THE DALLE3 WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1599 Ihe Weekly Chronicle. llAI.I.Ke. ..... .. .N ' orru ial fAJ-KH or wamjo uhmi. " (nbhthnl in liro inrl$, un H ay,J .S.ilwrcdiVJ. Bl'Um HIITION tUTIta. av atiL. roavau! raaraiu, id iotikci. Oni fear " Wk ite'iil "1 f unim UMMlllt . fru raui ru.naM, au1 Maila knowu Ml BPI'll U"H. a i n.- ai n"ioiiniiilcatl..M k"Tliy " I! 11' IN l l.aV' I J'aUva, Oieull. local iikkvi rm. WnlltVMlay Pally, lirnrol Inlerrat U being Nian Heated la our lire department, and lat night iverl ii w name! were approved lur mriubenhlp. JtinriJ H y k , mi Auitrlan, wet u. day admitted citilDD ol the Uulted KUIr. (''I triton nl George V. Jordan aptiearing wllnete!. There were number o( clllieni saw atari thl morning; bat they wtre moat. y married men who tyed cut nil nlfhl to wllnea tli shower and when they g')t home the real thing dir. plaved In eainetl. (!. W. Hamilton, proprietor of the )'.Mil hotel, l Kneill, dropped dead In the olhce ol Hit) Hotel rutin?. Ila wat M yeart ol if,inl ii well known In Frio m t r-m, where the family re sided lor Jewrt, and where itlalivet bum III. Mr.. M. C. IIUI. f Mitchell, who wat arretted her about ten deyt ago charged with Heating f 200 from John It rail t ( , with whom she had gone to I'.irtland In priM-ura (urnilure for a hnte.1 at Mill -hell, had her trial li. Cortland Monday nd acquitted, the judge J.i in r llie evidence to convict her. . lUvi I Garrlioo, ho wat arretted in June lt charged milh violating a.Vllon 64.'H ol tl.e rev Led ttalue if ll.e I'liiled Stair., in endeavoring to defraud the government by ohtaining a petition hy Iran I. plead guilty in the I nit. il Main emit, and we sentenced to pay HK) and to ! confined In the munlv jail mil the nine la forthcoming, which would aiii'iuiil to Itupritoritucnt lor fiwt data. Keller' thow window remind one tlial Chiialiuaa 11 cot o far aaar. The randy goo.-, don brown, if In evidence, while candy O'li are swimming about wailing to tie caught. This year's atix k i 'ar ahead of any yl diaplajred here, the fancy randli't lieing drlirtoue and making prrtt oiliaiueiita. The toxra re a. to very pretty, anil a choice ai any that cm be ilrrratp I at l.oiuc, Mr Kellfr ha an unu u illy la'g at.irk thil yrtr. Art'rla of Incorporation of H e Ml. II l liol.l and Sliver Mining Coinpany wre to.lay tiled In the cicrk'a idlice, the lut-ororatora bein K. II. Wakrfleld, H. 1'.. A Unia, Tlio-ra Krrdi nhiirg, Jul. Curry, M l. Adamaand i'cter h-vttelitig. ! Tlie t apital alock it tH1, .In I t I Into mil.arraof $H 0 each. The puri ore Il t. .1. vi'l. p and work ceitain ctaiini near Mt. Ilx)l. The aaiupli- of ire from tl.eir claim la a!d to be vry rich, , aud prorprcta arc fv rab e f..r k'td tut put. Yrslrrdiy at consultation brtarru Krv. W. . CIKton, of the !aptlt church, pv. I. V. J'ollng, of the Cong rrgtlional. Key. (i. Kuthiug, of the Chriaiian, and Itcv. I'. F. Hawk of the ll'-thodi.t, It wa dicl.led to hold anion Thaiikrgiving teivice Thurid.y evrnlug, Xv. 30lh, at the Mrthoiiint church. Kt. I'. K. Hawk pointitl mastrrof cercinonief, and while eatli paa'or will araitt in the nervier, It". O. Un hlrg will deliver the ad drcaa. A t horm choir from the varlont chiireiira will furnmh n uiic. The lajii gof ittcl ralla Im licgun on Hie i iii in of the Columbia Southern rilnad, which runt toiith (mm Iligg, on the (). K. & N., through Sherman and Warco Count le, with 1'rlneville a It" ultimate dcatlnalinn. Along every "Clou of the turver from Moro, the I r.wnt termlniit of the road, to Crota Hollow., dlatance of forty-ti mile, large (angt of men are at woik. For twelve unlet of thlt dlatance the road bed it graded and ready fur the railt. which are being laid. Heven cart ol el railt arrived at Moro lard Saturday 'id othert will fullow- at fart at needed. Orcg.ii.ian. We have not found anvonn w ho paw th" ini-tnore U't night, alhnugh many have acknowledged they aet the alarm and got