The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 18, 1899, PART 2, Image 4

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riuril IOD A Lit KNOW.
Scrofula to
A. S. MaeMllster and Hugh Glenn
went to Portland 01 this aiteruoou'
Col. F.. W. Knot earn orer from hit
bom at lioldendale yesterday and epeut
today in vity. on3 pmliapoaHHl to Scrofula omi
Ben Robbe.-son, who dow lire at never b healthy and vlgorou. Thia
Woodlaan, anive.t In The Pallet )t Mint in the blood naturally drifu Into
wgn. on a uusiur.s it.p. Consumption. Boing.uchadeep-aeatod
Mre. W. A. Johnston returned last.fciooj disea, Swift' Specific i tho
nlglilonirta river iroui roriiami, wnere , . . Sorofula. bocauta
jit ia the only remedy which can reach
1 the disease.
Pemfula icmml on lh head of bit ll'tlo
I t ran.lcrolri when only 1 month old. hUortly
alter brvaain out 11 rvl rapl.llT alt over
ah haa (pent the past week.
Mr. an J Mrs. J. M. Tatterxin came
dowu from Wared yesterday afternoon,!
and will spend a few days here.
H, inntmiurj iui up her buuT. The acatw on tha aorva wonWI nl
short I iff on lha s)tKhtai Souer. and the otor that her daughters, Mr. Hudson j tr Th. '.--nd
Mrs. Kineiily. iio.aniti and unbeamMe.
.... . , ',. , rtia diMM neil attacked.
Mr. Margaret Lotke, grand worthy lh ,,,itwa fsarj aha
matron of the Order of Eastern Star, was 1 would l.axt her aight. Km
oplroru lort!ad last an d mad. , Zr'XltuTJiT
U. K. Stewart leit on the boat this
morning for Vancouver, where he will
remain a short time and tlien go to
Harrisburg, where he will spend some
time recuperating.
Win. Kelsay, mayor of Shaniko, la in
town today. He was engaged in looking
for an honest man at the clerk'a othce
today, and conversing at ttie same time
with the deputy clerk, school superin
tendent, Attorney liavin and other.
. B. Oruisby, superintendent of the
forest reserve, arrived in the city last
night and left this morning for the
Dufur neighborhood, for the purpose of
looking over certain townships which
have petitioned to be included in the
foreet reserve.
Miss II. Talleferro, the trained nnrte
who arrived in the ci!7 last Friday to
accept employment with Dr. lieisen-
dorffer, wa taken very ill and threat
ened with typhoid fever. J-he was
therefore taken to the hospital in Tort
land yesterd.iy, Mrs. Ueisendortfer ac
companying her.
Thursday'! Daily
Torn Bossick is in the city from Antt
lope. E. B. Wood is np from Mosier on
Mre. Locr Hitchcock arrived in the
city last nigra from Portland.
M. A. Thompson came over trom
Ceuterville yesterday on bmine.
Dr. E. L. Nikern,of Alaska, arrived
last night from Portland and is spend
ing toCay with friends in the city.
Mist Ursula Michel), who has spent
the past two months at Columbus, left
00 this xorning's boat lor her home at
Mies Nellie Butler came up fron
Portland last n'ght on the boat. Hie
will spend today with relatives, return
ing tomorrow.
Mrs. W. T. Gardner, wife of the super
intendent of the Bovs' and tiirls' Aid
Society, came np from Portland yester
day and it visiting friends here fur a few
E. C. Goodwin, editor of the Antelope
Herald, accompanied Koht. Mays iu
from Antelope today. Mr. (joodain
came from Alabama recently and Is
making bit home at Antelope.
Kobert Mays, Jr., came in from his
ranch near Antelope, reaching here this
morning and apparently bringing all
the mud from that country with him.
However, from hit aescriptitn of the
roads therj mut be at least a goodly
thare left behind.
Friday's Daily.
J. L. McCatie is over from Hartland.
C. O. Eturgiss, of Bake Oven, is in
Frank Fairchil J is in from Grass Val-,
ley on business.
