The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 18, 1899, PART 2, Image 1

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SUS (FJiririrv
w l. ar . ar . -w m r on mm mm, m a. a r k -a
NO. 8
Falls Wliil3 LeadiEi His Battalion in an
Attack on 1200 Rebels.
THE NSURGENTSi',l,,,"l,",t,!",r,",i,"lt "um.
A consultation of phj sicians was held,
Dr. Bridges being summoned from
Omaha for tlin purpose. At the rinse of
Adiuiial Watson Report on Wreck of
the Charleston Cruiser Seem to
He Siuik Hard and
Heavy Sea in
liullliii; Hong Kong Hat Bern
Cabled for Salvage.
WiaiiiM.rox. Nov. 14. A
cable ilia -
psti-h rec.lved it ll war
a.inoiinc.s that Major John A. Lgm,
Thirty-third v lunleer infantry, bat i
tern killed m a light In Lna n. 11a was
trading his baltali .ll ill action. Ho it a j
m of the late General J. din A. I. gan,
of Illinois, and Mra. Mail l-ogan I now
a resident of Washington, lie leaves a
widow and Ihre rbildren al Youngs-j
tutn.O'iio. The new of the dualti of!
th insj .r was contain! in lb following I
di'pahd received (r( ui (irneral Otis
ander date of Manila today :
"Wheat hi rexjrt, November 12, tint
there was an engagement near n
Jacinto letween t'i Thirty -lliird volun
teers and I'.IH) entreni liKl insurgents.
Our loss included Maj r lyigsn, who was
gs'iant'y leading the battalion, and si a, 1 men killed. Captain Green and
s even men vera) wounded, most very
slight. The enemy were routed, leaving
ght v . nr dead in Ilia trrnrhea. Their
total l is believed to bs) 3 K).
ton rrpurta from San Jo that
in the vicinity of San Nicholas, north id
Tsying, Wresela rapturwl thirteen carta
sat it ts Id Insurgent war department
records. A printing press ami complete
outfit ol the insurgent newspaper and a
Urge ipiantity of rlc were captured.
Tbe cavalry is still actively engaged and
tl.s infantry Is pressing on from San Jose
and Araa. The roads are Impracticable
lor any wheel transportation and the
horsessre foraged on rlc and growing
r:ce straw. OTH."
W.tMiiv(,To, Nov. 14. Th following
also received at the navy department
from Watson tixlat :
"Manila, Nov. It. An escaped
t'sinrh priioner al Stu Fabian reports
seeing Lieutenant (111 more on November
I in Tarlsc with fiv men, all well. He
ironed the mountain from lialer in
May with thirteen uien. Th location
of the other right men la onanowii.
Have cabled Hong Kong for salvage for
llm Charleston."
Wreck of the Charleston
WiHinsoToM, Nov. H Admiral Wat
on ciMe to th navy department th
following official report of th wreck of
lh cruiser C'harlestoo :
"The Charleston waa wreckesl on an
oncharted coral reef, Hire mile north
'st of liulnapak rock, north coast of
I. mon, at 5 :30 In th morning, Novem
t" '.'I. Everybody was safely landed
on Kaiiilguin island with rifles and two
Cults. Tli Dative ar friendly. Mc
D maid mad I.lngavsn gulf In a sailing
ltnrh. When h left tlmr bad been
bo opportunity for an examination of
II. wreck. Northeast monsoon. A
Ifavy sea la prevailing.
"Hi reported that the ship struck
ily, then thnmped violently; lb flr.
'o-un roinpartment was MiKHlrd, th first
ster tight door closing promptly. Tli
tip lie settled aft, th water one foot
'rom her nam. Sh It well nut of the
ater forward, apparently on very
teep bank. Ton day' provision and
I'1 raliona wer landed."
W. 0. Ilagers Must Hang.
fMir.ii. Nov. 13 The supreme court
"dy sllirnied th Judgment of lh
Ier court In the cat ol W. . Magers,
ll' sentenced in tn circuit court for
fu'k county to I banged for lh mur
d"'nf A. It. Sink, In HeptemUr, 1K'.I7.
This la th aecond time th case ha
'"Hi Passed on by th supremo court.
Hohart Improve.