up to watch for them. It wouM he rtranje to aee anthing but fog with the a'moapherft we are now having. A li'pal. h finm Saw York rave they were imhl for fifteen tecondt on Monday J it before midnight. They appeared in the northeaat and were very brilliant. U alentwld that the greatest duplay would be on ThiirnUy morning after "ildnight, a.) that you'd better lie on the lookout tomorrow morning, although opinion! differ lo It l! difficult to decide when to upect them. Tagne taj! 10 o'clock at night. Complaini wai today filed In U elerk'i office by II. 8. Wilton, recrlver of The Dalle! National Iintk, againtt M. A. Moofty. Tbll II en action to recover 1071) 7.1. It It alleged In the eompUInt Diet thil amount wai thown upon the Uokt of the bank t n overJralt .largea ,,.. of the Tarllou ettate, w hereat It thould have Uen a credit, h It further alleged In that M. A. Moody en tered Into . agriemeiit with the re ceivr on the U li d.iy of April, 1MW, herein h. ,B.e. to , ,y The Pallet National It ,k 1071173. Ihiaactimla hroiiijht to recover taid amount and In tere.t ainouiiliug to KID.' Sll, aggregat ing M.'SUOH. Al-o anddithurre- IllClllt. A iiiovrnientiaon fool ainoiig tome of I' o large liannoritinei:tiil linea, which will meet whh favor among the travel- I ... i i - irig piii,i:c Kenerally. l , l.u.kl,,,, not nonlriii to be i'.-l .o.ln.i .n. bnilding or other tupport. Tha me (,f Uelding JohnKin, win w arretted In title city for having counterfeit kelt in hit and working the t!ot iiiachlm-t, came up in Ju.)i lleliinger't court Tuctday and he i aeoteiired to one year In the peni tentiary and alio fined J.V). llu clain.ed that the tpurioui coint had leen put in hit p.cket while he wai drunk, and that he wai tlili under Ihe Influence ol li'iuor when he fed them to the nja, an I I.I. com cil pet up in hiade- fenae that pulling the counteifeil ciint in lum lunet wa not parting them. The toward the boli.,ier,l of the Hoping j Jury ,f.r being out a abort .jiem mi ii iiii g an. I plei-plng curt. So annoying ,aa ,, pracil. u become thai traveleit aouhl iniieh rather py in ir in tran-.orti(lioii and f.-el their ohl un tloiit are ini-i at, than to have a black face continually looming np and reminding one tint they are "forgetting tomethiiig" or giving luili icanty ervice that be it ture the other fellow It forgetting everything. Thil reformation can nevr, however, be iii'craiful utile. the compaoiee In augurate It ttieinwlvet by faying living waget to their eniployet. Tna Ciiiiomci a hat frequently men tioned the cruel treatment which dumb brute receive at the hand of titlient of orr city and particularly of Ihe time, re luriird a verd.i l of guilty, nl rrcoiu mei .led the pri .:i-r to Ihe cf tl.e c uiri. We have a I heard tl.e ex predion often ".Stie can put her clothet In my valite," but if a certain bii.luof receel late had ilepci.ded upon the groom 'f valie in which to pai k tier clothea, they muat m-edi nave tiered in the wardrobe, fur when ho reached hit dettination and j wa leady to put on bit cuffa. glovet, I and other minor articlet of the"conven- J tiorikl" welding outfit, he found the ' valiie containing them wat minut; at were alto the beautiful flowert he wat carrying to hit bride. The marriage, however, proceeded and in the meau- time an Indian rode Into the city and lar nert and teamiteri treat their horiet attempted to rell a valiie to a certain when they come into town. Hut there ttcrrkreper. Uecugnuing the property rre louie thing! whh h cannot U men tioned too often, and we intend to keep calling attention to thl inhuman treat ment until aoiue meant are u-e.l to pre. eut It. The otlicert ihoiild enforce ttie ordimice which we published tome time attire regarding II I uenti.n. The rjc':ghtxri in the vicinity of Third and l-auuhlin it reel are luurh annoyed by ti e way team aiu treated which are tied on the vacant lott on tl.e north tide ol ll.e Hreet. Iti paid that at timet they are left the entire night without even having their l.arn.