THE DALLES WEEKLY CnilONICLE. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 18 ieP3. The Weekly Chronicle. Advaitlala Kalaa. Oitli.oaor lo in Palir O er two uiclioa unl 11 u.ler four tnt'lie. . f -cr lout Im'ho a. til utl.lcf twelve Uichea O-er twelve tiirbt-i pailt mn wtinv. Oue tiu'h ir li-aa, i-r nu ll Ovor on,. In. Ii a: J iruli-r (our tnrliea. , . iWtr i,.ur inch,' iiuU uui!vr lucboa 0v, laelv mciioa trr nvh 1 i : so a i . 1 M . 1 O) AS AVO.H JO VECLARATIOS. Chicago contractors and architects have declared their purpose to "break up the present tiadi unions." Ti .ia idle bont. says the Spokes-tiian-Keview. In a contest of that nature, the unions would have the moral and niatcihl support of ao overwhelming majority of the pcoplei because the law-abiding character of the Chtcgo unions has not been Called in question. There is do complaint of violence, and the con tractors have declared war, not to uphold any hih-minded priueiple, but simply to their own selfiSh interests. Lawful trades unions, made up of respectable, law-abiding workingmen, arc essential to the welfare of the wage-earners. Iu this era of fierce competition and gigantic combina tions of capital, there is grenter ned war, so many nobody tons of some body, that it is pleasing to record t le fact that young Logan rose mag nificently to the iioblo traditions of a noble family. A LOOK OVER THE HELD. The political sentiment of the United States at this time is decis ively Republican. Any one can go over the list of states and see that the Republicans hold more than In 181MI. Thicc general elections have taken place since that year and the net result is a strengthened Republican position. The four states pained ure Kaus.vs Washington, South Dakota and Wyoming. Kentucky, which divided its electoral vote in 1S96, ts more strongly Republican now than it was then. The single state re gained by the Democrats is Mary land, and this was managed only by a platform silent on silver and the rest of the Chicago platform. Com pared with 18'JG the Republican gain of electoral votes Is twenty-two, the loss eight. This change would make the electoral college stand Reput-j liean 2S5, Democratic 1G2. H is as close an estimate iu actual figures as cat be made. These are accomplished facts. Through three so-called off years the opposition has douc its utmost to turn Hip political tide. be imported at all? Why can't, or why don' Oregonlans supply the homo market with plenty of fresh cgus? Why can the farmers of Missouri and Iowa exMrl millions of duzens of e,-gs annually, and have a" they can use besides, while almost every year Oregon has to send to those states for eggs, and pay twice their priee thero for stale eggs? Surely the clitualfe h"re is not poison ous to hens. CeiUinly it Is easy to raise abundance of the best kinds of feed few them. Some people have Indeed put forth the excuse that "Kultry doesn't do well here." This is nonsense. It is the people who make lame, loose pretense to raise poultry that don't do well. Hut there's no use talking about il. Why Oregon farmers don't laise all the eggs we can consume, and be able to sell them at from 12 to 20 cents a dozen, according to the season, is a mystery. OS ITS LAST LEOS. AFTtR MANY DAYS. than ever before of strong orgamza tion in the ranks of labor. Tie' Hut it runs more towctfully than wage-earners of the country must be j ever. The Democratic parly itself well paid, or the citizenship of the j has crumbled in attempting to dc republio will suffer, because the wage-J veiop weak spot in Republican earner who is underpaid and over-i lines. woiked can not meet those obliga-j One tew national issue, expansion, tions to his children wrjich are soas tested in the twelve stales