WEEKLY CSV M VOL. X THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 23, 1899. NO. 9 at. HOT FOR THE BRITISH Arnii Train Rctorncd Wi;a Absat a! Enured BOERS WILL ATTACK ESCOURT To Thousand Strong, With llr.iv) Aitillery Number of Officer arc Killed and MUtiing. LmiKiN, Nov. 17. The ar oliii-o hat f.csivul Ilia following U I - ( . 1 1 1 (ruin in-rural Holler: Cap I'jwii, No. 10. Evening:. Have itc lved Irmn HiMyaril. Iheicr intritt mrg telegram (In 11 Novcitiiier l'.i'f which tho (..!:.. I n k it the pur port: "The t'flU'Mr commanding tro-.pt l F.stcourl rHnt at ml blav that an annoted train Irfl K ' c- . 1 1 1 1 1 1.1 morn ing I'.li a C Hiipany of Dublin (ii'lllera n l a company in imrnan voiutiieert. North nf rrere, III encountered a arly of Boer and began to withdraw Willi rt tiring tome tif the truck wire cVrailrd. The Dublin turned 0111 anl adranrrd toward lb enemy, w hlie lie rml of I Im train appear to Lave I turned without tli iiiii la l'.ilonuit." The Ull.fr commanding the troo a report that lia tending mounted tr in order la cover their withdrawal la: that about on hundred ara mitslng. KnoiaT, Nor. 17. i Noon'. The K:ine!o II wr force have taken up a piiilioa near Knuers.lale, few unlet n nth of here. They have eight erven pounders and tiro French gout. Their trrngtn it 1U00 men. They have looted Henderson' tture. All la quiet her an I ready for the enomy If he altackt. Kri.it i:r, Nov. 17. Noon. A corre- tindent ho hut jutt vlaitad the tanita r. n m hoapital taya all the armored It kid iui,-lrd ara doing well. Ladsmlib Wa Surrounded. I'km.iiim, Nov. 0, via 1indon, Nov, 17. The following ditialrh bat leen it' rrived Irmn the l!r camp at Klandt I.iKgle, under today'e date : "I.idytuiith hat len colnplu'ely en circled by Hoer forrea. Our tecoml big gun aa iucceiful!y placed in rtitlon on Ihi'iiwan hill In front of Ladyemith. The tiring of lieavy gnna comiiienreil rtily thlt morning with no caruaitlet to Hie burghcra up to pretenl." Relief of Kimberlry. Xicw Yohk, Nor. 17.A ditpatch to Hi" Herald Irotn Iindog ran: Mafrking hat retitteil tha lloore to auccettfully that (ieneial C'ronje la now reported to le directing bit effort! againtt Kiiiiberley, It It now known that tha relief move ment to ant Kiiiiberley couiinenced fiine time ag. The) Ninth lancera, Nonhuniberlanil ttniliere, Muntler fixiliert ami part ol tha I.aorathiret, "ho, fjine tune ago, were concentrating t tie Aar Junction, wera on haturdar l't within fifty mllei of Kimberley. It t thia culunin which fought the) en Jaement on tha 10ih (Friday), which reaulted In the lota of Menteiiant Colonel Kletb-Falconer. Ihicr Dislike Red Cros. . it RT, Natal, Thurtday, Nov. 15, !lenioon.--Tha llml Crow train baa i(in returned, but witliont bringing In 'he deait and wonnded. Tha Hoera de clined to give any Information ai to the niiiei of either killed or Injured, re '"ring tha Inqulrera to tbo 1'retoria f'rea for all Information. All that they ould dlrcloaewai ttia fact that there "'e three British dead '"' nl"e Hin.ed. Eniinjinient at Lmlvsinith. 1'm.Toiiu, Nov. 17 In tha engage ment yetterday morning aonlli of I.ady- tt.it ti . tha Itrltith advanced with tliirteen gunt, attacking 3) burgbere of the Trantvaal. Th big gun waa fired fi the troona, who retired at 3 o'clock ' Akleg, near I.adyamllh. Thai Uritiuh i nnknown. Hoera bad on man "nd thirteen horaea killed and eeven hor.et wotindeil. Oregon Hoy Was Dewey' Orderly. Ai.HAJV,Ur.,Xov. lrt. (larfHd Snttnn rrived In Albany thia noon from Ma hy ay of New York. Hit recent career hai been i,l.!retliiu otio. lie u!itd three yt-art ago In the nMVy l. partinnit.aiid wa assigned to the Haiti more. He went to Manila with Dewey, transferred to the Olympia and came home with ll, great adniirl, act Inif at hi