1'vrr.Hao, N. J., Nov. 1.1 Iinprove
n"'it In the condition of Vice-President
l hrt continue, and Mra. Hohart and
"ther member of th family fuel con
fl'l''nl that the 111 of Hi vioa-presldent
'III lass preserved lor .long lime, even
complete recovery la not con
''red a poasibilily by hi phvtlclans.
Today he ., ,le , ,lBrli 0, , jIs
nieal at the usual time. Mr. Iloburt,
who Las been at ,, lM,.lHi.tu almost
continually fine, hi serious Illness I.
gan, felt o encouraged t the Improve
ment t ti is fu riiix.ti that ain consented
I" go for a drive. TliK.ii the first lime
that alto hat been willing to leavu the
Hohart residence for even a few mo
ment during ttio laat two week.
Senator Hay ward III.
Oimiu, Nov. 14 -Late this evening-
word wu received from Nebraska City
which Indicate tliat Senator Hnyward la
) in a moil fi.ii.lftl,in ....I .1
; llm -"ltt ion it was given out that
I me physician en;J hold out no Imp
, whatever ol the senator's nermniient rr.
J " ery, ami very little, If any, of a trm.
pitary Improvement In ,la condition.
I There ia no reirular session of the leg.
Ulaiure tin winter, and in raw of death
the governor would anpoint a successor.
Ilia universally conceded that in thin
i ,T", "overinr t'ovtitcr would name
i '-s'alor AlU-n.
Kipoit Is Current in Wall Street That
American Company May Soon
Absorb All Competitors.
Nrw Yoiik", Nov. The Times says:
Act irding lo some Wall street rewrt",
the war between the siigar-retlning com
panies very i war a settlement, and
that In rather an extraordinary way. It
ia said, in fact, that a c n.mdtion of
all the sugar refining companies of the
country is shortly to t brought alxuit,
and that the American company has the
project In etiarge. While it is Impossible
to get any verification of the report, it is
regarded a significant that in spite of
the present war, which I (oppoaed hy
the public to be costing the refining com
panies a small fortune by reaaonof loaees,
the sugar slocks have been strong and at
any rrcettlop have been liought by
lint whether this consolidation talk Is
or is not without foundation, it seems to
b generally accepted that an agreement
'between the warring companies bs
practically been reached, the trim of
which may I annoiinied at any time.
NchrasLa'a Flection.
I.incoi x, Neb., Nov. 16. Interest in
the election waa revived when IsbuUtion
of the returns t vegan at the state capitol,
inasmuch as it shows that Hoiooinb ran
far ahead of hi ticket and that the
Republican have iosibly elected one
of th university regents, while the
msiorily for the second fusion candidate
will be Irs than oooO.
Young Woman Insane.
Oaklavh, Cal., Nov. Ij. Mis Amy
Hill, a handsome young woman who re
fuse to ay anything alout herself other
than that the hail from Nebraska, be.
cam violently Insane and attempted to
kill several iepl before she was re
strained by Hi police and taken to the
receiving imepltaK
Chamberlain's Tain Balm Coras Others,
Why Mi.t VoaT
My wife ha been using Chamberlain'
Tain Italtn, with ginxl results, for a
lam shoulder that ha pained her con
tinually Inr nin years. W have tried
all kinds of medicine and doctor with
out receiving any benefit from any of
iKeiii. tlneilav w saw an advertise
ment of this medicine and thought of
ir.lmrit. which we did with the liesl
of satisfaction. She haa used only on
bottle and her shoulder I almost won.
Ai"l I'll I Mil l tt, Manchester, N.H.
For sale by lllakeley A Houghton, drug
gists. .
Mrs. Stanford's Sale.
K.s- FAi iHo. Nov. lo A dispatch
to th Call from New York stale that
Mr. Jan Stanford ha sold all Her
s..niiim 1'acillc alock to the Hunting-
ton-Speyrr syndicate. Her holding
amounted b SsS.OtH) shares, for which
shorrcelved about fit) per hre.
Volranle a;riillns
Are grand, but skin eruption rob life
of joy. Ibirklen Arnica Salve cure
then. ; also old. running and lever sores,
fleers, Boil, Folons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruise, Bums, .Scald. Chapped
Hand, Chilblain". Best Tils cure on
earth. I'rive out pain" and arhee.
Only 2"icts. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sol, I by lllakeloy A nougnion, ro-gists.
Will Es the Next Ttinz Baers Forces
Are Closing la On British.