J. Jackson it in from his place near
Pherar's Bridge.
O. B. Derthick and F. M. Confer are
visitors from Victor.
Mr. F. II. Rowe left this morning for
California, called there by business.
A. L. Mcintosh, one of the most prom
inent stockmen of Prineville, came in
yesterday on his way to Portland.
F. C. Clausen it in from Dufur attend
ing circuit conrt. He wat an early
caller at the Chbojklk office todar.
uiauitM, but could do
nothing to rilT lh III
U Innocent, and ear It
a their opinion that tha
aaae waa honetca and I ni -
f.walble to save lh child's rycalvht. It wat
hen that wo decided to try Swift's Mpavino.
That medicine at once made a specly aud com
plete, cure, fcha la now a youn, laly, aud hai
aavar had a sign at the dlsmuw to return.
Ma. Kith B t bebls y,
caltiia. Kan-
Scrofula ia an obstinate blood disease,
j and is beyond tho reach of the avenge
blood medicine. Swift Specific
it the only remedy equal to tuch deep
seattxl dieaata; it roe down to the
very foundation and forces out every
taint. It is pre'y rttptable, and it
the only blood remedy guaranteed to
contain no mercury, potash or other
mineral substance w hatever.
Booka mailed free by Swift Speciflo
Company, Atlanta, Uooxgia,
church at r.ugene, haa been visiting
relative at Kingsley and left this morn
ing for his home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Witt, who hare told
their property interests at llih Prairie,
came over yesterday from that place,
and will remain here lor a lew days.
Mr. and Mrs. arrived in
town yesterday on the Goldemlale staue
and left on this morning's train for
Taeoma, where thev will visit their ton,
Messrs. E. C. Peae, D. M. French,
W. Lord. B. F. Lanuhlin and Hugh
Gou'lay left thia morning for the town
site of Shaniko. Thev will be joined by
Frank Hurlburt at Arlington, and to
gether investigate pntting in water
works, grading the ttreets, etc., at the
proposed townsite.
R. Bjoten, of Grass Valley, ia doing
business in the city today, having ar
rived in town yesterday alternoon. He
says this is the kind of weather that
makes the stockmen smile and stock
live on the fat of the land. The condi
tion of the roads is comparatively noth
ing when the bene tit derived from the
rain it considered.
Ila Got tha Money,
The Atlanta Consti ut'.on tellt a good
ttory on the native southern judiciary.
A man and woman called on a rural
jnstice of the teace ami asked for a
divorce. The justice called the bailifT
and aeked in a wh:sper: "What' the
lav on that p'inl T"
'Yuu can't do it," replied the bailifT.
'it don't come tinder ;er jurisdiction.'"
"'Ve're willin'ter pay cafh for i","
replied the husband, not understanding
the nature of the c .msulta'ion ; "I've
got the money in this here sto k:n."
The justice locked grave. Then, ad
jisting In spectacle auJ addressing
the man, he raid :
"You knowed 'fore yon came here that
,taam't f ir me to separate hnebsnd an'
wife, an' yet yon not only take up the
time tf this here valuable court with yer
taikin,' but ackchully perpose to bribe
me with money! Now, how much you
got in that stocking?"
" 'Bout six dollars an' a ht.l, ver
''All right, then, I fine you five dollars
from Portland to spend a hort time with j l')r bribery an' a dollar an' a half for
Mr. II. II. I'.iddell, returned home , Ukin' op uiy time with a cate hat my
yesterday. ! j irisilic'.ion i out of, an' may the Lord
Rev. J. T. Merrill, pa-tor of the U. B. j have mercy on your tonl '." 1
But All America Has Been Disappoiutei
thus Far.
Washington Saw Three and Chicago
Only One Faint One Harvard Had
Little Use For tier Cameras, but
Was Wailing la Hope of an Early
Moroinc Display.
London, Nov, lrt. London hat been
badly disappointed regarding tbe leonid
thowert. Tuesday night wa foggy and
last uight cloudy ami miety.
