile know it
through the newaiaera. II you want
people to know anything ia going on ad
vert e it in your city papera, or they'll
never find it out.
Salurdayat Berkeley, Calif., the I'ni
veraily of California football team de
feated Ihe Oregon university boya at
fwlball liy a score of 12 to 0. Two
Ihouaand people ilneaaed the game an.!
aaid It wa ihe heal football played cn
the coaat thl year.
The darc'ng party glveu by I'rof.
Sandv'g Saturday night, wa perhapt
the n.oat er.j ivable Jet given. Almut
leveniy couple were present, and danc
ing wat kept np until the midnight hour.
All were much taken with Ihe Went
worth, the new dance jurl introduced by
The prevailing warm weather and
rains have produced an unuanal growth
on Ihe range making It uncommonly
good (or the season of the year. The new
green graa is from 2 lo 4 inches high
and still growing rapidly. This insures
stock going Into the winter In g od con
dition. Crook Co. Journal.
Visitor returning from I'oMlaud re
port the weather moat disagreeable j
worse, if possible, than In The Dalle.
Saturday, In connection with Ihe pour
ing rain, itilT breeze came up and
made thing fly lor a time. The
barometer here today indicate con
tinued rain or heavy wind storm.
In a telephone message to S. I.. Ilrooka
today, H. M. I'ngiin Informs him that be
111 leave lor Chicago the 21 t of next
month lo remain lor about an months.
He has been called there by the weather
department. What arrangements la
Intend! tu make in regard M Oregon'
weather during hi abaence we have not
Gov. T. T. Oeer l as received a re
mittance, from the ur department at
Washington, D. C, for (it iH.2'-
partial reimbursement to the aUto of
Oiegnn for Ihe amount upended in
bringing about the mobilization ol the
Oregon volunteers. The state' claim
a for f.,lh2.M, and the amount (till
unpaid consist of several item, re
jected bv the war department, and a
number of Item suspended nntil more
ilctliilto information can be secured.
IVrmaneiit organization of the Minis
terial Association was cjnaummated this
morning, when the pastor, of the
Itaptlut, Congregational. Christian and
end oil."
ere in lo go
l!ut Kecorder Gates didn't,
much on recommendations
and sent him up Jn the hill.' j
It must be that the American people j
do e.ij y being flii i fiuajaii'd , it certain- j
ly looks like It, else they would refrain;
(rom putting their trust in every man
they come across. A few nights since j
two men went don n to the I. 1. A A. N. I
dock and iniiiired regarding the far to i
Portland. The man addressed said he
was there and would
see that they got dow n for seventy cent, j
The men, nothing daunted, paid over
their seventy cent aud returned in the
morning expecting the fellow to keep
his promise; but hi work wa night
work and he failed to show op with the j
transportation or the seventy ceuts, sol
the trip cost them that much more than
the regular fare. The "nightwalchman'
proved to be a hobo, who concluded that
would be an easy way lo make $1.40,
and he trade it.
He may visit The Dalles so we advise
people to look out for the fellow r. ferred
to in the following article from Ihe
Oregonian: "People with no more
money than they need for their own
use ihould Icok out for a smooth oper
ator who Is endeavoring to dispose of
"fony" jewelry by a method w hich is
new in Portland. This fellow yesterday
approached a woman on a principal
street, and holding out a handsome
emerald ring, asked her if she had
dropped it. She truthfully replied lhat
she had not. "Well," ,e said, "I just
picked it np. I can't afford to wear such
a fine ring, and i( you'll give uie j for
it, yon can hare it." The woman was
auspicious of the man, and although the
ring appeared to be a fine one, she re
strained her desire lo buy It, and there
by escaped the possession of a worthless
piece of jewelry.
Tha Markets.
Wheat 4") cents.
Hay and grain Wheat hay, (10 a Ion.
lata i' a lb. lUrlcy, (rolled) !,) c-nt
I .... t...i I!... ..,,1 liort4 TO rinla
a liuiiureo. ion. , K..v..w, -
a sack.
Potatoes HO cents a sack.
Cabbage One cent a pound.
Onions One cent a pound.
Kgga Oregon, -i'j cents.
Hotter Creamery, CO cents; dairy,
,r0 cents.
Chickens-Only ('.' a dozen.
Carrota, beets, turnips and parsnips
One-half cent a :ound.