that essential to the growth of the best I voted on Tuesday. It was emphatic qualities of cit:'.enship. Aa in-! ally approved. Massachusetts, the scrupulous, greedy employer has no' home of Atkinson, Harrison, Rout moral right to put his employes on J well, Hoar and a bitter antt-expan scant wage, and thus deprive a part j sion league, piled up an immense of the rising generation of good , Republican msj rity. New Yoik f.d, good tlothirg end good c luca-' Republicans increased their Roosevelt jig,, ! majority and gained twelve members The sweeping declaration tuf the j ir. the legislature. New Jersey shows Chicago contractors wi'.l be con- decided Republican giius in both detuned as it deserves, and we the vote and the legislature. rill not be McLean is astonished by the 0,o0l) Nearly all accounts lead the in quiring mind to the conviction that the back of the rilipino insurrection is broken. The season is on wheu the American forces can pursue. The sole object of the insurgents is to keep out of reach of the Americans. This they cannot do much longer. Squads may secrete themselves in the mountains and give some trouble for months by timid bushwhacking fighting, but this will do little damage, and w ill soon ne out. Lawton, MacArthur, Wheeler, Whea ton and Funston if the latttr gets back in time will soon wind up Aguinaldo's ball of insurrectionary yarn. A' eady the insurrection is on its last lev;, and when its legs give out it is done for. -Then a suitable government will be gradually estab lished, and the wail of the anti will die out in this land. Telegiam. tar protection, will nut mil place tar eourllriice. We therefore congratulate '' while we eitend our hraitr good wishe. Kin. a i.f a. !'" In lb Circuit Court Tod.. believe the sciflsb object wi attained. IE ATI! OF MAJOR LOG AS. plura"ty against him in Ohio. The Republicans of Kentucky were united and won a brilliant victory. Iowa increased its majority. South Dakota, , . , , . . . . T ,! where the president recently made battle of Major John A. Logan of ( 1 ' .... . n i i ' some of bis strongest expansion Illinois, toting Logan fell while; c ' . ,, ,. speeches, and where Senator Petti- gallantly lending his battalion, savs 1 .... ,. , . " ' grew has bccn"untirin on the other the Review. Hie sorrowful news, i . i i .. ' side, changed from a fusion inability can its grief to a while haired mother : ' ' in Washington and to a bereaved !""" m wiTe and three children In Ohio. Young Logan was a worthy scion of a noble sire, (ieneral Ix t'in vol- , ., . ., 1 pansion. It is invisible in the returns unteered as a private soldier m the,' m.i i . .. . .t, f in -', I ;'-w Yoikorany- litutenant. When the South fired on Sumpter, Logan was a member of roneres. II 'efi his seat, overtook lat vesr the trooi s lhat were marchinff out of J ! majority of 8000 or 10,000. McLean aii'l other Democratic managers ; counted on a German revolt on ex- WolLMdaf Imily. tAW. S un tai l j)licil Co vs P O Daut ; de fault slid judgment. A F Hiir Ulin A Brown ; default u'.d j'idgiiieat ajainft E J Cili'xn. CHIMIN AL. State of O.-egon ts WilUrd Fergnsiii; nut a true hill. In the case of trie Slate v Jo'eph Gintemsn, charged wiili utlrri a forupil instrumont, the ilt!i n lnl plrmJ nut g'li It; ; but w ithdrew the plea and a d.-niurrer was Slo'1. Ilefeinlanl's at lorney, John tiTin, raised the obj-ctinn Ihnt ti e cheek ws r.ot stampml and therefore nas void. The re Is orcii;.y- rig the alti n'i u of the court this afier I noon. A Nut an rt ! lrly H.Bt Our (t-Lll Hmt Nut Crawl N !! Aflr nionihn, yes years of waltlnf an i what lias .roven alunl suicidal de lay on Hi l''t i' I The Pullrs in regard tail future flfre, t.