From Jthe Brussels observatory, be
tween 1:30 and 6 a. m., Wednesday,
leonid were visible, ranging in brillian
cy from the second to the third degree,
having in most instances a train resembl
ing a comet. At 3:23 a.m., a globe of
fire, very bright, was seen iu the direction
o' north, northeast, M degrees above the
h or iron.
In Austria the same night, about 300
leonid were seen, tiood photographs
were teenred.
M. de la Vault, who ascended in a
balloon from Paris, saw about 100 on
Tuesday night.
Washington Saw Three.
WaMii.xuroN. Nov. ltl. Tbe astrono
mer at hi naval observatory were keep
mg a strict watch last night for the me
teoric display. Up to half past 1 o'clock
three meteor were observed.
is Tr riRrriT rm'nr o tiii, .state
1 uf orvifiu, for Ihori'Uiity it
Han Id A. Muw-u, riaiiiinr,
Willi mi II. II Hiin.-u, MfH'l-nt,
i.ittiUmtu IK 11. Mimiii. niv iinmi
lii tin Vim of the Hlnto ol Orrirn Ym '
htr l ni'tlhot to I iihi Mi-tM itr In ih iw
vntliifl tsmrl 011 or Uhr U N-t Ux '.
ruMii'Mliitii tf thl, towil: oti ur )
ftnf AttittttUv, tii IMh tisty N..vt'HilH'r, viLi,
thru mul tlifrr t mirfr I In rtitiijtiiit ( the
Imvw nmiutl iltiiitnt tlhtl iuhIiipI m in ttiv
tx Mllllt'vl -Mil. HII'I It Jt'll HI lull tO Mirtr
in) miiucr kHhl (SMitpliim, inr whiiI tlitntl
rlnlullt! v III .).ly U ts.urt lr Hi r M.-l
THtl ir Iu lur itniUttit, ! u r a
cta'v tl thNtMvriiiltttt .stuf t fnn'f rtli-wl li(
n4 ami n II tit th boinlw ( iiiMtrttuoiijr imu
antl tit'it'tnltuv rtlollnii ti'lufrii pUlntlft aud
Ifit'tnlant, aiitl U-t an mIm1iiU Uivnti tl.von
(imn vmi, llu snl iK'ft'iitlttiil.
1 tin ftiiininttii t avtv I tiMin vu hr jHi'illra
tlttii tlivrvsil tv itit'r n( th II tii. . U Itmtl
ilnw, ulwv of tht atmv fiitltll court, which
onlt'l Uetr dntt of III Vinl tiny i. (h-tflx't. l 'i,
and tllrwtw ttittt hnttt Kiliuiiittlt ta krt-l lln
lhMit lrliitlaitt Iv iMiliIlt allttti tlivn1! (r li
omwruttv wtvka In 1 ho .allta I'mhuniili, a
' a, I y iijwaMiH'r of gi'tii'ral rin-iilallon. ut
Uhil In I In lallra, W aMM. iKUUt) , lr'R"ll :
nit) puhll ttUt'tl ti Itrvrln oil titty UU U of
ot'totN'f, Ivi, auJ ru. on th IMh Uay ttf
WITH Attoruvt I'T I'latullir.
T J'
AT'' '
" and Motors
M ixrr KTotr.0 ar
l-.oOrru i at VNitcvs. V . 11 ,
Oeiiber . ivj. i
Kolire la herebf alven that lha follnwhig
natne.1 etllr h fltrtt police ol hla Inu-ii-lliut
to ntNkc Anal nnt In miplmrl nl hla
eUltii, and lhl salil i,mi will U tnailr l.-(ori'
lh r aixl Kreeivrrnl I !t I anil I iltlre !
Vancouver. Wakhtualoii, till Tueatla)-, Niiwiu
tier .'lt, fli:
Jptl ttaiuharlln.
II K. No f --.', I.r I tie nt half of northtteit
tjUartiT anl -M half of iHiilhMiat iilarU-r, rr.
Jo. If J N . K reaa, W. M.