Turkey! In good demand; no price
Csc ClarkeTA Kalk' Rosafoam for the
Judge us by what we
are doing.
Judge us by the con
tinued crowd of buyers.
Judge us by the cloth
ing your friends have pur
chased. Judge us by our prices.
For one week
fit Half
Shoe Dep't.
T-l 1 and small sale nsualW end in
iJlg prOntS no le and no profit. Our
sweeping out sale ol boots and thoei ia limply giving yon
all tbe profit and helping ns to reduce our stock. If you
know a if. od thing when yon eee it, read carefully the
offers below and send in your orders at once:
Men's Shoes.
Men'l Satin Calf I.ace Shoe
Men's Oil Orain I.ace Shoes
Men' Veal Congress, seamless . .
.2 00 value (1.2
tXl value J1.25
.1.50 value (1.00
Ladies' Shoes.
Ladies' Kid Button, Coin Toe f 00 value 1.60
Lvlies' Kid Mutton, Coin Toe 50 value 1.2
I.idies' Ki.t Button, 8.Uare Toe 3.00 value 1.00
Ladies' UlcveUrain Button 11.50 value . 3
Misses' Shoes.
Misses, Pen. Grain, Button, spring beeljl.50 value
Mia.e' IVb. Grain, Lice, spring heel. 1.50 value
For One Week
Special Sale.
A lot of good things that you need at all
times, hut cannot buy at your own price
except at this eale. Please order by
following prices:
No. II. A good quilt for ?4' bed 40
No. 6072 A good full sii quiit W)
No. 00 A good full size qnill 73
No. ion ' " ' 83
N ). 2i ) " " 1.13
No. 3m) ' "
No. 400 " ' " 1.73
Nj. 517 " " ' 1.93
No. 8 )0 " " : 2.53
No. 9 )0 . " " ' 3.17
No. 1000 " " " 3 33
Order by size.
81i!t0, beet
Theae sheets
given above.
meaure the length
and breadth as
Order by price.
3i-inch 04'
30 inch
3(i-inch .
07 34'
Order by width.
4Mnch 11
45 inch 13
54-inili 15
Theae are tbe best qijadiies in piilow caae muslin in
the market.
Order by width.
18 inch and 10 yard lengths
21) inch and 10 yard lengths
22 inch and 10 yard lengths
24-inch and 10 yard lengths
These are finished bv a new
all impurities, non-irritant,
process and free from
antiseptic, absorbent ani
8 4. 72 inches wide 13
9 4, 81 inches wide 17
10 4, 90 inches wide 19
WIDE SHEETING, Unbleached.
8 4. 72 inches wide 12
9 4. 81 wide Hi
10 4, 9J inches wide IS
Order by width and name.
10-inch cotton crash 04
18 inch ail linen 11
17-inch blue or reil check C9'..'
IS inch hlue or red check 11
O.der by price.
This is suggestive, of Thankagiving. and a.hen you
see these goods vou will say they are all right to serve
the iiiSii Hia bird upon.
54 inch Pamaak 17
60-inch Damask I1
60-inch Itamask 20
High Grade Gloves
at Low Grade Prices.
Our glove stock is complete in everv detail, with the
most up-to-date coverings br the hands. If you would
be properly gloved and still be at least expense, buy
your glove of us.
Ladies' two-clasp over seam prime German
Lambskin gloves ;,coiors tan, brown, mode,
elate, ox-blood, black and w hite, embroidered
backs, very strong, servicable glove, and good
value at $1.25, sale price 85 CtS
The Centemeri French Kid Glove, alwav sold
at $1.60, sale price 93 CtS
All our Gloves are guaranteed and fitted; from $1.00 up
Silk Waists.
Jnt arrived a new line of Ladies' TaflVta, Satin
and Velvet Waists, ranging in price from S 00 up.
We have also received a full line f Bittenhurg pat
terns for fancy work, with a complete assortment of
We still cont'niie our special sale on Lvlies' Union
Suits for the next ten days.
All Uooda Marked
In Plain Flurea
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Grandall & Barget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes
Advertis9 in the Chronicle.
Ask your
for a generous
r..niir.s r.o c-aine. ja y jS
nu-rcnry ti'-r any oilier
ml : .1 A tuUShf1
1I...I. and Fnrnvt. U- Membrane. Hf.toro, the
..f T"e and emtll. K..LI Hue Sua i TnU
Kieine. t at lm.-uiirt or lr niaiL at wfc