-lirnm I now on f.Mt which I j lit "it" and Urikea at the very cor of iho itnalloii. hliuld It It, with vrrrlhitiK in Its Uvor, Ihtt residents of this eltj have grown to se eiulomrd lu having traiht drop at llielr very feet, that Ihny have aeareoly rna linl that auylhlng would intervtna be tween them and ,roeriiy. However, after a railroad had l.een put u and other means employed, which wrre sop ping Us very life blood, our ciliwns be gan to wska lip and luok attout to sre what might l dune, and although lata it 1 nut yet loo late to counteract the evil. The very thing which the nawepapers have been agitating for so long i now assuming proportions which look to eouraging and a large nuuitxr of our leading men are deeply interested in a schema for a railroad Into the interior. A subscription paper is tielng circulated and in fifteen minutes yesterday tH) were rsised for a preliminary surrey, and the remainder Is coining Ut. The idea is to test the feasibility of such move, end although it is not yet assured, il Is a move a long way In the right li rrH'tiou, and we trust will he ere lung ntit a schema hut a reality. The idea is to build by the way of the is inuiee river to me mo.Hn oi iroui, ,.,.,,,,,, 00 IX) creek ; op Trout ten miles to the junction j; Mjy, county J.idgu, Irans- ot Trout and Hay creeks, and liimlly (in I uortation pauper to rrineville: a branch also to 1 run I 4 ' IVters, luml-er lor iiIioiii into stand the peviple of that county are of showing the amounts i f sll claims pre vented, thJ Million of w I (nliusills, I lis article or cUt lot which payment Is made, tin' ioi uunte lloed and the claims continued or r-jclcd at the Nov. lent:, IMi'.l, of thrt'i.iintylVjint v' Wasco fiunlv, lin-gi.n. The following IikI, lu.weer, il.ies not c nUiil any claim fur which tl.e salary or fees aie prutidvd bv statute: M V Shaw, M I', professional service l-'iank Hill, clerical services .... J K Wail, M I'.exsininliig ttisuna M r Shaw, M 1, exsiiiiiiing in-riliri J K Watt, M I, risiiilnall on of tl'ltileii Williams A l'.ioiu. meiliciue for pauper ... V It.-osius, M I), professional ervicsui Hone A MetKmald, supplies for pauix-re C 1' iiiiuney, supplies fur iiauiHrs I. r wonder, sersHes rihi iiverj hir-i for eiimlluoi patients . . . t.yuian r in 1 1 1 1 . supplies tmallox pltliHIII T II t.'!i k, gur Jing ijU4r.i(iue r II Kent, " - DilUt A '(i.iiider, supples lor smallpox paltenls I) P A A N Co, tisnsportalioii of pitilpern I! il'l Roily, letulo on douhle as- essmeltt ... J A lietsemloiiler, M , pro.'m- piutiul perviet-s uper II ark A Ah, sopp'its paupei . . Hurruc t': itlrmlrii ll inir, lir '.' (H) b'i IX) 0 00 & CO 6 00 2 DO 1 00 U 4 A " ::o oo s o '1 o 4 oo 1 0 W 17 S7j o. IK) 4 iu "1'UI.HSklx, copy or li e iMhllo ,.,, ,,, '"p"t. let S, was reielrrj In fli,. deer yesler.Uy. It , . i , ll.heil by th.l ;,.,, st.ei ,Ii:;,,i;t pllal service, su l shows work d In tvry part of ho f,. h,,' h.udllng and suppre.,1,, n ' diseases. " The reports of .iM'aniiI1M m(H state, eoiiiiiy and muiilrip.,i Hcers III every porli.,,, , ,. la t!iu surgeoii ti.t rl of t ,,'' hospital servlre, en the smuli,,,,, ation shows that during t!, , ,ul ' five im itths this tbsea.. ,, ,,o,,n W In nearly every state, bin , , p the work ol the aotlmritiM peif,,.