On Thursday, At Ladysmith, They Were
Less Than A Mile From the iiritish
Lines Cannonading Then Ceased
and Rille Fire licuan Kimlierlcy
Garrison Tired ot Dodging Shells,
Hut as Determined as Ever.
CAP Tows', Nov. 10. A dispatch
received from Pretoria under date of
November 0 tayi report received there
from I.adypinith said heavy cannonading
started at daybreak; that some of the
lloer force were within loOO yard of the
Ilritiah when cannonading ceased and
1 1 lid lire commenced. A l'retoria die
patch announces that all is quiet at
Mafeking ami Kimberley.
Cai'K Town, Nov. 10. An undated dis
patch from Kimberley by a Kadir runner
via Magnlaapye, November 8, say:
' Today all ia quiet.' We have been
bombarded heavily all week. Friday
night Captain Fitz-Clarence and Lieu
tenant Swinburne, with one squadron of
the protectorate regiment, made a mag
nificent bayonet charge upon the Hoera'
intienchmenls, driving tliein from their
(Hisilion and bayoneting a numlier of
1'mkts, who must have loet very heavily.
The charge was most gallant and de
termined. The party could nut hold the
trenches and lost six men killed, two
prisoners and nin wounded in their re
tirement. The wounded includes Cap
lain Fits-Clarence and Lieutenant
"In a ikirmish at the outpost yester
day one trooper was killed and nine
wounded. We expect a genpral attack
tomorrow. The ttombardment has been
most int (Tt-ftual, everyone remaining
under a shell-proof cover. The town is
cheerful and determined to resist to the
utmot. The lioers are entrenched on
every side in great numbers and are
pushing gradually closer and closer to
the town fortificatioi:. We are well ofT
for provisions and water, though tired of
dodging shells and fighting."
London, Nov. ti. If the new con
tained in the. Pretoria dispatch of No
vemlier 9 by way of Cape Town, Novem
ber 10, is correct, and tlu-r ia every rea
son to lieliev it i accurate, as Boer die
patches have almost invaribly hitherto
rendered fairly accurate accjunts, it is
claimed here that It implies a general as
sault on Ladysmith wa pending when
Joubert' report was lent off. Attention
is called to the fact that the date, No
vember 9, Is assumed to be the date of
(ieneral White' last pigeon poet message,
announcing a renewal of the bombard
ment, since which nothing ha been
received except rumor from Kstcourt
that the bombardment wa ruspeuded
November 10.
It I claimed that if the Boer got their
force within 1500 yard of the British
position it show they fully realix 1 the
necessity of utilizing the brief interval
before lb arrival of British reinforce
ment to make a determined attempt to
torm White position. To successfully
advance o close to Ladyemilli, !t is
pointed out, the Boer must have been
most active in Intrenching, and the
nearest ol the beseiging lines, It ia added,
indicates their readiness for the assault
which there ha been a disposition In
military circle lo believe the Boer were
not willing to undertake.
Killed Hy a Live Wire.
Sai xt.Or..Nov. 13 Archie McKillop,
the 13-year-old son of Bev. Bonald Mc
Killop, pastor of the r.aptisl ctiurm in
this city, in killed by live electric
wire about 5 o'clock this evening. He
was playing in an alley in the rear of hi
home, when he concluded to climb a
pole, supporting the wire which ia
aieui.-hrd through the alley lit a height
of Iwenty-tivo feet. Beaching the top,
i.. eamiht hold of the wire, and also a
.!,., 1 one. which completed the circuit,
and he received a shock of about 20Hrt
volts, killing I" m InsUiiHy. Hi hand
were burned to tho bone.
V.I. I.amnort. living Just acro Hie
alley, saw the boy fall and hurried to
bun. The boy wa groaning a Lamport
picked him up to carry him to hi home,
but lif) waa extiuct In a short time
Northern Pacific is Loaning Money.
Naw Yoiik, Nov. 15. (Special to The
Telegram.) For several day past, the
Northern Pacific Railway Company ha
bren seeking borrower for it surplus
money, Wall-street brokers being the
medium chosen for reaching them. The
company baa hern offering to loan sums
any place from 1,000.003 to ",000,000
and this morning they closed the fir-t
deal, wherein they were relieved of ff4,
000,000 of their burden at brokor'i rates.