orderly. In the reception parauo in .ew lurk city he rode In the front arnt a Uh the driver. Young Sot- ton lather, Chat. Sutton, i a resident of thia city. Dciriud of Power of Speech. I'owitiiov, N.,v. in W. M. Forahey met with a sellout accident yesterday at 3 p. in. While trying to break a young IkiimUih thrown tome U0 leet and landed on hi head. There lie lay I r four hour, and when he recovered con sciousness he cm!. I i,.,t ut(rr j tound. llu llred oil hit plain", and enou tuiiie Hi!e eauie to hi ailncM. To. day when brought to town it n found that be had lott hit power of speech, other ini not being much incon venienced by the terrihlo fall. ARE NOT DUE FOR A YEAR (iovernment Astronomer Asserts That an Krror Was llecn Made and the Leonids Will He Merc Xcxt Year. New Yoiig, Nov. 17. A tecll d it patch to the Journal and A'lvcrtiatr from Washington tayt: "The thoaer of Ioniila will not occur Ihll tcaton. The hrilliant ipectacle hat been announced one year lofoon." Thia announcement hat Jiut been inn le by I'r. I.. J. See, one ol the moat advanced attronoinert in the government reivice. "Agronomical cilcuUtio' - . . v not erred at to the period i 1 ' cl the I.eoni.la," fa id Dr. See to the Journal, "but the generally accepted conclusion aa to the time it take the I.eonida to pats the earth' orbit hat been wrong. After the meat careful ohrervationa made with the leat Ibatrnment in the eerviie of the government, and after the nio.t unerriug calculnltone In atrict conformity to attronomiral lawt, Iain thoroughly convinced that the riod of paage it two yeara, Inatead of ono year, a here tofore twlieved. "The l-eonnl have been within the earth' or hit for year now, and will remain with u for another twelve month. The me I one (hower bat not been aa heavy tint time at there wat good tcientlllc reaaon for believing it would be. That I becaute we have not yet ttriirk the thick part of the trail. l)y my calculation, thia collision will occur In tha middle of Novemtier, l'W. Then the resultant diaplay of burning meteor will be a brilliant a the one observed by Humboldt In VeneituI in I7W. "The present vuitatlon is a counter part of that in 1 ''!. At that time there were diaplay In two year, that of lsi!2 being about a feeble a the present h bet n, and that of the succeeding year being nearly a striking a thai recorded by Humboldt." $20,000 FIRE AT LEWIST0N Stock of Implement and Millinery and Lodge Property. I.KWiHTos-, Idaho, Nov. 10. The Odd FullowV building, a two-story buck, completely gutted by fire here thia morning. The fire alar.il wa turned In alKint 2::i0, and the local companies quickly reonded, but the fire had gained uch headway that It could not he controlled for onie lime, in nre originated In one section of the building occupied by a millinery store and ipread rapidly until the entire building was a total wreck. The lower floor waioccupled by the Nei Percee Implement Company and the upper floor waa the home of tome half doren lodges. The following aia the amounts of the dillierent toek carried anil tha Insurance on the tame: Nex Perce Implement Company, Ion 1-',(H)0; Insurance, $2000. Mme. de Coucey'a millinery, losr, $I(HHI; Insurance, J.TJOO. The Odd Fellow' building cost I'KKiO; Insurance UH10, which will cover lost. The varlon lodge lost in the aggregate about HXM1. Clarke A Falk have a full and com p'etel neof house, carriage, wagon and barn paint manufactured by James K. I'atton.of Milwaukee, Wltconain. OVER. TWO BILLION' HOLLARS OarFuRiun CcmmcrcB of 1899 Breaks All Records. GREAT REDUCTION IN BREADSTUFFS Hut This Loss is More Than Offset by Our Astonishing Sale of Mer chandise. Washington, Nov. Is1. The foreign commerce of the I' railed States seeo.s likely to make its highest record of the century in the