-n n -move. I, and often horrei are lelt a I day wilhoi.t 1'KhI or water. Thlt ihould not t allowe.l to g i on in any com muiiity and inch men C; ihould he ar- ! re.led and allow.d logo without lood or waler for a lime tl.en.ei vea. TI.urwia Paiiv. "leaded for hare" at Pe St Mar gent' underwear department. Carl J. K.. Carlron, a native of Sweden, tu to.lay admitted to citiienahip. Kliion't WiMa-raph Company will M at the Vo.t on the night of the "lt, w hen w il! he ihow n many of the moil thrill li pceue in the late war, nu ll a the tiiiking ol Ccrvera'l (let. etc. We learn that Mrt. ltrow n it gainitiK Irength rap ihy and will be able to he ai.out in a few dayt. In the meantime her l.ot and it on tl.o ri'H-ntauce real at the city jail and hs w or a clT drink ing f .r g .d. or had either. At U't re t-.ita he w a i nguig iwim ii.ou r oin.t." While watching for the mete, rt lant hghl nlK.ot 11:45. a niot hriiliant am. ra wat tinihle In the north. It. .re weren-vi'ral Hreamert eilen.liiig i-io-t- war 1 and reaching nearly to the lenilh. !t a a li.intihil piifl t whi.h migiit have Lien mivr.l hv many but for the eapected meti'i.rical ehower. Tour underclothing l;ik!? I your rkln tender? There ia no peine or nece-lty in aulTuring torture from the old out of date woolen underclothing, which irritate the lain beyond cu diiraiice, w hell you can buy the llecec lined underwear an I oth-r modern Liialt at low price! from i'eaie A Maj. Twelve voting U liei of our city have handed lheinelvra together In a tocial ' c'.nk ha not been out of bed tod.iy, and club for the purpose of ppecial ei.j iy-; the two young men took the ttage and .. . . . i .. .n.l I..I are itnrring U bv thl time, ment throughout tl.e winter, anil iipi I - evening met with Mi (irace lilenn. Frl.'.y i Daily. Twelve youi g men had bren invited YfPterday (iov. (ieer appointed three to Join them and from rep rt they miit r.ot ic public, amorg whom wa John have had an unurunly good time. , II. Cradlehangh. tiamei., tinging, refretlimentt and every I l,on Iiwton hat been confined to plearure which goet toward making ,it home for peveral tlayt with an at im li a gathering enjoyable wat in- j tack of infliininatory rheumatism, dulg.'d in. Thete el lib purtict w ill applet jt 0dd to tea the building for no greatly in making t tie winter! happy . niny yeart occupied by Snipit A one for the nicmljer. Kinerily at a drug ttore, being vacated. I'hv.lci.nt re diacvcring that the I The good recently pnrchaped by Wni. 1...1 nin,.. m il.i with Henry are being Ptored and toon the till III11H ItT'Il lilt linn - Ihe health of our grandmother and that ttore of hi Iriend, the article wat bought and w ill be returned to id owner. So that the newly married couple need not Hart on the journey of life minut a valiie. While we dn not believe in becoming anduly alarmed, nor a the raying it, baking handi with the devil before he ia met ; jet it doet fee in that Th Pallet people aie jmt a little too patiive over Uie imalipox tcare throughout the ttate. With teveral caiet at IS.iker City and other placet cant of n, and many at Salem at well at other placer toutti, would it not be well for ut to realize that we are in the immediate danger line and ute k me precaution. So far as we c. n learn few have retorted to vaccination. Many areoppoaed to coin pu'rory vaccination in the rchooi, and in city ichoolr, where a wholerale tuei- net i made of it, we confept there it much d tnger of hriu retulting ; but it j doe eem a if it ihould be given more ttrntioii In the famiiiet ut our city and the children vaccinated. liy this meant much excitement and alarm would be ' prevented were care to be dropped down here or be discovered in nir mi. lit. 1 "Over the ttart there it a reft" ii a beautiful teniiinent; but a number of I our citizeni have bad little rctt over the j 'hooting meleora which have failed to ! ih.xit