He hain,, lha fotluwtua a lt!iealii ,r.vs hla
ronttiinoua rauteui iiNtu and culllvaUtni of
aiinl land, vlf :
Ihomaa M. Whlleimh, Jamea Morgan, t're.1
It. Kin 11 h and Ullllain lalon : all 01 111-', t'
, -OlUtoU. IV II 111 MUM,
Oct 11 II K.Ttl.LT.
Harvard Wax Hupcful.
Boston, Nov. 16. Only few leonid
were caught in the camera at Harvard
observatory between 1 and 2 o'clock, but
the observer stated tint time that
great shower might occarr at any time
after 3 or 4 o'clock.
One Lonely Meteor fur Chicago.
Ciiicaoo, Nov. 16. One faint meteor
was seen through the big telescope at
Yerket' observatory, William' Bav,
Wis., at 10 p. m. It wa too faint to be
photographed, but the astronomer took
new hope for its tight.
Spain Saw Shooting Stars.
M.wkii, Nov. lb. The observers at
the ot srvatory here last night perceived
on bolide moving 110 11 wen to eat. It
did not burst. Many shooting stars were
alto seen.
Kac-ps anl I ketollng.
Mr. G. W. Ilaxen, who cam np i
A Mother's Plain Words
" I f uppose you will be atonihed when I tell you that tix year ago I waa
in a most dangerous, condition with bronchitis and lung trouble, because you
can aee bow well and strong I am now. The attack at that time caused terrible
pain ia mj chest and lungs. I could hardly move, and to stoop caused intense tuf-
err English Remedy, and I ' JJ
thforht I would trv it. although I ia?
... . " " J uv. fc
I had little faith in it. The
first bottle gave great relief,
nd the second bottle made me
the healthy woman I am today.
Xy husband's lung, are weak
adao, and he cured himself with
the aame grand old rc-nedy.
Our boy and girl have boh
been aaved by it from death
by croup. I know this M to, for
when they were attacked in the
sight I had a bottle i;i the cl- set,
and by acting quickly that fa'al
malady was easily overcome.
We alwavt give it to the children
when they have a cough or e ld,
amd we would not be without it
for anything. My s;s:cr will
tell you also, if you ak her, that
it ia a medicine that can alwa
be depended upon for s i
troubletof thebreathingoriran
I tell all our neighbors aVmt
Acker English kemer'y whenever I get
pie around Mechanicvil!e, N. Y.. where I live, who would no more think
sng to bed at night without a bottle of it in the house than they would of leaving
their door wide open. A I Icxjk at it, parents are criminally responsible when
they allow their children to die tinder their very eyei with croup, because her
ia a certain remedy that will conquer tbe terrible monRter every time."
(Signed) Mat. Flovo Fowler.
Ar.trar't Bnirtlah R!tnedr la aM by all drtitriflsta ander a poaltira giiaranta
thai your motley will l rc-funitai in coaa of fa lura. 15c, ? an i i a UiUla la
Uurtad fiimlCoiiJi. to Hag-land, is. ad., aa. jd., and 4a. fcd.
V amtkorhe Utc above gwmrUu. W. U. HOOKER at CO., I'royriciort, Aew l uiK
v r4 1 V a v v a a m w m
f lE, n in
1 B-r f a x "v - 1 s
v ' 'yt 3
the i:. I - - rc--
A S'lem writes to the States
man folloa :
Have other, beai.les myae:f noticed
I lie C',llect ions of ach'Mil laiys, in various
i.arts of lh cilv, plaving marbles for
"Keeps?" Tbee ultle leilows are often
ncotirageil in this form of gamhlii.g by
oliler xi)S and men (Uod save the
mark ! and the thing has grown to be
a small-siited nnisanre, to say nothing
of the deleterious influence on the
character of the boys. The thing will
ir-ow on them, and they will become
mature gambler. This is the danger
out feature of it. When I wa a git I,
tha teacher of the school were very
severe in dealing with this offense. Is
there not a good deal of school dis
cipline, and home discipline, too, needed
in Salem; a good deal more than is
Whether "keep" I played a mnch in
The Dalle a Salem, and give quite a
much annoyance to teachers, we know
not. However, ther is another evil in
schools everywhere, which causes the
Instructors more trouble than anything
else. We refer to tha habit of cheating,
o extensively practiced and 10 difficult
to overcome. 1'upili who are perfectly
honest In every other respect seem to
think nothing of cheating in regard to
lesson or examination, and one all
tort of dishonorable mean, keeping
teacher constantly on the alert to pre
vent it. There ha alway been this
tame difficulty, and tuch a prendre
must certainly tell tn the character in
after years.