-, that but twentv-lwo ,se, rufcj iinj in nit i miea June lutli and ovemlier Ut Throughout the Soiitnera it.iM whma the disease threatened to (IMJ to all sections, surgeon o lr muH hospital were sent, to advisx with II., Iwal autlioriilet and aid In srreiii0, the progress of ti e tlises.e. mj met Willi uniform success. In AUb.m, and Georgia smallpux wss foiinij iu m, localities suit until Ihe coming k (j. eral health o Hirer, no prerjuliun ,, W taken against a spread of the i,ruti Hi services were utilised ,y th ,ilt olMclals, however, In br ng ng tlK,0i ( start Inward arresting and 'tipprrM!! Hie awful malady . Statesmen. Dalle ralllle krliuula. ;.' owing i the report tUijnv ler 1 1 n e idlng Nor. M 'isj. . . I i . I J I I Birrp, uiiiiiTr nil .j feringagood bonus to that end. by there means Lake and Klamath counties will Ih trll uUrv to The Halle, and we believe it is not loo innch to predict that; triilga r hrssier, iimney ex- pelidnt nil eolllllv load Time- ilooiila tieer. hatance due fur pnlillshllig ili'llli Mltlllt tax list '. II C Kdd, M I1, priilrsioiil irn ri c iunty paiir I 40 -H IS bl hi if tlie Mad is a g i it w ill Anally be ex- tieo r K-in, rel.aie on tes ten-bd into California and made . JKKsnd, assiaung in draali.g through line. i , K'.- . , , , ! J I natsiu, sssiatitig iliaaing title survey of course has not lieeu jry made, much investigation has been go- : Krank Hill, cleileal servires In oil aud it Is thought hy thor e w bo , butler lung Vo, uir bcine f..r Circuit C'furt nia. where else, 'lhere are many thotis- iandGenrans in RufTnlo and Louis- i ! ville, and bo ill cities went Democratic II " year they give large i n it. Wa-hin-ton. and (nusht in the ranks i J ' " I , f, i i i .i. . , .- Mr. Bryan saved his state anl it of Colonel Richardscii s regiment ini 3 ,ii ,.i i t nn. . ' is evident that there are some Re- the battle f Hull Run, being among; ., ,, ,. ( publicans in Nebiaska who do not the hist to leave the fieri. He then, , .. ..... .. . : care to lesson his ronspicuily in the r.rcnni7Pil loo I hirf V nrt I linots 1 3 Infantry, and was appxiinted its colonel. At ISelrnont, under Grant, be led a successful bayonet charge, nnd his bori-e ai shot from under lum. His rie to eminence was meteoric. From the ranks to regi-; ment, from a regiment to a brigade,' fom a brigade to a division, and from a division 'to a corps, and I Democratic party. Itryan has a strong pcpulaiity and eihaps will jservr the Democratic purpose next ! vcjr as well as any mm could in the ' I'tesent confuted condition of the (party. He will be defeated, but so will any other Denv-crat. To drop him would cost the Democrats their chance in Nebraska, Colorado and always his conduct was characterized j by rare courazc, unusual ssgscity . two or three small Western states. lie can count on the South as con He will lo'-sc TliUrMla) Imi'. Yestirday afterno'in in U.e e.i f Sta'eijf (rgon VS. Joseph (iantrman. In which a demurrer was tiled, the de murrer was overruled and a plea of not g lily was entered by di-fenj- nt. The case will propably cine up for trial. Sat urday. In lh: cate cl the Stale v. Wm Minton, charged wltli larceny hy hillre, not a true hill wss found and tr.e de fendant wss discharged. The same action was taken io ihe case of O. L. Field held for (Hi!ygamy. Also in the case of Harry Hansbiiry, charged with larceny fioin a daelling. The case of Henry Gardoer v. County of Wasco came np hi lore the court this morning. It is an action to richer d miges rrceive-j about a year s,o whi n Cfjiuiiig lo n the I: re graj aU;Ut eight mile from the city. Moor A (javin are attorney Ut the plaintiff and A. A. Jayneand V. II. Wilson for the connty. i - :.: .-i. .1. - ' I'vuper il in u Luritmi! iuaii"i,iiiaiii larii- . , , (t , . . ...... , ,. , . ' H.illis rire I t ini-lit. fe.lui:- tir ly lea.lhle, and will Iw what nugl.t I ,, r Irauranre I termed Inexpensive, air re there Wanl A V. itiertwoi, "e f loin woulle lit tin rock work. The grad i N'ellle Wu-k ham, nursing paup-r al,o would not be more than one percent j 11 J,"tn'r''',r"''' ' or fifty feet to the mile, the hlg!.e,t e!e- Im.,',' A prudhomnie,' u.plies' . '. valion being between here and Ihe free i Ira in-I'imIshh Co, anpplies . bridge on the bench opposite the iiioulh CittoMci r. Pulilialiiiig Co, print- ..f Ies Chutes, which i 800 feet I . 