The money is the proceed of the great
volume of mortgages paid off as the re
mit of magnificent crops harvested this
rear on land formeily owned by the
railroad and of the general prosperity.
Kansas Town Destroyed.
8t. Johki'H, Mo., Nov. 15. The town
of Trov, Kansas, ten mile wet of here
wa wiped out by fire this morning. The
blaze originated in a general store con
ducted by Cyrus Leland. jr., the Kansas
member of the Republican national com
mittee. Seven busmer house were con
sumed. Three fire companies went from
here by special train and assisted in lav
ing much property. Leland'a store es
caped with alight damage, and the
damage to the other building will it is
thought, uot exceed oO.OOO.
Baker City Calmer.
Bakir City, Nov. H. No deaths are
probable from the four alleged smallpox
case here. Development today show
a likelihood that the disease will turn
out to be chickenpox or the rash that I
so prevalent in Pendleton and Rome
other Fastern Oregon towns. The city
authorities are enlorctng quarantine on
three houses, special policemen aiding
the regular force. Excitement has
abated, and school continue in session.
Has Sadly Impeded Lavitoo's Advance
in Luzon.
Washington, Nov. 1. General Otia
today cabled the war department con
cerning the situation in regard to the
American advance in pursuit of Aguin
aldo :
"Manila. During the laet thirty-six
hours, four and one-half inches of rain
have fallen, and it is still raining in the
north. Lawton's telegraph line is not
yet beyond San Jose. The last dispatch,
received the evening ol the Uili, reported
the capture of many supplies In trans
portation north and east of San Nicholas,
and our troop moving from Humingao
and Tayug west on Ureaneta, w here the
insurgents' force is reported. Lawton ha
abundant supplies (or subsistence, forage
and transportation at San Isidro aud
Cahantuai, but ia unablo to move.
"MacArtbur ha the railroad between
Bambam and Tarlac in operation, five
mile. The road south of Bambam ia
being reconatrue'ed, the removed rail
lieing found l.orth of Tailac. MacArthur
will send four battaliona of infantry and
one troop of cavalry forward to Gerona
today. The advance from Aliaga ia at
Victoria, five miles north of East Tarlac."
Your Vaea
Show the state ot your feeling and the
slate of your health ad well. Impure
blood make itself apparent In a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimple and
Skin Eruption. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance yon should try
Acker' Blood Elixir. It cure all blood
diseasea where cheap Sarsaparillas and
so called purifier fail; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley A Houghton, druggists.
Mrs. Dewey Will Own The Home'
Washington, Nov. 14. Preliminary
steps have been taken, it is said, to
transfer to Mrs. Dewey the title to th
Dewey home, 1747 Rhode Island avenue,
which the American people presented to
the admiral in recognition of his brilliant
naval victory at Manila. The matter la
in the hand of the District Title Com
pany, nnd the papers, it is understood,
have been drawn and await the necessary
LaGrippe, with its after effects, annu
ally destroy thousands of people. It
may lie quickly cured by Onn Minute
Cough Cure, the only remedy that
produces immediate result in coughs,
colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and
throat and lung trouble. It will pre
vent consumption.
Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness,
and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short
cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex
pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable
by the use of any other leavening agent.
Made from pure, grape cream of tartar.
First Refciiot Reacted Estc:nrt ebiI
Every Day Lessens Chances for Boer
Success Against General White
Plan of Boers Retreat.
Estiocrt, Natal, Nov. 13-lfl. The
West Yoi k-ih ire regiment baa arrived
here. The bombardment of Ladysmith
ha been resumed. Heavy firing was
heard early this morning. An armored
train waa sent out on a reconnaieeance
toward Colenso. The armored train on
its return reported that the Boer had
blown up the line between Colenso and
Cbiveley. Not much damage waa done,
but the rails were bent and a small
culvert destroyed. On seeing British
patrol the Boers retired.
Every dav lersons the chance for the
Boers coming farther south. Kaffir re
port that a force of 400 to 500 Boers, with
wagons, were going in the direction of
Colenso. This is f:iid to be the foraging
party previously sighted. Kaffirs also
report that General White's cjvalry ba
had an engagement with Boers at
Besler' station. Result not known. '
A message from Ladysmith just
received gives a few details of occurrences
of Wednesday, when the Boera'helI fire
waa continued during the day. It is
asserted they attempted, deliberately to
aim at Convent hill, in the center of the
town, where ther were only Sister and
wounded. The building wa hit twice
in tpite of the Geneva flag flying.