Were parents to imprest on their
children that cheating In school it
equally as dishonest at In any other
walk of life, teachers aonld be greatly
aided anl the pupils receive mnch bene-
Dt thereby.
Jfoflee t chool Taacfcjars.
..AKbOrru t7hi luito. a .(
II UMT 7, IW i
N.itltt in tnTty flvrn tht the M!wh.t
nam-) Mtt)r hns h ltl ltoir ( hi. Intrittton
U malt Una. prM( In tiMr( f hit rlaim. ami
that aut print nit) 1st mad,- tf.r th hwtwtrf
Mint The I'Ml.ra.t ifi-nou, uu out nnU) ,
Nt'ttrr kKK, U.
I.aao V. HtittUml, of Tha lalt, Or i
H- tntr1 ruttv N(. va), fnr th F' NF'.
M. ami S K ev. 1 1i. f u.-Hli,
rattK U K , W M.
He lia.iisa th Mlnwltif 4tfrstM to rni;p
hla cM.i.iiutu rvsiiU'tM'9 uutt ami cultttatioa
U. -at Hi lm1, i It
J. I. Hvr. J . Jtrv. Vmi SMrvtMit and J
W. J.ihntuii; a I of 1 n Irt:lr, ihi,ii.
IH-t 11 1 JA V. ,HA, KrtfMrr
Circular and particular furnished on application.
up" b
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
notick fok rrri.!c.Tio.
I". S. Laki( rrv i, at 1m ln. ()ai j
Nntlr la flvrn thai I'm fl'wlr.K
narnttl orttlrr ha rUttt tuithv of hi Intt-ntion tn
itiakf rinl .r-. In uMrt nf hi t-Uitn, mix)
tbnl Htittl irMt will bj itit t-hr thr Kruuit r
atitl Htrivr at 1 hr lilr. un-rfoii, m rutur
day, .tiYmtvf II,
Hoiuttrvil Kntrv .No. T',t f,.r tha 4 S ft t,
V , rt 't mn rt i, '4, --. tl-.n i, ..mi.hii
north, r a ntrr t, w , M
Hi ttntuf th (itllitwiiiff wttn-w lr .rm til
ri.iittiiu--urn rt-.iai,, u.Bin mil, ruiiMll.u ul
iaII lait'l, via ;
i haa. Mflstr.of Miar, rr.n; lin Tttmuaa.
HfriiiAii f-t-.n.-.n', H(t( Krtti r rit lflt l., at
1 hu !.!, .'tt-tfoii.
jay r. i.n-A-.
oct: 11 l.i.trr
Wholesale) and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency iqr the Greato t American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHISKEY from :S to (t 00 per llo0. (tw IS rears old.) ' '
Imported cognac to i2.u per iion. in t.i:oy.afatid.
CALirOBNIA BRANDIES fr' ni n. to Iri lO r gallon. t to II vrars old. "
OLTHFIA BEER on draught, and Val Hlatt and Olruipi r.etr In botils
liiiirted Alt' and 1'orter.
Executor's Notice.