closing year of that p'-riod. The October export are larger than thnte of any preceding October, the total for the ten month ending with October it greator than the t t.il for the corresponding period in any preceding year, and it i9 apparent that for the Brtt lime in our history the foreign com merce of the year w ill not exceed $2,000,. OuO.OoO. For the ten month ending with October, ls'.Kl, the figure of the treasure bureau of autistic show the total exports to be $1 ,02.C42,O0O, w bile io the corresponding month of last year they were $ys7,R79,0O0. The remarkable increate in exporta tion It the more rurpnoing localise ol the absence of the excessive demand abroad for our brradHtufl, which char acteriz?d the year 1SVS. In that year the short crops abroad and plentiful supplies of bredataQ of all kind in the United State resulted in an abnormal large exportation of breadstuff, so thai the exportation of agricultural prod lets in the present year naturally fail about $:i.i,OiH),000 below that of the correspond ing period of last rear. Yet the total exportation for the ten months are, as already indicated, more than $10,000,000 in excess of those of Inst year. It I easy, however, to find the caoe of this reuiAtkable growth in our total rxp irtations, which occur In the face of tho reduction in our exportation of breidstulT. An examination of thede Uiled figure of the nine u out lis of the year already accessible tho that the export of manufactures in that period were $--0,C0O,0OO In excess of those ol the corresponding months of the preeed lug year, and $V),000,000 greater than those of the Mint month of 1H'i7, w hile the products ol the mino were $4,000,000 greater than those of the corresponding month of last year, and those of the forest $,(:O0,000 in exces of the corre sponding months ol the preceding year. Thus the year' exportation of agricul tural production will be quite up to the normal, while those of manufacture, mining and forestry will excewl those of last year, and Indeed, of any year in our histror. Fatal Kow in a Saloon. Waviri.t, Wash., Nov. 19. During an altercation In a .ihon tonight, Ed. Twynun shot and instantly killed (ieorne Wiggins. Twyman wa formerly a deputy (heriflT and town marshal of Fairfield. He had been quarreling with an unknown man, and, drawing a revolver, ordered him out of the saloon. Just then Wigging cAine in, and seeing the leveled revolver, appealed to Twy man nol to shoot. Twyman turned quickly and fired two hots, the econd triking the victim tijuarely in the fore head. Twyman wa arrested and will be brought to the Spokane jail tomorrow. Judge Chambers Resigns. CiitiMoo, N- IS Chief Justice Chambers, of Samoa, ha resigned, and hi resignation ha been accepted for the United States, one of the three partie to the Ilerlin treaty, by the president. The resignation will also be made to (treat Britain and to (iermany. The last olfieial act ol Judge Chamber wa the submission of a report of the administra tion of liia ollice fro-r his appointment up to the time of bis departure from Samoa. Identical cipiee of the document have been dispatched by mail to tho foreign ollices at London anil Berlin. Senator Thurston Married. Wakminoton, N v- I". -Tho marriage of Senator John M. Thurston, of Nebras ka, and M'.tt I.ola I'linnan, daughter of Mr. an I Mr. W.J. rurman.of thi city, was solemnised at 9 o'clock thia morn ing at the residence of the' bride' parents, Kev. Dr. Frank M. Bristol, of the Metropolitan Methodist Kpitcopal church, officiating. The wedding cere mony waa attended only by immediate relative of the contracting p.irtie in addition to Kdgar C. Snyder, and inti- i mate personal friend of the groom. Gentile Oppose Robert. Salt Lakh, Nov. 19. The Democratic state committee bad a