'ng and supplies. . . , , , , J isie Jenkins, c erical services the river. Men hi have looked into j j cJok tiefl(r t( C,.rkau.s he matter give a their opinion thai c.'U'ity, serving mh ..''mi . . difficulty will t encountered in I III one I 'reg"l Teleiihone A Telegraph . , ... ,V. Co, rent and inragr . ... or 10 places. , ' , . . . T , ' Farlev A rrrnk, repairing ham The beneUl to Tlie Dalles can !e leer, j ,,., ks for at a g'ance. While controlling all tlml K l.iae, liniilM-r trade which hat hereto! ire been ours, It t J 1" I'eters, lumber .ill rn n-. In il. n,nnl, . J " FrarV, lllMile-r , . ' , , J T I'eters, Inmher an I o.i . have no claim on, and no transportation ; r,.irr ,, ,U r' coniisny can compete wilh surli aline,; Iman, prufesaii.nai seivn-r. . for tlie route it would take liavlug m . K It, hauling pauper .. . inanv a lvantages over any other, c m d i lvc A M'. supplies for psu . . , . . . .. . , . .. V' not iii io con rm me ira oi me Jjuwer A S country tlirouti w hlrh it nri, p.miier Tills may s-orid Ik) a fairr tale lc . Clarke A Fik, tueduliie for pan- those who htvo grown skeptical; too ,, '"!r .... ii . i. . , , Initler Drug Co, inrdicine f.,r good to he true. Hat it eerie nly hat i (he right ring to it, and the right men j Mavs ,v (roar imlae si the helm, llrride, il must be trii- I I' Nirkeiaen, iml-e . . for it mean oi rnorli to The Dilles to J I'alles City Waier Works, water b otherwise. It may be sail that the i-''1'1. ,' ,'.'; -',' - - , ' . rerif'irou llrus, hauling rorpse papers have Iwen crying -A oil! Wolf , y Vaiise, supplies for court whn there was none at htn.i ; but iho-e house who have any eye nri.t e that the 1 f-':"X. ' I'uhll'hing Com pan V, wolf i. at our very fold, and this is our ! v.''V" ' M''" ... , , j Maier A benton, wo:l lor paiii-r viiij nival., in -r, , v iiiririmv call upon our people to shoulder anna and posh this scheme for all it is worth, and it world is incalculable. 18 80 "0 00 Il tsl 2 00 1! Oil "JO l) I W) S 4 i 7i 8 Ol II U 10 K2 to 4.' C) I 00 Uli lit ..i t 11,11 Mmi Mla Vol 4 t-if Mi-1, I.iji . .H .... Mi., i ' lei Mi .. r. i . . .. V :l. Mi W . nil Inr. v , t hi u : i , -. t:.-ia .. ii . II k s mil. j I.. -1. J! t I. I II II 1 1 1 I r. i " I s I M .a ll,l Mi. lt rn il . ' II Ml I'. 'l . V 4, l t 4 M j ti u m, supp'ie lor 1..l NuintH-r of da of i hoot, 1M Kurolluicnl 37 more Istt iiiittrr. J. s. I.nnui, Sllperintelnbot. Col. I.. Hawkins and I.. !. fWj, win csme up fr mi Portland to virw tbt meteoriial tliower at this p'ie, reittla- "1 ly hart betlsr eyesight than residents of 1 our i .tr, for after ti;ng mi Siinwl dill U 4 j : all night Wednesday they sent ispiit to ".' ', to I'oitai; I that Ihey ssw taeniy the 10H Inf liars. We do not dery tl.iir ssssr ' fjjj I linn ; but nt the same time It sesnt S o ) ' l,arc that our Iai! t -ople l.nlc ml e)es saw not thiij'i I Ley attrbrd j pat ietitly. Mn) hap IUiH'-.ti tU 11 1-ljsam stsis, but thinking ini-h a eight 10 00 ''' c0 " itnes jfl sny n'g'il is 1 Ksstern Oregon, pail IiitV attmii"B, 11 W ft ti l I -. i II m I 00 A HAPPY WEDCINO. freaa Naanitera C laims Ilia Itrlda Slua Luta Kabaek. art ro III AO H (0 i':i i I'll 00 ll . at ... .1 e . i . .1 rr -it i 1 - "iirrroifni oi pariifi ir.r ri nt.d lof.y patriotism. l""1""' " wm" "c i tried aitli ten jurors IVter Mohr.C. A. The w ar ended, LoSan re-entered 1 MarM'l unl" Ue enounces free , Cr,(I1f j. C. W.ngfi.ld, A.W.iUr- . .:l l .l.