Boer attempted a demonstration
against the western defenses, but they
were never serious. Group appearing
at long range were easily nattered by
the fire of a machine gun. The total
British casnaltie during the brisk bom
bardment was three men, though tome
damage wa done to cattle and property.
London, Nov. 10. A dispatch received
l ere from Pieteriuaritzburg, dated No
vember 11, says it ia rumored there
that Joubert, commander-in-chief of
the Boer forces, has been killed in ac ion.
TheBer position are 0000 to SO00
yards distant. The Boers have sent in
400 Indian cooliea from the Dutube coal
fields, doubtle w ith the object of assist
ing to finish our food.
London, Nor. 10 The most startling
new from the seat of war today is the
report of the death of General Piet Jou
bert, cominander in cbief of the Boer
forces. Though the report comes from
many different sources, it obviously lack
confirmation. At the same time many
people believe the report to be well
founded, as tho general's death is said
to have occurred November 9, when the
Boer rifle-men were understood to be
within 1500 yards of Lvdysmiih.
As severe fighting between tho British
and Boer the same day has since been
reported, It Is regarded in some quarters
as quite probable that Joubert, always
noted for his personal courage and cool
ness, may have dangerously exposed
himself in a personal reennnoissance of
the Britieh position.
If Joubert was really killed on the
battle-field, it would eeem to be the
fittest death for such a gallant soldier.
Even hi foes admit that he fought
squarely and bis action when General
Symon died in cabling his sympathy to
the bereaved wiJow established him in
the high regard of ail soldiers. It is
claimed the death o' Joubert would be
likely to lead to adoption by the Boers
of bolder and more active tac.ics, a it
is well known Joubert was a cautious
and conservative commander, and that
be had considerable difficulty in restrain
Ijng K 19 hot-headed followers.
The driblets -of news bring the in
formation that Ladysimtri was still
under a general bombardment on Sun
day of from six to-40-pouaders, while
the naval gun were silent. The Boers,
it consequently apt ears, have got more
heavy guns in'.o place, while either the
British ammunition has given out or
the British gunners are reserving their
fire in view of the poor practice made
by the besiegers.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all othe diseases put
together, and nntii the last few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proven catarrh
tube a constitutional oieease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from ten
drops to a teaeooonfiil. It acta directi
on tne o.ood and mucous suriaces oi tne
system. Tnev offer one hnndre'i do'.iars
lor any case It fai.s t cure. Sepd for
circulars and tetni..oU,. Address,
F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. O.
JJF' Sold by DruggiM. 7-h'. 7
What Crime Costs Taxpayers.
Pendleton, Nov. 15 Ore lit court
cost for Octotier term f70.'S.o7. The total
is considerably ii excess of cost of ordi
nary terms for the reason that there
were two homicide cues for trial.
The trial of gr ind j iry expense was
$558.10, of which the jurors received
$110.00, and the grand jury witnesses
4441 50. Regular j irorareceive l $1102.70
and special j'irors $015 60; total $1718.30.
Witnesses in the more important
case received as follows: Minis case,
$to5.40; Townsend ca-e, $390.70; Roach
case, 277 ; Duncin c ise, $I9S.tK)
Tli sheriff" expanse for the preceding
two months was f 1.182.61, a large share
of which waa incurred in connection
with the homicide eass whic'i were
I'sed By Urltlsh Solillars In Atrlcsj.
Capt. C. G. Dcnnitoi is we 1 known
11 over Africa as commnnder of the
fuces that capture I the famous rebel
Galinhe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1817,
from Vryburg, Bechuanaland, he writes:
"Before stirting on the U-t cuupawn I
bought a quantity of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera an I Di urine i R -medy,
which I used myself when troubled with
bowel complaint, aod had ive i to my
men, and in every ran it prov? I most
beneficial." For sale by Blakelty A
Houghton, druggists.
Cash tn vonr etiacfea.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Jan. 21, wi.l be paid at my
office. IntureH ceases after Nov. 13th,
1899. '. L. FHiLLirs,
Countv Treasurer.
Clarke A Faik have a full nnd com
plete line of home, carriage, wagon and
barn paints manufactured by Jamos E.
Patton,o( Milwaukee, Wisconsin.