lor two night! now. Some of our j I moat peac-lnl reidentt felt like shooting i . a ".tar" night clerk In one of our hotel j during the pmall hour thi morning. J llwojcung men who wore out on the j hotel veranda at an early hour reciting ) j "twinkle, twinkle, little ttar," etc., . caught a giimpae of the north atar, over I j w hich the cloud were coating each vther I 1 making it look a if it were out ehooting, I 'and quicn'y hurrying totheot)'n:e in- I ! lorn.e.l the clerk Ken it would tako place. ll.t'teniiig to the 'phone he ijnickly j ' called up a'.iout a d zjq d.tTVrent lamiliep, I ahum he had promised to inform. . Untitling their eye, each one in turn jumped out and paraded to the window only to have tl.e man in the moon look down a if to ny "rubber ! robber 1" and not a star in sight. One real estate agent J, tUrt. 1 I. e ha. I liecn done "dirt"; the hotel proprietor w a to ttar-l'e I that he i on' I.e. king (or a new clork ; the taid Household Necessities. Our Usual Friday and Saturday Special Sale. A lot of good tilings that you nce l at all times, but cannot buy at your own I rices except at this sale. Our complete line of Toilet Quilts at the following prices: . No. 11 A good IJnilt for J, bed .40 No. 6l72 A good full-tize quilt tH No. Ol A good full-tize quilt :i No. 1(H) A good full-tize quilt Hi No. A g .od full-tize quilt 1.13 No. 300 A good full-tize quilt 1 Vt No. 4'X) A g.xid full-tize quilt 1 7:' No. ftiiS7 A good full tize quilt 1 !i:J No. MM) A good full tize quilt 2 .VI No. tX A good full-tize quilt 3 17 No. ltXXl A good full-tize quilt 3.J.I COTICIT SHEETS. (loll) 4'V 8UUI) 4::.; 81x10, bit 57c The9 I heel measure the length and breadth at given above. BLEACHED MUGLIN". 3d inch 04l4'c M inch Hoc 30 inch 07J,c will be minut a tenant. tteam heat and furnace heat arn re-j telegram received by the Judge Irom tponsible for many allmentt. Steam Mr.. Itiadihaw yepterday afternoon an heal eapecially ha way of gradually j pounced her arrival at Chicago, having Incicaeiiut to that any one who la linen ,tood the trip to a tteam healed room lcomee an easy victim to old and all the long tring of ailmeiitt to which old it the in troduction. An open lire it a mrt of inrpirnsion in Itself, and it diawt in the out-of door oxygen through all the crackt and erannie it help to purity Ihe air in the room while it heats it. I.M night A.i Long, agent for the chemical engine, wa in the city end met with the committee, composed of Men. Moore, McArlhur, Saltmarthe and lilenn. who had been appointed by the board of fire delegate and ail tl.orie.l to lake in charge the matter of the Improvement lu the fife depart ment apperalu. A contract wat entered Into w ith him to furnith the city with a 1(H) gallon chemical hand engine, and late Improved Aeriat truck and ladder. The latter ia laid lo be the mot com plete and perlect arrangement made, Ihe ladder being high enough to reach to the top of the highett building in the city, and iocontructed ai to be tired In any po.ltioo, boldlng it! own weight inJ remarkably well. She wai met there by relative! and will spend but a ihort time, going on to Atheville at onco. The country editor it a reliable en cyclopedia. A tuhpcritier pent one thi query recently: "What ail my fowl? Kvery morning I find one keeled over to rise t:o more." The reply wa: "The fowl are dead. It is nn old complaint and nothing can bo done but to bury them." YeMerdav when Mr. U. B. Gilbrath PILLOW CASE MUCLiN. 42 inch lie 4" Inch 54-inch 15c These are the beet quaiitie in I'illour Case Muslin sn the market. COTTON DIAPER. IS-inch and 10 yard length! 5()c LU inch ami 10 yard length ii:'.o 2.'