-. ..l.l ....l.:r.. i.: ... ... .. . first in the lioite ' ' ' l' iiehnegm, u. ,. Hoiioti, I such n degree that he would be a "ios. I-aio, o. h. Hay wanl, Mike II is i sitioii against corigress, serving and then in the eetmte. At the Ii" ., . , . T ' lauahinff stock i.uli ican national convention in Jims. wa, ou,i..aied to Ihe second ',an,i,,n is "'"' t"n',t'"'e''- As ,.l,ce on the ticket with Maine. He j for UuiX Le C,", no di..d aud.b nlv in Washington in De- j fi,,lin 8r"Ur"'- In fatt' 1,0 L"' n" ccmber, iCnnA cc learning o' his I "''J1'"" "-ra lf ,9k death, Mr lilaine s,id: l'1"1' b" UiewU Mc,','8n "r''1 -I never knewamore fearleis Wctm"re- All that the D-mratic man. He did not quail U forc ,.ub- 1'"ty Can (' U U' ,l,al an i,,ue He opinion when he hrtd once made 1 Wi" turn u'' ' cforo U,e mit'l,n of op his mind nnv more than he did lUir ,",ll"n!,, C veli""- 'n ' b, fore the gun, of Ihe fnemy w hen ' ''roU,iili! ,,avc lU'ir lie headed n cl.arjo of bis enthnsias- ,,atc' "", ,ie ,s a ,,eatPn n,au on lhe ticlroo. While there have Uc-n ! f'rc f c " more illustrious military leaders in the United States, and more illustri ous leaders in legislative halls, there j The Portland Evening Telegram Las, I think, man in this ( has this to say regarding the im country who has combined the two portation of eggs to Oregon : Glavey and M. Jatksco. on at a go to prett. The trial is THE EiO MYSTERY. career in so eminent degree as General Logan." As the father lived, the ton died, One of the mysteries of Oregon is eggs, or at least tome facts about f ggs are mysteries. Why do stale, A Sara le. The biaid of fire delegate met last nitfht an I our new fire alarm si item and other improvement ere assured. Ti e committee w liicii baa been out for the pt two day was most uC'sfiilf the Wasco Warehouecontrihutii.g f 1 01, and other giving liherelly. The col lector repcried last r.i0it that he had in collection and bona fl le suhrcripiioiis $:'o5.f .'J. Hi repoit wa accepted and the c imiiiitte ordered lo purchase Ihe fire apparatn and improvement need ed. They wer alto instructed to in terview the heufert A Condon Company and ascertain what the c st per month will he for maintaining the a'arm tyt tem, and to report to the council. fecretary Wii.gate wss instructed to inform P. I). f. Olney, of Portland, that the fund had been collected and that he was at liberty to cone np and make ar rangement for placing the seven boxes. ''hesdinff a charge of bis enthntiaatii' lmnorlwl sirii retnil al 9". r.r 111 rventa t, . , , ,. I , ... I I'so Ciarka A Ka.k's Itosafoam for the troois. There have been, In tbit I dozen ? And why must any eggs j teeth. W 1im ajar ' lullr. Tin Ciikomh a i deeply interested in a wedding which took place at huh noon today at the home of the bridu's uncle end aunt, Mr. sn I.Mrs. I Itc, near Koilersby, for at that time Krrat Saunder. of this city, claimed as his bride Miss Lola Kuhank, a former com petitor in this office. I he wedding was a quiet one, Iter. V.V. Hawk, of the Methodist church, performing I he cere mony, and hut very few friends blng present, among whom ws Mis Kdythn Ksndsll, of tiii city. A wedding din ner wa served a short time after Hie I ceremony. After remaining with Mr. and Mr.! Kice for a few dsys, Mr. and Mr.' launder a ill mske their home in The! Dalies, hiving rented a houieou Liberty street. None will be more sincere in their ex- prcs-ions ol congratulation than will Ihnso of Tn a Ciikomi i i office w ho were cinstantlv associated with Mis Kuhank for o long a time and are therefore com-! A I, team hire (i D W 00.1a". rih. supplies . Wm Miche l, hiiiial pauper M'f At I.OWtl), Dr. Wm hhakel'jrd, piofrstional service for pauper 2,10 r i:ii. Umatilla county, care Watco Co l'uper ... 