meeting yester day, chiefly to consider the Robert ease. Jaine If . Moyle, chairman and a Mor mon, urged that counter-petition be gotten np, providing t1 at I'.olierts be seated. One after another of the Gen tile member arose and opposed this, saying that they bad voted for Roberts a a Democrat, on the expectation that he would be able to clear up all the charges made against him by the op pojiiion, a be had agreed to do. Roberts was arraigned for what wa called hi bad faith in f.iilir.g to do this, and it was declared that he had made a football of the Democratic party, as well a of prominent Democrat. Tiie Gentile Democrat were unanimous in opposition to the proposition to get tip etitirni for Ribert. Thereupon the Mormon member dropped the roatttr, the chief purpose of the meeting having failed. A large number of prominent Democrats throughout the state were present, Mor mon and Gentile, and as far as reported but one was in favor of tho proposed Robert petition. Hohart's Condition. pATKithOV, N. J., ov. 13. While the doctor and watcher see no change, a far as general appearance if concerned, in the condition of Vice-President Hobart, they cannot help noticing that hi strength is gradually failing. It re quires more effort to remove hi:n ftom the bed to the window than it did a week gi. Private Secretary Kvans said to night, however, that Mr. Ilohart parsed a comfortable day, was cheerful and ate aalid food three times. TRULY A GUERRILLA WAR Filipino Insurgents Have Scattered in Small Bands No Hope of Sur rounding Them. Manila, Nov. IS, 0 p. m. The first reports received from Lwt in' column in three day say he is on he road be tween San Nicholas and San Manuel, west of the Aguo river. Swollen rivers prevented him from reaching Wheaton. Mapr Swigert, with two troops ol the Fourth cavalry, met heavy resistance at PoiorrtiSio yesterday, lie believes Agui oaldo is there. General Young is at Santa Ana. Colonel Weasel' command scattered a band of insurgents near Santa Ana Thursday, killing four Filipino and capturing fifteen without lose. Thirty sis gun were taken. The rest of a battalion of the Twenty-second regiment ha had a skirmish at Matnbelan bridge, near Kosale. The people at Rotate welcomed the Americans. Slaven' scout have reached Paniqui north of Tarlac. Thy found lour loco motive wrecked and thirteen car. MacArthur I at Gerona, where the troop were welcomed. t'aett Hr Hrlllsh Holdlert la Africa. Capt. C. G. Dennlson is well known all over Africa a commander of the force that captured the famous rebel Ga!lhe. Under date of Nov. i, 1897, from Yrybnrg, Becbuanaland, he write: "Before starting on the last campaign 1 bought a quantity of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrluet Remedy, which 1 used myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and in every case it proved ino?t beneficial." For ale by Blakelcy & Houghton, druggists. The Chief Approves. Wasii;n(itos, Nov. 10. The report of the engineer in favor of an improve ment at the mouth cf the Columbia river to secure forty feet of water over the bar, will be sent to congress with the approval of the chief of engineers. The opinion ol the engineer Is that the proposed improvement ia one ot the most important to be presented to con gress. It 1 expected that favorable action by congres looking to the 40-foot channel will be followed immediately with another proposition for a channel of thirty feet from the mouth of the Columbia to Portland. Those who are familiar with the commerce of the river and condition now existing tav both these improvement should be made with the least possible delav. Latest thing In camera are Im proved Magaxine cyclone at Donnell' drug (tore. STROYED BRIDGE Moment Greatly Hingis Pasilion and MaSej Adrance DJQanlt. ARE