-inch and 10 yard length 7:ic 14 inch an I 10 yard lengths Klc These good are finished by a new process and free from all impurities; non-irritaut, anlitepiic, absorbent and durable. WIDE SHEETING, Bleached. Funny When You Thsnk of It We are paining the top notch of the Clothing Ladder by Bottom Trices. Wo are telling lots of toj Notch Clothing at Bottom Trices. Confi lenco is the basis of all transactions; we want yours. We won't abue it. Our name protects you. We have about 200 Men's Suits, Comprising all the latett ttyle and material, gold in the regular wv at price! ranging from fj 50 to ,tf.50. Tl.e bjttoin pi ice on these tuitt it $4.95. We have made tin phenomenally low price in order to clean them up, and it will certainly pay you to look at ttie'e value. It ia hard on the other fellowt, we know, bat we mean l.usine-t and they must go. Make Y d? Own 'Ory Weather.. f-ocli a thing a being wet never occur to the owner of one of our tplendid Mackintoshes. LOOK HERE. breasted, English box style, wide velvet collar ; with or without cape. Bottom price A fine atrictly all-wool Tricot ; black or navy blue; douhle- 8-4, 72 Inches wide. . 9 4, 81 inches w ide. . 10 4, 10 inches wide. . . J . ic . .17c ..lic WIDE SHEETING, Unbleached. 8 2, 72 inchet wide . II 4, 81 iuphet wide . 10 4, C) inches wide. .lrc .Ilk- CRASH. 115 inch cctton crash is inch, all linen . . . I-4-.- lie 17-inch, blue or red check 00'..o IS-inch, bine or rd check -. 11c These are but a lew of the real Imif iim in thi line, but tiuie and space prevent a further quotation. TURKEY RED DAMASK. This is mgjjegtive of Thanksgiving, and when you see theee good yon w ill pay they are ail l ight to serve the liirciou bird upon. 54 inch, (id inch . tk inch. .17c !'c See Our East Window. $4.55. We hnve the largest and best assorted ttock of Mackintoshes in Eastern Oragon. High-grade Gloves at Low-grade Prices. 'ur Glove ttock it complete in every detail, with the most np-to-daie covering for the hands. If you would lie prooerlv iiiove t and ttil! be at the least ex pense, buy your (jlovea of nt. Lalies' two-cIap, over team, prime German Lamb skin Glove, color tan, brown, mode, tlate, ox blood ; black and white embroidrred backt, very strong, aerviceable Glove, and good value at $1.25; aie price 85c The Centemeri French $1 50; sale price Kid Glove, a! wave sold at ' 98c All our glove are guaranteed and fitted; from $1 op. Wlk Waists. Just arrived, a new line of Ladies' Taffeta, Satin and Velvet Wai;ts, ranging in price from $0 up. We have alto received a full line Battenhnrg Tat ternt for fancy work, with a complete assortment of ljiaid?. We etil! continue our ppecial tale on Ladies' I'nion So ts lor the next ten day. All Goods Mar :td In Plain Figures PEASE a MAYS. hunilv in Arlington and also left one with tome people ut Hood Hiver. Attorney W. B. Trephy It a very hap py man these dayp, having won all three of the I). W. 1'ierco A fon timber cases in the U. S. district court at Walla Walla on Wednetdav, Thursday and Kriday of hist w eek. The canes involved over $14.00. One case was won on the served, afte.-which dancing and a gen-; June. Ha was arrested yesterday by era! good time was enjoyed by all who ! Deputy Sheriff E. J. Glisan, and when were fortunate in being present. a chest belonging to him was searched it Officers of the Southern Pacific and O. li. A N. steamer lines report that California tourist traffic il exceptionally heay. In h'.ct it has nut been to good before for years. The agents accredit this to the general prosperity the conn- pleadings, another before a jury and ! try is now enjoying. They say that the third was disunited. Goldendale Sentinel. Thit is the season for high tides, and an unusual one was experienied at Sea tide Wednesday morning. The heavy swell rolled over Ihe bulkhead at Grimes' new hole', and tho water ran down the shell road to the Necanicnm. This is known to have happened before, but very infrequently. Today it is paid there will be a much higher tide, and its effict it awaited w ith much interest. Now is the very time everyone desirep to be well shod, and that is the reason Chas. Stephens' show window attiacts so much attention, for therein may be seen the fatuous P uglas sl