10.73 W A Catrs, sprinkling streets and sawing wood .. II 41 I, A. M. Ks'tae, County Oik .o Waico coc nr. Mate ol () ejon, do he eoy cei .; t' et the aUjve and for going it a full and e implete stateinent ol the claim presented and action taken thereon by the County Court of Wasco county, ir;on, silling for the transac tion of county business at Iho Sept. term, IH"l, thereof, lava and except a'l claim the salary or fee for a filch are provided or by statute. , W itness my hand and the seal of Ihe County Court affixed, lliia Klhday ol Nov., IS'lO. ai..J A. M. Krisiv, County Cleik. M tltli IS. II. At Ihe home of the growm, on Kour lertith street, last evening, Nov. 15th, at 7 o'. lock, e. W. II. Ilrenner, of the Origin City Lutheran church, uiii cd in marriage N. P. Paulccn and and Mir Dora Thomsen, A large number of friend were t ret. pelent to judge ol h r exrellent qualitie ent sn I the rxcsslon was a J lyont one. and fweetnes of disposition ; a perfect ! During the evening a wedding iupr, laoy in every respect m l poa.a,e, (, which eeiiied to include everything that womanly nature to lulled to be a perfect wife. Whi a Mr. Fanndera I to ha con gratulated, at the ttne lime, none ccnld have imagined a ronp!e more nearly uited, for those who have known the groom sine became here from hi Michigan homo a mere boy, can testify as to hi worth. Manly in the strictest sense, he ha also display. d an industri ous nature highly commendable, and has proven that she, who lookt to him palatable, wa seised. Mr. Paulsen ha been employed by Maier A Itenlon for a nil in her of year and it a very trust worthy young man. Mis Thomsen came to this city about a year ago from Ilelgrade, Minn., and has a large circle of friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Paulsen left (hit morn ing for Portland, and when they return will make their home In the house which ha recently purchased en Fonr teeutb ttreet, never (draining they c u d l.svs tnf thing In duimnii uith the "ahoarr." The report sent to Portland snl : "W't (pent three hour on the hi'l s.U'h of Toe Dalles, from 1 to 4 nVUvk lli mo'iiing. We taw tai-n'y rlioitir.i stars, seven of which radi-ded frosjl b finite vanishing point in to txilrtf L-o. Tlie balsnc.i rani fiom tp hscir l point of II." I..s.mi. II ti.s handle of the tickled Leo J 'rnsrd abonl one-.'ourlli of lit lengln Inst toeard the bladd it s. inl Uitrk u nearly at I Ciu'd detent the catnl or vanishing p tint. S uns ol Srot stars mentioned were beautifully col""' n-d, green and jellow. Ui did B I get above Ihe cloud near the h'' until about I o'clock. I "ill try sjtis tonight. The weather It hriclil twl clear." Today I', attention of the firrJ4 court ha len taken up with the cats Henry (iar.lner, vt. Was.-o cooot. recover damage received last winter. ." l.avl,. .,,,,..r..l f..r ulaiiit If and closM their direct tesljiiionv Jol Mor The defense then move.1 for a n a soil, claiming that the pl.tntiinailed l P'"T cause somcienl to sulirnit U e rsss is the Jury. The attorneys for ardnef strongly realsted the inolion, hut at 2:f!() the court declared it a non-so t The defense claimed that t'.e grails in suffii-leiiily good condition for pltln' to have passed ver safely lad ' been (or lis Icy condition at that and that Waic count y c mid not pom '7 be aci-ouiilab'e for the work ol th "" men!., a higher ier oierrulii t f IliillliOIIS. suit to Kiev' grade Dridges, Kd.tor -IVn.'; tint J. D. I.ancssler, N. II., sajs f i. f.. I. il.. l-.l rni.nlr l'r"': I ever used." Immediately relieves cures cughs, old', rroep. til j . ! i.i i.i.a Sid " preiiincnia, nri ncino-. s"i i - throat and lui g troubles. 11 I'" eonium ptlon. . .etrt trs I lied dyspepsia nny e. , never found irnianent rel.ef ' 1 ' Kn.hd I ysfiep-la Cure. N 1 , and feel I ke a new man," wrilrt Fleming, Murray, Neb. U ' . ., . i all fornit""' uigestani anon ii. digestion. Physicians everywhers r scrih it. Bubscrlbe for The Chronicle.