Notice la hrrrhr riven (hat lha uiutrralrnrH
baa Vrn aiMi,tt i,y ortl.T o( 11. ihxiiiIv if.iirl
"f tlt aUtf fMir,-en lor W aM-n CHitif v ati.l hj
lh will i.l .Mara 11 1 1 1b. ilimunl. tin u"' "f ll.c
laalalll ail.l U'atam.ltt ,l aatl Marv lll'la. .1.
r-nuM. All Mra..tia tinvl ria clalma aat!
nuir aro lirr .)r ... II k. .rr nl Ihrin ilh
ir.r .r.prr -Mi'-hra u. m- at tfnrnra. II nut
I l.afoil Jk 1 he 1'allea. or.w.MI. M1IU1U alK
modllia frnm lhr.1atr.if Ibta uotl.-r.
latnt ix-k.1 rr loth, I",
(K-tltll fctrrut.
Executor's Notice.
All r'riii havtiia rlnlma atfninut ih f.tnf
of Kll'arrrth A nil ( at-, il--M't. urn hrrs-hv
notltisi to trvnt th -mr, tiri isi rl v rrni-!.
at the fsfllrtf i I lh uii'trrttlYiirsl, Hi ilnlv m
f-lut-tl -irnt.'r of iml': rlntf, at ftlUn Itf
i'rV"H. within "l ttn-Mha (rtm U..Ule il ina
puhilrnll.tti of thta in l ((.
irati-sl l.'tU Uiy i( (m (olr,
lit t. It IfMUV.
f t I II Ktrniltir.
Physician ami Surgeon.
8lrlal attention !rn lo aurrrr.
Hnoms 21 and U. Tel. ZM V.t BUio
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, :rt;"Lk rD
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOn FlOUr T1,il' ,,,ur m-nufBCtnrl aipressly lor family
oaa; averr sack la guarantm! to iflva satisfaetioa.
W a sell onr foods lower than any ho.iaa in lha traula, and If yon don't thin s
call and get car price and I cuoriucml.
Highest Prices Paid for Wh?at. Bailey and Oata.
Cffloe oyer Frenrh la's Dank
Phona . THE bAI.I.K.'. ORF.iiOM
a s Mrnnainoa H a wiLaoa
Tift.: liAl.lkr imi.i.ia.
OKnaorer First Kat. Haua
r. aeosi. jm o.via
M00KK & (.WIN,
Himm M and m, orer V. . Und Oltlea.
C. S. Smith,
i chance, and there ore plenty of p
:lnnk ot i
Keco(n:iinir the fa:t that a thorough
knoleljis of rjcai uirisic will in tha
near aj'ure become one of the require
ments of tvery tnccessfiil school teacher,
I bare decide 1 lo Ofn a special course
for teachers in the rudiment of mos.c,
yocal cnllarr, theory ami si(ht siiilii?,
fitting one for a practical knowledge in
the dilTereiit branches of rocal music.
All teachers desirinir toenter this course
should ontiilt or write ma before D-c.
1st. Teacher from the country may
attend without any loss of time a the
lesion will be given on 8aturday of
each week.
Full particulars ami terms on ap
plication. A. w. J.t.xbKl.t., II. M..
ibo Dallet.
Kresh V.n an.l Crrame'y
Butter a specialty.
Dewey whito wash? Yen, and a)i white. You can
Havana thing wand at the Steam Laundry. The
Maine point in tjuality anl tho
Merritt of our work id Ptit h that jwople p
Miles to jiatronizo us. Our pricm aro not
Hobson'S choice, hut the Ktamlanl rate, which are not
Cevera high as pomo jioojile think, ami wo want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Corner of First and Court Streot,
'Phone 341.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplied
Crandallfi Burget
The Dalles. Or.
Burial Shoes
2d Street.
'Phone 270.
Utter of CreIit Issued available In th
Kastern Htates.
Might F.achange anl Telegraphit
Transfer sold on New York, (Jhit ago,
Ht. Inis, Kan Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Heattle Wssh,, and various poinU
In Oregon ami WaxhtngUm.
Collection male at all points on fa.
orahle term.
Tha Rapiljr Limited.
Sunrise on Mt.! from Lost Lake,
riac your order now for Christmas or
you may g..t left. Giflord. nl71rn
S "Harmony"
Thia brand of IVhihkcy la guaranteed to the consumer a
ami Medical far. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
Subscribe for tho Chronicle.
Advertise in tho Chronicle.