ANXIOUS FOR ENCOUNTER Armored Train Fight Lidjstrmh Sur rounded and B ers in Great Straits For Want of Food. Lokenzo Marijcez, Delaoa Day, Nov. 17. The official Volstem repor' that the brigde over the Tugela river near Colento was completely destroyed Wed nesday November 15. The Boer are looking forward with great interest to the Impedingencounter between Colenso and Estcourt with the advancing British. About 600 burgher with cannon are guarding the Helpakaar pass, eighteen mile from Dundee, to batllrj any attempt to reoccopy Dundee by the Fieteroiaritz-burg-Drytown route. Armored Train Fight. New York, Nov. 18 A dispatch to the Herald frim London says: The Daily Telegraph printed these advice from its special correspond nt : "Ettcourt, Nov. 16. A few Boer are Inagered near Frere. A few others have been seen movif g east. An ambulance train ha gone forward to try to recover our wounded. Y'esterday' losses in the armored train engAgement have been ascertained to have been in wounded or n.issing: "Dublin fusilier? Captain Ilalaane, Lieutenant Frank land and forty-five men. "Durbin light infantry Captain Wylie and twenty four men. A heavy musketry fire wa heard in the direction of Lsdysmith at 2 o'clock thi morning, but there was no sound of cannon." All Well at Kimberley. Lcxdos, Nov. 13. The war office re ceived the following dispatch from Gen eral Bnller: "Cape Town, Nov. 17. A report from Kimberley, Saturday, Nov. 11, says all are well there. Reports from Ladysmith, November 12 and 13, say all are well." Ladysmith Surrounded. Ne' Yohk, Nov. IS. A dispatch to the Herald from I-ondon rays: The Daily Telegraph publishes tne foilowing from it special correspondent at Pieter maritzbnrg, November 11: The natives report thai the enemv have draw n a complete cordon around Ladysmith, and icgres I now most difficult. Our troops are cheerful, and there is little sick nees. The Boers are in great (traits for want of food. The free Staters have Income almost mutinous. Heavy Boer Losses. Loxnos, Nov. 19. A special diapatch from Pietermaritzburg, dated Saturday, November IS, tavs : "A runner brings a message from Ladysmith, savirg that November 9 the Boer attacked the town from the south west, but were repulsed by the Royal rifles anl rifle brigade with great loss' November 14 the Boers made on attack near Colenso, but were repnlsej with a loss of 800. Fighting I proceeding at Estcourt." INDUSTRIES IN BAD CONDITION In Two Piovinccs the Destruction in Sugar Interests Alone Is Estimated at JitXo.otKi.ooo, and There Are Xo Efforts nt Rebuilding. New York, Nov. 20. Dr. Joseph L. Hance, who for four years preceding the war between this country and Srnin waa I'nited States conut at Cardeca. Cuba, ha just returned from Cuba. He went there last June to attend to some legal business and to make himself familiar with conditions throughout the island. He jonrneye l on horseback In almost every part of Cub, visiting especially many of the large turar plantation. "Public opinion In America," he said, "i formed by report from Havana. There vou get only one ide of the tory, and the least important tide as regard question of administration. To com prehend the indu-tria! purruits, it ia necessary to visit the Ure agricultural and mining in'ereet of the c mn'ry. and especially the great r.g' plantation. Sugar is rarely seen on any of the plan tations now. In the provinces of Havana and Santa Clara, for a thousand miles all the cane has been destroyed. The machinery destroyed will average $1X'0 000 per mill, mak ng the total destruction $400,000,000. The cane lost average $-.11,000; makingatotil lots of $200,000, 1.00; nock and implements, $30,000,000. The total loss on these plantations pro ducing tugar therefore reaches $680,- j 000,000. I "Adventurers have promulgated the i Idea that planter will not have adequate I protection ir. Cuba, an I therefore nothing j is being done toward replanting the bnrne.l fie'.dsorrepi tcing the machinery. 