oe. For weeks past patrons have been inquiring tor them, and the entire ttock is now in. Mr Stephens is t ile agent, but not awent for the sole alone, but the entire entire families are winning their way southward to enjoy the gulden sunshine. They further notice that a great many of the passengers are mining men from British Columbia, Idaho, Washington and Eastern Oregon. Usnail) this contained f-'AX) in money, several arthln and a pair of driving gloves belonging to the stage driver, Law son, and stolen from Ward A Robertson's barn at the time Simons was employed ly them. His case will be taken np at Antelope, and il looks rather dark for him. The condition of ihe roads leading into the country is very bad, and one man at least c.iine to the conclusion yesterday that they had no bottom. Just as he was starting up the 5-Mile hi'.l. driving a eix-Vrsa team, and- travel does not begin until after reached the bridge near Hyre'i place, Christmas, but people have money and j his wagon struck a bad chuck hole and. want to epend it. he was thrown out into a ditch below. Seufert Bros, are determined to find I He was assisted out, and so far as could out just how much cal there i around j he ascertained no bodily harm w as re Tho Dalles that is in certain I jc- ccived with l'ie exception of sprained turns, and to that end have em- ! hip. It is said, however, that he was ployed Knight A Stone, of Spokane, ex- j a to be teen -covered in mud Iroiu peril in that line, and t! is I lornirg ' head trl foot, it was impossible to reccg Stone arrived in the city, ! ringing with nizs. him. Scraping as lunch off as it him one of their hem diamond drills I he Intentio'i Is to drill a lO.n) fojt prospect hole a'aiut a mile and a 1 alf from the company's ice Vouse, near the sloughs. Working a night and day coming into the city he picked up a lhop Ca nj ,ljn ,no h(!m ,0 j shift il is thon-ht it will lake fifty days iHik on the road between 8-Mile and W. 1. Richards, place. It ia German book end belongs to the Mt. Angel Monatery Library. If the person who ot it will call t thl! office it will be returned to him. Mrs. W. T. Gardner, of the Boyt' and Girls' Aid Society, who spent yetterday in The Pallet, came np for the purpote of bringing 4 yes'-old girl tothe family of Jerome Williams, they being desiron! of adopting her should ihe prove latie facwry. She also took child to you. to drill the hole. Seufert Bros, deserve Last niirl.t the P.-nree of Honor ten-1 -' credit f r tl.o energy and interest dered the members ol the A. O. U. W. ' displayed, for should they be successful. snrpriee, and those who were r.ot 1 nire city will be benefited thereby, nre.ent missed verv ideasant evening. it costs mucti to pros eci wa possible to remove, he went on Li! way swearing vengeance aitainst the chuck hole, mud and everything in coo mciion therew ith. After gaining admission to their lodte hall, greetings were exchanged and the ladies made welcome, and Temple Lode exhibited their lovely icreen woik, To. a? p. wool. There will l a turkey and pigeon shoot on the beach Wednesday aid Thursday, Noc. 29;h and 30th, conducted bv A. Y. Marsh ad Isasc loles. td dawj A!1 persons wishing to take children. either I yi or gl'ls, for lt;M edoption or which wa! rare treat. Misa El tibeth i ba the wron; man. Suspicion then McArthnr lang lolo, Mist Esther Beck reetc 1 on Alva Siniiiir, a young man gave a recitation and Mrs. C. F. Stephent whose home it inThe Dalles, bit who a vocil lolo. Refreshment! were then J has been working for Barges! t'nee A week ago tonuht a cigar box con- lam n I m.nin.i an.i wm. niru i mil i Burgess' store at Bakeoven. An arrest I' leniore. stiouui write 10 . a. was made shortly aftrr, but proved to j Gardner, enpei'-tendent of the Foya' , the arnn, man. Susnicion then nd Girla ft Society of Oregon, at Portland, who can procore for them de- sirablechildren of a'l ages. All applies Hons muit be filed in advance, tl