1 This, too, in spite of the fact that some of the best land io Cubi cai no be had cheap. Outei le ol lUvain, the po!it:c al agitation that is kept up ia greatly deplored. Every one on the islan I who has any property at stake desires a con tinuance of American re ,-npation or any form of government nnderonr protection that will arTord stabiiitv." Evangelist Moody Improved. East Xokthfield, Ma., Nov. 13. t Dwight L. Moody, who on Thnrslay suffered an attack of heart trouble while engaged in evangelical work in Kans.'.s City, reached hi home here today, and is tonight reeling cir.fcrtably. Shortly after hi arrival, Dr. SchauffUr, who at tended Mr. Moody on his trip from Kan sas City, issued this bulletin : "The general cti'ti;i..n of Mr. Moody has much improved. I look to see hiai gradually recover. He has no valvular dieeaee of the heart.' Vnlcautc Ertit.tfotia Are grand, but ekin eruptions rob life of py. Buckieu's Arnici Salve cures them ; also old, running ami fever tores, Ulcers, B .ils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, tScitlds, Chapped Hands, Chiihlains. Bcft Pile euro cn earth. Drhe out tans and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure cuaranteed. Sold by Blakeiey A Hor.ghton, drug gists. " i Theodore Tfcoaias l Still Mad. Chicago, Nov. 19. Tho Chicago or chestra under the leadership of Theodore Thomas ha decide I to decline tho invi tation of the director of the Paris expo sition to attend that show in 1900. Mr. Thomas freely admit that the verdict in the Dreyfus case was reponsible for hi determination to remain away from the exposition. Chamberlain' I'aln Balm Curat Others, Why Not tou! My wife has been using Chamberlain' Pain Balm, with good results, for a lame (boulder that has pained her con tinually for nine yea-?. We have tried all kinds of medicines an 1 doctors with out receiving any beueSt from any of them. One day we aa an advertise ment of this medicine and thought cf trying it, wbi. h we did with the best of satisfaction. She has o-ed only one bottle and her shoulder is almost well. ArxiLrit L. Millett, Manchester, N.H. For sale by Biakeley A Houghton, drug gist. It will nit tie a tnrprire to any who are at all familiar with the good qualities of Chamberlain' Cough R-uiedy, to know that peop'e everywhere take pleasure in relating t hi ir experience in the use of that splendid medicine and in telling oi the benefit they have re ceived from it, of bad col I it has cured, of threatened Attacks of pneumonia it hae averted ami of the children it has saved from altarks of croup an I w hoop ing cough. It is a grand, good medicine. For sale by Biakeler A Houghton, drug gists. Fresh cracked Nebrafka corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcli25-tf SEND NO i to CI T litis AH. MT and riil to tt jrojr -tartil :. t)ttU lIsO It a miser tnr l"-t arotird bsHjy ft! bl 4fk)ni id 6 wtil 4?rn1 tini Witjjri.l fltj.h t9m Io y by nvrr, C. V. I., ry-ri It).- alio. u rnt tsj.jtitin unrl try tl Pit U jour ..rf-st tiprt-'t nfTVo ami If i.inl prl4fijr t1fH- lory. . K't 1 T a it tr,f'l I lr MliT TMUl.v uover w ft harl of, pay lb - ri dtfetit S'Jt lku T M.Cl 94. 9 Llwm" aw -''5 rharrf-, .J - .-f I chit trill i rrsi ) i If j J I fMMotor I. (MM !. This Circular Plush Cap XV,'':, eUll't !Wal ritjh, WJ In. Ii.n I . r t . rill full sweep, hncl Ihrosiirhnut ith (-. rf4 tllti la !. Uteorr.. rj labril? snhrit?rMl with w'"' hl"' bca.linr mMDi-tratr.l. Trtmtm.i a. I ar-r-l l!h flr nn Blarh IfclWl rr, havti ntrltni1 wi'h wt.1t anil fltwr r-ham Wril o frtt 1 1)J t 44rt SEARS, ROEBUCK CO..CHICACO